Quasilinear parabolic problems with nonlinear boundary conditions

Quasilinear parabolic problems with nonlinear boundary conditions Quasilinear parabolic problems with nonlinear boundary conditions

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and which serves as a reference function in the following sense. For F = Y k1,s1 1 ∩ Y k2,s2 2 , and given ρ ∈ (0, ρ0], let Σ = Σ(ρ, w, F ) be the set of all K-valued f in F m such that f − w ∈ 0F m and |f − w|F m ≤ ρ. The aim is to show that Bf ∈ F whenever f ∈ Σ and that |Bf − Bg|F ≤ C(ρ + µ(T ) + |bξ(·, ·, w)|∞, m)|f − g|F m, f, g ∈ Σ, (6.19) where C > 0 is independent of ρ and T , and 0 < µ(T ) → 0 as T tends to zero. We further need the property that Bf ∈ X1, s if f ∈ X m 1, s0 ∩ (C0 1 )m (s0 ∈ (s, 1)), and we wish to have a Lipschitz estimate of the form |Bf − Bg|X1, s ≤ µ(T )(|f − g|X m 1, s 0 + |f − g|∞, m), (6.20) for all (K-valued) f, g ∈ Σ ′ = Σ ′ (ρ, w) := {h ∈ X m 1, s0 ∩ (C0 1 )m : (h − w)|t=0 = 0 and |h − w|X m 1, s0 + |h − w|∞, m ≤ ρ}, where again the constant µ(T ) > 0 vanishes as T → 0. In both cases we shall only establish the Lipschitz estimate. The corresponding mapping property of B follows by means of the same techniques; here the proof is even simpler than for the Lipschitz estimate. When proving Lipschitz estimates we will restrict ourselves to the seminorms of highest order, that is, e.g., if we are to estimate Bf − Bg in the Y 1,s1 1 and [Bf − Bg] Y 1,s 2 2 ∩ Y 1,s2 2 -norm, we shall consider only the seminorms [Bf − Bg] Y 1,s 1 1 . Having proved the desired estimate for these terms, it will then be clear how to obtain it for the seminorm terms of lower order, which are much easier to treat. We begin now with the spaces (Y k1,s1 1 ∩ Y k2,s2 2 ) m = B k1+s1 pp (J; Lp(Ω, R m )) ∩ Lp(J; B k2+s2 pp (Ω, R m )), ki ∈ {0, 1}, si ∈ (0, 1), i = 1, 2. Here, the cases (k1, k2) = (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1) have to be studied. We assume that in each of these cases, p is large enough such that we have the embedding Y 0,s1 1 ∩ Y 0,s2 2 ↩→ C(J; C( ¯ Ω)), Y 0,s1 1 ∩ Y 1,s2 2 ↩→ C(J; C1 ( ¯ Ω)), and Y 1,s1 1 ∩ Y 1,s2 2 ↩→ Cr (J; C( ¯ Ω)) ∩ C(J; C1 ( ¯ Ω)), respectively, with some number r in (s1, 1). More precisely, we make the assumption that p > p⋆(n, k1, s1, k2, s2), where ⎧ ⎪⎨ p⋆(n, k1, s1, k2, s2) := ⎪⎩ 1 s1 1 s1 max + n s2 (1 + 1 � 1 s2 s2 ) + n s2 ( 1+s2 1+s1 + n), 1 + n 1+s1 1+s2 � : (k1, k2) = (0, 0) : (k1, k2) = (0, 1) : (k1, k2) = (1, 1). Roughly speaking, this condition on the exponent p when translated to the situation of Section 6.1 corresponds to the assumption (H2) therein. The first lemma is concerned with the case (k1, k2) = (0, 0). Here and in the subsequent estimates we denote by µ(T ) a positive constant depending on T such that µ(T ) → 0 as T → 0. Further, M and C denote constants which may differ from line to line, but which do not depend on T and ρ. Lemma 6.2.1 Let w ∈ (Y 0,s1 1 ∩ Y 0,s2 2 ) m be a fixed K-valued function and ρ > 0. Let further Σ be as described above. Suppose that there exist CHL > 0, r ∈ (s1, 1), and Cb ∈ Lp(Ω) such that |bξ(t, x, ξ) − bξ(τ, x, η)| ≤ CHL(Cb(x)|t − τ| r + |ξ − η|), 104

for all t, τ ∈ J, ξ, η ∈ K, and a.a. x ∈ Ω. Then there exists a constant C > 0 not depending on T and ρ such that � � ≤ C ρ + µ(T ) + |bξ(·, ·, w)|∞, m [b(·, ·, f) − b(·, ·, g)] Y 0,s 1 1 Proof. Let f and g be arbitrary functions in Σ. Put |f − g| (Y 0,s 1 1 ∩Y 0,s2 2 ) m, f, g ∈ Σ. h(t, τ, x) = b(t, x, f(t, x)) − b(t, x, g(t, x)) − b(τ, x, f(τ, x)) + b(τ, x, g(τ, x)) for t, τ ∈ J, and a.a. x ∈ Ω. Then [b(·, ·, f) − b(·, ·, g)] Y 0,s 1 1 � T � T � = ( 0 0 Ω |h(t, τ, x)| p 1 dx dτ dt) p . |t − τ| 1+s1p Letting φ(t, τ, x, θ) = bξ(t, x, g(τ, x) + θ(f(τ, x) − g(τ, x))), t, τ ∈ J, x ∈ Ω, θ ∈ [0, 1], we write h(t, τ, x) = = � 1 0 � 1 0 � 1 + φ(t, t, x, θ) dθ · (f(t, x) − g(t, x))− � 1 φ(t, t, x, θ) dθ · (f(t, x) − f(τ, x) − g(t, x) + g(τ, x))+ 0 (φ(t, t, x, θ) − φ(τ, τ, x, θ)) dθ · (f(τ, x) − g(τ, x)). 0 φ(τ, τ, x, θ) dθ · (f(τ, x) − g(τ, x)) With ψ(f, g) := ess sup{|φ(t, t, x, θ)| : t ∈ J, x ∈ Ω, θ ∈ [0, 1]}, we therefore have |h(t, τ, x)| ≤ ψ(f, g)|f(t, x) − f(τ, x) − g(t, x) + g(τ, x)| + � � 1 + ((1 − θ)|g(t, x) − g(τ, x)| + θ|f(t, x) − f(τ, x)|) dθ + CHL 0 +CHLCb(x)|t − τ| r� · |f(τ, x) − g(τ, x)| ≤ ψ(f, g)|f(t, x) − f(τ, x) − g(t, x) + g(τ, x)| + CHL|f − g|∞ · ·(|f(t, x) − f(τ, x)| + |g(t, x) − g(τ, x)| + Cb(x)|t − τ| r ) for all t, τ ∈ J, and a.a. x ∈ Ω. On the whole we thus find that [b(·, ·, f) − b(·, ·, g)] Y 0,s 1 1 ≤ ψ(f, g)[f − g] (Y 0,s 1 1 +[g] 0,s (Y 1 1 ) m + |Cb| Lp(Ω)( = ψ(f, g)[f − g] (Y 0,s 1 1 +[g] 0,s (Y 1 1 ) m + |Cb| Lp(Ω)C1T where C1 = 2 1/p [(r − s1)p(1 + (r − s1)p)] −1/p . Y 0,s1 1 � [f] 0,s (Y 1 1 ) m + ) m + CHL|f − g|∞, m � T � T dτ dt � 1 ) p 0 0 |t − τ| 1+(s1−r)p � ) m + CHL|f − g|∞, m r−s1+ 1 p � , [f] 0,s (Y 1 1 ) m + By definition of Σ, the Lipschitz estimate for bξ, and in view of the embedding ↩→ C(J; C( ¯ Ω)), we have the inequalities ∩ Y 0,s2 2 [f − g]∞, m ≤ M|f − g| 0,s (Y 1 1 ∩Y 0,s2 2 ) m, [f] 0,s (Y 1 1 ) m + [g] 0,s (Y 1 1 ) m ≤ 2(ρ + [w] 0,s (Y 1 1 ) m), 105

and which serves as a reference function in the following sense. For F = Y k1,s1<br />

1 ∩ Y k2,s2<br />

2 ,<br />

and given ρ ∈ (0, ρ0], let Σ = Σ(ρ, w, F ) be the set of all K-valued f in F m such that<br />

f − w ∈ 0F m and |f − w|F m ≤ ρ. The aim is to show that Bf ∈ F whenever f ∈ Σ and<br />

that<br />

|Bf − Bg|F ≤ C(ρ + µ(T ) + |bξ(·, ·, w)|∞, m)|f − g|F m, f, g ∈ Σ, (6.19)<br />

where C > 0 is independent of ρ and T , and 0 < µ(T ) → 0 as T tends to zero. We<br />

further need the property that Bf ∈ X1, s if f ∈ X m 1, s0 ∩ (C0 1 )m (s0 ∈ (s, 1)), and we<br />

wish to have a Lipschitz estimate of the form<br />

|Bf − Bg|X1, s ≤ µ(T )(|f − g|X m 1, s 0<br />

+ |f − g|∞, m), (6.20)<br />

for all (K-valued) f, g ∈ Σ ′ = Σ ′ (ρ, w) := {h ∈ X m 1, s0 ∩ (C0 1 )m : (h − w)|t=0 = 0 and |h −<br />

w|X m 1, s0 + |h − w|∞, m ≤ ρ}, where again the constant µ(T ) > 0 vanishes as T → 0.<br />

In both cases we shall only establish the Lipschitz estimate. The corresponding<br />

mapping property of B follows by means of the same techniques; here the proof is<br />

even simpler than for the Lipschitz estimate. When proving Lipschitz estimates we will<br />

restrict ourselves to the seminorms of highest order, that is, e.g., if we are to estimate<br />

Bf − Bg in the Y 1,s1<br />

1<br />

and [Bf − Bg] Y 1,s 2<br />

2<br />

∩ Y 1,s2<br />

2<br />

-norm, we shall consider only the seminorms [Bf − Bg] Y 1,s 1<br />

1<br />

. Having proved the desired estimate for these terms, it will then be<br />

clear how to obtain it for the seminorm terms of lower order, which are much easier to<br />

treat.<br />

We begin now <strong>with</strong> the spaces<br />

(Y k1,s1<br />

1<br />

∩ Y k2,s2<br />

2<br />

) m = B k1+s1<br />

pp<br />

(J; Lp(Ω, R m )) ∩ Lp(J; B k2+s2<br />

pp (Ω, R m )),<br />

ki ∈ {0, 1}, si ∈ (0, 1), i = 1, 2. Here, the cases (k1, k2) = (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1) have to<br />

be studied. We assume that in each of these cases, p is large enough such that we<br />

have the embedding Y 0,s1<br />

1 ∩ Y 0,s2<br />

2 ↩→ C(J; C( ¯ Ω)), Y 0,s1<br />

1 ∩ Y 1,s2<br />

2 ↩→ C(J; C1 ( ¯ Ω)), and<br />

Y 1,s1<br />

1 ∩ Y 1,s2<br />

2 ↩→ Cr (J; C( ¯ Ω)) ∩ C(J; C1 ( ¯ Ω)), respectively, <strong>with</strong> some number r in (s1, 1).<br />

More precisely, we make the assumption that p > p⋆(n, k1, s1, k2, s2), where<br />

⎧<br />

⎪⎨<br />

p⋆(n, k1, s1, k2, s2) :=<br />

⎪⎩<br />

1<br />

s1<br />

1<br />

s1<br />

max<br />

+ n<br />

s2<br />

(1 + 1<br />

� 1<br />

s2<br />

s2<br />

) + n<br />

s2<br />

( 1+s2<br />

1+s1<br />

+ n), 1 + n 1+s1<br />

1+s2<br />

�<br />

: (k1, k2) = (0, 0)<br />

: (k1, k2) = (0, 1)<br />

: (k1, k2) = (1, 1).<br />

Roughly speaking, this condition on the exponent p when translated to the situation of<br />

Section 6.1 corresponds to the assumption (H2) therein.<br />

The first lemma is concerned <strong>with</strong> the case (k1, k2) = (0, 0). Here and in the subsequent<br />

estimates we denote by µ(T ) a positive constant depending on T such that<br />

µ(T ) → 0 as T → 0. Further, M and C denote constants which may differ from line to<br />

line, but which do not depend on T and ρ.<br />

Lemma 6.2.1 Let w ∈ (Y 0,s1<br />

1 ∩ Y 0,s2<br />

2 ) m be a fixed K-valued function and ρ > 0. Let<br />

further Σ be as described above. Suppose that there exist CHL > 0, r ∈ (s1, 1), and<br />

Cb ∈ Lp(Ω) such that<br />

|bξ(t, x, ξ) − bξ(τ, x, η)| ≤ CHL(Cb(x)|t − τ| r + |ξ − η|),<br />


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