associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio

associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio


development of the strategies for the job search; and other must-known basic aspects to manage andmarket a massage business.MASJ 1137 Preparatory Course for Massage Board Exam(3 credits)Pre-requisite: EMME 1020, MASJ 1130, 1131, 1132, 1030 and 1136This course portraits the Professional Massage occupation, its particulars, occupational standards, rulesand regulations, and the search and retention of a job. It emphasized on the job search techniques processstarting from the accuracy of the job application, resume and application letter, importance of thesupporting documents; and the best approach to be able to encounter the job’s interview. As toCertification Examination, the student will analyze samples of the possible test of the Board to acquaintthemselves with the process and possible questions.MASJ 2005 Externship or Internship(6 credits)Pre-requisite: Approved all previous courses except MASJ 1137This is the final stage of this occupational training program. The students will acquire a practicalexperience by integrating concepts, techniques, sanitation, and safety measures learned throughout thewhole program, to be able to apply therapeutic massage. They will “work” with clients in a make believeenvironment under the coordination and supervision of a specialist of this field. The student will beevaluated according to established rules. The Clinical Practice is offered in external hospitals or clinicalfacilities. There is no guarantee of specicifc sites, days or schedules.[175]

MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONTMED 1000 The Profession: Medical Transcriptionist(3 Credits)Pre-requisites: NoneThe course is designed to introduce the student to the medical transcriptionist career including entry-levelrequirements, professionalism, medical laws, and guidelines for legal and ethical practice, medical officeprocedures, and communication skills.ESPA 1005 Basic Spanish(3 Credits)Pre-requisites: NoneThis course will focus on basic grammar structures through listening and oral practice. It will also putmore emphasis on more basic vocabulary for a more complete, comprehensive, and controlled readingand writing skills. It will also stress on word division, accentuation, punctuation, capitalization, andspelling.ADDO 1001 Document Administration(3 Credits)Pre-requisites: NoneThe student applies accepted practices in the distribution and maintenance of documents in such a way thatthe document can be found quickly and easily. The class enables the student to keep and modify filingsystems according to needs of the office.EMME 1020 Anatomy and Physiology Principles(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe student will obtain structured and integrated knowledge of all the organs and systems of the human body.At the same time the student will learn the normal functions of all the corporal systems and the way in whichsuch functions can be determined.MASJ 1019 Principles of Medical Terminology / Clinic Pathology(3 credits)Pre-requisites: NoneThis course was designed to acquaint the students with the medical terminology used in the medicaltranscription profession. Besides the fundamental word elements applicable to clinic terminology, it coversthe clinical pathologies of traumas and health conditions where the medical transcriptionist could be used totranscribe the medical dictation and reports. Included also are the historic, genetic, cultural beliefs, andpractices that influence on health, methods of assessment and diagnostic tests needed to determine healthconditions, illnesses classifications, etiologies, and treatments.MADO 1001 Keyboard Skills I(3 credits)Pre-requisites: NoneThis course comprises the mastering of the different keyboarding features of the alpha numeric keyboard.It covers the basic techniques, proofreading and centering. The student develops the ability to write aminimum of 20 GWAM with a maximum of eight errors in a three-minute time writings.PRCO 1000 Production of Business Documents (Basic)(3 credits)Pre-requisites: MADO 1001In this course the student develops skills to produce typing tasks in the minimum time are refined. Emphasisis on the production of business documents such as memoranda, letters, reports, tables, and outlines fromunarranged rough draft to acceptable format. The students develop the ability to type a minimum 30GWAM with a maximum of 6 errors in five- minute timed writings.[176]

<strong>de</strong>velopment of the strategies for the job search; and other must-known basic aspects to manage andmarket a massage business.MASJ 1137 Preparatory Course for Massage Board Exam(3 credits)Pre-requisite: EMME 1020, MASJ 1130, 1131, 1132, 1030 and 1136This course portraits the Professional Massage occupation, its particulars, occupational standards, rulesand regulations, and the search and retention of a job. It emphasized on the job search techniques processstarting from the accuracy of the job application, resume and application letter, importance of thesupporting documents; and the best approach to be able to encounter the job’s interview. As toCertification Examination, the stu<strong>de</strong>nt will analyze samples of the possible test of the Board to acquaintthemselves with the process and possible questions.MASJ 2005 Externship or Internship(6 credits)Pre-requisite: Approved all previous courses except MASJ 1137This is the final stage of this occupational training <strong>program</strong>. The stu<strong>de</strong>nts will acquire a practicalexperience by integrating concepts, techniques, sanitation, and safety measures learned throughout thewhole <strong>program</strong>, to be able to apply therapeutic massage. They will “work” with clients in a make believeenvironment un<strong>de</strong>r the coordination and supervision of a specialist of this field. The stu<strong>de</strong>nt will beevaluated according to established rules. The Clinical Practice is offered in external hospitals or clinicalfacilities. There is no guarantee of specicifc sites, days or schedules.[175]

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