associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio

associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio


In order to be admitted to these programs, the student should sign a letter certifying that s/he has receivedorientation from the Admissions personnel about these requirements and agrees to comply with saidrequirements at the time of his/her application to the center of practice.The Institution is not responsible if a student is unable to achieve a practice clinic or apply for an examfrom the Examinations Board due to non-compliance with any of the requirements previously mentioned.PROGRAMS LEADING TO A DIPLOMAInstituto de Banca y Comercio is governed by an open door Admissions Policy to allow all high schoolgraduates to aspire to reach a technical-professional formation of excellence, and the opportunity toinitiate studies in areas of: Business, Techniques, Health, Beauty and Culinary Arts that usually begin inthe months of August, October, January, March and May.The application of this open door policy enables Instituto de Banca y Comercio to comply with asubstantive requirement of this level of education: accessibility.Admissions Requirements1. Copy of high school diploma or recognized* equivalent, or a transcript of credits certifyingcompletion of graduation requirements.2. Certificate of vaccine PVAC-3 (if under 21 years of age)3. Complete the Enrollment Contract4. Signature of parent or guardian in the Enrollment Contract (if under 21 years of age)5. Prospective students must be 18 years of age for the Bartending program.6. For programs that include an external practice component or that require a professional oroccupational license from an Examination Board, the prospective student must have reached orshould reach the age of 18 during their studies. For more details, refer to the description of eachprogram.*A recognized equivalent is a document showing that the student has graduated from a public school ofthe Department of Education of Puerto Rico or from a private school authorized to operate according tothe Puerto Rico Council of Education or has foreign studies that have been validated as equivalent to ahigh school diploma according to the Department of Education of Puerto Rico or has passed the GEDexaminations.ADDITIONAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSAdvanced Hairstyling and Design Program1. Copy of diploma or transcript of credits in Cosmetology or Barbering and Hairstyling Programsof IBC or other duly accredited academic institution of a post-secondary technical level.2. Copy of diploma or transcript of credits showing the student has graduated from a Cosmetologyor Barbering program of a vocational level (secondary or post-secondary) from a vocationalschool belonging to the Department of Education of Puerto Rico; or a Professional BeautySpecialist or Barber Stylist License.3. Graduates of Barbering programs who are interested in being admitted to the AdvancedHairstyling and Design program are offered the makeup and chignon modules.4. Graduates of less than 360 hours are not eligible for admission.[41]

For the Emergency Medical Technicians – Paramedic, Practical Nursing, Respiratory CareTechnician, Surgical Technician, Professional Massage Therapist and Dental Assistant withExpanded Functions programs, candidates for practice or license exams of the Examination Boardshould present the following documents1. Certificate of criminal background check dispatched by the Puerto Rico Police.2. Certificate of health from the Department of Health.3. Certificate of immunization for Hepatitis B (three doses) and the chicken pox vaccine.In order to be admitted to these programs, the student must sign a letter certifying that s/he has receivedorientation from the Admissions personnel about these requirements and agrees to comply with saidrequirements when applying for a center of practice.The Institution is not responsible if a student is unable to achieve a practice clinic or apply for an examfrom the Examinations Board due to non-compliance with any of the requirements previously mentioned.ADMISSIONS POLICY FOR ADMISSION INTO THE ABILITY TO BENEFIT PROGRAMThe Ability to Benefit (ATB) policy allows students enrolled before 1 July 2012 to continue theireligibility for Title IV funds.Students who may be eligible for Title IV funds under the alternatives of Ability to Benefit are thefollowing:Students who attended before 1 July 2012, but did not receive the Title IV funds and willcontinue to attend the same institution without interruption.Students who attended before 1 July 2012 and withdrew or were discharged and are interested inenrolling after 1 July 2012 in the same institution where they were enrolled.Students who attended before 1 July 2012 and are interested in enrolling after 1 July 2012 inanother institution different from the one in which they were previously enrolled.Students who were enrolled before 1 July 2012 and withdrew or were discharged and areinterested in enrolling after 1 July 2012 in another institution.Students who did not attend, but were enrolled before 1 July 2012 and are registered to attend thesame program in which they were enrolled.[42]

For the Emergency Medical Technicians – Paramedic, Practical Nursing, Respiratory CareTechnician, Surgical Technician, Professional Massage Therapist and Dental Assistant withExpan<strong>de</strong>d Functions <strong>program</strong>s, candidates for practice or license exams of the Examination Boardshould present the following documents1. Certificate of criminal background check dispatched by the Puerto Rico Police.2. Certificate of health from the Department of Health.3. Certificate of immunization for Hepatitis B (three doses) and the chicken pox vaccine.In or<strong>de</strong>r to be admitted to these <strong>program</strong>s, the stu<strong>de</strong>nt must sign a letter certifying that s/he has receivedorientation from the Admissions personnel about these requirements and agrees to comply with saidrequirements when applying for a center of practice.The Institution is not responsible if a stu<strong>de</strong>nt is unable to achieve a practice clinic or apply for an examfrom the Examinations Board due to non-compliance with any of the requirements previously mentioned.ADMISSIONS POLICY FOR ADMISSION INTO THE ABILITY TO BENEFIT PROGRAMThe Ability to Benefit (ATB) policy allows stu<strong>de</strong>nts enrolled before 1 July 2012 to continue theireligibility for Title IV funds.Stu<strong>de</strong>nts who may be eligible for Title IV funds un<strong>de</strong>r the alternatives of Ability to Benefit are thefollowing:Stu<strong>de</strong>nts who atten<strong>de</strong>d before 1 July 2012, but did not receive the Title IV funds and willcontinue to attend the same institution without interruption.Stu<strong>de</strong>nts who atten<strong>de</strong>d before 1 July 2012 and withdrew or were discharged and are interested inenrolling after 1 July 2012 in the same institution where they were enrolled.Stu<strong>de</strong>nts who atten<strong>de</strong>d before 1 July 2012 and are interested in enrolling after 1 July 2012 inanother institution different from the one in which they were previously enrolled.Stu<strong>de</strong>nts who were enrolled before 1 July 2012 and withdrew or were discharged and areinterested in enrolling after 1 July 2012 in another institution.Stu<strong>de</strong>nts who did not attend, but were enrolled before 1 July 2012 and are registered to attend thesame <strong>program</strong> in which they were enrolled.[42]

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