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46. Infanterie-DivisionItemla, Kriegstagebuch 5. March movements to the area southwest of Tours, securingthe demarcation line, and training activities. The division was subordinateto the VI, A.K., under the command of Gen.Maj. Paul von Hase until Jul 24, 1940,and of Gen.Lt. Karl Kriebel, Anlagen z. KTB 5.Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht 1.and entertainment.Orders, directives, and overlays.Division and enemy operations and troop indoctrinationla, Ic, Anlagen z. TB. Division orders; intelligence bulletins concerning enemyoperations, enemy propaganda leaflets, and maps showing the tactical dispositionof enemy, Anlagenband 2 z. KTB 6. Orders, messages, directives, reports, and an overlaypertaining to the relief of the division by the 246. Inf.Div. and to divisionoperations during the transfer from the Tours area to Rumania and Bulgaria inMar 1941, to march movements and road reconnaissance in this area, to the invasionof Yugoslavia from Bulgaria on Apr 10, to offensives in the areas northand east of Belgrade, and to occupation duty and training in this area untilJun 1941. The division was subordinate to the VI., XI., and L. A.K., successively.DatesItem No. Roll 1st FrameJul 9-31, 1940 W 4391/f* 929 880Jul 9-31, 1940 W 4391/g 930 1Mar 1 - Jul 31, 1940 W 4391/h* 930 250May 8 - Jul 6, 1940 W 4391/i* 930 280Feb 25 10, 1941 11369/3 930 696la, Kriegstagebuch 7. Division operations during occupation duty and training inthe Belgrade area; the transfer to Bucharest and east of the Prut River in thelatter part of June; the crossing of the Dniester River near Yampol; offensivesand advance to the Crimea via Kodyma, the Bug, Ingulets, and Dnieper River crossings,and Nikolaev, Piherson, Perekop, Armyansk, Simferopol, Feodosiya, and Kerch;and the defense of the Kerch Peninsula during December. The division was subordinateto Hoh.Kdo. LXV, AOK 11, the XXX., LIV., and XLII. A.K., successively./For further coverage of the period Nov 9, 1941to May 18, 1942, see item 77802^Jun 11, 1941 -Jan 1, 194218013/1 9301043la, Anlagenbande 1-2 z. KTB 7.Orders, directives, reports, and messages.Jun 10 - Aug 31, 194118013/2-3 9311Item damaged by fire.

la, Anlagenband 3 z. KTB 7.Item46. Infanterie-DivisionOrders, directives, messages, maps, and charts.Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Division and enemy operations, counterintelligenceactivity, and troop entertainment.Ic, Anlagen z, TB,Ic, Anlagen z. TB.Orders, directives^ reports, and messages.Interrogation summaries, reports, and, Kriegstagebuch 8. Defense of the Feodosiya-Kerch area and offensives in-April and May, which drove the enemy forces out of the Kerch Peninsula.The division was subordinate to the XLII B A.K., under the command of OberstHeimer until March and of Oberst Haccius, Anlagenbande A-C z. KTB 8.messages, and overlays,Orders, reports, directives, announcements,Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Division and enemy operations, enemy unit identificationand losses of men and equipment, counterintelligence activities, and troopentertainment.Ic, Anlagenheft z, TB C Intelligence and interrogation reports, announcements,overlays, and charts.Ic, Anlagenband z c TB. Reports, messages, orders, and maps,la, Kriegstagebuch 11. Defensive operations in the Voroshilovsk, Slavyansk,and Izyum areas and Operations "Erna," "Sonnenwende," and "Apfelernte"(raids in the Izyum area)- The division was subordinate to the XL. Pz.K.,under the command of Gen.Lt. Arthur Hauffe. /See Item No... 39033/17 forcoverage of the period from Nov 15, 194-2 to Mar 31, 1943../la, Anlagenbande A-H z. KTB 11. Reports, orders, directives, announcements,messages, and overlays.DatesNov 1, 1941 -Jan 1, 1942Item No.Jun 12, 194-1 -Jan 1, 1942 18013/8Jun 12 - Oct 30, 194-1 13013/9Nov 1 - Dec 27, 1941 18013/10Roll18013/5 931Jan 2 - May 31, 194-2 214-74/1 93221474/2- 932-Jan 2 - May 31, 1942 21474/4 933Jan 2 - May 31, 1942 21474/6 933Jan 3 - Apr 30, 1942 21474/7 933May 1-31, 1942 21474/8 934Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1943 39033/1 93439033/2- 934-Mar 31 - Jul 31, 1943 39033/9 9361031st Frame768932 1932 48932 3955337277721168306,345

la, Anlagenband 3 z. KTB 7.Item46. Infanterie-DivisionOrders, directives, messages, maps, and charts.Ic, T<strong>at</strong>igkeitsbericht. Division and enemy oper<strong>at</strong>ions, counterintelligenceactivity, and troop entertainment.Ic, Anlagen z, TB,Ic, Anlagen z. TB.Orders, directives^ reports, and messages.Interrog<strong>at</strong>ion summaries, reports, and, Kriegstagebuch 8. Defense of the Feodosiya-Kerch area and offensives in-April and May, which drove the enemy forces out of the Kerch Peninsula.The division was subordin<strong>at</strong>e <strong>to</strong> the XLII B A.K., under the <strong>com</strong>mand of OberstHeimer until March and of Oberst Haccius, Anlagenbande A-C z. KTB 8.messages, and overlays,Orders, reports, directives, announcements,Ic, T<strong>at</strong>igkeitsbericht. Division and enemy oper<strong>at</strong>ions, enemy unit identific<strong>at</strong>ionand losses of men and equipment, counterintelligence activities, and troopentertainment.Ic, Anlagenheft z, TB C Intelligence and interrog<strong>at</strong>ion reports, announcements,overlays, and charts.Ic, Anlagenband z c TB. Reports, messages, orders, and maps,la, Kriegstagebuch 11. Defensive oper<strong>at</strong>ions in the Voroshilovsk, Slavyansk,and Izyum areas and Oper<strong>at</strong>ions "Erna," "Sonnenwende," and "Apfelernte"(raids in the Izyum area)- The division was subordin<strong>at</strong>e <strong>to</strong> the XL. Pz.K.,under the <strong>com</strong>mand of Gen.Lt. Arthur Hauffe. /See Item No... 39033/17 forcoverage of the period from Nov 15, 194-2 <strong>to</strong> Mar 31, 1943../la, Anlagenbande A-H z. KTB 11. Reports, orders, directives, announcements,messages, and overlays.D<strong>at</strong>esNov 1, 1941 -Jan 1, 1942Item No.Jun 12, 194-1 -Jan 1, 1942 18013/8Jun 12 - Oct 30, 194-1 13013/9Nov 1 - Dec 27, 1941 18013/10Roll18013/5 931Jan 2 - May 31, 194-2 214-74/1 93221474/2- 932-Jan 2 - May 31, 1942 21474/4 933Jan 2 - May 31, 1942 21474/6 933Jan 3 - Apr 30, 1942 21474/7 933May 1-31, 1942 21474/8 934Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1943 39033/1 93439033/2- 934-Mar 31 - Jul 31, 1943 39033/9 9361031st Frame768932 1932 48932 3955337277721168306,345

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