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"<strong>THE</strong> <strong>LONG</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>WINDING</strong> ROAD"From Project Proposal to Doctoral ThesisMonday 26th - Wednesday 28th April 2010Venue: Monday in room U-309, Blindernveien 9Tuesday in the computer room U-205, Blindernveien 9Wednesday in room U-309, Blindernveien 93 ECTS, or around 75-80 hours of workloadTarget groupPhD candidates in their first year. (This is part of the required ”Base course” /basiskurs of the program. For description of the PhD program, seehttp://www.tf.uio.no/forskning/phd/forskeropplaering/index.html - for the time being,this page exists in Norwegian only: apologies from the Faculty!)Responsible for the course is prof. Øyvind NordervalInvolved teachers:Faculty Librarian Svein Helge Birkeflet, UBO, TFProf. Terje Stordalen, TF;Prof. Paul Leer-Salvesen, UiAProf. Knut Ruyter, TF, who is also Coordinator of the national committees forResearch EthicsCoordinators (academic issues):PhD candidate Sissel FinholtResearch Adviser Ingunn GjørvaLi st of literature and resources for the courseRequired coursework• Each participant must write twosmall documents, (up to sevenpages for each document):• The first document (Doc. 1) is amemo that shall identify problemsof research ethics and of research

involving personal information inthe candidate’s project. As abackground for writing this memo,the participant will refer to theguidelines of the nationalcommittees of research ethics -NESH.• This memo may be written inEnglish or Norwegian. Thediscussion of the document duringthe course is going to be inEnglish.• The second document (Doc 2) is tobe a text specimen where thecandidate demonstrates his or herway of constructing andformulating an academicargument.We are not asking for your projectproposal, but rather something likea few pages from your dissertation,from an academic article you havepublished, or similar. Thisdocument will be written in thesame language as the candidateshall use for the doctoral thesis.The discussion of the documentduring the course is going to be inEnglish.• Reading list: A separate readinglist of around 800 pages ispublished separately.Deadline for handing in your documents: 15 April. The documents will be distributedto all participants and teachers. Please send your entries by e-mail to Sissel Finholt:s.m.finholt@teologi.uio.noProgramMONDAY 26 APRIL09.00 – 16:00 Prof. Paul Leer-Salvesen (and participating: prof. Øyvind Norderval):Full-day seminar on:(a) how to research and write an academic text, and(b) on contexts for researching and writing academic literature: subject-matter; thediscipline, the faculty, the academy, society.

This day will include also a short seminar with prof. Terje Stordalen on ”Complexityand Legitimacy. Religious Studies in the 21. Century” – and, of course, there is goingto be a lunch. A detailed program for the day is going to the announced later.During this day, our negotiations will make use of each participant’s text specimen(Doc. 2).TUESDAY 27 APRIL09.30 – 16:00 Faculty Librarian Svein Helge Birkeflet:Bibliographical and Library Resources for Writing a Thesis.Inclding a seminar on using the EndNote bibliographical software.17:30 Dinner for all participants (PhD candidates and teachers)We hope everyone will join!WEDNESDAY 28 APRIL09:00 – 14:00 Professor Knut Ruyter (and participating: prof. Øyvind Norderval)Research ethics: Laws, regulation, guidelines, and morality.Time for lunch break will be announced later.During this session, our negotiations will make use of each participant’s memo (Doc.1).14:00 – 15:00 Professor Øyvind Norderval and PhD candidates:Evaluating the seminar

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