associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio

associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio


EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN - PARAMEDICEMME 2000 Fundamentals of Medical Emergencies(1 credit)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course establishes a broad description of the historic evolution of the Emergency Medical Systems. Thestudent will understand all the federal and state legislation that regulates the practice of this profession. Alsodiscussed is the role and functions of the EMT-P, the vehicle, use, and care of the specialized equipment.There is a description of all the agencies involved as part of the EMS.EMME 1020 Anatomy and Physiology Principles(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe student will obtain structured and integrated knowledge of all the organs and systems of the human body.At the same time the student will learn the normal functions of all the corporal systems and the way in whichsuch functions can be determined.MATE 1210 Basic Mathematics(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe student carries out simple mathematical operations such an addition, subtraction, multiplication, anddivision.EMME 2001 Handling of Hazardous Materials and Pollutants(2 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe course provides the student a knowledge and skills of hazardous materials recognition and physicalidentification, chemical and biological entry routes in to the body, infectious diseases, victimsdecontamination and technical staff, risk classification and division, attention and drawing ofcontaminated patients (tiago), use of emergency response guide to hazardous materials and personalprotective equipment. According to NFPA 472 (Standards that pertain to emergency respondersawareness level).EMME 2027 Patient Assessment(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe study of medical terminology, their roots and their use when formulating medical terms. Analysis of theprocedures used in the intervention with patient: medical history, physical examination, vital signs, and thetransfer of this information to the personnel involved.EMME 1136 Introduction to Pharmacology(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneIncludes aspects such as names, types of drugs, and medications used in emergencies and legislation thatapplies. Calculations of formulas used in medications are stressed.EMME 1438 Shocks and Fluids(3 credits)Pre-requisites: NoneAnalysis of the causes and symptoms of different types of shocks and their treatment. Study of theendovenous fluids and application of anti shock administration techniques.EMME 1051 Cardiovascular Emergencies(3 credits)Pre-requisites: EMME 2027 and EMME 1136The student will learn to asses a patient with cardiovascular problems. The study of the pathophysiology andmanagement of cardiovascular system problems. Also the study of the fundamental concepts for interpretingthe electrocardiogram.[167]

EMME 1061 Respiratory Emergencies(3 credits)Pre-requisites: EMME 2027 and EMME 1136Study of the conditions considered as emergencies of the respiratory system and their management.Assessment of patients with respiratory obstructions and the therapeutic mechanisms to handle suchemergencies. (Medications, respiratory therapy, etc.)LEME 1356 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Emergencies- Lab(3 credits)Pre-requisites: Concurrent with EMME 1051 and 1061Administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the specialized equipment. Also, identification ofarrythmia. Management of the specialized equipment such as orotracheal, endotracheal, and nasotrachealintubation; airway esophagi obturator, oropharynx and nasopharynx airway, and mechanisms for breathing.The student learns to administer oxygen therapy, management of the oxygen tank, and the different ways forits administration.EMME 2071 Internal Medicine Emergencies(3 credits)Pre-requisites: EMME 2027 and EMME 1136Recognition and management of diseases related to Internal Medicine, such as anaphylaxis, intoxicationsdrug and alcohol abuse, and abdominal problems. geriatric problems, heat and cold exposure, poisoning,diabetic emergencies and problems related with AIDS.EMME 1075 Obstetric/ Gynecologic Emergencies(3 credits)Pre-requisites: EMME 2027 and EMME 1136Study and care of ob-gyn emergencies. The student will learn these particular characteristics in order toassess the ob-gyn patient, and to attend both normal and complicated deliveries.EMME 1080 Neonatal and Pediatric Emergencies(3 credits)Pre-requisites: EMME 2027 and EMME 1136Study and care neonatal and pediatric emergencies. The student will learn the particular characteristics forthe assessment of the neonatal and pediatric patient. Recognition of deseases and treatment of this type ofpatient.EMME 2005 Communication, Medical Control and Technical of Despatch(2 credits)Pre-requisites: NoneIn the first part of the course the student will take a theoretical compendium, in terms of technical andregulatory aspects of communications systems used by local and international medical emergency.In the second part the student will have the opportunity to practice through programs and computersimulators to take the office system certification office and be able to participate in an integrated practicein the Communications Center.In the third part the student can identify the different forms of medical / hospital documentations in orderto comply with legal medical requirements.LEME 1490 Traumatic Emergencies- Lab(3 credits)Pre-requisite: EMME 2027 and EMME 1136Study of the procedures for managing patients with central system disorders such as traumatic emergencies,cerebrovascular accidents and unconscious states. Also, the study of management of hemorrhages and softtissue injuries and fractures. Initial management aspects are included and the intervention of the EMT-Pduring transportation. In the laboratory the students used and management of specialized equipments fortrauma patients.[168]

EMME 1061 Respiratory Emergencies(3 credits)Pre-requisites: EMME 2027 and EMME 1136Study of the conditions consi<strong>de</strong>red as emergencies of the respiratory system and their management.Assessment of patients with respiratory obstructions and the therapeutic mechanisms to handle suchemergencies. (Medications, respiratory therapy, etc.)LEME 1356 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Emergencies- Lab(3 credits)Pre-requisites: Concurrent with EMME 1051 and 1061Administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the specialized equipment. Also, i<strong>de</strong>ntification ofarrythmia. Management of the specialized equipment such as orotracheal, endotracheal, and nasotrachealintubation; airway esophagi obturator, oropharynx and nasopharynx airway, and mechanisms for breathing.The stu<strong>de</strong>nt learns to administer oxygen therapy, management of the oxygen tank, and the different ways forits administration.EMME 2071 Internal Medicine Emergencies(3 credits)Pre-requisites: EMME 2027 and EMME 1136Recognition and management of diseases related to Internal Medicine, such as anaphylaxis, intoxicationsdrug and alcohol abuse, and abdominal problems. geriatric problems, heat and cold exposure, poisoning,diabetic emergencies and problems related with AIDS.EMME 1075 Obstetric/ Gynecologic Emergencies(3 credits)Pre-requisites: EMME 2027 and EMME 1136Study and care of ob-gyn emergencies. The stu<strong>de</strong>nt will learn these particular characteristics in or<strong>de</strong>r toassess the ob-gyn patient, and to attend both normal and complicated <strong>de</strong>liveries.EMME 1080 Neonatal and Pediatric Emergencies(3 credits)Pre-requisites: EMME 2027 and EMME 1136Study and care neonatal and pediatric emergencies. The stu<strong>de</strong>nt will learn the particular characteristics forthe assessment of the neonatal and pediatric patient. Recognition of <strong>de</strong>seases and treatment of this type ofpatient.EMME 2005 Communication, Medical Control and Technical of Despatch(2 credits)Pre-requisites: NoneIn the first part of the course the stu<strong>de</strong>nt will take a theoretical compendium, in terms of technical andregulatory aspects of communications systems used by local and international medical emergency.In the second part the stu<strong>de</strong>nt will have the opportunity to practice through <strong>program</strong>s and computersimulators to take the office system certification office and be able to participate in an integrated practicein the Communications Center.In the third part the stu<strong>de</strong>nt can i<strong>de</strong>ntify the different forms of medical / hospital documentations in or<strong>de</strong>rto comply with legal medical requirements.LEME 1490 Traumatic Emergencies- Lab(3 credits)Pre-requisite: EMME 2027 and EMME 1136Study of the procedures for managing patients with central system disor<strong>de</strong>rs such as traumatic emergencies,cerebrovascular acci<strong>de</strong>nts and unconscious states. Also, the study of management of hemorrhages and softtissue injuries and fractures. Initial management aspects are inclu<strong>de</strong>d and the intervention of the EMT-Pduring transportation. In the laboratory the stu<strong>de</strong>nts used and management of specialized equipments fortrauma patients.[168]

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