Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 candidate

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The theoryexists that atthe base <strong>of</strong>communicationbetween anytwo people is:you for me – mefor you. Thereis no such thingas disinterestedcommunication.That would bethe highestlevel <strong>of</strong>creativity,if we were allable to talkabout clearthings in clearlanguage.”The newest moderntechnologies helpinterest groupsincorporate into acommon culturalprocess and promotethe accessibility <strong>of</strong>the field <strong>of</strong> cultureto each and every,which relates to theexpansion <strong>of</strong> borders.We live in a time that could be described as waking up from the globalisation.Liberalism that stimulated it is going out <strong>of</strong> fashion. Different crises - rise <strong>of</strong> fuelprices, the growing food prices, climatic threats, the looming regional conflicts– are waking us up from the dream (nightmare) <strong>of</strong> globalisation and we feel thateverything must change: economy must become environment-friendly, industrialproduction – science-consuming, food – healthy, lifestyle – sustainable, politicsresponsible and the society – cohesive. The globalised markets will have tocontract and regain a part <strong>of</strong> their rooted-ness and local-ness.We are a fairly diverse society. The new solution,creativity, is in the search for common points <strong>of</strong> contact.Creativity isn’t in ethnic difference, but in the comingtogether and creation <strong>of</strong> a new world.Development is born in the depth <strong>of</strong> the individual, butit also springs from the collective spirit. If one <strong>of</strong> these ismissing, development leaves much to be desired.forms <strong>of</strong> interaction• In recent years the consumption <strong>of</strong> culture in <strong>Riga</strong> has increased.Research indicates that the majority <strong>of</strong> <strong>Riga</strong>’s inhabitants are satisfiedwith the level <strong>of</strong> possibilities available to them to attend culturalevents, but the tendency towards a transitional society that resultedin alienation, disassociation, loss <strong>of</strong> social ties, has completely excludedcultural instruments such as new cooperation forms.• Creativity through the idea <strong>of</strong> border expansion will promotewide cooperation between individuals, city areas, suburbs, generations,towns, regions, countries. <strong>Riga</strong>, with its human capital andinfrastructure, will promote the creation <strong>of</strong> this form <strong>of</strong> cooperation.Cultural events are a self-evident part <strong>of</strong> <strong>Riga</strong>’s programmefor the ECC project, however, the main goal is to trigger a processin which the consumers <strong>of</strong> culture would also be willing also totake an active part. Thus, the main task is to create new forms <strong>of</strong>interaction to help involve new audiences.• Making use <strong>of</strong> the potential <strong>of</strong> creativity, imagination and cooperation,it is possible to create networks around <strong>Riga</strong>, includingindividuals, institutions, businesses, towns and countries insearch for forms <strong>of</strong> cooperation, creating the possibility <strong>of</strong> newcooperation forms through new infrastructure facilities or breathinglife into existing ones.• It is important to achieve a change <strong>of</strong> focus from the consumption<strong>of</strong> culture to participation, from a passive consumerismto a change in attitude towards any kind <strong>of</strong> creativity. This includesa re-evaluation <strong>of</strong> values in society, which means a search for newforms <strong>of</strong> interaction.• The desire for expression is typical to creativity, as well as theneed for appropriate forms <strong>of</strong> expression. It provides further impulseto seek interaction with partners sharing similar interests, in order t<strong>of</strong>ind an audience for one’s skills and their evaluation. Support fornew forms <strong>of</strong> cooperation plays a cruical role in stimulating creativeskills within each and every inhabitant <strong>of</strong> <strong>Riga</strong>, making creativity themost significant force driving <strong>Riga</strong> as the ECC.• Developing forms <strong>of</strong> culture based within the audience, onmutual communication and political intention rather than onmaterial, spatial or artistic media typology, creates a platform forparticipation. The epicentre <strong>of</strong> the meaning <strong>of</strong> a work <strong>of</strong> art orcultural process as such shifts from the object to a new type <strong>of</strong>experience that it provokes. The dialogue between the audienceand the artist acquires the status <strong>of</strong> a work <strong>of</strong> art, participationbecomes the deciding factor in the creation <strong>of</strong> culture. Similarlyto Umberto Eco’s definition <strong>of</strong> the principle <strong>of</strong> an open work <strong>of</strong>art, which states that a work <strong>of</strong> art is only finished when it comesinto contact with the audience, the involvement <strong>of</strong> society in thecultural process reveals a new cultural dimension.• Successful interaction is a vital component for the positivedevelopment <strong>of</strong> a multicultural and civil society. <strong>Culture</strong>, in thissituation, is a tried and tested device in promoting dialogue betweencultures and civil society.• Ethnocentricity creates a symbolically restricted space. Dueto <strong>Riga</strong>’s ethnic specifications, the possibility <strong>of</strong> dialogue betweenvarious ethnic groups exists through border expansion and creativityas a value, thus promoting an exchange <strong>of</strong> ideas, developingsociety’s receptiveness towards different cultural experiences.• Research shows that it is possible to develop a culture <strong>of</strong> philanthropyin Latvia, which would help overcome the tendency towardsmutual isolation between various sections <strong>of</strong> society and provide theopportunity for the majority <strong>of</strong> inhabitants to fulfil their human capital.• To prosper, a city needs ideas and the will <strong>of</strong> individuals, synthesis<strong>of</strong> thoughts and cooperation. New products and servicesare created not only through individual efforts but also as a result<strong>of</strong> cooperation. It is necessary to provide opportunities for enterprising,creative people to try something new together.• The contemporary public space, which serves as a platformfor interaction, is <strong>of</strong>ten identified more as a psychological ratherthan a physical construction <strong>of</strong> space. The public space is alsodefined as a politicised social product, which cannot be separatedfrom conflicting social relations that are created by specificsocieties at specific moments in history.* Focus group comments24 25

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