associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio

associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio

associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio


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additional costs if his/her objective is to reach the gra<strong>de</strong> point average of 2.00 that is required forgraduation.CO-CURRICULAR AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIESWe consi<strong>de</strong>r it highly important for stu<strong>de</strong>nts who attend an aca<strong>de</strong>mic institution to have the opportunity toparticipate in activities related to their field of study or general interests; as well as the opportunity tomake new friends.Some of the events that are part of the collegial lifestyle of our stu<strong>de</strong>nts inclu<strong>de</strong> field trips, conferences,<strong>de</strong>bates, exhibits, wellness clinics, community services, blood donations, job fairs, dances, bands,concerts, and sports and cycling events.UNIFORMSStu<strong>de</strong>nts are responsible for using the uniforms <strong>de</strong>signated for the <strong>program</strong> during class, including labsand practices (internal and external).PROFESSOR TARDINESS OR ABSENCEStu<strong>de</strong>nts are obligated to wait for professors in the classroom for 15 minutes for each class hour (1) and ifthe class has a two (2) hour duration, then stu<strong>de</strong>nts must wait for 30 minutes.ATTENDANCE POLICY<strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Banca</strong> y <strong>Comercio</strong> recognizes that classroom attendance is fundamental to the <strong>de</strong>velopmentof the educational and formative process. For this reason, classroom attendance is mandatory. If a stu<strong>de</strong>ntis absent on two consecutive occasions, his/her case will be referred to the Counseling Office.If a stu<strong>de</strong>nt is excessively absent, this may be cause for suspension from financial aid <strong>program</strong>s, asstipulated in the Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Regulation. In cases where stu<strong>de</strong>nts lose their eligibility for financial aid due toattendance, they will assume all responsibility for payments not ma<strong>de</strong> against their <strong>de</strong>bt.The counselor or professor is authorized to justify absences when a stu<strong>de</strong>nt presents a written excuse; thismay be for an illness, <strong>de</strong>ath in the family, military service, citation to a court of justice or other legitimatereason.In the extreme case where an absence cannot be avoi<strong>de</strong>d, an experience or task of a similar characteristicfrom the one missed will be assigned by the professor of the area of study. This way, if a stu<strong>de</strong>nt is unableto attend one or more classroom meetings, s/he is responsible for completing a written assignment or apractice on the stipulated dates. Absences replaced by make-up work are consi<strong>de</strong>red as accumulated hoursand will negatively impact the classroom attendance gra<strong>de</strong>. Each professor will submit the classreplacement plan to the Counselor’s Office on a weekly basis for the corresponding data entry ofreplacement instruction hours in each one of their courses.In the case where a stu<strong>de</strong>nt does not make up the assigned experience or task and accumulates more than30% of the total course hours as absences, the final course gra<strong>de</strong> may be a <strong>de</strong>ficient (D) or fail (F), inwhich case the stu<strong>de</strong>nt will have to repeat the class at a later time. Each professor will inform stu<strong>de</strong>nts, atthe beginning of the course, how s/he will calculate the attendance and course gra<strong>de</strong> in each of his/hercourses.[62]

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