Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

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handbag-balconyThe balcony – a <strong>Riga</strong> inhabitant’s ‘handbag’or object <strong>of</strong> investigation that revealsthe lifestyle <strong>of</strong> a city-dweller, aswell as being a reminder <strong>of</strong> the flowergrowing& presenting traditions typicalto Latvia and promoting idea <strong>of</strong> gardensin the very heart <strong>of</strong> the city, about the cohabitation<strong>of</strong> nature with urban space.By involving, for example, the residents <strong>of</strong>Freedom Street, we will become familiarwith contemporary culture and the lifestyle<strong>of</strong> today in <strong>Riga</strong>, simultaneously creating acommon visual image <strong>of</strong> the street.Within the framework <strong>of</strong> the event the residents<strong>of</strong> Freedom Street and other streets(inhabitants, institution workers) will document(photograph, film) their own and/ortheir neighbour’s balconies, thereby forminga collection <strong>of</strong> visual evidence that anyinterested party will be able to view, usinginternet resources (eg. www.draugiem.lv,www.serde.lv). Each photograph, evidence<strong>of</strong> today’s history, will be exchangedfor flower or herb seeds and the <strong>Riga</strong> ECCfestival flag. By planting the seeds in a poton a balcony, the balconies on FreedomStreet (and other enthusiasts involved inthe project) will provide a colourful touchto the culmination <strong>of</strong> the festivities and bedistinguishable by their flowers, and flags.Flowers are not the only thing that can begrown on balconies to add colour, but teasand herbs may also be planted, therebypromoting the balcony as a city-dweller’sgarden, chemist’s, etc., that is permanentlyclose by and an essential component <strong>of</strong>daily life. The event will promote a feeling<strong>of</strong> community involvement, as well as encouragingus to think about the interaction<strong>of</strong> nature and urban space, about the antagonismbetween the countryside and thecity and the necessary balance that is anessential element <strong>of</strong> our ‘survival kit’.Before project implementation an educationaland informative campaign will becarried out in the mass media, reachingout to the target audience and involvinginhabitants in the project.What: Investigative, aesthetically ecologicalproject aimed towards the participation<strong>of</strong> society.Where: Buildings with balconieson Freedom Street.When: March-September.Concept authors and organisers:Interdisciplinary Art Group Serde,www.serde.lv.weaving marathonWeaving marathon – the popularisation<strong>of</strong> the traditional skill <strong>of</strong> weavingand its contemporary interpretation.The old becomes the new, the unusable– useful, the forgotten – practical.Traditional culture – a guarantee <strong>of</strong> anenvironmentally friendly future.Weaving marathon on the street inside theshopping centre “Galerija Centrs” – withthe aim <strong>of</strong> getting into the Guinness Book<strong>of</strong> Records with the longest rag rug, whichcould then be presented to the <strong>European</strong>Parliament. Over a month as many weavinglooms as will fit will be set up insidethe shopping centre. Each inhabitant andguest <strong>of</strong> <strong>Riga</strong> will be invited to contribute– to bring a piece <strong>of</strong> old clothing, cutinto strips and with the help <strong>of</strong> a weaver,weave it into the communal rug himself.children’s festival“come and join in”How can children and young adultsfind their bearings in the wide array <strong>of</strong>options and find something they likedoing in their free time and, maybe,even their future career?At the end <strong>of</strong> May, institutions in <strong>Riga</strong> that<strong>of</strong>fer interest-related education will organiseseveral events demonstrating the varietywith which children occupy their freetime through different forms <strong>of</strong> expression –singing, dancing, relaxing, playing sports,building, assembling, sewing, drawing,modelling, etc. At the end <strong>of</strong> August, opendoor days will be organised by the institutions,but on the first Saturday in September,at the start <strong>of</strong> the new school year, they willThe basic principle behind the rag rug is tothink about ecology and the huge supply<strong>of</strong> second-hand items, commonly knownin Latvia as humpalas, sent from Europe toLatvia. We propose an original exchange– old clothes for lovingly woven rag rugs.In parallel to the weaving marathon workshopswill be organised – artistic andamateur interpretations connected to theskills <strong>of</strong> weaving, embroidery and knitting,involving textile and fibre artists (for example,Pēteris Sidaris, Egīls Rozenbergs andothers). As a result, knitted items, textilesand souvenirs from plastic and other modernfibres will be created. By organisingmaster workshops and screening a videodocumentary demonstrating the skills <strong>of</strong>craftsmen met on expeditions organisedby Serde and inviting artists to demonstratea creative approach to the use <strong>of</strong>material, we invite city-dwellers and visitorsto think <strong>of</strong> the best ways <strong>of</strong> using skills andtake up residence in Vērmanes Garden.During the event, children will be <strong>of</strong>feredcreative workshops and a concert, as wellas opportunity <strong>of</strong> taking part in many differentcampaigns and activities.What: Creative workshops, events programme,concert in Vērmanes Garden.Where: Vērmanes Garden, 14 institutions<strong>of</strong> interest-related education and primaryschool Rīdze.When: End <strong>of</strong> May and end <strong>of</strong> August,early September.Concept author: Māra Vilciņa.Organisers: <strong>Riga</strong> City Council, Department<strong>of</strong> Education, Youth and Sport, Division <strong>of</strong>interest-related education.Cooperation partners: 14 institutions <strong>of</strong>interest-related education and primaryschool Rīdze, NGO’s that provide interestrelatededucational programmes.contemporary materials more inventivelyand to create their own souvenir.What: Interactive event with an ecologicalapproach.Where: On the ancient <strong>Riga</strong> street in thetrading centre “Galerija Centrs”.When: May.Concept authors AND organisers: IlgaReizniece, Interdisciplinary Art GroupSerde, www.serde.lv.Cooperation partners: Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, artists,craftsmen and amateurs, studios <strong>of</strong>weaving and traditional applied art, StateAgency <strong>of</strong> Intangible Cultural Heritage.64 65

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