Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

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saxophonia – saxomaniaAchingly sensitive phrases, coaxedfrom a shiny instrument by a musicianon a street corner in <strong>Riga</strong>’s Old Town,come together in a multi-headed saxophonejoint-choir.Today, the saxophone is one <strong>of</strong> the mostrecognized and revered sources <strong>of</strong> musicalsound, a language <strong>of</strong> communicationwithout borders. Could the Belgian musicalinstrument master Adolf Sax, demonstratinghis newest invention in Paris in1842 – the saxophone – have imagined thepopularity and affection that this instrumentwould gain? Over time, this instrument hastraversed from military and symphony orchestrasto cafes, jazz clubs and streets,and back to the symphony orchestra andsolo stage.riga hip-hopFive days <strong>of</strong> public workshops led bypr<strong>of</strong>essionals and a grand closing concertwill help youths to spend their freetime in a meaningful way, discoveringand developing their talents, learningabout the existing programs for afterschoolart, music, film, extreme andother sports.The youth organization Avantis, in cooperationwith the modern music school “RhythmInstitute”, will organize the master classes<strong>of</strong> the festival’s first three days. The classeswill cover various hip-hop culture genres– DJ, Graffiti, BeatBox, Break dance, film,etc. These master classes will be gearedtowards pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, in order to developand popularize hip-hop culture in their countries.This will also be a good platform forfuture cooperation for the formation <strong>of</strong> jointprojects, festivals and exhibits.At the same time, it seems that no instrumenthas received such contradictory reviews asthe saxophone. In the mid-19th century itstembre was described as howling, shriekingand croaking, but nowadays – as velvety,sensitive and elegant... Saxophonist ArtisSīmanis, the rector <strong>of</strong> the Latvian Academy<strong>of</strong> Music, recalls that when he first played thesaxophone at churches, he was sometimesmet with a negative reaction. Everyone associatedthe saxophone with entertainment andjazz, but now there is a completely differentattitude — the program “Songs <strong>of</strong> David” wasnominated for a Latvian Grand Music Awardas Best Concert <strong>of</strong> the Year in 2008.The “Saxophonia – Saxomania” music festivalwill present itself, maintaining a perfectbalance between academic, contemporaryand jazz music. High class performerswith interesting and unique programs willparticipate, providing impeccable pr<strong>of</strong>es-The last two days <strong>of</strong> the festival will be devotedto everyone who attends, and willtake place at the Grīziņkalns Skate Park.The workshops will be open to the publicand will be free <strong>of</strong> charge for all youths.Attendants will be able to learn more aboutthe various hip-hop culture forms - DJ,BeatBox, Graffiti, extreme sports, etc. Theworkshop masters will work in cooperationwith various artists. At the end <strong>of</strong> the secondday, a grand closing concert will beorganized, with the participation <strong>of</strong> hip-hopartists (from Latvia and other countriesparticipating in the project).What: a hip - hop festival and masterclasses.Where: Grīziņkalns Skate Park, CongressHouse.When: April <strong>2014</strong>.Concept author and organization: Avantis,“Rhythm Institute”.sional concert performances and unexpected‘jam sessions,’ some <strong>of</strong> them in excitinggroup ensembles. The festival will bea celebration <strong>of</strong> sound for music lovers inconcert halls and churches. It will provideexcitement in the streets and parks <strong>of</strong> <strong>Riga</strong>.Musicians will plan joint projects, while atthe same time, young and up-and-comingmusicians will gain knowledge in masterclasses.What: Music festival.Where: Concert halls in <strong>Riga</strong> andthroughout Latvia, <strong>Riga</strong> streets and parks.When: February <strong>2014</strong>.Concept author and organiser: NationalConcert Agency Latvijas Koncerti.Cooperation partners: Latvian Ministry<strong>of</strong> <strong>Culture</strong>, Latvian State <strong>Culture</strong> <strong>Capital</strong>Foundation, Embassies <strong>of</strong> Norway, Estonia,Sweden and Germany, as well as FrenchCultural Centre in <strong>Riga</strong>.sunny soviet film eventSeveral generations in Latvia grew uptogether with Soviet-era, sunny, joyfulfilms. Those, who are only in theirtwenties or younger also appreciatethese historical films and their music.Hence, a special film soiree entitled “Sunny,Soviet Film Event” will take place at the foot <strong>of</strong><strong>Riga</strong>’s controversial Victory Monument, whichwas built to commemorate ‘the liberation <strong>of</strong>Soviet Latvia by the Soviet Army from Germanfascism.’ The film screenings will take placeat the beginning <strong>of</strong> May, when celebrationsare traditionally held to mark the end <strong>of</strong> theSecond World War. Thus, time and place <strong>of</strong>this film event were not chosen by chance.porta <strong>2014</strong>“Porta” is a true world music port that willbring the sounds <strong>of</strong> the world to <strong>Riga</strong>.“Porta” is the only regular world music festivalin Latvia. Throughout the years, goodcooperation has developed with <strong>European</strong>producers and musicians. Previous projectshave brought outstanding musiciansto Latvia from France, Great Britain,Norway, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Portugal,Austria, Belarus, Georgia and othercountries.Event programme description:• For three to four days at the premises<strong>of</strong> Sapņu Fabrika, world music concertswill be provided by outstanding <strong>European</strong>world music groups and musicians.• Each evening, the concert will feature apreviously successful cooperation projectas the main attraction (Georgian/Latvian,Moldovan/Latvian, Polish/Latvian etc.)• Before the concerts, Sapņu FabrikaOne <strong>of</strong> the goals <strong>of</strong> the film soiree “SunnySoviet Film Event” is to gather together those,who usually do not frequent the VictoryMonument, for this unique cultural event.An eclectic public gathers to sit at tables litup by old, Ilyich light bulbs. Quiet conversationstake place in a jovial atmosphere...the audience has been transported backinto the sunny Soviet film era. The screeninglocation, with its particular historicalbackground, provides the backdrop for apeculiar cultural environment and works torestore the feel <strong>of</strong> long-gone days and traditions.Barriers are broken down to the accompaniment<strong>of</strong> Soviet film music. The goal<strong>of</strong> the film soiree “Sunny Soviet Film Event”is to create multicultural friendships.and cinema K. Suns will show documentaryfilms about world folk music and traditions,selected in cooperation with theAustrian company, IZM.• Every day, visitors will be <strong>of</strong>fered traditionalcuisine from various world nations.• Traditional world music master classes,presented by several guest groups, will takeplace at the Latvian Academy <strong>of</strong> Music.• During the festival, an internationalseminar will be held for <strong>European</strong> producers,concert organizers, music journalistsand other specialists <strong>of</strong> the musicindustry. They will be introduced to theLatvian music environment and will attendthe festival’s evening events.• The festival culmination will be a concertby world music pioneer, British musician,Peter Gabriel, at one <strong>of</strong> the largeconcert halls in <strong>Riga</strong>.What: Concerts, master classes, filmscreenings, seminarsWhere: Sapņu Fabrika, www.sapnufabrika.lv.When: 5 th -8 th November, <strong>2014</strong>.Concept authors: Gita Lancere, Ilze Apsiņa,Film excerpts will be shown on an inflatablefilm screen all evening long – completewith songs from some <strong>of</strong> the mostoutstanding Soviet era films including the“Circus”, “Moscow Does Not Believe InTears”, “The Happy Boys”, “Volga, Volga”.We hope that there will be much dancing,laughter and pleasant conversing. Anyneed to ask how “Sunny Soviet Film Event”can change people and the atmosphere <strong>of</strong>the place where they have gathered?What: Dance event to the accompaniment<strong>of</strong> film music and film excerpts.Where: <strong>Riga</strong>’s Victory Park (Uzvaras parks).When: 1 st or 8 th May <strong>2014</strong>.Concept author: Mārcis Gulbis.Cooperation partners: Cinema archivesand community organizations.www.festivalporta.lv.Organizers: Association Pasaules Mūzika.Cooperation partners: In Estonia – theproducers’ association ERP music,in Germany – the publisher andproducers’ association Jaro, in Portugal –Management Gateirs de Lisboa,in Austria – IZM.96 97

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