associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio

associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio


INSTITUTIONAL MISSIONThe mission of the Instituto de Banca y Comercio is to provide educational opportunities that promote thecontinuous acquisition of knowledge and the social development of our graduates in order to integratethem to the labor force. We fulfill these goals by providing our students with a general, ample andprofessional education though academic and occupational programs with high demand in the job-market;the selection of qualified human resources and the acquisition of innovative and adequate physicalfacilities and equipment that provide the maximum learning opportunities for our students and promotetheir adaptations to today jobs scenarios.VISIONInstituto de Banca y Comercio aspires to be a leader in education by offering the community occupationalstudy programs that will incorporate our graduates in the labor force, according to the needs and changesof our society. With our mission in mind the institution is committed to:[13]

FormativeINSTITUTIONAL OBJECTIVES1. Create educational programs with ample demand in the job market.2. Prepare curricular structures based on scientific investigation and the needs analysis of theemployers that are in the areas we serve through our campuses.3. Offer an education that promotes the adaptation to current and future work scenarios, throughstrategies and activities that promote team work and interpersonal relationships.4. Offer an educational service based on a pedagogical model that responds to the currenteducational needs of the environment.5. Identify and incorporate computer environments into the curricular content and the teachinglearningprocess.6. Contribute to the comprehensive development and values of each student, through the promotionof activities that improve their performance as members of the community.7. Develop abilities for the adequate use of the English and Spanish languages in their written andverbal forms.8. Promote the development of mathematical abilities to analyze and solve problems.9. Foster the access to new levels of knowledge, by means of the mastery of contents and basicskills.10. Develop reflective, critical and enterprising thinking through an education based on active,participative and practical methods.11. Graduate satisfied students that possess the knowledge, skills and techniques that will allow themto perform efficiently and ethically at work.Systematization1. Bring the educational structure to the highest levels, providing educational continuity andcoherence that allows the optimization of learning achievements.2. Formulate and implement an institutional evaluation plan that aims the educational activitiestoward the accomplishment of the institutional objectives.Structural1. Develop an organizational structure that allows the fulfillment of the academic and administrativefunctions.2. Possess an infrastructure and adequate material and financial resources for the development andmaintenance of updated and innovative physical facilities that will serve as practical labs for thestudents.3. Recruit and retain qualified human resources, fostering their professional growth throughformative educational activities that guarantee institutional excellence.Institutional Environment1. Promote a participative environment and committment to the educational and administrativecommunity through participation in institutional, decision-making work committees.2. Favor an environment of solidarity and cooperation with the educational community, throughactivities that serve our community.[14]

FormativeINSTITUTIONAL OBJECTIVES1. Create educational <strong>program</strong>s with ample <strong>de</strong>mand in the job market.2. Prepare curricular structures based on scientific investigation and the needs analysis of theemployers that are in the areas we serve through our campuses.3. Offer an education that promotes the adaptation to current and future work scenarios, throughstrategies and activities that promote team work and interpersonal relationships.4. Offer an educational service based on a pedagogical mo<strong>de</strong>l that responds to the currenteducational needs of the environment.5. I<strong>de</strong>ntify and incorporate computer environments into the curricular content and the teachinglearningprocess.6. Contribute to the comprehensive <strong>de</strong>velopment and values of each stu<strong>de</strong>nt, through the promotionof activities that improve their performance as members of the community.7. Develop abilities for the a<strong>de</strong>quate use of the English and Spanish languages in their written andverbal forms.8. Promote the <strong>de</strong>velopment of mathematical abilities to analyze and solve problems.9. Foster the access to new levels of knowledge, by means of the mastery of contents and basicskills.10. Develop reflective, critical and enterprising thinking through an education based on active,participative and practical methods.11. Graduate satisfied stu<strong>de</strong>nts that possess the knowledge, skills and techniques that will allow themto perform efficiently and ethically at work.Systematization1. Bring the educational structure to the highest levels, providing educational continuity andcoherence that allows the optimization of learning achievements.2. Formulate and implement an institutional evaluation plan that aims the educational activitiestoward the accomplishment of the institutional objectives.Structural1. Develop an organizational structure that allows the fulfillment of the aca<strong>de</strong>mic and administrativefunctions.2. Possess an infrastructure and a<strong>de</strong>quate material and financial resources for the <strong>de</strong>velopment andmaintenance of updated and innovative physical facilities that will serve as practical labs for thestu<strong>de</strong>nts.3. Recruit and retain qualified human resources, fostering their professional growth throughformative educational activities that guarantee institutional excellence.Institutional Environment1. Promote a participative environment and committment to the educational and administrativecommunity through participation in institutional, <strong>de</strong>cision-making work committees.2. Favor an environment of solidarity and cooperation with the educational community, throughactivities that serve our community.[14]

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