Quasilinear parabolic problems with nonlinear boundary conditions

Quasilinear parabolic problems with nonlinear boundary conditions Quasilinear parabolic problems with nonlinear boundary conditions

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the natural regularity space of φ in (4.33), is equivalent to | · |Yl = | · | Lp([0,Tl]×R n ) + [ · ] Y T l 1 see (4.21) and (4.22) for the definition of [ · ] Y T l 1 , [ · ] T Y l . 2 + [ · ] T Y l , 2 Taking now for (g, φ) in (4.33) the right-hand sides of (4.5) and (4.31), application of the solution operator L ij H, i+1 yields where and (I − S ij H )ϕjv =L ij � ϕjf + k ∗ Cj(·, x, Dx)v H, i+1 ϕjh + γyCH, j(·, x ′ )v S ij Hw = Lij H, i+1 � j k ∗ (A# (Ti, xj, Dx) − A j # (·, x, Dx))w γy(B j # (Ti, x ′ j , Dx) − B j # (·, x′ , Dx))w � =: h ij H (f, h, v), (4.34) CH, j(t, x) = B#(t, x ′ , Dx)ϕj − ϕjb0, (4.35) γy denoting the trace operator at y = 0. One can then show an analogue to Claim 2 (cf. the proof of Theorem 4.1.1) asserting in particular existence of a small η0 > 0 which is such that whenever δ = maxi |Ti+1 − Ti|, η ≤ η0, the equation (I − S ij H )w = hij H (f, h, v) admits a unique solution w =: (I − S ij H )|−1 Zi+1(ϕjV −1 H, i (f, h))hij H (f, h, v) in Zi+1(ϕjV −1 H, i (f, h)) for all (f, h) ∈ ΞH, i+1, v ∈ Zi+1(V −1 H, i (f, h)), i = 0, . . . , M −1, and (f, h), i ≥ 1, refers to the solution of (4.30) on the time-interval [0, Ti], which is already known in the (i + 1)th time step. Further, Z1(ϕjV −1 H, 0 (f, h)) := {ϕjw : w ∈ Z1, ∂m t w|t=0 = ∂m t f|t=0, if α > m + 1/p, m = 0, 1}. The proof of these properties is similar to that of Claim 2 above, which is why we only consider the part that involves estimates on the boundary. Let w ∈ Zi+1(0). If p > n + 1 + 2/α, that is Y ↩→ BUC([0, T ] × Rn ), Lemma 4.2.1 yields j = 0, . . . , Nb. Here V −1 H, i |γy(B j # (Ti, x ′ j, Dx) − B j # (t, x′ , Dx))w|Yi+1 = |(b(Ti, x ′ j) − b j (·, ·)) · ∇x ′γyw|Yi+1 ≤ C|b(Ti, x ′ j) − b j (·, ·)| (Y T i , T i+1 ∩L∞) n| |∇x ′γyw| (Yi+1∩L∞) n ≤ C1|b(Ti, x ′ j) − b j (·, ·)| T (Y i , Ti+1 ∩L∞) n|w|Zi+1 =: κ1|w|Zi+1 , where the constant C1 does not depend on i, j. Similarly, if p ≤ n + 1 + 2/α, Lemma 4.2.2 shows that |γy(B j # (Ti, x ′ j, Dx) − B j # (t, x′ , Dx))w|Yi+1 ≤ ≤ C|(b(Ti, x ′ j)−b j (·, ·))| L∞([Ti,Ti+1]×R n ) n(1+[b(Ti, x ′ j)−b j (·, ·)] (M T i , T i+1 ) n)|w|Zi+1 ≤ C2η|w|Zi+1 =: κ2|w|Zi+1 , again with a constant not depending on i, j. In view of (4.24) and (4.25), it is clear that κ1, κ2 tend to zero if η and δ do so. This, together with Theorem 4.2.2 and an estimate 70 � ,

analogous to (4.17), shows that S ij −1 H : Zi+1(ϕjVi (f, h)) → Zi+1 is contractive if both η and δ are sufficiently small. Assuming this, we thus obtain, aside from (4.32), ϕjv = (I − S ij H )|−1 Zi+1(ϕjV −1 H, i (f, h))hij H (f, h, v), j = 0, . . . , Nb. Multiplying these equations by ψj and summing over all j then results in Nb � v = GH(v) := j=0 + ψj(I − S ij H )|−1 Zi+1(ϕjV −1 H, i (f, h))hij H Nb+N � j=Nb+1 (f, h, v) ψj(I − S ij )| −1 Zi+1(ϕjV −1 H, i (f, h))hij (f, v), (4.36) a fixed point equation for v ∈ Zi+1(v i ). Since GH leaves this space invariant, the contraction principle is applicable, provided that GH is a strict contraction. To verify that this can be arranged by selecting δ sufficiently small, we let v, ¯v ∈ Zi+1(v i ) and estimate with the aid of Theorem 4.1.1 and 4.2.2 |GH(v)−GH(¯v)|Zi+1 = � Nb � � � j=0 Nb+N � + j=Nb Nb+N � ≤ C( j=0 ψj(I − S ij H )|−1 Zi+1(0) Lij H, i+1 ψj(I − S ij )| −1 Zi+1(0) Lij � � k ∗ Cj(·, x, Dx)(v − ¯v) γyCH, j(·, x)(v − ¯v) i+1k ∗ Cj(·, � � x, Dx)(v − ¯v) � Zi+1 |Cj(·, x, Dx)(v − ¯v)|Xi+1 + Nb � |γyCH, j(t, x)(v − ¯v)|Yi+1 ), with C > 0 not depending on δ. By extension to J × Rn+1 , estimate (4.14), and restriction to J × R n+1 + , we obtain for the first sum Nb+N � j=0 |Cj(·, x, Dx)(v − ¯v)|Xi+1 ≤ C1(ε + Cε|k| L1(0,δ))|v − ¯v|Zi+1 , (4.37) where ε > 0 can be chosen arbitrary small and C1, Cε > 0 do not depend on δ. Turning to the second sum, we introduce the space which is normed by 0Z 1/2 i+1 = 0H α 2 |w| 0Z 1/2 i+1 j=0 p (J; Lp(R n+1 + )) ∩ Lp(J; H 1 p(R n+1 = |Bk w|Xi+1 α/2 + |∇xw| n+1 X , i+1 + )), where k α/2(t) = t α/2−1 , t > 0, and Bk α/2 = (k α/2∗) −1 in Xi+1. Suppose that u ∈ Zi+1(0). By causality, B 2 k α/2 u| [0,Ti] = 0, and so we have |u| 0Z 1/2 = |(kα/2χ [0,Ti+1−Ti]) ∗ B i+1 2 k u|Xi+1 α/2 + |∇xu| n+1 Xi+1 ≤ |kα/2| L1(0,Ti+1−Ti)|B 2 k u|Xi+1 α/2 + ε|∇2xu| + Cε|u|Xi+1 ≤ C0|k α/2| L1(0,δ)|Bku|Xi+1 + ε|∇2 xu| + Cε|k| L1(0,δ)|Bku|Xi+1 ≤ (C0|k α/2| L1(0,δ) + ε + Cε|k| L1(0,δ))|u|Zi+1 ∀u ∈ Zi+1(0), (4.38) 71

analogous to (4.17), shows that S ij<br />

−1<br />

H : Zi+1(ϕjVi (f, h)) → Zi+1 is contractive if both η<br />

and δ are sufficiently small.<br />

Assuming this, we thus obtain, aside from (4.32),<br />

ϕjv = (I − S ij<br />

H )|−1<br />

Zi+1(ϕjV −1<br />

H, i (f, h))hij H<br />

(f, h, v), j = 0, . . . , Nb.<br />

Multiplying these equations by ψj and summing over all j then results in<br />

Nb �<br />

v = GH(v) :=<br />

j=0<br />

+<br />

ψj(I − S ij<br />

H )|−1<br />

Zi+1(ϕjV −1<br />

H, i (f, h))hij H<br />

Nb+N �<br />

j=Nb+1<br />

(f, h, v)<br />

ψj(I − S ij )| −1<br />

Zi+1(ϕjV −1<br />

H, i (f, h))hij (f, v), (4.36)<br />

a fixed point equation for v ∈ Zi+1(v i ). Since GH leaves this space invariant, the contraction<br />

principle is applicable, provided that GH is a strict contraction.<br />

To verify that this can be arranged by selecting δ sufficiently small, we let v, ¯v ∈<br />

Zi+1(v i ) and estimate <strong>with</strong> the aid of Theorem 4.1.1 and 4.2.2<br />

|GH(v)−GH(¯v)|Zi+1 =<br />

� Nb<br />

�<br />

�<br />

�<br />

j=0<br />

Nb+N �<br />

+<br />

j=Nb<br />

Nb+N �<br />

≤ C(<br />

j=0<br />

ψj(I − S ij<br />

H )|−1<br />

Zi+1(0) Lij<br />

H, i+1<br />

ψj(I − S ij )| −1<br />

Zi+1(0) Lij<br />

� �<br />

k ∗ Cj(·, x, Dx)(v − ¯v)<br />

γyCH, j(·, x)(v − ¯v)<br />

i+1k ∗ Cj(·,<br />

�<br />

�<br />

x, Dx)(v − ¯v)<br />

� Zi+1<br />

|Cj(·, x, Dx)(v − ¯v)|Xi+1 +<br />

Nb �<br />

|γyCH, j(t, x)(v − ¯v)|Yi+1 ),<br />

<strong>with</strong> C > 0 not depending on δ. By extension to J × Rn+1 , estimate (4.14), and<br />

restriction to J × R n+1<br />

+ , we obtain for the first sum<br />

Nb+N �<br />

j=0<br />

|Cj(·, x, Dx)(v − ¯v)|Xi+1 ≤ C1(ε + Cε|k| L1(0,δ))|v − ¯v|Zi+1 , (4.37)<br />

where ε > 0 can be chosen arbitrary small and C1, Cε > 0 do not depend on δ.<br />

Turning to the second sum, we introduce the space<br />

which is normed by<br />

0Z 1/2<br />

i+1 = 0H α<br />

2<br />

|w| 0Z 1/2<br />

i+1<br />

j=0<br />

p (J; Lp(R n+1<br />

+ )) ∩ Lp(J; H 1 p(R n+1<br />

= |Bk w|Xi+1 α/2 + |∇xw| n+1<br />

X ,<br />

i+1<br />

+ )),<br />

where k α/2(t) = t α/2−1 , t > 0, and Bk α/2 = (k α/2∗) −1 in Xi+1. Suppose that u ∈ Zi+1(0).<br />

By causality, B 2 k α/2 u| [0,Ti] = 0, and so we have<br />

|u|<br />

0Z 1/2 = |(kα/2χ [0,Ti+1−Ti]) ∗ B<br />

i+1<br />

2 k u|Xi+1 α/2 + |∇xu| n+1<br />

Xi+1 ≤ |kα/2| L1(0,Ti+1−Ti)|B 2 k u|Xi+1 α/2 + ε|∇2xu| + Cε|u|Xi+1<br />

≤ C0|k α/2| L1(0,δ)|Bku|Xi+1 + ε|∇2 xu| + Cε|k| L1(0,δ)|Bku|Xi+1<br />

≤ (C0|k α/2| L1(0,δ) + ε + Cε|k| L1(0,δ))|u|Zi+1 ∀u ∈ Zi+1(0), (4.38)<br />


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