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AEGEAN PEOPLECostas TrigasAegean Petrol Station Owner—and ArtistCostas Trigas lives on the island of Tinos and owns one of the hundreds of petrol stations inthe Aegean Oil family. Mr. Trigas, though, is well known to the people of Tinos, as well as thetourists who visit it every year, for something else: his sculptures.When he started sculpting in1999, Mr. Trigas could neverimagine that three yearslater, everyone—even art critics—wouldspeak so highly of his talent and originality.Today, Trigas’ work is exhibitedat the Exomvourgos archaeologicalcastle in Tinos, where visitors marvelat his imagination.Trigas is a self-taught sculptor. Althoughhe was not born on the island,the tradition of Tinos, which has producedso many internationally recognizedmarble sculptors, certainly hasprovided fertile ground for the AegeanOil petrol station owner’s talent.During his free time, he gives life torocks and stones, creating designs inspiredby the ancient Greeks and thenatural environment. He primarilyuses local materials such as marbleand soapstone. With his chisel and hisimagination as his tools, the artist“During his free time, Mr. Trigas gives life to rocks andstones, creating designs inspired by the ancient Greeksand the natural environment of the island.”transforms these materials into sculpturesthat exude life.Mr. Trigas’ main source of inspirationis the natural beauty of the islandwhere he has been living and workingfor years. Tinos is an impressive, beautifulisland which itself seems to havebeen sculpted by the hand of an artist.Tinos’ villages—such as Volakas,built on an otherworldly, almost lunarlandscape; the island’s beaches such asKolymbethra, with its large gray rocks;and its isolated monasteries high onmountaintops—all provide a continuoussource of inspiration for Mr. Trigas,the artist.20 AEGEAN NEWS SPRING 2003

Sales and AestheticsOn the UpswingThe petrol station owned by Mr.Georgiadis is in an ideal location:it is close to Thessaloniki'sMacedonia Airport, opposite the Hyattcasino, and next to a MercedesBenz dealership. But the petrol stationowner, who is also a prefecture councilor,had been selling only 70 cubicliters of gas per month for years.About a year ago, Mr. Georgiadiswas approached by Aegean representatives.After presenting their low pricingpolicy, the Aegean team managed toconvince Mr. Georgiadis that bychanging suppliers he would increasesales. Soon, he saw the results. As wordspread that his prices are among thelowest in the region, Mr. Georgiadisbegan selling up to 500 cubic liters permonth and his sales have room to increaseeven more. Apart from attractiveprices, the complete renovation ofhis petrol station has played an importantrole in sales growth. The renovationtransformed his petrol station intoone of the most impressive in Thessaloniki.His new identity and sales successhave helped earn him the "PetrolStation of the Year" title.According to Mr. Georgiadis,Aegean’s low prices are putting pressureon the multinationals to sell theirfuel at lower prices to remain competitive.And when he says "their fuel," hemeans the same fuel that Aegean sells,but under a different name. "All stationbrands—from BP to EKO to Shell—gettheir gas from the EKO ELDA refineryin Kalochori, and from the same tap. Itis a myth that multinationals offer consumersdifferent petrol than that offeredby other companies," he says.Two other competitive advantagesset apart Mr. Georgiadis’ petrol station.First, his is the only one selling liquidgas in the entire region from Thessalonikito Ioannina. And, in a move thathas proved to be exceptionally farsighted,Mr. Georgiadis acquired apermit for converting the petrol enginesof taxis and privately owned vehiclesinto liquid gas engines 22 yearsago. Petrol stations such as Mr. Georgiadis’are creating a new era in retailsales of which Aegean is proud to be aleader, and on the side of the consumerand the petrol station owner.SPRING 2003 AEGEAN NEWS 21

AEGEAN PEOPLECostas TrigasAegean Petrol Station Owner—and ArtistCostas Trigas lives on the island of T<strong>in</strong>os and owns one of the hundreds of petrol stations <strong>in</strong>the Aegean Oil family. Mr. Trigas, though, is well known to the people of T<strong>in</strong>os, as well as thetourists who visit it every year, for someth<strong>in</strong>g else: his sculptures.When he started sculpt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>1999, Mr. Trigas could neverimag<strong>in</strong>e that three yearslater, everyone—even art critics—wouldspeak so highly of his talent and orig<strong>in</strong>ality.Today, Trigas’ work is exhibitedat the Exomvourgos archaeologicalcastle <strong>in</strong> T<strong>in</strong>os, where visitors marvelat his imag<strong>in</strong>ation.Trigas is a self-taught sculptor. Althoughhe was not born on the island,the tradition of T<strong>in</strong>os, which has producedso many <strong>in</strong>ternationally recognizedmarble sculptors, certa<strong>in</strong>ly hasprovided fertile ground for the AegeanOil petrol station owner’s talent.Dur<strong>in</strong>g his free time, he gives life torocks and stones, creat<strong>in</strong>g designs <strong>in</strong>spiredby the ancient Greeks and thenatural environment. He primarilyuses local materials such as marbleand soapstone. With his chisel and hisimag<strong>in</strong>ation as his tools, the artist“Dur<strong>in</strong>g his free time, Mr. Trigas gives life to rocks andstones, creat<strong>in</strong>g designs <strong>in</strong>spired by the ancient Greeksand the natural environment of the island.”trans<strong>form</strong>s these materials <strong>in</strong>to sculpturesthat exude life.Mr. Trigas’ ma<strong>in</strong> source of <strong>in</strong>spirationis the natural beauty of the islandwhere he has been liv<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>gfor years. T<strong>in</strong>os is an impressive, beautifulisland which itself seems to havebeen sculpted by the hand of an artist.T<strong>in</strong>os’ villages—such as Volakas,built on an otherworldly, almost lunarlandscape; the island’s beaches such asKolymbethra, with its large gray rocks;and its isolated monasteries high onmounta<strong>in</strong>tops—all provide a cont<strong>in</strong>uoussource of <strong>in</strong>spiration for Mr. Trigas,the artist.20 AEGEAN NEWS SPRING 2003

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