associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio

associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio


RESTAURANT MANAGEMENTLITE 1000 Computer Literacy(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis is a beginning computer course that will focus on developing skills that will allow students to feelcomfortable using computers. The topics covered are: historical events, terminology, system components,capacity, essential hardware, software applications, etc. The course also deals with management, control,storage, retrieve, and communication of data through electronic means. Lectures, small group discussions,hands on exercise sessions, and homework activities will be used to provide students with manyopportunities to develop Information Technology skills.ORRH 1304 Orientation and Human Relations(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneEmphasis is placed on the challenges encountered by the students in their school and personal lives. Thecourse provides for special seminars on topics such as drug and gang prevention, STD’s, and how tohandle the transition from student to employee.INGL 1106 Basic English I(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course is intended to promote the correct use of the English language, as a tool in the professionaldevelopment of the student. It will reinforce the basic skills such as: listening, speaking, reading, writing,and understanding new vocabulary.Once this course is completed, the student will have a better understanding of the English language forfuture job opportunities.ADMI 2032 Business Administration and Management(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course includes the study of management functions and ethics, objectives, decision making, the functionof organizations, and management procedures.MATE 1210 Basic Mathematics(3 Credits)Pre-requisites: NoneThe student carries out simple mathematical operations such an addition, subtraction, multiplication, anddivision.CONT 1090 Elementary Accounting I(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course focuses on basic concepts of the accounting cycle used in business oriented services. Itincludes topics such as: transaction analysis, general ledger, and worksheets, among others.CONT 1041Inventory Control Systems(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course covers topics such as inventory systems, inventory movements, handling inventory level,physical inventory, periodic inventory, payroll systems, computing gross pay, wage deductions required bylaw, payroll register, income register, and others.MATE 1213 Business Mathematics(3 credits)Pre-requisite: MATE 1210This is a basic mathematics course focusing on related business activities. It is required that the studentmasters fundamental mathematics processes with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Among the[149]

topics included are: percentages, discounts, commissions, and payrolls.GREC 2104 Restaurant Management I(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course deals with topics related to fundamental and traditional principles of management such as shortand long term management objectives, definition of objectives, priority system in achieving objectives,analysis, planning, implementation, and follow up of the achievements of the program and evaluation.GREC 2203 Restaurant Hygiene and Sanitation (3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThe student discusses topics related to the importance of hygiene in the industry, the benefits of goodhygiene, and the consequences of bad hygiene, the microscopic world and its effects on public health, timeand temperature controls, correct sanitation and cleaning procedures, and training of personnel in aspectsrelated to hygiene and sanitation.GREC 2204 Human Resources (3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneIn this course the student acquires knowledge of selecting, recruiting, and retaining personnel. In-servicetraining, supervision, regulations, and insurance are subjects discussed.GREC 2105 Restaurant Management II(3 credits)Pre-requisite: GREC 2104The following topics will be discussed in this class: requisites for a fast-food establishment, economicrequirements, benefits, risks, franchise responsibility, and safety and security on the employment.GREC 2106 Restaurant Management III(3 credits)Pre-requisite: GREC 2105The student discusses the following topics regarding fast-food restaurant management: inventory controlsystem, waste disposal control, production control, and analysis of a financial statement.GREC 1103 Food Production (3 credits)Pre-requisite: GREC 2203In this course the students will discuss topics as production center, according to amount of sales and life-spanof each food item, consequences of over or under production, relation between production and restaurantfinance, and system for the registration and computation of production level.LGRE 1103 Food Production- Lab (3 credits)Pre-requisite: Concurrent with GREC 1103This course gives the student the opportunity to reinforce his/her theoretical knowledge acquired throughGREC 1102. The student will devote partial time doing internship practice in available practicing centerswhere he/she reinforces the skills previously acquired.MERC 2034 Fundamentals of Marketing (2 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course comprises basic principles of marketing techniques, marketing and the environment where ittakes place, marketing retrieval system, and market-product-market investigation.ESPA 1005 Basic Spanish(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course will focus on basic grammar structures through listening and oral practice. It will also putmore emphasis on more basic vocabulary for a more complete, comprehensive, and controlled reading[150]

RESTAURANT MANAGEMENTLITE 1000 Computer Literacy(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis is a beginning computer course that will focus on <strong>de</strong>veloping skills that will allow stu<strong>de</strong>nts to feelcomfortable using computers. The topics covered are: historical events, terminology, system components,capacity, essential hardware, software applications, etc. The course also <strong>de</strong>als with management, control,storage, retrieve, and communication of data through electronic means. Lectures, small group discussions,hands on exercise sessions, and homework activities will be used to provi<strong>de</strong> stu<strong>de</strong>nts with manyopportunities to <strong>de</strong>velop Information Technology skills.ORRH 1304 Orientation and Human Relations(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneEmphasis is placed on the challenges encountered by the stu<strong>de</strong>nts in their school and personal lives. Thecourse provi<strong>de</strong>s for special seminars on topics such as drug and gang prevention, STD’s, and how tohandle the transition from stu<strong>de</strong>nt to employee.INGL 1106 Basic English I(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course is inten<strong>de</strong>d to promote the correct use of the English language, as a tool in the professional<strong>de</strong>velopment of the stu<strong>de</strong>nt. It will reinforce the basic skills such as: listening, speaking, reading, writing,and un<strong>de</strong>rstanding new vocabulary.Once this course is completed, the stu<strong>de</strong>nt will have a better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the English language forfuture job opportunities.ADMI 2032 Business Administration and Management(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course inclu<strong>de</strong>s the study of management functions and ethics, objectives, <strong>de</strong>cision making, the functionof organizations, and management procedures.MATE 1210 Basic Mathematics(3 Credits)Pre-requisites: NoneThe stu<strong>de</strong>nt carries out simple mathematical operations such an addition, subtraction, multiplication, anddivision.CONT 1090 Elementary Accounting I(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course focuses on basic concepts of the accounting cycle used in business oriented services. Itinclu<strong>de</strong>s topics such as: transaction analysis, general ledger, and worksheets, among others.CONT 1041Inventory Control Systems(3 credits)Pre-requisite: NoneThis course covers topics such as inventory systems, inventory movements, handling inventory level,physical inventory, periodic inventory, payroll systems, computing gross pay, wage <strong>de</strong>ductions required bylaw, payroll register, income register, and others.MATE 1213 Business Mathematics(3 credits)Pre-requisite: MATE 1210This is a basic mathematics course focusing on related business activities. It is required that the stu<strong>de</strong>ntmasters fundamental mathematics processes with whole numbers, fractions, and <strong>de</strong>cimals. Among the[149]

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