associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio

associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio associate degree program - Instituto de Banca y Comercio


CATALOG DISCLAIMERNotwithstanding anything contained in this Catalog, Instituto de Banca yComercio (IBC), reserves the right, wherever it deems advisable: (1) tochange or modify its tuition and fees, (2) to withdraw, cancel, rescheduleor modify any course, program of study, degree or any requirements inconnection with the foregoing, and (3) to change or modify any academicor other policy. Please be advised that due to printing deadlines,information in this Catalog may be updated. Changes in information inthis Catalog and new academic regulations will be published each termas applicable. It is the responsibility of each student to ascertain currentinformation that pertains to the individuals program particularly withregard to satisfaction of degree requirements, through frequent referenceto the Catalog and its addendum, enrollment agreement, the, and by consultation with the Counselor, the AcademicDirector, and other appropriate offices such as the Registrar or FinancialAid. In preparing this catalog, efforts are made to provide pertinent andaccurate information; however, IBC assumes no responsibility forCatalog errors or omissions.An electronic copy of this Catalog is available at copies are available in the main campus, additional locations andcampus additions.The rules of our institution prohibit discrimination for reasons of genderor sex, among others. Therefore, for the purpose of this document, allterminology used to refer to a person or position refers to both genders.©Copyright 2013, Instituto de Banca y Comercio[9]



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