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guides to german records microfilmed at - Sturmpanzer.com

guides to german records microfilmed at - Sturmpanzer.com

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22. Panzer-Pivision (22d Panzer Division)The 22„ Panzer-Division was formed in France on September 25,194-1. In February 194-2 it was transferred from France <strong>to</strong>Odessa, Russia, and from there <strong>to</strong> the Crimea, where it sufferedheavy losses in the Kerch Peninsula. It was then transferred<strong>to</strong> the Kharkov area and particip<strong>at</strong>ed in b<strong>at</strong>tles along the Donetsand Don Rivers, and in the b<strong>at</strong>tle of Ros<strong>to</strong>v, In November 194-2the division was moved <strong>to</strong> Kalach on the Don River where theRussians had broken through the Rumanian line of defense inthe encirclement of Stalingrad. It withdrew <strong>to</strong> Starobelskin January 1943 and <strong>to</strong> the Chistyakovo area by early March.On March 3, 194-3 ? the division was reorganized as Kampfgruppe22 and probably destroyed in March 194-3,ItemD<strong>at</strong>es Item Ho, Roll 1st Framela, Kriegstagebuch 1, Frankreich, Russland. Rail movement of the division fromthe Bordeaux area in France, where the division was formed, <strong>to</strong> Odessa, Russia;march <strong>to</strong> Wikolaev; the crossing of the Dnieper River <strong>at</strong> Kherson5 movement bytrain <strong>to</strong> Simferopol; training and antipartisan activities; and <strong>com</strong>b<strong>at</strong> oper<strong>at</strong>ionsin the Stary Krym area. Also, lists of officers' duty assignments andcasualties, and <strong>com</strong>b<strong>at</strong> and r<strong>at</strong>ion strength reports. The division was subordin<strong>at</strong>e<strong>to</strong> AOK 7, OKH, AOK 11, and the XLII. and XXX. A,K. <strong>at</strong> various timesduring this period under the <strong>com</strong>mand of Gen.Maj.' Wilhelm von Apell.Feb 7 - May 20, 194-2 23025/1 7341Divisionsbe-la, .Anlagenband I z. KTB 1, Befehle vorgesetzter Dienststellen,fehle, Unterbringung.Feb 7 - May 20, 194-2 23025/2 734-167la, Anlagenband II z. KTB 1, Gefechtsberichte,Mar 20 - 24, 1942 23025/3 784286la, Anlagenband III z, KTB 1, Ausbildung.Mar 27 - Apr 26, 1942 23025/4 784367la, Anlagenband IV z. KTB 1, Wiedereroberung der Halbinsel Kertsch. Corps anddivision orders and reports concerning Oper<strong>at</strong>ion "Trappenjagd" (the b<strong>at</strong>tlefor the Kerch Peninsula), from Stary Krym <strong>to</strong>ward Kerch. Also, maps and overlaysof the area.Ic, Kriegsgeschichtlich wichtiges M<strong>at</strong>erial, Band 1. Reports on the enemy situa<strong>at</strong>ionand antipartisan warfare, and prisoner-of-war interrog<strong>at</strong>ion summaries.la, Kriegstagebuch 2, Russland. Transfer from the Crimea, via Meli<strong>to</strong>pol, <strong>to</strong> theKrama<strong>to</strong>rsk and Slavyansk areas <strong>to</strong> particip<strong>at</strong>e in the encirclement of Kharkov;Oper<strong>at</strong>ion "Wilhelm" (offensive <strong>at</strong> Artemovsk), the crossing of the Donets RiverApr 4 - May 21, 194.2 23025/5 784Mar 23, 1942 -Feb 28, 1943 29094/1 784436596

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