Focus Magazine - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Focus Magazine - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Focus Magazine - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Our Birth Centrehas welcomedthe delivery ofits 1,000th baby.Samantha Jones, 26, fromGirlington, gave birth to her sonBentley Gareth Barnes at 3.18amon July 9. He weighed 8lb 13oz.Head of midwifery, JulieWalker, said: “We were overthe moon when the birth centreopened last November as itoffers women increased choiceabout where to have their baby.“Now, with the delivery ofour 1,000th baby, we haveanother chance to continuethe celebrations as it is anothermilestone.”The £1.2 million centreaccepted its first mothers-to-bein November and was officiallyopened by Bradford-bornpresenter, Anita Rani, in January.It is well-equipped, thanksto donations from the hospitals’Charitable Trust and the Friendsof the BRI and is only the secondunit in the region to standalongside a consultant-led labourward.Samantha Jones, her partner GarethBarnes, and baby Bentley are picturedwith midwife Joanne Stubbs and headof midwifery, Julie Walker.We’ve secure a massive £513,000 government grant to renovate StLuke’s Hospital’s Horton Wing to make our public areas more dementiafriendly.Two years ago our otherhospital, Bradford RoyalInfirmary, unveiled a £540,000project which saw two wardstransformed for patients withdementia incorporating the useof art, film, colour and touch.A revamped main entrance,new sensory gardens, artworkand de-cluttered corridors areamong the improvements ontheir way at St Luke’s as partof the trust’s drive to createdementia-friendly surroundings.Other key elements of theproject will include the additionof dementia-friendly signage,clocks and toilets, corridors ineye-catching colour schemesand a new purpose-built PatientAdvice and Liaison Service (PALS)area.Head of nursing (medicine)Dawn Parkes said: “This newgrant is fantastic news for StLuke’s and Bradford as it isanother step on the way to usbecoming a dementia-friendlycity.”The transformation, throughthe ‘Yorkshire At Its Best’initiative, aims to be completedby March 2014.For more information aboutour dementia work pleasecontact Danielle Woods,dementia project manager, on(01274) 383562.FOCUS August 2013 page 4

Bosses at Bradford-based contracting, manufacturing andshopfitting firm PEC have raised a massive £60,831.60 for thecity’s cardiac unit after a year-long series of fundraising stuntswhich involved planes, sharks and mountains.Over the past year, PEC managingdirector Sohan Panesar has led hiscolleagues in a daring campaignwhich was originally aimed atsecuring £40,000 for the BradfordRoyal Infirmary’s cardiac unit – butthe final total has surpassed all thecompany’s expectations.Sohan said: “We hope thatthis tremendous amount whichwe have raised over the past yearwill make a real difference to thecardiac unit which will be a lifesaverfor many Bradford families.”I’d also like to say a hugethank you to everyone who tookpart in events during our year-longcharity campaign or who dug deepfor this fantastic cause.“Sadly my grandfather spentmany years suffering from aweak heart, and passed away onFather’s Day three years ago. Hewas a very special individual whoI always looked up to and was agreat mentor for me.“This charity push has had asignificant personal meaning for meas it has been done in memory ofsomeone who was an inspiration tothose who were touched by him.”The year-long stunts kicked offwith tandem skydiving last Julyat Hibaldstow Airfield in NorthLincolnshire when Sohan and PhilWeatherill, of David WeatherillArchitects, were harnessed to thefront of a fully qualified parachutinginstructor before jumping outof a plane at 15,000ft. The duoexperienced one whole adrenalinefuelledminute of free fall reachingterminal velocity at 120mph.Just a week later, Sohan wasjoined by fellow PEC director, SukiPanesar, for a chilling underwaterexperience at the Blue PlanetAquarium. The pair came face toface with 12ft Sand Tiger Sharks inwhat was “an awesome close upexperience”.Last September, PEC organisedan assault on the Yorkshire ThreePeaks, with walkers from thecompany, its clients and suppliers.Then on February 15, the firm helda Valentine Ball at Aagrah Midpointwhich drew the campaign to acelebratory close.Consultant cardiologist andclinical lead for cardiology, DrSteven Lindsay said: “Everyone isabsolutely delighted that PEC hasraised this amazing amount. It willhelp us further enhance aspectsof our services to patients with thepurchase of additional sophisticatedimaging equipment for our new£2.3m catheter lab.The dementia café on the BRI’s ward 29 hasbeen a great success in helping us improveservices for patients with dementia.A massive thank you to everyone whovoted for our great Bradford staff in thenew NHS Heroes awards. We received5 nominations! All our awards were forindividuals and teams providing patientcare and their work behind the scenes.We’re really proud of all the hard workour staff do, and their commitment, sothanks for making our staff your NHSHeroes! The campaign was so successfulthat it’s now going to be all year round -visit to make yournominations today.FOCUS August 2013 page 5

Bosses at <strong>Bradford</strong>-based contracting, manufacturing andshopfitting firm PEC have raised a massive £60,831.60 for thecity’s cardiac unit after a year-long series of fundraising stuntswhich involved planes, sharks and mountains.Over the past year, PEC managingdirector Sohan Panesar has led hiscolleagues in a daring campaignwhich was originally aimed atsecuring £40,000 for the <strong>Bradford</strong>Royal Infirmary’s cardiac unit – butthe final total has surpassed all thecompany’s expectations.Sohan said: “We hope thatthis tremendous amount whichwe have raised over the past yearwill make a real difference to thecardiac unit which will be a lifesaverfor many <strong>Bradford</strong> families.”I’d also like to say a hugethank you to everyone who tookpart in events during our year-longcharity campaign or who dug deepfor this fantastic cause.“Sadly my grandfather spentmany years suffering from aweak heart, and passed away onFather’s Day three years ago. Hewas a very special individual whoI always looked up to and was agreat mentor for me.“This charity push has had asignificant personal meaning for meas it has been done in memory ofsomeone who was an inspiration tothose who were touched by him.”The year-long stunts kicked offwith tandem skydiving last Julyat Hibaldstow Airfield in NorthLincolnshire when Sohan and PhilWeatherill, of David WeatherillArchitects, were harnessed to thefront of a fully qualified parachutinginstructor before jumping outof a plane at 15,000ft. The duoexperienced one whole adrenalinefuelledminute of free fall reachingterminal velocity at 120mph.Just a week later, Sohan wasjoined by fellow PEC director, SukiPanesar, for a chilling underwaterexperience at the Blue PlanetAquarium. The pair came face toface with 12ft Sand Tiger Sharks inwhat was “an awesome close upexperience”.Last September, PEC organisedan assault on the Yorkshire ThreePeaks, with walkers from thecompany, its clients and suppliers.Then on February 15, the firm helda Valentine Ball at Aagrah Midpointwhich drew the campaign to acelebratory close.Consultant cardiologist andclinical lead for cardiology, DrSteven Lindsay said: “Everyone isabsolutely delighted that PEC hasraised this amazing amount. It willhelp us further enhance aspectsof our services to patients with thepurchase of additional sophisticatedimaging equipment for our new£2.3m catheter lab.The dementia café on the BRI’s ward 29 hasbeen a great success in helping us improveservices for patients with dementia.A massive thank you to everyone whovoted for our great <strong>Bradford</strong> staff in thenew <strong>NHS</strong> Heroes awards. We received5 nominations! All our awards were forindividuals and teams providing patientcare and their work behind the scenes.We’re really proud of all the hard workour staff do, and their commitment, sothanks for making our staff your <strong>NHS</strong>Heroes! The campaign was so successfulthat it’s now going to be all year round -visit to make yournominations today.FOCUS August 2013 page 5

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