associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio

associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio


PUBLICATIONSThis catalog is supplemented by the Student Consumer’s Manual. The purpose of this publication is toincrease the information offered to students in relation to the norms, procedures and policies that are inforce within our Insitution.GENERAL RULESSTUDENT RESPONSIBILITIESThe objectives of the institution demand the administrative responsibility to formulate and enforce theappropriate and necessary rules of conduct for the progress of its educational programs and its normal andessential activities. When enrolling, students accept these rules and the authority of the institution toexercise its disciplinary power. Students are responsible for complying with existing applicableregulations and policies in this catalog, as well as the Student Consumer’s Manual, which contains theStudent Manual, the Student By-laws, the Institutional Policy on the Manufacturing, Distribution,Sale, Possession and Illegal Use of Controlled Substances and Alcohol and every other document thathas been enacted. It is also the student’s responsibility to stay informed of all the norms that affect his/herstatus.Instituto de Banca y Comercio reserves the right to revise and change the rules, tuition costs, fees,stipulations, programs, courses, schedules, graduation requirements, professors and/or any otherinstitutional rules or regulations that affect students, whenever necessary.VISITORSThe presence of visitors is limited to the administrative areas. In order to access any other area, they mustbe accompanied by a representative of the institution. Children’s access to classrooms is not permitted.Their presence is limited to the administrative area, while accompanied by an adult, for their own safety.POSTERS OR PROMOTIONSThe placement or distribution of announcements must have the Campus Director’s approval. Placement ofannouncements or distribution of promotional materials is not permitted without previous authorization.It is also prohibited to promote the particular interests of students or entities.LAW # 40- NON SMOKING AREASSmoking is not permitted in classrooms, service offices, labs, study halls, libraries or in the institution’shallways. Students are warned by signs placed in areas delimited for smoking.[71]

TUITION COSTS AND OTHER FEESTuition costs and/or fees will be published in separate addendum, duly dated and officialized. TheInsitution reserves the right to change the tuition costs of programs according to its needs. These changesare appropriately announced to students before they are implemented.ASSOCIATE DEGREE PROGRAMSSERVICESFEESAdmissions or Re-admissions Application $ 25.00 Non RefundableAdmission$ 100.00 (at the time of admission)Academic Credits$ 179.00 Per CreditLaboratory$ 50.00 (per course requiring laboratory)Special Students$ 100.00 Per CreditValidation Test$ 25.00 eachLate Final Exam$ 10.00 Non RefundableLate Enrollment $ 25.00Withdrawals or Course Changes$ 3.00 (at the time of the change)Removal of Incompletes$ 5.00 eachTotal or Partial WithdrawalsFinancial Aid Policies ApplyCredit Transcripts$ 2.00 each (first one is free of charge)Certifications$ 3.00 eachIdentification Cards$ 5.00 (for duplicates, first one is free of charge)Graduation Fee$ 50.00 Non Refundable (once at the beginning of the program)Charges for the use of a Payment Plan $ 25.00 (for a balance of more than $100)Student and Cultural Activities$ 5.00 (for every two academic sessions)Fees for Practices Outside of the Institution $ 25.00 (except Nursing)Fees for Building Maintenance and Improvements $ 25.00 (for every two academic sessions)Nursing Practice Fee $ 50.00Health PlanN/A[72]

PUBLICATIONSThis catalog is supplemented by the Stu<strong>de</strong>nt Consumer’s Manual. The purpose of this publication is toincrease the information offered to stu<strong>de</strong>nts in relation to the norms, procedures and policies that are inforce within our Insitution.GENERAL RULESSTUDENT RESPONSIBILITIESThe objectives of the institution <strong>de</strong>mand the administrative responsibility to formulate and enforce theappropriate and necessary rules of conduct for the progress of its educational <strong>program</strong>s and its normal an<strong>de</strong>ssential activities. When enrolling, stu<strong>de</strong>nts accept these rules and the authority of the institution toexercise its disciplinary power. Stu<strong>de</strong>nts are responsible for complying with existing applicableregulations and policies in this catalog, as well as the Stu<strong>de</strong>nt Consumer’s Manual, which contains theStu<strong>de</strong>nt Manual, the Stu<strong>de</strong>nt By-laws, the Institutional Policy on the Manufacturing, Distribution,Sale, Possession and Illegal Use of Controlled Substances and Alcohol and every other document thathas been enacted. It is also the stu<strong>de</strong>nt’s responsibility to stay informed of all the norms that affect his/herstatus.<strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Banca</strong> y <strong>Comercio</strong> reserves the right to revise and change the rules, tuition costs, fees,stipulations, <strong>program</strong>s, courses, schedules, graduation requirements, professors and/or any otherinstitutional rules or regulations that affect stu<strong>de</strong>nts, whenever necessary.VISITORSThe presence of visitors is limited to the administrative areas. In or<strong>de</strong>r to access any other area, they mustbe accompanied by a representative of the institution. Children’s access to classrooms is not permitted.Their presence is limited to the administrative area, while accompanied by an adult, for their own safety.POSTERS OR PROMOTIONSThe placement or distribution of announcements must have the Campus Director’s approval. Placement ofannouncements or distribution of promotional materials is not permitted without previous authorization.It is also prohibited to promote the particular interests of stu<strong>de</strong>nts or entities.LAW # 40- NON SMOKING AREASSmoking is not permitted in classrooms, service offices, labs, study halls, libraries or in the institution’shallways. Stu<strong>de</strong>nts are warned by signs placed in areas <strong>de</strong>limited for smoking.[71]

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