Haiti – Dominican Republic - Disasters and Conflicts - UNEP

Haiti – Dominican Republic - Disasters and Conflicts - UNEP Haiti – Dominican Republic - Disasters and Conflicts - UNEP

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95. World Bank. (2012). Average Monthly Rainfall and Temperature for Haiti. Retrieved October 2012 fromhttp://sdwebx.worldbank.org/climateportal/index.cfm?page=country _ historical _ climate&ThisRegion=Latin%20America&ThisCCode=DOM96. World Bank. (2012). Average Monthly Rainfall and Temperature for Haiti. Retrieved October 2012 fromhttp://sdwebx.worldbank.org/climateportal/index.cfm?page=country _ historical _ climate&ThisRegion=Latin%20America&ThisCCode=HTI#97. World Bank. (2012). Average Monthly Rainfall and Temperature for Haiti. Retrieved October 2012 fromhttp://sdwebx.worldbank.org/climateportal/index.cfm?page=country _ historical _ climate&ThisRegion=Latin%20America&ThisCCode=DOM98. US Army Corps of Engineers. (1999). Water Resources Assessment of Haiti. US Army Corps of Engineers:Washington, D.C.99. Miniel, L. (2012, 20 April). Interview with Luis Miniel, Mayor of Elias Piña. Elias Piña.100. González Sánchez, F.F. (2012, 20 April). Interview with Fernán Felix González Sánchez, Regional Director of theMinistry of Environment. Elias Piña.101. US Army Corps of Engineers. (2002). Water Resources Assessment of the Dominican Republic. US ArmyCorps of Engineers: Washington, D.C. Retrieved January 2012 from http://www.sam.usace.army.mil/en/wra/DominicanRepublic/Dominican%20Republic%20WRA.pdf102. US Army Corps of Engineers. (2002). Water Resources Assessment of the Dominican Republic.US Army Corps of Engineers: Washington, D.C. Retrieved January 2012 from http://www.sam.usace.army.mil/en/wra/DominicanRepublic/Dominican%20Republic%20WRA.pdf103. PNUD en República Dominicana. (2005). El Contexto Dominicano. Retrieved August 2012 from http://www.pnud.org.do/elcontextodominicano104. Simas, J. (2003). Water Resources Management in the Dominican Republic: Issues and Policy Options. WorldBank: Washington D.C.105. World Bank. (2004). Dominican Republic: Environmental Priorities and Strategic Options, CountryEnvironmental Analysis. World Bank: Washington, D.C.106. United Nations University and UNU Institute for Environment and Human Society. (2011). WorldRiskReport 2011.United Nations University and UNU Institute for Environment and Human Society: Bonn.107. Prevention Web. (2012). Haiti Disaster Statistics. Retrieved August 2012 from http://www.preventionweb.net/english/countries/statistics/index.php?cid=74108. UN Development Programme. (2004). A Global Report: Reducing Disaster Risk: A Challenge forDevelopment. UN Development Programme: New York.109. PNUD en República Dominicana. (2005). El Contexto Dominicano. Retrieved August 2012 from http://www.pnud.org.do/elcontextodominicano110. MINUSTAH. (2011). Report of the United Nations in Haiti 2011. Retrieved January 2012 fromhttp://minustah.org/pdfs/fact _ sheet/UNHaiti _ AR2011 _ EN.pdf111. GFDRR. (2011). Disaster Risk Management in Latin America and the Caribbean Region: GFDRR CountryNotes Dominican Republic. Retrieved January 2012 from http://www.gfdrr.org/gfdrr/sites/gfdrr.org/files/documents/DominicanRepublic-2010.pdf112. EM-DAT. (2011) International Disaster Database. Retrieved January 2012 from http://www.emdat.be/113. UN Environment Programme. (2010). GEO Haiti State of the Environment Report. UN EnvironmentProgramme: Panama City.114. UN Environment Programme. (2010). GEO Haiti State of the Environment Report. UN EnvironmentProgramme: Panama City.115. Government of Haiti. (2010). Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in Haiti (MULTI-MENACES-HA). Governmentof Haiti: Port-au-Prince.116. Cowgill, E., Bernardin, T.S., Oskin, M.E., Bowles, C., Yıkılmaz, M.B., Kreylos, O., Elliott, A., Bishop, S., Gold, R.D.,Morelan, A., Bawden, G.W., Hamann, B., and Kellogg, L.H. (2012). “Interactive terrain visualization enablesvirtual fieldwork during rapid scientific response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake.” Geosphere. 8(3), pp 1-18.130 Haiti Dominican Republic: Environmental challenges in the border zone

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95. World Bank. (2012). Average Monthly Rainfall <strong>and</strong> Temperature for <strong>Haiti</strong>. Retrieved October 2012 fromhttp://sdwebx.worldbank.org/climateportal/index.cfm?page=country _ historical _ climate&ThisRegion=Latin%20America&ThisCCode=DOM96. World Bank. (2012). Average Monthly Rainfall <strong>and</strong> Temperature for <strong>Haiti</strong>. Retrieved October 2012 fromhttp://sdwebx.worldbank.org/climateportal/index.cfm?page=country _ historical _ climate&ThisRegion=Latin%20America&ThisCCode=HTI#97. World Bank. (2012). Average Monthly Rainfall <strong>and</strong> Temperature for <strong>Haiti</strong>. Retrieved October 2012 fromhttp://sdwebx.worldbank.org/climateportal/index.cfm?page=country _ historical _ climate&ThisRegion=Latin%20America&ThisCCode=DOM98. US Army Corps of Engineers. (1999). Water Resources Assessment of <strong>Haiti</strong>. US Army Corps of Engineers:Washington, D.C.99. Miniel, L. (2012, 20 April). Interview with Luis Miniel, Mayor of Elias Piña. Elias Piña.100. González Sánchez, F.F. (2012, 20 April). Interview with Fernán Felix González Sánchez, Regional Director of theMinistry of Environment. Elias Piña.101. US Army Corps of Engineers. (2002). Water Resources Assessment of the <strong>Dominican</strong> <strong>Republic</strong>. US ArmyCorps of Engineers: Washington, D.C. Retrieved January 2012 from http://www.sam.usace.army.mil/en/wra/<strong>Dominican</strong><strong>Republic</strong>/<strong>Dominican</strong>%20<strong>Republic</strong>%20WRA.pdf102. US Army Corps of Engineers. (2002). Water Resources Assessment of the <strong>Dominican</strong> <strong>Republic</strong>.US Army Corps of Engineers: Washington, D.C. Retrieved January 2012 from http://www.sam.usace.army.mil/en/wra/<strong>Dominican</strong><strong>Republic</strong>/<strong>Dominican</strong>%20<strong>Republic</strong>%20WRA.pdf103. PNUD en República <strong>Dominican</strong>a. (2005). El Contexto <strong>Dominican</strong>o. Retrieved August 2012 from http://www.pnud.org.do/elcontextodominicano104. Simas, J. (2003). Water Resources Management in the <strong>Dominican</strong> <strong>Republic</strong>: Issues <strong>and</strong> Policy Options. WorldBank: Washington D.C.105. World Bank. (2004). <strong>Dominican</strong> <strong>Republic</strong>: Environmental Priorities <strong>and</strong> Strategic Options, CountryEnvironmental Analysis. World Bank: Washington, D.C.106. United Nations University <strong>and</strong> UNU Institute for Environment <strong>and</strong> Human Society. (2011). WorldRiskReport 2011.United Nations University <strong>and</strong> UNU Institute for Environment <strong>and</strong> Human Society: Bonn.107. Prevention Web. (2012). <strong>Haiti</strong> <strong>–</strong> Disaster Statistics. Retrieved August 2012 from http://www.preventionweb.net/english/countries/statistics/index.php?cid=74108. UN Development Programme. (2004). A Global Report: Reducing Disaster Risk: A Challenge forDevelopment. UN Development Programme: New York.109. PNUD en República <strong>Dominican</strong>a. (2005). El Contexto <strong>Dominican</strong>o. Retrieved August 2012 from http://www.pnud.org.do/elcontextodominicano110. MINUSTAH. (2011). Report of the United Nations in <strong>Haiti</strong> 2011. Retrieved January 2012 fromhttp://minustah.org/pdfs/fact _ sheet/UN<strong>Haiti</strong> _ AR2011 _ EN.pdf111. GFDRR. (2011). Disaster Risk Management in Latin America <strong>and</strong> the Caribbean Region: GFDRR CountryNotes <strong>–</strong> <strong>Dominican</strong> <strong>Republic</strong>. Retrieved January 2012 from http://www.gfdrr.org/gfdrr/sites/gfdrr.org/files/documents/<strong>Dominican</strong><strong>Republic</strong>-2010.pdf112. EM-DAT. (2011) International Disaster Database. Retrieved January 2012 from http://www.emdat.be/113. UN Environment Programme. (2010). GEO <strong>Haiti</strong> <strong>–</strong> State of the Environment Report. UN EnvironmentProgramme: Panama City.114. UN Environment Programme. (2010). GEO <strong>Haiti</strong> <strong>–</strong> State of the Environment Report. UN EnvironmentProgramme: Panama City.115. Government of <strong>Haiti</strong>. (2010). Analysis of Multiple Natural Hazards in <strong>Haiti</strong> (MULTI-MENACES-HA). Governmentof <strong>Haiti</strong>: Port-au-Prince.116. Cowgill, E., Bernardin, T.S., Oskin, M.E., Bowles, C., Yıkılmaz, M.B., Kreylos, O., Elliott, A., Bishop, S., Gold, R.D.,Morelan, A., Bawden, G.W., Hamann, B., <strong>and</strong> Kellogg, L.H. (2012). “Interactive terrain visualization enablesvirtual fieldwork during rapid scientific response to the 2010 <strong>Haiti</strong> earthquake.” Geosphere. 8(3), pp 1-18.130 <strong>Haiti</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>Dominican</strong> <strong>Republic</strong>: Environmental challenges in the border zone

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