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Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS<strong>COURSE</strong> <strong>TITLE</strong><strong>DYNAMICS</strong>(<strong>Dinamik</strong>)<strong>COURSE</strong> <strong>CODE</strong><strong>KNJ1023</strong>CREDIT 3PREREQUISITE/SN/ASYNOPSISThis course provides the theory and applications of engineeringmechanics. Topics of discussion include Kinematics of aParticle, Kinetics of a Particle: Force and Acceleration, Kineticsof a Particle: Work and Energy, Kinetics of a Particle: Impulseand Momentum, Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body, PlanarKinetics of a Rigid Body: Force and Acceleration, PlanarKinetics of a Rigid: Work and Energy and Planar Kinetics of aRigid: Impulse and Momentum.LEARNINGOUTCOMESBy the end of this course, students will be able to:o Recognize and select the method for describingparticles/rigid body motion using graphical and analyticalanalysis. (A1, LL)o Identify and interpret the work and energy/impulse andmomentum for a particle using principle of work andenergy/ principle of impulse and momentum. (P1, A1, CT)o Identify and interpret the work and energy/impulse andmomentum for a rigid body using principle of work andenergy/ principle of impulse and momentum. (C4, A3,CT)STUDENTLEARNINGHOURSLecturesSelf-StudyQuizzes, Tests, & ExaminationsTotal42 Hour/s75 Hour/s6 Hour/s123 Hour/s<strong>KNJ1023</strong> Dynamics 1 / 4

Faculty of Engineering, UNIMASLEARNINGUNITSSupervisedLearning Hours1. Chapter 1: Kinematics of a Particle-Introduction-Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion-Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion-General Curvilinear Motion32. Chapter 1: Kinematics of a Particle-Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of TwoParticles-Relative Motion Analysis of Two Particles UsingTranslating Axes33. Chapter 2: Kinetics of a Particle: Force andAcceleration-Newton?s Law of Motion-The Equation of Motion-The Equation of Motion for a System of Particles34. Chapter 2: Kinetics of a Particle: Force andAcceleration-Equations of Motion: Rectangular Coordinates-Equations of Motion: Normal and TangentialCoordinates-Equations of Motion: Cylindrical Coordinates35. Chapter 3: Kinetics of a Particle: Work and Energy-The Work of a Force-Principle of Work and Energy-Principle of Work and Energy for a System of aBody36. Chapter 3: Kinetics of a Particle: Work and Energy-Power and Efficiency-Conservative Forces and Potential Energy-Conservative of Energy37. Chapter 4: Kinetics of a Particle: Impulse andMomentum-Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum-Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum for a3<strong>KNJ1023</strong> Dynamics 2 / 4

Faculty of Engineering, UNIMASSystem of particles-Conservation of Linear Momentum for a System ofParticles Impact8. Chapter 4: Kinetics of a Particle: Impulse andMomentum-Angular Momentum-Relation Between Moment of a Force and AngularMomentum-Angular Impulse and Momentum Principles39. Chapter 5: Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body-Rigid Body Motion-Translation-Rotation About a Fixed Axis310. Chapter 5: Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body-Relative Motion Analysis: Velocity-Relative Motion Analysis: Acceleration-Relative Motion Analysis: Using Rotating Axis311. Chapter 6: Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Forceand Acceleration-Moment of Inertia-Planar Kinetic Equations of Motion-Equations of Motion: Translation312. Chapter 6: Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Forceand Acceleration-Equations of Motion: Translation-Equations of Motion: Rotating About a Fixed Axis-Equations of Motion: General Plane Motion313. Chapter 7: Planar Kinetics of a Rigid: Work andEnergy-Kinetic Energy-The Work of a Force-The Work of a Couple-Principle of Work and Energy314. Chapter 8: Planar Kinetics of a Rigid: Impulse and 3Momentum-Linear and Angular Momentum<strong>KNJ1023</strong> Dynamics 3 / 4

Faculty of Engineering, UNIMAS-Principle of Impulse and Momentum-Conservation of Momentum-Eccentric ImpactASSESSMENT Test 110 %Test 2 & Test 320 %Quiz6 %A1, A214 %Q110 %Q210 %Q3, Q430 %Total100 %REFERENCES 1. Robert W. Soutas-Little, Daniel J. Inman, Daniel S. Balint.c2008. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. PublicationInfo. Toronto, Ont.: Thomson Learning.2. R. C. Hibbeler. 2007. Engineering Mechanics Dynamics.11th Edi. Pearson, Prentice Hall.3. Bedford, A., Fowler, W. 2005. Engineering MechanicsDynamics. Pearson, Prentice Hall.4. Boresi, Arthur P., Schmidt, Richard J. c2001. EngineeringMechanics: Dynamics. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.Last updated: August 11, 2011, Thu, 11:24 AM<strong>KNJ1023</strong> Dynamics 4 / 4

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