BRUSHES Hand brushes

BRUSHES Hand brushes

BRUSHES Hand brushes

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THE PRODUCTCATALOGUEProductoverviewMetreperformanceTÜVassurance

Osborn worldwide:BrazilChinaDenmarkFranceGermanyGreat BritainIndiaMexicoPortugalRomaniaSingaporeSpainSwedenTaiwanUSA

WELCOME...to OsbornThe No. 1 in surface treatment.So you finish first.Finishing products from Osborn – always the right choice.Osborn is a supplier of tools for surface treatmentand finishing solutions that set standards forothers to follow. Over 100 years of experience isreflected in each of our products.Our passion for outstanding performance means westrive each day to make your work better, faster andmore professional by using the right tools. Today, weeven exceed global standards for quality, reliability,performance and perfection.But we don't just rest on our laurels - we go on strivingfor continuous improvements.Our manufacturing and test facilities are state of the art. We meet the strict quality criteria ofISO 9001:2008 and manufacture in accordance with EC standards EN 1083-1 and EN 1083-2.All our products also meet the high performance requirements of the American National Safety Institute(ANSI). We are very proud to be the first brush manufacturer to receive certification from TÜV-SÜD formore than 500 items in our product range.We achieve all this because we can call on a global network of experts at manufacturing plants in morethan 15 countries, and efficiently combine their innovative power.That's how since 1887 we've enabled customers in over 100 countries to achieve their goals.And they were the first to do so!Osborn. Finish. First.1

SERVICES... exclusively for youTHE BEST SERVICEAT ALLLEVELSFrom the experience of a strong partner.We've been making professional tools for a wide range of applications for 125 years. During that time, we'veaccumulated a wealth of knowledge and broad-ranging know-how in all areas. Our customers profit from this ona daily basis. Over the years, we've also brought other companies into our family group, enabling us to expandour expertise even further.Our knowledge and experience allow us today to make tools with real appeal for our customers.Good service for us means developing products that meet the highest demands.Good to look at. Perfect to use.A good tool has to feel right in the hand and harmonise100% with the machine. That's why we place great value onthe ergonomics and handling of our products. Osborn toolsare designed to suit all common machines and are alsotested thoroughly on them.Good service for us means developing products that makeyour work easier.In our R&D centre, we use the latest technology to achievemaximum ease of use and safety in every application.Developed with passion. Tested withoutexcuses.We develop products ideally suited to the needs anddemands of our customers, whether from our extensivestandard range or as customer-specific solutions. In additionto undergoing our own, thorough test procedures, many ofour products are certified by TÜV-SÜD as meeting the moststringent requirements in terms of quality and safety.Good service for us means uncompromising quality inevery respect.2

SERVICES... exclusively for youCompetence before discipline.Thanks to our work in innumerable sectors of industry, we've developed comprehensive know-how when it comesto surface treatment and finishing solutions. Our application engineers throughout the world exchange views withcustomers and colleagues so everyone can benefit from the experience gained. This knowledge transfer leads us toinnovative product developments which are ahead of their time.Good service for us means staying inquisitive and alert so we can design the best tools for our customers.Ideas for the trade. Satisfaction for the customer.We are there for our trade partners as a skilled manufacturerand marketing oriented company. For us, this includes accuratemarket tracking and analysis of requirements to enable us todevelop tailor-made products for our consumers.With our new packaging and innovative POS approach, we standout from our competitors in the trade and provide our tradingpartners with positive purchasing experiences that appeal toconsumers.Good service for us means sharing our success.Details on packaging and full information for dealers can be found in the POSsection.Always there for you. Everywhere.As a full-range supplier, we provide the entire gamut of tools and solutions for surface finishing. Our partners benefit from astrong, world-wide network and our fast-response field service. Our individually tailored production and logistics solutionssave our partners time, money and space.Good service for us means always being on the spot.3

TÜV/SAFETYCertified brand-name toolsPLAY ITSAFEWITH OSBORNSafety with a seal. More than 500 Osborn products now with TÜV certification.Osborn quality is not just a promise but is signed and sealed. More than 500 of our products have been certified byTÜV-SÜD. This makes Osborn products the only ones on the market to meet the highest standards of quality and safety.Our quality standard: to always have the best tool for every job.That's why we combine top-quality raw materials, years of experience, high-precision manufacturing methods andmeticulous finishing so our customers can rely on Osborn.+Production monitoredType testedOsborn: Officially good!A TÜV seal means "tested withoutcompromise" and indicates qualityat the first glance. Osborn is the onlymanufacturer in its sector to obtainthis certification. This sets Osbornclearly apart from its competitors.A resounding commitment for theconsumer.4

TÜV/SAFETYCertified brand-name toolsUnique tool. Repeated testing.All products undergo a wide variety of teststo qualify for TÜV-SÜD certification. In addition to thesechecks, all our products are subjected to our own,comprehensive tests in order to guarantee the Osbornquality standard.Our customers benefit time and again from doublequality testing which ensures consistently highstandards in terms of materials, finish and safety.TÜVassuranceVisible quality.The TÜV seal on the newpackaging catches the eyeimmediately. Clearly visibleon the shelf, the seal tellsconsumers immediately thatOsborn quality has gainedofficial confirmation. Asidefrom metre performance, theseal provides transparent andquickly grasped informationabout the product.The new Osborn packaging: quick, informative and transparent.Detailed information on the new packaging can be found in the POS section.THE OSBORNADVANTAGEWith its TÜV certification, Osborn promises more than just a qualitycommitment. Osborn products have proven they perform as promised –under all conditions. This clearly makes Osborn the first choice when itcomes to superbly manufactured tools of unbeatable quality.5

METRE PERFORMANCEWhy only metre performance mattersONLY THEMETRE PERFORMANCEMATTERSPure performance at a glance.At Osborn, the focus is on the consumer.We've developed metre performanceto provide faster and transparentevidence of product performance.This helps not only with demandplanning for individual projects, butspeaks a clear, unambiguous language.Strong brand. Strong service.Metre performance gets straight to the point. It makesperformance tangible and provides extremely helpfulinformation for the consumer. With metre performance,Osborn provides clear evidence of product performanceand therefore a genuine and convincing service for ourcustomers.Plan perfectly. Work economically.Service life information alone makes it difficult for the userto estimate material requirements accurately.No-one knows exactly how long it will take to finish asurface, but the size of the surface is easy to determine. Themetre performance makes work efficient and economical.Purchasing according to need saves on time, money andstress.3.75 m 2Requirements are easy tocalculate:length times width - that'sall you need to know for anaccurate purchase at Osborn.Find information easily.Metre performance on the new Osborn packaging: quick to find, easy tounderstand.More information on the new packaging can be found in the POSsection.6

METRE PERFORMANCEWhy only metre performance mattersTHE NEW OSBORNTEST ROBOTAccurate testing without compromise.At Osborn, we use a state-of-the-art industrial robot todetermine the exact metre performance of our products.This robot provides extremely precise test results and cancarry out a wide variety of tests under identical conditions.As well as providing pure performance data, the robothelps us through continuous monitoring to guarantee aconsistent quality standard. Complex processes are easilyreplicated using realistic simulations to optimise the tool.Performance testing and comparison.Quality standard, design, material and metreperformance are not the only thorough tests ourhigh-quality <strong>brushes</strong> undergo continuously on thetest bench.We repeatedly test to ensure that our tools alsomeet all performance and design criteria.120%100%80%60%100%Comparison Test 0002-60815162,50%100%Metreperformance40%36,70%20%0%lifetimeremoval rateTest results for Osborn knotted wire cup <strong>brushes</strong>.120%Comparison Test 0002-631151100%100% 100%100%80%60%67,84%40%20%0%lifetimeremoval rateTest results for Osborn knotted wire cup <strong>brushes</strong>.Test robot at Burgwald/Germany plantLifetimeRemoval RateOsborn <strong>brushes</strong>Brush comparisonTHE OSBORNADVANTAGEWith its metre performance information, Osborn is the only manufacturer toconfirm product performance directly and clearly.7

Necesequi del inctass equidiatem dolo madolupieni aut qui ut ommoles de consedmin cus nonsed esequam, omnis audictempeli cusda qui velitiuntiis etur.TB∅Bürsten spreizen sich bei laufenderMaschine auf (vgl. Bild).Informationen zum Grad des Aufspreizensin Abhängigkeit von Körperdurchmesserund Drehzahl gibt Ihnen die nebenstehendeTabelle.AChecks. 150eiNsATzAufrauenGlättenEntgratenKanten verrundenStrukturierenEntrosten/EntlackenSchweißnähtemm mm mm max. 0,00 mm UVP 0,00 mm UVP 0,00 mm UVP-1 ∅ A T B(min-max) G min à Bestell.-Nr. € Bestell.-Nr. € Bestell.-Nr. €000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-000 000 000 00,00-00,00 M0 x 0,0 00.000 000 0000-000 000* 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,- 0000-000 000 000,00,-* Hier steht ein Hinweistext mit Bezug auf gekennzeichnete Produkte in der TabelleUniverseller Einsatz jeder Bürste durch die beigefügte Auswahl an Bohrungsreduzierungsstücken:Ø 75-125 mm: 20 mm = 1/2"; 5/8" Ø 150-200 mm: 31,75 mm = 13mm; 15mm; 16mm; 19mm; 20 mm; 7/8"; 1".Achtung: Bitte bei Bestellung benötigten Bohrungsdurchmesser angeben! Bei Bürsten Ø 250-300 mm bitte gewünschte Bohrung angeben.Ab Lager sofort lieferbare Artikel werden mit fettgestellten Bestellnummern dargestellt.Über andere Abmessungen/Drahtstärken informieren wir Sie gerne: service@osborn.de0,260,350,500,600,80BesATz UNd MATeriATProdukt erhältlich mit:Stahldraht gewelltStahldraht rostfreiMessingdrahtbei drehzahl bei drehzahl bei drehzahlBestell.-Nr. Körper-Ø drahtstärke≤ min-1 5000 ≤ min-1 8000 ≤ min-1 150000002-630304 / 0002-630328 20 0,26 55 70 750002-630305 20 0,35 25 50 700002-630310 / 0002-630334 23 0,26 40 65 750002-630311 / 0002-630335 23 0,35 35 55 700002-630316 / 0002-630340 30 0,26 55 70 850002-630317 / 0002-630341 30 0,35 50 70 80Empfohlene Arbeitsdrehzahl ca. 50% der max. min -1PRODUCT FINDERThe fastest way to the best toolThe whole range at a glance.You start by deciding what you'll bedoing with the tool: brushing, polishing,satinising, grinding or a job needingone of our special tools.See right-hand page.1.Products arranged bymachine type.The icons and the easy access systemhelp you quickly find the right tool foryour surface treatment needs.Angle grindersPower DrillsSee right-hand edge of catalogue starting atthe "Product overview" page.High-speedmachines2.Your tool in detail.Once you've chosen a tool, the productintroduction tells you all its main,important features.Product introductions can be found at the startof each chapter, before the main page.Additional, machine-specific information islocated separately on the main pages beforethe products.3.The right one for the job.Clearly arranged in tables to make iteasy for you to choose the right tool forthe job.All information such as trim material,machine type and technical details ata glance.<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Introduction & technical informationWinkelpoliererund SatiniermaschinePRODUCT INTRODUCTIONBohrmaschine<strong>BRUSHES</strong>und WinkelschleiferOsborn <strong>brushes</strong> – first-class, brand-name toolsfor every application.rundBürsteGewellter drahtStationarymachines<strong>Hand</strong>bürstePoliermaschinePoliturenund PastenWinkelschleiferBohrmaschineund Geradschleifer115 -150 mmSatiniermaschineBürstenWinkelschleiferStahlGussstahlEdelstahlNE-MetallAluminiumWeichholzHartholzTrim materials:Steel wire, knottedSteel wire, crimpedSteel wire, stainlessBrass wireAbrasive bristleNylonNatural bristleProductillustration:Ø = DiameterA = Operating widthA = Keyway width (axle disc)T = Trim lengthL = LengthK = Body widthB = Bore (for machines)B = Width (for hand <strong>brushes</strong>)G = ThreadF = Chuck capacityC = Keyway heightS = Shaft diameterR = PipeProduction monitoredType testedProducts with this label areTÜV-certifiedFor more details,see pages 4/5Legend:UVPATBoreThreadMax.rotationVPERRPOperating widthTrim lengthA simple colour system indicatesthe trim material. Important extrainformation such as diameter, trimlength or body width is included in thecaption to the product illustration.Detailed explanations can be foundon the fold-out at the back of thecatalogue.max.SpecialWichtiger Hinweis:Spezial-Werkzeuge für verschiedene AnwendungenPOSInformationen & Konzepte für den Fachhandel8000


<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Introduction & technical informationPRODUCT INTRODUCTION<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Osborn <strong>brushes</strong> – first-class, brand-name tools for every application.There are any number of tasks and applications for a brush. But it's not just the job that determines which brush to use.The tool used and the surface to be finished are equally important. To ensure you always have the best brush in eachcase, you should entrust your surfaces to a brand-name brush. This is the only way to guarantee that everything from trimmaterial to brush shape is correct.Overview of the most common machine <strong>brushes</strong>:End <strong>brushes</strong>Cup <strong>brushes</strong>Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>For finishing solid orhollow rods, profiles,welded seams, cutedges, gears, grooves,narrow areas.Efficient finishing oflarge areas, weldingseams and metalplates.Accurate finishing ofinaccessible places andinner surfaces.Ideal tool for finishingcorners, edges orinaccessible places,as well as surfacecleaning.Can also be usedwithout problems indrills because of thelight plastic body.Ideal for finishing drillholes, threads or crossholes.Tube & internal<strong>brushes</strong>Flap wheel <strong>brushes</strong>Bevel <strong>brushes</strong>Brushes for manual useSPECIAL<strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong> and bristlesFor universal use.Brushes for special applications(strip <strong>brushes</strong>, fitting <strong>brushes</strong>,chimney sweeps, etc.) can be foundin the SPECIAL section.THE OSBORNADVANTAGEOsborn has the right brush for every application.As a professional partner to trade and industry, Osborn sells high-performancetools suitable for all applications throughout the world. You can rely on Osborn'smany years of experience and skill.10

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Introduction & technical informationTrim materials: the right material for every applicationFor our high end products, we only use trim materials that we have developed ourselves or which have been specificallyselected. Constant laboratory tests ensure high material quality. Your Osborn tool is always perfectly suited to a certaintype of brushing work. Our technical sales department will be pleased to advise you on the ideal trim material for your givenapplication.Steel wire, crimped• Most common trimming material• For flexible brushing tools• Suitable for light surface treatment and deburring operationsBrass-coated steel wire, cord wire• Cord wire with high tensile strength• For demanding brushing and deburring operations,suitable for structuringSteel wire, straight or knotted• For extreme brushing requirements• For brushing tools with less flexibility• Ideal for cleaning weld seam and removing heavy depositsof scale or corrosionTampico fibre• Pure plant fibre• For wet and dry cleaning operations• Heat-resistant• In combination with compound also suitable for polishingSpecial steel wire, crimped or knotted• Heavy duty steel wire with high tensile strength• High elongation and long brush life• For extreme brushing demandsHorse hair• Animal hair• For light cleaning operations• Suitable for sealingStainless steel wire, crimped, straight or knotted• Most commonly used alloy 1.4310 (1.4401/ 1.4571 availableon request)• This wire is used where residue from normal steel wire wouldcontaminate surfaces such as stainless steel, aluminium andother non-ferrous metals.Brass wire• Surface finishing on non-ferrous materials (copper and brass)Synthetic filaments• Highly flexible• Resistant to weak acids and alkaline solutions• Wear resistantAbrasive filament, aluminium oxide• Nylon filaments impregnated with abrasive grit• Light deburring of steel and non-ferrous metalsBrass-coated steel wire, mono wire• Single wires• High tensile strength• For demanding brushing and deburring operationsAbrasive filament, silicon carbide• Nylon filaments impregnated with silicon carbide• Uniform performance as new abrasive particles come to the surface• High elasticity with no danger of breakage• Long brush life• For deburring/descaling, roughening and grindingBrush trim and material suitability.The trim material determines the suitability of the selectedbrush for the surface to be finished.A quick overview of the suitability of your brush can be foundin the trim and material charts in the info headings on theproduct pages.TRIM AND MATERIALProduct available with:Steel wire, crimpedSteel wire, stainlessBrass wireSteelCast ironStainless steelNon-ferrous metalAluminiumSoftwoodHardwoodSimple equation:the right trim for the material being finished.11

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Introduction & technical informationEasy identification of the best trim material.The correct choice of trim material is very important in obtaining the best surface finish, because the desired result willonly be achieved by correctly matching the trim to the surface material being finished. The illustration below clearlyexplains the relationships involved in each stage of the process.E.g.: Paint removal from aluminium blank homogeneous surfaces by selection of steel wire, crimped, stainlessSurfaceDesired resultRecommended trim material andits propertiesRust/paintremoval• Non-ferrous metals & aluminium• Stainless steels• Blank, homogeneous surface• To remove severe contamination• To remove dirt incrustations• Blank, homogeneous surface• To remove severe contamination• To remove dirt incrustations• Steel wire, crimped, stainless (flexible)• Steel wire, knotted, stainless (aggressive)• Steel wire, straight, stainless (aggressive)• Steel wire, crimped (flexible)• Steel wire, knotted (aggressive)• Steel wire, straight (aggressive)Deburring,edge rounding• Non-ferrous metals & aluminium• Non-ferrous metals & steel• Stainless steels• Edge rounding, small radius• Medium – aggressive deburring• Medium – aggressive deburring• Abrasive filament brush (flexible)• Steel wire, crimped, stainless (flexible)• Steel wire, crimped (flexible)• Non-ferrous metals & aluminium• No material removal from welded seam• Steel wire, knotted, stainless (aggressive)Cleaningweld seams• Stainless steels• Aluminium surfaces• No material removal from welded seam• Removal of welding residues &oxide coatings without material removal• Steel wire, knotted (aggressive)• Steel wire, crimped, stainless (flexible)• All materials• Light surface roughening• Abrasive filament brush, coarse grit 40-120 (flexible)Roughening,smoothing• All materials• Stainless steels, INOX, aluminium• Brass, bronze, copper• Smoothing surfaces• Smoothing surfaces• Smoothing surfaces• Abrasive filament brush, fine 120-320 (flexible)• Steel wire, crimped, stainless, wires < 0.30 mm (flexible)• Brass wires (flexible)• Wood• Dust removal• Fibre (flexible)Sweeping,dedusting• All materials• All materials• Sealing, stripping• Cleaning• Horse hair (flexible)• Nylon, wire, natural bristle (flexible)Wood graining• Wood• Wood• Wood• Wood graining• Removing raised wood fibres• Smoothing/following contours• Steel wire with brass coating (hard)• Abrasive filament brush (hard)• Abrasive filament brush (fine)12

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Introduction & technical informationTECHNICALINFORMATIONSafe and operating speedsThe workplace safety regulations require the maximum safe speed to be observed. Detailscan be found in the product overview in this catalogue, on the packaging and on thebrush itself (see fig.). The definition of operating speed is based on the peripheralspeed and brush diameter. The ideal operating speed is generally significantly lowerthan the safe speed.Operating and clamping width of the brushThe operating width describes the contact surface between brush and workpiece.Press the trim together slightly to measure the operating width.The clamping width is measured between the washers (see fig. left).Contact us for more information on the clamping width.Brush diameter and trim lengthThe relationship between the diameter of the brush (brush body) and the length of thetrim determines how the brush operates. Generally speaking:Soft, flexible <strong>brushes</strong>, e.g. forfinishing structured workpiecesor surface cleaning.Trim lengthBrush body ØMore aggressivebrushing, e.g. fordeburring or removingimpurities.Ideal position of brush in relation to workpieceThe contact pressure of a brush is defined by factors such as its insertion depth in theworkpiece.Our recommendation is 3 times the filament diameter, e.g. 1.0 mm insertion depth for awire thickness of 0.35 mm.The ideal position also ensures less wear. Our application engineers will be glad toadvise.Brush trim densityThe trim density is determined by the number of wire tips per surface unit.High trim densities are best for cutting performance and service life (e.g. deburring).Lower trim densities increase brush flexibility and are required for finishing intricatelyshaped surfaces.Any questions? We'll be glad to help: service@osborn.de13

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Introduction & technical informationImportant safety instructionsFor efficient and safe use, alwayschoose the maximum possible brushdiameter that can be fitted to thegrinder.As mentioned in the section onoperating speeds, the brush diameterdefines the peripheral speed. It canalso affect brush performance.The table below provides a summary.Installation instructionsPlease read before fitting the brush:• The speed of the drive shaft on yourmachine should not exceed themaximum safe speed of the brush.• The length of the shaft should besufficient to ensure a firm fit in thechuck.• Brushes with a clamping shank can beinstalled without problem in standardcollet chucks.• The connecting threads on the<strong>brushes</strong> have flats for simpleinstallation and removal.rpmBrush diameter in mm20 40 50 80 100 125 150 180 200 250 300 350800 3,35 4,19 5,23 6,28 7,53 8,37 10,47 12,56 14,75900 2,35 3,77 4,71 5,88 7,06 8,48 9,41 11,77 14,12 16,471.150 3,01 4,81 6,01 7,52 9,02 10,83 12,03 15,04 18,04 21,041.200 1,25 2,51 3,14 5,02 6,28 7,85 9,41 11,30 12,55 15,69 18,83 21,971.400 1,46 2,93 3,66 5,86 7,32 9,15 10,98 13,18 14,64 18,31 21,97 25,631.500 1,57 3,14 3,92 6,28 7,85 9,81 11,77 14,13 15,69 19,61 23,54 27,461.800 1,88 3,77 4,71 7,54 9,41 11,77 14,12 16,95 18,83 23,54 28,24 32,952.000 2,09 4,19 5,23 8,37 10,26 13,08 15,69 18,84 20,92 26,15 31,38 36,612.500 2,62 5,23 6,54 10,47 13,08 16,35 19,61 23,55 26,15 32,67 39,23 45,762.800 2,93 5,86 7,32 11,72 14,64 18,31 21,97 26,37 29,29 36,61 43,93 51,253.000 3,14 6,28 7,85 12,56 15,69 19,62 23,54 28,26 31,38 39,23 47,07 54,923.200 3,35 6,70 8,37 13,40 16,74 20,92 25,10 30,14 33,47 41,84 50,12 58,583.500 3,66 7,33 9,15 14,65 18,31 22,89 27,46 32,97 36,61 45,76 54,92 64,074.000 4,19 8,37 10,46 16,75 20,92 26,16 31,38 37,68 41,84 52,33 62,76 73,224.500 4,70 9,42 11,77 18,84 23,54 29,43 35,30 42,40 47,07 58,84 70,61 82,435.000 5,23 10,47 13,08 20,93 26,15 32,70 39,23 47,10 52,33 65,38 78,505.400 5,65 11,30 14,12 22,94 28,24 35,31 42,36 50,67 56,48 70,61 84,786.000 6,28 12,56 15,69 25,12 31,38 39,24 47,07 56,52 62,76 78,507.000 7,33 14,66 18,31 29,31 36,61 45,78 54,92 65,94 73,22 91,588.000 8,37 16,75 20,92 33,94 41,48 52,32 62,76 75,36 83,739.000 9,42 18,84 23,54 37,68 47,07 58,86 70,61 84,78 94,2010.000 10,47 20,93 26,17 41,86 52,33 65,40 78,50 94,2012.500 13,08 26,17 32,71 52,33 65,42 81,75 98,1315.000 15,70 31,40 39,25 62,8017.500 18,32 36,63 45,79 73,2620.000 20,93 41,87 52,33 83,7322.500 23,55 47,10 58,88 94,2025.000 26,17 52,33 65,42 104,66Safe peripheral speeds:Guide values for safe peripheral speeds are, for example, 30-35 m/sec. for <strong>brushes</strong> with crimped wire,and 18-22 m/sec. for <strong>brushes</strong> with abrasive filaments and synthetic compound trim materials.Brushes with knotted wire should be used in angle grinders at max. 85 m/sec., and stationary machinesat max. 45 m/sec.Important:<strong>Hand</strong> tools should only be fitted with <strong>brushes</strong> up to a max. OD of 180 mm.General safety instructionsWear protective clothing to protect yourself frominjury.More safety instructions and examples of usagecan also be found on the Internet.For more information*clickwww.osborn-app.com* Network chargesapply for the useof mobile websites.14

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Angle grinders<strong>BRUSHES</strong> FOR ANGLE GRINDERS15

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Angle grindersImportant user informationBrushes for angle grindersTo be noted when selecting your <strong>brushes</strong> andusing angle grinders:1. Typical brush types for angle grindersPlease note:Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>Available with knottedand crimped wire.Cup <strong>brushes</strong>Available with knotted andcrimped wire, as well asabrasive filaments.When deciding on a suitablediameter for a brass wire cupbrush, do not forget that itwill flare during operation.The key factor in determiningthe maximum possible brushdiameter is therefore the sizeof the safety guard.Bevel <strong>brushes</strong>Available with knottedand crimped wire.2. Determining the operating speedThe maximum operating speed of a brush depends on its diameter. As in the case of a bicycle wheel, the larger it is thefewer turns are needed to cover a particular distance.The most common speeds are colour-coded to clearly show the differences and for ease of understanding:Diameter: Ø 115 mm Ø 125 mm Ø 150 mm Ø 180 mm Ø 230 mm(4 1 /2 ”)(5”)(6”)(7”)(9”)Operating speed: 12,500 rpm 11,000 rpm 8,500 rpm 8,500 rpm 6,500 rpm3. Which brush for which angle grinder?Brush type & trimBrush Ø60 65 75 80 90 100 115 120 125 150 178Wheel brush, knotted 115 115 125 150 180Wheel brush, crimped 115 115Cup brush, knotted 115 125 150 180 230Cup brush, crimped 115 125 150 150 / 180 230 230Cup, abrasive 150** adjustable115 mmThe machine information on the packagingThe machine icon on all Osborn packaging will also show themaximum permitted machine size.16

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Angle grindersWheel <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wire115-150The ideal working width for every application.mmØ A T B G Adapter min-1 pcs.100 12 20 22,2 K 12500 8115 10 20 22,2 12500 12115 12 23 22,2 K 12500 10115 12 23 M14x2,0 12500 6115 6 19 22,2 12500 10125 12 27 22,2 12500 12125 13 28 22,2 K 12500 8125 13 28 M14x2,0 12500 8125 6 24 22,2 12500 8150 13 37 22,2 K 12000 5178 13 42 22,2 K 10000 6* TÜV-Certification planned.0,35 RRP 0,50 RRP 0,80 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-621 131 14,35 0002-621 151 14,001902-631 151 * 15,450002-631 131 16,50 0002-631 151 16,050402-631 131 18,60 0402-631 151 18,109502-626 301 21,30 9502-626 501 20,751922-631 151 * 15,456152-631 131 18,60 2202-631 151 18,101402-631 131 20,60 1402-631 151 19,959502-626 311 23,00 9502-626 251 22,200002-641 131 21,75 0002-641 151 19,65 0002-641 181 18,450002-653 131 25,25 0002-653 151 24,90 0002-653 181 23,90mmØ A T B G Adapter min-1 pcs.100 12 20 22,2 K 12500 4115 6 22,2 4115 12 23 22,2 K 12500 4115 12 23 M14x2,0 12500 4125 6 22,2 3125 13 28 22,2 K 12500 3125 13 28 M14x2,0 12500 3150 13 37 22,2 K 12500 3178 13 42 22,2 K 10000 3* TÜV-Certification planned.0,35 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-621 351 30,059502-626 650 * 32,200002-631 331 37,50 0002-631 351 34,300402-631 331 39,90 0402-631 351 36,509502-626 651 34,052202-631 331 39,25 2202-631 351 36,151402-631 331 39,95 1402-631 351 37,150002-641 351 57,700002-653 351 81,85F-adaptermmØ B pcs.5/8" 1/2" 17/8" 3/8" 17/8" 1/2" 17/8" 5/8" 1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-000 223 0,300003-000 242 0,350003-000 243 0,350003-000 244 0,3517

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Angle grindersWheel <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wire115-150mmØ A T B min-1 pcs.115 12 23 22,2 12500 10125 13 28 22,2 12500 8178 13 42 22,2 12500 60,35 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1202-631 131 15,85 1202-631 151 15,451212-631 131 17,90 1212-631 151 17,401202-653 131 24,30 1202-653 151 23,95Special clockwise and anti-clockwise twistsensure brush will wear evenly.Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wire115mmØ A T G min-1 pcs.100 12 20 M14x2,0 12500 6115 12 28 M14x2,0 12500 60,35CordwireRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €2802-522 051 10,752812-522 051 11,55Suitable for an antique finish on wood.18

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Angle grindersWheel <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filament150-180mmØ A T B G Adapter min-1 pcs.140 55 30 M14 4500 6Novofil 46 RRP Novofil 60 RRP Novofil 80 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €5421-401 913 26,60 5411-401 913 26,60 5401-401 913 26,60mmØ A T B G Adapter min-1 pcs.140 55 30 M14 4500 6Novofil 120 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €5431-401 913 26,60Cup <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wire115mmØ T B G min-1 pcs.65 20 16 12500 1065 20 M10x1,25 12500 1065 20 M10x1,5 12500 1065 20 M12x1,5 12500 1065 20 M14x2,0 12500 1065 20 M14x2,0 2565 30 M14x2,0 12500 10* TÜV-Certification planned.0,35 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1602-608 131 11,55 1602-608 151 10,702352-608 131 11,55 2352-608 151 10,700102-608 131 11,55 0102-608 151 10,701162-608 151 10,700002-608 131 11,55 0002-608 151 10,701942-608 151 * 10,703892-608 131 13,95mmØ T B G min-1 pcs.65 20 16 12500 665 20 M10x1,25 12500 665 20 M10x1,5 12500 665 20 M14x2,0 12500 60,35 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1602-608 331 23,702352-608 331 24,15 2352-608 351 23,350102-608 331 24,15 0102-608 351 23,350002-608 331 24,15 0002-608 351 23,3519

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Angle grindersCup <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wire125mmØ T G min-1 pcs.75 20 M14x2,0 11000 1075 20 5/8 Zoll 11000 100,35 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9908-608 132 21,85 9908-608 152 21,359918-608 132 21,85 9918-608 152 21,35Removable support rings prevent deflectionof trim. Once trim is worn, support ring canbe removed to use remaining trim.Cup <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wire150-230Removable support rings prevent deflectionof trim. Once trim is worn, support ring canbe removed to use remaining trim.mmØ T B G min-1 pcs.80 5/8 Zoll 8500 680 M14x2,0 8500 680 22,2 8500 6100 22,2 8500 3100 M14x2,0 8500 3100 5/8 Zoll 8500 3120 22,2 6500 4120 M14x2,0 6500 4120 5/8 Zoll 6500 40,35 RRP 0,50 RRP 0,80 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0802-608 133 27,45 0802-608 153 25,20 0802-608 183 24,600002-608 133 27,45 0002-608 153 25,20 0002-608 183 24,600002-607 133 23,00 0002-607 153 21,50 0002-607 183 20,750002-607 134 28,10 0002-607 154 26,05 0002-607 184 25,450002-608 134 31,90 0002-608 154 29,90 0002-608 184 29,000802-608 134 31,90 0802-608 154 29,90 0802-608 184 29,000002-607 135 35,90 0002-607 155 32,85 0002-607 185 31,500002-608 135 37,90 0002-608 155 36,75 0002-608 185 35,950802-608 135 37,90 0802-608 155 36,75 0802-608 185 35,95mmØ T B G min-1 pcs.80 M14x2,0 6500 3100 22,2 8500 3100 M14x2,0 8500 30,35 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-608 333 58,65 0002-608 353 54,100002-607 354 56,300002-608 334 61,35 0002-608 354 59,5020

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Angle grindersCup <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filament150-180mmØ A T B G Adapter min-1 pcs.130 70 40 M14x2,0 4130 70 50 M14x2,0 4Fibre 23,2 RRP Novofil 46 RRP Novofil 60 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €3101-614 946 33,959301-614 916 31,30 9311-614 916 31,30Particularly suitable for finishing or denibbing.mmØ A T B G Adapter min-1 pcs.130 70 50 M14x2,0 4Novofil 80 RRP Novofil 120 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9321-614 916 31,30 9331-614 916 31,30Bevel <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wire115-125Particularly suitable for processinginaccessable areas e.g. angles, edges orcorners.mmØ A T B G Adapter min-1 pcs.100 13 22 16 12500 10100 13 22 M10x1,25 12500 10100 13 22 M10x1,5 12500 10100 13 22 M14x2,0 12500 10100 13 22 M14x2,0 12115 15 20 16 12500 10115 15 20 M14x2,0 12500 10115 15 20 5/8 Zoll 12500 10* TÜV-Certification planned.mmØ A T B G Adapter min-1 pcs.100 13 22 M14x2,0 12500 100,30 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1602-622 151 13,752352-622 151 13,750102-622 131 14,25 0102-622 151 13,750002-622 131 14,25 0002-622 151 13,751932-622 151 * 13,201602-632 151 19,800002-632 131 20,45 0002-632 151 19,800802-632 131 20,45 0802-632 151 19,800,3022 KnotsRRP0,5022 KnotsRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-623 131 16,85 0002-623 151 16,35mmØ A T B G Adapter min-1 pcs.100 13 22 M10x1,25 12500 5100 13 22 M10x1,5 12500 5100 13 22 M14x2,0 12500 5115 15 20 M14x2,0 12500 5115 15 20 5/8 Zoll 12500 50,30 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €2352-622 351 20,200102-622 331 20,70 0102-622 351 20,200002-622 331 20,70 0002-622 351 20,200002-632 331 35,65 0002-632 351 35,000802-632 331 35,65 0802-632 351 35,00mmØ A T B G Adapter min-1 pcs.100 13 22 M14x2,0 12500 50,3022 KnotsRRP0,5022 KnotsRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-623 331 23,75 0002-623 351 23,2523

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Angle grindersBevel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wire115Particularly suitable for processinginaccessable areas e.g. angles, edges orcorners.mmØ A T B G Adapter min-1 pcs.100 20 20 M10x1,25 12500 5100 20 20 M10x1,25 12500 10100 20 20 M10 12500 10100 20 20 M10x1,5 12500 5100 20 20 M10x1,5 12500 10100 10 20 M10x1,5 12500 10100 20 20 M14x2,0 12500 5100 20 20 M14x2,0 12500 10100 10 20 M14x2,0 12500 10100 10 20 16 12500 100,30 RRP 0,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €2352-512 342 34,25 2352-512 362 29,152352-512 162 14,152352-512 161 10,700102-512 342 32,40 0102-512 362 29,150102-512 162 14,150102-512 161 10,700002-512 342 34,25 0002-512 362 29,150002-512 162 14,150002-512 161 10,701602-512 161 10,7024

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drills<strong>BRUSHES</strong> FOR POWER DRILLS25

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsImportant user informationBrushes for power drillsTo be noted when selecting your <strong>brushes</strong> andusing power drills:1. General user informationThe <strong>brushes</strong> on the following pages are suitable for all brands of power drills. It does not matter whether you are using a1- or 2-speed machine or a percussion drill.The recommended speed is approx. 1,500 - 3,500 rpm2. Typical brush types for power drillsPlease note:Cup and end <strong>brushes</strong>flare during operation.Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>Available with knottedand crimped wire, as wellas abrasive filaments orplastic-bonded wires.Cup <strong>brushes</strong>Available with knottedand crimped wire, as wellas abrasive filaments andplastic-bonded wires.End <strong>brushes</strong>Available with crimpedwire, abrasive filamentsand plastic-bonded wires.Flap wheel <strong>brushes</strong>Available with crimpedwire, abrasive filaments orTampico fibre.Pipe <strong>brushes</strong>Available with steel wireor abrasive filaments.The machine information on the packaging anddisplaysDetails on machine suitability can also be found on the machineicons on Osborn packaging and counter and shelf displays.26

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsWheel <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wiremmØ A T B Shank min-1 pcs.75 12 15 13 20000 1275 12 18 6 20000 120,35 RRP 0,50 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-611 131 9,55 0002-611 151 9,200202-611 131 10,00 0202-611 151 9,85 0202-611 351 18,95Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireRecommended number of revolutions:approx. 50% of max. -1. Specification A canvary depending on wire type and strength.mmØ A T min-1 pcs.20 6 4 20000 1020 9 4 20000 1030 6 6 20000 1030 9 6 20000 1030 12 6 20000 1040 7 10 18000 1040 11 10 18000 1040 16 10 18000 1050 10 13 15000 1050 17 13 15000 1050 23 13 15000 1060 12 15 15000 1060 18 15 15000 1060 23 15 15000 1070 11 15 15000 1070 18 15 15000 1070 23 15 15000 1080 19 20 15000 100,15 RRP 0,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-501 132 7,60 0002-501 142 7,300002-501 143 10,000002-502 141 4,900002-502 132 7,30 0002-502 142 6,000002-502 143 8,650002-503 141 4,650002-503 132 7,65 0002-503 142 6,750002-503 143 8,900002-504 141 5,00 0002-504 161 4,500002-504 132 7,95 0002-504 142 6,95 0002-504 162 6,300002-504 143 9,30 0002-504 163 9,000002-505 141 5,15 0002-505 161 4,800002-505 132 9,05 0002-505 142 7,60 0002-505 162 6,950002-505 143 11,15 0002-505 163 9,900002-506 141 5,30 0002-506 161 5,200002-506 132 10,45 0002-506 142 8,30 0002-506 162 7,200002-506 143 11,30 0002-506 163 10,100002-507 142 8,65 0002-507 162 8,35mmØ A T min-1 pcs.70 10 14 15000 100,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €5183-506 192 13,50Continue next page.27

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsWheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireRecommended number of revolutions:approx. 50% of max. -1. Specification A canvary depending on wire type and strength.mmØ A T min-1 pcs.20 6 4 20000 1020 9 4 20000 1030 6 6 20000 1030 9 6 20000 1030 12 6 20000 1040 7 10 18000 1040 11 10 18000 1040 16 10 18000 1050 10 13 15000 1050 17 13 15000 1050 23 13 15000 1060 12 15 15000 1060 18 15 15000 1060 23 15 15000 1070 11 15 15000 1070 18 15 15000 1070 23 15 15000 1080 10 20 12000 1080 19 20 12000 100,15 RRP 0,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-501 332 14,80 0002-501 342 13,500002-501 333 16,85 0002-501 343 15,950002-502 341 6,250002-502 332 8,60 0002-502 342 8,000002-502 333 13,20 0002-502 343 12,950002-503 331 8,00 0002-503 341 7,750002-503 332 12,65 0002-503 342 11,600002-503 333 16,75 0002-503 343 16,450002-504 341 6,75 0002-504 361 6,200002-504 332 14,15 0002-504 342 13,20 0002-504 362 12,950002-504 343 17,60 0002-504 363 16,850002-505 341 7,65 0002-505 361 6,500002-505 332 15,25 0002-505 342 14,60 0002-505 362 14,150002-505 343 17,25 0002-505 363 17,600002-506 341 7,75 0002-506 361 7,550002-506 332 16,80 0002-506 342 15,00 0002-506 362 14,400002-506 343 17,90 0002-506 363 18,755162-507 361 10,250002-507 342 15,05 0002-507 362 16,05mmØ A T min-1 pcs.20 9 4 20000 1030 9 6 20000 1040 11 10 18000 1050 17 13 15000 1060 18 15 15000 1070 18 15 15000 1080 19 20 12000 100,20 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-501 542 13,400002-502 542 7,250002-503 542 8,750002-504 542 10,450002-505 542 11,450002-506 542 12,900002-507 542 15,70Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireDo-it-yourself type for max. 4500 min-1.mmØ A T min-1 pcs.40 5 10 4500 2050 7 10 4500 2063 9 13 4500 2075 10 16 4500 1075 10 22 4500 1075 15 16 4500 10100 12 22 4500 10100 17 22 4500 100,30 RRP 0,20 RRP 0,20 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-600 111 2,25 0008-600 121 2,000003-600 211 2,40 0008-600 221 2,000003-600 311 2,65 0008-600 321 2,250008-600 411 2,65 0003-601 411 2,65 0502-600 451 4,000008-600 421 2,650003-600 412 4,60 0008-600 422 4,450008-600 511 4,10 0008-600 521 3,850008-600 522 5,80mmØ A T min-1 pcs.75 10 16 4500 40075 10 16 4500 10100 10 22 4500 100,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0008-600 431 6,800008-600 432 6,050008-600 531 9,4528

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsWheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireDo-it-yourself type for max. 4500 min-1.mmØ A T B min-1 pcs.50 7 10 3/8 Zoll 4500 2050 7 10 9,5 mm 4500 2063 9 13 9,5 mm 4500 2063 9 13 3/8 Zoll 4500 2075 10 16 1/2 Zoll 4500 1075 10 16 3/8 Zoll 4500 1075 10 16 9,5 mm 4500 1075 10 16 12,7 mm 4500 10100 13 22 12,7 mm 4500 10100 12 22 12,7 mm 4500 100,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-601 211 2,300008-601 221 2,000008-601 321 2,250003-601 311 2,350003-601 411 2,650123-601 411 2,650128-601 421 2,650008-601 421 2,650002-601 511 3,850008-601 521 3,85Drive arborType ImmØ Zoll pcs.10 113 112,7 1/2 Zoll 16,35 1/4 Zoll 19,52 3/8 Zoll 1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-000 100 8,850003-000 130 11,700004-000 127 11,700004-000 063 8,850004-000 095 8,8529

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsDrive arborType IImmØ Zoll pcs.9,5 3/8 Zoll 112,7 1/2 Zoll 115,9 5/8 Zoll 1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9907-075 128 16,759907-075 129 16,759907-075 130 16,75Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ A T min-1 pcs.80 35 25 4000 10,25CordwireRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0908-507 061 15,95Particularly suitable for brushing out annual(year) rings. Supplied on 8mm shaft.30

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsWheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ A T min-1 pcs.63 8 20 15000 1276 8 26 15000 120,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-911 941 14,650002-911 951 15,00Resin-bonded, 10 fold service life, no wirebreakage.Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ A T min-1 pcs.75 16 10 4500 10100 23 10 4500 10Grit 80RedRRPGrit 180BlueRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0802-600 491 8,55 0182-600 491 8,550802-600 591 9,30 0182-600 591 9,30New: Grittyflex red with 50% more performancedue to silicon carbide trim with highergrit content.31

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsWheel <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ A T S min-1 pcs.40 12 10 6 4500 1050 12 12 6 4500 1060 12 15 6 4500 1070 12 20 6 4500 1080 12 22 6 4500 10Novofil 120 RRP Novofil 180 RRP Novofil 320 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €8603-503 911 11,85 8623-503 911 11,85 8613-503 911 11,858603-504 911 12,60 8623-504 911 12,60 8613-504 911 12,608603-505 911 13,05 8623-505 911 13,05 8613-505 911 13,058603-506 911 14,30 8623-506 911 14,30 8613-506 911 14,308603-507 911 21,95 8623-507 911 21,95 8613-507 911 21,95Cup <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wiremmØ T min-1 pcs.65 23 6000 120,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1004-608 151 10,6532

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsCup <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ T min-1 pcs.50 17 4500 2060 20 4500 1075 20 4500 1080 23 4500 100,20 RRP 0,30 RRP 0,20 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0008-600 811 2,35 0008-600 821 2,30 0023-600 851 3,550003-600 813 2,65 0008-600 823 2,750008-600 911 3,00 0008-600 921 2,900003-601 911 4,00 0008-601 921 2,90Do-it-yourself type for max. 4500 min-1.mmØ T min-1 pcs.50 17 4500 40075 20 4500 100,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0008-600 831 6,35 0008-600 832 5,800008-600 361 8,70Cup <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ T min-1 pcs.50 15 15000 60,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-930 821 16,85Resin-bonded, 10 fold service life, no wirebreakage.33

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsCup <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ T min-1 pcs.50 17 4500 1075 23 4500 10Grit 80RedRRPGrit 180BlueRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0802-600 891 8,15 0182-600 891 8,150802-600 991 9,80 0182-600 991 9,80New: Grittyflex red with 50% more performancedue to silicon carbide trim with highergrit content.Cup <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ T min-1 pcs.45 20 8000 1050 20 4500 1060 25 4500 1070 45 5000 10Novofil 180 RRP Novofil 320 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €5103-607 914 9,80 8733-607 912 9,808703-607 912 15,95 8743-607 912 15,958713-607 912 17,55 8753-607 912 17,558703-607 913 17,65 8713-607 913 17,6534

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsEnd <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireParticularly suitable for processing inaccessableand internal areas.mmØ T L min-1 pcs.10 20 40 20000 1217 25 45 18000 1225 25 50 18000 1230 25 45 15000 12mmØ T L min-1 pcs.10 20 40 20000 1217 25 45 18000 1225 25 50 18000 1230 25 45 15000 120,20 RRP 0,30 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-509 141 4,30 0003-509 161 3,80 0003-509 191 3,750002-509 142 4,40 0002-509 162 3,95 0002-509 192 3,850002-509 143 5,05 0002-509 163 4,80 0002-509 193 4,700002-509 144 7,75 0002-509 164 7,30 0002-509 194 7,200,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-509 341 6,40 0003-509 361 5,350002-509 342 7,10 0002-509 362 6,150002-509 343 8,85 0002-509 363 7,800002-509 344 12,70 0002-509 364 11,85mmØ T L min-1 pcs.10 20 40 20000 1217 25 45 18000 1225 25 50 18000 1230 25 45 15000 120,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-509 541 6,20 0003-509 561 5,200002-509 542 6,80 0002-509 562 6,050002-509 543 8,50 0002-509 563 6,200002-509 544 11,20 0002-509 564 9,20End <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireDo-it-yourself type for max. 4500 min-1.mmØ T L min-1 pcs.12 20 45 4500 2017 25 45 4500 1225 25 50 4500 1225 30 50 4500 1230 35 50 4500 120,30 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0008-509 161 2,150008-509 162 2,400008-509 363 5,200008-509 163 2,600008-509 164 3,1535

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsEnd <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ T K L min-1 pcs.17 24 16 43 15000 1224 23 23 43 15000 1231 23 29 43 15000 120,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-930 902 11,400002-930 907 12,150002-930 912 14,55Resin-bonded, 10 fold service life, no wirebreakage.End <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ T K L min-1 pcs.25 25 22 45 5000 12Grit 80RedRRPGrit 180BlueRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0812-509 913 4,15 1812-509 913 4,15The fill material of these <strong>brushes</strong> adaptsitself ideally to the profile of the workpiece withou damaging the surface. Duringuse, new abrasive grits are continuouslyexposed, so giving optimum abrasive performance.36

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsEnd <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ T K L min-1 pcs.10 25 10 50 4500 1215 25 15 43 4500 1222 25 22 50 4500 1228 25 28 45 4500 12Novofil 120 RRP Novofil 180 RRP Novofil 320 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1802-509 911 19,15 3202-509 911 19,151202-509 912 20,40 1802-509 912 20,40 3202-509 912 20,401202-509 913 23,55 1802-509 913 23,55 3202-509 913 23,551202-509 914 27,90 1802-509 914 27,90 3202-509 914 27,90New grit particles are continually revealedso that stock removal is constant.Flap wheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ A T min-1 pcs.100 23 25 3500 5100 25 25 3500 5* brass-coated0,30zinckedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0004-401 132 7,950004-401 052 * 7,9537

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsFlap wheel <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive / natural FibremmØ A T min-1 pcs.100 23 25 3500 5100 25 25 3500 5Grit 80RedRRPGrit 180BlueRRP Fibre RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-401 912 11,40 0011-401 912 11,400004-401 942 8,05Tampico fibre trim particularly suitable forpolishing and cleaning.Tube & internal <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ A L G pcs.10 100 140 M 6 1012 100 140 M 6 1014 100 140 M 6 1015 100 140 5/16 Zoll 1018 100 140 5/16 Zoll 520 100 140 5/16 Zoll 100,15 RRP 0,20 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-815 210 6,100002-815 212 6,350002-815 214 6,500002-812 215 6,200002-812 218 6,300002-812 220 6,40mmØ A L G pcs.25 100 160 1/2 Zoll 530 100 160 1/2 Zoll 532 100 160 1/2 Zoll 538 100 160 1/2 Zoll 540 100 160 1/2 Zoll 544 100 160 1/2 Zoll 550 100 160 1/2 Zoll 50,20 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-808 125 6,500002-808 130 6,750002-808 132 6,800002-808 138 6,950002-808 140 7,200002-808 144 7,350002-808 150 7,5538

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsTube & internal <strong>brushes</strong>straight wiremmØ A L G pcs.25 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 528 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 530 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 538 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 540 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 544 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 550 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 557 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 563 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 575 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 50,25 RRP 0,30 RRP 0,35 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-810 125 9,500003-810 128 9,850003-810 130 9,900003-810 138 10,300003-810 140 10,600003-810 144 10,650003-810 150 10,850003-810 157 11,200002-808 163 7,800002-808 175 8,85mmØ A L G pcs.69 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 582 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 5100 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 5101 100 160 1/2 Zoll BSW 50,40 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-810 169 11,550003-810 182 12,700002-808 100 10,250003-810 100 13,85Tube & internal <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentDeburring cross-holes, control parts, O-Ringgrooves and cylindrical bores. Recommendation:Brushes should be 10-15% largerthan the bore.mmØ A L pcs.6 50 125 128 50 125 1210 50 125 1213 50 125 1216 50 125 1219 65 125 1222 65 125 1225 65 125 1232 65 125 1238 65 125 1250 65 125 12Novofil 80 RRP Novofil 120 RRP Novofil 320 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-056 306 8,800003-056 308 8,800003-056 010 7,20 0003-056 310 7,200002-056 011 7,40 0002-056 311 7,400002-056 012 7,60 0002-056 312 7,600002-056 013 7,85 0002-056 333 7,850002-056 014 7,90 0002-056 334 7,900002-056 015 8,15 0002-056 335 8,150002-056 016 9,90 0002-056 336 9,900002-056 017 10,55 0002-056 337 10,550002-056 018 11,75 0002-056 338 11,7539

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsWheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ A T S min-1 pcs.50 4500 2063 4500 2075 4500 10100 4500 100,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1008-600 221 2,001008-600 321 2,251008-600 421 2,651008-600 521 3,85With ¼" hexagon-shank for quick-change of<strong>brushes</strong>. Fits in any bit holder and currentdrill chuck.Cup <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ T min-1 pcs.50 17 4500 2075 20 4500 1075 20 4500 120,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1008-600 821 2,301008-600 921 2,901008-603 162 6,95With ¼" hexagon-shank for quick-change of<strong>brushes</strong>. Fits in any bit holder and currentdrill chuck.40

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsEnd <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ T L min-1 pcs.17 25 4500 1225 30 4500 1230 25 4500 120,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1008-509 162 2,401008-509 163 2,601008-509 164 3,15With ¼" hexagon-shank for quick-change of<strong>brushes</strong>. Fits in any bit holder and currentdrill chuck.Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wiremmØ A T S min-1 pcs.75 4500 120,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1008-611 151 9,85With ¼" hexagon-shank for quick-change of<strong>brushes</strong>. Fits in any bit holder and currentdrill chuck.41

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsWheel <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ A T min-1 pcs.75 4500 10100 4500 10Grit 80RedRRPGrit 180BlueRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1018-600 491 8,55 1008-600 491 8,551018-600 591 9,30 1008-600 591 9,30With ¼" hexagon-shank for quick-change of<strong>brushes</strong>. Fits in any bit holder and currentdrill chuck.Cup <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ T min-1 pcs.50 4500 1075 4500 10Grit 80RedRRPGrit 180BlueRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1018-600 891 8,15 1008-600 891 8,151018-600 991 9,80 1008-600 991 9,80With ¼" hexagon-shank for quick-change of<strong>brushes</strong>. Fits in any bit holder and currentdrill chuck.42

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsEnd <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ T L min-1 pcs.25 4500 12Grit 80RedRRPGrit 180BlueRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1018-509 913 4,15 1008-509 913 4,15With ¼" hexagon-shank for quick-change of<strong>brushes</strong>. Fits in any bit holder and currentdrill chuck.Flap wheel <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ A T S min-1 pcs.100 4500 5Grit 80RedRRPGrit 180BlueRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1018-401 912 11,40 1008-401 912 11,40With ¼" hexagon-shank for quick-change of<strong>brushes</strong>. Fits in any bit holder and currentdrill chuck.43

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Power drillsshankpcs.5RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1008-000 121 5,20Holder for tools with quick-change shank,max. 4500 rpm.44

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>High-speed machines<strong>BRUSHES</strong> FOR HIGH-SPEED MACHINES45

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>High-speed machinesImportant user informationBrushes for high-speed machinesTo be noted when selecting your <strong>brushes</strong> andusing high-speed machines:1. General user informationThanks to their reinforced components and especially rigid clamping characteristics, the <strong>brushes</strong> on the following pagesare suitable for common brands of high-speed equipment (e.g. straight grinders, pneumatic tools).2. Typical <strong>brushes</strong> for high-speed machinesPlease note:End <strong>brushes</strong> flare duringoperation.Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>Available with knottedand crimped wire.End <strong>brushes</strong>Available with knottedand crimped wire, as wellas extra-long shaft andspecial shapes.The machine information on the packaging anddisplaysDetails on machine suitability can also be found on the machineicons found on Osborn packaging and counter and shelf displays.46

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>High-speed machinesWheel <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wiremmØ A T B Shank min-1 pcs.75 12 15 13 20000 1275 12 18 6 20000 120,35 RRP 0,50 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-611 131 9,55 0002-611 151 9,200202-611 131 10,00 0202-611 151 9,85 0202-611 351 18,95Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireRecommended number of revolutions:approx. 50% of max. -1. Specification A canvary depending on wire type and strength.mmØ A T min-1 pcs.20 6 4 20000 1020 9 4 20000 1030 6 6 20000 1030 9 6 20000 1030 12 6 20000 1040 7 10 18000 1040 11 10 18000 1040 16 10 18000 1050 10 13 15000 1050 17 13 15000 1050 23 13 15000 1060 12 15 15000 1060 18 15 15000 1060 23 15 15000 1070 11 15 15000 1070 18 15 15000 1070 23 15 15000 1080 19 20 15000 100,15 RRP 0,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-501 132 7,60 0002-501 142 7,300002-501 143 10,000002-502 141 4,900002-502 132 7,30 0002-502 142 6,000002-502 143 8,650002-503 141 4,650002-503 132 7,65 0002-503 142 6,750002-503 143 8,900002-504 141 5,00 0002-504 161 4,500002-504 132 7,95 0002-504 142 6,95 0002-504 162 6,300002-504 143 9,30 0002-504 163 9,000002-505 141 5,15 0002-505 161 4,800002-505 132 9,05 0002-505 142 7,60 0002-505 162 6,950002-505 143 11,15 0002-505 163 9,900002-506 141 5,30 0002-506 161 5,200002-506 132 10,45 0002-506 142 8,30 0002-506 162 7,200002-506 143 11,30 0002-506 163 10,100002-507 142 8,65 0002-507 162 8,35mmØ A T min-1 pcs.70 10 14 15000 100,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €5183-506 192 13,50Continue next page.47

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>High-speed machinesWheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireRecommended number of revolutions:approx. 50% of max. -1. Specification A canvary depending on wire type and strength.mmØ A T min-1 pcs.20 6 4 20000 1020 9 4 20000 1030 6 6 20000 1030 9 6 20000 1030 12 6 20000 1040 7 10 18000 1040 11 10 18000 1040 16 10 18000 1050 10 13 15000 1050 17 13 15000 1050 23 13 15000 1060 12 15 15000 1060 18 15 15000 1060 23 15 15000 1070 11 15 15000 1070 18 15 15000 1070 23 15 15000 1080 10 20 12000 1080 19 20 12000 100,15 RRP 0,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-501 332 14,80 0002-501 342 13,500002-501 333 16,85 0002-501 343 15,950002-502 341 6,250002-502 332 8,60 0002-502 342 8,000002-502 333 13,20 0002-502 343 12,950002-503 331 8,00 0002-503 341 7,750002-503 332 12,65 0002-503 342 11,600002-503 333 16,75 0002-503 343 16,450002-504 341 6,75 0002-504 361 6,200002-504 332 14,15 0002-504 342 13,20 0002-504 362 12,950002-504 343 17,60 0002-504 363 16,850002-505 341 7,65 0002-505 361 6,500002-505 332 15,25 0002-505 342 14,60 0002-505 362 14,150002-505 343 17,25 0002-505 363 17,600002-506 341 7,75 0002-506 361 7,550002-506 332 16,80 0002-506 342 15,00 0002-506 362 14,400002-506 343 17,90 0002-506 363 18,755162-507 361 10,250002-507 342 15,05 0002-507 362 16,05mmØ A T min-1 pcs.20 9 4 20000 1030 9 6 20000 1040 11 10 18000 1050 17 13 15000 1060 18 15 15000 1070 18 15 15000 1080 19 20 12000 100,20 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-501 542 13,400002-502 542 7,250002-503 542 8,750002-504 542 10,450002-505 542 11,450002-506 542 12,900002-507 542 15,7048

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>High-speed machinesEnd <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wiremmØ T L min-1 pcs.20 29 44 20000 1223 29 44 20000 1230 29 44 20000 120,26 RRP 0,35 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-630 328 24,200002-630 334 25,05 0002-630 335 24,900002-630 340 29,70 0002-630 341 29,10Altering the RPMs means that the diametercan also be varied.mmØ T L min-1 pcs.20 29 44 20000 1223 29 44 22000 1230 29 44 22000 120,26 RRP 0,35 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-630 304 15,85 0002-630 305 15,050002-630 310 17,05 0002-630 311 15,700002-630 316 20,90 0002-630 317 18,7049

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>High-speed machinesEnd <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wiremmØ T L min-1 pcs.10 26 72 15000 120,25 RRP 0,35 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9803-630 151 6,15 9803-630 171 6,05 9803-630 101 6,05Particularly suitable for areas that areextremely difficult to access.mmØ T L min-1 pcs.10 26 72 15000 120,25 RRP 0,35 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9803-630 351 7,00 9803-630 371 6,90 9803-630 301 6,90End <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireParticularly suitable for processing inaccessableand internal areas.mmØ T L min-1 pcs.10 20 40 20000 1217 25 45 18000 1225 25 50 18000 1230 25 45 15000 12mmØ T L min-1 pcs.10 20 40 20000 1217 25 45 18000 1225 25 50 18000 1230 25 45 15000 120,20 RRP 0,30 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-509 141 4,30 0003-509 161 3,80 0003-509 191 3,750002-509 142 4,40 0002-509 162 3,95 0002-509 192 3,850002-509 143 5,05 0002-509 163 4,80 0002-509 193 4,700002-509 144 7,75 0002-509 164 7,30 0002-509 194 7,200,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-509 341 6,40 0003-509 361 5,350002-509 342 7,10 0002-509 362 6,150002-509 343 8,85 0002-509 363 7,800002-509 344 12,70 0002-509 364 11,85mmØ T L min-1 pcs.10 20 40 20000 1217 25 45 18000 1225 25 50 18000 1230 25 45 15000 120,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-509 541 6,20 0003-509 561 5,200002-509 542 6,80 0002-509 562 6,050002-509 543 8,50 0002-509 563 6,200002-509 544 11,20 0002-509 564 9,2050

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>High-speed machinesEnd <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ T L min-1 pcs.10 20 100 9000 100,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-509 149 5,75 0003-509 169 5,25Extra long shape.mmØ T L min-1 pcs.10 20 100 9000 100,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-509 349 11,60 0003-509 369 10,70End <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ T L min-1 pcs.50 45 15000 570 45 15000 50,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-509 165 8,050002-509 167 10,1051

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>High-speed machinesEnd <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireFlat shape, high form stability.mmØ T L Type min-1 pcs.8 29 57 122 F 12000 129,5 29 55 123 F 12000 1210 27 158 121 F/L 12000 612 29 60 124 F 12000 1212 55 55 302 12000 620 25 47 102 F 12000 620 70 51 303 12000 628 25 47 103 F 12000 60,40 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0024-509 101 7,000024-509 102 11,301224-509 101 10,000024-509 111 7,100014-509 102 9,700024-509 103 12,25 0024-509 303 16,800034-509 103 16,600004-509 104 19,55 0004-509 304 24,55End <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireSharp shape, high form stability.mmØ T L Type min-1 pcs.9,5 32 57 122 P 12000 1210 27 125 121 P/L 12000 610 31 55 123 P 12000 1212 30 61 124 P 12000 1219 31 51 102 P 12000 619 64 50 225 12000 625 35 50 103 P 12000 60,40 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0124-509 101 8,152224-509 101 10,650224-509 101 9,200124-509 111 8,650124-509 103 10,950024-509 100 15,050014-509 104 20,70mmØ T L Type min-1 pcs.9,5 32 57 122 P 12000 1219 31 51 102 P 12000 625 35 50 103 P 12000 60,30 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0074-509 301 11,350124-509 303 16,550014-509 304 24,7552

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>High-speed machinesEnd <strong>brushes</strong>straight wiremmØ T L min-1 pcs.11 32 59 12000 60,30 RRP 0,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0004-509 102 11,30 0004-509 302 15,15Sharp shape, high form stability.53

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Stationary machines<strong>BRUSHES</strong> FOR STATIONARY MACHINES55

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Stationary machinesImportant user informationBrushes for stationary machinesTo be noted when selecting your <strong>brushes</strong> andusing stationary machines:1. General user informationBrushes for stationary machines are suitable for bench deburrers, double grinders and special deburring machines.2. Typical <strong>brushes</strong> for stationary machinesWheel <strong>brushes</strong>Available with knottedand crimped wire, as wellas abrasive filament trim.End <strong>brushes</strong>Available for brush headsfor cut edge finishing.Standard bores for single-row <strong>brushes</strong>Brush Ø Bore Ø (mm) 13 15,9 16 19 20 22,2 25,4 30 31,8 32 35 38 40 44,4 50,8mm Inches Inch (") 5 / 8 " 3 / 4 " 7 / 8 " 1" 1 1 / 4 " 1 3 / 8 " 2"75 3 7113100 4 7213 7215 7216 7219 7220125 5 7213 7215 7216 7219 7220 7222** 7225** 7230** 7231**150 6 7413 7415 7416 7419 7420 7422 7425 7430 7431 7432 7435** 7440** 7444**178 7 7413 7415 7416 7419 7420 7422 7425 7430 7431 7432 7435** 7438**200 8 7619 7620 7622 7625 7630 7631 7632 7635 7638** 7642*250 10 7720 7722 7725 7730 7731 7732 7735 7740 7742*300 12 7925 7930 7931 7932 7935 7940 7942*350 14 7931 7932 7935 7940 7942** reducible using 4M adapter, with grooves. For details of reduction pieces, see "Technical Information for Brushes" ** only for single-ring REFILLStandard bores for multi-row <strong>brushes</strong>Pipe Ø Bore Ø (mm) 9,53 10 12,7 13 16 19 20 22,2 25,4 30 31,8 32 35 40 50,8mm Inches Inch (") 3 / 8 " 1 / 2 " 5 / 8 " 3 / 4 " 7 / 8 " 1" 1 1 / 4 " 1 3 / 8 " 2"20 8109 8110 8112 8113 811630 8209 8210 8212 8213 8216 8219 8720 8222 822550,8 8412 8413 8416 8419 8420 8422 8425 8430 8431 8432 843580 8616 8619 8620 8622 8625 8630 8631 8632 8635 8640 8642100 8720 8722 8725 8730 8731 8732 8735 8740 8742120 8825 8830 8831 8832 8835 8840 8842Important: Please always accompany your order with details of the desired bore (4-figure code from abovetables).If no bore is specified, we will supply the brush with the standard "B-min" bore.56

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Stationary machinesWheel <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wiremmØ A T B min. B max. R Adapter min-1 pcs.200 13 42 20 40 4-M 8500 1200 26 42 50,8 8500 1200 35 42 35 8500 1250 15 42 25,4 40 4-M 4500 2250 15 42 25,4 40 50,8 4-M 4500 2300 18 55 25,4 40 4-M 3600 20,35 RRP 0,50 RRP 0,80 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-664 131 32,35 0002-664 151 30,95 0002-664 181 29,150002-664 152 67,905462-664 153 100,700002-676 131 44,25 0002-676 151 43,70 0002-676 181 40,750002-686 131 60,80 0002-686 151 59,30 0002-686 181 57,40Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireOne row type.mmØ A T B min. B max. R Adapter min-1 pcs.75 11 15 13 13 10000 1100 13 23 13 20 8000 1100 13 23 13 30 8000 1125 15 35 13 20 6000 1150 16 32 13 32 6000 1178 18 45 13 32 6000 1200 19 38 19 40 50,8 4-M 4500 1200 19 38 19 40 50,8 4-M 4500 2250 22 35 20 40 50,8 4-M 3600 2300 26 58 20 40 50,8 4-M 3000 2300 26 58 20 40 20 3000 10,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-511 141 9,70 0002-511 161 8,700002-522 161 10,600002-522 141 12,200002-532 161 11,100002-544 141 18,65 0002-544 161 13,100002-554 141 20,85 0002-554 161 15,200002-566 161 19,550002-566 141 24,850002-576 141 52,95 0002-576 161 38,650002-587 141 72,950002-587 161 47,40mmØ A T B min. B max. R Adapter min-1 pcs.75 11 15 13 13 10000 1100 13 23 13 20 8000 1100 13 23 13 20 8000 2125 15 35 13 20 6000 1150 16 32 13 32 6000 1178 18 45 13 32 6000 2178 18 45 13 32 6000 1200 19 38 19 40 50,8 4-M 4500 1200 19 38 19 40 50,8 4-M 4500 2250 22 35 20 40 50,8 4-M 3600 2300 26 58 20 40 50,8 4-M 3000 2300 26 58 20 40 50,8 4-M 3000 200,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-511 341 13,05 0002-511 361 11,600002-522 361 16,850002-522 341 18,500002-532 341 25,70 0002-532 361 23,900002-544 341 30,30 0002-544 361 29,800002-554 361 32,600002-554 341 30,600002-566 341 34,100002-566 361 35,400002-576 341 89,90 0002-576 361 85,400002-587 361 96,150002-587 341 103,3557

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Stationary machines4-M adaptermmB Zoll pcs.12,7 1/2" 119 122,2 125,4 128 150.8 1Order-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-075 064 7,750003-075 066 7,750003-075 067 7,750003-075 068 7,750003-075 070 7,750003-075 073 7,75To reduce the bore of round <strong>brushes</strong>.Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireSeveral rows, more aggressive type.mmØ A T B min. B max. R min-1 pcs.75 19 16 20 20 10000 1100 20 23 20 30 8000 1100 28 23 20 30 8000 1125 22 30 20 30 6000 1125 30 30 20 30 6000 1150 21 25 31,75 50,8 6000 1150 30 25 31,75 50,8 6000 1150 30 29 31,75 50,8 6000 1150 37 29 31,75 50,8 6000 1178 23 38 31,75 50,8 6000 1178 32 38 31,75 50,8 6000 1178 38 38 31,75 50,8 6000 1200 20 38 31,75 80 4500 1200 30 38 31,75 80 4500 1200 38 38 31,75 80 4500 1250 28 47 20 50,8 100 3600 1250 38 47 20 50,8 100 3600 1250 55 47 20 50,8 100 3600 1300 44 50 25,4 50,8 120 3000 1300 32 50 25,4 50,8 120 3000 20,20 RRP 0,30 RRP 0,35 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9902-511 142 14,70 9902-511 162 14,009902-522 142 17,05 9902-522 162 14,009902-522 143 21,95 9902-522 163 19,959902-532 142 19,45 9902-532 162 16,059902-532 163 20,909902-544 441 26,60 9902-544 461 21,15 9902-544 471 21,009902-544 442 32,85 9902-544 462 27,90 9902-544 472 27,809902-544 142 26,60 9902-544 162 20,90 9902-544 172 20,809902-544 143 32,85 9902-544 163 27,90 9902-544 173 27,909902-554 441 32,30 9902-554 461 27,45 9902-554 471 27,309902-554 142 32,30 9902-554 162 27,30 9902-554 172 27,309902-554 143 43,05 9902-554 163 38,00 9902-554 173 38,009902-566 441 41,10 9902-566 461 35,25 9902-566 471 34,959902-566 142 41,10 9902-566 162 34,95 9902-566 172 34,959902-566 143 58,15 9902-566 163 51,95 9902-566 173 51,959902-576 142 63,95 9902-576 162 59,759902-576 143 66,70 9902-576 163 65,05 9902-576 173 64,759902-576 464 87,90 9902-576 474 87,059902-587 143 87,85 9902-587 163 75,409902-587 142 76,20 9902-587 162 63,95mmØ A T B min. B max. R min-1 pcs.150 21 25 31,75 50,8 6000 1150 30 25 31,75 50,8 6000 1150 30 29 31,75 50,8 6000 1150 37 29 31,75 50,8 6000 1178 23 38 31,75 50,8 6000 1178 32 38 31,75 50,8 6000 1178 38 38 31,75 50,8 6000 1200 20 38 31,75 80 4500 1200 30 38 31,75 80 4500 1200 38 38 31,75 80 4500 1250 28 47 20 50,8 100 3600 1250 38 47 20 50,8 100 3600 1300 32 50 25,4 50,8 120 3000 1300 44 50 25,4 50,8 120 3000 10,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9902-544 491 20,559902-544 492 27,659902-544 192 20,509902-544 193 27,759902-554 491 27,009902-554 192 27,009902-554 193 37,659902-566 491 34,759902-566 192 34,759902-566 193 51,559902-576 192 59,409902-576 193 64,309902-587 192 63,559902-587 193 75,1058Continue next page.

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Stationary machinesWheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireSeveral rows, more aggressive type.mmØ A T B min. B max. R min-1 pcs.75 19 16 20 20 10000 1100 20 23 20 30 8000 1100 28 23 20 30 8000 1125 22 30 20 30 6000 1125 30 30 20 30 6000 1150 21 25 31,75 50,8 6000 1150 30 25 31,75 50,8 6000 1150 30 29 31,75 50,8 6000 1150 37 29 31,75 50,8 6000 1178 23 38 31,75 50,8 6000 1178 32 38 31,75 50,8 6000 1178 38 38 31,75 50,8 6000 1200 20 38 31,75 80 4500 1200 30 38 31,75 80 4500 1200 38 38 31,75 80 4500 1250 28 47 20 50,8 100 3600 1250 38 47 20 50,8 100 3600 1300 32 50 25,4 50,8 120 3000 1300 44 50 25,4 50,8 120 3000 1300 32 50 25,4 50,8 120 3000 20,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9902-511 342 29,05 9902-511 362 20,709902-522 342 38,30 9902-522 362 33,959902-522 343 48,00 9902-522 363 47,459902-532 342 47,45 9902-532 362 43,759902-532 343 63,65 9902-532 363 60,059902-544 341 60,75 9902-544 361 58,259912-544 342 88,05 9912-544 362 83,409902-544 342 62,75 9902-544 362 59,209902-544 343 88,05 9902-544 363 77,709902-554 341 77,95 9902-554 361 72,759902-554 342 79,80 9902-554 362 74,509902-554 363 94,659902-566 341 93,05 9902-566 361 86,909902-566 342 95,35 9902-566 362 89,009902-566 343 121,65 9902-566 363 122,409902-576 342 117,80 9902-576 362 111,559902-576 343 146,25 9902-576 363 139,809902-587 362 128,559902-587 343 186,45 9902-587 363 180,109902-587 342 125,6059

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Stationary machinesWheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireSeveral rows, more flexible type.mmØ A T B min. B max. R min-1 pcs.150 24 43 20 30 6000 1150 32 43 20 30 6000 1178 32 43 31,75 50,8 6000 1178 40 43 31,75 50,8 6000 1200 33 55 31,75 50,8 4500 1200 42 55 31,75 50,8 4500 1250 32 63 20 50,8 80 3600 1250 42 63 20 50,8 80 3600 1300 33 70 25,4 50,8 100 3000 1300 45 70 25,4 50,8 100 3000 10,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9902-543 142 22,10 9902-543 162 19,459902-543 143 30,95 9902-543 163 25,709902-553 162 23,309902-553 163 32,159902-565 142 32,60 9902-565 162 25,859902-565 143 47,60 9902-565 163 37,509902-575 142 49,45 9902-575 162 41,209902-575 143 68,05 9902-575 163 57,259902-586 142 70,05 9902-586 162 58,359902-586 163 74,65mmØ A T B min. B max. R min-1 pcs.150 24 43 20 30 6000 1150 32 43 20 30 6000 1178 32 43 31,75 50,8 6000 1178 40 43 31,75 50,8 6000 1200 33 55 31,75 50,8 4500 1200 42 55 31,75 50,8 4500 1250 32 63 20 50,8 80 3600 1250 42 63 20 50,8 80 3600 1300 33 70 25,4 50,8 100 3000 1300 45 70 25,4 50,8 100 3000 10,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9902-543 342 60,80 9902-543 362 46,009902-543 343 83,35 9902-543 363 76,859902-553 342 68,05 9902-553 362 58,559902-553 343 85,10 9902-553 363 81,409902-565 342 98,10 9902-565 362 91,509902-565 343 116,909902-575 342 113,10 9902-575 362 99,859902-575 343 123,909902-586 342 123,15 9902-586 362 119,209902-586 343 169,65 9902-586 363 170,65mmØ A T B min. B max. R min-1 pcs.150 24 20 30 6000 1150 32 20 30 6000 1178 32 31,75 50,8 6000 1200 33 31,75 50,8 4500 1250 32 20 50,8 80 3600 1250 42 20 50,8 80 3600 1300 33 25,4 50,8 100 3000 1300 45 25,4 50,8 100 3000 10,20 RRP 0,30 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9902-543 542 52,50 9902-543 562 46,509902-543 543 74,50 9902-543 563 69,509902-553 542 59,75 9902-553 562 54,559902-565 542 72,60 9902-565 562 65,009902-575 562 99,309902-575 563 120,709902-586 542 104,809902-586 543 157,40 9902-586 563 151,9560

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Stationary machinesWheel <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wireFor table-deburring machines to processraw edges.mmØ T B min. R min-1 pcs.250 45 100 100 3600 1250 45 82 100 3600 1300 50 100 100 2800 1300 70 82 100 2800 1mmØ T B min. R min-1 pcs.250 45 100 100 3600 1250 45 82 100 3600 10,20 RRP0,30RRP 0,35 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-576 145 157,85 0042-576 165 141,403132-703 147 213,60 3162-703 167 174,200002-586 175 191,953132-703 178 259,200,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-576 195 129,553232-703 197 171,25mmØ T B min. R min-1 pcs.250 45 82 100 3600 1250 45 100 100 3600 1250 45 82 100 2800 1300 70 100 100 2800 10,20 RRP 0,30 RRP 0,35 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0022-576 345 294,00 0022-576 375 270,350002-576 345 296,85 0042-576 365 270,353132-703 347 516,50 3142-703 377 444,553142-703 378 659,75mmØ T B min. R min-1 pcs.250 45 100 100 3600 1250 45 82 100 2800 10,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-576 395 243,053432-703 397 439,85mmØ T B min. R min-1 pcs.250 45 100 100 3600 1Please use appropriate axle plates (p. 62).0,20 CDSteel wireRRP0,35 CDSteel wireRRP0,50 CDSteel wireRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-576 445 195,80 0002-576 475 179,80 0002-576 495 174,15Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ T R min-1 pcs.250 45 100 3600 1Please use appropriate axle plates (p. 62).Novofil 120 RRP Novofil 180 RRP Novofil 320 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-576 906 220,80 0002-576 916 220,80 0002-576 926 220,80For table-deburring machines to processraw edges.61

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Stationary machinesAxle platesmmB i pcs.50,8 13,2x7,1 152,9 13,5x6,4 154,7 13,6x5,8 180,2 13,5x7,5 182 13,5x6,4 1Order-No. Order-No. Order-No.5495-560 0515495-560 0525495-560 0545495-560 0805495-560 082Wheel <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentMounted individually or together on a shaft.mmØ A T B min. B max. R Adapter min-1 pcs.75 12 13 13 20000 6100 18 18 13 20 12000 6150 16 32 13 32 50,8 8000 6150 18 32 13 32 50,8 8000 6178 20 45 13 32 8000 2200 18 35 19 40 50,8 4-M 6000 2250 18 35 20 40 50,8 4-M 3600 2250 18 60 20 40 50,8 4-M 3600 2250 20 35 20 40 50,8 4-M 3600 2300 18 34 25,4 40 50,8 4-M 3000 2300 20 34 25,4 40 50,8 4-M 3600 2300 20 34 25,4 40 50,8 4-M 3000 2300 20 60 25,4 40 50,8 4-M 3000 2350 20 57 32 40 50,8 4-M 2400 2Novofil 80 RRP Novofil 120 RRP Novofil 180 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9902-515 001 18,90 9902-515 002 18,90 9902-515 003 18,909902-515 025 22,70 9902-515 026 22,70 9902-515 027 22,709902-515 079 33,60 9902-515 081 33,609902-515 080 33,609902-515 040 44,45 9902-515 041 44,45 9902-515 042 44,459902-515 050 62,80 9902-515 051 62,80 9902-515 052 62,809902-515 057 78,409962-515 056 78,70 9962-515 057 78,70 9962-515 058 78,709902-515 056 78,40 9902-515 058 78,409902-515 063 112,859902-515 062 112,859902-515 064 112,859962-515 062 112,85 9962-515 063 112,85 9962-515 064 112,859902-515 069 133,45mmØ A T B min. B max. R Adapter min-1 pcs.75 12 13 13 20000 6100 18 18 13 20 12000 6150 18 32 13 32 50,8 8000 6178 18 45 13 32 8000 2200 18 35 19 40 50,8 4-M 6000 2250 18 60 20 40 50,8 4-M 3000 2250 20 35 20 40 50,8 4-M 3600 2300 20 34 25,4 40 50,8 4-M 3000 2300 20 60 25,4 40 50,8 4-M 3000 2350 18 57 32 40 50,8 4-M 2400 2Novofil 320 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9902-515 004 18,909902-515 028 22,709902-515 082 33,609902-515 043 44,459902-515 053 62,809962-515 059 78,709902-515 059 78,409902-515 065 112,859962-515 065 112,859902-515 071 133,4562

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Stationary machines4-M adaptermmB Zoll pcs.12,7 1/2" 119 122,2 125,4 128 150.8 1Order-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-075 064 7,750003-075 066 7,750003-075 067 7,750003-075 068 7,750003-075 070 7,750003-075 073 7,75To reduce the bore of round <strong>brushes</strong>.End <strong>brushes</strong>mmØ T L pcs.25 95 25 160,20 CDSteel wireRRP0,35 CDSteel wireRRP0,50 CDSteel wireRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-509 448 8,60 0002-509 478 8,00 0002-509 498 7,50To deburr the raw edge of tubes/profiles orflat surfaces. A set (8,16,24pcs) are fitted ina brush head.mmØ T L pcs.25 95 25 160,20 RRP 120 RRP 120 Mix RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-509 348 15,00 0002-509 928 9,50 5702-509 938 11,40mmØ T L pcs.25 95 25 160,27RusticordRRP 80 RRP 180 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €3212-509 068 8,50 0002-509 908 9,50 0002-509 988 9,50mmØ T L pcs.6 95 25 160,35 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-509 378 18,5563

<strong>BRUSHES</strong>Stationary machinesF-adaptermmØ B pcs.5/8" 1/2" 17/8" 3/8" 17/8" 1/2" 17/8" 5/8" 1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-000 223 0,300003-000 242 0,350003-000 243 0,350003-000 244 0,3564

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>HAND <strong>BRUSHES</strong>65

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Important user informationBrushes for manual use/hand <strong>brushes</strong>To be noted when selecting your <strong>brushes</strong> andusing manual hand <strong>brushes</strong>:1. General user informationOur hand <strong>brushes</strong> are suitable for all manual work such as deburring, cleaning, rust removal orpaint removal. We also have <strong>brushes</strong> for various kinds of painting and decorating.2. Typical brush types for manual use<strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>BroomsBristlesAccessoriesAvailable with wooden orplastic bodies, and block<strong>brushes</strong>.Available with wire ornylon trim, plus floor andscrubbing <strong>brushes</strong>.Available with flat, roundand special bristles.We also have a selectionof useful accessories.66

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong><strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>plastic handlemmA T L Rows pcs.140 25 265 1 240,30CrimpedRRP0,300,30CrimpedRRPCrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0008-462 291 2,05 0008-462 391 5,25 0008-462 591 5,25<strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>plastic handleErgonomically shaped plastic handle.mmA T L Rows pcs.100 23 280 1 10100 23 280 2 10100 23 280 3 10100 23 280 4 10100 23 280 5 100,20StraightRRP0,300,35StraightRRPCrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-433 521 2,000008-462 132 3,10 0008-451 332 5,85 0008-447 572 5,850008-462 133 4,05 0008-451 333 7,15 0008-447 573 7,150008-462 134 4,70 0008-451 334 7,60 0008-447 574 7,600008-462 135 5,2067

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong><strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>plastic handleErgonomically shaped plastic handle withscraper.mmA T L Rows pcs.90 23 240 6 100,35StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-431 075 7,10<strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>plastic handleType with PVC or nylon trim for particularlymild cleaning.mmA T L Rows pcs.140 23 280 1 10140 23 280 2 10140 23 280 3 100,35StraightRRP0,30WhiteRRP0,20BlackRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-433 501 1,90 0001-433 511 1,900001-433 522 2,65 0001-433 502 2,40 0001-433 512 2,400001-433 523 3,20 0001-433 503 3,10 0001-433 513 3,1068

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong><strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>plastic handleWith anti-slip handle. Ideal shape to cleanbrake arches.mmA T L Rows pcs.110 23 270 1 5110 23 270 2 5110 23 270 3 5110 23 270 4 5110 23 270 5 50,35StraightRRP0,350,20StraightRRPCrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-432 601 3,90 0001-432 611 8,05 0001-432 621 7,000001-432 602 4,40 0001-432 612 8,80 0001-432 622 8,350001-432 603 5,30 0001-432 613 10,00 0001-432 623 9,350001-432 604 6,05 0001-432 614 11,75 0001-432 624 10,750001-432 605 6,85 0001-432 615 12,60 0001-432 625 11,30<strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>plastic handleWith anti-slip handle. Ideal shape to cleanbrake arches.mmA T L Rows pcs.95 23 245 2 100,30StraightRRP0,350,30CrimpedRRPCrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €3301-462 122 5,60 3301-462 162 5,60 3301-462 562 7,9069

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong><strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>wooden handlemmA T L Rows pcs.140 23 285 1 12145 25 295 2 12145 25 295 3 12145 25 295 4 12145 25 295 5 12145 25 295 6 12145 25 295 2 100145 25 295 3 100145 25 295 4 100145 25 295 5 100145 25 295 6 1000,25FlatRRP0,30 Straightbrass-coatedRRP0,35StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-152 131 0,950001-152 022 1,00 0001-152 132 1,000001-152 023 1,10 0001-152 133 1,100003-151 124 2,95 0001-152 024 1,25 0001-152 134 1,250001-151 125 2,30 0001-152 025 1,45 0001-152 135 1,450001-152 136 1,650001-151 022 0,95 0001-151 132 0,950001-151 023 1,05 0001-151 133 1,050001-151 024 1,20 0001-151 134 1,200001-151 025 1,40 0001-151 135 1,400001-151 136 1,60mmA T L Rows pcs.145 25 295 2 12145 25 295 3 12145 25 295 4 12145 25 295 5 12145 25 295 6 120,30StraightRRP 0,30 Crimped RRP0,30 VA4StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-151 332 4,65 0001-151 392 4,10 0001-152 332 5,900001-151 333 5,60 0001-151 393 4,70 0001-152 333 7,000001-151 334 6,55 0001-151 394 5,35 0001-152 334 7,900001-151 335 7,25 0001-151 395 6,35 0001-152 335 8,600001-151 336 8,35 0001-151 396 7,20 0001-152 336 10,00mmA T L Rows pcs.145 25 295 2 12145 25 295 3 12145 25 295 4 12145 25 295 5 12145 25 295 6 120,150,250,30RRPRRPCrimpedStraightCrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-147 572 3,20 0001-158 522 3,60 0001-150 592 2,950003-147 573 3,60 0001-158 523 4,55 0001-150 593 3,350003-147 574 4,50 0001-158 524 5,05 0001-150 594 3,900003-147 575 5,10 0001-150 595 4,650001-150 596 5,8070

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong><strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>wooden handleProfi type.mmA T L Rows pcs.160 30 310 1 12160 30 310 2 12160 30 310 3 12160 30 310 4 12160 30 310 5 120,35StraightRRP0,350,30StraightRRPStraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0901-151 091 4,20 0901-152 331 6,50 0901-151 591 5,350901-151 092 4,95 0901-152 332 8,20 0901-151 592 6,250901-151 093 5,15 0901-152 333 11,55 0901-151 593 6,950901-151 094 6,90 0901-152 334 15,35 0901-151 594 8,150901-151 095 7,85 0901-152 335 16,50 0901-151 595 10,90<strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>wooden handleWith scraper.mmA T L Rows pcs.135 23 280 4 120,35StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-181 134 3,9571

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong><strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>wooden handlePerfect brush shape for hollow welds.mmA T L Rows pcs.145 35 295 3 120,35StraightRRP0,35StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-162 133 6,60 0003-162 333 13,00<strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>wooden handleType with long handle.mmA T L Rows B pcs.150 27 350 3 25 12150 27 350 4 32 120,35StraightRRP0,35StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0101-177 093 2,20 0001-177 333 4,600101-177 094 2,7572

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong><strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>wooden handleType with curved handle for easy use.mmA T L Rows B pcs.125 30 255 3 25 12125 30 255 4 32 120,35StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0101-180 093 2,550101-180 094 2,70<strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>wooden handleRadiator brush with extra long handle.mmA T L Rows B pcs.110 19 400 2 15 100110 19 400 3 16 1000,25StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-192 112 2,650001-192 113 3,2073

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong><strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>wooden handleFine scratch brush.mmA T L Rows B pcs.18 105 220 4 22 120,15RRP0,15CrimpedHorsehairRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-165 584 4,20 0003-165 964 3,75<strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>wooden handleSpark plug <strong>brushes</strong>.mmA T L Rows B pcs.45 18 200 3 18 240,20StraightRRP0,15CrimpedRRP0,20CrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0004-133 073 1,95 2103-133 073 1,95 2103-133 373 1,95mmA T L Rows B pcs.25 15 100 2 16 5045 18 200 3 18 2450 20 195 5 26 240,20CrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-131 572 1,150003-133 573 1,950003-134 575 2,4574

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong><strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>plastic handleSpark plug <strong>brushes</strong>.mmA T L Rows pcs.33 15 180 3 240,20RRP0,20CrimpedCrimpedRRP0,15CrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0008-432 573 1,45 0023-133 373 4,55 2103-432 573 1,45mmA T L Rows pcs.33 15 180 3 240,25StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0023-133 073 1,45<strong>Hand</strong> scratch <strong>brushes</strong>wooden handleFile <strong>brushes</strong> with wire trim (scratch strip).mmA T L Rows pcs.100 235 12115 235 12165 300 12115 265 12Straight RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-140 101 2,200003-140 102 3,050003-140 103 5,800003-140 104 4,20mmA T L Rows pcs.1* Scratch Belt per linear metreStraight RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0008-138 102 * 13,0075

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Butchersbrushwooden handlemmA T L B Rows pcs.100 30 115 42 5 12170 30 185 60 6 12170 40 185 60 6 120,35StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0101-179 094 2,200101-179 095 3,300101-179 096 3,75Butchersbrushwooden handleWood body with plastic handle.mmA T L B Rows pcs.190 40 205 60 5 10* with board0,35StraightRRP0,35StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0281-307 095 * 7,40 7601-306 095 6,0076

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Butchersbrushwooden handleViolin shape.mmA T L Rows pcs.170 35 210 5 12170 35 210 5 1057/48 200 1052/46 190 5 100,35StraightRRP0,35StraightRRP0,30StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-179 397 9,050001-179 097 2,70 0001-179 297 2,700003-179 097 3,200013-179 097 4,60mmA T L Rows pcs.52/46 190 1057/48 200 100,40StraightRRP0,50 Straightbrass-coatedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0023-179 397 10,25 2103-179 297 9,050003-179 397 15,50mmA T L Rows pcs.10150 35 190 10Cordwire RRP Flat wire RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-179 297 4,700023-179 197 5,45mmA T L Rows pcs.60 250 15Quitch/HorsehairRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-105 967 12,50mmA T L Rows pcs.180 25 180 300,40 PRNovofilRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-179 897 3,10mmA T L Rows pcs.190 35 180 30Quitch RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-179 797 6,1577

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Butchersbrushwooden handlePreparation of wood: opening the pores,rinsing the glue, rubbing in stainer.mmA T L Rows pcs.145/125 15 145/125 6 12150 15 150 7 12185/155 185/155 6 12145/125 18 165 6 12165 19 165 8 120,20Phosphorbr.RRP0,20Fibre-Phosph.RRP0,20Fibre-LeatherRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-166 686 9,15 0001-166 936 27,800001-167 677 21,200001-166 687 11,950001-168 936 35,650001-168 939 53,75mmA T L Rows pcs.190 25 190 7 12Fibre RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-167 947 29,30Broomswooden bodymmT L B Rows pcs.75 300 60 5 1075 300 60 6 100,75 RRP 1,10 x 0,25 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-102 005 8,300001-102 006 9,10 0001-102 016 11,45Type with flat wire.78

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Broomswooden bodymmT L B Rows pcs.75 300 60 5 100,50 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-102 095 8,65With steel wire.Broomswooden bodymmT L B Rows pcs.75 300 60 6 1075 350 70 6 1075 300 70 6 10100 350 70 6 101,10 x 0,25 RRP 1,10 x 0,45 RRP 1,80 x 0,45 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-100 016 13,400001-101 016 17,60 0001-101 036 17,950001-284 046 20,80Robust type with flat wire.79

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Broomswooden bodymmT L B Rows pcs.75 400 60 6 175 700 70 7 1* wooden body coatedKorfil-D RRP Korfil-D RRP Korfil-D RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-104 924 * 23,30 0001-104 925 21,359711-104 925 48,20Type with Korfil-D to clean very dirty workshopfloors.<strong>Hand</strong>le holdersmetalmmA T L B Rows pcs.1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-000 001 12,00For workshop brooms. Order no. 9711-104925.80

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Broomswooden bodymmT L Rows B pcs.80 600 6 55 680 800 6 55 6Cocos RRP Cocos Extra RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-102 990 11,50 0003-102 995 12,500003-102 980 17,00 0003-102 985 18,00mmT L Rows B pcs.80 1000 6 55 680 600 6 55 685 600 6 55 6PVCRedRRP Pissava RRP PolyPro RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-102 970 26,000003-102 960 14,50 0003-102 976 12,500003-102 900 20,50With handle holder, diameter 28mm.Broomswooden bodymmT L Rows B pcs.75 320 66 575 400 55 5PVCWhiteRRPPVCRedRRP Piassava RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0004-101 925 8,80 0004-102 925 7,50 0004-102 975 7,500003-102 940 11,20 0003-101 940 8,75With handle holder, diameter 28mm.81

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Broomswooden bodymmT L Rows B pcs.80 290 20 55 2080 380 16 55 16Cocos RRP Cocos Pure RRPCocosStripedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-102 950 2,80 0003-102 951 4,000003-102 955 5,15Wood body with screw holder. Matchinghandle: Order no. 0003999024Broomswooden bodymmT L Rows B pcs.260 140 3 45 10260 140 4 45 10290 80 5 45 20PiassavaRRP Piassava RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-102 920 4,650003-102 921 6,500003-102 922 7,25Wood body with screw holder. Matchinghandle: Order no. 000399902482

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Broomswooden bodymmT L Rows B pcs.260 110 3 45 10240 110 4 45 10PPN RRP PPN RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-102 918 7,000003-102 916 6,15Wood body with screw holder. Matchinghandle: Order no. 0003999024Broomswooden bodymmA T L B Rows pcs.200 10Piassava RRPPPNBlueRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-102 911 14,80 0003-102 910 19,00With handle holder, diameter 28mm.83

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Broomsplastic bodymmT L Rows B pcs.95 320 120 5PVC RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-102 944 12,80Scrub <strong>brushes</strong>wooden bodymmT L B Rows pcs.30 210 60 6 1040 210 60 7 1030 220 70 6 10Straight RRPBrassCrimpedRRP Quitch RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-122 096 6,50 0001-122 596 11,750001-120 097 7,000003-122 996 7,45mmT L B Rows pcs.30 220 70 6 10NylonWhiteRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-122 896 6,1584

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Dusterswooden handlemmA T L B Rows pcs.150 60 310 10Steel wireStraightRRP Korfil-D RRP Cocos RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-110 114 5,90 0181-110 924 7,60 0003-102 924 3,00Type with natural coconut bristle.Dust panmetalpcs.1MetalCoatedRRP Steel RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-104 050 11,50 0003-104 030 6,0085

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>SqueegeemmLpcs.350 12440 12450 12550 12600 12750 12RubberBlackRRPRubberRotRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-106 735 3,150003-106 945 8,950003-106 745 3,700003-106 955 10,300003-106 760 5,450003-106 975 13,65BroomhandlewoodmmLpcs.1400 51300 5Wood RRPWoodPineRRPMetalCoated RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-999 027 4,400003-999 026 3,70 0003-000 024 3,70BroomhandlemetalmmLpcs.1200 25MetalCoatedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-999 024 3,9086

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Broomsmetal bodymmT L B Rows pcs.150 300 150 3 101,80 x 0,45 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-314 033 31,00Flat wire for point cleaning.Paint <strong>brushes</strong>plastic handlemmT B Strength pcs.40 20 9 1240 30 9 1240 40 9 1243 50 9 1243 60 10 1245 70 10 1245 100 15 12LightBorsteRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-086 102 1,000003-086 103 1,150003-086 104 1,300003-086 105 1,650003-086 106 1,850003-086 107 2,350003-086 110 4,8587

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Paint <strong>brushes</strong>plastic handlemmT B Strength Zoll pcs.40 19 11 3/4" 1240 25 13 1" 1240 38 14 1 1/2" 1245 50,8 14 2" 1248 63 14 2 1/2" 1250 75 15 3" 12LightBristleRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-086 019 1,400003-086 025 1,650003-086 038 1,800003-086 050 2,600003-086 063 3,150003-086 075 3,75Paint <strong>brushes</strong>plastic handlemmT B Strength Zoll pcs.42 25 1" 1242 38 1 1/2" 1242 50,8 2" 1248 63 2 1/2" 1245 75 3" 12LightBristleRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1003-086 425 2,001003-086 438 2,151003-086 450 2,251003-086 463 2,501003-086 475 4,40Heating element brush.88

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Paint <strong>brushes</strong>plastic handlemmT B pcs.40 8 1240 10 1240 13 1240 16 1245 20 1245 23 1250 26 1250 30 1250 33 1253 36 12LightBristleRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1003-086 202 0,601003-086 204 0,901003-086 206 1,001003-086 208 1,101003-086 210 1,301003-086 212 1,551003-086 214 1,701003-086 216 2,001003-086 218 2,101003-086 220 2,75Paint <strong>brushes</strong>wire handlemmT B pcs.40 7 50Horsehair RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-327 961 0,85Drilling water <strong>brushes</strong> with horsehair trim.89

<strong>BRUSHES</strong><strong>Hand</strong> <strong>brushes</strong>Paint <strong>brushes</strong>mmT B Strength pcs.175x55 10,40StraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0004-328 166 5,50Paint <strong>brushes</strong>wooden handlemmT B Strength pcs.30Steel RRPSteelbrass-coatedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0004-114 033 3,80 0004-114 034 3,8090

POLISHING/SATINISINGIntroduction & technical informationPRODUCT INTRODUCTIONPOLISHING/SATINISINGFine Surface finishing for every application.Professional surface finishing encompasses a complex and broad spectrum of different mechanical finishing processes inwhich polishing and satinising play a key role.As a specialist in surface fine machining, Osborn offers a large selection of high-performance tools for all applicationsassociated with polishing and satinising. We have organised our polishing and satinising products in such a way to suitthe type of machine used.The three key techniques for achieving the perfect surface finish:There are 3 techniques for producing the desired surface finish.1.Polishing(power tools)Polishing is intended to createperfect high-gloss surfaces andcan be performed using a varietyof power tools.Generally, 3 steps are needed:• Cutting• Polishing• Colouring2.Satinising(power tools)Unlike polishing, satinising doesnot produce a high-gloss surface.It creates a matt look, withthe surface structure changingaccording to the grade of material.A satinised finish can be obtainedusing both wet and dry methods.3. Polishes &pastesOur polishing pastes complimentour range of surface finishingtools.The pastes can be used formanual or machine finishingand cover the entire range ofsurface finishes, from grinding andbrushing, cutting and colouring.Detailed information on polishing can be foundon the following pages.Detailed information on polishing can be foundon the following pages.Detailed information on polishing can be foundon the following pages.We recommend a combination ofdifferent quality polishing clothsand polishing pastes. Paste is amust for polishing.Suitable pastes are listed on the first page ofthe section.Satinising is generally a one-stepprocess.Satinising does not require pastesbecause the abrasive particles arealready embedded in the materialof the satinising tool.Combined with the appropriatepolishing tool, the pastes can beused on steel, stainless steel, nonferrousmetals, wood, glass, paintand many other surfaces.92


POLISHING/SATINISINGIntroduction & technical informationPERFECTSATINISINGSatinising is a one-stage system for creating flat surfaces. The main considerations when selecting the polishing ring arethe surface characteristics and the appearance after finishing.There are three possible finish grades when satinising a surface.Coarse brush stroke Medium brush stroke Fine brush strokeImportant noteNon-woven abrasive tools are used without polishingpaste because the abrasive particles are alreadyembedded in the base material of the satiniser.These tools made of matted material containing abrasiveparticles are characterised by an open and flexible structure.They are self-sharpening and can be used in wet and dryapplications.Because they can also be used with hand-held tools, theyare ideal for a wide range of applications, from satinising todeoxidising to ultrafine grinding.Our non-woven abrasive tools are available in different gradesand sizes, depending on their purpose.Details can be found in the product toolbars.Finding the right toolPlease check your product choice using the information in the info heading. This will tell you the machinefor each product and its suitability, as well as providing a summary of the available carrier materialgrades (grits) suitable for the material being finished.USETRIM AND MATERIALSatinisingDeoxidisingLight grindingLight deburringBlendingFine grindingcoarsemediumfinesuperfineProduct available with:coarsemediumfinesuperfineSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopper94

POLISHING/SATINISINGIntroduction & technical informationPERFECTPOLISHINGMaximum 3 steps for perfect high-gloss surfaces:1. Cutting follows surface grinding and removesmaterial. For this reason, prepolishing is not suitablefor soft metals. Working with a sisal cloth ringsmoothes out unevenness, removes stretch marksand scratches, and prepares rough and uncoatedsurfaces for polishing.2. High-quality polishing removes traces of cuttingand further smoothes the surface. The best resultscan be achieved using our specially developedNOTIFLEX® polishing cloth (outstanding resultswithout unattractive bias stitching where reducedamounts of compound are used). Numerous highquality non-fraying cloth polishing buffs withextended service life are available.3. Colouring calls for minimal pressure andshort finishing times. Again various polishingbuffs are available.Which combination for which result?The following summary will help you find the bestcombination of polishing compound and polishing toolsneeded for each step in finishing each material.The short version can be found in the info area for each product.Key to the materials below.1 = Sisal cloth2 = Notiflex (NTF) 9143 = Notiflex (NTF) 9254 = Compound, white5 = Compound, brown6 =7 =8 =9 =10 =Compound, blueFelt, 2-stageCloth 101Cloth 290Felt, 3-stagePolishing as a 3-step processSystem using top-quality, patented Notiflex material without bias stitching. Suitable for all machines, diameters and bores.3 STEPS1. CuttingFor removing defects and scratches, beltsanding > 280 grit or sisal lines.2. PolishingRemoving traces of cutting and smoothingthe surface. Important for achieving a flat,high-gloss surface in the next step.3. ColouringFor high-gloss surfaces.Steel Stainless steel Brass Copper Aluminium1 or 10 1 or 10 1 or 10 starting with4 4 5step polishingSteel Stainless steel Brass Copper Aluminium2 or 10 2 or 10 2 or 10 2 or 10 2 or 104 4 5 5 5Steel Stainless steel Brass Copper Aluminium3 or 10 3 or 10 3 or 10 3 or 10 3 or 106 6 6 6 62 STEPSPolishing as a 2-step processSuitable for applications where no cutting is needed. Please note: There is a special summary of polishing buffs andcompounds for the 2-step method using a satiniser.1. PolishingLevel the surface. Important for achieving aflat, high-gloss surface in the next step.For high-gloss surfaces.Steel Stainless steel Aluminium Brass Copper7 7 7 7 74 4 5 5 5Steel Stainless steel Aluminium Brass Copper2. Colouring 8 8 8 8 86 6 6 6 61 STEPPolishing as a 1-step processSteel Stainless steel Aluminium Brass Copper1. Polishing and Finishing 9 9 9 9 9For low-gloss effects (not high gloss)4 4 5 5 595

POLISHING/SATINISINGAngle polishers/satinisersImportant user informationPolishing/satinising with angle polisher and satiniserTo be noted when selecting a tool and using angle-polishers:1. General user informationUsing our tapered shank, the polishing and satinising buffs fit on all common angle-polishers with an M14 mating thread.Depending on the desired working width, more rings can be added up to a width of 50 mm.The recommended operating speed is ≤ 3,000 rpm for 150 mm diameter tools.What you should note when selecting your tool and using satinisers:1. General user informationThe ideal accessories for satinisers in our polishing and satinising range include polishing buffs and non-woven clothswith bores of 19/6 and keyways, suitable for all common arbors for satinisers.By adding more rings, working widths up to 100 mm can be achieved, making it very easy to polish or satinise largeareas to a high gloss.The recommended operating speed is ≤4,000 rpm for 100 mm diameter tools.Polishing compounds and the role they play in the finishing processPolishing compounds are essential for all polishing jobs because they contain the abrasive particles neededto achieve a particular surface finish. It is also important to select the correct polishing compound for thedesired surface finish.Please check your product choice using the information in the info heading. It provides an overview of thecompounds available and their suitability for particular finishing steps.More on finding the right compound for your application can be found inthe technical information on the first page of "Polishing/Satinising".POLISHINGCOMPOUNDSSolidUSEwhite (cutting)white (polishing)brown (cutting)brown (polishing)blue (buffing)SteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopper4whiteRRP5brownRRP6blueg pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €110 15 2103005333 1,95 2103007012 2,35 2103000461 2,10700 8 8103005333 8,25 8103007012 10,80 8,40RRPImportant note:No polishing paste is needed for satinising because the abrasive particles are already embeddedin the base material of the satiniser.96

POLISHING/SATINISINGAngle polishers/satinisersPOLISHING BUFFCloth/fleeceUSETRIM AND MATERIALProduct available with:SteelStainless steelBrassCopperAluminium1. Cutting2. Polishing3. ColouringFelt, 2-stage, 7Felt, 3-stage, 10Cloth 290, 9Cloth 101, 8Sisal cloth, 1NTF914 2NTF925 3CuttingPolishingColouring1 1 1 starting withstep-by-step4 4 5 polishing2 2 2 2 24 4 5 5 53 3 3 3 36 6 6 6 6Material is fixed in a toothed metal ring.The polishing buff is clamped using conicalspring washers.mm mmmax.1Sisal clothRRP2NTF914RRP3NTF925∅ A B rpm pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €150 17 14 3000 10 8203150944 14,85150 15 14 3000 5* 8203150914 19,05150 10 14 3000 5* 8203150925 15,05* Here, 5 pcs. corresponds to 10 buffs, because our Notiflex buffs are supplied in 2-buff kits.RRPSATINISING BUFFUSETRIM AND MATERIALNon woven abrasiveSatinisingDeoxidisingLight grindingLight deburringBlendingFine grindingcoarsemediumfinesuperfineProduct available in:coarsemediumfineSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCoppermm mmmax. coarse RRP medium RRP fine RRP∅ A B rpm pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €150 25 14 3000 10 8203150934 10,75150 30 14 3000 10 8203150936 13,00 8203150947 14,15Material is fixed in a toothed metal ring.The satiniser buff is clamped using conicalspring washers.TAPERED SHANKmm Shaft RRPA G pcs. Order no. €15-30 M14 8 1203300003 16,8015-50 M14 8 1213300003 18,20Conical shaft for angle polisher fortensioning polishing and satinising ringswith bores from 14 mm to 150 mm dia.Items available immediately from stock are printed in bold type.Please contact us for other sizes/materials: service@osborn.de97

POLISHING/SATINISINGAngle polishers/satinisersPOLISHING BUFFCloth/fleeceUSETRIM AND MATERIALProduct available with:SteelStainless steelBrassCopperAluminium1. Cutting2. Polishing3. ColouringFelt, 2-stage, 7Felt, 3-stage, 10Cloth 290, 9Cloth 101, 8Sisal cloth, 1NTF914 2NTF925 3CuttingPolishingColouring1 1 1 starting withstep-by-step4 4 5 polishing2 2 2 2 24 4 5 5 53 3 3 3 36 6 6 6 6Material is fixed in a toothed metal ring.The polishing buff is clamped using conicalspring washers.mm mmmax.1Sisal clothRRP2NTF914RRP3NTF925∅ A B rpm pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €100 17 19/6 4,000 10 2103100944 9,00100 15 19/6 4,000 5* 2103100914 8.60100 10 19/6 4000 5* 2103100925 8.80* Here, 5 pcs. corresponds to 10 buffs, because our Notiflex buffs are supplied in 2-buff kits.RRPPOLISHING BUFFUSETRIM AND MATERIALCloth/fleece1. Cutting2. Polishing3. ColouringFelt, 2-stage, 7Felt, 3-stage, 10Cloth 290, 9Cloth 101, 8Sisal cloth, 1NTF914 2NTF925 3Product available with:PolishingColouringSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopper9 9 9 9 94 4 5 5 58 8 8 8 86 6 6 6 6mm mmmax.9Cloth 290RRP8Cloth 101∅ A B rpm pcs. Order no. € Order no. €100 17 19/6 4000 10 1903100290 3,15 1903100101 3,15RRPMaterial is fixed in a toothed metal ring.The polishing buff is clamped using conicalspring washers.SATINISING ROLLERSUSETRIM AND MATERIALAbrasive non-wovenSatinisingDeoxidisingLight grindingLight deburringBlendingFine grindingcoarsemediumfinesuperfineProduct available in:coarsemediumfinesuperfineSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCoppermm mmmax. coarse RRP medium RRP fine RRP superfine RRP∅ A B rpm pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €100 100 19/6 4400 4 1903100932 19,95 1903100934 19,95 1903100936 19,95 1903100937 19,9598


POLISHING/SATINISINGIntroduction & technical informationPERFECTSATINISINGSatinising is a one-stage system for creating flat surfaces. The main considerations when selecting the polishing ring arethe surface characteristics and the appearance after finishing.There are three possible finish grades when satinising a surface.Coarse brush stroke Medium brush stroke Fine brush strokeImportant noteNon-woven abrasive tools are used without polishingpaste because the abrasive particles are alreadyembedded in the base material of the satiniser.These tools made of matted material containing abrasiveparticles are characterised by an open and flexible structure.They are self-sharpening and can be used in wet and dryapplications.Because they can also be used with hand-held tools, theyare ideal for a wide range of applications, from satinising todeoxidising to ultrafine grinding.Our non-woven abrasive tools are available in different gradesand sizes, depending on their purpose.Details can be found in the product toolbars.Finding the right toolPlease check your product choice using the information in the info heading. This will tell you the machinefor each product and its suitability, as well as providing a summary of the available carrier materialgrades (grits) suitable for the material being finished.USETRIM AND MATERIALSatinisingDeoxidisingLight grindingLight deburringBlendingFine grindingcoarsemediumfinesuperfineProduct available with:coarsemediumfinesuperfineSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopper100

POLISHING/SATINISINGIntroduction & technical informationPERFECTPOLISHINGMaximum 3 steps for perfect high-gloss surfaces:1. Cutting follows surface grinding and removesmaterial. For this reason, prepolishing is not suitablefor soft metals. Working with a sisal cloth ringsmoothes out unevenness, removes stretch marksand scratches, and prepares rough and uncoatedsurfaces for polishing.2. High-quality polishing removes traces of cuttingand further smoothes the surface. The best resultscan be achieved using our specially developedNOTIFLEX® polishing cloth (outstanding resultswithout unattractive bias stitching where reducedamounts of compound are used). Numerous highquality non-fraying cloth polishing buffs withextended service life are available.3. Colouring calls for minimal pressure andshort finishing times. Again various polishingbuffs are available.Which combination for which result?The following summary will help you find the bestcombination of polishing compound and polishing toolsneeded for each step in finishing each material.The short version can be found in the info area for each product.Key to the materials below.1 = Sisal cloth2 = Notiflex (NTF) 9143 = Notiflex (NTF) 9254 = Compound, white5 = Compound, brown6 =7 =8 =9 =10 =Compound, blueFelt, 2-stageCloth 101Cloth 290Felt, 3-stagePolishing as a 3-step processSystem using top-quality, patented Notiflex material without bias stitching. Suitable for all machines, diameters and bores.3 STEPS1. CuttingFor removing defects and scratches, beltsanding > 280 grit or sisal lines.2. PolishingRemoving traces of cutting and smoothingthe surface. Important for achieving a flat,high-gloss surface in the next step.3. ColouringFor high-gloss surfaces.Steel Stainless steel Brass Copper Aluminium1 or 10 1 or 10 1 or 10 starting with4 4 5step polishingSteel Stainless steel Brass Copper Aluminium2 or 10 2 or 10 2 or 10 2 or 10 2 or 104 4 5 5 5Steel Stainless steel Brass Copper Aluminium3 or 10 3 or 10 3 or 10 3 or 10 3 or 106 6 6 6 62 STEPSPolishing as a 2-step processSuitable for applications where no cutting is needed. Please note: There is a special summary of polishing buffs andcompounds for the 2-step method using a satiniser.1. PolishingLevel the surface. Important for achieving aflat, high-gloss surface in the next step.For high-gloss surfaces.Steel Stainless steel Aluminium Brass Copper7 7 7 7 74 4 5 5 5Steel Stainless steel Aluminium Brass Copper2. Colouring 8 8 8 8 86 6 6 6 61 STEPPolishing as a 1-step processSteel Stainless steel Aluminium Brass Copper1. Polishing and Finishing 9 9 9 9 9For low-gloss effects (not high gloss)4 4 5 5 5101

POLISHING/SATINISINGAngle grinders/power drillsImportant user informationPolishing/satinising with angle grinder or power drillTo be noted when selecting a tool and using angle-grinders:1. General user informationTo complete our range of polishing tool accessories for common hand-operated machines we also supply polishing discsfor angle grinders.The felt discs, combined with our 3 polishing compounds, can be used for the 3-stage polishing process.To be noted when selecting a tool and using power drills:1. General user informationIn the case of common power drills and flexible shafts, our polishing and satinising buffs can be fitted using our drill tapershank or the 6 mm shaft integrated into our polishing buffs (80 mm Ø).The recommended operating speed of ≤ 4,000 rpm should not be exceeded.Polishing compounds and the role they play in the finishing processPolishing compoundss are an essential element for all polishing jobs because they contain the abrasiveparticles needed to achieve a particular surface finish. It is also important to select the correct polishingcompound for the desired surface finish.Please check your product choice using the information in the info heading. It provides an overview of thecompounds available and their suitability for particular finishing steps.More on finding the right compound for your application can be found inthe technical information on the first page of "Polishing/Satinising".POLISHINGCOMPOUNDSSolidUSEwhite (cutting)white (polishing)brown (cutting)brown (polishing)blue (colouring)SteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopper4whiteRRP5brownRRP6blueg pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €110 15 2103005333 1,95 2103007012 2,35 2103000461 2,10700 8 8103005333 8,25 8103007012 10,80 8103000462 8,40RRPImportant note:No polishing compound is needed for satinising because the abrasive particles are alreadyembedded in the base material of the satiniser.102

POLISHING/SATINISINGAngle grinders/power drillsFAN-SHAPED POLISHINGBUFFSFeltUSETRIM AND MATERIALProduct available with:SteelStainless steelBrassCopperAluminium1. Cutting2. Polishing3. ColouringFelt, 2-stage, 7Felt, 3-stage, 10Cloth 290, 9Cloth 101, 8Sisal cloth, 1NTF914 2NTF925 3CuttingPolishingColouring10 10 10 starting withstep-by-step4 4 5 polishing10 10 10 10 104 4 5 5 510 10 10 10 106 6 6 6 6mmmax.10Felt, 3-stageRRP∅ B rpm pcs. Order no. €115 22,2 13280 10 1913022115 6,90125 22,2 13280 10 1913022125 7,95Very good polishing results can beachieved using reduced speeds of around4,500 rpm.POLISHING BUFFFleece/clothUSETRIM AND MATERIALProduct available with:SteelStainless steelBrassCopperAluminium1. Cutting2. Polishing3. ColouringFelt, 2-stage, 7Felt, 3-stage, 10Cloth 290, 9Cloth 101, 8Sisal cloth, 1NTF914 2NTF925 3CuttingPolishingColouring1 1 1 starting withstep-by-step4 4 5 polishing2 2 2 2 24 4 5 5 53 3 3 3 36 6 6 6 6Material is fixed in a toothed metal ring.The polishing buff is clamped using conicalspring washers.mm mmmax.1Sisal clothRRP2NTF914RRP3NTF925RRP∅ A B rpm pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €100 17 10 4000 10 8203100944 9,00100 15 10 4000 5* 8203100914 8,60100 10 10 4000 5* 8203100925 8,80* Here, 5 pcs. corresponds to 10 buffs, because our Notiflex buffs are supplied in 2-buff sets.POLISHING KITUSETRIM AND MATERIALProduct available with:SteelStainless steelBrassCopperAluminium1. Cutting2. Polishing3. ColouringFelt, 2-stage, 7Felt, 3-stage, 10Cloth 290, 9Cloth 101, 8Sisal cloth, 1NTF914 2NTF925 3CuttingPolishingColouring1 1 1 starting withstep-by-step4 4 5 polishing2 2 2 2 24 4 5 5 53 3 3 3 36 6 6 6 6The 10-piece kit contains everything youneed for the 3-stage polishing process:Polishing buffs, drive arbor, compound forcutting, polishing and colouring.mmmax.Polishing kit3-stageRRP∅ B rpm pcs. Order no. €100 10 4000 6 8603600010 41,95Contentspcs.Sisal cloth 2NTF914 2NTF925 2Compound: white, brown, blue 1Tapered shank 1Items available immediately from stock are printed in bold type.Please contact us for other sizes/materials: service@osborn.de103

POLISHING/SATINISINGAngle grinders/power drillsPOLISHING MOPUSETRIM AND MATERIALFleece/clothFelt, 2-stage, 7Felt, 3-stage, 10Cloth 290, 9Cloth 101, 8Sisal cloth, 1NTF914 2NTF925 3Product available with:PolishingSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopper7 7 7 7 74 4 5 5 51. Cutting2. Polishing3. ColouringColouring8 8 8 8 86 6 6 6 6mm mm mm max.7Felt, 2-stageRRP8Cloth 101∅ A B S rpm pcs. Order no. € Order no. €85 15 10 4000 10 1503015085 7,9580 10 10 4000 10 2103080101 2,4580 10 6 4000 12 1903080101 2,95100 10 10 4000 10 2103100101 2,80RRPPOLISHING KITUSETRIM AND MATERIAL2. Polishing3. ColouringFelt, 2-stage, 7Felt, 3-stage, 10Cloth 290, 9Cloth 101, 8Sisal cloth, 1NTF914 2NTF925 3Product available with:PolishingColouringSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopper7 7 7 7 74 4 5 5 58 8 8 8 86 6 6 6 6The 6-piece kit contains everything youneed for the 2-stage polishing process:polishing mop, felt, drive arbor, compoundfor polishing and colouring.mmmax.Polishing kit2-stageRRP∅ B rpm pcs. Order no. €85/80 10 4000 5 1203600000 12,30Contentspcs.felts, 2-stage 1101 buffs 1Compounds: white, brown, blue 1Tapered shank 1POLISHING BUFFUSETRIM AND MATERIALFleece/cloth1. Cutting2. Polishing3. ColouringFelt, 2-stage, 7Felt, 3-stage, 10Cloth 290, 9Cloth 101, 8Sisal cloth, 1NTF914 2NTF925 3Product available with:Polishing and FinishSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopper9 9 9 9 96 6 6 6 6mm mm mm max.9Cloth 290RRP∅ A B S rpm pcs. Order no. €80 10 10 4000 10 2103080290 2,4580 10 6 4000 12 1903080290 2,95100 10 10 4000 10 2103100290 2,80104

POLISHING/SATINISINGAngle grinders/power drillsSATINISING BUFFUSETRIM AND MATERIALNon woven abrasiveSatinisingDeoxidisingLight grindingLight deburringBlendingFine grindingcoarsemediumfinesuperfineProduct available in:coarsemediumfineSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCoppermm mmmax. coarse RRP medium RRP fine RRP∅ A B rpm pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €100 23 10 4000 10 8203100934 6,40100 30 10 4000 10 8203100936 6,95 8203100947 7,35Material is fixed with a toothed metal ring.The satiniser buff is clamped using conicalspring washers.TAPERED SHANKmm mm Shaft RRPA S pcs. Order no. €10-35 6 4 8103800224 7,05Tapered shank for power drill or flexibleshaft for clamping polishing and satinisingbuffs with bores from 10 mm to 100 dia.SATINISING KITUSETRIM AND MATERIALSatinisingDeoxidisingLight grindingLight deburringBlendingFine grindingcoarsemediumfinesuperfineProduct available in:coarsemediumfineSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopperThe 4-part kit contains fine grinding buffs(coarse, medium, fine) and a drive arbor.mmmax. Satinising kit RRP∅ B rpm pcs. Order no. €100 10 4000 6 8603600004 26,60Contents pcs.Coarse non woven 1Medium non woven 1Fine non woven 1Tapered shank 1Items available immediately from stock are printed in bold type.Please contact us for other sizes/materials: service@osborn.de105

POLISHING/SATINISINGThe right compound for your finishing stepPolishing compounds are essential for all polishing jobsbecause they contain the abrasive particles needed toachieve a particular surface finish.It is also important to select the correct polishing compoundfor the desired surface finish.More on finding the right compound for your application canbe found in the technical information on the first page of"Polishing/Satinising".Important note:No polishing compound is needed for satinisingbecause the abrasive particles are alreadyembedded in the substrate of the satinising tool.106


POLISHING/SATINISINGIntroduction & technical informationPERFECTSATINISINGSatinising is a one-stage system for creating flat surfaces. The main considerations when selecting the polishing ring arethe surface characteristics and the appearance after finishing.There are three possible finish grades when satinising a surface.Coarse brush stroke Medium brush stroke Fine brush strokeImportant noteNon-woven abrasive tools are used without polishingpaste because the abrasive particles are alreadyembedded in the base material of the satiniser.These tools made of matted material containing abrasiveparticles are characterised by an open and flexible structure.They are self-sharpening and can be used in wet and dryapplications.Because they can also be used with hand-held tools, theyare ideal for a wide range of applications, from satinising todeoxidising to ultrafine grinding.Our non-woven abrasive tools are available in different gradesand sizes, depending on their purpose.Details can be found in the product toolbars.Finding the right toolPlease check your product choice using the information in the info heading. This will tell you the machinefor each product and its suitability, as well as providing a summary of the available carrier materialgrades (grits) suitable for the material being finished.USETRIM AND MATERIALSatinisingDeoxidisingLight grindingLight deburringBlendingFine grindingcoarsemediumfinesuperfineProduct available with:coarsemediumfinesuperfineSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopper108

POLISHING/SATINISINGIntroduction & technical informationPERFECTPOLISHINGMaximum 3 steps for perfect high-gloss surfaces:1. Cutting follows surface grinding and removesmaterial. For this reason, prepolishing is not suitablefor soft metals. Working with a sisal cloth ringsmoothes out unevenness, removes stretch marksand scratches, and prepares rough and uncoatedsurfaces for polishing.2. High-quality polishing removes traces of cuttingand further smoothes the surface. The best resultscan be achieved using our specially developedNOTIFLEX® polishing cloth (outstanding resultswithout unattractive bias stitching where reducedamounts of compound are used). Numerous highquality non-fraying cloth polishing buffs withextended service life are available.3. Colouring calls for minimal pressure andshort finishing times. Again various polishingbuffs are available.Which combination for which result?The following summary will help you find the bestcombination of polishing compound and polishing toolsneeded for each step in finishing each material.The short version can be found in the info area for each product.Key to the materials below.1 = Sisal cloth2 = Notiflex (NTF) 9143 = Notiflex (NTF) 9254 = Compound, white5 = Compound, brown6 =7 =8 =9 =10 =Compound, blueFelt, 2-stageCloth 101Cloth 290Felt, 3-stagePolishing as a 3-step processSystem using top-quality, patented Notiflex material without bias stitching. Suitable for all machines, diameters and bores.3 STEPS1. CuttingFor removing defects and scratches, beltsanding > 280 grit or sisal lines.2. PolishingRemoving traces of cutting and smoothingthe surface. Important for achieving a flat,high-gloss surface in the next step.3. ColouringFor high-gloss surfaces.Steel Stainless steel Brass Copper Aluminium1 or 10 1 or 10 1 or 10 starting with4 4 5step polishingSteel Stainless steel Brass Copper Aluminium2 or 10 2 or 10 2 or 10 2 or 10 2 or 104 4 5 5 5Steel Stainless steel Brass Copper Aluminium3 or 10 3 or 10 3 or 10 3 or 10 3 or 106 6 6 6 62 STEPSPolishing as a 2-step processSuitable for applications where no cutting is needed. Please note: There is a special summary of polishing buffs andcompounds for the 2-step method using a satiniser.1. PolishingLevel the surface. Important for achieving aflat, high-gloss surface in the next step.For high-gloss surfaces.Steel Stainless steel Aluminium Brass Copper7 7 7 7 74 4 5 5 5Steel Stainless steel Aluminium Brass Copper2. Colouring 8 8 8 8 86 6 6 6 61 STEPPolishing as a 1-step processSteel Stainless steel Aluminium Brass Copper1. Polishing and Finishing 9 9 9 9 9For low-gloss effects (not high gloss)4 4 5 5 5109

POLISHING/SATINISINGStationary machinesImportant user informationPolishing/satinising using stationary machinesTo be noted when selecting a tool and using stationary machines:1. General user informationThe correct cutting speed when using polishing rings on polishing and other stationary machines must be determinedcase by case.The recommended maximum operating speed of 3,000 rpm should, however, not be exceeded.2. Detailed information on optimum speedsWe recommend the followingstarting values:UseGrindingSatinisingCuttingPolishingCutting speedapprox. 30 m/sec.approx. 20 m/sec.approx. 30-35 m/sec.approx. 30 m/sec.Summary of cutting speeds as a factor ofspeed and diameter:rpm / Ø 150 2002.600 20 m/sec. 27 m/sec.2.800 22 m/sec. 29 m/sec.3.000 23 m/sec. 31 m/sec.Polishing compounds and the role they play in the finishing processPolishing compounds are an essential element for all polishing jobs because they contain the abrasiveparticles needed to achieve a particular surface finish. It is also important here to select the correct polishingcompound for the desired surface finish.Please check your product choice using the information in the info heading. It provides an overview of thecompounds available and their suitability for particular finishing steps.More on finding the right compound for your application can be found inthe technical information on the first page of "Polishing/Satinising".POLISHINGCOMPOUNDSSolidUSEwhite (cutting)white (polishing)brown (cutting)brown (polishing)blue (colouring)SteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopper4whiteRRP5brownRRP6blueg pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €110 15 2103005333 1,95 2103007012 2,35 2103000461 2,10700 8 8103005333 8,25 8103007012 10,80 8103000462 8,40RRPImportant note:No polishing compound is needed for satinising because the abrasive particles are alreadyembedded in the base material of the satiniser.110

POLISHING/SATINISINGStationary machinesPOLISHING BUFFFleece/clothUSETRIM AND MATERIALProduct available with:SteelStainless steelBrassCopperAluminium1. Cutting2. Polishing3. ColouringFelt, 2-stage, 7Felt, 3-stage, 10Cloth 290, 9Cloth 101, 8Sisal cloth, 1NTF914 2NTF925 3CuttingPolishingColouring1 1 1 starting withstep-by-step4 4 5 polishing2 2 2 2 24 4 5 5 53 3 3 3 36 6 6 6 6Material is fixed with a toothed metal ring.The polishing buff is clamped using conicalspring washers.mm mmmax.1Sisal clothRRP2NTF914RRP3NTF925∅ A B rpm pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €150 17 14 3000 10 8203150944 14,85150 15 14 3000 5* 8203150914 19,05150 10 14 3000 5* 8203150925 15,05200 17 14 3000 10 8211201944 20,50200 15 14 3000 5* 8203200914 21,05200 10 14 3000 5* 8203200925 22,80RRP* Here, 5 pcs. corresponds to 10 buffs, because our Notiflex buffs are supplied in 2-buff sets.SATINISING BUFFUSETRIM AND MATERIALNon woven abrasiveSatinisingDeoxidisingLight grindingLight deburringBlendingFine grindingcoarsemediumfinesuperfineProduct available in:coarsemediumfineSteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopperMaterial is fixed in a toothed metal ring.The satiniser buff is clamped using conicalspring washers.mm mmmax. coarse RRP medium RRP fine RRP∅ A B rpm pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €150 25 14 3000 10 8203150934 10,75150 30 14 3000 10 8203150936 13,00 8203150947 14,15200 25 14 3000 10 8203200934 15,05200 30 14 3000 10 8203200936 19,55 8203200947 21,05Items available immediately from stock are printed in bold type.Please contact us for other sizes/materials: service@osborn.de111

POLISHING/SATINISINGThe right polish for your lacquerPolishes ensure a professional result for lacquer finishes.They are designed for the professional finishing of all lacquertypes.Our polishes come in different varieties, depending on thefinishing step.Details are given on the following pages.112


POLISHING/SATINISINGPolishes & compoundsImportant user informationPolishes and compounds - the key to a perfect polishing resultWhat to look for when selecting the right polish:1. General user informationOur polishes are designed for the professional finishing of all lacquer types. Different compounds are available fordifferent finishing steps. Details are given in the figures below.2. Polish types and applications 3. Detailed informationStrong CutCutCompleteFinishNano-PolishHigh-efficiency abrasive compound forscratches and damage that can still berepaired. For the second step, we recommendNano-Polish.Fine abrasive compound for all wear/weathering marks in older paints. For a deepgloss, we recommend using Nano-Polish inthe second step.Fine abrasive compound to remove all wear/weathering marks in all kinds of lacquer. Fora deep paint, we recommend using Finish inthe second step.Ideal for the hologram-free removal of tinyscratches and films on conventional andfresh lacquer. Brings a deep and brilliantgloss to dark lacquer.Especially suitable for the new generation ofscratch-resistant lacquer. For removing tinyscratches, holograms and films to give adeep and brilliant gloss.Rotational speedrotation(n = rpm)eccentric(n = rpm)Finishing flaws1500-20002000-100001500-20002000-100001500-20002000-100001500-20002000-100001500-20002000-10000Orange peel ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓Holograms – – – ✓ ✓Scratches ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓Weathering – ✓ ✓ – –For OEMsPaint runs – – – ✓ ✓Dirt inclusions – – – ✓ ✓LACQUERPOLISHLiquidLacquer typeGlossUse/Lacquer typeConventional paint 1.500 2.000 2.000-3.000 3.000-4.000 2.500-4.000Scratch-resistant paint – 2.000 2.500 3.500-4.000 3.000-4.000rpmrpmCoarse Medium FineStrongCutCut Complete FinishRemovalNano-PolishFresh paint 1.500 2.000 2.000-3.000 3.000-4.000 2.500-4.000With pad* orange orange/blue orange/blue black blackProperties hard medium medium soft softWith lambskin* ✓ ✓ ✓ – –rpmStrong Cut RRP Cut RRP Complete RRP Finish RRP Nano-Polish RRPml pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €1000 6 L699940320 19,95 L699740250 19,95 L699940250 19,95 L699740340 19,95 L699940340 38,50* Pads and lambskin can be obtained from good accessory dealers.Important:We recommend testing a sample area before you start work.114

POLISHING/SATINISINGPolishes & compoundsPOLISHING EMULSIONSLiquidACRYLIC POLISHING KITLiquidDur Plast RRPml pcs. Order no. €50 10 2103002101 7,901000 1 L669002101 41,35Polishing kitAcrylicRRPpcs. Order no. €10 1203600001 10,25Gloss finish for all non-stamped plastics,including powder coatings and enameledsurfacesMetal PolishRRPml pcs. Order no. €50 10 2103002102 6,851000 1 L669002102 33,55The 4-part kit contains Dur Plast emulsion,sandpaper, sponge and polishing cloth.Cleans silver, stainless steel, brass, copper,aluminium and hard plastic. Polish with adamp cloth. Wipe with a clean, soft cloth.What to look for when selecting a suitable compound:General user informationPolishing compounds are an essential element for all polishing jobs because they contain the abrasive particlesneeded to achieve a particular surface finish. It is also important here to select the correct polishing compoundfor the desired surface finish.Please check your product choice using the information in the info heading. It provides an overview of thecompounds available and their suitability for particular finishing steps.More on finding the right compound for your application can be found inthe technical information on the first page of "Polishing/Satinising".POLISHINGCOMPOUNDSSolidUSEwhite (cutting)white (polishing)brown (cutting)brown (polishing)blue (colouring)SteelStainless steelAluminiumBrassCopper4whiteRRP5brownRRP6blueg pcs. Order no. € Order no. € Order no. €110 15 2103005333 1,95 2103007012 2,35 2103000461 2,10700 8 8103005333 8,25 8103007012 10,80 8103000462 8,40RRPImportant note:No polishing compound is needed for satinising because the abrasive particles are already embedded in the basematerial of the satiniser.115

GRINDINGIntroduction & Method DefinitionSurface finishingwith <strong>brushes</strong>Brush tools are ideal forcleaning and finishingas there is no removal ofmaterial from the surface.This avoids striae, groovesor dents resulting fromgrindingGRINDING BRUSHINGSurface finishing by grindingThe surface is nolonger flat.Grinding discs generallyremove stock.Compared with grindingwheels, (blade) grindingdiscs have a considerably finergrinding pattern.They are ideal for finishinglarge surfaces, for sanding,leveling weld seams or as apreparatory stage before finalsurface finishing with <strong>brushes</strong>or polishing tools.116


GRINDINGAngle grindersImportant user informationGrinding tools for angle grindersTo be noted when selecting your grinding tools and usingangle grinders:1. Typical grinding tools for angle grindersAbrasive discsThe main tools used for fine grinding with the angle grinder are abrasivemop wheels - also called abrasive discs.These are tools which remove stock. They are ideal for grinding downplate material and steel edges, and for levelling weld seams.2. The different designs and their applicationsGrinding discs come in 2 designs:A: Flat model:B: Bevelled model:WorkpieceWorkpieceThis design is used primarily forsurface grinding.This design is used primarily foredge grinding and hard-to-reach locations.Both consist of a glass fibre plate and self-sharpening zirconium corundum.3. The operating speed and its effect on the grinding resultVarying the operating speed allows the amount of material removed and therefore the fineness of the result to beregulated.Important safety message: The recommended maximum operating speed should not be exceeded.118

GRINDINGAngle grindersAbrasive discsbevelled modelmmØ B min-1 pcs.115 22,2 13300 10125 22,2 13300 10178 22,2 8500 540 RRP 60 RRP 80 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €3703-003 114 3,20 3703-003 116 3,20 3703-003 118 3,203703-003 124 3,55 3703-003 126 3,55 3703-003 128 3,553703-003 174 9,90 3703-003 176 9,90 3703-003 178 9,90With zirconium corundum for a high levelof stock removal. Especially for processingedges, excellent on stainless steel.Abrasive discsflat modelmmØ B min-1 pcs.115 22,2 13300 10125 22,2 13300 10178 22,2 8500 540 RRP 60 RRP 80 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €3723-003 114 3,55 3723-003 116 3,55 3723-003 118 3,553723-003 124 3,80 3723-003 126 3,80 3723-003 128 3,803723-003 174 10,45 3723-003 176 10,45 3723-003 178 10,45With zirconium corundum for a high level ofstock removal. Especially for processing flatsurfaces, excellent on stainless steel.119



GRINDINGPower drills/High-speed machinesImportant user informationGrinding tools for power drills and high-speed machinesTo be noted when selecting your <strong>brushes</strong> and using power drills and high-speedmachines:1. General user informationThe products shown on the following pages have a 6-mm shaft and can be fitted quickly and easily to all common powerdrills and high-speed machines (e.g. straight grinders).2. Typical grinding tools for power drills and high-speed machinesSerrated grindersWith their lamella structures, these are idealfor high-speed tools and can be used forprofiled and hard-to-reach workpieces.Serrated non-woven wheelsThese are the perfect addition to serratedgrinders because of their soft and flexiblestructure.They operate at considerably lower speeds,and thereby achieve an especially finepattern.122

GRINDINGPower drills/High-speed machinesFlap wheelsWith aluminium oxide.mmØ A S min-1 pcs.30 5 6 23000 1030 10 6 23000 1030 20 6 23000 1040 10 6 17000 1040 15 6 17000 1040 30 6 17000 1050 10 6 14000 1050 20 6 14000 1050 30 6 14000 1060 20 6 11000 1060 30 6 11000 1060 40 6 11000 1060 RRP 80 RRP 120 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0063-003 005 3,05 0083-003 005 3,05 0123-003 005 3,050063-003 010 3,40 0083-003 010 3,40 0123-003 010 3,400063-003 020 4,25 0083-003 020 4,25 0123-003 020 4,250063-004 010 4,10 0083-004 010 4,10 0123-004 010 4,100063-004 015 4,25 0083-004 015 4,25 0123-004 015 4,250063-004 030 4,85 0083-004 030 4,85 0123-004 030 4,850063-005 010 4,20 0083-005 010 4,20 0123-005 010 4,200063-005 020 5,20 0083-005 020 5,20 0123-005 020 5,200063-005 030 5,60 0083-005 030 5,60 0123-005 030 5,600063-006 020 5,75 0083-006 020 5,75 0123-006 020 5,750063-006 030 6,20 0083-006 030 6,20 0123-006 030 6,200063-006 040 7,55 0083-006 040 7,55 0123-006 040 7,55mmØ A S min-1 pcs.30 5 6 23000 1030 10 6 23000 10030 20 6 23000 1040 10 6 17000 1040 15 6 17000 1040 30 6 17000 1050 10 6 14000 1050 20 6 14000 1050 30 6 14000 1060 20 6 11000 1060 30 6 11000 1060 40 6 11000 10240 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0243-003 005 3,050243-003 010 3,400243-003 020 4,250243-004 010 4,100243-004 015 4,250243-004 030 4,850243-005 010 4,200243-005 020 5,200243-005 030 5,600243-006 020 5,750243-006 030 6,200243-006 040 7,55Flap wheels of abrasivefleeceWith aluminium oxide.mmØ A S min-1 pcs.40 20 6 8000 1040 30 6 8000 1050 20 6 7500 1050 30 6 7500 1050 40 6 7500 1060 30 6 7000 1060 40 6 7000 1060 50 6 7000 1080 RRP 150 RRP 240 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0083-304 020 7,50 0153-304 020 7,50 0243-304 020 7,500083-304 030 8,85 0153-304 030 8,85 0243-304 030 8,850083-305 020 8,65 0153-305 020 8,65 0243-305 020 8,650083-305 030 9,15 0153-305 030 9,15 0243-305 030 9,150083-305 040 10,95 0153-305 040 10,95 0243-305 040 10,950083-306 030 11,35 0153-306 030 11,35 0243-306 030 11,350083-306 040 11,55 0153-306 040 11,55 0243-306 040 11,550083-306 050 14,25 0153-306 050 14,25 0243-306 050 14,25123



GRINDINGSatinisersImportant user informationGrinding tools for satinisersTo be noted when selecting your grinding tools and usingsatinisers:1. General user informationThese products can be fitted simply and easily thanks to their 19/6 bore (with 4 keyways) which suits all commonsatinisers.The maximum operating speed of 4,400 rpm should not be exceeded.2. Typical products for satinisersAbrasive non-woven rollersAbrasive non-woven rollersoffer the advantages of aflexible abrasive cloth.Thanks to their open andflexible structure, theyconform perfectly to theworkpiece being ground.They are suitable for coarse,medium, fine and superfinegrinding.3. Advantage of the cylinder shapeThe cylinder shape allows you to achieve the ideal working width of 100 mm without problems.There is no need to fit multiple rings.126

GRINDINGSatinisersFleece roller <strong>brushes</strong>with fleecemmØ A B min-1 pcs.100 100 19/6 4400 4coarse RRP medium RRP fine RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1903-100 932 19,95 1903-100 934 19,95 1903-100 936 19,95Mit Aluminiumoxyd.mmØ A B min-1 pcs.100 100 19/6 4400 4very fine RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1903-100 937 19,95127

SPECIALIntroductionA TOOLFOR EVERYAPPLICATIONYou were not successful in finding the right brush on the previous pages?No problem.Some tasks demand very special tools - tools that cannot be found in the standard product range.This is nothing out of the ordinary for us because many of our customers have very special requirements when it comes tosurface treatment. That is why we have devoted a separate chapter to these special tools.The following section contains a range of our special <strong>brushes</strong> for both machine and manual use.It includes:• Broomate:brooms for agriculture and industry• Strip and seal <strong>brushes</strong>• Brushes for structuring• Roller <strong>brushes</strong>• End <strong>brushes</strong> for brush holders• Hole cleaning <strong>brushes</strong>• Nozzle cleaning <strong>brushes</strong>• Fitting <strong>brushes</strong> to clean the inside andoutside of pipes• Battery terminal <strong>brushes</strong>• Condenser <strong>brushes</strong>• Radiator <strong>brushes</strong>• Face <strong>brushes</strong>• Chimney sweeping products• Stove pipe cleaners• Sewer cleaning <strong>brushes</strong>• Spiral triangular steel scrapers• Joint <strong>brushes</strong>If you have not found the brush required, please contact us.Our experienced application engineers will be glad to help you find a solution.128


SPECIALBroomateOSBORNEXCLUSIVELYThe broom for agriculture and industry.New brooms sweep clean.The Broomate is a sturdy and efficient broom for demanding cleaning jobs.Designed specifically for the high demands of agriculture and industry, this special broom has a very strong, 5 mm thick,galvanised steel hood and a bracket for use with forklifts. Its flexibility and outstanding durability make the Broomate anextremely economical and efficient solution to demanding sweeping situations.You can use the Broomate to effectively remove agricultural and industrial waste, rubble,leaves, snow, standing water and escaped liquids.Order overviewBroomate Order no. Components EachMidiMate APR180 0004APR180 Complete kit (bracket and <strong>brushes</strong>) 1MidiMate APR180 0004APR030 Steel bracket APR 180 1MidiMate APR180 0004APR013 Set of 11 strip <strong>brushes</strong> 1820 x 285 1MaxiMate APR240 0004APR240 Complete kit (bracket and <strong>brushes</strong>) 1MaxiMate APR240 0004APR032 Steel bracket APR 240 1MaxiMate APR240 0004APR013 Set of 11 strip <strong>brushes</strong> 1820 x 285 1MaxiMate APR240 0004APR034 Set of 11 strip <strong>brushes</strong> 600 x 285 1MegaMate APR300 0004APR300 Complete kit (bracket and <strong>brushes</strong>) 1MegaMate APR300 0004APR042 Steel bracket APR 300 1MegaMate APR300 0004APR013 Set of 11 strip <strong>brushes</strong> 1820 x 285 1MegaMate APR300 0004APR034 Set of 11 strip <strong>brushes</strong> 600 x 285 1Price upon request.It is safe, user-friendly and very economical.The Broomate is ideal for any number of uses, fromconstruction sites to livestock holdings, from recyclingfacilities to quarries.The detachable parts of the Broomate can be exchanged in just a few steps.That way, the Broomate can easily be adapted to individual conditions.Exclusive video:The Broomate in action.www.broomate.com/Produkt.271.0.html?&L=0or simply scan in the Quick Code at theleft using the relevant app on yourSmartphone*.click* Network charges apply for the use ofmobile websites.130

SPECIALBrushes for wood grainingmmØ A B min-1 pcs.100 100 16 4000 1150 80 16 4000 1150 80 16/30 4000 1150 85 16 4000 1150 85 16/30 4000 1150 120 16 4000 1150 120 30 4000 1150 140 30 4000 10,17RusticordRRP0,20RusticordRRP80RustifilRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €3142-703 032 107,300142-703 914 260,251632-703 914 260,250142-703 044 154,00 3242-703 915 260,051632-703 044 154,00 1632-703 915 273,200262-713 044 190,05 2852-713 915 351,552102-713 044 207,15 2152-713 915 351,550362-713 044 216,30 2552-713 915 374,30For hand held and stationary machines.mmØ A B min-1 pcs.150 120 30 4000 1150 140 30 4000 10,15Fibre/Phos.RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €3242-713 904 572,753142-713 904 598,80drive arborfor <strong>brushes</strong> for wood grainingmmG L pcs.M16/M14 90 1M16/M14 105 1M16/M14 125 1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0083-000 105 22,000183-000 105 22,000283-000 105 22,00131

SPECIALRoller <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ A T min-1 pcs.100 12 21 8000 1100 25 17,5 8000 1100 70 17,5 8000 1100 100 17,5 8000 10,20 RRP 0,27 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9803-522 341 19,50 9803-522 051 10,009803-523 342 29,05 9803-523 052 15,659803-523 346 79,95 9803-523 056 62,251203-703 342 114,15 1203-703 062 87,25For roughening, deburring, weld seamcleaning and paint stripping.Roller <strong>brushes</strong>abrasive filamentmmØ A T min-1 pcs.100 12 21 1100 25 17,5 3100 70 17,5 4100 100 17,5 380 Novofil NH-S RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9813-522 911 17,359803-523 912 24,259803-523 916 61,051203-703 912 82,85Metal: Roughening, deburring.Wood: Structuring of hard and soft wood.132

SPECIALRoller <strong>brushes</strong>Natural FibremmØ A T min-1 pcs.100 100 17,5 8000 4Fibre RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9803-523 940 111,45For dust removal and cleaning.Roller <strong>brushes</strong>mixed materialmmØ A T min-1 pcs.100 12 21 8000 1100 25 21 8000 1100 70 17,5 8000 1100 100 17,5 8000 180 Rustifil RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €1203-522 931 29,301203-522 932 44,601203-522 936 107,351203-703 932 118,90Metal: Cleaning and Finishing of StainlessSteel, Copper- and Brass-sheets in one step.Wood: Roughening and planing in one step.Longer service-life than domparable Fleecerollers.133

SPECIALEnd <strong>brushes</strong>mmØ T L pcs.25 95 25 160,20 CDSteelwireRRP0,35 CDSteelwireRRP0,50 CDSteelwireRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-509 448 8,60 0002-509 478 8,00 0002-509 498 7,50mmØ T L pcs.25 95 25 160,20 RRP 120 RRP 120 Mix RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-509 348 15,00 0002-509 928 9,50 5702-509 938 11,40mmØ T L pcs.25 95 25 160,27RusticordRRP 80 RRP 180 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €3212-509 068 8,50 0002-509 908 9,50 0002-509 988 9,50To deburr the raw edge of tubes/profiles orflat surfaces. A set (8,16,24pcs) are fitted ina brush head.mmØ T L pcs.6 95 25 160,35 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-509 378 18,55Joint <strong>brushes</strong>knotted wiremmØ A T B min-1 pcs.300 4 68 20 3600 6300 6 68 20 3600 6300 8 68 20 3600 6300 10 68 20 3600 60,50 RRP 0,80 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €9802-026 560 34,209802-026 561 35,90 9802-026 581 49,909802-026 562 43,10 9802-026 582 59,759802-026 563 53,00 9802-026 583 74,10For road building to clean expansion joints/gaps and narrow spots with adjusted workingwidth.134

SPECIALRadiator <strong>brushes</strong>mmØ A L G pcs.25 120 180 M12 1030 120 180 M12 1080 120 180 M12 1085 120 180 M12 10100 120 180 M12 10130 120 180 M12 10140 120 180 M12 10150 120 180 M12 10Brass-Coated RRP Steelwire RRP Nylon RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-851 025 9,20 0003-860 125 10,00 0003-858 025 9,300003-851 030 9,20 0003-860 130 10,00 0003-858 030 9,300003-851 080 9,20 0003-860 180 10,00 0003-858 080 9,300003-851 085 9,20 0003-858 085 9,300003-860 110 11,000003-860 113 16,300003-851 140 17,300003-851 150 17,30 0003-860 115 18,00 0003-858 150 17,40Double cable with a pressed in thread.mmØ A L G pcs.40 100 170 1/2 Zoll 1040 100 170 3/8 Zoll 1050 100 100 1/2 Zoll 1050 100 170 3/8 Zoll 1050 100 170 1/2 Zoll 1040 70 750 1/2 Zoll 1050 100 1000 1/2 Zoll 10SteelwireStraightRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-820 110 9,950002-828 110 10,650002-820 115 10,350002-828 115 11,300002-820 119 11,850002-821 240 8,850002-821 135 10,65Wire handlesfor radiator <strong>brushes</strong>G L pcs.1/2 Zoll BSW 1000 10M 6 1000 10M 6 1000 5M 12 1000 53/8 Zoll R 1000 105/16 Zoll BSW 1000 10Steel wire RRP RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-819 110 8,651132-819 110 8,650003-819 111 * 10,000003-819 112 11,500002-829 110 8,651103-819 110 8,65Flexible - with a thread to extend heatingelement <strong>brushes</strong> and tube <strong>brushes</strong>.135

SPECIALThread adapterfor radiator <strong>brushes</strong>Reduzierungpcs.3/4 Zoll BSW auf M6x1 15/16 Zoll BSW auf M8x1,25 13/8 Zoll BSW auf M10x1,5 11/2 Zoll BSW auf M12x1,75 1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-819 006 14,250002-819 008 12,250002-819 010 12,250002-819 012 15,30Reduction bush for flexible wire handles.Stove pipe cleanerscrimped wiremmØ A L pcs.125 120 2000 10125 120 3000 10140 120 2000 10140 120 3000 10160 120 3000 10210 120 2000 100,30CrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-824 213 10,300002-825 213 11,650002-824 214 11,150002-825 214 12,250002-825 216 12,650002-824 221 12,15With a flexible, galvanised wire handle.136

SPECIALFace <strong>brushes</strong>flat wiremmØ G pcs.100 M12 x175 5125 M12 x175 5150 M12 x175 5200 M12 x175 5250 M12 x175 5300 M12 x175 5350 M12 x175 5400 M12 x175 5Steel wire RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-890 100 7,100003-890 125 7,200003-890 150 7,300003-890 200 8,400003-890 250 9,050003-890 300 9,400003-890 350 10,000003-890 400 14,70Round shape.Face <strong>brushes</strong>flat wiremmØ G pcs.200x200 M12 x175 5250x250 M12 x175 5300x300 M12 x175 5350x350 M12 x175 52,4 x 0,4 RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-896 200 10,700003-896 250 12,500003-896 300 15,700003-896 350 22,30Square shape.137

SPECIALFace <strong>brushes</strong>flat wiremmØ G pcs.200x350 M12 x175 5200x400 M12 x175 5250x400 M12 x175 5300x450 M12 x175 5300x500 M12 x175 5Steel wire RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-892 035 15,000003-892 040 17,600003-892 540 16,400003-893 045 20,200003-893 050 21,50Rectangle shape.Face <strong>brushes</strong>NylonmmØ G pcs.150 M12 x175 5200 M12 x175 5250 M12 x175 5300 M12 x175 5PPNGreenRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-890 815 8,700003-890 820 10,450003-890 825 11,450003-890 830 14,50Face <strong>brushes</strong>NylonmmØ G pcs.150 M12 x175 5200 M12 x175 5250 M12 x175 5300 M12 x175 5PPNGreenRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-870 815 10,800003-870 820 12,600003-870 825 13,600003-870 830 16,80138

SPECIAL<strong>Hand</strong>lefor face <strong>brushes</strong>mmØ L G pcs.18 1000 M12 518 1500 M12 518 2000 M12 520 1000 M12 520 1500 M12 520 2000 M12 5*self-lockingRRPRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-824 100 8,90 0003-844 100 * 12,000003-824 150 10,00 0003-844 150 * 13,000003-824 200 12,20 0003-844 200 * 15,000003-834 100 17,500003-834 150 19,300003-834 200 21,00Plastic covered, not flexible.Chimney ballØ T B G min-1 pcs.1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-824 993 32,00Weight 2kg.139

SPECIALSuction cupmmØpcs.100 1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-824 994 8,20Chimney scraperpcs.1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-824 995 11,50Chimney drillmmØpcs.50 1100 1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-824 997 10,000003-824 996 21,50140

SPECIALChimney setpcs.1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-824 998 30,00Consist of: Drill, scraper, suction cup.Springpcs.1RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-824 999 15,00Radiator brushcurvedmmØpcs.50 1Brass-Coated RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-824 991 13,30Arch shaped, with double wire cable and apressed in thread.141

SPECIALCondenser <strong>brushes</strong>mmØ A T G pcs.12 80 110 M 6 1015 80 110 M 6 1040 80 110 M 6 10Steel wire RRP Nylon RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-824 212 6,00 0003-824 812 6,850003-824 215 6,00 0003-824 815 6,850003-824 240 6,00 0003-824 840 6,85Für die Reinigung von Kondensatoren undSiederohren. Verwendbar mit biegsamemDrahtstiel.Hole cleaning <strong>brushes</strong>crimped wiremmØ A L pcs.15 100 280 1020 100 280 1025 100 280 1030 100 280 10Steel wireCrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0002-892 215 8,350002-892 220 8,650002-892 225 8,850002-892 230 9,15To clean the inside of steel, wood or plasticproducts. To remove chippings and looseparticles.142

SPECIALNozzle cleaning <strong>brushes</strong>Wire/NylonmmØ A L pcs.4 100 300 205 100 300 206 100 300 208 100 300 2010 100 300 2012 100 300 2015 100 300 2018 100 300 2020 100 300 2025 100 300 20Steel wireBrassCrimpedRRPCrimpedRRPStainlessCrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-816 204 6,40 0003-816 304 10,600003-816 205 6,45 0003-816 305 10,600003-816 206 6,45 0003-816 506 6,90 0003-816 306 10,600003-816 208 5,55 0003-816 508 6,90 0003-816 308 7,650003-816 210 5,55 0003-816 510 6,65 0003-816 310 7,650003-816 212 5,80 0003-816 512 6,65 0003-816 312 7,650002-816 215 5,90 0002-816 515 6,75 0002-816 315 7,850002-816 218 5,95 0002-816 518 6,75 0002-816 318 7,850002-816 220 5,95 0002-816 520 6,75 0002-816 320 7,850002-816 225 6,30 0002-816 525 7,55 0002-816 325 8,00Double wire cable and loop.mmØ A L pcs.4 100 300 205 100 300 206 100 300 18 100 300 2010 100 300 2012 100 300 2015 100 300 2018 100 300 2020 100 300 2025 100 300 20Nylon RRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-816 804 2,000003-816 805 2,000003-816 806 2,000003-816 808 2,000003-816 810 2,100003-816 812 2,100003-816 815 2,350003-816 818 2,350003-816 820 2,500003-816 825 2,60Fitting <strong>brushes</strong>steel wiremmØ A L pcs.6 25 160 1210 25 160 1213 25 160 1216 25 160 1219 28 160 1223 25 160 1226 25 160 1229 32 160 1233 35 160 1243 38 160 656 45 160 60,12Steel wireRRP0,20Steel wireRRP0,26Steel wireRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0003-075 250 5,300003-075 251 5,400003-075 252 5,450003-075 253 5,450003-075 254 5,500003-075 255 5,500003-075 256 5,600003-075 257 5,700003-075 258 5,800003-075 259 5,900003-075 260 6,10To clean the inside of tubes and solder fittingsmade of copper or red brass.143

SPECIALFitting <strong>brushes</strong>steel wiremmØ A B pcs.12 27 37 1215 27 40 1222 35 48 1228 33 53 120,20Steel wireRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €4308-075 237 9,104308-075 240 9,604308-075 248 10,454308-075 253 10,85To clean the outside of tubes and solderfittings made of copper or red brass.Battery terminal brushsteel wiremmØ T L pcs.15/ 25 65 120 12Steel wireCrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0008-493 100 8,65To clean batteries (pole and clamp cleaning).144

SPECIALSewer cleaning <strong>brushes</strong>ElastonmmØ T K A pcs.80 15 40 100 1105 25 50 100 1150 35 80 150 1200 50 100 200 1250 50 150 230 1300 50 200 230 1350 50 250 230 1400 50 300 230 1500 50 400 230 1600 75 450 230 1ElastonCrimpedRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0001-385 108 129,650001-385 110 150,250001-385 115 184,200001-385 120 238,900001-385 125 368,600001-385 130 477,700001-385 135 580,050001-385 140 709,700001-385 150 873,500001-385 160 1378,50Plastic body with eyelets on both sides.Strip <strong>brushes</strong>Horse hairWith or without aluminium sliding bar .F-Profile = 90°, h-Profile = 180°.mmT L pcs.15 1000 1015 1200 1015 2000 1025 1000 1025 1100 1025 1200 1025 2000 1025 2200 1025 3000 1035 1000 1035 1100 1035 1200 1035 2000 1035 2200 1035 3000 1045 1000 1045 1200 1045 2000 1045 2200 1045 3000 10Withoutsupport railRRPF Profil withsupport railRRPH Profil withsupport railRRPOrder-No. € Order-No. € Order-No. €0004-905 962 10,85 0014-293 324 17,20 0004-906 962 17,200024-905 962 13,25 0084-293 324 20,55 0024-906 962 20,550034-905 962 22,05 0124-293 324 34,40 0034-906 962 34,400004-905 963 12,05 0024-293 324 18,35 0004-906 963 18,350064-293 324 20,40 0014-906 963 20,350024-905 963 14,45 0094-293 324 21,95 0024-906 963 21,850034-905 963 24,20 0134-293 324 36,50 0034-906 963 36,500044-905 963 26,60 0044-906 963 40,050054-906 963 54,750004-905 954 17,60 0044-293 324 23,80 0004-906 954 23,800014-906 954 26,450024-905 954 21,20 0104-293 324 28,60 0024-906 954 28,650034-905 954 35,05 0144-293 324 47,70 0034-906 954 47,650044-906 954 46,850054-905 954 52,75 0204-293 324 71,30 0054-906 954 71,300004-905 955 17,90 0054-293 324 24,20 0004-906 955 24,250024-905 955 21,70 0114-293 324 29,10 0024-906 955 29,050034-905 955 35,85 0154-293 324 48,30 0034-906 955 48,350044-905 955 38,500054-905 955 70,45 0214-293 324 72,50 0054-906 955 72,50145


POSInformation & concepts for dealersPOS: INFORMATION & CONCEPTS FOR DEALERS147

POSInformation & concepts for dealersSTRONGPRESENCEIN THE RETAIL MARKET.Convincing for customers.High performance for the retail market.Osborn is a strong partner to the retail market. As a traditional manufacturer, we make tools our customers can trust.Our product range includes innovative solutions tomeet every requirement. Our trade partners also benefitenormously from our services.A well-equipped sales network, tested and TÜV-certifiedproducts, great service and eye-catching POS conceptsmake Osborn the first choice for the retail market.148

POSInformation & concepts for dealersTHE KEY TOMORE PRODUCT-ORIENTATIONIN THE BRUSH MARKETOsborn at the POS.Most customers make their decision to purchase directlyat the shelf. That is why an attractive and consistentpresence at the POS is essential for us.We support our trade partners with innovative conceptsand fresh ideas – from the individual packaging to thecomplete shelf solution.Finding instead of searching forinformation.The new design for Osborn packaging not only hasa different look but also offers the customer intelligentfeatures that result in a completely new buyingexperience in every way.Detailed information on packaging can be found on the followingpages.THE OSBORNADVANTAGETo promote our mutual success in the retail market, we support our partners withextensive POS materials and guarantee a strong presence on the shelf.In addition to the new packaging, all POS materials have been reworked andnow present strong sales arguments such as our TÜV certification and the metreperformance - direct, fast and to the point.149

POSInformation & concepts for dealersFASTERTO THE RIGHTPRODUCTThe best advice. On the packaging.The new Osborn packaging now makes it even easier tofind the right product.Just four quick steps, and you can now find the perfecttool from our wide range of <strong>brushes</strong> and other products.Clearly displayed on our POS materials are the four, selfexplanatorysteps you need to obtain expert advice.1.Problem-free selection:Icons on the packaging tell youimmediately which product matcheswhich machine. Angle grinders, powerdrills or something quite different -this question is cleared up in a flash.2.Quick info on trim materials:Here, consumers can find useful information on trim materials.For which surface is it suitable? For what kind of work? What isit made of?4.Product performance clearto everyone.Product performance at a glance.The metre performance informationis immediately visible on the frontof the packaging, allowing thecustomer to purchase accordingto need.3.Detailed info on theproduct:The details about the productprovide information on size,speed or TÜV certification.150

POSInformation & concepts for dealersSCAN.INFORM.DECIDE.Inform online – decide at the shelf.Osborn links the shelf to the Internet. From the very outset, customers have theoption of loading additional details and product information directly onto theirSmartphone, using the QR codes on our new packaging. It is so easy and lighteningfast to clear up any questions about our products right there at the shelf.The QR codes are located on our individual packaging, on loose products inassortment boxes and on the display card.1.QR code onshaft tagsCode on the packaging and thenetwork directly at the POS.2.QR code onassortment boxes3.QR code ondisplay cardsTHE OSBORNADVANTAGEEfficient adviceThe QR code is also a great source of advice as it allows the customer toaccess videos, pictures and information on the selected product quickly atthe POS.151

POSInformation & concepts for dealersINTELLIGENTLYPACKAGED.EASILY SOLD.Osborn products come in different kinds of packaging, with each version exploiting the advantages of the new presence tothe full.1.2.Shaft tag inassortment boxAll the informationis there incompressed formon the product shafttag for customersgoing through theassortment boxes.Box/individual packagingDisplay card3.Sales moduleThe sales module is the mosteffective presentation atdealers.There is sufficient space for allsurface finishing tools for themost common hand-operatedequipment.Thanks to our broad range ofpackaging, you can designa wall module to suit yourcustomer base.Suggestions are given on thefollowing pages.SpecialistProfessional152

POS1. Brushes on display cardsOrder no. Item ∅ ATrim/UseUsepcs/Hookpcs.€Gross/each€Gross perpackagingunit7004-401132 Flap wheel brush on shaft 100 25 Crimped, galvanised steel wire 0.30 Metal 6 6 9,10 54,60 ✓ 377801-401912 Flap wheel brush on shaft 100 23 Grittyflex 80 grit Wood 6 6 12,55 75,30 ✓ 387004-401942 Flap wheel brush on shaft 100 25 Tampico fibre Wood 6 6 8,85 53,10 ✓ 387002-504542 Wheel brush on shaft 50 17 Crimped brass wire 0.20 Wood 6 6 10,65 63,90 ✓ 287002-504161 Wheel brush on shaft 50 10 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 6 6 4,95 29,70 ✓ 277003-600211 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 50 7 Crimped, steel wire 0.20 Metal 6 8 3,30 26,40 – 287003-600221 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 50 7 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 6 8 3,10 24,80 – 287002-504361 Wheel brush on shaft 50 10 Crimped, stainless steel wire 0.30 Metal 6 6 6,45 38,70 ✓ 287008-600051 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 50 7 Crimped, brass-coated steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 2,00 16,00 –7003-600321 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 63 9 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 3,20 25,60 – 287002-911941 Wheel brush on shaft, plastic bonded 63 8 Crimped, brass-coated steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 15,80 126,40 ✓ 317002-506542 Wheel brush on shaft 70 19 Crimped brass wire 0.20 Metal 6 6 12,55 75,30 ✓ 287602-506162 Wheel brush on shaft 70 18 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 6 6 8,05 48,30 ✓ 277002-506362 Wheel brush on shaft 70 18 Crimped, stainless steel wire 0.30 Metal 6 6 14,65 87,90 ✓ 287182-600491 Wheel brush on shaft, abrasive 75 16 Grittyflex 180 grit Wood 8 8 9,65 77,20 ✓ 317802-600491 Wheel brush on shaft, abrasive 75 16 Grittyflex 80 grit Wood 8 8 9,65 77,20 ✓ 317023-600451 Wheel brush on shaft 75 10 Crimped brass wire 0.20 Wood 8 8 5,30 42,40 – 287003-600421 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 75 10 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 3,80 30,40 – 287018-600422 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 75 15 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 6 6 4,20 25,20 – 287202-611151 Wheel brush on shaft 75 8 Knotted steel wire 0.50 Metal 8 8 10,70 85,60 ✓ 277008-600432 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 75 10 Crimped, stainless steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 5,95 47,60 – 287012-611351 Wheel brush on shaft 75 12 Knotted stainless steel wire 0.50 Metal 8 8 19,45 155,60 ✓ 277008-600075 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 75 10 Crimped, brass-coated steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 2,45 19,60 –7002-911951 Wheel brush on shaft, plastic bonded 76 8 Crimped, brass-coated steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 15,95 127,60 ✓ 317003-507061 Wheel brush on shaft 80 35 Crimped cord wire 0.25 Wood 4 8 17,10 136,80 – 307182-600591 Wheel brush on shaft, abrasive 100 10 Grittyflex 180 grit Wood 8 8 10,50 84,00 ✓ 317802-600591 Wheel brush on shaft, abrasive 100 10 Grittyflex 80 grit Wood 8 8 10,35 82,80 ✓ 317003-600521 Crimped wheel brush; shaft, coarse 100 12 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 4,95 39,60 – 287018-600521 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 100 12 Crimped, stainless steel wire 0.30 Metal 6 6 9,05 54,30 – 287018-600522 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 100 17 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 5,70 45,60 – 287002-630305 End brush on shaft, high-speed 20 – Knotted steel wire 0.35 Metal 8 8 17,40 139,20 ✓ 497002-630328 End brush on shaft, high-speed 20 – Knotted stainless steel wire 0.26 Metal 8 8 26,85 214,80 ✓ 497002-509162 End brush on shaft, high-speed 17 – Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 4,30 34,40 – 507002-509163 End brush on shaft, high-speed 25 – Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 4,85 38,80 – 507002-509164 End brush on shaft, high-speed 30 – Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 5,55 44,40 – 507008-509363 End brush on shaft DIY 25 – Crimped, stainless steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 5,45 43,60 – 357812-509913 End brush on shaft, abrasive 25 – Grittyflex 80 grit Wood 8 8 5,10 40,80 ✓ 367802-509913 End brush on shaft, abrasive 25 – Grittyflex 180 grit Wood 8 8 5,10 40,80 ✓ 367002-930907 End brush on shaft, plastic bonded 24 – Crimped, brass-coated steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 13,10 104,80 ✓ 367028-600041 Cup brush on shaft 50 – Crimped, brass-coated steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 1,80 14,40 –7023-600851 Cup brush on shaft 50 – Crimped brass wire 0.20 Metal 8 8 4,90 39,20 – 337003-600821 Cup brush on shaft 50 – Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 3,30 26,40 – 337008-600832 Cup brush on shaft 50 – Crimped, stainless steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 6,80 54,40 – 337002-930821 Cup brush on shaft, plastic bonded 50 – Crimped, brass-coated steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 17,90 143,20 ✓ 337004-608151 Cup brush on shaft 65 – Knotted steel wire 0.50 Metal 6 8 10,70 85,60 ✓ 327182-600991 Cup brush on shaft, abrasive 75 – Grittyflex 180 grit Wood 5 8 10,85 86,80 ✓ 347802-600991 Cup brush on shaft, abrasive 75 – Grittyflex 80 grit Wood 5 8 10,75 86,00 ✓ 347028-600061 Cup brush on shaft DIY 75 – Crimped, brass-coated steel wire 0.30 Metal 5 6 2,25 13,50 –7008-600361 Cup brush on shaft DIY 75 – Crimped, stainless steel wire 0.30 Metal 5 6 8,00 48,00 – 337003-600911 Cup brush on shaft DIY 75 – Crimped, steel wire 0.20 Metal 5 8 4,35 34,80 – 337003-600921 Cup brush on shaft DIY 75 – Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 5 8 4,15 33,20 – 337008-601921 Cup brush on shaft DIY 75 – Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 5 6 8,95 53,70 – 337002-809116 Tube brush with twisted wire 16 – Crimped, steel wire 0.20 Metal 8 8 6,40 51,20 –7002-809125 Tube brush with twisted wire 25 – Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 8 8 6,55 52,40 –7002-809132 Tube brush with twisted wire 32 – Crimped, steel wire 0.20 Metal 8 8 6,65 53,20 –1908-8600003 Brush set, 3-part, universal hand <strong>brushes</strong>(pack without display card)– – Steel wire (red handle), stainless steel wire(green handle), brass wire (yellow handle)DetailedinfoMetal 4 8 12,55 100,40 – 67Other <strong>brushes</strong> on display cards or assortment boxes available upon request.153

POS2. Brushes in assortment boxOrder no. Item ∅ Trim/Use Use pcs.* €Gross/each€Gross perpackagingunit8902-509163 End brush on shaft DIY 25 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 50 4,40 219,75 – 350894-509913 End brush on shaft, abrasive 25 Grittyflex 80 grit Wood 50 5,13 256,55 ✓ 371894-509913 End brush on shaft, abrasive 25 Grittyflex 180 grit Wood 50 5,13 256,55 ✓ 378902-611151 Wheel brush on shaft 75 Knotted steel wire 0.50 Metal 35 10,77 377,10 ✓ 278903-507061 Wheel brush on shaft 80 Crimped cord wire 0.25 Wood 15 17,13 256,90 – 308903-600211 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 50 Crimped, steel wire 0.20 Metal 50 3,35 167,55 – 288903-600221 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 50 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 50 4,09 204,30 – 288903-600321 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 63 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 50 3,31 165,50 – 288903-600451 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 75 Crimped brass wire 0.20 Metal 40 5,33 213,30 – 288904-600411 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 75 Crimped, steel wire 0.20 Metal 40 4,05 161,80 – 288904-600421 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 75 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 40 3,75 150,00 – 288904-600511 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 100 Crimped, steel wire 0.20 Metal 25 5,31 132,70 – 288904-600521 Wheel brush on shaft DIY 100 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 25 5,31 132,70 – 281894-600491 Wheel brush on shaft, abrasive 75 Grittyflex 180 grit Wood 40 9,62 384,65 ✓ 310894-600491 Wheel brush on shaft, abrasive 75 Grittyflex 80 grit Wood 40 9,62 384,80 ✓ 311894-600591 Wheel brush on shaft, abrasive 100 Grittyflex 180 grit Wood 25 10,39 259,85 ✓ 310894-600591 Wheel brush on shaft, abrasive 100 Grittyflex 80 grit Wood 25 10,36 258,95 ✓ 318902-506162 Wheel brush on shaft, high-speed 70 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 30 8,06 241,90 ✓ 478904-608151 Cup brush on shaft 65 Knotted steel wire 0.50 Metal 25 10,74 268,40 ✓ 328903-600851 Cup brush on shaft DIY 50 Crimped brass wire 0.20 Metal 40 4,79 191,60 – 338904-600811 Cup brush on shaft DIY 50 Crimped, steel wire 0.20 Metal 40 3,48 139,00 – 338904-600821 Cup brush on shaft DIY 50 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 40 3,35 134,05 – 338904-600921 Cup brush on shaft DIY 75 Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 25 4,30 107,55 – 331894-600891 Cup brush on shaft, abrasive 50 Grittyflex 180 grit Wood 40 9,36 374,35 ✓ 340894-600891 Cup brush on shaft, abrasive 50 Grittyflex 80 grit Wood 40 9,33 373,35 ✓ 341894-600991 Cup brush on shaft, abrasive 75 Grittyflex 180 grit Wood 25 10,83 270,75 ✓ 340894-600991 Cup brush on shaft, abrasive 75 Grittyflex 80 grit Wood 25 10,82 270,40 ✓ 348003-462391 Universal manual scrubbing brush – Crimped, stainless steel wire 0.30 Metal 24 5,35 128,45 – 678003-462591 Universal manual scrubbing brush – Crimped brass wire 0.30 Metal 24 5,35 128,45 – 678003-462291 Universal manual scrubbing brush – Crimped, steel wire 0.30 Metal 24 2,26 54,20 – 67Detailedinfo*Piece price rounded off; the packaging price is binding.Single assortment box (without content)6095-300198 Osborn tray assortment box 3,406095-320198 Osborn narrow sign assortment box ./.6095-330198 Osborn box coverOther <strong>brushes</strong> on display cards or assortment boxes available upon request.154

POS3. Sales module (specialist)Complete sales module, specialistOsborn presentation wall (W 1.00 x H 1.60 m)Order no. EAN Item ∅ Trim/Use PackagingWall elementspcs./Hookpcs.€Gross/each€Gross perpackagingunit1st row of hooks0002-653151 4013349610225 Knotted wheel brush; Bo 22.2 178 Steel Individual packaging 5 5 24,90 124,50 ✓ 170002-641151 4013349114310 Knotted wheel brush; Bo 22.2 150 Steel Individual packaging 5 5 19,65 98,25 ✓ 171402-631151 4013349187857 Knotted wheel brush; M 14 125 Steel Individual packaging 8 8 19,95 159,60 ✓ 172202-631151 4013349123893 Knotted wheel brush; Bo 22.2 125 Steel Individual packaging 8 8 18,10 144,80 ✓ 170002-631151 4013349610232 Knotted wheel brush; Bo 22.2 115 Steel Individual packaging 10 10 16,05 160,50 ✓ 170002-631351 4013349114242 Knotted wheel brush; Bo 22.2 115 Stainless steel wire Individual packaging 3 3 34,30 102,90 ✓ 172nd row of hooks0002-608155 4013349620163 Knotted cup brush; M 14 120 Steel Individual packaging 3 4 36,75 147,00 ✓ 200002-608154 4013349620095 Knotted cup brush; M 14 100 Steel Individual packaging 3 5 29,90 149,50 ✓ 200002-608153 4013349620293 Knotted cup brush; M 14 80 Steel Individual packaging 3 6 25,20 151,20 ✓ 209908-608152 4013349628770 Knotted cup brush; M 14 75 Steel Individual packaging 3 10 21,35 213,50 ✓ 200002-608151 4013349620057 Knotted cup brush; M 14 65 Steel Individual packaging 5 10 10,70 107,00 ✓ 190002-608351 4013349620064 Knotted cup brush; M 14 65 Stainless steel wire Individual packaging 4 4 23,35 93,40 ✓ 193rd row of hooks0002-613165 4013349560179 Crimped cup brush; M 14 125 Steel Individual packaging 3 4 28,60 114,40 ✓ 210002-613164 4013349560063 Crimped cup brush; M 14 100 Steel Individual packaging 3 3 20,45 61,35 ✓ 210002-613163 4013349560315 Crimped cup brush; M 14 80 Steel Individual packaging 5 5 16,65 83,25 ✓ 210002-613162 4013349560438 Crimped cup brush; M 14 75 Steel Individual packaging 5 10 14,15 141,50 ✓ 210002-613161 4013349560032 Crimped cup brush; M 14 60 Steel Individual packaging 5 10 8,85 88,50 ✓ 210002-613361 4013349560117 Crimped cup brush; M 14 60 Stainless steel wire Individual packaging 4 4 13,30 53,20 ✓ 214th row of hooks0002-632151 4013349114266 Knotted bevel brush; M 14 115 Steel Individual packaging 5 5 19,80 99,00 ✓ 230002-632351 4013349114280 Knotted bevel brush; M 14 115 Stainless steel wire Individual packaging 5 5 35,00 175,00 ✓ 230002-622151 4013349610010 Knotted bevel brush; M 14 100 Steel Individual packaging 6 10 13,75 137,50 ✓ 230002-622351 4013349610287 Knotted bevel brush; M 14 100 Stainless steel wire Individual packaging 5 5 20,20 101,00 ✓ 230002-512162 4013349111432 Knotted bevel brush; M 14 100 Steel Individual packaging 5 10 14,15 141,50 ✓ 240002-512342 4013349111449 Knotted bevel brush; M 14 100 Stainless steel wire Individual packaging 5 5 34,25 171,25 ✓ 240002-512161 4013349560667 Knotted bevel brush; M 14 100 Steel Individual packaging 5 10 10,70 107,00 ✓ 245th row of hooks7202-611151 4013349610249 Knotted wheel brush; 6 mm shaft 75 Steel Display card 8 8 10,70 85,60 ✓ 277012-611351 4013349695611 Knotted wheel brush; 6 mm shaft 75 Stainless steel wire Display card 8 8 19,45 155,60 ✓ 277602-506162 4013349570086 Crimped wheel brush; 6 mm shaft 70 Steel Display card 6 6 8,05 48,30 ✓ 277002-506362 4013349444226 Crimped wheel brush; 6 mm shaft 70 Stainless steel wire Display card 6 6 14,65 87,90 ✓ 287002-506542 4013349570246 Crimped wheel brush; 6 mm shaft 70 Brass Display card 6 6 12,55 75,30 ✓ 487002-911951 4013349600165 Wheel brush, plastic bonded 76 Brass-coated Steel Display card 8 8 15,95 127,60 ✓ 317002-911941 4013349600158 Wheel brush, plastic bonded 63 Brass-coated Steel Display card 8 8 15,80 126,40 ✓ 316th row of hooks7004-608151 4013349620958 Knotted cup brush; 6 mm shaft 65 Steel Display card 6 8 10,70 85,60 ✓ 327002-630305 4013349707932 Knotted end brush 20 Steel Display card 8 8 17,40 139,20 ✓ 497002-630328 4013349707949 Knotted end brush 20 Stainless steel wire Display card 8 8 26,85 214,80 ✓ 497002-930821 4013349600134 Cup brush, plastic bonded 50 Brass-coated Steel Display card 8 6 17,90 107,40 ✓ 337002-930907 4013349600141 End brush; plastic bonded 24 Brass-coated Steel Display card 8 8 13,10 104,80 ✓ 367002-809116 4013349780195 Tube brush, 16 mm – – Display card 8 8 6,40 51,20 –7002-809125 4013349780225 Tube brush, 25 mm – – Display card 8 8 6,55 52,40 –7002-809132 4013349780263 Tube brush, 32 mm – – Display card 8 8 6,65 53,20 –Shelf base8003-462291 4013349510174 Universal hand brush – Steel Dump bin – 1 2,26 54,20 – 678902-509163 4013349580047 End brush; crimped 25 Steel Dump bin – 1 4,40 219,75 ✓ 350894-600591 4013349710154 Wheel brush; Grittyflex, red 100 Abrasive brush Dump bin – 1 10,36 258,95 ✓ 311894-600991 4013349720146 Cup brush; Grittyflex, blue 75 Abrasive brush Dump bin – 1 10,83 270,75 ✓ 34Total: 5.445,559703-000010 Basic wall 1,000 wide x 1,770 high x 500 deep, silver 1 390,00 390,009703-000050 Wall hooks, silver 40 3,00 120,009803-000016 Osborn display header 1 27,05 27,056095-300198 Osborn tray assortment box 4 3,40 13,606095-320198 Osborn narrow sign assortment box 4 ./.6095-330198 Osborn box cover 4Detailedinfo155

POS3. Sales module (professional)Complete sales module, professionalOSBORN presentation wall (W 1.00 x H 1.60 m)Order no. EAN Item ∅ Trim/Use Packagingpcs./Hookpcs.€Gross/each€Gross perpackagingunit1st row of hooks7802-600591 4013349710185 Abrasive nylon wheel brush; shaft, coarse 100 80 grit Display card 8 8 10,35 82,80 ✓ 317182-600591 4013349710192 Abrasive nylon wheel brush; shaft, fine 100 180 grit Display card 8 8 10,50 84,00 ✓ 317802-600491 4013349710215 Abrasive nylon wheel brush; shaft, fine 75 80 grit Display card 8 8 9,65 77,20 ✓ 317182-600491 4013349710208 Abrasive nylon wheel brush; shaft, coarse 75 180 grit Display card 8 8 9,65 77,20 ✓ 317802-600991 4013349720153 Abrasive nylon cup brush; shaft, coarse 75 80 grit Display card 5 8 10,75 86,00 ✓ 347182-600991 4013349720054 Abrasive nylon cup brush; shaft, fine 75 180 grit Display card 5 8 10,85 86,80 ✓ 347801-401912 4013349315588 Flap wheel brush 100 80 grit Display card 6 6 12,55 75,30 ✓ 382nd row of hooks7018-600522 4013349707864 Crimped wheel brush; shaft, coarse 100 x 2 Steel Display card 8 8 5,70 45,60 – 287003-600521 4013349590817 Crimped wheel brush; shaft, coarse 100 Steel Display card 8 8 4,95 39,60 – 287003-600421 4013349590572 Crimped wheel brush; shaft, coarse 75 Steel Display card 8 8 3,80 30,40 – 287008-600432 4013349707871 Crimped wheel brush; shaft, coarse 75 Stainless steel wire Display card 8 8 5,95 47,60 – 287003-600321 4013349590794 Crimped wheel brush; shaft, coarse 63 Steel Display card 8 8 3,20 25,60 – 287023-600451 4013349590800 Crimped wheel brush; shaft, fine 75 Brass Display card 8 8 5,30 42,40 – 287004-401132 4013349415127 Flap wheel brush 100 Galvanised wire Display card 6 6 9,10 54,60 ✓ 373rd row of hooks7008-601921 4013349707895 Crimped cup brush; shaft, coarse 80 Steel Display card 5 6 8,95 53,70 – 337003-600921 4013349590770 Crimped cup brush; shaft, coarse 75 Steel Display card 5 8 4,15 33,20 – 337003-600911 4013349590022 Crimped cup brush; shaft, fine 75 Steel Display card 5 8 4,35 34,80 – 337008-600832 4013349707901 Crimped cup brush; shaft, coarse 50 Stainless steel wire Display card 8 8 6,80 54,40 – 337003-600821 4013349590756 Crimped cup brush; shaft, coarse 50 Steel Display card 8 8 3,30 26,40 – 337023-600851 4013349590763 Crimped cup brush; shaft, fine 50 Brass Display card 8 8 4,90 39,20 – 337004-401942 4013349456038 Flap wheel brush 100 Tampico fibre Display card 6 6 8,85 53,10 ✓ 384th row of hooks7002-509164 4013349580085 Crimped end brush; 6 mm shaft 30 Steel Display card 8 8 5,55 44,40 – 357002-509163 4013349580030 Crimped end brush; 6 mm shaft 25 Steel Display card 8 8 4,85 38,80 – 357002-509162 4013349339331 Crimped end brush; 6 mm shaft 17 Steel Display card 8 8 4,30 34,40 – 357008-509363 4013349707925 Crimped end brush; 6 mm shaft 25 Stainless steel wire Display card 8 8 5,45 43,60 – 357812-509913 4013349730060 Grittyflex end brush; 6 mm shaft 25 80 grit Display card 8 8 5,10 40,80 ✓ 367802-509913 4013349730060 Grittyflex end brush; 6 mm shaft 25 180 grit Display card 8 8 5,10 40,80 ✓ 367003-507061 4013349570116 Brush for structuring; 8 mm shaft 80 Brass-coated wire Display card 8 8 17,10 136,80 – 305th row of hooks0008-462291 4013349315823 Universal hand brush – Steel Loose 14 24 2,05 49,20 – 670008-462391 4013349315830 Universal hand brush – Stainless steel wire Loose 14 24 5,25 126,00 – 670008-462591 4013349315847 Universal hand brush – Brass Loose 14 24 5,25 126,00 – 670003-162133 4013349121257 Fillet weld brush – Steel 12 loose in basket 6 12 6,60 79,20 – 720001-152133 4013349510303 Standard manual scrubbing brush – Cast iron Loose 6 12 1,10 13,20 – 700001-152134 4013349510297 Standard manual scrubbing brush – Cast iron Loose 6 12 1,25 15,00 – 700001-151333 4013349510389 Standard manual scrubbing brush – Stainless steel wire 12 loose in basket 6 12 5,60 67,20 – 700001-151334 4013349510396 Standard manual scrubbing brush – Stainless steel wire 12 loose in basket 6 12 6,55 78,60 – 700001-150593 4013349510143 Standard manual scrubbing brush – Brass 12 loose in basket 6 12 3,35 40,20 – 700001-150594 4013349510150 Standard manual scrubbing brush – Brass 12 loose in basket 6 12 4,15 49,80 – 70Shelf base8904-600821 4013349590435 DIY cup brush; coarse 50 Steel Dump bin 40 1 3,35 134,05 – 338904-600811 4013349590428 DIY cup brush; fine 50 Steel Dump bin 40 1 3,48 139,00 – 338903-600211 4013349590466 DIY wheel brush; fine 50 Steel Dump bin 50 1 3,35 167,55 – 288904-600421 4013349590527 DIY wheel brush; coarse 75 Steel Dump bin 40 1 3,75 150,00 – 28Total: 2.764,50Wall elements9703-000010 Basic wall 1,000 wide x 1,770 high x 500 deep, silver 1 390,00 390,009703-000050 Wall hooks, silver 40 3,00 120,009803-000016 Osborn display header 1 27,05 27,056095-300198 Osborn tray assortment box 4 3,40 13,606095-320198 Osborn narrow sign assortment box 4 ./.6095-330198 Osborn box cover 4Detailedinfo156

INDEXOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.Page0001-100 016 790001-177 333 720002-501 142 470002-504 161 270002-506 162 470001-101 016 790001-179 097 770002-501 143 270002-504 161 470002-506 163 270001-101 036 790001-179 297 770002-501 143 470002-504 162 270002-506 163 470001-102 005 780001-179 397 770002-501 332 280002-504 162 470002-506 332 280001-102 006 780001-181 134 710002-501 332 480002-504 163 270002-506 332 480001-102 016 780001-192 112 730002-501 333 280002-504 163 470002-506 341 280001-102 095 790001-192 113 730002-501 333 480002-504 332 280002-506 341 480001-104 924 800001-284 046 790002-501 342 280002-504 332 480002-506 342 280001-104 925 800001-385 108 1450002-501 342 480002-504 341 280002-506 342 480001-110 114 850001-385 110 1450002-501 343 280002-504 341 480002-506 343 280001-120 097 840001-385 115 1450002-501 343 480002-504 342 280002-506 343 480001-122 096 840001-385 120 1450002-501 542 280002-504 342 480002-506 361 280001-122 596 840001-385 125 1450002-501 542 480002-504 343 280002-506 361 480001-150 592 700001-385 130 1450002-502 132 270002-504 343 480002-506 362 280001-150 593 700001-385 135 1450002-502 132 470002-504 361 280002-506 362 480001-150 594 700001-385 140 1450002-502 141 270002-504 361 480002-506 363 280001-150 595 700001-385 150 1450002-502 141 470002-504 362 280002-506 363 480001-150 596 700001-385 160 1450002-502 142 270002-504 362 480002-506 542 280001-151 022 700001-401 912 380002-502 142 470002-504 363 280002-506 542 480001-151 023 700001-431 075 680002-502 143 270002-504 363 480002-507 142 270001-151 024 700001-432 601 690002-502 143 470002-504 542 280002-507 142 470001-151 025 700001-432 602 690002-502 332 280002-504 542 480002-507 162 270001-151 125 700001-432 603 690002-502 332 480002-505 132 270002-507 162 470001-151 132 700001-432 604 690002-502 333 280002-505 132 470002-507 342 280001-151 133 700001-432 605 690002-502 333 480002-505 141 270002-507 342 480001-151 134 700001-432 611 690002-502 341 280002-505 141 470002-507 362 280001-151 135 700001-432 612 690002-502 341 480002-505 142 270002-507 362 480001-151 136 700001-432 613 690002-502 342 280002-505 142 470002-507 542 280001-151 332 700001-432 614 690002-502 342 480002-505 143 270002-507 542 480001-151 333 700001-432 615 690002-502 343 280002-505 143 470002-509 142 500001-151 334 700001-432 621 690002-502 343 480002-505 161 270002-509 142 350001-151 335 700001-432 622 690002-502 542 280002-505 161 470002-509 143 500001-151 336 700001-432 623 690002-502 542 480002-505 162 270002-509 143 350001-151 392 700001-432 624 690002-503 132 270002-505 162 470002-509 144 500001-151 393 700001-432 625 690002-503 132 470002-505 163 270002-509 144 350001-151 394 700001-433 501 680002-503 141 270002-505 163 470002-509 162 500001-151 395 700001-433 502 680002-503 141 470002-505 332 280002-509 162 350001-151 396 700001-433 503 680002-503 142 270002-505 332 480002-509 163 500001-152 022 700001-433 511 680002-503 142 470002-505 341 280002-509 163 350001-152 023 700001-433 512 680002-503 143 270002-505 341 480002-509 164 500001-152 024 700001-433 513 680002-503 143 470002-505 342 280002-509 164 350001-152 025 700001-433 521 670002-503 331 280002-505 342 480002-509 165 510001-152 131 700001-433 522 680002-503 331 480002-505 343 280002-509 167 510001-152 132 700001-433 523 680002-503 332 280002-505 343 480002-509 192 500001-152 133 700002-056 011 390002-503 332 480002-505 361 280002-509 192 350001-152 134 700002-056 012 390002-503 333 280002-505 361 480002-509 193 500001-152 135 700002-056 013 390002-503 333 480002-505 362 280002-509 193 350001-152 136 700002-056 014 390002-503 341 280002-505 362 480002-509 194 500001-152 332 700002-056 015 390002-503 341 480002-505 363 280002-509 194 350001-152 333 700002-056 016 390002-503 342 280002-505 363 480002-509 342 500001-152 334 700002-056 017 390002-503 342 480002-505 542 280002-509 342 350001-152 335 700002-056 018 390002-503 343 280002-505 542 480002-509 343 500001-152 336 700002-056 311 390002-503 343 480002-506 132 270002-509 343 350001-158 522 700002-056 312 390002-503 542 280002-506 132 470002-509 344 500001-158 523 700002-056 333 390002-503 542 480002-506 141 270002-509 344 350001-158 524 700002-056 334 390002-504 132 270002-506 141 470002-509 348 1340001-166 686 780002-056 335 390002-504 132 470002-506 142 270002-509 348 630001-166 687 780002-056 336 390002-504 141 270002-506 142 470002-509 362 500001-166 936 780002-056 337 390002-504 141 470002-506 143 270002-509 362 350001-167 677 780002-056 338 390002-504 142 270002-506 143 470002-509 363 500001-167 947 780002-501 132 270002-504 142 470002-506 161 270002-509 363 350001-168 936 780002-501 132 470002-504 143 270002-506 161 470002-509 364 500001-168 939 780002-501 142 270002-504 143 470002-506 162 270002-509 364 35157

INDEXOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.Page0002-509 378 1340002-576 495 610002-613 196 210002-808 175 390003-075 064 630002-509 378 630002-576 906 610002-613 361 210002-812 215 380003-075 064 580002-509 448 1340002-576 916 610002-613 362 210002-812 218 380003-075 066 630002-509 448 630002-576 926 610002-613 363 220002-812 220 380003-075 066 580002-509 478 1340002-586 175 610002-613 364 220002-815 212 380003-075 067 630002-509 478 630002-587 141 570002-613 365 220002-815 214 380003-075 067 580002-509 498 1340002-587 161 570002-621 131 170002-816 215 1430003-075 068 630002-509 498 630002-587 341 570002-621 151 170002-816 218 1430003-075 068 580002-509 542 350002-587 361 570002-621 351 170002-816 220 1430003-075 070 630002-509 542 500002-601 511 290002-622 131 230002-816 225 1430003-075 070 580002-509 543 350002-603 144 210002-622 151 230002-816 315 1430003-075 073 630002-509 543 500002-603 145 210002-622 331 230002-816 318 1430003-075 073 580002-509 544 350002-603 163 210002-622 351 230002-816 320 1430003-075 250 1430002-509 544 500002-607 133 200002-623 131 230002-816 325 1430003-075 251 1430002-509 562 350002-607 134 200002-623 151 230002-816 515 1430003-075 252 1430002-509 562 500002-607 135 200002-623 331 230002-816 518 1430003-075 253 1430002-509 563 350002-607 153 200002-623 351 230002-816 520 1430003-075 254 1430002-509 563 500002-607 154 200002-630 304 490002-816 525 1430003-075 255 1430002-509 564 350002-607 155 200002-630 305 490002-819 006 1360003-075 256 1430002-509 564 500002-607 183 200002-630 310 490002-819 008 1360003-075 257 1430002-509 908 1340002-607 184 200002-630 311 490002-819 010 1360003-075 258 1430002-509 908 630002-607 185 200002-630 316 490002-819 012 1360003-075 259 1430002-509 928 1340002-607 354 200002-630 317 490002-819 110 1350003-075 260 1430002-509 928 630002-608 131 190002-630 328 490002-820 110 1350003-086 019 880002-509 988 1340002-608 133 200002-630 334 490002-820 115 1350003-086 025 880002-509 988 630002-608 134 200002-630 335 490002-820 119 1350003-086 038 880002-511 141 570002-608 135 200002-630 340 490002-821 135 1350003-086 050 880002-511 161 570002-608 151 190002-630 341 490002-821 240 1350003-086 063 880002-511 341 570002-608 153 200002-631 131 170002-824 213 1360003-086 075 880002-511 361 570002-608 154 200002-631 151 170002-824 214 1360003-086 102 870002-512 161 240002-608 155 200002-631 331 170002-824 221 1360003-086 103 870002-512 162 240002-608 183 200002-631 351 170002-825 213 1360003-086 104 870002-512 342 240002-608 184 200002-632 131 230002-825 214 1360003-086 105 870002-512 362 240002-608 185 200002-632 151 230002-825 216 1360003-086 106 870002-522 141 570002-608 331 190002-632 331 230002-828 110 1350003-086 107 870002-522 161 570002-608 333 200002-632 351 230002-828 115 1350003-086 110 870002-522 341 570002-608 334 200002-641 131 170002-829 110 1350003-101 940 810002-522 361 570002-608 351 190002-641 151 170002-892 215 1420003-102 900 810002-532 161 570002-608 353 200002-641 181 170002-892 220 1420003-102 910 830002-532 341 570002-608 354 200002-641 351 170002-892 225 1420003-102 911 830002-532 361 570002-611 131 470002-653 131 170002-892 230 1420003-102 916 830002-544 141 570002-611 131 270002-653 151 170002-911 941 310003-102 918 830002-544 161 570002-611 151 470002-653 181 170002-911 951 310003-102 920 820002-544 341 570002-611 151 270002-653 351 170002-930 821 330003-102 921 820002-544 361 570002-613 063 220002-664 131 570002-930 902 360003-102 922 820002-554 141 570002-613 064 220002-664 151 570002-930 907 360003-102 924 850002-554 161 570002-613 065 220002-664 152 570002-930 912 360003-102 940 810002-554 341 570002-613 066 220002-664 181 570003-000 001 800003-102 944 840002-554 361 570002-613 141 210002-676 131 570003-000 024 860003-102 950 820002-566 141 570002-613 142 210002-676 151 570003-000 100 290003-102 951 820002-566 161 570002-613 143 210002-676 181 570003-000 130 290003-102 955 820002-566 341 570002-613 144 210002-686 131 570003-000 223 640003-102 960 810002-566 361 570002-613 145 210002-686 151 570003-000 223 170003-102 970 810002-576 141 570002-613 146 210002-686 181 570003-000 242 640003-102 976 810002-576 145 610002-613 161 210002-808 100 390003-000 242 170003-102 980 810002-576 161 570002-613 162 210002-808 125 380003-000 243 640003-102 985 810002-576 195 610002-613 163 210002-808 130 380003-000 243 170003-102 990 810002-576 341 570002-613 164 210002-808 132 380003-000 244 640003-102 995 810002-576 345 610002-613 165 210002-808 138 380003-000 244 170003-104 030 850002-576 361 570002-613 166 210002-808 140 380003-056 010 390003-104 050 850002-576 395 610002-613 193 210002-808 144 380003-056 306 390003-105 967 770002-576 445 610002-613 194 210002-808 150 380003-056 308 390003-105 967 770002-576 475 610002-613 195 210002-808 163 390003-056 310 390003-106 735 86158

INDEXOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.Page0003-106 745 860003-810 140 390003-851 150 1350004-906 962 1450024-293 324 1450003-106 760 860003-810 144 390003-858 025 1350004-906 963 1450024-509 100 520003-106 945 860003-810 150 390003-858 030 1350008-138 102 750024-509 101 520003-106 955 860003-810 157 390003-858 080 1350008-432 573 750024-509 102 520003-106 975 860003-810 169 390003-858 085 1350008-447 572 670024-509 103 520003-122 896 840003-810 182 390003-858 150 1350008-447 573 670024-509 111 520003-122 996 840003-815 210 380003-860 110 1350008-447 574 670024-509 303 520003-131 572 740003-816 204 1430003-860 113 1350008-451 332 670024-905 954 1450003-133 573 740003-816 205 1430003-860 115 1350008-451 333 670024-905 955 1450003-134 575 740003-816 206 1430003-860 125 1350008-451 334 670024-905 962 1450003-140 101 750003-816 208 1430003-860 130 1350008-462 132 670024-905 963 1450003-140 102 750003-816 210 1430003-860 180 1350008-462 133 670024-906 954 1450003-140 103 750003-816 212 1430003-870 815 1380008-462 134 670024-906 955 1450003-140 104 750003-816 304 1430003-870 820 1380008-462 135 670024-906 962 1450003-147 572 700003-816 305 1430003-870 825 1380008-462 291 670024-906 963 1450003-147 573 700003-816 306 1430003-870 830 1380008-462 391 670034-509 103 520003-147 574 700003-816 308 1430003-890 100 1370008-462 591 670034-905 954 1450003-147 575 700003-816 310 1430003-890 125 1370008-493 100 1440034-905 955 1450003-151 124 700003-816 312 1430003-890 150 1370008-509 161 350034-905 962 1450003-162 133 720003-816 506 1430003-890 200 1370008-509 162 350034-905 963 1450003-162 333 720003-816 508 1430003-890 250 1370008-509 163 350034-906 954 1450003-165 584 740003-816 510 1430003-890 300 1370008-509 164 350034-906 955 1450003-165 964 740003-816 512 1430003-890 350 1370008-509 363 350034-906 962 1450003-179 097 770003-816 804 1430003-890 400 1370008-600 121 280034-906 963 1450003-179 297 770003-816 805 1430003-890 815 1380008-600 221 280042-576 165 610003-179 397 770003-816 806 1430003-890 820 1380008-600 321 280042-576 365 610003-179 797 770003-816 808 1430003-890 825 1380008-600 361 330044-293 324 1450003-179 897 770003-816 810 1430003-890 830 1380008-600 411 280044-905 955 1450003-314 033 870003-816 812 1430003-892 035 1380008-600 421 280044-905 963 1450003-327 961 890003-816 815 1430003-892 040 1380008-600 422 280044-906 954 1450003-509 141 500003-816 818 1430003-892 540 1380008-600 431 280044-906 963 1450003-509 141 350003-816 820 1430003-893 045 1380008-600 432 280054-293 324 1450003-509 149 510003-816 825 1430003-893 050 1380008-600 511 280054-905 954 1450003-509 161 500003-819 111 1350003-896 200 1370008-600 521 280054-905 955 1450003-509 161 350003-819 112 1350003-896 250 1370008-600 522 280054-906 954 1450003-509 169 510003-824 100 1390003-896 300 1370008-600 531 280054-906 955 1450003-509 191 500003-824 150 1390003-896 350 1370008-600 811 330054-906 963 1450003-509 191 350003-824 200 1390003-999 024 860008-600 821 330063-003 005 1230003-509 341 500003-824 212 1420003-999 026 860008-600 823 330063-003 010 1230003-509 341 350003-824 215 1420003-999 027 860008-600 831 330063-003 020 1230003-509 349 510003-824 240 1420004-000 063 290008-600 832 330063-004 010 1230003-509 361 500003-824 812 1420004-000 095 290008-600 911 330063-004 015 1230003-509 361 350003-824 815 1420004-000 127 290008-600 921 330063-004 030 1230003-509 369 510003-824 840 1420004-101 925 810008-601 221 290063-005 010 1230003-509 541 350003-824 991 1410004-102 925 810008-601 321 290063-005 020 1230003-509 541 500003-824 993 1390004-102 975 810008-601 421 290063-005 030 1230003-509 561 350003-824 994 1400004-114 033 900008-601 521 290063-006 020 1230003-509 561 500003-824 995 1400004-114 034 900008-601 921 330063-006 030 1230003-600 111 280003-824 996 1400004-133 073 740011-401 912 380063-006 040 1230003-600 211 280003-824 997 1400004-328 166 900013-179 097 770064-293 324 1450003-600 311 280003-824 998 1410004-401 052 370014-293 324 1450074-509 301 520003-600 412 280003-824 999 1410004-401 132 370014-509 102 520083-000 105 1310003-600 813 330003-834 100 1390004-401 942 380014-509 104 520083-003 005 1230003-601 211 290003-834 150 1390004-509 102 530014-509 304 520083-003 010 1230003-601 311 290003-834 200 1390004-509 104 520014-906 954 1450083-003 020 1230003-601 411 280003-844 100 1390004-509 302 530014-906 963 1450083-004 010 1230003-601 411 290003-844 150 1390004-509 304 520022-576 345 610083-004 015 1230003-601 911 330003-844 200 1390004-905 954 1450022-576 375 610083-004 030 1230003-810 100 390003-851 025 1350004-905 955 1450023-133 073 750083-005 010 1230003-810 125 390003-851 030 1350004-905 962 1450023-133 373 750083-005 020 1230003-810 128 390003-851 080 1350004-905 963 1450023-179 197 770083-005 030 1230003-810 130 390003-851 085 1350004-906 954 1450023-179 397 770083-006 020 1230003-810 138 390003-851 140 1350004-906 955 1450023-600 851 330083-006 030 123159

INDEXOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.Page0083-006 040 1230153-305 040 1230802-613 063 221008-600 221 401802-509 912 370083-304 020 1230153-306 030 1230802-613 064 221008-600 321 401802-509 913 370083-304 030 1230153-306 040 1230802-613 065 221008-600 421 401802-509 914 370083-305 020 1230153-306 050 1230802-613 066 221008-600 491 421802-607 914 220083-305 030 1230154-293 324 1450802-613 142 211008-600 521 401802-608 914 220083-305 040 1230181-110 924 850802-613 143 211008-600 591 421812-509 913 360083-306 030 1230182-600 491 310802-613 144 211008-600 821 401902-603 143 210083-306 040 1230182-600 591 310802-613 146 211008-600 891 421902-603 163 210083-306 050 1230182-600 891 340802-613 162 211008-600 921 401902-603 363 220084-293 324 1450182-600 991 340802-613 163 211008-600 991 421902-631 151 170094-293 324 1450183-000 105 1310802-613 164 211008-603 162 401903-080 101 1040101-177 093 720202-611 131 470802-613 165 211008-611 151 411903-080 290 1040101-177 094 720202-611 131 270802-613 166 211018-401 912 431903-100 101 980101-179 094 760202-611 151 470802-613 194 211018-509 913 431903-100 290 980101-179 095 760202-611 151 270802-613 195 211018-600 491 421903-100 932 980101-179 096 760202-611 351 470802-613 196 211018-600 591 421903-100 932 1270101-180 093 730202-611 351 270802-613 362 211018-600 891 421903-100 934 980101-180 094 730204-293 324 1450802-613 363 221018-600 991 421903-100 934 1270102-512 161 240214-293 324 1450802-613 364 221103-819 110 1351903-100 936 980102-512 162 240224-509 101 520802-613 365 221132-819 110 1351903-100 936 1270102-512 342 240243-003 005 1230802-632 131 231162-608 151 191903-100 937 980102-512 362 240243-003 010 1230802-632 151 231202-509 912 371903-100 937 1270102-608 131 190243-003 020 1230802-632 331 231202-509 913 371913-022 115 1030102-608 151 190243-004 010 1230802-632 351 231202-509 914 371913-022 125 1030102-608 331 190243-004 015 1230812-509 913 361202-631 131 181922-631 151 170102-608 351 190243-004 030 1230901-151 091 711202-631 151 181932-622 151 230102-613 141 210243-005 010 1230901-151 092 711202-653 131 181942-608 151 190102-613 142 210243-005 020 1230901-151 093 711202-653 151 182102-713 044 1310102-613 161 210243-005 030 1230901-151 094 711203-300 003 972103-000 461 1020102-613 162 210243-006 020 1230901-151 095 711203-522 931 1332103-000 461 1100102-622 131 230243-006 030 1230901-151 591 711203-522 932 1332103-000 461 1150102-622 151 230243-006 040 1230901-151 592 711203-522 936 1332103-000 461 960102-622 331 230243-304 020 1230901-151 593 711203-600 000 1042103-002 101 1150102-622 351 230243-304 030 1230901-151 594 711203-600 001 1152103-002 102 1150104-293 324 1450243-305 020 1230901-151 595 711203-703 062 1322103-005 333 1150114-293 324 1450243-305 030 1230901-152 331 711203-703 342 1322103-005 333 1100123-003 005 1230243-305 040 1230901-152 332 711203-703 912 1322103-005 333 1020123-003 010 1230243-306 030 1230901-152 333 711203-703 932 1332103-005 333 960123-003 020 1230243-306 040 1230901-152 334 711212-631 131 182103-007 012 1100123-004 010 1230243-306 050 1230901-152 335 711212-631 151 182103-007 012 1020123-004 015 1230262-713 044 1310908-507 061 301213-300 003 972103-007 012 1150123-004 030 1230281-307 095 761003-086 202 891224-509 101 522103-007 012 960123-005 010 1230283-000 105 1311003-086 204 891402-631 131 172103-080 101 1040123-005 020 1230362-713 044 1311003-086 206 891402-631 151 172103-080 290 1040123-005 030 1230402-631 131 171003-086 208 891402-631 331 172103-100 101 1040123-006 020 1230402-631 151 171003-086 210 891402-631 351 172103-100 290 1040123-006 030 1230402-631 331 171003-086 212 891503-015 085 1042103-100 914 980123-006 040 1230402-631 351 171003-086 214 891602-512 161 242103-100 925 980123-601 411 290502-600 451 281003-086 216 891602-608 131 192103-100 944 980124-293 324 1450802-600 491 311003-086 218 891602-608 151 192103-133 073 740124-509 101 520802-600 591 311003-086 220 891602-608 331 192103-133 373 740124-509 103 520802-600 891 341003-086 425 881602-613 141 212103-179 297 770124-509 111 520802-600 991 341003-086 438 881602-613 142 212103-432 573 750124-509 303 520802-608 133 201003-086 450 881602-613 161 212152-713 915 1310128-601 421 290802-608 134 201003-086 463 881602-613 162 212202-631 151 170134-293 324 1450802-608 135 201003-086 475 881602-613 361 212202-631 331 170142-703 044 1310802-608 153 201004-608 151 321602-613 362 212202-631 351 170142-703 914 1310802-608 154 201008-000 121 441602-622 151 232224-509 101 520144-293 324 1450802-608 155 201008-401 912 431602-632 151 232352-512 161 240153-304 020 1230802-608 183 201008-509 162 411632-703 044 1312352-512 162 240153-304 030 1230802-608 184 201008-509 163 411632-703 914 1312352-512 342 240153-305 020 1230802-608 185 201008-509 164 411632-703 915 1312352-512 362 240153-305 030 1230802-608 914 221008-509 913 431802-509 911 372352-608 131 19160

INDEXOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.PageOrder-No.Page2352-608 151 195431-401 913 198623-504 911 329902-515 052 629902-544 491 582352-608 331 195462-664 153 578623-505 911 329902-515 053 629902-544 492 582352-608 351 195495-560 051 628623-506 911 329902-515 056 629902-553 162 602352-622 151 235495-560 052 628623-507 911 329902-515 057 629902-553 163 602352-622 351 235495-560 054 628703-607 912 349902-515 058 629902-553 342 602552-713 915 1315495-560 080 628703-607 913 349902-515 059 629902-553 343 602802-522 051 185495-560 082 628713-607 912 349902-515 062 629902-553 362 602812-522 051 185652-613 142 218713-607 913 349902-515 063 629902-553 363 602852-713 915 1315652-613 162 218733-607 912 349902-515 064 629902-553 542 603101-614 946 235702-509 938 1348743-607 912 349902-515 065 629902-553 562 603132-703 147 615702-509 938 638753-607 912 349902-515 069 629902-554 142 583132-703 178 616152-631 131 179301-614 916 239902-515 071 629902-554 143 583132-703 347 616952-613 161 219311-614 916 239902-515 079 629902-554 162 583142-703 032 1317601-306 095 769321-614 916 239902-515 080 629902-554 163 583142-703 377 618103-000 462 1109331-614 916 239902-515 081 629902-554 172 583142-703 378 618103-000 462 1029502-626 251 179902-515 082 629902-554 173 583142-713 904 1318103-000 462 1159502-626 301 179902-522 142 589902-554 192 583162-703 167 618103-005 333 1109502-626 311 179902-522 143 589902-554 193 583202-509 911 378103-005 333 1029502-626 501 179902-522 162 589902-554 341 593202-509 912 378103-005 333 1159502-626 650 179902-522 163 589902-554 342 593202-509 913 378103-005 333 969502-626 651 179902-522 342 599902-554 361 593202-509 914 378103-007 012 1109711-104 925 809902-522 343 599902-554 362 593212-509 068 1348103-007 012 1029802-026 560 1349902-522 362 599902-554 363 593212-509 068 638103-007 012 1159802-026 561 1349902-522 363 599902-554 441 583232-703 197 618103-007 012 969802-026 562 1349902-532 142 589902-554 461 583242-703 915 1318103-800 224 1059802-026 563 1349902-532 162 589902-554 471 583242-713 904 1318203-100 914 1039802-026 581 1349902-532 163 589902-554 491 583301-462 122 698203-100 925 1039802-026 582 1349902-532 342 599902-565 142 603301-462 162 698203-100 934 1059802-026 583 1349902-532 343 599902-565 143 603301-462 562 698203-100 936 1059803-522 051 1329902-532 362 599902-565 162 603432-703 397 618203-100 944 1039803-522 341 1329902-532 363 599902-565 163 603703-003 114 1198203-100 947 1059803-523 052 1329902-543 142 609902-565 342 603703-003 116 1198203-150 914 1119803-523 056 1329902-543 143 609902-565 343 603703-003 118 1198203-150 914 979803-523 342 1329902-543 162 609902-565 362 603703-003 124 1198203-150 925 1119803-523 346 1329902-543 163 609902-565 542 603703-003 126 1198203-150 925 979803-523 912 1329902-543 342 609902-565 562 603703-003 128 1198203-150 934 1119803-523 916 1329902-543 343 609902-566 142 583703-003 174 1198203-150 934 979803-523 940 1339902-543 362 609902-566 143 583703-003 176 1198203-150 936 1119803-630 101 509902-543 363 609902-566 162 583703-003 178 1198203-150 936 979803-630 151 509902-543 542 609902-566 163 583723-003 114 1198203-150 944 1119803-630 171 509902-543 543 609902-566 172 583723-003 116 1198203-150 944 979803-630 301 509902-543 562 609902-566 173 583723-003 118 1198203-150 947 1119803-630 351 509902-543 563 609902-566 192 583723-003 124 1198203-150 947 979803-630 371 509902-544 142 589902-566 193 583723-003 126 1198203-200 914 1119813-522 911 1329902-544 143 589902-566 341 593723-003 128 1198203-200 925 1119902-511 142 589902-544 162 589902-566 342 593723-003 174 1198203-200 934 1119902-511 162 589902-544 163 589902-566 343 593723-003 176 1198203-200 936 1119902-511 342 599902-544 172 589902-566 361 593723-003 178 1198203-200 947 1119902-511 362 599902-544 173 589902-566 362 593892-608 131 198211-201 944 1119902-515 001 629902-544 192 589902-566 363 594308-075 237 1448603-503 911 329902-515 002 629902-544 193 589902-566 441 584308-075 240 1448603-504 911 329902-515 003 629902-544 341 599902-566 461 584308-075 248 1448603-505 911 329902-515 004 629902-544 342 599902-566 471 584308-075 253 1448603-506 911 329902-515 025 629902-544 343 599902-566 491 585103-607 914 348603-507 911 329902-515 026 629902-544 361 599902-575 142 605162-507 361 288603-600 004 1059902-515 027 629902-544 362 599902-575 143 605162-507 361 488603-600 010 1039902-515 028 629902-544 363 599902-575 162 605183-506 192 278613-503 911 329902-515 040 629902-544 441 589902-575 163 605183-506 192 478613-504 911 329902-515 041 629902-544 442 589902-575 342 605262-613 141 218613-505 911 329902-515 042 629902-544 461 589902-575 343 605401-401 913 198613-506 911 329902-515 043 629902-544 462 589902-575 362 605411-401 913 198613-507 911 329902-515 050 629902-544 471 589902-575 562 605421-401 913 198623-503 911 329902-515 051 629902-544 472 589902-575 563 60161

INDEXOrder-No.Page9902-576 142 589902-576 143 589902-576 162 589902-576 163 589902-576 173 589902-576 192 589902-576 193 589902-576 342 599902-576 343 599902-576 362 599902-576 363 599902-576 464 589902-576 474 589902-586 142 609902-586 162 609902-586 163 609902-586 342 609902-586 343 609902-586 362 609902-586 363 609902-586 542 609902-586 543 609902-586 563 609902-587 142 589902-587 143 589902-587 162 589902-587 163 589902-587 192 589902-587 193 589902-587 342 599902-587 343 599902-587 362 599902-587 363 599907-075 128 309907-075 129 309907-075 130 309908-608 132 209908-608 152 209912-544 342 599912-544 362 599918-608 132 209918-608 152 209962-515 056 629962-515 057 629962-515 058 629962-515 059 629962-515 062 629962-515 063 629962-515 064 629962-515 065 62L669-002 101 115L669-002 102 115L699-740 250 114L699-740 340 114L699-940 250 114L699-940 320 114L699-940 340 114162

OUR OTHER PRODUCT RANGESREQUEST INFOON OTHERPRODUCT RANGESContact:FAX: +49 (0)6451 588206E-mail: service@osborn.deSimply tick the desired information material and order by fax or e-mail.If you are interested in finding out about other Osborn products, you just need to tick those catalogues in the following list and send it to theabove fax number, or scan it and send it by e-mail. We will post the catalogue(s) to you in a few days.You can also download these catalogues from our internet site.Brushes for weld seamcleaningBrushes for the pipelineindustry: for cleaning theinside and outside of piles,edge preparation, removalof insulating coatings,rehabilitation and weld seamfinishing.Osborn - TOPMachine <strong>brushes</strong> - the specialrange for the highest demandsfrom industry.Stripping and sealing <strong>brushes</strong>An individual and tailor-madesealing and stripping brushrange offering clever solutionsfor every application.Roller <strong>brushes</strong>Roller <strong>brushes</strong> for cleaningand fine grinding, roughingand decoating, transportingand sorting, deburring anddescaling.Punched <strong>brushes</strong>Roller <strong>brushes</strong>, disc <strong>brushes</strong>,round <strong>brushes</strong> and specialdesigns for cleaning, deburring,transporting, sorting, washing,guiding, structuring.ATB disc <strong>brushes</strong> with abrasivebristlesThese <strong>brushes</strong> are characterisedby their 4x higher trim densitythan disc <strong>brushes</strong> manufacturedusing the traditional (stamped)technique.NovofilAbrasive nylon <strong>brushes</strong> withtop-grade abrasive such asdiamond, zircon, aluminiumoxide and silicon carbide. Indifferent grits and filamentgeometries.Non-woven rollersThe economical alternative tostandard rubber, PUR and feltrollers. The chemical resistanceof our non-woven materials ismatched to each application byan optimal combination of fibresand binders.Miniature <strong>brushes</strong>Flexible <strong>brushes</strong> with highfinishing efficiency and tinybores.Novoflex-BSelf-centring honing tools for agentle grinding process.SnowProtecSnow protection system – these<strong>brushes</strong> provide effectiveprotection from snow build-upand also contribute to the heatretention of preheated pointson rails.LoadrunnerLoad-bearing rollers and heavyloadroller guides.Lippert-Unipolproduct overviewPolishing tools, plus liquidand solid polishing pastes andemulsions.Road ringsSweeping rings and equipmentfor street-sweeping machines.Name:Company:Street, number:Company stampPostcode, location:Country:Phone:E-mail:163

Osborn International GmbHRingstraße 1035099 BurgwaldGermanyTel.: +49 64515880Fax: +49 6451588206info@osborn.deOsborn Unipol S.A.Parc d‘Activités Les Doucettes23 Avenue des Morillons95140 Garges Lés GonesseFranceTel.: +33 134450600Fax: +33 139936711contact@lippert-unipol.frOsborn International ABHuskvarnavägen 10556123 HuskvarnaSwedenTel.: +46 36389200Fax: +46 36133190info@osborn.seOsborn Unipol LdaRua de Pardelhas4805-062 Brito-GuimarãesPortugalTel.: +351 253479550Fax: +351 253576629osborn-unipol@osborn-unipol.ptOsborn InternationalRm. 505, Tower H Huiyuan Int. ApartmentNo. 8 Beichen East Road, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100101ChinaTel.: +86 1084988191Fax: +86 1064991863cnsales@osborn.comOsborn International GmbHPremium Polishing CompoundsRudolf-Harbig-Weg 1042781 HaanGermanyTel.: +49 212993070Fax: +49 2129930723sales.unipol@lippert-unipol.deOsborn Unipol S.A.Parc d‘Activités de la Fringale27100 Val de ReuilFranceTel.: +33 232095050Fax: +33 232250692contact@lippert-unipol.frOsborn International A/SNr. Bjertvej 1036000 KoldingDenmarkTel.: +45 76327632Fax: +45 76327600info@osborn.dkOsborn International Ltda.Rua Lemos Torres, 150 - Jardim Gagliardi09890-070 Sao Bernardo do CampoBrazilTel.: +55 1143916559Fax: +55 1143916550osborn@osborn.com.brJacksonLea de MexicoEmilio Cardenas No. 211Centro Industrial TlalnepantlaTlalnepantla Edo. Mexico, 54030MexicoTel.: +52 5555659555Osborn Unipol (UK) LimitedAvenue WestNewhouse Farm Industrial EstateChepstow NP16 6UDUnited KingdomTel.: +44 1291643200Fax: +44 1291643298sales@osborn-unipol.co.ukOsborn - Unipol, S.L.U.C/O Ronda Norte, 320(Poligono Industrial) - Apartado 16946470 Catarroja (Valencia)SpainTel.: +34 961325876Fax: +34 961324602ventas@osborn-unipol.esOsborn International SRLBd. Bucovina, Nr. 151725300 Gura Humorului, jud. SuceavaRomaniaTel.: +40 230234212Fax: +40 230531785sales@osborn.roOsborn Lippert (India) Pvt. Ltd.Plot No. E-66, MIDC WalujAurangabad - 431 136IndiaTel.: +91 2402556538Fax: +91 2402552530sales@osborn-lippert.co.inOsborn International1100 Resource Drive, Suite 1Brooklyn Heights, OH 44131-1854USATel.: +1 2163611900Fax: +1 2163611913<strong>brushes</strong>@osborn.comOsborn Singapore Pte Ltd206 Tuas South Avenue 2West Point BizhubSingapore 637208SingaporeTel.: +65 6863 0318Fax: +65 6863 4318info@osborn.com.sgVersion: March 2012164

General terms and conditions of payment and supplyApplicability1. These conditions of sale apply to business owners, legal entities under public law and separatefunds under public law. Our deliveries and services are provided exclusively on the basis of theconditions below. Unless expressly acknowledged by us, the business terms and conditions of thepartner have no validity.General provisions2. Verbal agreements will be confirmed by the contracting parties in detail and without delay. 3. Orders willbecome binding upon issuance of our order confirmation. 4. The information and illustrations contained inbrochures and catalogues are approximations usual in the industry unless we have expressly stated they arebinding. 5. The packaging units specified in the catalogue and in our quotations and order confirmations arethe smallest possible and for rationalisation reasons cannot be broken down further. If orders are places fordifferent numbers of pieces, the closest packaging unit will be supplied.Long-term and call contracts, price adjustment6. Contracts of indefinite duration may be terminated at 3 months' notice. 7. In the case of long-term contracts(contracts for more than 6 months and contracts of indefinite duration), if there is a significant change inwage, material or energy costs, each contracting party shall be entitled to request an appropriate change inthe price in view of these factors. 8. If a binding order quantity is not agreed, our calculation will be based onthe non-binding order quantity (target quantity) expected by the partner for a specific period. If the partnerrequires less than the target quantity, we will be entitled to increase the unit price appropriately. 9. In the caseof call supply contracts, unless otherwise agreed, we are to be advised of binding quantities per call at least6 weeks before the delivery date. Additional costs incurred as a result of a late call or subsequent changesto the call by our partner in relation to time or quantity will be its own expense; our calculation will be thecriterion here.Confidentiality10. Each contracting party shall use all documents (including samples, models and data) and informationobtained under the business relationship only for mutually shared purposes and shall keep them confidential inrespect of third parties with the same care as would be exercised towards its own documents and informationwhere the other contracting party has identified them as confidential or has an obvious interest in keepingthem confidential. This obligation will start upon the initial receipt of the documents or information and will end36 months after the termination of the business relationship. 11. This obligation does not apply to documentsand information which are generally known or were already known upon their receipt by the contracting partyand involve no obligation of confidentiality, or which are subsequently forwarded to third parties authorised topass them on or which are developed by the receiving contracting party without being identified by the othercontracting party as documents or information requiring confidentiality.Drawings and specifications12. If one contracting party provides the other with drawings or technical documentation about the goodsto be supplied or their manufacture, these remain the property of the party providing them.Samples and production materials13. Unless otherwise agreed, the manufacturing costs for samples and production materials (tools, moulds,templates, etc.) will be invoiced separately from the goods to be supplied. This also applies to productionmaterials which have to be replaced as a result of wear. 14. The costs for the maintenance and proper storage,as well as the risk of damage or destruction of production material, will be borne by us. 15. Where the partnerterminates the collaboration during the preparation time for samples or production materials, it will bearall production costs arising until that time. 16. Even if the partner has paid for it, the production materialshall remain our property at least until the supply contract has been completed. After that, the partner shallbe entitled to reclaim the production material where an agreement has been reached on the timing of thereturn and the partner has fulfilled all its contractual obligations. 17. We will store the production materialwithout charge for three years after the final delivery to our partner. We will then ask our partner in writing forinstructions within 6 weeks on its further use. Our obligation to store the equipment will end if no instructionsare received within these 6 weeks or no further order is placed. 18. Customers' production material may onlybe used for deliveries to third parties with the prior written agreement of our partner.Prices19. Our prices are in euros, excluding VAT, packaging, freight, carriage and insurance.Conditions of payment20. All invoices become due for payment within 30 days of the invoice date. 21. Where we have clearly supplieddefective goods, our partner shall still be obliged to pay for the non-defective quantity. Otherwise, thepartner may only offset payment against legally established or uncontested counterclaims. 22. If the paymentterms are not met, we shall be entitled to claim default interest on the amount in the invoice at the ratewhich the bank charges us for account overdraft facilities, said amount being at least 8 percentage pointsabove the base rate of the European Central Bank. 23. In the event of a delay in payment, we may, afterwritten notification to the partner, suspend fulfilment of our obligations until payment is received. 24. Bills ofexchange and cheques will only be accepted by agreement, conditional upon fulfilment and on condition oftheir being discountable. Discount charges will be calculated from the day the invoice amount becomes due.An assurance of the prompt provision of a bill of exchange and cheque, and for the investigation of a protestof a bill of exchange is excluded. 25. Where it becomes apparent after conclusion of the contract that ourclaim for payment is at risk because of the partner's inability to pay, we may decline to provide the serviceand set the partner a reasonable deadline by which to make payment or provide security concurrently withdelivery. Where the partner declines to do so or the deadline passes without a successful conclusion, weshall be entitled to withdraw from the contract and to demand damages.Delivery26. Please find our delivery conditions and minimum order requirements on our website at www.osborn.de/english/agb/agb_en.htm. On request we will be glad to provide you with our terms and conditions in writing.Please just send an email to service@osborn.de or a fax to +49 (0) 6451-588 206 or give us a call at+49 (0) 6451-588 0. 27. Compliance with the delivery date or deadline will be based on our confirmation ofreadiness for despatch or collection. The delivery deadline shall start when we send our order confirmationand shall be extended appropriately where the provisions of article 55 apply. 28. Partial deliveries shall bepermitted to a reasonable extent. They will be invoiced separately. 29. Production-related over- or underdeliveriesshall be permitted within a tolerance of +/- 15% of the total order quantity. The total price will beadjusted accordingly.Despatch and transfer of risk30. Goods advised as being ready for despatch must be accepted by the partner without delay. Otherwise, weshall be entitled at our option to despatch them or to store them at the cost and risk of the partner. 31. In theabsence of a separate agreement, we will select the transport method and route. 32. The risk shall transferto the partner upon handover to the railway, forwarding agent or freight carrier, and/or on commencementof storage, but at the latest when the goods leave the factory or storage facility, even if we have arranged thedelivery.Delay in delivery33. Where we can foresee that the goods cannot be delivered by the deadline, we will inform the partnerof this immediately and in writing, explaining the reasons and where possible nominating the probablydelivery date if the planned delivery date will be delayed by more than 10 working days. 34. In the event ofthe delivery being delayed by one of the circumstances outlined in Article 55 or by an action or omission bythe partner, the delivery deadline will be extended in accordance with the circumstances. 35. The partnershall only be entitled to withdraw from the contract if we are responsible for the delivery date not being metand it has granted us an extension without success.Reservation of title36. We will retain ownership of the goods supplied until all claims under the business relationship with thepartner have been met. 37. The partner shall be entitled to sell these goods in the normal course of businessso long as it has fulfilled its obligations with us under the business relationship in good time. However, it mayneither pledge nor transfer the reserved goods as security. It shall be obliged to protect our rights where thereserved goods are resold on credit. 38. In the event of breaches of duty by the partner, especially a delay inpayment, we shall be entitled at the unsuccessful conclusion of a reasonable delay granted to the partner, towithdraw the service and take back the goods; the legal provisions governing dispensing with an extension oftime remain unaffected. The partner shall be obliged to return the goods.We shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract if an application is filed for insolvency proceedings againstthe partner's assets. 39. The partner shall then assign to us as security all claims and rights deriving from thesale or leasing of goods for which we may have given the partner permission of goods over which we have theright of ownership. We hereby accept the assignment. 40. Any working or processing of reserved goods bythe partner shall be on our behalf. If the reserved goods are processed or inseparably mixed with other itemsnot owned by us, we shall acquire joint ownership of the new product in the proportion of the invoice valueof the reserved goods to the other processed or mixed items at the time of their processing or mixing. If ourgoods are combined or inseparably mixed with other moveable items to form a single product and if the otherproduct is deemed to be the principal product, the partner shall transfer ownership to us on a pro rata basisto the extent that it owns the principal product. The partner shall maintain ownership or part ownership onour behalf. In all other respects, the same shall apply to the product created by processing or combining ormixing as for the reserved goods. 41. The partner must inform us immediately of enforcement measures takenby third parties in respect of the reserved goods to which we lay claim or in which we have other securities byproviding us with the documents required for an intervention. This also applies to infringements of any otherkind. 42. If the value of the existing securities exceeds the secured claims by a total of more than 20 percent,we shall be obliged at the partner's request to release securities of our choice.Material defects43. The quality of the goods shall be based exclusively on the agreed technical supply specifications. In theevent of our having to supply in accordance with the drawings, specifications, samples, etc. of our partner,it shall assume the risk of suitability for intended use. The condition of the contracted goods shall be thatat the time the risk is transferred in accordance with Article 31. 44. Any material defects arising from unsuitableor improper use, incorrect assembly or operation by the partner or third parties, normal wear andtear, defective or negligent handling shall also be excluded as in the case of unsuitable modifications oroperation undertaken by the partner or third parties without our approval. The same shall apply to defectswhich reduce the value or fitness for use of the goods to a minor extent. 45. Claims for material defectsshall be statute-barred after 12 months. This shall not apply where the law prescribes longer periods oftime as mandatory. 46. Where it is agreed that the goods are to be accepted or initial samples tested, thenotification of defects which the partner could have identified upon careful acceptance or initial sample testingare excluded. 47. We must be given an opportunity to confirm the notified defect. Goods complainedof must be returned to us immediately upon request; we shall bear the transport costs where the notice ofdefect is justified. Where the partner does not fulfil these obligations or undertakes modifications withoutour permission to goods which are the subject of complaint, it shall forfeit any claims for material defects.48. Where the notice of defect is justified and advised in good time, we shall, at our choice, improve thegoods complained of or supply defect-free replacements. 49. If we fail to meet these obligations or to do sowithin the contractually agreed reasonable time, the partner may set us a final deadline by which we mustmeet our obligations. If this deadline passes without successful result, the partner may require a reductionin price, withdraw from the contract or undertake the necessary improvement itself or have it done by thirdparties at our expense and risk. The reimbursement of costs shall be excluded where the expenses areincreased because the goods have been brought to another place after delivery by us unless this involvedthe goods being used as intended. 50. The partner shall have statutory rights of recourse against us only insofaras it has not reached agreements with its customer, which go beyond the statutory claims for defects.Article 48 above shall further apply to the extent of the rights of recourse.Other claims, liability51. Unless otherwise specified below, other and more extensive claims against us by the partner are excluded.This applies especially to claims for damages for breach of duties arising from the obligation orfrom unlawful acts. We shall not be liable for damage not deriving from the supplied goods themselves.We shall in particular not be responsible for any loss of profit or financial losses by the partner.52. The limitations of liability indicated do not apply in the case of specific intent, gross negligence onthe part of our legal representatives or senior employees, and in the event of culpable violation of significantcontractual obligations. In the event of culpable violation of significant contractual obligations,we shall be liable - other than in cases of specific intent or gross negligence on the part of our legalrepresentatives or senior employees - only for standard contractual loss or loss which might reasonablyhave been expected. 53. The limitation of liability does also not apply in cases where there is liability inaccordance with product liability laws covering defects in goods supplied for personal use or materialdamage to goods intended for private use. It is also not applicable in case of injury to life, body orhealth and in the absence of guaranteed properties if and in so far as the object of the guarantee wasto cover the partner against any losses not deriving from the supplied goods themselves. 54. Insofar asour liability is excluded or limited, this also applies to the personal liability of our employees, contractors,personnel, legal representatives and vicarious agents. 55. The legal provisions relating to burdenof proof are not affected by this.Force majeure56. Acts of God, industrial disputes, disturbances, official measures, non-arrival of deliveries from oursuppliers and other unforeseeable, unavoidable and serious events shall release the contracting partiesfrom their duty to perform for the duration of the disturbance and the extent of its effect. This also applieswhere these events occur at a time when the contracting party in question is in default, unless thedelay is the result of deliberate intention or gross negligence. The contracting parties shall be obliged,so far as is reasonable, to provide the necessary information immediately and in good faith to adjusttheir obligations to accommodate the changed circumstances.Place of performance, jurisdiction and applicable law57. Unless otherwise indicated in the order confirmation, the place of performance is our principal placeof business. 58. The place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes, including bills of exchange and chequeprocedures, is also our principal place of business. We are also entitled to bring an action at the place ofbusiness of the partner. 59. The contractual relationship is governed exclusively by the laws of the FederalRepublic of Germany. Application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Saleof Goods of 11 April 1980 (CISG - “Vienna Sales Convention”) is excluded.All data according to information at time of printing. Changes and errors excepted. Prices valid fromJan. 15th, 2012.Angle grinderPower DrillHigh-speedmachineStationarymachine<strong>Hand</strong> brushAngle polisherand SatiniserAngel grinderand Power-drillStationarymachinePolishes andCompoundsAngle grinderPower-drill andHigh-speed machineSatiniserIMPORTANTICONS &PICTOGRAMSAT A GLANCETrim materials:Steel wire, knottedSteel wire, crimpedSteel wire, stainlessBrass wireAbrasive bristleNylonNatural bristleProductillustration:Ø = DiameterA = Operating widthA = Keyway width (axle disc)T = Trim lengthL = LengthK = Body widthB = Bore (for machines)B = Width (for hand <strong>brushes</strong>)G = ThreadF = Chuck capacityC = Keyway heightS = Shaft diameterR = PipeLegendPolishingprocess:1 = Sisal cloth2 =3 =4 =5 =6 =7 =8 =9 =10 =Notiflex (NTF) 914Notiflex (NTF) 925Compound, whiteCompound, brownCompound, blueFelt, 2-stageCloth 101Cloth 290Felt, 3-stageProduction monitoredType testedProducts with this labelare TÜV-certified.More informationon page 4/5Legend:max.RRPATBoreThreadMax. rotationPcs.RecommendedRetail PriceOperating widthTrim lengthArt.Nr. 6255312026/04-2012Special tools for various applicationsInformation and concepts for dealers

IMPORTANTICONS &PICTOGRAMSAT A GLANCEArt.Nr. 6255312026/04-2012OSBORN International GmbHRingstraße 10 • 35099 Burgwald/Germany • Tel.: +49 (64 51) 5 88-0 • Fax: +49 (64 51) 5 88-206 • info@osborn.de • www.osborn.com

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