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INTERVIEWJacob Melissanidis:“600 Petrol Stations by 2006”Aegean is planning to increase thenumber of its petrol stations from 280to 600 in the next three years.Aegean Oil entered the petroleum market in 1999. Itwas difficult to imagine that this small companyfrom Evros would, in just three years, be among thefastest growing companies in the petrol trade. In those threeyears, Aegean has managed to develop a network of 280petrol stations spreading from Alexandroupolis to Tinos.The next goal of the company is more ambitious: "In thenext three years, we aim to increase the number of our petrolstations from 280 to 600," Aegean Managing DirectorIakovos Melissanidis reveals to Aegean News. He also saysAegean’s secret, which has made it a formidable competitoreven against industry giants, is simple: "Our aggressive invoicepolicy, our clever marketing methods, and our flexibility, whichallows us to make quick decisions, has led to our 4.5% marketshare, and we now aim for an 8% share by 2006."How did Aegean begin?Aegean entered the Greek market by taking over Evroil atthe end of 1999. We started in the remote Thrace regionbecause we believed in the potential of the area. NowAegean has a network of 200 petrol stations in Evros andthe Thrace-Macedonia region."We follow an aggressive pricing policyoffering low prices to the consumer,but not at the expense of petrol qualityor services."Aegean follows an aggressive pricing policy. What are the mainfeatures of this policy?Indeed we follow an aggressive pricing policy, offering lowprices to the consumer but not at the expense of fuel qualityor services. We respect the rules of legitimate competition.Our simple organizational structure makes us moreflexible than our competitors. Our competitive advantage isour low prices. Aegean and all its competitors buy fuel fromthe same Greek refineries. So there is no way to explain highprices apart from higher profit-making, which the consumerpays for. This is the "secret" which has led to our4.5% market share, and the "secret" which we believe willlead us to an 8% share by 2005.What are Aegean’s plans for the Greek islands?We already have a petrol station in Tinos and we arepreparing to run two specially converted ships for the islands.Therefore, our company will be able to carry fuels toall the islands on our own ships at low prices, as we will decreaseour operation costs.What is your strategy for the near future?Our aim is to expand our network. We want to increase thenumber of Aegean petrol stations from 280 to 600.We place a high value on our relationship with petrol stationowners. We have stood by them from the very beginning,listening to their needs, and helping to find solutions to theirproblems. The petrol station owner is our partner, andlearns through experience that we always stand by ourword. This has become known in the market and as a resultmany petrol station owners have expressed their interest injoining the Aegean family when their contracts with othercompanies end.16 AEGEAN NEWS SPRING 2003

KILKIS SERRESPELLA 1020FLORINA231THESSALONIKIIMATHIA21KASTORIA13KOZANIHALKIDIKIPIERIA86GREVENA31IOANNINA1TRIKALALARISSATHESPROTIA223CORFU2 KARDITSAPREVEZAARTA2MAGNESSIAEVRITANIA1FTHIOTIDALEFKADA4AITOLOAKARNANIAKEPHALONIAFOKIDA2EVIAVIOTIADRAMAXANTHI1010 RODOPIKAVALA109THASSOSSAMOTHRACELIMNOSLESVOSSKYROSHIOSEVROS45ZAKYNTHOSACHAIA1 3KORINTHIAILIA1 ARCADIA ARGOLIDA10ATTIKA20ANDROSTINOS1IKARIAMESSINIA1LAKONIASYROSPAROSNAXOSMILOSAMORGOSKOSKYTHIRASANTORINIASTYPALIAAegean’sRetail NetworkHANIACRETERETHYMNOKARPATHOSRODOSIRAKLIOLASITHIpetroleum & pricesPetroleum in Greece: An Upward TrendDemand for oil in Greece has been steadily rising, due mainly to an increase in use fortransportation, and is expected to continue its upward trend for the foreseeable future.In the Greek economy, oil is a significant factor, and accounts for 65% of all energy use.Many industries are making the change to natural gas for their energy needs but the increasingdemand for transport, especially in automobile use, means that oil will continueto be in high demand.The map is current as of 26.03.03The Cost of CrudeCrude oil costs have risen to near historic levels inthe past few months, peaking at $39.99 per barrel onFeb. 27 – up from $22 a year earlier. Since then, priceshave decreased, dropping below $30 a barrel in lateMarch – a fluctuation of more than 25 percent in lessthan a month.SPRING 2003 AEGEAN NEWS 17

KILKIS SERRESPELLA 1020FLORINA231THESSALONIKIIMATHIA21KASTORIA13KOZANIHALKIDIKIPIERIA86GREVENA31IOANNINA1TRIKALALARISSATHESPROTIA223CORFU2 KARDITSAPREVEZAARTA2MAGNESSIAEVRITANIA1FTHIOTIDALEFKADA4AITOLOAKARNANIAKEPHALONIAFOKIDA2EVIAVIOTIADRAMAXANTHI1010 RODOPIKAVALA109THASSOSSAMOTHRACELIMNOSLESVOSSKYROSHIOSEVROS45ZAKYNTHOSACHAIA1 3KORINTHIAILIA1 ARCADIA ARGOLIDA10ATTIKA20ANDROSTINOS1IKARIAMESSINIA1LAKONIASYROSPAROSNAXOSMILOSAMORGOSKOSKYTHIRASANTORINIASTYPALIAAegean’sRetail NetworkHANIACRETERETHYMNOKARPATHOSRODOSIRAKLIOLASITHI<strong>petroleum</strong> & pricesPetroleum <strong>in</strong> Greece: An Upward TrendDemand for oil <strong>in</strong> Greece has been steadily ris<strong>in</strong>g, due ma<strong>in</strong>ly to an <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> use fortransportation, and is expected to cont<strong>in</strong>ue its upward trend for the foreseeable future.In the Greek economy, oil is a significant factor, and accounts for 65% of all energy use.Many <strong>in</strong>dustries are mak<strong>in</strong>g the change to natural gas for their energy needs but the <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gdemand for transport, especially <strong>in</strong> automobile use, means that oil will cont<strong>in</strong>ueto be <strong>in</strong> high demand.The map is current as of 26.03.03The Cost of CrudeCrude oil costs have risen to near historic levels <strong>in</strong>the past few months, peak<strong>in</strong>g at $39.99 per barrel onFeb. 27 – up from $22 a year earlier. S<strong>in</strong>ce then, priceshave decreased, dropp<strong>in</strong>g below $30 a barrel <strong>in</strong> lateMarch – a fluctuation of more than 25 percent <strong>in</strong> lessthan a month.SPRING 2003 AEGEAN NEWS 17

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