NEXO NXAMP 4X1 Owner's Manual - Yamaha Commercial Audio

NEXO NXAMP 4X1 Owner's Manual - Yamaha Commercial Audio

NEXO NXAMP 4X1 Owner's Manual - Yamaha Commercial Audio


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MENU DESCRIPTIONfamily means that same cabinet are connected to same outputs of the amplifier. Mainly thismenu is for comparing quickly to setup (Wideband and Crossover for example) withoutrestarting the amplifier. To enter this menu, go to the OPTION menu, and display Bellow isa picture of this menu. First step to change the input patch is to go to the OPTION menu(see above), then select the sub-menu “1.Systm Config”.Select one speaker setup by turning the wheel till the setup appears blinking on the LCDscreen (in this example, you can toggle between the Crossover (Xover) and the Widesetup). Then depress the “B” button (OK). Once the setup is loaded, the amplifier will goback to the default screen. If you don’t want to change the current speaker setup, simplypress the “A” button (Back).Input PatchBy default and depending on the selected speaker setup selected, some or all of the fourinputs will be patched to the outputs. For example, 4 independent channels setups (like 4 xPS15) will use each analog input patched to each output, but 4 way active setups (likeAlpha) will use only one analog input patched to all the outputs.Most of the time, the user can freely change the way inputs are patched to the outputs.However, in some special circumstances, like cardioids setups for example, it is mandatoryto have same signal feeding two channels of amplifier or more. In this situation, changingthe patch for one channel will automatically affect the other channels.First step to change the input patch is to go to the OPTION menu (see above). Then selectthe sub-menu “2.Input Patch”.Once this menu is selected, select the channel you want to change the input patch, byusing the corresponding “select” button. Then only the selected channel will be displayedalone on the bellow line of the LCD screen. You can also go back to the previous step byPAGE 41 OF 80

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