Advanced National Goalkeeping Diploma - National Soccer ...

Advanced National Goalkeeping Diploma - National Soccer ... Advanced National Goalkeeping Diploma - National Soccer ...


Advanced National Goalkeeping DiplomaThe NSCAA Foundation Endowment CampaignAbout the National Soccer CoachesAssociation of AmericaThe NSCAA is the largest coaches’ organizationin the United States. Founded in 1941, theNSCAA represents more than 26,000 members.Core to its mission is advancing soccer throughcoaching education. This is pursued through anationwide program of clinics and week-longcourses, teaching more than 4,000 coacheseach year.The NSCAA is also firmly committed to fosteringdiversity. The NSCAA strives to accomplish thisby nurturing a learning environment that respectsdifferences in culture, age, gender, race, ethnicity,physical ability, sexual orientation, religiousaffiliation and socioeconomic status.About the NSCAA FoundationMore recently, the NSCAA established theNSCAA Foundation. Its mission is to providesoccer coaching educational opportunities tounderserved socioeconomic communities,geographic areas, and ethnic groups throughoutthe United States.The Foundation firmly believes in the broadersocietal benefits of soccer as a recreationalactivity, an avenue for health and fitness, ameans of building leadership skills, and acompetitive sport. Webelieve we can provide thesebenefits through soccercoaching education.The Foundation’s primaryprogram activity is directfinancial support through grants and throughscholarships to coaching education programs.Why We Need an Endowment—The Case for SupportSeveral minority groups, most notablyHispanics, are the fastest growing populationsegments of the United States, yet often theyface financial and social barriers. Other underservedgroups, such as African Americans inurban communities and Native Americansin rural areas, face the same barriers.The NSCAA Foundation began awarding grantsfour years ago. Grantees include the SpecialOlympics, organizations serving Hispanic youthand Native American youth, inner city groupsin the District of Columbia, Atlanta, andPhiladelphia, and flood victims of hurricanesKatrina and Rita.Because the Foundation does not have anendowment, each year we grant only what wereceive in annual contributions. And becausewe have never undertaken a comprehensivefundraising initiative, funds availablefor grants have been inconsistent.We award an average ofabout $15,000 in grants each year.To keep pace with the growth ofthese underserved groups, and to reach largelyoverlooked urban communities, the Foundationmust be financially positioned to support theincreasing demand for coaching education.If we have the ability to increase support forthese underserved groups, we will be able toprovide them a never-before-offered opportunityto join the American youth soccer experiencethat today is predominantly a suburbanexperience.Therefore, the NSCAA Foundation has launcheda campaign to establish a significant permanentendowment that will bring coaching educationopportunities to underserved communities andgroups throughout the United States. Our initialgoal is $1,000,000. Each year a draw of 4% onthis principal will enable the Foundation tomake grants of approximately $40,000—nearlythree times what we currently award.A gift to the NSCAA Foundation endowmentwill ensure that we are able to provide financialsupport to many more underserved groups thanat present, and that these educational outreachinitiatives will continue well into the future.N A T IONAL S O CCE R C O ACHE S ASSO C I A TION O F AME R I C A800 Ann A venue, Kan sas City , KS 66101 phone: 800.458.0678www

Advanced National Goalkeeping DiplomaAppendix G – NSCAA Coaching Templates109

<strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Goalkeeping</strong> <strong>Diploma</strong>The NSCAA Foundation Endowment CampaignAbout the <strong>National</strong> <strong>Soccer</strong> CoachesAssociation of AmericaThe NSCAA is the largest coaches’ organizationin the United States. Founded in 1941, theNSCAA represents more than 26,000 members.Core to its mission is advancing soccer throughcoaching education. This is pursued through anationwide program of clinics and week-longcourses, teaching more than 4,000 coacheseach year.The NSCAA is also firmly committed to fosteringdiversity. The NSCAA strives to accomplish thisby nurturing a learning environment that respectsdifferences in culture, age, gender, race, ethnicity,physical ability, sexual orientation, religiousaffiliation and socioeconomic status.About the NSCAA FoundationMore recently, the NSCAA established theNSCAA Foundation. Its mission is to providesoccer coaching educational opportunities tounderserved socioeconomic communities,geographic areas, and ethnic groups throughoutthe United States.The Foundation firmly believes in the broadersocietal benefits of soccer as a recreationalactivity, an avenue for health and fitness, ameans of building leadership skills, and acompetitive sport. Webelieve we can provide thesebenefits through soccercoaching education.The Foundation’s primaryprogram activity is directfinancial support through grants and throughscholarships to coaching education programs.Why We Need an Endowment—The Case for SupportSeveral minority groups, most notablyHispanics, are the fastest growing populationsegments of the United States, yet often theyface financial and social barriers. Other underservedgroups, such as African Americans inurban communities and Native Americansin rural areas, face the same barriers.The NSCAA Foundation began awarding grantsfour years ago. Grantees include the SpecialOlympics, organizations serving Hispanic youthand Native American youth, inner city groupsin the District of Columbia, Atlanta, andPhiladelphia, and flood victims of hurricanesKatrina and Rita.Because the Foundation does not have anendowment, each year we grant only what wereceive in annual contributions. And becausewe have never undertaken a comprehensivefundraising initiative, funds availablefor grants have been inconsistent.We award an average ofabout $15,000 in grants each year.To keep pace with the growth ofthese underserved groups, and to reach largelyoverlooked urban communities, the Foundationmust be financially positioned to support theincreasing demand for coaching education.If we have the ability to increase support forthese underserved groups, we will be able toprovide them a never-before-offered opportunityto join the American youth soccer experiencethat today is predominantly a suburbanexperience.Therefore, the NSCAA Foundation has launcheda campaign to establish a significant permanentendowment that will bring coaching educationopportunities to underserved communities andgroups throughout the United States. Our initialgoal is $1,000,000. Each year a draw of 4% onthis principal will enable the Foundation tomake grants of approximately $40,000—nearlythree times what we currently award.A gift to the NSCAA Foundation endowmentwill ensure that we are able to provide financialsupport to many more underserved groups thanat present, and that these educational outreachinitiatives will continue well into the future.N A T IONAL S O CCE R C O ACHE S ASSO C I A TION O F AME R I C A800 Ann A venue, Kan sas City , KS 66101 phone: 800.458.0678www

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