Focus Magazine - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Focus Magazine - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Focus Magazine - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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The Trust’s Quality Account for 2013/2014 includes sevenimprovement priorities identified following a major consultation withthe Foundation Trust Membership in 2011. These are:1. Nutrition: Offering healthy meals that are of good quality and atthe right temperature’.2. Waiting Times: Reducing waiting times for blood tests and otherinvestigations and, informing patients promptly of possible delaysand the reasons for the delay in relation to any aspect of theircare/treatment.3. Patient Information: Accurate information about a patient’streatment before coming into hospital and understandablewritten information about their condition andtreatment.4. Clinical Care/Treatment: Improving information ondischarge to ensure that patients understand whatto expect when they go home and how to takemedicines.5. Communications: Being treated with dignity andrespect, with staff being polite and staff listening.6. Clinical Care/Treatment: Staff working well togetherto organise care within a well organised ward/department.7. Clinical Care/Treatment: To involve people indecisions regarding their care and treatment andexpected outcomes.Governors focus for 2013/2014Throughout 2012/2013 thePatient Experience GovernorWorking Group (PE GWG)met with the staff memberswho lead on each of themembership improvementpriorities. The leads provideinformation and evidence onthe work being undertakenin the Trust to improve thepatient experience in relationto the identified priorities.The Governors’ have seensome excellent work takingplace and good progressmade. For 2012/2013 furtherimprovements have beenidentified and will form thebasis of work going forward.The full statement from thePE GWG is included in theFoundation Trust’s QualityAccount.The Governors prioritiesfor 2013/2014 are;■ Continue to monitorprogress in relation to‘membership improvementpriorities’ 1, 3, 4 and 5.■ Via a range of patientengagement activitiesseek evidence of sustainedimprovements withinthese areas.■ Information gatheredas part of consultation/engagement activities usedto inform any decisionsrelated to retiring theimprovement priorities in2014/2015.In relation to Improvementpriority 2; the PE GWGwill review information inrelation to;■ Outpatient Waiting Times,■ Real time patientexperience feedback inrelation to their clinicappointments.■ Developments within thePhlebotomy service toimprove waiting times.In relation to improvementpriorities 6 and 7 evidencewould be sought from theClinical Divisions about therange of work and patientfeedback received in relationto these priorities.You can find out more aboutthe Governors work in thisarea at our special event on18 September - ‘ExperienceMatters: sharing expertiseto develop excellence’ - seepage 15 for details.FOCUS August 2013 page 16

Doctors and nurses at our hospitals are backing a new National Institutefor Health Research campaign called “OK to ask”.The aim is to encourage patientsto ask their doctors about thepossibility of taking part in clinicalresearch if it’s right for them.Clinical research is carried outto gather evidence on “whatworks” so the NHS can improvethe treatments it offers.Taking part is voluntary, butmany patients may be unawarethat studies relating to theircondition are taking place at ourhospitals unless approached by adoctor or nurse to take part.In a bid to raise awareness,staff from our own BradfordInstitute for Health Research,which is situated within the BRIcomplex and which runs ourclinical trials schemes, recentlymanned an information stall in themain reception area to encouragepatients, who could potentiallybenefit, not to miss out.Last year 4,034 patients tookpart in research studies and thenumber is expected to grow.For more information or contactLouise Barber (01274) 383426 formore details.Lindsey Allsopp and her family raised £810 for the BRI’s neonatal unitafter it saved the life of her daughter, Millie.Lindsey, from Thorpe Edge, said: “I had three normallabours with my first three children but then Milliearrived prematurely at 29 weeks. It was really scaryto have a child born so early but the doctors andnurses at the neonatal unit were wonderful. I can’tthank them enough for what they have donefor Millie.”Millie’s consultant neonatologist, Dr SamOddie added: “Millie has come such a long wayin just two years and I have been so delightedwith her progress that I have been able todischarge her from regular hospitals visits.“On behalf of all our staff, premature babiesand their families, I would like to say a hugethank you for this generous donation. Themoney will be used to buy those extra piecesof equipment and home comforts which ourpatients and their loved ones will use in ournew, revamped £2m neonatal unit which officiallyopens its doors early next year.”From left: Sarah Szpara, Tessa Poppleton, Dr Sunita Seal,Emma Holmes, Lindsey Allsopp & Millie (2), Tracey Barstowand Catherine Thompson.FOCUS August 2013 page 17

The <strong>Trust</strong>’s Quality Account for 2013/2014 includes sevenimprovement priorities identified following a major consultation withthe <strong>Foundation</strong> <strong>Trust</strong> Membership in 2011. These are:1. Nutrition: Offering healthy meals that are of good quality and atthe right temperature’.2. Waiting Times: Reducing waiting times for blood tests and otherinvestigations and, informing patients promptly of possible delaysand the reasons for the delay in relation to any aspect of theircare/treatment.3. Patient Information: Accurate information about a patient’streatment before coming into hospital and understandablewritten information about their condition andtreatment.4. Clinical Care/Treatment: Improving information ondischarge to ensure that patients understand whatto expect when they go home and how to takemedicines.5. Communications: Being treated with dignity andrespect, with staff being polite and staff listening.6. Clinical Care/Treatment: Staff working well togetherto organise care within a well organised ward/department.7. Clinical Care/Treatment: To involve people indecisions regarding their care and treatment andexpected outcomes.Governors focus for 2013/2014Throughout 2012/2013 thePatient Experience GovernorWorking Group (PE GWG)met with the staff memberswho lead on each of themembership improvementpriorities. The leads provideinformation and evidence onthe work being undertakenin the <strong>Trust</strong> to improve thepatient experience in relationto the identified priorities.The Governors’ have seensome excellent work takingplace and good progressmade. For 2012/2013 furtherimprovements have beenidentified and will form thebasis of work going forward.The full statement from thePE GWG is included in the<strong>Foundation</strong> <strong>Trust</strong>’s QualityAccount.The Governors prioritiesfor 2013/2014 are;■ Continue to monitorprogress in relation to‘membership improvementpriorities’ 1, 3, 4 and 5.■ Via a range of patientengagement activitiesseek evidence of sustainedimprovements withinthese areas.■ Information gatheredas part of consultation/engagement activities usedto inform any decisionsrelated to retiring theimprovement priorities in2014/2015.In relation to Improvementpriority 2; the PE GWGwill review information inrelation to;■ Outpatient Waiting Times,■ Real time patientexperience feedback inrelation to their clinicappointments.■ Developments within thePhlebotomy service toimprove waiting times.In relation to improvementpriorities 6 and 7 evidencewould be sought from theClinical Divisions about therange of work and patientfeedback received in relationto these priorities.You can find out more aboutthe Governors work in thisarea at our special event on18 September - ‘ExperienceMatters: sharing expertiseto develop excellence’ - seepage 15 for details.FOCUS August 2013 page 16

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