associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio

associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio


PRACTICAL NURSINGENFE 2700 Principles of Nursing and Applied Health Technology(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course is the initial course in the nursing curriculum. The course introduces the core concept ofcaring as it relates to the practice of nursing. This course acquaints the student with the therapeutic use ofself in caring for clients across the lifespan.Additionaly, the students will learn Explain the use oftechnology to enhance and promote safe patient care, educate patients and consumers, evaluate healthcaredelivery, and enhance the nurse’s knowledge base.ENFE 1406 Introduction to the Study of IllnessPre-requisite: NoneDefinition, etiology and classification of several diseases and organism defenses against them.(2 credits)ENFE 1407 Introduction to Nourishment and Diet-therapy(1 credit)Pre-requisite: NoneThe study of body nourishment requirements according to age, activities performed by the individual, andclimate. The importance of a balanced diet necessary for the healthy development and growth of each stagesof life of the individual is stressed.INGL 1106 Basic English I(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course is intended to promote the correct use of the English language, as a tool in the professionaldevelopment of the student. It will reinforce the basic skills such as: listening, speaking, reading, writing,and understanding new vocabulary.Once this course is completed, the student will have a better understanding of the English language forfuture job opportunities.EMME 1020 Anatomy and Physiology Principles(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe student will obtain structured and integrated knowledge of all the organs and systems of the human body.At the same time the student will learn the normal functions of all the corporal systems and the way in whichsuch functions can be determined.ENFE 1510 Personal Hygiene, Care Surrounding and Microbiology(2 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe student will learn the different aspects of hygiene and the mechanisms used by the community to provideand keep good health. The student also discusses how to modify the environment in order to improve thequality of life thus promoting good health.ENFE 1611 Emergency Situations and First Aid(1 credits)Pre-requisites: NoneA first aid course which covers the assessment and initial treatment of the patient during emergencies, suchas wounds, fractures, hemorrhages, artificial breathing methods, and all types of techniques used in thesecases.EKGL 1000 Basic Electrocardiography(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis basic course will cover electrocardiography procedures, arrhythmia detection, axis determination,heart blocks, the evolving infarction, cardiac hypertrophy, and interpreting ST segments. The use of[161]

hythm generators and reading of actual EKGs will complement lecture material.ENFE 2710 Medical Nursing(3 credits)Pre-requisite: Concurrent with ENFE 1509Diagnostic and treatment of patients with acute and chronic transmissible diseases. The student discussestopics on nutrition, and dieto-therapy. Knowledge in diagnosis and treatment will be reviewed and practicedin medical institutions.ENFE 1509 Fundamentals of Nursing I(3 credits)Pre-requisites: ENFE 1510This general course is related to the different primary care skills that the practical nurse needs to develop inorder to care for a patient, such as room preparation, first aid, bandages, and other assistance neededENFE 1610 Introduction to the Medicine Administration(1 credits)Pre-requisites: NoneIn this course the students learn the origin, presentation, and form, effects, and legal aspects in theadministration of drugs. The procedures of medicine administration are also discussed.ENFE 2602 Geriatric Nursing(2 credits)Pre-requisites: EMME 1020In this course the students carry out the activities through which they will develop the skills to face thenursing care for the elderly, and their social and economic needs. The student will visit health agenciesconcerned with elderly health matters.ENFE 1609 Fundamentals of Nursing II(3 credits)Pre-requisites: ENFE 1509The students continue this second part of nursing fundamentals by developing the primary care skills towardstheir role as a future practical nurse and their responsibilities with the patients.ENFE 2603 Mother and Child Care - Lab(2 credits)Pre-requisites: ENFE 1509During this course the students discuss the history of maternity and human reproduction. Pregnancy, prenatalcare, child birth, postnatal care, and emergencies that might arise during the process are given specialattention.ENFE 2604 Pediatrics Nursing(2 credits)Pre-requisite: Concurrent with ENFE 2603In this course the characteristics of growth and integral development study of the boy until theadolescence in normal conditions. Emphasizes, in strategies to satisfy the basic necessities, the control ofdiseases, and the promotion of the health in the childhood. It discusses the different pathologicalprocesses that affect the health of the child and adolescent.ENFE 2605 Psychiatrics Nursing(2 credits)Pre-requisite: ENFE 1611The course will focus in the basic concepts of psychiatry and its terminology, human behavior andpersonality, the most common mental disorders and its treatment, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. Emphasisis placed on resources available in the community to deal with these problems.ENFE 2007 Community Health(2 credits)Pre-requisite: ENFE 1510Community health concepts that deal with the interaction between man and his environment regarding health[162]

PRACTICAL NURSINGENFE 2700 Principles of Nursing and Applied Health Technology(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course is the initial course in the nursing curriculum. The course introduces the core concept ofcaring as it relates to the practice of nursing. This course acquaints the stu<strong>de</strong>nt with the therapeutic use ofself in caring for clients across the lifespan.Additionaly, the stu<strong>de</strong>nts will learn Explain the use oftechnology to enhance and promote safe patient care, educate patients and consumers, evaluate healthcare<strong>de</strong>livery, and enhance the nurse’s knowledge base.ENFE 1406 Introduction to the Study of IllnessPre-requisite: NoneDefinition, etiology and classification of several diseases and organism <strong>de</strong>fenses against them.(2 credits)ENFE 1407 Introduction to Nourishment and Diet-therapy(1 credit)Pre-requisite: NoneThe study of body nourishment requirements according to age, activities performed by the individual, andclimate. The importance of a balanced diet necessary for the healthy <strong>de</strong>velopment and growth of each stagesof life of the individual is stressed.INGL 1106 Basic English I(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course is inten<strong>de</strong>d to promote the correct use of the English language, as a tool in the professional<strong>de</strong>velopment of the stu<strong>de</strong>nt. It will reinforce the basic skills such as: listening, speaking, reading, writing,and un<strong>de</strong>rstanding new vocabulary.Once this course is completed, the stu<strong>de</strong>nt will have a better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the English language forfuture job opportunities.EMME 1020 Anatomy and Physiology Principles(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe stu<strong>de</strong>nt will obtain structured and integrated knowledge of all the organs and systems of the human body.At the same time the stu<strong>de</strong>nt will learn the normal functions of all the corporal systems and the way in whichsuch functions can be <strong>de</strong>termined.ENFE 1510 Personal Hygiene, Care Surrounding and Microbiology(2 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe stu<strong>de</strong>nt will learn the different aspects of hygiene and the mechanisms used by the community to provi<strong>de</strong>and keep good health. The stu<strong>de</strong>nt also discusses how to modify the environment in or<strong>de</strong>r to improve thequality of life thus promoting good health.ENFE 1611 Emergency Situations and First Aid(1 credits)Pre-requisites: NoneA first aid course which covers the assessment and initial treatment of the patient during emergencies, suchas wounds, fractures, hemorrhages, artificial breathing methods, and all types of techniques used in thesecases.EKGL 1000 Basic Electrocardiography(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis basic course will cover electrocardiography procedures, arrhythmia <strong>de</strong>tection, axis <strong>de</strong>termination,heart blocks, the evolving infarction, cardiac hypertrophy, and interpreting ST segments. The use of[161]

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