associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio

associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio


ELED 3016 Preparatory Course for Board Exam(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course will prepare the student for take the Puerto Rico Board of Electricians Exams, in order tobecome a licensed apprentice, assistant o expert electrician. Instruction includes: Description of theoccupation, Description of the Electricians Board Exams, Reviewing of topic included in the exams, suchas: Ohm Lay, Recognition of electrical equipment and material and the study of the laws and regulationsrelated to the occupation. Also include simulated board exam taking practices. Students will learnprofessionalism along with shop management and product/services sales.ELED 3015 Renewable Energy Systems(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe student is introduced to various renewable energy systems and their use in residential and commercialapplications, and is provided with the analytical tools necessary to perform analyses and problem diagnosis.Topics include solar energy generation, solar panels, controllers, inverters multi-vibrators, flip flops, countersand shift register, systems and applications, digital subsystems using integrated circuit logic chipsencoding/decoding techniques, and memory systems.TPLC 3000 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course is designed to study the theory and programming of Programmable Logic Controller(PLC). It establishes the programming using logic circuits, diagrams of stairs and its conversion tomnemonics of the PLC language.LPLC 3000 Programmable Logic Controller Units- Lab(3 credits)Pre-requisite: Concurrent with TPLC 3000This is a laboratory where the student will put in practice the theory described in class TPLC 3000. Theprograms will settle using "handheld" and computer. Diverse connections will settle down and faults willbe identified and corresponding adjustments.[185]

REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING WITH PLCSEGU 1042 Occupational Safety(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course emphasizes the fundamental concepts related to safety and health in the industrial,manufacturing, and servicing industries. Prevention and remedial measures to face accidents caused byelectric shocks, and toxic gases inhalations are discussed. Regulation of the Department of Labor and OSHAapplicable to these industries is also covered.MATE 1220 Applied Mathematics(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course of mathematical applied it includes two parts. In first it is examined the basic operations ofmathematical such as: sum, reduces, multiplication and division of whole numbers, decimal andfractions.In second part is emphasized in: the application of the basic concepts of algebra, geometry,trigonometry, the graphs and solution of numerical problems applied to the technology.INGL 1106 Basic English I(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course is intended to promote the correct use of the English language, as a tool in the professionaldevelopment of the student. It will reinforce the basic skills such as: listening, speaking, reading, writing,and understanding new vocabulary.Once this course is completed, the student will have a better understanding of the English language forfuture job opportunities.ELED 1041 Fundamentals of Electricity(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course is for technical programs’ students needing to apply the basic concepts of electricity in orderto operate instruments and equipments to carry out occupational projects. In the first portion, DirectCurrent Circuits (DC), the students will get acquainted the theories, parameters, and devices which arenecessary to design, modify, and built direct current electric circuits. In the second portion, AlternateCurrent Circuits, the students will study the theories related with generators, transformers, the concept ofinductance and its effect in AC circuits, alternate current sources identification, sinusoidal signals,capacitance, filters and impedance.LATE 1201 Electrical Instrumentation- Lab(3 credits)Pre-requisite: Concurrent with ELED 1041This course is designed to apply the discussed theories in course ELED 1041 by means of theconstruction of circuits of current direct and it alternates. The suitable use of measuring instruments isemphasized and tests. It is verified by means of measurements, the theories and properties of electricalcircuits of direct current. The relations will settle down between energy, the electrical charges, thevoltage, current, resistance and power.In the part of application of theories and properties of the alternating circuit emphasis will occur in the useof: oscilloscope, power plants, generators of signals and others. In addition, the student will use inducers,transformers and other electrical devices.AIRR 1169 Principles of Refrigeration(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneIntroduction to the basic refrigeration cycle, thermodynamics, application of pressure-enthalpy diagrams[186]

ELED 3016 Preparatory Course for Board Exam(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course will prepare the stu<strong>de</strong>nt for take the Puerto Rico Board of Electricians Exams, in or<strong>de</strong>r tobecome a licensed apprentice, assistant o expert electrician. Instruction inclu<strong>de</strong>s: Description of theoccupation, Description of the Electricians Board Exams, Reviewing of topic inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the exams, suchas: Ohm Lay, Recognition of electrical equipment and material and the study of the laws and regulationsrelated to the occupation. Also inclu<strong>de</strong> simulated board exam taking practices. Stu<strong>de</strong>nts will learnprofessionalism along with shop management and product/services sales.ELED 3015 Renewable Energy Systems(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe stu<strong>de</strong>nt is introduced to various renewable energy systems and their use in resi<strong>de</strong>ntial and commercialapplications, and is provi<strong>de</strong>d with the analytical tools necessary to perform analyses and problem diagnosis.Topics inclu<strong>de</strong> solar energy generation, solar panels, controllers, inverters multi-vibrators, flip flops, countersand shift register, systems and applications, digital subsystems using integrated circuit logic chipsencoding/<strong>de</strong>coding techniques, and memory systems.TPLC 3000 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course is <strong>de</strong>signed to study the theory and <strong>program</strong>ming of Programmable Logic Controller(PLC). It establishes the <strong>program</strong>ming using logic circuits, diagrams of stairs and its conversion tomnemonics of the PLC language.LPLC 3000 Programmable Logic Controller Units- Lab(3 credits)Pre-requisite: Concurrent with TPLC 3000This is a laboratory where the stu<strong>de</strong>nt will put in practice the theory <strong>de</strong>scribed in class TPLC 3000. The<strong>program</strong>s will settle using "handheld" and computer. Diverse connections will settle down and faults willbe i<strong>de</strong>ntified and corresponding adjustments.[185]

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