Advanced National Goalkeeping Diploma - National Soccer ...

Advanced National Goalkeeping Diploma - National Soccer ... Advanced National Goalkeeping Diploma - National Soccer ...


Advanced National Goalkeeping Diploma12/13/2012Performance AreasQualities of SuccessfulGoalkeepers• Physical• Technical• Tactical• Mental• Emotional• LifestyleFrom:Bill Beswick,SportsMind 2006Mental• Positive Attitude• Confidence – Good Self-Image• Toughness – Determination• Focus – Concentration“Concentration and mental toughnessare the margins of victory.”- Bill Russell• Bravery – Enjoy the ChallengeFrom:Bill Beswick,SportsMind 2006Emotional• Emotional Control – Positive Self Talk• Clear Mind – Relaxed – Composed• Handle Mistakes – Recover Quickly• Enduring Self Belief• Peace of Mind – Home/Family/Work/SelfFrom:Bill Beswick,SportsMind 200634 Lecture Sessions1

Advanced National Goalkeeping Diploma12/13/2012“Goalkeepers peak after the age of 30because they are able to read the game ata very high level and they have controlof their emotional state.”- Tony DiCiccoLifestyle• Being Professional in All Things• Stable Home Life• Disciplined Care of Body• Avoiding Temptations• Switching On / OffFrom:Bill Beswick,SportsMind 2006"If you believe in yourself and have the courage, thedetermination, the dedication, the competitive drive and ifyou are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay theprice for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.”- Vince LombardiManaging GoalkeepersBuilding RelationshipsCOMMUNICATION IS KEY !• To Self – GK Needs to have Positive Self Talk• Field Players – Goalkeepers• Striker – Competitive in Training / Body Language• Midfielders - Link• Defenders – Respect• Coaches – Goalkeeper• Head Coach• Goalkeeper Coach• Other Assistant Coaches• Coaches – Goalkeeper Coach• Important that clear communication happens between coaches• Messages to GK are consistenceLecture Sessions351

<strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Goalkeeping</strong> <strong>Diploma</strong>12/13/2012“Goalkeepers peak after the age of 30because they are able to read the game ata very high level and they have controlof their emotional state.”- Tony DiCiccoLifestyle• Being Professional in All Things• Stable Home Life• Disciplined Care of Body• Avoiding Temptations• Switching On / OffFrom:Bill Beswick,SportsMind 2006"If you believe in yourself and have the courage, thedetermination, the dedication, the competitive drive and ifyou are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay theprice for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.”- Vince LombardiManaging GoalkeepersBuilding RelationshipsCOMMUNICATION IS KEY !• To Self – GK Needs to have Positive Self Talk• Field Players – Goalkeepers• Striker – Competitive in Training / Body Language• Midfielders - Link• Defenders – Respect• Coaches – Goalkeeper• Head Coach• Goalkeeper Coach• Other Assistant Coaches• Coaches – Goalkeeper Coach• Important that clear communication happens between coaches• Messages to GK are consistenceLecture Sessions351

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