Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

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living pictures fromdomestic scenes<strong>of</strong> centuriesHow have we survived through centuries?Where is our – <strong>Riga</strong> inhabitants’– strength hidden? The answers maybe sought in the testimonies <strong>of</strong> history,skills and knowledge, which we haveknown how to use and preserve.The history <strong>of</strong> <strong>Riga</strong> will be demonstratedin a theatrical manner at practical workshops,where anyone may step into a specificperiod <strong>of</strong> time or character, such as abaroness, washerwoman, smithy, cobblerand others.A staged environment conjures up <strong>Riga</strong>with scenes from the 17 th century and thentransports us through the ages up to today.The multicultural environment rooted in theevents <strong>of</strong> <strong>Riga</strong>’s history is marked with itsdifferent social groups - Latvians, Russiansand Hebrews, rich and poor, ordinary inhabitantsand aristocrats. The ‘survival kit’<strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> these ethnic and social groups isquite different. What is important for one isnot always seen as suitable by the others.This is confirmed by different eating traditions,festivals, clothing, customs, songsand jokes. A person cannot live from breadalone. At times long-forgotten wisdom oran old joke helps save us from seeminglyhopeless situations.What: Theatrical performance with practicalactivities.Where: Museum <strong>of</strong> the History <strong>of</strong> <strong>Riga</strong> andNavigation, National Museum <strong>of</strong> Art, or theMentzendorff’s House, or the House <strong>of</strong> theBlackheads, Latvian Ethnographic OpenAir Museum, the Centre for Children andYoung Adults Rīgas skolēnu pils.When: May.Concept authors: Dina Liepa, Valdis Egle,Ināra Jankovska – Rīgas skolēnu pilswww.rsp.lv.Organisers: <strong>Riga</strong> City Council, Department<strong>of</strong> Education, Youth and Sport, Division<strong>of</strong> Interest-related education, Rīgasskolēnu pils.Cooperation partners: Museum <strong>of</strong> theHistory <strong>of</strong> <strong>Riga</strong> and Navigation, theMentzendorff’s House, National Museum<strong>of</strong> Art, Latvian Ethnographic Open AirMuseum, Association <strong>of</strong> Latvia’s Castles,Palaces and Manors, the school andmuseum <strong>of</strong> Vendem (Holland), RostockCentre for Children and young adults(Germany).teaching talentswith no boundariesWithin their lifetime, each person acquiresknowledge, skills and values.Everyone has a talent – a field in whichthey excel. Talent draws out creativeenergy, and can be useful as a “survivalkit” in many different conditionsand situations.The creative festival “Teaching TalentsWith No Boundaries” invites city dwellersfrom different countries to come together,with one thing in common – teaching, butalso something that is different – theirtalent. Talent helps us to creatively resolvedifferent situations in life both on a dailybasis and to resolve future tasks.By watching and taking part in the displays<strong>of</strong> different talents, members will be ableto understand their significance today. Itcould be the ‘survival kit’ in each person’s‘travel bag’, to be passed on to futuregenerations.The festival’s aim is to promote the creativeactivities <strong>of</strong> teachers, as well as their selfinitiativeand self-expression. Teachersdemonstrate their talents. Potential types<strong>of</strong> participation: drama, vocal art, musicalperformances, poetry, recitations, dance,folklore, applied art, fine art, photographyetc. During the festival, demonstrations <strong>of</strong>creativity, talent shows and performanceswill take place. In 2013 the festival will takeplace in <strong>Riga</strong>’s partnership towns, but in<strong>2014</strong>, the best participants will meet in <strong>Riga</strong>at the joint talent festival “Talent Knows NoBoundaries”.What: Displays <strong>of</strong> creativity, talent shows,performances.Where: <strong>Riga</strong>’s Centre for Education andInformative Methodology, www.riimc.lvWhen: 2013–<strong>2014</strong> in <strong>Riga</strong> and thepartnership towns, November <strong>2014</strong> -culmination in <strong>Riga</strong>.Concept authors: <strong>Riga</strong>’s Centre forEducation and Informative Methodology,www.riimc.lv.Organisers: <strong>Riga</strong>’s Centre for Educationand Informative Methodologywww.riimc.lv.Cooperation partners: <strong>Riga</strong>’s partnertowns.68 69

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