NEXO NXAMP 4X1 Owner's Manual - Yamaha Commercial Audio

NEXO NXAMP 4X1 Owner's Manual - Yamaha Commercial Audio

NEXO NXAMP 4X1 Owner's Manual - Yamaha Commercial Audio


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SETTING-UP ADVICEthe rack.The primary reason for grounding is safety. Conformance to the applicable requirements ofthe authorities having jurisdiction is, of course, mandatory. However, grounding also hasan impact on electromagnetic compatibility. From the EMC point of view, it is desirable tohave a low impedance ground network, as a current flowing in the ground network willthen produce low voltage in the network. A low impedance network can be obtained usinga multipoint ground scheme, with as many closed ground loops as is economically possible.Because of the amplifier weight, it is mandatory to fix the amplifier both from the frontpanel and from the rear ears. The picture bellow shows the dimensions between the rackholes on the front panel.Because of this layout, it is not possible to use some rack rails with 2 holes per rack unit(see picture bellow), because you will loose ½ U of rack space on the top and bottom ofthe amplifier. Thus continuous rack rails or with 4 holes per rack unit should be used.PAGE 20 OF 80

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