1904 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System

1904 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System

1904 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System

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E X C H A N G EN A T I O N A L B A N KOF OLEAN, N E V YORK.CAPITAL, SURPLUS,',o PROFITS6 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0f:\nk l. bartlett,Fresidentn v. v. franchot.Vics-Presidenta i. williams, .Cas»hierI. 1. WORDEN, ffyPfc' • AssifLnt C .I.crDIRECTORS-FRANK W. HIGCiNS, N. V. V. FRANUiOT,F. W. KRUSE, C. S. CARY, G. H. STRONG, JAS. PIERCE,FRANK L. BARTLETT.;:,

A b r a m s & S o n slean public JUftrafp! • v/ —j Class 9/7-^7 Rook QL£. 5, jThis is a reference book and can not be 1J taken from the library without special per- j| mission of Board of Managers. fFrom lYVrA>U>o. &• ^O/n Co/y^oH/v^Steamship tickets to all points in Europe.

C^EMUic-tlttll^OLEAH.II.y.-- , .„ ,.V,Vfc>.Ask your grocer for....ACME PATENT,EMPIRE,PURE GOLD,NORTHERN LIGHT,and WHITE SATIN.The above well knownbrands of floor are thebest in America. Makesrich creamy bread.Try our Acme Chop Feed,Roller and Yellow Meal.Can't be beat.Recleaned Oats a Specialty.Write for Prices.Both Telephones.A c m e Milling Co*Office and Mills at foot of N. Barry St.Copies of this Directory can be obtained atOAKLEAF'S BOOK STORE.Price $2,50 net.

R I L E Y & W A N D S ,^

Copies of this Directory can be obtained atOAKLEAFS B O O K STORE.Price $2.50 net.C. J. BLESSING,SPECIALISTIN THEPractical ShoeingOFTrotting and Road Horses.OLEAN, N. Y.#€€=1

O L E A ND I R E C T O R Y ,1 9 0 4 .CONTAINING:^^Complete alphabetical directory of city and suburbs.Complete street and block directory of city.Complete classified business directory.Complete records of city and town government,with other useful information carefully selected.Copyright, 1903 by Morris and Van Campen.Morris and Van Campen,Publishers Modern City Directories,Olean, N. Y.Copies of this Directory can be obtained at Oakleaf's Book Store,PRICE, $2.50 NET.

S C O T T S S T U D I O .^WVisitors always welcome at Scott'sStudio. Portraits of all kinds and afine line of frames for them. Specialattention given to children. Makeyour appointments early for your holidaywork. & j* &S C O T T ' SSTUDIO,NORTH STREET, - - OLEAN, N. Y.H. P. Ganoungf. F. S. GanoungH . R G A N O U N G & S O N ,SIGN WRITERSA N DDECORATORS250 N. UNION STREET, (Rear.) OLEAN, N. Y.

Table of Contents.PageAbbreviations 1Aldermen 2American Protective Legion 17Ancient Order United Workmen 17Ancient Order Hibernians 17Bands 6Banks 7Benevolent Protective Order Elks 17Board of Education 4Board of Health (city) .. .......... 3Board of Health (town) 6Board of Supervisors .• 2Board of Water Commissioners 4Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers 17Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen 17Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen 17Business Directory 353<strong>Cattaraugus</strong> County Officers 1Catholic Mutual Benefit Association 17Cemeteries 7Churches 7City Government 2Clubs 11Commercial Blocks 13Daughters of Erin 18Daughters of the American Revolution 12Dutch Order Harigari 18Eclectic Assembly 18Fire Alarm Boxes (city) 3Fire Department (city) 3Fire Department (North Olean) 6Fraternal Mystic Circle 18Glass Blowers' Association 16Grand Army Republic 24Grand International Auxiliary to the B. of L. E 18Halls and Opera Houses 15Improved Order Heptasophs 19Improved Order Red Men 19Incorporated .Companies 13Independent Order Forresters 19Independent Order Odd Fellows 19Index to Street and Block Directory 27Knights of Columbus 19Knights of Honor 20Knights of Pythias 20

Index to Advertisers.Page.Abbott, The D. S. Co., foundry and machine shop, insideback coverAbrams & Sons, inside front coverAcme Milling Co., front flyleafAlderman & Stillman, on mapAlexander, R., marginal advAmerican Palace Laundry, marginal advAnderson, A. W., marginal advAnderson, S. B., colored insert 360Barber Shop, The F. T. B., marginal advBenson, W. A., colored insert 360Blessing, front page and marginal advBowser, F. T., marginal advBullock, Mrs. Ada, marginal advButton, Samuel 365Chamberlain Mfg. Co.. (Troy Planing Mill) marg. adv.City Installment Store, inserted page 360Collins, I. P., marginal advCook, A. G., marginal advDailey's Inn, marginal advDailey' John F., marginal advDavis. Nenno & Hartz, top marginsDotterweich Brewing Co., marginal advExchange Livery (I. M Godfrey, prop'r) colored insert.Exchange National Bank, front coverFirst National Bank, back coverFitch &. Ramsey, colored insertFoley Bros., back flyleafFuller, W. F., marginal advGanoung & Son, front pageGillingham & Son, marginal advGodfrey, I. M.., colored insertHayden, The Printer, marginal advHenneman, Joseph, front pageHorner, William & Co., marginal advJohnson, F. H., back pageJunction House, (Joseph Henneman, prop'r) front page.Kelsey, James, back pageKolumbian Pharmacy, colored insert 360Kurthaltz, E., on mapLarkin, M. J., colored insert 360Luther. C. P., (prop'r D. L. Abbott Co.) inside front cover.Mallery, L. A., marginal advMandeville & Co 32Marcus, H. W., colored insert 360Marth, E., marginal advMerritt, A. & Son 26Morrel, Peter 26Myrick Machine Co.. marginal advMorris & VanCampen, fly leavesNewman, Roy R., front pagesOlean Alphabetical Duplex Directory 33Olean Cab and Carriage Co., (H. R. O'Neil, prop'r)corored. insertOlean Green House, back leafOliver, Olean Herald, Mills., Supply Times, Barber George, front Co., marginal Shop, (Olean marginal leaf back Mills) advleaf adv back leaf

N a m e s in Directory,First Ward 1582Second " 762Third " 1049Fourth " 2884Fifth " 1590Sixth " 1581 9448Boardmanville, 788East Olean, 1571North Olean 1749South Olean, 407West Olean, 337 485214300R. R. N E W M A N ,Electrical Contractor,116 Wayne Street.This cut shows the appearance of theMonoplex Telephone. The only phonethat gives uniform satisfaction whereverused.All kinds of electrical work done promptly and satisfactorily.Bells put in or repaired.Ask about the "Clark Automatic Telephone." Every manhis own central.Call up Union Phone 334, or drop postal card and I will call.

QUICKATWORKRIGHT PRICES..*7 and 8fTOWERBUILDING.Over Coast's BigClothing Store.wwwO L E A N M I L L S ,GEORGE OLIVER, Prop'r.Manufacturer of6kFeed, Meal and Buckwheat Flour. Wholesale andRelail Dealer in Grain, Flour and Mill Stuffs.Custom Grinding of Feed and Buckwheat Flourpromptly attended to.Vw€SPECIALTIES: Choice re-cleaned oats, freshhome ground Buckwheat Flour, fine mealfor table use.502 EAST STATE ST. Both Telephones.#wWw

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers aid Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.Th0S. Whl'ttOn, Pres. & Treas. gft?!" ^ QLEAN, N. Y.,g rn3 Q •O l e a n D i r e c t o r y . \ ^ 7?MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. n *• Xifin 33ABBREVIATIONS.rnAdv., advertisement; asst., assistant; av., avenue; Bv., pS*Boardmanville; bds., boards; cor., corner; E., East; E. O., East M*Olean; Jr., junior; mfr., manufacturer; mgr., manager; N.North; N. O., North Olean; pi., place; Pres., President; Prop.,proprietor; P. R. R., Pennsylvania Railroad; Ry., railway; res., _rresidence; Rev., Reverend; rd., road; Supt., superintendent; § gTreas., treasurer; W., West; W. O., West Olean; the word street * ffl 3is understood. g. JO"£o \*Congressional District No. 37. <strong>Cattaraugus</strong> County.' ^ to CRepresentative in Congress—E. B. Vreeland, Salamanca. "> j" 83State Senator—A. T. Fancher, Salamanca. ^ jp-Members of Assembly—James Sheldon, Randollh; Theodore °Hayden, Sandusky.^ ^ ^ TCounty Judge—Winfield S. Thrasher, Dayton. *District Attorney—George W. Cole, Salamanca.£j~'Sheriff—Nathan B. Williams, Little Valley. v /Surrogate—Carey D. Davie, Salamanca. O — — — iCounty Treasurer—E. E. Alderman, Olean. I f '-^T*nSuperintendent of the Poor—A. E. VanDewater, Machias. i> —Coroners—Cassar Smith, Olean; Fred Stillman, Salamanca; J _Charles L. Randall. Franklinville; E. D. Williams, East Otto. z IZZZ^—JSchool Commissioners—Christian McLennan, Franklinville; m SSSSSGeorge E. Waller. Little Valley; S. A. Peavey, Great Valley. ^ jLoan Commissioners—George A. Stoneman, Machias; Charles ^^^^"C. Mason, Conewango. r^m^^WM. HORNER & CO., °"°OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.o

OO ain UJ is o25 85 H r»I« •-! i? w55SS I/)"J ,„ g21 «« au. o S i/d«o o a •SW tu •7Z

The A» Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers & Dealers T TIM REV La,n and Shingles, Doors,nail Kinds ofLUMBER, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-WP. O. WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTOR*.POLICE DEPARTMENT.Police Headquarters and Station House in basement of the •flCity Hall, corner of State and Union streets.22 - ^3Daniel Allen, Chief of Police; Timothy Hassett, Captain;William O'Hara, J. J. Scanlon, Frank Piatt and F. A. Chapman,patrolman. William Cobb, Police Justice.FIRE DEPARTMENT.Chief Engineer—W. H. Simpson; Asst. Engineer, Jesse A.Sheldon.Chemical Engine No. 1—(Paid firemen)—CityBuilding, JamesBrown, John O'Hara.Chemical Engine No. 2—(Paid firemen)—1212 W. State; J.Baser, Charles Doyle.FIRE ALARM BOXES.7—South Union and Green.S—North Union and North.9—Tompkins and Clinton.15—Union and Whitney Avenue.16—Union and Coleman.22—Third and State.23—Washington and Eleventh.24—State and Fulton.25—Henley and Barry.26—Union and Laurens.27—Irving and Fourth.34—Henley and Second.35—State and Seventh.36—State and Eleventh.37 Henley and Fifteenth.42—Laurens and Third.43—Wayne and Sixth.44—Sullivan and Buffalo.45—Sullivan and Third.51—Sullivan and Fifth.52—Buffalo and Thirteenth.53—Henley and Ninth.54—Buswell & Hubbard Tannery.One tap of bell—line out of order; 2 taps, fireout; 3 taps,call for chief; 4 taps, call for asst. chief.BOARD OF HEALTH.NEW MANAGEMENT.Frank L. Bartlett, president; Dr. ThomasNEWLYB.FURNISHED.Loughlen,D A I t E Y ' S I A N .Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.RATES, $1.50 PER DAY.o13wnG S73 - '«zeoft.0. -0oPSf1 rn aaH©OottiC/3ootoo3 ^Hm*3

twoi-.& -—'t3rt

DORCA'S $ 3 . 5 0 LADIES SHOES,SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY158N. UnionF. E. Tyler & Co's, Street.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTOR *".C3Baker, Minnie B. Smith, Frances Fern Lowell, Harriet C. Bur- n> orlingham, Mary L. Billings, Mina L. Nitzochke. J( " o ,__,JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. " £ CCarrie E. Henry, Principal. Helen E. Normandeau, Lenore a_ . LhConrad, Ll./.abeth L. Blakeslee, Margaret N. Gilliland. a — 2SCHOOL NO. 1. r O. w 2(W. Sullivan, between N. Third and N. Fourth.)

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.«A T. EATON, Cashier.Directors.-E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E.W'he-e'.erE. M. Johnson, I. F. Johnson.M >> . r; 6 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'Seg 8 Oh .*- w •* " ~ NORTH OLEAN.Board of Trustees—Patrick Heeny, president. John P. Sul-„ livan, Neal Sullivan, Edward Clancy, Joseph Sharp; John DonehteH J • van, clerk; W. V. Shaw, BOARD treas; OF EDUCATION.S. §« * 5

Good Swell Furnishings forj^i i Men. Trunks andUotnes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.8 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SFirst Baptist Church—South street. Rev. Thaddeus G. Cass,pastor; res. 115 S. Clinton. Sunday services, 10:30 a. m. and7:30 p. m. Trustees: B. F. Thomas, pres.; M. S. Simpson,£j sec'y and treas.; Erwin Bennett, J. F. Pierce, W. R. Page, A. D.£3 Cobb. Deacons: Marcus Klein, Charles Mudge, Martin Ferrin,£j M. S. Simpson, Erwin Bennett. Sunday School, 12:00 M.; Thadrf\3 deus G. Cass, supt. Society of Christian Endeavor, Tuesdays at* W 7:30 p. m., W. G. Naylor, pres.; Minnie Adams, sec'y. PrayerCO J5 meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Ladies' Social Society, Mrs.< A n n a Rockwood, pres. Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. W. V. Smith,*T3 pres. Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, Mrs. B.^ , i-t R. Smith, pres.G00 iFirst Church of Christ, Scientist—Hall in Foley Block, cor.State and First. Meetings, Sunday, 10:30 and 11:45; Wednesday,7:45. Readers, Mrs. Carrie R. Gale, F. W. Burdick.First Congregational Church—E. State, cor. N. Barry. Rev.Ethan Curtis, pastor; res. 134 S. Barry. Sunday services,Ctfu< .SSaOEStateC^W nrjj mrc-WheC-^—-*-* £-(-• CJ T3CX 3OJ OOS O10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Trustees: Lee Redstone, pres.;Alford Swartz, Clifford Branch, May Bunker, treas.; Nellie M.Austin, clerk. Deacons: C. G. Redstone, Alford Swartz, JulesHalbran. Sunday school, 11:45 p. m.; Lee Redstone, supt.Society Christian Endeavor, Sunday, 6:45 p. m.; May Bunker,pres.; Ora Vergason, sec'y. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Ladies' Aid Society, Nellie Austin, pres.First Methodist Episcopal Church—Cor. Union and Hamilton,Dr. J. L. Sooy, (succeeded by Rev. Frank S. Rowland,) res 204N. Fourth. Sunday services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Trustees:M. C. Follett, F. W. Kruse, J. Z. LeFevre, W. S. Wilkinson,Wm. Parker, Frank M. Godfrey, John Coast, A. E. Smith,C. P. Luther; M. M. Holmes, Treas. Stewards, Chas. Gillingham,J. W. Pratt, J. B. K. Morris, B. U. Taylor, John Babel, J.L. Douglas. F. P. Shaner, F. W. Mundt, A. Kaiser, M. F. Riley,M. M. Holmes, D. E. Batcheller, F. C. Olds. Sunday school 12m; J. E. K. Morris, supt; Epworth League, Tuesday 7:30 p.m., A. Kaiser, pres.; class meeting, Sunday, 6:30 p. m., C. Gillingham,B. Phinney, J. C. Furman, leaders. Brotherhood ofSt. Paul, F. P. Shaner, pres. Woman's Foreign MissionarySociety, Miss Emma Hubbell, pres. Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs.D. E. Batcheller, pres. Woman's Home Missionary Society,Mrs. Clarence Diffenderfer, pres. Choir leader, M. M. Holmes.Xi b/iIK!O ">UJ X O.cO

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. g^'on"'"" $ OLEAN. N.Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. o10:30 a. m. and 7:.'lo p. m. Trustees: W. H. Mandeville, pres.; OjF. L. Bartlett, W. O. Curtiss, William Horner, J. C. Clark, MarkVanCampen. Deacons: J. E. Meloy, J. C. Clark, William Pel- u_i fljton. Sunday School, 12:00 M.; Dr. I. E. Boyd, supt. Society •—^ •Christian Endeavor, Sunday, 6:30 p. m.; Dunlap Matthews,pres.; John Johnson, sec'y. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. Flora Curtiss, pres.; Mrs. VV. L. ^,Pelton, sec'y. Woman's Missionary Society, meetings monthly. ^J (\\Mrs. Newton L. Reed, pres.; Mrs. A. F. Miller, sec'y. King'sDaughters, Silver Cross Circle, Carrie Smith, pres.; I. H. N. »Circle, Bessie Abbey, pres.: W. F. O, Circle, Marion Oakleaf, •< 3 ^. orepres.*ll- °First Wesleyan Methodist Church—South St., Bv. Rev. jl^ ptIAyers, pastor, (not a resident.) Sunday service, 7:30 p. m.;Sunday school, 3:00 p. m.; Oscar Uarpenter, supt. Prayermeeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.Ninth Street Methodist Episcopal Church—131-133 N. Ninth.X "Rev. M. E. Hedding, pastor, res 106 N. Ninth. Sunday services,10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Trustees: A. L. Isenberg, pres.;Charles Green, vice pres.; C. D. Pierce, clerk; Lincoln Corsett,Joseph Raub, Cassar Smith, William Kinley. Sunday School,12:00 M.; L. D. Doane, supt. Epworth League, Sunday, 6:30 p.m., M. G. Butler, pres. Class meeting, Sunday, 6:30 p. m.,leaders, Mrs. Joseph Raub, Hardy Long. Prayer meeting,Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Junior Epworth League, Sunday, 3:00 p.m., Mrs. Williams, pres. Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. J. T. Mathis,pres. Woman's Home Missionary Society, Mrs. Joseph Raub,pres. Young Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society, Mrs. M. E.Hedding, pres.Olean Hebrew Congregation—Rev. H. A. Zeligsohn, rabbi.President, H. W. Marcus; vice president, Max Cohen; secretaryand treasurer, Benj. Marcus. Trustees, Joseph Cohen, E.Sherris, I. Glass. Meetings, Friday evening, 7-8; Saturday a.m., 8-8:30."_WM. HORNER & CO.,OL^AN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.People's Methodist Episcopal Church—Garden avenue, cornerChestnut, East Olean; Rev. Geo. W. Adams, pastor, residence73 Garden avenue. East Olean. Sunday services 10:30 a. m. and7:30 p. m. Board of Trustees: Wallace Bevier, pres.; B. F.Hardy, treas. Sunday school 12:00 m.; W. W. Smith, supt.Epworth League, Sunday 6:30 p. m.; J. C. Murray, pres.,Chauncey Hathaway, sec'y. Class meeting Sunday 10:00 a. m.;leaders, Wallace Bevier, Wm. Ferris. Prayer meeting Thurs-tnr^c 3*-«• ro>—(Q, (i031W ro 3 i# .-p-C/3X3CL. sr 3KPI 00T o© 7T•xfa-nQuS3 3O f"5 •w CO »t©t*aov. 3O-

Spec(/)on0W 0 uhO2= s < OS OS U "TOU(HW4a-7a,_.First .National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.I. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres-A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler10 MORRISE. M. Johnson,AND VANJ. F.CAMPEN'SJohnson.day 7:30 p. m. Ladies auxilliary, alternate Fridays 4:00 p. m.;Mrs. G. W. Adams, pres.Reformed Methodist Church, 8 Second avenue, Boardmanville;A. G. Matthewson, pastor, 5 Fourth avenue. Trustees,W. L. Weldy,A.G.Matthewson,Sylvester Eyler.Geo. Bathurst.sec.Sunday services, 11:00 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday7:30 p. m. Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.; Sylvester Eyler,.superintendent.St. John's Roman Catholic Church—775-777 North Union,North Olean; Rev. J. F. Mooney, rector, residence 773 North[Jnion, North Olean; Chas. E. Duffy, assistant. Sunday services:mass S:00 a. m., 9:00 a. m., 10:30 a. m.; vespers and benediction3:00 p. m. Sunday school 3:00 p. m. Mass daily 7:30and 8:00 a. m.St. Mary of the Angels' Roman Catholic Church—117 WestHenley. Very Rev. John J. Hamel, rector; residence 118 WestHenley; Rev. Francis Burns, assistant. Sunday services: mass8:00 a. m.; high mass, 10:30 a. m.; vespers and benediction,:i:45 p. m.; baptism, 4:00 p. m. Mass daily, 8:00 a. m. Trustees:J. J. Hamel, treasurer; F. M. Ball, secretary; DennisKeating. Convent of Mercy, 616 West Sullivan, connected withparochial school; Sister Mary Regina, superiess. St. Mary ofthe Angels' Parochial School, 614 West Sullivan; J. J. Hamel,principal, under direction of Sisters of Mercy, Sister Mary Regina,superiess. Senior Children of Mary; Annie York, president,Annie Woods, secretary, under direction of Sisters ofMercy. Junior Children of Mary; Mary Hannon, president,Annie Heberle, secretary, under direction of Sisters of Mercy.St. Aloysius' Society; Noah Brunner, president, Leo Hannon,secretary, under direction of Sisters of Mercy.St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal Church—Barry street.Rev. James W. Ashton, D. D., rector; residence 112 South Clinton.Sunday services: Holy communion, first Sunday eachmonth at 10:30 a. m., other Sundays at 9:30 a. m. Morningprayer or litany, and sermon, 10:30 a. m. Evening prayer andsermon, 7:3(1 p. m. Vestry: John Sloane, senior warden: W.B. Reynolds, junior warden; N. V. V. Franchot, treasurer;Allan B. Williams, clerk; L. H. Ballard, F. W. Higgins, Geo.W. Hooker, Richard Franchot, I. E. Warden, F. N. Blakslee.Sunday school, 12:00 m.; John Sloane, superintendent; RoyNewman, secretary. Bible class, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., in chargeof rector. St. Stephen's Guild, Mrs. Geo. W. Keith, president;O L E A N S U P P L Y C O ,Paints, Glass, Roofing, Doors,WINDOWS, SIDING, MOULDING AND SHINGLFS.

The A. Weston LumberCo.,Hanufacturers & DealersI TTMRtft Latn and Shingles, Doors,mankinds all ofHJluDEH, windows, Tuined Work.Long Distance ^Phone 6-W. p 0 _ WESTON>S MILLS, N. Y.MOLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 11Woman's auxiliary missions, Mrs. F. N. Blakslee; Sanctuarychapter, Mrs. P. H. Wilson; St. Margaret's chapter, Mrs. C. W.Morris; St. Agnes' chapter, Miss Louise Franchot; choir chapter,Mrs. Geo. W. Hooker; sewing school, Mrs. A. B. Williams.St. Andrew's Brotherhood: Creighton S. Andrews, director;Thos. J. Brickell, secretary. Boys' club: Paschal Franchot,president. Boardmanville mission, corner Center and Secondavenues; James W. Ashton, D. D., rector; devotional servicesand Bible study, 7:30 p. m. on Wednesdays.Salvation Army—266J North Union. R. Stubbs, captain; residence266i North Union. Sunday services, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00p. m.; open air services 2:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 10:00a. m. Meetings every evening except Monday at 8:00 p. m.Swedish Lutheran Church-—North Sixth street. J. W. Nyvall,pastor; residence, 122 South Fourth street. Sunday services,10:30 a. m. and 8:00 p. m., on alternate Sundays. Board oftrustees: Nils Swanson, president. Sunday school, 12:00 m.(on alternate Sundays at 10:30), Nils Swanson, superintendent.Prayer meeting, alternate Thursdays, 8:00 p. m. LutherLeague, alternate Wednesdays, 8:00 p. m.; Nils Swanson, president.Ladies' Aid Society, J. W. Nyvall, president.Church of the Transfiguration, Polish Roman Catholic, L. S.Hordich, rector—Sunday masses at 8 and 10 a. m. Sundayschool 3 p. m. Vespers (May and October only) at 7:30 p. m.Trustees: L. S. Hordich, Stanislaus Kubick, Stephen Getsy.Mass daily at 8 a. m. Society of Transfiguration (men:) AlbertKoualsky, Pres.; Rosary Society, (ladies,) L. S. Hordich,Pres.; Polish National Alliance, Casimir Glowka, pres.; PolishUnion, Thos. Murdziah, Pres. St. Mary's Sodality, L. S. Hordich,President.- Union Chapel, S. O.—Prayer meeting, Friday night; Sundayschool, 3-4; preaching, 2.Zion Church of the Evangelical Association, (known as theGerman Evangelical Church)—148 North Thirteenth street.Rev. John Preis, pastor; residence, 142 North Thirteenth street.Sunday services, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Trustees: P. J.Truby, G. Koch, F. W. Klink. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.; F.W. Klink, superintendent. Young People's Alliance, Sunday,6:30 p. m.; N. H. Truby, pres. Prayer meeting Wednesday,7:30 p. m.CLUBS.Authors Club—Mrs. E. M. Johnson, president; Mrs. W. R.Page, vice president; Mrs. John Troy, secretary and treasurer.NEW MANAGEMENT. NEWLY FURNISHEDDAILEY'S INN,Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.J0HH F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union >treet.RATES, $1.50 PZR DAY.aH;* C *; m0 ^_i 1' 2S2. [""* t-s CZ53 W m:»po s m M1 Ocr ola*P0^H 3 cr-Q >C E=& $C/lro^3 nfSi >3 r«- 73stic 1NT1NU 0Q_3 Oro 3r> rlMOnT3C3n•Htr0t)iH»af*rt1;

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAPM'S BEST CLOTHIERS.Always Sometinhg New. 160 N. Union Street.12 MORRIS fc AND VAN CAMPEN'SUMeets second •d and fourth Friday of each month at members'o homes.aAcropolis 3 cti Club—Mrs. A. E. Smith, president; Mrs. PatienceU a•o_• enChamberlain, vice president; Mrs. D. E. Batcheller, secretary;Miss Jessie Hunt, treasurer.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Literary Circle—Meets Tuesday afternoons. Mrs.Gault, president; Mrs. Smith, first vice president; Mrs. J. L.u•Huw a. »s_ .—D c«cd Sooy, second vice president; Mrs. L. Whitcomb, secretary andJ2* —fc»treasurer.o y «d (S3City Club—113 North street. N. V. V. Franchot, president;V g. b E. M. Johnson, vice president; Dr. D. V. M. Hibbard, treas.;«>C/j tf Edward Troy, secretary; M. G. Fitzpatrick, clerk; A. I. Williams,chairman of house committee. T. H. Barnes, steward.cd fl

Ladies' and Children'sFootwear. The best asortmentin the City —-158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 13Franchot, president; Mrs. Waring, vice pres.; James Waring,treasurer; Miss Maud Brooks, secretary. Meets on alternate Tuesdays, October to June, at members' homes.Sans Souci Club—No officers. Members: Helen Bullis, ElizabethBussel, Elise Ballard, Bessie Coast, Winifred Mudge, LeliaReynolds, Louise Rockwood, Lyra Stedman, Blanche Seeley,Ada Simpson, Elizabeth Hallet and Florence Bradley. Meetsspasmodically. Object, social.Travelers' Club—Organized 1884. Mrs. D. M. Hibbard, president;Mrs. F. R. Eaton, 1st vice president; Mrs. J. A. Johnson,2d vice president; Mrs. J. B. Strong, treasurer; Mrs. RudolphMayer, secretary; Mrs. William Horner, cor. secretary.Meets on alternate Tuesdays from October to June, at members'homes.Woman's Label League—President, Mrs. Jennie E. Bartow;secretary, Miss Mattie Bartow; treasurer, Mrs. Mary Allen.Meetings, every 2 weeks, Miller's hall.COMMERCIAL BLOCKS.Coast Block—135-137-139 N. Union.Duke Block—239-241-243 N. Union.Exchange Bank Building—161-163 165 N. Union.Grossman (Sisters) Block—243 N. Union.Grossman (Charles) Block—233 N. Union.Grand Central Block—304 to 318 N. Union.Griffin Block—463 N. Union.Imus Block—213-215-217 N. Union.Masonic Temple—120-122-124 N. Union.Odd Fellows' Block—229 231 N. Union.Olean House Block—126 to 136 N. Union.Opera House Block 113-115-117 W. State.Pierce Block 168-170 N. Union.Riley & Wands Block—301-303-305 N. Union.Sheehan Block—501-505 N. Union.Tower Block—154-156-158 N. Union.Union Block—262-264 N. Union.CORPORATIONS.Acme Glass Co.—J. E. Farrel, president; M. A. Brunner, vicepresident; J. A. Sharp, secretary; A. J. Cullather, treasurer.Capital stock $50,000.00. Incorporated under laws of state ofNew York, 1895.American Hide and Leather Co. of New York—Thomas B.I. P. C O L L I N S ,309 Hasonic Temple.Life, Fire and AccidentoCOocz ro M3

First National Bank of Olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.c-«a ^ 14 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'So„ rt OSuT^o-S j Hall, president. Olean tannery, C. H. Buswell, gen'l mgr.;* u§ P « E. H. Delamater, assistant manager.Hp-3 Sg c/> § u «* Dotterweich Brewing Co.—Thomas Whitton, president and§ u § 2 . treasurer; A. T. Eaton, vice president; J. S. Shoemaker, sec-"" £ u « retary. Capital stock, $100,000.00. Incorporated 1893.2 u w- Interior Construction and Improvement Co.—incorporatedS-2—3 tZ under laws of New Jersey. Frank P. Byrne, president; A. G.a © «? C « McComb, chief engineer. Offices, 203-204 Masonic Temple.>"«ao 55 Mile. Jewell Manufacturing Co.—Nellie L. Jewell, president;©"""cSS ^ Lola L. Roney, vice president; Ernest L. Taylor, secretary;^asSS'S - Willis A. Chamberlin, treasurer. Capitol stock, $100,000.00. In-H o oja s m —u>.u2 z CU m corporated 1903.0 S3 Masonic Temple Association—E. M. Johnson, president; F.1

THE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick.J 254 N. UNION STREET-OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 15United States Leather Co. of New York—E. C. Hoyt, president.Olean tanneries: Root & Keating tannery, North Olean,J. W. Murtaugh, general manager; Olean tannery, East Olean,D. P. Ray, general manager.The James Pierce Leather Co.—1601-1611 W. Henley. Capitalstock, $300,000. President, James Pierce; vice president, H.H. Leathe; secretary and treasurer, F. L. Bartlett; superintendent,B. Frank Thomas.Vacuum Oil Co.—George W. Hooker, superintendent; E. H.Wright, asst. supt. Refinery and offices, Buffalo st., N. O.Olean General Hospital—North First street, corner Wayne.Matron, Miss Mary B. Hall. Directors: Frank L. Bartlett, president;Mrs. D. W. Sheehan, vice president; George W. Hooker,treasurer; Mrs. C. C. Green, secretary; James B. Frawley,E. V. Wood, J. M. James, Mrs. D. W. Seeley, Mrs. *rank Blakslee.HALLS.City Hall—108 N. Union.Christian Science Hall—201 W. State.Edel's Hall—1123-1125 W. State.Elk's Hall—101 N. Union.Fitzgerald's Hall—1106 N. Union, N. O.Foley's Hall—201 W. State.Knights of Honor Hall-Masonic Hall.McCormick's Hall—101 N. Union.Miller's Hall—121-123 W. State.Odd Fellow's Hall—229 1-2 N. Union.Olean Opera House—115 W. State.Othalian Hall—114 W. State.Riley & Wands Hall—-303 N. Union.Sheehan's Hall—501-503 N. Union.Town Hall—S. Olean.Town Hall—Boardmanville.Village Hall—906 N. Union, N. O.Y. M. C. A. Hall—215 N. Union.LABOR UNIONS.Journeymen Barbers, International Union of America, LocalXo. 29—S. E. Evans, president; Lester Clement, vice president;C. J. Decker, secretary; John Nicklas, treasurer; C. J. W.Sturm, recorder; Roy Gould, guardian; S. J. Snowdon, guide.Bartenders' Union—Meets first and third Thursday of eachD. "t3 8o- g COoc3 O rn-tftIflOa ZaT h e M O R N I N G 1 IMES.T :The Only Newspaper in Olean HavingAssociated Press Membership.

GOODSwell Furnishings forMen. Trunks andCLOTHES Bags. Fine Shoes.EL266 N. Union St. Look for the Water BarreloI—OOUJnXi/jQC3oUJ

mBfr&iftfilrniujf n.SfkSUfSL^j>>is,IS}PSUJ OOHK k 2 «ps « < 3Y HASELLOM FNSUM•J „, B Ogg u-ow © l_ 0UJ H G HH OSBS "> a W.C >-w ^zp4& £_jHi 0W C/3•""•£ b z ^•WSiw •—* mgW -I3KWzl*f\PVVcs/5«•>s0NO_lIDT Z

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers & Dealers f TTMRED La,n and Shingles, Doors,n all Kinds ofHJluDEH, Windows, Turned Work.LO"g D0|te«nn?NPhYne 6"W' R °- WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 19Improved Order of Heptasophs, Olean Conclave No. 357— q ^J> o 8Meets second and fourth Fridays in each month, in Riley & ^Wands block. D. W. Seeley, archon; A. J. Howard, provost; O m M g5J. M. Gena, secretary; M. F. Riley, treasurer; George W. War- ^ "« __ 50ner, inspector.w Zt"1 % W^ 'Improved Order of Red Men,<strong>Cattaraugus</strong> Tribe No. 159—Meets CM m SFriday evenings in Elks' hall. Wm. DeKay, keeper of warn- ^ 5* Sgpum; G. Michler, chief of record; John MacElfresh, sachem; G 3Jt ? 2E. more. South worth, senior sagamore; Jacob Baker, junior saga- Cp*M ^"Red Men, Sequoia Tribe—Past sachem, Dascom Allen, Jr.; 93-i X*i sachem, Geo. Sutter; senior sagamore, Dennie McAuliffe; jun- •*> ©ior sagamore, John J. Sheehan; chief of records, Frank Web- . .ber; collector of wampum, E. A. Patterson; keeper of wampum,Chas. Schott. Meetings, Sheehan's hall, Monday nights.Independent Order of Forresters—Henry Schue, Chief Rang- "£% ZZer; Philip Zimmerman, Treas.; Henry Skinner, Rec. Sec'y*. 13 rr-August Goebel, Fin. Sec'y.O *"•102—Meets Independent second Order and Odd fourth Fellows, Wednesdays Allegany in Encampment, month, in No. Odd "pH m *Fellows' Han. C. A. Rockwell, Chief Patriarch; C. O. Bergman,S. W.; O. S. McClure, Scribe.f3 o-> *Independent Order Odd Fellows, <strong>Cattaraugus</strong> Canton No. 56— o \^ "0Meets firstand third Saturdays in month in Odd Fellows' Hall. *£ "^. 2.H. D. Raub, captain; J. B. Wenceslow, secretary; N. I. Jones, ^H •*clerk; E. E. Southworth, ensign. ~? **m (6Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Olean Lodge, No. 471— q! ' S i-p-Meets Monday evenings in Odd Fellow's Hall, N. Union. Mr. V* 63 "* 2L pTHall, Noble Grand; Frank Bevins, Past Grand; James Kerr,Independent Chaplain; S. E. Order Passmore, Odd Fellows, Fin. Sec'y; Rebecca John Passmore, Lodge, No. Treas. 223— K3 ^T_ rr"Meets second and fourth Thursdays in month in Odd Fellows' o> mm ^Hall. Mrs. W. S. Orcutt, noble grand; Mrs. W. Tully, vice *"' * 'grand; Miss Mona Childs, secretary.Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Royal Lodge, No. 723—Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall. Noble grand, Chas. Balch; vice a 70grand, Wm. Tulley; financial secretary, Walter Foss; record- S-^ *~jping secretary, D. M. Cornwall; treasurer, E. Dorsey.Knights of Columbus, Olean Council No. 338—Club rooms164 1-2 N. Union. Meets on alternate Wednesday evenings atNEW MANAGEMENT.NEWLY FURNISHED.D A H E Y ' S I N N .Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 IN. Union Street.RATES. SI.50 PER DAY.om70

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.Always Something New. 160 N. Union Street.20 MORRIS CO AND VAN CAMPEN'SK. of H. U hall. a. M. J. Larkin, Grand Knight; J. W. Houghton,S-< T3 o Fin. Sec; D. D. Sullivan, Recording Sec.£ a U Knights of Maccabees, Acme Tent, N. O.—Commander, Thos.-—- fl o ncd a Mullaly; past commander, Frank Osterstuck; record keeper,73a £ D. M. Sherman; sargent, Patrick Sirdevan; master at arms,a etf

DORCA'S $ 3 . 5 0 LADIES SHOES,SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY158 N. UnionF. E. Tyler & Co's, Street.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 21Fin. recorder; M. L. Lee, Treas.; A. H. Zehgsohn, chap.; J.A. Johnson, guide; S. A. Anderson, guardian; B. M. Marcus,sentinel; trustees, H. W. Marcus, T. B. Rutherford, S. A. Anderson.Meets alternate Wednesdays at K. of H. hall.Kniil.ts o± Pythias, Olean Lodge, No. 273—Meets Mondayevenings in K of H. Hall. W. J. LeStrange, Chancellor; Edw.Dorsey, Vice Chancellor; Chris Storms, Prelate; Wm. Tidd,Master of Work; W. J. Foss, Master of Exchequer; CharlesReed, Keeper of Records and Master of Finance; Fred Schott.Master at Arms.Loyal Mystic Legion of America, Olean Council No. 215—Meets every alternate Thursday evening at Miller's Hall. AlbertJ. Sawyer, past coun.; Mrs. D. W. Sheehan, coun.; Mrs.Carrie L. Sturm, vice coun; Amelia L. Cady, secretary; CoraD. Sawyer, treasurer; H. E. Prindle, prophet; Maria A. Swarts,proctor; Nellie Smith, escort.Ladies' Catholic Benefit Association No. 333, (St. John'sBranch.—Meets alternate Wednesdays in Sheehan's hall. MissBina Noonan, president; Miss Mary MacMahon, recorder; MissElizabeth Sullivan, treasurer.National Association of Stationary Engineers, No. 52—Meetssecond and third Saturdays of each month over Racket Store.B. F. Hardy, president; Rufus Wood, vice Pres.; William Williams,Cor. and Fin. Sec.National Protective Legion, Reynolds Legion—Mrs. C. C.Green, Sec.Patrons of Husbandry, Olean Grange No. 791—Meets firstand third Wednesdays in each month, Sheehan's hall. H. A.Brooks, master; Abram Shafer, overseer; Mrs. Carrie Oosterhoudt,Treas.; Mrs. Minnie VanDusen, Sec'y; Frank Smith,Steward; Mrs. Fairbanks, Lecturer; Mrs. Shafer; Chaplain.Protected Home Circle, Olean Circle 209—Meetings K. O. H.Hall, firstand third Tuesday of each month. Mrs. Anna Duffy, president; Mrs. Frances Frye, vice president; W. G. Severns,secretary; Mrs. E. A. Hubbard, accountant; Mrs. Nettie Kamery,treasurer.Royal Arcanum, Olean Council No. S69—Meets second andfourth Tuesdays of each month in K. of H. hall. J. R. Bones,regent; S. L. Hall, past regent; J. Humphrey, vice regent; H.C. Schamel, secretary; W. B. Hill, collector; W. J. Foss, guide;C3-ro croh) &3 rc r1—H0 00 2Cfl 3 X rj OX3 M >n S3ra 00 ~30 E. ^3" RP"0 ro3" CO30a 2!CmCmk»- =3CO SC/1*+Hea0w£3a.3S"•-tn>X£2•->••*Q•*COeninM-«.aKQ^Xtf*1—»•0273*00Grr0*\. P. COViViWS^ General Insurance,309 Masonic Temple.

First National B a n k of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURV, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.DfR&CTORS. - E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheelerg) •, 22 MORRIS E. M. Johnson, AND VAN CAMPEN'ST. F. lohnson.•&•, r*u Y — warden.!§§ H 2t£M J ^ Select Knights, Olean Legion No. 7—Meets first and third3 | 5 ^Jj £: Thursdays at Odd Fellows' Hall. L. Smith, P. O; D. Burley,u M Sheehan's hall. Milton A. Jordan, chief; Mr. Emery, judge;Blanche Besecker, keeper of record; John Germain, keeper ofztribute.TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS.0 -+-'CO m Olean Council, Royal Templars—Meets, (occasionally) 337Laurel avenue. D. C. Galusha, select councellor; Mrs. Morgan,recording secretary; Mr. R. J. Feltham, financialsecretary.Woman's Christian Temperance Union—Meets from house toQO T3 Ohouse, Friday afternoons. Mrs. Hattie Taylor, president; Mrs.ZMatthews, secretary; Mrs. Jane Raub, treasurer; Mrs. Ettie< Derby, recording secretary.• H f- MASONIC LODGES.1—Light of the West Lodge, No. 42, F. & A. M.—Meets firstand& OJthird Tuesday of each month at Miller's hall. S. J. Snowden,C O< UW. M.; Fred Snowden, S. W.; Henry Brown, J. W.; ClaudeRandall, Treas.; T. H. Barnes, Sec; H. H. Johnson, S. D.; S.CERStatNESHE GenthaBOTH I_A. Ross, J. D.; A. Maybee, Tiler.V3 . Lodge of Perfection—Date of Charter Sept. 17, 1891. Stated>£Jmeetings every Monday at Masonic Temple. Martin Southeron,•+^ g jjj T. P. G. Master; George Fobes, D. G. Master; Eugene R. Rusrtfj£ - O sel, S. G. Warden; L. H. Brooks, J. G. Warden; Vernon P.CQQJ ^ ° *T £ Q Mather, Brendell, Orator; Master of A. Ceremonies;Thomas T. Eaton, Treas.; A. H. A. Stewart, Swarts, Hospitaler; Sec; J.< » < Fred J. Woodard, Captain of Guard; O. W. Hamilton, Filer.x < Olean Council No. 33, R. & S. M — Meets second WednesdayW < j fl iu each month at Masonic Temple. M. Southeron, I. I. M.; E.'Q £* = ** H' Austin' L D' M-; W- L' My"ck. p- c- of W.; J. A. Smith,*-T^ 3 g Treas.; A. A. Swarts, Recorder; A. W. Nelson, C. of G.; JohnH3oOSloane, C. of C; Ed. F. Halliday, Steward; O. W. Hamilton,Sentinel.Olean Lodge 252, F. & A. M.—Meets first and third TuesdayIf Your Life's Worth Living Its WorthInsuring.Fitch & Ramsey, City Building.

2S4 n. cNion st.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 23=3of each month at Masonic Temple. E. H. Austin, W. M.; J. J. o ~ oGrant, S. W.; Moses Merrick, J. W.;I. E. Worden, Treas.; L. ^F. Brooks, Sec; B. M. Keesler, Chaplain; N. C. Jeliffe, S. D.; ~ "UDana L. Jewell, J. D.; J. Wands Riley, S. M. O; A. Tothill, J. ^ 2M. C; 0. W. Hamilton, T. ~ r>Order of the Eastern Star, Electa Chapter, No. 84—Meets S g C Ofirst and third Wednesday of each month at Masonic Temple. £Mrs. Alice P. Austin, W. M.; George Cook, W. P.; Mrs. NellieStratton, A. M.; Mrs. Sarah D. Georgia, Treas.; Mrs. Mary Chaplain; Miss Carrie Rhodes, Organist; Mrs. Louise Rogers,o^ n frmAdah; Mrs. Emma Halliday, Ruth; Mrs. Helen Seeley, Esther; 3" fr•-* OMrs. May Miller, Martha; Mrs. Anna Barret, Electa; Miss o 0>Alice Hamilton, Warder; O. W. Hamilton, Sentinel.12Princes of Jerusalem—Date of Charter, Sept. 17, 1891. Olean -»Council. Stated meetings every Monday at Masonic Temple. ^ OGeorge Fobes, P. G. Master; Eugene R. Russel, P. D. Master; fj"John A. Brendell, S. G. Warden; W. L. Myrick, J. G. Warden; r>A. T. Eaton, V. S. Treas.; Albert A. Swarts, Val. G. Sec. K.S.A.Thomas A. Stewart, Val. G. Master of O; W. M. Abrams Jr., ~~Val. G. Almoner; AndreV H. Miller, Val. G. Master of E.; OscarW. Hamilton, G. Filer.S S I *Royal Arch Masons, Olean Chapter No. 150—Meets second QJ a- e oand fourth Friday of each month at Masonic Temple. A. W. T/l 57 _Nelson, High Priest; J. J. Grant, King; Alfred Tothill, Scribe; 3 >-{Charles P. Burleigh, C. of H.; George Straton, P. S.; L. H. £ h 3Brooks, Sec; E. H. Austin, R. A. C; J. W. Riley, 3d Vale; J- 0)


D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. {*»,£"?."" >* OLEAN. N-Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 25W. G. Gamble, short hand teacher; R. H. Holcomb, commer- ("^cial teacher. (\")WARD BOUNDARIES.r~) fflFirst—On the north by State, east by Union, south by Alleganyriver, and west by Seventh. g } . t *pQSecond—On the north by State, east by Olean creek and Al- ^ . *legany river, south by Olean creek and Allegany river, and ^j (\^west by Union. ^ ,, ^EaThird—On the north by town line and Olean creek, east by v i • OOlean creek, south by State, and west by Union.Fourth—On the north by town line, east by Olean creek,south by State, and west by Seventh. l\S\ *pQFifth—On the north by Washington, east by Seventh, southby Allegany river, and west by Fifteenth.Sixth—On the north by town line, east by Seventh, south byWashington, and west by Fifteenth.oy\ 1 fljX -mUJC*—4a,to**Xsu

P e t e rM o r r e lSHOE MAKING ANDREPAIRING.A Modern Shoe Shop well equippedand conveniently located.Honest work at fair prices.108 LAURENS ST., Near corner of Union.i„_F. W . M e r r i t t & S o n ,GROCERIES and PROVISIONS,DRYGOODS,BOOTS ANDSHOES.6 3 7 E a s t S t a t e St.,Union Telephone 264.OLEAN, N. Y.

The A, Weston Lumber Co.,nanufacturers & Dealers I ITMftPft Lath and Shingles, Doors,in all kinds of. LfvlTlDEIV, Windows, Tuined Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W. p Q WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. V.'OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 27MH*OComplete Alphabetical List—OF—STREETS1 Hm- wr O ? m0 ta^ >•a r^ t0 '- 23a C3K W mIn PC t/>f CO M-I aer nMentioned in this Directory, including all the legally authorizedstreel 3 in city and town of Olean.Explanation of Numbering of Streets;On all streets south of E. State, the block divisions are 9s fromE. State to E. Henley 100, to E. Green 200, below E. Green 300. ofOn streets north of E. State, except N. Union and N. Barry,the block divisions are E. State to Laurel av. 100, Tompkins x> >200. to Jay 300.C C=On N. Barry, from E. State to Tompkins 100, to Jay 200, toE. Sullivan 300.^ 0-On streets west of Union, from Union to First 100, to Second200, etc.s- a,V)On streets east of Union, from Union to Barry 100, to Clinton200, to Fulton 300, to East av. 400, to Pond 500, to Orchard3 Oav. 600, to Chestnut 700, to King 800, to Duke 900, to Clark 1,000.On North Union, from E. State to Hamilton and Liaurens 100to Sullivan 200, to Whitney and Railroad avenues 300, toWayne 400, to Coleman 500, to N. First 600, to River 700, toWater 800, to Elm 900, to Oak 1,000, to Pine 1100.On streets north of W. State, from W. State to Laurens andWashington 100, to W. Sullivan 200, to Whitney av. and Reed«- 73 1300, to Wayne 400, to Coleman 500, to City Line al. 600.

3U"O5 v>. *la —J2"=3o oU &«cfl«v*doJ3WarberROOMS.ca£r— Q, • •—(/J0> 1*fM•"—BarbProprietor.oCOHB ""o3ztND a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BESTAlways Sometinhg New.2S MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SCLOTHIERS.160 N. Union Street.Anderson Avenue—Southwest from 325 N. Tenth, along P.R. R. tracks.Ash (N. OJ— From Pine to Elm.Avenue A (Bv.)—From Main east.Avenue A (N. 0.)—From Washington, northwest to Hornet^second street northeast of Buffalo.Avenue B (N. O.)—From N. Washington, firststreet east ofBuffalo.Bartlett Avenue (N. 0.)—From Seymour to City Line.Bell (E. O— From 52 Queen, east to King.Bishop (E. OJ—From Davis av.. east to King.Brickell Avenue—From 212 Wayne, north to Coleman.Brook (E. 0.)—From King, east to limits.Buffalo—From 802 Washington, northwest to limits.Bush, (E. OJCanal—Continuation ot East av. beyond P. R. R. tracks.Center (Bv.)—From 10 Main, east to Fourth av.Cherry (E. OJ—From Railroad av., north.Chestnut. (E. OJ—From 733 E. State, north to Bishop.City Line Alley (N. OJ—From 1,451 Buffalo, east along cityline to Main St., Bv.Clark (E. OJ—From 1.105 E. State, north to Goodrich av.Coleman—From 539 N. Union, west to N. Fourth.Crown (E. OJ—From 32 Queen, east to Gulf.Davis Avenue (E. 0.)—From 31 Garden av., north to Bishop.Division (E. OJ—From Alder to Queen.East Avenue—From E. State at Olean Creek, north to P. R.R. tracks.East Green—From 323 S. Union, east to Adams.East Henley—From 145 S. Union, east to Adams.East River (S. 0.)—From Union, east along Allegany riverto limits.East State—From North and South Union, east through E. O.East Sullivan—From 268 N. Union, east to N. Barry.Elm (N. OJ—From River, west to Vine.Erie Avenue (N. 0.)—From Buffalo, south.Fifth Avenue (BvJ—From end of South, north.First Avenue (BvJ—From 11 Front, north to Genesee.Fourth Avenue (BvJ—From South, north to Center.Franklin (N. OJ—From N. Walnut, west to Acme Glass Wks.Front (BvJ—From creek bridge, S. E., running into Pond,E. O.Fulton—From 312 E. State, south to E. Henley.Garden Avenue (E. OJ—From 8 Pond, east to King.E d w a r d T r o y , Waning Mill,~ ' 220 S. Barry.SHINGLES, LUMBER,LATH, SIDING, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND MOULDINGS.

Ladies' and Children's T T Till Th Yj (Footwear. The best asort- y V \\\\\{ h\ment in the City — - I. L. II LLll U I1*8 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 29Genesee (Bv.)—From 26 Main, east to Fourth av.Goodrich Avenue (E. OJ—From Gulf, east to limits.Griffin (E. OJ—From 22 King, east to tannery.Grossman Avenue (E. 0.)—From 832 E. State, south to river.Gulf (E. OJHamilton—From 188 N. Union, east to N. Barry.Higgins Avenue—From 472 N. Union, northeast to City LineAlley and Main, Bv.Homer (N. OJ—From Johnson, northeast to Buffalo.Hoops (E. 0.)—From McMurray's brick yard, east.Irving—From 216 S. Union, west to limits.Jay—From 216 N. Barry, east to East av.Johnson (N. 0.)—From Acme Glass Works, N. W. to limits.King (E. OJ—From 829 E. State, north to limits.Laurel Avenue—From 120 N. Clinton, east to East av.Laurens—From 167 N. Union, west to N. Fourth.Line (E. OJ—From Railroad av., north to limits.Main (N. OJ—See City Line Alley.Main (BvJ—From Olean creek, north to limits, (Hinsdaleroad.)Maple (N. OJ—From 32 Water, north to Oak.Mohr's Lane (W. OJ—From W. State, below Jersey Farm,north.Moore's Road (W. 0.)—From 1,451 Buffalo, south to AmericanHide & Leather Co's tannery.North—From City Hall, 108 N. Union, east to N. Barry.North First—From 130 W. State, north to limits.North Second—From 220 W. State, north to Whitney av.North Third—From 326 W. State, north to Wayne.North Fourth—From 420 W. State, north to City Line.North Fifth—From 526 W. State, north to City Line.North Sixth—From 622 W. State, north to City Line.North Seventh—From 722 W. State, north to City Line.North Eighth—From 820 W. State, north to City Line.North Ninth—From 920 W. State, north to City Line.North Tenth—From 1,016 W. State, north to City Line.North Eleventh—From 1,120 W. State, north to Buffalo.North ^Twelfth—From 1,214 W. State, north to Reed.North Thirteenth—From 1,320 W. State, north to Buffalo.North Fourteenth—Not open.North Fifteenth—From after 1,502 W. State, north to limits.North Barry—From No. 3 school, E. State, north to P. R.R. freight house.North Clinton—From 213 E. State, north to Jay.0zc3 O3roCOOr~m>7z7TOrnC )p—trrp—i*0X>s8°(/)O2XpH*"-*! 0 ? *»C/33 •

First National bank ot Ulean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. K. Johnson.c-a'g (x' 30 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S%-„« guT^o-S H North River (N. OJ—From end of River, north to limits.3 £§ | 2| North Union—From State, north to Pine.SSa°North Walnut (N. OJ—From 30 N. Washington, north to«„©_?limits.aSoS ti^S^S w North Washington (N. OJ—From N. River, west to limits.£j5)£«oak (N. OJ—From 31 Walnut, west to Vine.•£"£#£Orchard Avenue (E. OJ—From 665 E. State, north to rails'« fl « .US53 ^ 5i road track..— ©.••».§ _g 2 Ja S *; Osgood Avenue (E. O.—From end of Grossman av., west.o"8°

THE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing: and Shingles.Building: and Paring Brick.I 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 31 -oSouth Twelfth—From 1,223 W. State, south to river. §SoutTi Thirteenth—From 1,313 W. State, south to river. goSouth Fourteenth—Not open.hSouth Fifteenth—From 1,511 W. State, south. 5 "0South Barry—From 210 E. State, south to river.°" jjSouth Union—From Clinton—From State, 214 E. south State, to south river. to E. Green. =T QSpring (E. OJ—From Pond, east to Queen.tfSpruce (N. 0.)—Continuation of N. Fourth (city,) north to £ rFranklin. jj ZC pplTompkins—From 142 N. Barry, east to East av. g* ^ »*sUnion Place—From 243 N. Union, west. (Grossman Block.)

W. H. MANDEVILLE.i860. 1903.I N S U R E W I T Hm . H . flRanteville& C o .EXCHANGE B A N K BUILDING.Gor. Union &Laurens Sts.,O L E A N , N E W Y O R K .

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Trea, 0Pn*°.?° '£ OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 33O l e a n D i r e c t o r y . ^2too-iHSsrnTO10 CjAbanathy, J. W., P. R. R. employee, Bds. 413 N. Seventh. »2)Q -"P"}Ahhey, Mrs. Lizzie A., widow, 310 Laurens. n ^VrElizabeth. r1 *y*Abbott, Chas., glassblower, 210 S. Seventh. r^ lljMrs. Luna.^S *•Dorothy.^ABBOTT'S CARRIAGE WORKS, (D. S. Abbott Estate, Prop's.) rV524 N. Union. CABBOTT, D. S. CO., foundry and machine shops, C. P. Luther, „Prop'r, (see adv.) 501-509 N. First.Abbott, Fred, works for P. R. R., Bds. 413 N. Seventh. g PAbbott, Lucien P., works at fillingstation, 816 Washington. o CMrs. Nettie M. y (j\ 3Fred L.Leonard H.Abbott, Miss Marcelline, milliner, 813 Buffalo.Abbott, Mrs. Mary E., 153 N. Seventh.Helen M.Abrahamson, Abraham, fireman, Bds. 41 Water, N. O.ABRAMS & SONS, (Wm. Abrams, Jr., & L. J. Abrams) fire insurance,City Hall. N. Union, (see adv.)Abrams, Mrs. Lovina J., widow, 219 N. Fifth.ABRAMS, WILLIAM M., agt. for insurance and real estate, (seeadv.) 405 Laurens.Mrs. Harriet A.Fred D.Margaret E.Abrams, Wm., Jr., insurance agent, 209 S. Union.Mrs. Beulah C.Ahouahmad, Abram, dry goods store, 419 N. Union, res 122Whitney av.Abouahmad, (Jharley, peddler, 122 Whitney ave.Mrs. Freeda.Lulu.Michael.Abouahmad, George, peddler, 126 Whitney av.Rastom, peddler.WM. HORNER & CO.,OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.

IU CIS5 ZOS ~,UJDiOm HB ">r-Hat©S «s S2 »05 OU-, c_>f- gc_> r"CO>~z

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers inufacturers & DealersT IT M R E D Latn and Shingles, Doors,n all Kinds ofLUMBER, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W, P. O. WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 35Adams, Louise J., 116 S. Fourth.Adams, Minnie R., 116 S. Fourth.Adams, Mrs. Pauline, 110 S. Union.A. Lee.Adel, see Edel.Adel, Jerome, laborer, P. R. R., 210 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Anna.William.Adsit, Arthur, painter, 22 Genesee, Bv.Mrs. Jennie.Leroy.Adsit, Crit. O. bartender. Room 28-29 Grossman Blk., 241 N.Union.Mrs. Carrie.Adsit, Earl, iron worker, 21 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Stella.Adsit, Mrs. Emily, widow, 205 S. Clinton.Adsit, Lemuel F., bartender, 1116 W. Henley.Mrs. Lulu A.Beatrice E.Adsit, Milford J., blacksmith, 217 S. Barry.Mrs. Mary J.O. Lewis.Fred M.Adsit, Myron C. laborer, 3 Fourth av., Bv.Mrs. Katherine.Adsit, Mrs. Rosaltha, widow, 312 S. Barry.Adsit, Selden, fireman,531 N. Tenth.Mrs. Annie.Earl.Mable.Edward.William.Viola.Eva.Aenbes, John, car repairer (P. R. RJ 113 S. Fifth.Mrs. Johanna.Max.Barbara.A. M. E. CHURCH, Benjamin F. Loyd, pastor, 105-107 S. Fifth,NEW Corner MANAGEMENT.W. State.NEWLY FURNISHED.Agustus, D Miss A Hattie, H E dining Y ' room S girl, 308 IN. NUnion.N .Ahlquist, John K.,Oppositebaker, 119PennsylvaniaS. Third.Depot.JOHN F.Mrs.DAILEY,Emma.Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.Harry.RATES. SI.50 PER DAY.Ahrens, Adolph, butcher, 479 N. Union.Mrs. Henrietta.Ahrens, AHRENS, Margaret William.Mrs. John Gustave. Adolph, JOHN, M. Germonda. F. 2d, butcher, 528479 N. Union. N. Union.8 «is *w?dspi*"1n a fl0 b-7fflOft•u 15VO B"OPS0wO.C31H0S3OOtaf3>*HZra"070••^• Hm73y.0HX2OO

u'lb/>>-!^~ '(L>..-HWhright.*4J-l O £S3O >,oT3A P.o3—1

WALKOVER $3.50 and $4.00 SHOES.SOLD ONLYBYFOl^ M E N .F. E. Tyler & Co ,158N. UnionStreet.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 37Alias, see Alles.Allegretto, Peter, laborer (P. R. RJ 60 Elm, N. O.Mrs. Mary.Anna.Li!.'.',,) .Allen. s?e Allan.ALLLa, .i^BERT A., prop, department store, 174 N. Union, res.142 N. Barry.Mrs. Frelove C.Lilian M.Allen, Claude, clerk, bds. Genesee House, R. R. av.ALLEN, DANIEL F., chief of police, 609 W. State.Mrs. Anna A.Edward H. (Tel. Insp.)Daniel F., Jr.William J.Allen, Dascom, moulder, bds. Genesee House., R. R. av.Allen, Dascom, Jr., moulder, 118 E. Henley.ALLEN & DRONEY, oil producers, 20-21 Ex. Bk. (Co-partners:Riley Allen, Allentown, N. Y.; Jno. R. Droney, Olean, N. Y.)Allen, E. B., teamster, 117 R. R. av., E. O.James.John.Truman.Edward.ALLEN, EDMOND E., city engineer, 121 N. Clinton.Mrs. Harriet B.Ruth S.Louise S.Agnes.Mary.Allen, Edward, foreman at Vacuum Oil Co., Yv'indfall road, Bv.Mrs. Rachel.ALLEN, J. ROSS, physician and surgeon, 129 Hamilton.Mrs. Bertha M.Rhoda M.A. Isabelle.Allen, James, drhcr, 11 Pond, E. O.Mrs. Lena.James.Clara B.THE ALLEN OIL CO., oil producers, 20-21 Ex. Bk. (Corporation:W. J. Richardson, pres., Wellsville, N. Y.; J. R. Droney,sec'y and treas., Olean, N. YJAllen, Richard, currier, 127 X. Sixth.Mrs. Mary E.Mabel I.A. P. Margaret C0\i\i\NS^ C.General Insurance,Allen, Francis, student, Bds. 125 S. Seventh.Allen, James J„ 309 telegrapher, Masonic Bds. Temple.38 Washington, N. O.Allen, Mrs. Mary L., widow. 60 Bishop, E. O.Arthur S.Allen, William, blacksmith, 110 N. Fourth.Mrs. Mary E.roo c/5r- °"a 2v> XoCx.(/)aCl-CT COo C"0 n>op—Irrp—ipX8 1 2• % 2!CuCmS3X£3COU)(J)rf i3i—*•o73273frCOr

C Do o UturanduarFurnis we hi can gOurn, at wX ©ZoCOER>-l*i*$-131-Hco>Z«= £rV- ^B Q H| *T Q03 W > *,3 W1/3 s03oFirst National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J E. DUSENBURV, PresWM E. WHEELER„Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.Directors.-E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler38 MORRIS E. M. Johnson, AND VAN T. CAMPEN'S F. Johnson.ALLEN, RILEY, oil producer, 1103 W. State.Mrs. Melvina.Sarah.Ada.Orville.Floyd.Claude.Alles, John W., carpenter, 213 S. Union.Mrs. Mildred S.Allram, Anthony, carpenter, (P. R. RJ 541 N. Seventh.Mrs. Anna.Louis.Charles.Johanna.Joseph.Edward.Alvord, Homer, switchman (Erie), 30 Washington, N. O.Mrs. Julia A.Fred L. (laborer.)Lellie E.American Hide & Leather Co., C. H. Buswell, mg'r, Moore aRoad, W. O.American House, (M. C. Sullivan, Prop'r) Cor. Pine & NorthUnion, N. O.AMERICAN PALACE LAUNDRY,

254 N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 39Anderson, John, night watchman, (Pierce) 1213 Reed.Mrs. Lena.George.Charlotte.Anderson, Mrs. Lavina, 37 Queen, E. O.Thomas, (switchman, Erie R. RJAnderson, Salma, domestic, 310 N. Second.ANDERSON, SAMUEL A., contractor and builder, 205 S. Barry.Mrs. Caroline.Nellie A., school teacher.Bessie R.ANDERSON, S. B., barber, (see adv.) 513 N. Union.Mrs. Mary L.Robert E.Raymond.Florence.George.Anderson, Sevreen, currier, 208 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Hilda.Carl E.Elmer F.Clarence W.Anderson, Swan, works at tannery, 134 S. Twelfth.Mrs. Louise.Gust, machinist.Fred.Anderson, Tacy, student, 217 N. Eleventh.Andrews, Charles, wagon maker, Dugan Road, E. 0.Mrs. Angeline R.Lee.Charles.Isabelle.Andrews, Christopher, glassblower, 137 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Emma.Cora.ANDREWS, CREIGHTON S., atty. at law, office 201 MasonicTemple, res. 129 S. Second.Mrs. Alice R.Andrews, Edward B., switchman, (P. R. RJ 708 Washington.Mrs. Mary.Andrews, Mrs. Jennie, widow, 711 Washington.Claude.Frank.Ruth.Andrews, J. F., bookkeeper, (P. R. RJ 211 S. Barry.Mrs. Hattie S.John Paul.Andrews, John, 315 Coleman.Mrs. Mary S.John G., conductor, P. R. R.Andrews, John H., conductor, (P. R. RJ 304 Coleman.Mrs. Katherine L.Ethel F.L. Howard.0owHtrCc/>n>OcoE3o£3*n3ot/>inaron3 BHp H»B» h-lW H« pHap>«.r*5*\*3woX73OX»0^o"9oso 5tn^Vo•c,•COrmu>frp""N2o^«a00srjto""Zi6Jortelc3©'3CDr-p- *tflT h e M o r n i n g T i m e s .The Only Newspaper in Olean Having AssociatedPress Membership.

Good Swell Furnishings for,-,« t Men. Trunks andClothes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.ER40 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SAndrews, Fred, laborer, bds. 19 Third av., Bv.0*Andrews, George, clerk, 104 Laurens.Andrews, Mrs. Mary, 214 N. Second.A. Katherine.Clara.S Andrews, Robert, clerk., bds. 140 S. Union.i-f Andrus, Charles, works at tannery, 16 Bell, E. O.1/3 Mrs. George. Ida.L/J GO G cWilliamAndrus, Edgar B., currier, 4 Grossman av., E. O.Mrs. Blanche A.uUJ< .£^0 kE *W nQJ >ocH«OOUOfrj Clayton B.j-jcJbjo_^rtSn000c00onOJ 00-.(/1i-O_*O1—£-a0aiviC3O.OJOS CAnibas, Alexander, car repairer, 115 S. Seventh.Mrs. Anna M.Anibas, John, car builder, (P. R. RJ 115 S. Fifth.Mrs. Johanna.Anovinski, Michael, laborer. Moore's lane, W. O.Mrs. Pauline.Kate.Antisdale, Asa H., laborer, 13 R. R. av., E. O.Mrs. Leola.Apgar, Mrs. Sarah M., 220 N. Seventh.George E.Arden, Milton M., traveling salesman, 621 W. Green.Mrs. Mary M.Armory, 43d Separate Company, N. G. S. N. Y., North, cornerBarry.ARMOUR & CO., (Walter M. Murphy, mg'r) 424-426 N. Union.Armstrong, Thomas B., works at refinery, 1439 Buffalo.Mrs. Anna.Nellie.Frederick.Anna.Charlotte.Thomas.Bessie.Armstrong, Sherman G., currier, 102 N. Seventh.Mrs. Nellie.Vivian.Arnold, Mrs. Fidelia E., widow, 325 N. Sixth.Edwin E., car inspector P. R. R.Edith B.Emily C.ARNOLD, HARRY, mg'r Kolumbian Pharmacy, 134J N. Barry.Mrs. Nellie L., teacher.Arnold, John, policeman, 112 Coleman.Mrs. Mary.Ashley, Mrs. Emily L., widow, 701 Irving. To - Day's NewsM. Eugenie.This Afternoon.Associated Leva, nurse. Press and Publishers' Press DespatchesWilliamTHEJ.,NEWSPAPERteamster.FOR THE SUPPER TABLE.Walter A., laborer.Earl, bottler.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. gen»0£h?.ne $ OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 41Ashley, Newton, porter Dailey's Inn, 402 N. Union.ASHTON, JAMES W., rector St. Stephen's church, 112 S. Clinton.Mrs. Cornelia E.Atwood, Mrs. Eliza, widow, 11 Pond, E. O.Augustus, Gus., laborer, bds. 318 N. First.Mrs. Hattie.August, James W., engineer, 52 Pine, N. O.Mrs. Louella.Z. Cleo.August, Joseph, laborer, (P. R. RJ Spruce, N. 0.Austin. Edmund H.. clerk, (P. R. P.) 142 S. Barry.Mrs. Alice P.Maria.' Herbert.Austin, Harrington, retired farmer, 142 S. Barry.Mrs. Maria.Austin, Henry, farmer, W. River, S. 0.Mrs. MelissaAlfred, (surveyor.)Austin, Miss Nellie M., bookkeeper, 125 S. Second.Austin, Mrs. Nettie, widow, 705 Washington.Austin, Rufus, lumberman, 124 S. Second.Mrs. Katherine.AUTO PRINTING CO., E. W. Hayden, successor to, city bldg.Avery, Miss Cecelia, 821 N. Union, N. O.Awchenbaugh, see Achenbach.Aylsworth, Arthur L., student, 303 N. Barry.Aylesworth, Florence E., 511 Irving.Ayrault, Fred, fireman, (P. R. RJ 52 Orchard av., E. O.Mrs. Helen K.Ayrault, Walter R., teamster, 52 Orchard av., E. O.Mrs. Ella E.Babcock, Mrs. Elizabeth, 210 N. First.Babcock, Frank D., watchman, 124 S. Twelfth.Mrs. Alice E.Hazel C.Babcock, Frank J., shipping clerk, 210 N. First.Mrs. Nellie E.Babcock, Norman, laborer, bds. 211 N. Sixth.Babel, John, bookkeeper, 616 Washington.Mrs. Christina.Estelle.Bachman, C. Frank, machinist, 136 N. Fourth.Mrs. Anna.Jane L.Annabel.Backus, Fred W., clerk, 319 W. State.Mrs. Carrie, milliner.Backus Millinery Parlors, (Mrs. Carrie Backus, Prop'r) 319 W.State.Baher, see Bear.~ WM. HORNER & CO.,OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.©Mvl3or—>•oori(Qrnc»——«&(!)*•X0!1 iK0i(D•oP"•9P-©S3inrntftGlassOOJOmr*3COo CO3CO 3.r*-GOfa 3a.andDOOFT~ •j:fa"nQ.3fa'CO»-tfaO.3

E >-o42 1— MORRIS Z AND VAN CAMPEN'SBaher, +J Michael, c fi car repairer, (P. R. RJ 513 N. Eighth.o cd x.fl>V-i

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,nanufacturers & Dealers T ITMftnii Lath and Shingles, Doors,in all kinds ofLUlTlDEU., Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W. p Q> WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 43Baker, Henry, time keeper, 137 S. Third.Mrs. Anna S.Ethel L.Helen M.Robert L.Emily P.Lydia A.J. Douglas.H. Donald.Baker, John, leather worker, 3 Pierce av., W. O.Mrs. Justina.Mary.John.Bronie.Anthony.Ida.Joseph.Sophia.Baker, J. Stephen, farmer, Savage Hollow, S. O.Mrs. Emma.Bal«h, Charles H., buffer, 1615 W. Henley, W. O.Mrs. Jennie.Baldwin, Joel, gardener, E. State, E. O, beyond limits.Mrs. Ella H.Clayton D.Baldwin, Mrs. Julia N., lives at Joel Baldwin's, E. State, E. O.,beyond limits.Balfour, John, works for P. R. R., 405 Laurens.Ball, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, Prop'r Catholic Book Store, 207W. Henley.Elizabeth M., (dressmaker.)Frances D.Ball, Francis Mathias, painter, (P. R. R.) 106 S. First.Mrs. Katherine M.Atilla E., clerk.George H., (granite cutter.)John B., (actor.)Anna M.Clara M.Hazel Katherine.NEW MANAGEMENT.Grace V.NEWLY FURNISHED.Arthur D AM.I L E Y ' S I N N ,Marion C. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHH Ball, George F. DAILEY, J., painter Proprietor. and paperhanger, 402, 404208 N. Irving. Union Street.Mrs. Elizabeth BATES, M. $1.50 PER DAY.Ray Edward, (clerk.)Gertrude Ida.BALLARD, Mrs. Edward Bernard L. Alfred Elise Tracey. Louise M. LEON George. H. Augustus. K. H., oil producer, 211 N. Third.•Cas£ T]r r° rI we M. E.0S3-Ic S3-fa?3 HBB2 ^^ XR'S>-tnpj•8sr0V1M»Br*01;

3U•o5 *. i- .—J215o yu £g'/i«Always Sometinhg New. 160 N. Union Street.fc44 b MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SBallis,»0Benedict, works for P. R. R., 6 av. B., N. O.C3flHTufjcdfl&Bflu•Hou00a«—>i/>t*ND a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAIN'S BE:>T CLOTHIERS.Mrs. Amelia.Acelia.Flomenta.Ballis, see Baylis.Banks, Frank S., bridge builder, 114 S. Fourth.Mrs. Georgia A.E. Eugenia.Banville, Alva, Goodrich av., E. O.Banville, George, Goodrich Ave., E. 0.BAPTIST CHURCH, (Thaddeus G. Cass, pastor) 114 South.Bar, (see Barr.)Barber, Mis. Cordelia C, widow, 404 E. State.Barber, Cyrus B., carpenter, 321 N. First.Barber, Eliab G., horseman, 216 N. Seventh.Mrs. Laura H.Glen H.Barber, Helen, student, 1403 W. State.Barber, James H., machinist, 404 E. State.Barber, Mrs. Louisa, widow, 610 N. First.a SJosephine.O I. Mary. Elizabeth M.J2 JL (ft Bargay, John. C. L., farmer, E. State, E. O.t* S_i Barber, Mrs. Rufus, Carrie. laborer, 604 N. First.J- in 0 Barber, Merton. Thomas, laborer, Bds. 80 Oak, N. O.•—~— >0 £ Barber, Gertrude. William, machinist, 505 Irving.rtl ,2 US Bargay, Mrs. Miss B. Elizabeth. Grace, lives at C. L. Bargay's, E. State, E O.X < fl (Q .2 Bargay, Daisy J.J., L. farmer, E. State, E. O.-flOjQaSarahMrs- Mary.A.00i»g ^" O i 2 Barker, Fred, laborer, 210 E. Avenue.C^ Qi | 0. Barleon, John, laborer, 122 N. Barry.Mary.Cathyrine.f— 33 Barnard, Mrs. Amelia A., widow, 901 Buffalo./^S

Boys' Shoes Made toWear are Sold by158 North Union Street,F.LIOLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 45Barnes, Mrs. Alice M., Spring, E. 0.Adelia L.Barnes, Mrs. Harriet, widow, Dugan Road, E. O.Barnes, Judson, laborer, 310 S. Barry.Mary.Fred.Mary Ann.Barnes, Oliver Thomas, electrician, 115 North.Mrs. Rebecca.Barnes, Orrin, laborer, 517 N. Union.Barnes, Thomas H., steward City Club, 115 North.Mrs. Mary Belle.Harry G., (electrician.)George C.Barnes, Valentine, Windfall Road, Bv.Mrs. Florence.Barnes, Walter, laborer, Dugan Road, E. O.Roy, (laborer.)Myron, (laborer.)Fred.Wallace.Barnick, William P., butcher, 3241 W. State.Mrs. Emma K.Barnum, Milo D., barber, 120 W. State, res. 217 Adams.Mrs. Clara F.George Raymond.Baron, (see Barron.)Barr, Daniel, currier, 538 N. Fifth.Mrs. Mary-Sadie Maria.John Vincent.Thomas J.Anna Catherine.Ellen C.BARRETT, CHARLES L., undertaker and embalmer, 120 Hamilton,jMrs. Anna.Barrett, James, stone mason, 1408 W. Henley.Mrs. Anna.Bessie.Ellen.Barrett, Mrs. Mary A., widow, 120 S. Eighth.Barron, Grove, laborer, 31 Second Ave., Bv.Mrs. Emma.BARROWS, DAVID E., dentist, 1681 N. Union, res. 326 S.Union.Mrs. Nettie G.I. P. Lee E. COLLINS,Ethel 309 Hasonic M. Temple.Marion M.Life, Barrows, Fire Mrs. Ellen and T., Accident widow, 212 S. Union.[.Barry, Mrs. Sarah E., 326 Tompkins.otoC CO5 COp-Hrr1in en70 Ort>co * xor~m>z> >70 g% R°70oXis %»- Bif*7*2in rza 3tr, J-Ure —g tr* 0g? rTT3 waog_oS'3•

First National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler,E. M. Johnson, J. K. Johnson.a-sa >> 46 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S° *. „ rt at ,uf°o-2 j Barry, Mrs. Ann, widow, 1451 Buffalo, W. 0.*u°«i < Mary.g£°g S George.g55© ° < Michael.K *- § •aRichard.£ 8 o i-3 Barry, David W., motorman, 1013 W. State.eu «£-S£ +5 g u « Anna, Mrs. Katherine.< aS§8S * " Johno^ a53 ^ . Barry, Thomas, John, laborer (bartender.) (P. R. RJ, 74 Garden Ave., E. O.Mayme, (clerk.)S3«sf§£fi °3o!3 3 £* S* Jo - Mrs. Margaret, Abbie. (telephone operator.)** a a, 8 * o "S « C 2 « io William, Josephine. (works St. Ry.) Mary.^ mMargaret.z cd Albert.0-4—•Lewis.1

IiTHE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing: and Shingles.Building- and Paving Brick.1) 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 47Bartsch, Max, currier, 611 W. Green.Mrs. Amelia.William.Basler, Mrs. Emily, 1120 W. State.Clara.Rudolph.Bassett, Bert, glassblower, 57 Johnson, N. O.Basttan, John, currier, 130 N. Ninth.BATCHELLER, DELMER E., supt. city schools, 113 S. Barry.Mrs. Saville R.Delmer Elliott.Margaret Elizabeth.Carl Arthur.Bates, Mrs. Lucy E., 325 N. Fifth.Henry Ralph, telegrapher.Batesky, John, laborer, (P. R. RJ 517 N. Seventh.Mrs. Josephine.Leo.Anna.Emeline.Phillip.Bathurst, George, car inspector, 5 Fourth av., Bv.Mrs. Bird.Marian.Batterson, Frank, farmer, Haskell Road, E. 0.Mrs. Melissa.Battles, Archie A., machinist, (P. R. RJ 524 N. Sixth.Mrs. Elizabeth.Marion Katherine.Arthur.Battles, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, 512 N. Seventh.Mildred.Battles, Mrs. Emily A., 209 N. Thirteenth.Ida E.Battles, Eugene V., pipe fitter, (P. R. RJ 209 N. Thirteenth.Carrie S.Frederick V.Lillian S.Battles, John, currier, Halter's grove, off Buffalo St., W. O.Mrs. Agnes.Battles, Ray, stone cutter, Foley's, 209 N. Thirteenth.Baxter, Albert, currier, 119 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Emma A.Ella.Vera.Baxter, Mrs. Helen E., 119 N. First-John L.Helen P.Baxter, John L., seed merchant, 423 E. State.Mrs. Elizabeth M.Baxter, Kylen T„ bookkeeper, (P. R. R.) 217 Winters av.Baylis, Albert C, cashier for Armour & Co., 317 N. Fifth.Mrs. Leontine M.Baylis, see Ballis.The Associated Morning Only Newspaper Press Times. Membership.in Olean Havingv*sapa .gCO- roV)aoZoI V3 r~to SiCO(Siaa © Q) Q.E3** rt- CDff DOV ffi


D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.Th0S. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. {£'1,,,° "f° OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 49Becker, Mrs. Katherine, widow, 15 Third av., Bv.Louis, blacksmith.Jacob, lead burner.August, farmer.Fritz, farmer.Daniel, glass worker.Elizabeth.Becker, Louis, painter, 302 Coleman.Mrs. Mary C.Becker, William, boilermaker, 308 N. Ninth.Mrs. Louise.Robert C.Emma A.Beckman, Minnie, dining room girl, Grand Central Hotel.Beckman, Robert, machinist, 934 Buffalo.Mrs. Bertha.Leona.Beckwith, C. H., millwright, 608 W. Henley.Mrs. Clementine.Earl P.C. Stewart.Frank S.Nancy Marie.Beden, John C, foreman of Herald job printing dept. bds. 208N. First.Bedford, Frank, engineer, (P. R. RJ 125 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Emily H.Howard.Edith.Beatrice.Behr, Mrs. Gustina, widow, 136 N. Ninth.Abram H., cigar jobber.Leopold H., cigar maker.Alice.Behrndt, Mrs. Carrie, 130 N. Tenth.Beihler, Benjamin, glass worker, 134 S. Twelfth.Belding, H. D., store keeper, (P. R. RJ 208 N. Sixth.Mrs. Mary.Bell, Andrew, works at Carley Heater Co., 515 Irving.Mrs. Isabella J.Jeanette A.Flora D.Ethel M.Gertrude M.Walter J.Bertha B.BELL BROS, W M .(Charles H OE. Bell, R NGeorge E R F. & Bell) CO., dry goods, furniture,wall paper, etc., 157-159 N. Union.Bell, Calvin E., fireman,bds. OLEAN HOUSE 535| N. BLOCK. Union.BELL, CHARLES E., (Bell Bros.) 135 S. Union.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.Mrs. Carrie.Harold.Florence.to-Ia13lam M.0) J3S0Qm-l&73©o73m© ro CfrB"sj so JO*iSs3 3-t" =3 n rc/> in fa>" ^

s"is, asMtfoa B= SJHat O55OJ•J ... OS o «Y HARSELLIOM FANSUMEHE ONSTORIECT FTO Chasac >~w ^zP-JOh&fg-jot—tfrfc£ ^J W oo q ^cW -Ea« zrvrvWPN"\p*M0-lcon z-uocFirs*: National B a n k of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E WHEELER, F.LER, Vice-Pres.A T. Wra. EATON, E Cashier Wheeler,Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J E. Dusenbury,50 MORRIS E M. Johnson, AND VAN J F CAMPEN'S JohnsonBell, Duncan, carpenter, 46 Third av., Bv.Mrs. E. Jennie.Clarence.BELL, GEORGE FRED, (Bell Bros.) 210 N. Barry.Bell, Mrs. Helen M., music teacher, 119 S. First.Bell, Mrs. N. D., widow, 210 N. Barry.Bendean, Fritz, laborer, 126 N. Twelfth.Mrs. Anna.Charles F., machinist.William H., machinist (P. R. RJBemis, Mrs. Ella, 112 S. Eighth.Bemis, Emmet, clerk, 74 Queen, E. 0.Mrs. Sarah.Bessie.Nellie.Grace.Gilbert.James.David.Bemis, George L., carpenter and joiner, 107 S. Clinton.Mrs. Anna M.Raymond G.Bender, Matthew, car builder, 116 N. Barry.Mrs. Sophia.Albert L.Bender, Miss Barbara, W. State, W. O., works at 212 N. Fourth.Bender, Peter, works at Vacuum Oil Works, W. State, W. O.Mrs. Barbara.Peter.Arthur.Bender, Mrs. Rose, widow, Irving, W. 0.Benedict, George, commercial traveler, 206 E. Henley, after Dec.1, 131 N. Second.Mrs. Genevieve.Josephine.H. Kimball.Benedicta, Mary, sister of mercy, 606 W. Sullivan.Benedetto, Rudolph, bartender, 521 N. Union.Bengston, Jennie, domestic, 226 N. Second.Benn, George, retired farmer, Bds. 232 S. Clinton.Bennett, Edward H., laborer, E. River, S. O.Mrs. Sylvia.Bennett, Miss Ella, domestic at Murphy's, W. River, S. O.Bennett, Erwin, carpenter, 122 S. Fourth.Mrs. Georgia. Alice F.Bennett, Harry, cook, Olean House.Bennett, William, milk depot, 932 Buffalo.O l eFlora.a n S u p p l yCo.,4,3s«eerNellie.Bennie, Portland Hamilton D., and 218 N. Common Second. Cement,SEWER Mrs. Alice TILE, B. LIME AND PHOSPHATES.Bensal, Mrs. O, widow, 524 N. Fourth.Benson, Charles, works for P. R. R., 787 N. Union, N. O.

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers & Dealers T TlMftEl} Latn and Shingles, Doors,n all Kinds ofJLUlTlDEIV, Windows, Turned Work.Long Dtetance t?hone 6-W, p q WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 51>Benson, Mrs. F. D., widow, Bds. 212 Irving. O H^ ,Benson, Frank W„ gate tender, (P. R. RJ 817 N. Union, N. O. ^ ZMrs. Maggie.£2 O " u ^ __. H OHarry H. rn H w o M X ^George.Louis R.r" r- __. OEarl Helen E. G.H aBenson, Friend E., civil engineer, 123 S. Second. ' o . , VMrs. Florence M.n 3 M

S-H£• "cSQJ."tn^-^^"^•"*_&/)o£o>,oT3


First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER,.Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.Directors. —E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler**- • £j 54 MORRIS E. M. Johnson, AND VAN T- CAMPEN'S F. Johnson.« S»« S »ouoB«>__f 5? Blackwell, Joseph, gauger, 33 Main, Bv."-T3 2 y « Mrs. Anna.•3 g § H 3 George.BJ= e* j- «> Earl.3«c ^ i Morris.U. ? 3

I J . I254 N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 55Blouin, Simeon, buffer, 3 Center, Bv.Mrs. Celia.Antinette.Antonius.Exelline.Laurence.Blouin, W., currier, 21 Genesee, Bv.Mrs. Zelma.Alice.Fred.Florence.Arthur.Boardman, Mrs. Marcia P., widow, Main, Bv.Boardman, O. P., Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, 22 Center, Bv.Bochichio, Rococo, fruit store, 453 N. Union.Mrs. Rose.Betsy.Guy.Joe.Infant.BOCK, MYER, prop'r Buffalo Scrap Iron yard, 202 N. Clinton.Mrs. Rachel.Mildred.Bock, Leo, clerk, 133J N. Union.Boening, Fred, 18 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Jennie.Boettner, Lizzie, domestic, 227 N. Fourth.BOLLES, DAVID H., lawyer, office 223J N. Union, res. 303 N.Barry.Mrs. Adele W.Bonas, Michael, laborer, 7 Franklin, N. O.Bondura, John, laborer, (P. R. RJ 61 Bishop, E. O.Bones, James R„ bookkeeper, (P. R. RJ 307 Jay.Mrs. Eva D.Bonham, Mrs. E. J., 32 Third av., Bv.Bonhoff, Henry J., foreman, 907 Buffalo.Mrs. Carrie S.Edwin L., machinist, (P. R. RJHarry L.Bonner, Edward, barber, 131 N. Third.Mrs. Julia A.Bonsack, August, fireman, (P. R. RJ 428 N. Eighth.Mrs. Martha.Robert C.BONZANO, M. F., chief engineer, (P. S. & N. R. RJ offices MasonicTemple, bds. Olean House.Mrs. M .F.Boorom, Mrs. Juliaette, 220 N. Seventh.Boorneman, William, cleaning ana dye works, 443 N. Union.Mrs. Laura.BOOTHE, JOHN P., physician and surgeon, 210 N. Second.Mrs. Mary L.Borden, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, 123 S. Second.Jennie R.IThe PressheOnlyMorningMembership. NewspaperTimes.in Olean Having Associatedo" 8ff OS j? CDa- ris, Tn> mi. ran o fr» 1o3* fr©fto^ 2M« H» 01—:1—1 0303p>

Good Swell Furnishings for (innpl/pnr^\ l. Men. Trunks and Ar n UK I liClothes. Bags. Fine Shoes. Ul llllIlLll266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.w 56 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SC>/. I Bordeau, A. J., laborer, (P. R. RJ 322 N. First.'"^ 1 ' Mrs. Mabel.oBordonaro Bros., (James B. and Carl MJ wholesale fruit deal-^ ers, 465 N. Union.Jh Bordonaro, Bernard, clerk, 409J N. Union.!3 ;_, Bordonaro, Mrs. Rosa. Carl M., (Bordonaro Bros.) 409i N. Union.T/\\ J3 Mary.v^ - VX Bordonaro, James B., (Bordonaro Bros.) 4091 N. Union.C/} ,J_j Bosler, Frank, tailor, 1120J W. State.Mrs. Amelia.< -a c3Clara.Rhoda.Oh £l Bosler, John E., machinist, 17 Grossman av.Mrs. Rosabelle.«u> Bosler, Dr. William M., veterinary surgeon, 120 N. Fifth.Mrs. Bessie E.wPercy M., machinist.H. Mildred.Bosworth, Charles, motorman, 1203 W. Henley.Mrs. Emma.I _ Bosworth, Fred, laborer, (P. R. RJ 420 N. Tenth.^J ^ Mrs. Ina.Leta.aumUJ Xinif)0I—Qu*-* if)c0ri)—O£-a0ObvC3O.as-acAgnes.Bosworth, George, laborer, 11 Crown, E. O.Bosworth, Omar, bookkeeper, 513 N. Ninth.Mrs. Mary.Both, Byron J., ticket agent, (P. R. RJ 206 N. Barry.Bourke, Michael J., boilermaker, 209 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Marguerite F.James P.Mary G.Bernetta F.Margaret R.Bourke, see Burke.Bovee, Bussler, clerk, 110 S. First.Mrs. May S.Bower, George, works P. R. R. shops, W. State, W. O.Mrs. Theresa.Rose.Veronica.Bower, Leroy, prop'r Racket Store, 220 N. Sixth.Mrs. Clara J.Bower, Rose, domestic, 505 W. Henley.Bower, Mrs. Sarah, 121 N. Third.Bowen, Frank, room 22 Riley & Wands blk.Bowen, William H., carpenter, 930 Buffalo.Mrs. Mary.John W.Bowman, Mrs. Margaret, Stafford av., W. O.Bowser, Archibald W., barber, 117 E. Green.Mrs. Dessie M.l£>tW cTVC^CtvU This Afternoon.Associated Press and Publishers' Press DespatchesTHE NEWSPAPER FOR THE SUPPER TABLE.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. ft'lon"" $ OLEAN. N.Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 57BOWSER, FURMAN F., prop'r the F. T. B. Barber Shop, 117 (T)E. Green. X\Mrs. Ella.J-L-Bowser, R. M., musician, 114 Whitney av. h-*; FHMrs. Mary A.' •Archie Beatrice M., A. painter.«o *3BOYD, IRVIN H., asst. medical examiner, (P. R. RJ office V \JRiley & Wands block, res. 209 W. Henley. w f—aMrs. Sarah E.Ci n.lBOYLE, FRANK, ticket agent Erie R. R., 214 E. Henley.

First .National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres-A. T. EATON', Cashier.>- Directors -E. G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, vVm. E, Wheeler.E. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.58 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SBREDER, -+-> E CHARLES, y contractor and carpenter, shop in rearu cri uenl—cU o of 309 W. State, res. 118 S. Third.a o."isMrs. Sarah...hn OJ -fc->IU Christina E.toE Fi oo a Martha L.' ~~^ -i OJ > oMrs. Ella A.in

The A* Weston Lumber Co*,nanufacturers & Dealersin all kinds ofLong Distance Phone 6-WOlean, N. YT TJMRFft Lath and slyn&les' Doors,Windows, Turned Work.p. o WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 59Briggs, Mrs. M. D., widow, 704 State, E. 0.Brimmer, A. V., insurance agent, River Road, S. 0.Mrs. Marion.Grace.Louis.Lottie.Brimner, Grace E., domestic, 117 N. Clinton.Brink, George R., laborer, 112 East av.Mrs. Jennie a.Myrtle M.Laura H.Archie E.Brink, John R., laborer, 242J N. Union.Mrs. Hattie.Brink, Ralph, bell boy, Olean House.BrinKman, Mrs. Margaret, widow, 1021 N. Union, N. O.Kearon.Margaret.Anna.Brisco, George, clerk, 116 S. Clinton.Brissee, Francis, lives at George Lyon's, E. River Road, S. O.Brissee, Dora, lives at George Lyon's, E. River Road, S. O.Britt, William, porter Hotel Imperial, 102 S. Union.Broadhurst, W. S.. works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.Brock, Jonathan A., teamster, 77 Bishop, E. O.Mrs. Rosannah.Bronesty, Thomas, laborer, (P. R. RJ 516 N. Fourth.Mrs. Bessie.Josephine.Jennie.Tony.Rosa.Bronesty, see Bruneste.Broniskwoski, Ellen, 43 Walnut, N. O.Bronold, Edward L., telegraph operator, 605J W. State.Mrs. Theresa.Bronold, George, stone mason, 616 W. Henley.Mrs. Bessie.Frank, plumber.Bronold, Peter, mason, 126 S. Fifth.Mrs. Barbara A.Peter, works at brewery.Minnie.George, clerk.Blanche.NEWBrooks,MANAGEMENT.Chas. E., laborer, 5 Orchard av., E. NEWLY O. FURNISHED*Mrs. Nellie A.Leroy D E. A I L E Y ' S I N N ,Lillian C. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHH F.LesterDAILEY,M.Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.Brooks, Henry L., brick mason, 326 S. Barry.Mrs. Alice M.PATES, $1.50 PER DAY.Stella E.Henry E.ae>063if) ~OT3Oifa.a0-t0!=•goHW0 ••*JOEO7£^

Boys' Shoes Made toWear are Sold by158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 61Brown, Frank, boilermaker, 10 Washington, N. O.Mrs. Lulu.Brown, Geo. M., cattle dealer, 117 S. Second.Mrs. Mary E.Brown, Henry A., prop'r saloon 209 N. Union, res. 302 Wayne.Mrs. Emma.Raymond.Francis.Clyde.Brown, Henry A., oil producer, 809 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Mary E.Harvey A.Brown, Edmond 0., fireman, (P. R. RJ 931 E. State, E. O.Mrs. Edith O.May.Ralph.Carl.Lucius.Brown, Mrs. Hester A., widow, 206 N. Fourth.Brown, Horatio E., carpenter, 514 W. Green.Mrs. Sarah.Norton.Horatio.Brown, Howard, 211 Adams.Brown, Irene, student, 52 Orchard av., E. O.Brown, James, fireman,city hall.Brown, James W., laborer, 508 N. First.Mrs. Katherine A.Margaret.Frank F.Harry.Earl.Clayton.Brown, John M., glassblower, 136 S. First.Mrs. Nettie.Hazel K.Warren D.Brown, J. P., glassworker, 405 N. Seventh.Brown, Mrs. Katherine, widow, 319 Coleman.Minnie.Brown, Mrs. Laura, 332 Laurel av.Brown, Leonard J., sanitary inspector, 1014 Washington.Mrs. Carrie M.Bertha L., music teacher.Brown, Miss Lorinda, 67 River, N. O.Brown, Ludwig, carpenter, 65 River, N. O.Mrs. Sarah.I. P. C O L L I N S ,James.Brown, 309 Michael riasonic F., machinist, Temple. (P. R. RJ 325 N. Ninth.Mrs. Mary.Life, Hazel. Fire and AccidentIrlJohn.• Gertrude.James.0toZc DO3 n•• -O r~ 3inCOCO0r-m>•7Z•70O>70m0p-Hrr1p-H2OX>s8°in02

First National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. E. Johnson.a« g •§ >: 62 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S°~ § at73 ^ ifi m«"°o-S !j Brown, Miss Mabel, 319 N. Union.at j-o Z - Bruckshaw, Samuel, mail carrier, 14 Hoop, E. 0.1 a as UJ" °°%2in0 _ 0 -a £> Mrs. Anna.at XEthel M.O z 0 at jr Brumley, John, barber, 130 S. Fourth.< O O Bruneste, Frank, laborer, (Erie) 59 Elm, N. O.| >* rr-"O I—Mrs. Sarah.£XLily.< OThomas.u Bruneste, see Bronesty.Brunner, George J., laborer, 222 S. Ninth.Mrs. Elizabeth E.3 : * Brunner, John, glassblower, 21 Walnut, N. O.Mrs. Rosie.Leo.Loretta.Brunner, Martin A., glassblower, 122 S. Tenth.Mrs. Christina.Noah M.Benjamin F.Rena.Bryants, John S., laborer, 140 N. Sixth.Mrs. Jennie C.William A., clerk.r- r-/J >h* Ethel.Business Eugene. M e n ! Attention!Connect Marion. Your Residence and Place of Business with a PrivateMildred. Telephone. Telephone Work is my Specialty.R. R. Harry. NEWMAN. (See cut on flyleaf.) M6 Wayne Street.Bryll, Joseph, prop'r saloon 1002 N. Union, res. 1002 N Union.„ f

1 !THE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick., 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 63Buckley, Charles R., carpenter, 4 Genesee, Bv.Mrs. Rose E.Milford A.Marion D.Buckley, George O., carpenter, 8 Center, Bv.Mrs. Nancy A.Florence E.Hazel P.Glenn H.Buffalo House, Mrs. Mabel Wilson, prop'r, 111 R. R. av.BUFFALO SCRAP IRON YARD. (Myer Bock, prop'r) office 221S. Union, yards 223-225 S. Union.Bulger, Andrew, oil producer, 131 S. Clinton.Mrs. Barbara.BULLIS, SPENCER S., pres. of B. A. & A. R. R., 401 Laurens.Mrs. Sarah E.Martha A.Gilbert P.Raymond S.Helen M.Seth M.C. Gardner.Bullock, Mrs. Ada, hairdressing parlors, 233J N. Union.Bullock, Frank M., bartender, 2091 N. Union.Bullock, George E., tanner, 215 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Delia E.Bulmer, Charles, works at Dotterweich's, 718 W. Henley.freight agent, (Erie) 4 Walnut, N. O.Bulmer, Mrs. Mary, widow, 718 W. Henley.Bump, George H., engine repairer, (P. R. RJ 33 River, N. O.Mrs. Elizabeth.Clyde L.Lucile I.Bump, Milon P.,Mrs. Cora.Staley.Merton.Gladys.Bunker, Miss Mary, bookkeeper, 125 S. Second.Burch, Joseph, works at tannery, rear 717 W. State.Burcher, Mrs. Sarah L., widow, 53 Main, Bv.Burdick, E. B., physician, 11 Front, Bv.Mrs. Clara.Burdick, Fred W., piano tuner, 230 N. First.Mrs. Ruby Mary.Maurice.Robert 0.Burdick, Herbert S., painter, 265 N. Union.Burdick, T hHerman e ME., opumper, r n 134 i nS. Fifth. g T i m e s .TheMrs.OnlyAdeliaNewspaperH.in Olean HavingClella A.Waldo Associated E. Press Membership.Burdick, James H., 11 Front, Bv.Burdick, Matthew K., currier, 65 King, E. 0.Mrs. Eunice L.H - c—5_ •os _•Xa»5' tjj- r3o ra"-t»ain3* 2Oa> Otti £-roXS)Qj n.I g:_ a,R. COtti S

O E O>-UJ< 0g si 3a.uiriGOOD Swell Furnishings forMen. Trunks andCLOTHES Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel-ac >- 64 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SBurdsall, see Birdsall.Burdsall, Sam, glassblower, 914 W. State.Mrs.Edward.Burge, Frank, machinist, (P. R. RJ 538 N. Seventh.Burge, Miss Geneveive, 215 N. Eleventh.Burge, George, works for Carley Heater Co., 538 N. Seventh.CD

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. {^h-?e •£ OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 65Burleigh, George H., blacksmith, 1007 Washington.Mrs. Louise J.William H.Gertrude M.Raymond C.Burleigh, James, machinist, 215 N. Eleventh.Mrs. Ina E.Burlingame, Clement, retired farmer, 31 Avenue A., Bv.Burlingame, Mrs. Emeline, W. River, S. O.Burlingame, Fred, lives at Mrs. Emeline Burlingame's, W.River, S. 0.Burlingame, Walter, lives at Mrs. Emeline Burlingame's, W.River, S. 0.Burlingham, Charles A., fireman 112 S. Seventh.Mrs. Katherine.Lloyd C, stenographer.Mabelle I., stenographer.Grace E.Raymond C.LeVerne L.Burlingham, Edgar H., farmer, W. River, S. O., beyond limits.Mrs. Elizabeth.Alice.Arthur.Elsie.Hester.Edgar.Lawrence.Burlingham, Mrs. Emma E., widow, 608 W. State.Margaret.Burlingham, Elnathan, musician and dancing master, 233J N.Union.Burlingham, Mrs. Irene H., widow, 205 E. State.Laura A.Kate I.Helen S.Burlingham, Mrs. Mary B., widow, 234 N. First.Harriet O, teacher.James H., machinist, (P. R. RJMarion E., teacher.Burns, Francis, clergyman, 118 W. Henley.Burnside, Geo. W., farmer, Dugan Road, E. O.Mrs. Martha Ann.Burt, Eugene, carpenter, 1006 W. State.Mrs. Belle L., nurse.Burt, Joseph, contractor and builder, 604 Irving.Mrs. W M Margaret . HE.O R N E R & CO.,Mary Louise.Joseph P. OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.F. Stanislaus.Clothi iers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.Henry R.Anita M.Helen D.Alice M.o3Isto QS0QHOO73ra63 r-o CIs frWw^ sr o*ag S t-»3 tr« "" < n rif) CO f_)• " ft3 ar

00if) ° • S« «-h-" •—J *!*a o s5g5 o>-z

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers & Dealers T TIMftED Latn and Shingles, Doorsnail Kinds of LUlYlBElY, Windows, Turned Work. ~ 'Long Distance Phone 6-W, P. O. WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 67Button, Ray E., architectural expert, 16 Plum, E. O.Mrs. Laura.BUTTON, SAMUEL E., architect and contractor, (see adv.)11 Plum, E. O.Mrs. Nancy C.Roy H.Butts, D. T., currier, 205 S. Clinton.Butts, Emma F., 311 E. State.Butts, Frank A., switchman, 119 S. Twelfth.Mrs. Carrie B.Harland E.Butts, Joseph, laborer, 202 Whitney av.Butts, Michael, laborer, 202 Whitney av.Mrs.Butts, William W., liquor store and restaurant, 116 W. State,res. 216 S. Fifth.Mrs. Ada F.Bessie M.Buxton, O. K., macKinist, 149 N. Sixth.Byam, Charles, laborer, 18 Garden av., E. O.Byam, Mrs. Rose, boarding house, 18 Garden av., E. O.Leora M.Byron, Gustave H., tanner, 17 King, E. O.Augusta E.John E.Nellie D.Cady, George, watchmaker, 120 S. Third.Mrs. Mary.Joseph.Cahill, Fred G., clerk, (P. R. RJ 211 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Edith.Gertrude E.Mildred E.Cahill, Patrick, laborer, 28 Washington, N. 0.Mrs. Ellen A.Michael, tank builder.Patrick J., boilermaker.Thomas S., bridgeman.Mary B.Cahill, Thomas E., carpenter, 124 W. Green.Mattie E.Lucy J., works 237 S. Barry.Thomas E., caller, (P. R. RJKitty J.Cahany, Alexander, towerman, (P. R. R) 75 R. R. av., E. O.Mrs. Mary D.NEW MANAGEMENT.NEWLY FURNISHED.Margaret M., bookkeeper.John, D Alaborer, L E(P. R. Y R.) ' S I N N .Cain, Mark, bookkeeper, Opposite (P. Pennsylvania R. R.) 117 Depot. S. Barry.Calkins, Chas. H., engineer, 309 N. Thirteenth.JOHN F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.Mrs. Susie A.Charles K. RATES. $1.50 PER DAY.Call, Mrs. Anna, widow, 224 S. Clinton.8 »ID SW?dc^w 2.zro© (&oF aw5.I—*•BC3ae-n>


WALKOVER $3.50 and $4.00 SHOES.SOLD ONLYBYFOti M E N .F. E. Tyler & Co.,158N. UnionStreet.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 69Carlson, Oscar, currier, bds. 603 E. State, E. 0.Carlson, Oscar F., carpenter, 119 N. Sixth.Mrs. M. Louise.Florence A., clerk.Ernest F., clerk.Mabelle L.Goldie M.Winifred A.Lester W.Marie Josephine.Carlson, Peter, currier, 214 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Salma.Arthur.Albion.Julia.Oscar.Ester.Theresa.Carlson, Peter, currier, 705 Washington.Carmody, Thomas, machinist, 712 Wayne.Carpenter, Charles, carpenter, 25 Second av., Bv.Mrs. Louise.Dora.Harlow.Fred.Sophia.Grace.Carpenter, M., blacksmith, 38 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Ella.Howard.Carpenter, Nelson, laborer, Vacuum, S. Unicj, S. O.Mrs. Lillie.Carpenter, N. Maud, teacher, 231 N. Fourth.Carr, Jesse M., machinist, 65 Queen, E. O.Mrs. Fidelia.Pearl.Carr, R. E., teamster, 74 King, E. O.Mrs. Harriet.Laura.Irene.Carraig, Michael J., tanner, 12 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. A.Elizabeth.William.Andrew.John.Michael, Jr.\. Carroll, P. John, C0\i\i\HS^ hotel Carrol House, General 712 Wayne. Insurance,Mrs. Lucy.Francis.309 Masonic Temple.Carson, Arthur, fireman, (P. R. RJ 17 Pierce, W. O.Mrs. Grace.Ellen.Marian.'X3crcoCM -© m_ If)§ 2If) Xr* ex.if)paCX.co COO D- Xrt>MCunpoif)HO•-to if. 3uat oWrep^>X£3r-Lr-AI •o*ft(ji(nr-L-JLHHQ^xa^h—Lo'flop—Irrp-H2!axt 3O2373fr03Crro*

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURV, Pres WM E. WHEELER,.Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.uDirectors.—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler"St •£«>> r 70 MORRIS E. M. Johnson, AND VAN 1. CAMPEN'S F. lohnson.of- tf .Carter, Almond, 509 N. Sixth.u ^ ~ >—' u Mrs. Susan.2 a B 3 «3 lJ « CARTER, CHARLES W., justice of peace, 51 Third av., Bv._ e = « s?c 3 — n &- ~ Mrs Eunioe TReuben C.Levi C.O Sts «g u JJ 2 ~2 Carl Ada L. M.4, 5 n fis > V m Charles W., Jr.b;5 « Carter, Joseph, 449 N. Union.25 « w o « 4 "TH J - w Carter, Mrs. William, Serepta, blacksmith, widow, 304 517 N. Fifth. Barry.£ 1. *J iS'o & "" ~ Mrs. Mary.,« i Pearl.j£ W Carter, William, carpenter, 306 Wayne.pZ0LOQ

Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood.1.1. TAYLOR. , Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.254 N. UNION ST. All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 71Chadderdon, Mrs. Alice S., widow, 34 Genesee, Bv.Emma B.Wallace A.Warner.Chadwick, Louis, laborer, 807 E. State, E. O.Chaffee, Mrs. Ida M., dressmaker, 509 N. Union.Clifford D., machinist.Chaloba, Charles, shoe maker, 1113 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Charles.Chamberlain, Albert W., carpenter, 125 S. Second.Addie F.Chamberlain, Albert M., carpenter, 116 N. Fourth.Mrs. Nellie E.Raymond W.A. Carl.Ruth H.Helen M.Chamberlain, Colby, 206 N. Barry.CHAMBERLAIN, FRED B., saloon keeper, 315 N. Union, res.316 Jay.Mrs. Ida M.CHAMBERLAIN, HAZEN E., farmer, Pleasant Valley.Mrs. Mary.Lee.Lissie.CHAMBERLAIN MFG. CO., (Edward Troy, prop'r) 210 S.Barry.Chamberlain, Mrs. Nellie, 15 R. R. av., E. O.Chamberlain, Mrs. Patience S., widow, 229 N. First.George L., machinist.C. Husted, machinist.Chamberlain, Mrs. Seraph M., widow, 128 E. Henley.CHAMBERLAIN, WILLIS A., R. R. ticket broker, office 242N. Union, res. 213 N. Fifth.Mrs. Katherine L.Chamberlain, Mrs. Emma O., Olean House.Champlain, Eli K., driver, 315 S. Fifth.Mrs. Annie A.Irene A.Chandler, Mrs. Jennie, S. Union. S. O.Cecil.Chapel, Ethel, kindling wood factory, 13 R. R. av., E. 0.Chapel, Sylvester, blacksmith, 13 R. R. av., E. O.Chapin, Flora, nurse, 227 N. Sixth.Chapman, Charles, laborer, 414 S. Third.Chapman, Floyd E., conductor, (St. Ry.) 509 Brickell av.Mrs. Lucy M.Chapman, Frank, patrolman, 509 Brickell.Mrs. Ella J.Archie, works for P. R. R.Chapman, John, glassworker, 412 Laurens.Mrs. Viola.Russell.Chapman, Mrs. Nellie, widow, 412 Laurens.I The Press he Only Morning Membership. Newspaper Times. in Olean Having Associatedo-o&n If)IS 0w tr.3S v*n •rt-S43w' 00 3KH if)X J, 1—( -173nX0K>K)z"c3O 3(/IPHft

Good Swell Furnishings for^4 t Men. Trunks andClothes. Bags. Fine Shoes.ER266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.72 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SChapman, Joseph M., dealer in cigars and tobaccos, 126 N.Union., res. 308 Laurel av.Mrs. Eleanor.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. E^?."" $ OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 73CITY EXCHANGE HOTEL, (John Henneman, prop'r) opp.Erie R. R. station. Union St., N. O.CITY INSTALLMENT STORE, (Leroy Willis, prop'r) 411 NUnion. (See adv.)City Relief Society, third floor City Hall.Clancey, John F., works at electric light station, 511 N. Fourth.Mrs. Anna.William F.Edward J.Charles R.Marie L.Agnes C.Clancey, Patrick, section foreman, (P. R. RJ 819 W. State.Mrs. Bridget.Mary.Margaret E.Clancy, Edward J., wood finisher, 56 River, N. O.Clancy, Eugene G., bricklayer, 56 River, N. O.Clancy, Minnie, domestic, 205 N. Clinton.Clancy, Mollie, tailoress, 56 River, N. 0.Clancy, Sadie E., housekeeper, 56 River, N. O.Clarey, William, machinist, 712 Wayne.Clair, Allen J., works for P. R. R., 112 S. Tenth.Mrs. Edith.Dewitt Allan.Nettie May.Emily.Clifford R.Clark, Alonzo H., laborer, 37 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Kate.Leona.Clark, Andrew B., pattern maker, 629 E. State, E. O.Mrs. Carrie S.Cora.Clark, Chauncey E., clerk, Olean House, 311 E. Henley.Mrs. Mary E., ladies' tailoring.Clark, Mrs. Delila, widow, 1016 W. State.Frank.Ernest.Clark, Elisha, 313 Tompkins.Clark, Mrs. Ella, E. River, S. O.Mildred.Frank.Morris D.Clark, Mrs. Florence W., 311 Jay.Charlotte.Clark, W George M . F., fireman, H O R(P. NR. ERJ R 480 Higgins & Cav.O . ,Mrs. Ella.Freddie F. OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clark, George W., laborer, 60 King, E. O.Clothiers, Mrs. Cassie Furnishers, S.Merchant Tailors.E. Grace.Clark, Irving M., teamster, 303 Jay.Mrs. Bertha M.otnI ^ o ?aitrilQtncd.©M *•X0'iKJU10•03O5 >v£*o*!T>C/5Qinis)OOmr*5CO()CO3CO Xs~*~mpa Xex.Xex.IPop^ex.pjCDP^>Xi-x.

First National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.I. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres-A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors-K. G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler.E. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.>-^ 74 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S•-J—> X _ y| Clark, H. S., stone mason, E. State, E. 0.OCO jr(-i-

The A. Weston LumberCovHanufacturers & Dealers T TTMPE1> Lath and Shingles, Doors,in all kinds ofjLUiUDEIV, Windows, Tuined Work.Long Distance »?liane 6-W. p Q> WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 75CLOSE CYCLE AND AUTOMOBILE CO., (Fred A. Close,Frank B. Close) mfgs. and repairers of bicycles and automobiles,442 N. Union.CLOSE, FRANK B., (Close Cycle and Automobile Co.) 11 Secondav., Bv.Mrs. Addie.Irene.CLOSE, FRED A., (Close Cycle and Automobile Co.) 506 W.Henley.Mrs. Glenn J.CLYDE, JAMES L., sec'y Olean Glass Co., 702 vV. Sullivan.Mrs. Jennie L.Esther M.COAD, JOHN F., city editor Olean Times, 125 Fulton.Coast, Bessie, 104 South.Coast, Emily, 104 SouthCoast, Gladys, 104 South.Coast Hall, (John Coast, prop'r) 2585 Union.COAST, JOHN, oil producer, (John Coast & Sons) 104 South.COAST, JOHN & SONS, (John Coast, J. W. Coast, F. T. Coastestate, W. F. Coast) oil producers, 1331 N. Union.COAST, JOHN WESTON, oil producer, (John Coast & Sons)and clothier, (J. W. Coast & Son) 103 S. Barry.Mrs. Anna.Moree.Marguerite.COAST, JOHN WESTON, JR., clothier, (J. W. Coast & Son,)211 S. Barry.Mrs. Edith B.COAST, J. W. & SON, clothiers and gents' furnishers, 154 N.Union.COAST OIL CO., (John Coast, J. W. Coast, F. T. Coast estate)oil producers, 1331 N. Union.Cobb, Alexander D., superintendent of school buildings, 122 N.Third.Mrs. Matilda B.George A., clerk.Grace A.Ethel M.COBB, HUGH A., attorney, (Pierce &Temple, res. 206 N. Barry.Cobb, Mrs. J., widow, 122 N. Third.Cobb, John, undertaker, 206 N. Second.Mrs. Minnie M.Clarence J.Cobb) office MasonicNEW MANAGEMENT.Samuel W.NEWLY FURNISHEDCobb, Thomas, motorman, 112 Fulton.DAILEY'S Mrs. Katherine. INN,r3- ZClara M. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.o" _JOHH F. T. DAILEY, James. Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street. 3 2COBB, WILLIAM, attorney, RATES, $1.50 (Parker PER and DAY. Cobb) 139 Fulton. 3 QMrs. E. Alice.x ex.Harry Duncan. X oAlice Russel. -i ^afe1 ^§ CJIte M. E.0 CJ"0trH W2 c^ B 0 •—'wR'SX2 >X zx£ ^if)s- a,cr 0» 130. m >- "73X pi > O3 r-3- 73in0 m*.O020 S3*P—* •P0*3 0< CD>-e*

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BE^TAlways Sometinhg New.CLOTHIERS.[4' 76 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SU160 N. Union Street.Coburn, Harry, repairer, (P. R. RJ 9041 W. State.0 . Mrs. Rose._ 0 Cofram, M. A., clerk, 119 E. Henley.3 (d Mrs. Hattie.O lJ •" Cohen, Fanny, 429 N. Union._. « Cohen, Israel, 429 N. Union.—; 55 Cohen, Joseph, milkman, 612 W. State.C_ +j O a Mrs. Anna.t. .— ^ ^ Meloy, cigar dealer.{pj «2 (8 a Simon, cigar maker._; .2 "^ 3 Solomon, milkman.® fu a ~ Maurice, salesman.U « n Qj a !J 2 Cohen, Maurice, dry goods clerk in Douglas', 118 Hamilton.0) 4) yj B3 p£ Cohen, David. Max L., cigar mfr, 326 W. State, res. 132 S. First.< ^ Rozelia. Mrs. Anne L."^ T Cohen, Garfield. Michael, 429 N. Union.y Cohen, Mollie, 429 N. Union.S Cohen, Samuel, 429 N. Union.Cohen, Tessie, domestic, 115 N. First.^A Colburn, Mrs. J. B„ clerk in Bell Bros.' 132 S. Third.*H Ethelyn F.Colby, A., works for P. R. R., Genesee House, R. R. av.— — — — Cole, Abner S., canvasser, 117 N. Fifth.Cole, Arthur H., engineer, 25 Genesee, Bv.f^ (Q Mrs. Jessie M.J- I Maurice H.w © b '. Cole, AsaI., 21 Garden av., E. 0.W Mrs. Martha E.U Cole, Chas., laborer, S. Union, S. O.Cole, Elias, laborer, S. Union, S. O.• . »0 ^ Cole, George, laborer, S. Union, S. O.rt\ ^ U S Mrs- Georgianna.2^ "^ (0 ~ Frank.*^ O fft a. Cole> Merrit W., farmer, Windfall Road, Bv.*•• O i £ Mrs- Cora B-C^ Q^ | Q. Merrit C.fft tO a7 Cole, Sylvester, pipe fitter, S. Union, S. 0.--" X g Mrs. Anna.f—' if) Catherine.(Pv-A

Boys' Shoes Made toWear are Sold by158 North Union Street,F.LIOLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 77Coleman, Edward Marth, student, 135 N. ThirteenthColeman, John O, teamster, 1415 W. State.Mrs. Catherine.Frederick H.Henrietta.Collard, Henry J., carriage maker, 137 S. First.Mrs. Elizabeth.Joseph M.Colleran, see Colran.Colligan, Mrs. Bridget, widow, 1007 N. Union. N. O.Collins, Bert, machinist, 211 S. Union.(Jollins, Bridget, domestic, 325 Tompkins.Collins, Mrs. Ellen, widow, 11011 N. Union, N. O.John.Collins, John A., fireman, 502 N. Tenth.Mrs. Ellen.Margaret.Josephine.Martha.Frederick.Anna.Matilda.Elizabeth.Marie.Honora.Helen.COLLINS, ISAAC P., generallosses, (see adv.)Mrs. Delia E.Collins, Olaf, student, 126 N. Third.insurance and adjusting fireCOLLINS, PATRICK S., atty. at law, office 156 N. Union, res.Offir_f MaT"ni" T"mrl". rfifl S"° IMi Third.f."rfli.nflrri)Mrs. Sopha L.Thomas.Raymond J.Viola E.Collins, William, commercial traveler rep. Edwin J. Gillies &Co., N. Y., 56 Oak, N. 0.Mrs. Margaret A.Daniel.Marie.William, Jr.John.Collis, Frederick A., painter and paperhanger, 419 W. Green.Mrs. Myra A.A. Clifford, laborer.Mabel M.I. R C O L L I N S ,Collis, see Cullis.COLLOPY 309 Hasonic BROS., (Frank Temple. E. Collopy, Charles P. Collopy) liquorstore, 317 N. Union.Life, COLLOPY, Fire FRANK and EDW., Accident (Collopy Bros.) 324 S. Union. &••Mrs. Anna.Collopy, Mrs. Mary, widow, 15 River, N. O.COLLOPY, CHARLES, (Collopy Bros.) 15 River, N. 0.0l\>2:cO 3I_>in—1ri>rt>i-t-m>z00nr~am70inX70o>70tn"8 XisrfUp-Hrr1p-H2OX>9PO22 o (JfQr s p ) _it)n>atnaD.g" B ds" 8o8 37Q

First National Bank of Olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, ). E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.c^wa ' s

1 1 1 1THE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick.i) 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 79Conklin, Dewitt O, wagon manufacturer, 304 E. State.Mrs. Hester M.CONKLIN WAGON WORKS, see New Conklin Wagon Co.CONKLING, ROBERT A., (R. A. Conkling Co.) 108 South.Mrs. Emily.Robert A., Jr.William u.CONKLING, THE ROBERT A. CO., furniture, carpets and wallpaper, 137 N. Union.Conley, Bernard, laborer, 39 Garden av., E. 0.Mrs. Catherine.Conley, John, works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.Conley, John, currier, 733 E. State, E. O.Mrs. Katherine C.Mary E.NKatherine A.Alice S.George F.Anna C.Mark V.Conley, Margaret, domestic, 128 South.Connel, Lawrence P., laborer, 35 Maple, N. O.Mrs. Mary.Mary.Lawrence E., Jr.Gertrude.Martin.James.John.Connell, Thomas, moulder, Genesee House, R. R. av.Connell, Martin, farmer, 35 Pine.Mrs. Ellen.John J.Connelly, Mr., 233| N. Union.Connelly, Mrs. Fannie, 77 Oak, N. O.Patrick, laborer.Conner, Charles R., fireman, (P. R. RJ 217 Winters av.Mrs. Kathryn.Conners, James, blacksmith, 5 Fifteenth, W. O.Mrs. Ida.Anna.Walter.Frank.Ida.Lawrence.Elmer.Mary.Margaret.Conners, Michael, laborer, (P. R. R.) 1017 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Michael.Conners, H. H., train dispatcher, Genesee House, R. R. av.The Morning Times.The Only Associated Newspaper Press in Olean Membership.HavingHC3-OKIfto? g CDnXO W• 3- r3o ran frinafr—o 2OH» =*h. roVI r-V3 \%rt>is)3 » 5 ?o QJ o.3c/>& DOW S


D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. %%°?° '£ OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 81Convey, Roger P., tanner, 277 N. Tenth.Mrs. Mary M.Elizabeth A.John P.Mary E.Convey, Thomas J., boilermaker, 8 Spruce, N. O.Mrs. Anna.Daniel.Mary.Conway, Alexander J., clerk, 23 First av., Bv.Mrs. Ida M.Frank, guager.Robert, clerk.Conway, George, carpenter, 5 Center, Bv.Mrs. Elizabeth.Antoinette.Conway, Patrick, leather worker, 417 N. Thirteenth.Cook, Mrs. Anne, widow, 63 Bishop, E. 0.COOK, ARTHUR G., shoemaker, 514 W. State, (see adv.)Cook, Chas. P., plumber, 1203 Putnam.Mrs. Helen.Cook, Edward A., carpenter, 414 S. Union.Mrs. Ida M.Richard L.Nellie J.Margaret F.Dorothy E.Cook, Frank O, street car conductor, 115 N. Sixth.Mrs. Blanche.COOK, GEORGE W., justice of the peace, 7i0 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Lida M.Cook, Gottleib, 1312 Washington.John W., clerk, (P. R. RJFred, works for P. R. R. »Cook, Hermann J., conductor St. Ry., 711 W. State.Mrs. Blanche S.Cook, James R., 514 W. State.Cook, Jeanette, 1203 Putnam.Cook, Jacob N., watchman, (St. R. R.) 711 W. State.Mrs. Rosa K.Helen R.Cook, John, laborer, (P. R. R.) back road to Hinsdale, N. O.Mrs. Mary.MaryJo.Rose.Victoria. W M . H O R N E R & CO.,Laura.Cook, John, laborer, OLEAN 1508 HOUSE W. Henley. BLOCK.Mrs. Anna.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.Cook, John S., farmer, 1511 W. State.Frank, teamster.Albert, laborer.Cook, Mrs. Margaret, widow, 814 W. Henley.0InmH^ra73©o73rnes r—•o CS frWS§ __"• ^ cd. r W> &J>' £t=3 3*

is) as c"if)W CJ©Hfc *= 3 rt OQfi h-

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers & Dealers T UMliPiTJ Latn and Shingles, Doors,nail Kinds of LUlTlDEJV, windows, Turned Work.Long msUnce I?hone 6-W, p Q WESTON.s MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 83CORRY HOUSE, (Robert Milliken, prop'r) 614-616 Wayne.Corsett, Lincoln E., carpenter, 312 N. Ninth.Mrs. Carrie A.Ethel M.Harold L.Annabelle.Ellen A.Henry J.Corson, William H., glassblower, 207 N. Fifth.Mrs. Leta W.Margaret A.Leta A.Miriam S.Corwin, Ransom G., pipe fitter,53 Main, Bv.Cosgrow, John, laborer, 10 Spruce N, O.Mrs. Bridget.Cosgrow, Stephen, works at tannery, 3 Walnut, N. O.Mrs. Gertrude.Tony.Leo.Michael.Frank.Costello, Charles, works at Vacuum Oil Works, 510 Higgins av.Costello, William, laborer, 523 N. Union.Coss, George M., engineer, prop'r barber shop 615 E. State, E. O.res. 613 E. State, E. O.Mrs. Frances R.Samuel L., moulder.William R., laborer, (P. R. RJCotton, Charles A., humane officer, 212 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Ophelia.Louis B.Chester A.Cotton, Mrs. Rebecca, dressmaker, 614 State, E. O.Cotton, Samuel H., 121 S. Eleventh.Coughlen, Timothy, laborer, 925 E. State, E. O.Mary.Donald, roofer.Coughlin, Timothy C, conductor, (P. R. R.) 408 Lourens.Mrs. Nellie T.NEW MANAGEMENT. John D.NEWLY FURNISHED.Francis D A Desmond. L E Y ' S I N N .Timothy J. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN F. Marie. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.Council Chamber, City RATES. Council, SI.50 on PER third DAY. floor City Building.Council, John, laborer, 80 Oak, N. O.Councilman, Couse, Mrs. Josephine.Lulu. Asa Aaron Ida Harriet. Curtiss, Ira Mrs. H., Brooks. W., 1211 Maud, commercial machinist, Washington.511 N. traveler, 118 Union. Fulton. 215 N. First.oowM %? w dw =o o 3 MEm*to7050 2,*. "0•O B"PS(30wm-+5'0Mr-ja-tH0•a 000>

»~c& ^~-'T3^-,oT3CD^C-ioc/0J-H

WALKOVER $3.50 and $4.00 SHOES.FOl^ M E N .SOLD ONLY c rj T"-.,!-*-. £• r^ '58N. Unionby r. c. lyler r~i 5005 CO U) -o E. z3" al3" COO ^v ~13 abiCmN*-aa©P if)H tr© is,if. 3S3CDO%X3a-rt>mis)a.%&—troX£3*o(f)(f)r-L-J3ttQt£33tr—•o•*(f)oFrp-H2!OX>

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURV, Pres. WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.AT. EATON, Cashier.Directors.- E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheelera ^ E. M. lohnson, I. F. Johnson.»_> ^ 86 MORRIS Crocker, AND VAN George CAMPEN'S A., currier, 115 S. Eleventh.u^J ~' u ..„„. Mrs. Elizabeth.5 c 3 M S Crocker, Mrs. Louise, widow, boarding house, 512 W. State."3 •= *» J °° Cronin, Tony, boilerman, 453 N. Union.I s. s _3 * Mrs-Eyaa«„^ * Bessie-© _-* *S "" Cross, Chas. H., laborer, 312 N. Thirteenth.*j o 2 a Mrs. Augusta L.gSCfc "-S.«^ ""rt WinifredJames A.A.«wo o ^H •» CROSS, GEORGE, blacksmith, (Cross & Way) Hotel Imperial.*tjs .. M # CROSS & WAY, (George Cross and Charles E. Way) 507 N.I" ato0COQZ< Margaret.*"*7 J > £

N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood.1, Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 87Cullather, Abraham, glassblower, 793 N. Union.Mrs. Mary.John.Elizabeth.Cullis, Joseph, laborer, 5 av. B., N. 0.Mrs. Joseph.Cullis, see Collis.Cummings, Charles, telephone inspector, 315J N. Union.Mrs. Bertha.Clinton Paul.Cummings, Matt. G., carpenter, 110 S. Eighth.Mrs. Erma.E. Vernet.Cummings, Thomas J., foreman, 431 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Catherine E.John J., boilermaker,Ella May, bookkeeper.Samuel T. G.Alice M.Timothy D.Daniel F.Cunnan, Charles H., 105 R. R. av.Cunningham, Christopher, carpenter, 146 N. Ninth.Mrs. Julia.Sarah C.Mary E.Cunningham, Jas. W., bill distributor, 19 Pond, E. 0.Mrs. Katherine.Cunningham, Mary J., dressmaker, 146 N. Ninth.Cunningham, Reuben S., 141 N. Barry.Mrs. Lena J.Curley, Miss Agnes, stenographer, 112 Wayne.Curran, Bernard, drayman, 425 N. Seventh.Anna.Winifred.Agnes.Stella.Marguerite.Leona.Frank. ,Currier, Mrs. Jennie H., 217 N. Fifth.Curran, Samuel, works at F. N. Godfrey's, Pleasant Valley.Curry, David, bricklayer, 11011 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Sarah.Mary.Curry, Mrs. Mary, 417 N. Seventh.Frank, clerk at Vacuum.Curtis, Miss Anna, nurse, 211 Coleman.Curtis, Mrs. Anna R., widow, 710 W. Sullivan.Edwin Forrest, oil producer.Curtis, Arthur, currier, Buffalo, N. O.Mrs. Edna.Arthur, Jr.Curtis, Bertha, housekeeper, 508 W. Sullivan.o©,_j~t7*if)a,a>COoco£3OB3^ n$-*-baPirvaroiHI'^_, I—*M.301

Cinnd Swell Furnishings for)iOC7 Men. Trunks andClothes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.pj i 8JMORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'Sf^j 1 CURTIS, BERNARD W., local mg'r Union Telephone & Tele-[r. 1 graph Co., 209 S. Second.1 Mrs. Carlotta S.(^ *\\ Mary L.>-< O Curtis, Byron E., laborer, 36 Garden av., E. O.£5 Mrs. Emma.Ctf George.00 ** Elmer.c/_y3 Milly.J_j Frank.,

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. ^nPIT $ OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 89Dagget, Mrs. Eunice L., 301 Jay. fyA. Dwight, butcher. r\\Dailey, Donald, farmer, 18 Elm, N. 0.-*—' fflMrs. Mary.>"~^ •Donald, bartender.•"—~^Mary, bookkeeper.siDAILEY, JOHN F„ prop'r Dailey's Inn, (see adv.) 402-4 N. o i h"^, /#Union. Clarence O. *° ^1 js(Mrs. Jessie A. „Dailey, Martin, conductor, 420 N. First. •£ y—x JsjMrs. Mary. » ——' _^Morris L. 3 >—• • OJosephine M. a r~-*jDale, Edward E., tanner, 109 S. Twelfth. v -~— QMrs. Emma E. r J [Q m ,^Dale, Solomon, tanner, 109 S. Twelfth. 'A^ ^Mrs. Sarah.Dake, Demont, lineman, 209 S. Clinton.Mrs. Carrie.Dalton, Mrs. Emma, widow, 332 N. Tenth.Maude, clerk.Dalton, Minnie, waitress, Olean House.Danforth, Mrs. Edward M„ 240 N. Second.Anna R.Mary H.Daniels, Ada F., 129 S. First.Daniels, George R., jeweler and eye specialist, 166 N. Union.res. 218 S. Fourth.Mrs. Minnie D.Thalia.Daniels, Louis E., works for P. R. R., 3 Brook, E. O.Mrs. Lois A.Hazel.Mildred.Ashton.Daniels, Silas J., carpenter, 53 King, E. O.Mrs. Anna.Dannigan, Jerry, works at Vacuum Oil Works, 717 W. State.Damjak, John, laborer, (P. R. RJ 61 Bishop, E. O.Darcy, Rose, 105 Fulton.Darcy, Katherine, 105 Fulton.Darling, Mrs. Kate, dish washer, Grand Central hotel, res. 3151N. Union.Darling, Kate, 405 N. Union.Darrin, Mrs. H. H., 213 N. Clinton.Davey, Jerry, farmer, 21 Prospect av., Bv.Mrs. Jerry.Davidson, Perry A., bookkeeper, 227 N. Sixth." OLEAN Clothiers, Davidson, WM. Mrs. Mary Charlotte HORNER HOUSE Roy Anna.L. J., M. Furnishers, BLOCK. conductor & CO., St. Ry., Merchant 511J W. Tailors.State.roc•—OCO3CO Xs*"in3O fa ex.ST £ ex. 3°" P^40PTn:faex.~t3parof^3Q-

First National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres-A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors-K. G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, Wm- E, Wheeler.E. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.£ >^0 >- ^-*^ 90 MORRIS X AND VAN CAMPEN'SDavidson, 0 rt ucu Blanche, student, 704 E. State, E. O.1—OJa 0fH0*be -l->..5=; OJa* X ~OJm euOm if>inX1—>^XO —

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,rtanufacturers & Dealers | ITlV/ItiEl> Lath and Shingles, Doors,in all kinds ofHJlTJlDEJV, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W P. O., WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, IN. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 91Deabold, William M., clerk (P. R. RJ 137 N. Eighth.Mrs. Susie F.Dean, Charles, works in tannery, 1 av. A., N. O.Mrs. Ella.Lettie.Verne.Charles.Ruth.Dean, Charlie, clerk for D. A. Pratt, 309 Laurel av.DEAN, DANFORD W., (Dean & Havens, opera house block)801 W. Henley.Mrs. Jennie B.Ormal W.DEAN & HAVENS, contractors and builders, (D. W. Dean, J.H. Havens) opera house block, W. State.Dean, Lee, works at tannery, Buffalo, N. O.Mrs. Lizzie.Earnest.Lloyd.Baby.Dearborn, Edwin J., ticket agent, (Erie R. RJ 17 Oak, S. O.Mrs. Susan.Georgia.Decker, Chas. J., barber, 306 S. Eighth.Mrs. Hattie.Claude C.Rose G.Degnan, John, boilermaker, 28 Maple, N. O.Mrs. Kathryn.John.Florence.James.Degnan, Patrick, 17 Spruce, N. O.Mary.Degolla, Louise, 202 Whitney av.DeGroff, Abram, stone mason, 451 N. Union.Mrs. Ellen.Deibler, A., baggageman, 12 South, Bv.Mrs. Lida M.Ethel D.NEW MANAGEMENT.Charles A.NEWLY FURNIS HEDGordon D AL.I L E Y ' S I N N ,Lillian C. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.J0HH Deibler, F. DAILEY, Clarence Proprietor.W., brakeman, 112 402, Wayne. 404 N. Union street.Mrs. Margaret. RATES, $1.50 PER DAY.Deiches, Frank, glassblower, Grand Central hotel.Deiches, S., clothier and gents' furnisher, (N. Lax & Son, mgr's)DeKay, 170 Mrs. N. Orry Nathaniel, Harry Mrs. Union. Sennie. Lillian. M., Elizabeth, M., works 309 carpenter, W. at 75 Sullivan. tannery, King, Crown, E. 79 O. E. King, O. E. O.I w gtnoonxt£ * B.s ' °o3X) > «•x crIf 8if) trs-s. ocp; ofa |3 S:ex. tn 0-. "73fa3 fa>r-02- zoz3 Cus °q 31V

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.Always Sometinhg New.160 N. Union Street.\l U 92 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'ST3 DeKay, William, grocer, S3 Bishop, E. O.~0 ^Mrs. Anna._ U Nathaniel 0.~t D _• William. Bartholomew, laborer.QQ~ ,X

Boys' Shoes Made toWear are Sold by1?8 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.93Otocz35"3inzK*T7>aO"1V) —* 8tf, &>if. p+B 3B §?oP8 V) - O d0) ft a* ma.(/> w r. 8 rT O&J o•*• rn i3 • 5' o©Bif)CDCOm70ina:>70o>70rno H >p-Hrp-H!ZjoX>eno2-^Demskie, August, bricklayer, 701 W. Henley.Mrs. Frances.James A., bricklayer.Anna, milliner.John J., stenographer.George W.Celia.Demsky, Stephen C, carpenter, 1117 W. Henley.Mrs. Mary M.Charles M.Frank S.Denney, William F., gardener and forester, 312 W. Henley.Mrs. Alice B.Oscar F.Denning, Chas. C, brakeman, (P. R. RJ 128 W. Green.Jessie M.Dennison, Mrs., lives with George Andrews, (Blighton & Andrews)for address see supplement.Dennison, Mrs. Dora E., boarding house, 116 E. Sullivan.Densinger, Mrs. Louise, widow, McCann Hollow, S. 0.Joseph.Dermont, Albert, farmer, Oregon Road, N. 0.Mrs. Mary.Clarence.Louise.Clifford.DERBY, MELVIN P., painter and paper hanger, shop in rearof 126 N. First, res. 114 Fulton.Mrs. Ettie.Frances E.M. Blanche.Derfer, Tony, works at tannery, W. State, W. O.Deringer, see Duringer.Derx, Adam, shoemaker, 25 Center, Bv.Mrs. Louise.Emma S.Lena M.Derx, Conrad, carpenter, 22 Second av.Mrs. Amelia.Lewis E.Charles J.Harry J.Hazel A.Derx, John, laborer, (P. R. RJ 144 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Mary.Howard.Justus.Deuter, Andrew J., lumber inspector, (P. R. RJ Buffalo, beyondlimits, N. 0.Mrs. Mary C.Harold V.M-»-X pp-\If*C/3oo(-v.30Q•I. P. C O L L I N S ,309 Hasonic Temple.Life, Fire and AccidentL

First National Bank of Olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. K. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J.E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.g ~ 8 a £ 94 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S— •*-»,. 5^ PSti "> W " ' '§ w"°©-5 o § 2 ^ • Deuter, Catherine. George, engineer, (P. R. RJ Division, E. 0.§ og " < Devitt, Mrs. Mrs. Delia. Ellen, widow, 47 River, N. 0.hS"§ 2j5SJo S DEVLIN, Robert. TIMOTHY J., oil producer, 226 N. First.H{ii»a S5g° «; Charles. Mrs. Agnes A.3SSS j Georgia.„?!*?.: „ _ 2 „ Mary. Theodore.^ o " S ° ^ Dewitt, Charles, currier, 1226 Buffalo.^o §•* ^ Dewitt, see Devitt.S3 I o ja § - Dewilwebee, Deeb, peddler, 122 Whitney av.o »> u „ 10 ]y[rs jennieiif) Frances.*) m Didas, Urban, tanner, 309 N. Seventh.z Mrs. Mary.0 If) eri Sylvester.1 tf) w 1—1 m1 - as U-lJosephine.0 UJ 0 -aJohn.0 at XDelia.O z iS as .a jx Louis.< 0 0| #Dickens, Jesse L., fireman, (P. R. RJ 806 W. Sullivan.OS*r*£Mrs. Margaret E.0 OJMary A.u. c< 0Claude.UThomas.Dickinson, Clark, works at brick yard, 27 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Ella.X s Dickinson, Dixon, William Miss H., Elizabeth, head of carpet 1310 W. dep't Irving. R. W. Conkling & Co.,rjj {—' . " Dickinson, 324 Laurel Hebron av E., 211 Tompkins.fl f-r-1 £ .2 Mrs. Mrs. Abigail Louise G. C.n *"-»*O&w°RobertLynn RobertG.Lawton. G.g CQ *W. Harry.r!r-r\ Dickinson, John W., 315 N. Fourth.^J . "* Laurel av.Hi Q/3 J «—• B I; Louisa A.tf, V ^ gj « Helen A.oiOd o ts "! Dillinger, see Dellinger.Dillman, Lucy, domestic, 238 S. Barry.!__) * Dinter, Miss Mary, 619 W. State.H5OBusiness M e n 1 Attention!Connect Your Residence and Place of Business with a PrivateTelephone. Telephone Work is my Specialty.R. R. NEWMAN. (See cut on fly leaf.) ,,6 Wayne Street.

\J • 1 ITHE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building: and Paving- Brick.J 254 N. UNION STREET-OLEATN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 95Dittrich, Edward H., laborer, rear of racket store.Mrs. Louisa.Carl E.John G.Florence A.Doane, Leonard D., carpenter, 21* N. Eleventh.Mrs. Emma.Gertrude M.Ila.Evelyn.Doane, Willis O, salesman, 12211 W. State.Mrs. Jennie.Dobmier, John, brewer, 207 Adams.Mrs. Theresia.Bertha.Rosie.Martha.Frank.Gustave.Edna.Celia.Dodson, David, 13 First av., Bv.Doerr, Josephine, 8 Second av., Bv.Doerr, Viola, 8 Second av., Bv.Dolan, John, tanner, 313 W. Green.Mrs. Catherine.Gertrude H.Albert J.Dolan, Thomas H., currisr, 1111 W. Henley.Mrs. Kate.May E.Margaret E.Dollard, John E., laborer, 121 S. Twelfth.Mrs. Mary.Gertrude.Richard.Gerald.Helen.Hugh.Dolson, Cornelius, stationary engineer, 1107 W. Henley.Mrs. Mary J.Rosalind.Donagher, Joseph, brakeman, (P. R. R.) 3071 N. Union.Donnellan, Donaldson, Edward, Robert, stationary 516 N. Sixth. engineer, Hotel Imperial.Donnellan, Doner, Andrew, Marie, insurance 516 N. Sixth. agent, 19 Pierce, W. O.Mrs. Mary.Laura.Doner, i George, H E currier, M 133 o rN. nTwelfth.i n g T i m e s .Donlavey, see Dunlavey.The Only Newspaper in Olean HavingDonn, James, brakeman, 4631 N. Union.Donn, see Associated Dunne. Press Membership.3oSta=•3oOS -ienCDif)5 "ts CD°rnXn w• 3aoCOrrnfrfrzT 1s ?H. roV3. r-tt ft.COIf)S s ia o QJ a.if)ft rotr ooV3 S

T3Xeri>-O E £1r— - uEcuIWUC/)200CS1U_lQ.UJZO(/)

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. Whitton, Pres. & Treas. g^1"?."" •£ OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 97Dooley, Mrs. Ellen, widow, 125 S. Seventh.James, works in Hannifan's.Charlotte, works for Tanner Shoe Stock.Doolittle, Alva B., moulder, 17 Pond, E. O.Mrs. Fannie.Leon.Lulu.Doran, Mrs. Hattie, widow, 118 Whitney av.Addie.DORR, FRED W., local mg'r for Singer Sewing Machine Co.,228 N. Union, res. 131 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Margaret.Frederick J., plumber.Lillian A., clerk.Clarence W.Dorr, John G., 131 N. Thirteenth.Dorr, Mary, 117 N. Second.DORSEY, EDW., wholesale liquor dealer, 248 N. Union, res. 121E. Henley.Mrs. Celia A.Wilber R.Harry T.K. Marguerite.Robert J.Dorsey, Fred, lineman, 230 S. Clinton.Mrs. Alice.Dorson, Peter, 132 N. Sixth.Mrs. Mary.DOTTERWEICH, ADOLPH B., prop'r Oak Cafe, 101 N. Union.res. 215 W. Henley.Dotterweich, Alfred, works for P. R. R., 133 N. Eleventh.Mrs. Lena.Fred.William.Alfred.Edward.DOTTERWEICH BREWING CO., (Pres., Thos. Whitton; v-pres.,A. T. Eaton; sec, J. S. Shoemaker; treas., Thomas Whitton)office and brewery 301-311 W. Henley, bottling dep't 211S. Third, (see adv.)~DOTTERWEICH, GEORGE H., grocer, 220 W. State.Mrs. Minnie S.Charles P.Henry J.Magdeline.Dotterweich, Herman, 113 S. Second.Mrs. W M Marie. . H O R N E R & CO.,John.Dotterweich, Rudolph, OLEAN oil HOUSE producer, BLOCK. 314 W. Henley.Mrs. Susan A.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.Jane H.Helen A.Douds, J. O, bookkeeper, 311 N. Sixth.0Isto Qrn73OO73me r—•o S* frBgS 3 -tSg _' *ta rif) CO {8>" -£a 3*

M0 Qw«at ao C3H *}< Wg S2 K« oli. oaat>~00zUJOOJ00c"53oFirst National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.J E DUSENBURY, P,=s.WM. E WHEELER, V.ce-Pres.AT. EATON, CashierDiekctors-E. G. Dusenbury, J E. Dusenbury Wm. E Wheeler,E M. Johnson, J F Johnson98 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SDougherty, Michael, boilermaker, 1117 W. State.Mrs. Mary.Eunice C.John.Bernard.James.Margaret.Mary.Michael.Charles.Helen.Dougherty, P. J., laborer, 43 River, N. 0.Theresa.DOUGLAS, JAMES S., dry gcods merchant, 141 S. Barry.Mrs. Lena.Don J.Mildred.DOUGLAS DRY GOODS STORE, (L. E. Douglas, prop'r, J. F.Douglas, mg'r) dry goods and millinery, 123 N. Union.Dow, Mrs. Eliza, 9 Plum, E. O.Dowds, see Douds.Dower, Jerry, stationery engineer, 307 1-2 N. Union.Downing, Miss Elizabeth, dressmaker, 123 N. Second.Doyle, Charles L., teamster, (Chem. No. 2J 111 S. Twelfth.Mrs. Loretta.Doyle. Reuben M. (Thomas) gas fitter, 128 S. Second.Mrs. Junie F.Vernon R.Leon G.Drake, James O., pipe fitter,51 River, N. O.Mrs. Myra.Drake, Oliver F., oil operator, 729 E. State, E. 0.Mrs. Dolly.Drake, Orrin G., pumper, 22 River, N. O.Mrs. Margaret T.Mildred T.Margaret H.Draper, Edwin J., 308 N. Barry.Mrs. Helena U.Thomas A.Edwin A.Marietta.Driscoll, Mrs. Mary C, widow, 919 N. Union, N. O.Michael.John.Driscoll, John W., Duringer & Driscoll, 268 N. Union, res 129S. Twelfth.Mrs. Mary.Ellen.Fanny.'Olive.Arthur.Gregory.Marcella.Ole^rTSupr^CoT^T"SEWER Portland TILE, LIME and AND Common PHOSPHATES. Cement,

The A. Weston Lumber CovManufacturers & Dealers T ITMRED Latn and Shingles, Doors,nail Kinds ofLUMBER, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W P. O. WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 99Driscoll, Daniel, leather worker, 501 N. Thirteenth.ODriscoll, Eugene J, teamster, 1314 W. Sullivan.Driscoll, Patrick, Spruce, N. O.Mrs. Mary.wJoseph.Norah.Driscoll, Patrick, engineer (P. R. R.) 442 N. First.Mrs. Margaret.Helen.Driving Park Road House, (John Cramsie, prop.,) W. State,W. O.DRONEY, ALLEN & NOBLE, (J. R. Droney, Riley Allen, Allentown,W. G. Noble, Belmont,) oil producers, 20-21 Ex. Bk. big.DRONEY, JOHN R., (J. R. Droney Lumber Co., 125 S. Barry.Mrs. Justine.DRONEY, J. R. LUMBER CO., (J. R. Droney, M. G. Fitzpatrick,)wholesale lumber merchants, 20-21 Ex. Bk. bldg.Drum, Edward, blacksmith, 330 Jay.Mrs. Hattie M.Maud A.Gertrude E.Arthur C.Harry M.Dubmeir, see Dobmeir.DuBois, Thomas J., bartender, 614 Wayne.Dublow, Frank, laborer, 15 Franklin, N. O.Mrs. Annie.Martin.Vadys.Stanley.Ducey, Daniel, laborer, (P. R. R.) 434 N. Eighth.Mrs. Anna.Joseph, laborer.Ducey, Mrs. Mary, widow, 512 Wayne.Ducey, Thomas, machinist (P. R. RJ 434 N. Eighth.Mrs. Hazel.Bernard.Dudcavies, Joseph, carpenter, River, N. O.Charles Mrs. Agnes. H.Bessie. Frank.NEW MANAGEMENT.Anna.NEWLY FURNISHED.Mary.D A H B Y ' S I N N .Duffy, Bernard, fireman Opposite (P. Pennsylvania R. RJ 510 Depot. Wayne.JOHN F. Mrs. DAILEY, Anna A. Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.John A. RATES, $1.50 PER DAY.Benedict J.Helen A.Duffey, Charles, clerk, 133 1-2 N. Union.DUFFY, Marnie. Mrs. DR. Lillian. C. J., prop'r Eldred tannery, 143 & Union.° s «w 2.o a £HX ino __.7 050 a—*. V« sr"0 3O•1H0•ft E3OOtooHx2oo

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.Always Something New. 160 N. Union Street.« 100 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S>i &,T-; r i ob£ __j a Duffy, Charles E. Rev., asst. pastor St. John's church, 773 N."C *0 - Union, N. O.^ 0 e Dun*T> Cornelius, watchman, 218 N. Eleventh.^ fl q Mrs. Ellen.2 JJ William C.r3 » > Duffy, James, tank builder, 75 River, N. O.2 H ^" Mrs. Rose.w 0 CU Johanna..t2 O H Harold.i5 "^ fl3 E Helen. Mattie.^•S. fe +3 *H £ Laura. Duffy, James V., carpenter, 128 S. Fourth.•2? £j (d ^ Everette. Mrs. Sarah E.~4 ^-i £h (Q g Dully, Marguerite.Patrick, 540 1-2 N. Union.© O .£ Mrs- Mame, dressmaker.>•> 'H S Dugan, Dennis D., farmer, 9 E. State, E. O.U S, Mrs. Elizabeth.© 0 ~ Neal.C ^ Anna.0

WALKOVER $3.50 and $4.00 SHOES.SOLD ONLYBYFOI^ M E N .F. E. Tyler & Co ,58 N. UnionStreet.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 101Duke, Mrs. John, widow, 118 N. Clinton.Duke, William C, carpenter, 118 N. Clinton.Mrs. Ella.John, student.Guy W., yard clerk (P. R. RJDuley, William D., S. Union, S. O.Dulyan, Joseph, fireman, 4 Avenue B, N. O.Mrs. Frances.Waddie.Lewis.Leo.Dunbar, Mrs. Mida, milliner,l."l N. Barry.Dunbar, Roy, carpenter, 108 W. State.Dunn, see Donn.Dunne, Kate, 8 Spruce, N. O.Mary.Dunne, Mary, 8 Spruce, N. O.Duncan, Martin B., blacksmith, 14 Center, Bv.Mrs. Euretta W.Helen E.Duncan, Mrs. Mary W., widow, 14 Center, Bv.Duncan, William, mason, 5 Plum, E. O.Mrs. Delia.Dunham, Mary, student, 33 Elm, N. O.Dunlavey, Miss Anna, tailoress, 36 Green, N. O.DUNLAVEY BROS., (J. W. Dunlavey & J. J. Dunlavey,) wholesaleand retail liquor dealers, 309-311 N. Union.DUNLAVEY, JAMES W., (Dunlavey Bros.,) 309-311 N. Union,443 N. First.Mrs. Josephine.Hazel M.James N.DUNLAVEY, JERRY J„ (Dunlavey Bros.,) 309-311 N. Union,res. 112 Wayne.Mrs. May E.Lenore I.Ileene.Dunlavey, Mrs. Josephine, widow, 15 River, N. O.Donald, student.Dunlavey, Mrs. Margaret, widow, 29 Water, N. O.Dunlavey, Thomas, works at Vacuum oil works, 36 Green, N. O.Mrs. Mary.Albert, bookkeeper.Francis T., plumber.Dunn, Annadell F., student 540 N. Union.Dunn, John, works for P. R. R., 523 N. Union.Dunnigan, Jeremiah C, yard master (P. R. RJ 501 N. Fourth.\. P. Mrs. Kate. CQ-UMtS. General Insurance,Joseph.Albert. 309 Masonic Temple.William.Gerald.Edwin.X3cr-iCm -o oo_ lf>25"if)03 CD© C9 ex."0 CO9 "tO IS)3lit i-l*• J"ex.%CmCua3X£3(f)g1 J_o(Si• O(J)?!orr1—4OXCOO2!3-frDOCrroo

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.'AT. EATON, Cashier.VDirectors._E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerM- > . > V> 102 MORRIS E. M. fohnson, AND VAN I. CAMPEN'S F. lohnson.e%l iX . — .o u b __T 55 Dunnagan, Thomas, section foreman (P. R. RJ 521 N. Sixth.^^ 2 y u Mrs. Frances.£ a a H S Dunning, Abraham, oil driller, 1442 Buffalo, N. 0.cjs m j- "> Mrs. Mary.a?e 3« ^ _j ^ - Bessie. Nora.&- °=~ * u *H ^J « m Madge- Mayme.*> 1. ots "> M ". I3 « Samuel. ,..gSfi . « Kenneth.E.3-S ^ = Helen-«jo ii "^ Dunning, Demrous, driller, 70 Queen, E. O.> "g °, Mrs. Emma.»W •» Florence.£ z H a) Lee.0Floyd.CO Sec'y, O. R. Stone; Treas., Alfred Kritter; Foreman, C. H.^"rj ml < Walton.If Insuring.Fitch \ v^M I *k>52JH Xj Your ' d

Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood.Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.I.254 N. UNION ST. All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 103EATON, FRED L., atty. at law, (Eaton & Page,) office 31 Ex. oBk. Bldg., res 603 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Elizabeth B.HHelen R.trHarold F.CoRichmond B.oEaton, George B., bookkeeper, 134 N. Barry.Fr COMrs. Jennette E.EL —-Ailene M.if) —EATON & PAGE, counsellors at law, (Fred L. Eaton and Jos. n mi. rnL. Page,) offices 31 Exch. Bk. Bldg.n oEccles, Mrs. Martha M., 808 Washington.fr» nJessie.a * frBessie.** ftMary.Eckenrode, Frank A., switchman (P. R. RJ 317 N. Sixth.Mrs. Ida M.Marshall E.oEckland, Mrs. Lena, 791 N. Union, N. O.Eckman, William H., foreman car inspection P. R. R., 327 Coleman.Mrs. Elizabeth.Maie M.Eddy, Mrs. L. Elvira, widow, 132 N. First.3 & 2Edel, Alfred, carpenter, 303 S. Eighth.0Mrs. Mary.Christian J.oAlbert H. F.sJames.o SOlga L.Raymond.nEdel, August, laborer, 117 S. Third.Mrs. Emma.Clara.uMagdelene.wEdel, Bernhardt, carpenter, (P. R. RJ 118 S. Tenth.Mrs. Sophia.Emma S.H• 0 GIrwin B.0 0 3Ernest J.X if) 0Edel, Carrie, domestic, 1511 W. State.c 3EDEL, CHARLES, liquor dealer, 1125 W. State.73 frMrs. Josephine.0r-paLucy.Matthew.Eva.Edel, John H., works for P. R. R., 134 S. Twelfth.Mrs. Jennie.Fred.JohnBennieLaura.XJulia.The Press Morning Only Eugene. Membership. Newspaper Times. in Olean Having: Associated

Good Swell Furnishings forr*\ i.L Men. Trunks andVJotnes, Bags. Fine Shoes.\\266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.104 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SEdel, Frank, machinist (P. R. RJ 1125 Irving.0,Mrs. May.Edel, John, foreman (P. R. RJ 111 S. Eleventh.(J _ Mrs. Sabina.O Louise.C Edel, Alex, stone mason, 320 S. Seventh.*-i (3 Mrs. Sustine.\fj ^Edel,Mrs.Joseph,Louise.- -laborer, 109 N. Thirteenth.m MlCharles.CO cJoseph.Carrie.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. fc,1lo£h?.n0 '* OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 105Elliott, William, pattern maker 79 Bishop, E. O.Mrs. Margaret.Leon.Ellis, Conrad, cooper, 125 Clinton.Mrs. Katrina.Ellis, Hermann E., laborer, 120 S. Seventh.Mrs. Mary E.Florence J., domestic.Margaret M., works for Tanner Shoe Stock Co.James A., clerk.Nellie.Emily R.Sidney.George F.Ellis, J. C, works for P. R. R., 8 Pond, E. 0.Mrs. Harriett M.Arthur.Ellithorpe, Chauncey E., laborer, 311 N. Seventh.Ellsworth, Franz, conductor St. Ry., 11 First av., Bv.Mrs. Nellie.Pearl, clerk.ELKS LODGE ROOMS, B. P. O. E. No. 491, 101 1-2 N. Union.Emery, Chauncey F., barber, 127 S. Second.Mrs. Jennie.Wallace J.Emlinger, George, stone mason, 517 N. Sixth.Mrs. Jennie M.Jeannett M.Emmons, Miss Jennie, 121 S. Barry.Emmet, Joseph, works at tannery, 3 Walnut, N. O.Empire Art Co., (Frank Wright, prop.,) 315 W. State.EMPIRE ATHLETIC CLUB, (Pres., Jason E. Stone; VicePres., Edward Troy; Sec, Henry F. Klee; Treas., N. C. Jeliffej105 1-2 Union.EMPIRE LINE, fast freight, C. H. Rockwood, district agent,room 5, Riley & Wands' block.Empire Mills, (J. C. and C. H. Felt, props.,) Pine, N. O.England, John, works P. R. R. shops, Alder, E. O.Mrs. Christina.Elma.Amanda.England, Mrs. M. A., widow, 302 Laurens.Engle, Frances, clerk, 137 S. Barry.Englebach, Adolph, hotel keeper, 720 Wayne.Mrs. Katherine.Charles, (P. R. RJEnglebach, John, engineer, (P. R. RJ 1507 W. State.Mrs. Lena.Hazel A.Englebach, Otto, laborer (P. R. RJ 435 N. Seventh.Mrs. Louisa.Verona L.Enid G.Marjorie." OLEAN Clothiers, WM. HOUSE HORNER Furnishers, BLOCK. & CO., Merchant Tailors.o1oCOn^Ms•—'^ow*3±2r—L' Ore r—\if Or-.JIQ&^CDC•—

£r>-i->ociji—nc*~1>co-*oo st-..

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Hanufacturers & Dealers T TTMftPl> Latn and Shingles, Doors,in all kinds ofJLUlUDEIx, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W P. O., WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 107Evans, Hobart McKinley, 2 Brooks, E. 0.Evans, Otis, works Close Cycle Co., 514 Higgins.Mrs. Lulu.EWING ALBERT E., (Miller Hardware Co.,) 108 N. Second.Mrs. Kate.EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, (Frank L. Bartlett, Pres.;Nicholas V. V. Franchot, Vice Pres.; Allan I. Williams, cashier;Irving E. Worden, asst. cashier, (see adv.) cor Unionand Laurens.Eyler, S., glassworker, 26 First av., Bv.Mrs.William.Howard.Irwin.Martha.Edna.Grace.Florence.Fachs, see Fuchs, and Fox.Fagan, Peter, janitor, 1203 Reed.Mrs. Tresa.Alice R.Albert H.Walter F.Fahen, James, student, Spruce, N. O.Fahen, see Fehen.Fahey, see Fay.Fairbank:. John W., fireman, 20 First av., Bv.Mrs. Carrie A.Fairbanks, Louisa, widow, 20 First av., Bv.Fairchild, Mrs. Stella, 128 N. Tenth.Bertha B., music teacher.James Eugeane, glass packer.Mertie A.John F.Mildred H.Fales, Horace M., laborer, 16 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Helen.Jeanette E.Edward D.Fall, Miss Bridget, Buffalo, W. O.Fall, Minnie E, domestic, 145 N. Barry.Fane, Daniel, railway mail clerk, 48 River, N. O.Fane, Mrs. Mary, widow, 48 River, N. O.Fane, see Fehan and Fahen.FANNING, CHARLES, manager for Union Pacific Tea Co., 124NEW MANAGEMENT.NEWLY FURNISHEDHamilton.Mrs. DHarriett.A I L E Y ' S I N N ,Farley, Alfred, painter, 74 Bishop, E. O.Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.Farley, Mrs. Anna M., widow, 601 W. Henley.J0HH F.Frank.DAILEY,M., clerk.Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union street.Harry. RATES, $1.50 PER DAY.Lehon J.Julia H.a§ T}§ c1 r1 wH &w COo—n trfas3b r*•Q >X zx9r Etcr 5 ^< ex.is)3- aCO ^> 3 o

OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.108 MORRIS rH AND VAN CAMPEN'S*dFarpstein, Abram, peddler, 601 W. State.c

Boys' Shoes Made toWear are Sold by1J8 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 109Fellar, John O, lumber inspector, 402 N. Ninth.Mrs. Emma.Emma.Feltham, Percy G., employee R. R., 308 Tompkins.Mrs. Lillian M.Feltham, R. James, blacksmith, 337 Laurel av.Mrs. Lizzie L.Roy L., pipeman.Clarence V., clerk at Olean House.Fenton, John F., currier, 1226 Buffalo.Mrs. Margaret.Esther.Ferguson, Clarence H., painter, 414 Laurens.Mrs. Sue.Ferris, George, carpenter, 25 First av., Bv.Jennie V.Ferris, William C, works at Empire Mills, 72 Bishop, E. O.Mrs. Myrtie E.Ralph W.Feuchter, Charles, farmer, Haskell Road, E. O.Mrs. Sophie.Emma.Mary, student.Fred, student.Charles, student.Feuchter, Miss Clara, bookkeeper, 138 S. First.Feuchter, George, blacksmith, 112 N. Second.Mrs. Caroline.Clara A.Anna K, teacher.Feuchter, George, machinist, E. State, E. O.Mrs. Rachel.Edith, clerk.Sadie.George.Albert.Feuchter, Mrs. Lena, widow, 138 S. First.Feuchter, see Fiechter and Fister.Fichner, Johann, laborer, Dugan Road.Johann.Lewis.Rose.Drasa.Christina.Fie, E. H„ market gardener, 62 Clark, E. O.Fie, Fannie A., 62 Clark, E. O.Fiechter, Theodore, works at tannery, 718 W. Green.I. P. C O L L I N S ,Mrs. Kate M.Anna. 309 Hasonic Temple.Herman.Life, Flora. Fire and Accident!••Will.Infant.Fiechter, see Feuchter and Fister.oC CD=> cO !=Op-Hrm tnTOOrt>ro 'Xor-m>- >>70tn i nX© fl> •"*«a 3lawrspg £T Qo2to_

First National Bank of Olean*Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. K. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J . E. Dusenbury, Wra. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. *'. Johnson.•ogipi* - 8 a >*' g 110 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S«"°o-S £{ Field, Almon A., engineer, 43 Third av., Bv.S? u!5 u < Mrs- c°ra E.P fe ° | a Field, Elizabeth, 1112 N. Union.S 55 © So2 In Filkins, Filer, Miss Isiah Lydia, V., contractor, nurse, 229 S. 212 Barry. S. Fourth.Mrs. Isadora.z

\J I X 1THE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building; and Paving- Brick.J 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.IllFinn, Thomas, salesman for Armour, 28 Center, Bv.Mrs. Mary.FINNESSY BROS., (J. B. Finnessy, Edw. C. Finnessy,) grocers,117 N. Union.FINNESSY, EDW. O, grocer and oil'producer, (Finnessy Bros.)112 Laurens.FINNESSY JOHN B., grocer, (Finnessy Bros.) 133 Fulton.Mrs. Jennie.Genevieve.James.Finnessy, Margaret, teacher, 112 Laurens.Finnessy, Mary, teacher, 112 Laurens.Firman, see Furman.FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, (Rev. Thaddeus G. Cass, pastor,)South.FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, (Dr. J. L. Sooy, pastor,) cor.N. Union and Hamilton, (see supplement.)FIRST NATIONAL BANK, (J. E. Dusenbury, Pres.; WilliamE. Wheeler, Vice Pres.; A. T. Eaton, Cashier,) see adv., 107N. Union.Fish, Fred W., mason contractor, 118 N. Third.Mrs. Clara B.Fish, Stephen S., bricklayer, 313 Tompkins.Mrs. Hannah E.Fisher, Charles, chef Hotel Imperial, 102 S. Union.Fisher, Frank, 514 N. Eighth.Mrs. Meda.Walter E.Irene E.Fisher, Frank, boilermaker (P. R. R.) 310 N. Eighth.Fisher, George, employe P. R. R., Genesee House.Fisher, Mrs. Ida, cook, 519 N. Union.Fisher, Laura J., manicuring and'hair dressing parlor, rooms11-12 Riley & Wands block.Fisher, Michael, laborer, 437 N. Union.Fisher, Mrs. Minnie P, widow, 216 N. Third.Margaret E.Fister, George, machinist, Genesee House.Fister, see Feuchter.FITCH & RAMSEY, (S. L. Fitch, George E. Ramsey,) life insurance,office City Hall, (see adv.)FITCH STANLEY L., (Fitch & Ramsey,) City Hall, (see adv.,)res 607 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Margret A.Harold S.Arthur H.Kenneth C.Fitzgerald, Edward, clothier, 135 Fulton.Mrs. Nellie M.Mary Marcella.Dorothy M.George F.Fitzgerald, Harry B., clerk, (P. R. R.) 402 N. Union.Fitzgerald, Herbert W., superintendent (P. R. R.) 308 Laurel ayThe Associated Morning Only Newspaper Press Times. Membership.in Olean HavingoS3a- no? g COo3- r3o raif) frc frIf)tro zo>


D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. {ft •£ OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 113Fizzell, Miss Katherine M., secretary for Interior Construction& Improvement Co., 27 Grossman block.Flagg, Charles L., contractor, 137 N. Twelfth.Mrs. Nettie.Minnie M.Harry H.Flaherty, Bernice, student, 124 S. Sixth.Flaherty, Irene, student, 124 S. Sixth.Flaherty, John, boilermaker, (P. R. R.) 124 S. Sixth.Flannagan, William B., boilermaker, 525 N. Fifth.Mrs. Anna L.Edwin.Flemming, Fred, farmer, Irving, W. O.Mrs. Ametia.Bertha.Anna.Lizzie.Olga.Fritz W.Alvena.Fletcher, Mrs. Anna, 136 S.Flint, Adelbert R., painter,First.128 S. Second.N. First.Flinn, Frederick, blacksmith, 520Flynn, Frances, 121 S. Twelfth.Flynn, Hugh, laborer, 116 S. Twelfth.Mrs. Susan.Nellie.Elizabeth.James.Frances.Flynn, John F., works at Vacuum oil works, 114 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Nellie T.Joseph.Matthew V.Edwin L.Clement J.Dorothy F.Flynn, Matthew, switchman, 408 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Marcella.Kate.Ellen.Fobes, Mrs. Amanda F., widow, 407 E. State.Mary Clara.FOBES, GEORGE, oil producer and dealer in lumber, saw millRiver, N. O., res 408 E. State.Mrs. Josephine M.Marjctrie W M . V. C. H O R N E R & CO.,Fobes, Mrs. Lois G., widow, 211 Laurens.OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Kenneth Dewitt.Clothiers, FOLEY BROS., Furnishers, (Peter C. Foley, Merchant Martin C. Foley, Tailors. John P.Foley,) monument works, 210-218 Whitney av., (see adv.)Foley, Francis, 135 S. First.Foley, George M., marble worker, 203 W. State.Foley, Gus, marble worker, 135 S. First.ron H*mH70Oo73m

•4W 006§sz

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers & Dealers T H M D E D Lath and Shingles, Doors,nail Kinds of JLU1T1DEJV, Windows, Turned Work.L°"g D0|tean?NPhYne 6*W' P- °- WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 115Forrest, James M., cooper, 427 N. First.Mrs. Carrie M.Frank, machinist.Forrest, Sylvester J., machinist, 401 N. Ninth.Mrs. Mary.Edward J.George L.Frank F.Paul R.Forrester, James M., engineer, 210 E. State.Mrs. Minerva S.Forrester, Mrs. Ella, boarding house, 438 N. Eighth.Forrester, see Forster and Foster.FOSS, WALTER O, grocer, 12 Main, Bv., res 214 Coleman.Mrs. Ida A.FOSS, WILLIAM J., grocer, 318 Wayne.Mrs. Fannie.Earl.Mildred.Foster, Mrs. Alta, 307 W. Green.Clifton W.J?oster, Miss Bertha, teacher, 218 W. Sullivan.Foster, Bradley R., buffer, 1013 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Mary.Harry B.Foster, Elmer, carpenter, Wild Cat Road, S. O.Mrs. Jennie.Emerson.Eugene.Walter.Gertrude.George.Foster, George F. H., currier, 1024 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Margaret.Foster, George M., glassblower, 822 Buffalo.Mrs. Lillian.Foster, Glenn M., glassworker, 437 N. Ninth.Foster, Harvey, paperhanger, 309 1-2 N. Union.Foster, James, 507 W. State.Foster, Jasper W., blacksmith, (P. R. R.) 210 N. Seventh.Mrs. Edna P.Jfoster, Jeremiah B., carpenter and repairer, shop 108 S. First,res 307 W. Green.Mrs. Adeline U.Maud M.Foster, Millard A., carpenter, 144 S. Twelfth.NEW MANAGEMENT.Pearl M.NEWLY FURNISHED.Irma D AA.H E Y ' S I N N .Albert B. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN Foster, F. Rena DAILEY, F., 1013 Proprietor. W. Sullivan. 402, 404 N. Union Street.Foster, Roy E., laborer, RATES, 437 SI.50 N. Ninth. PER DAY.Mrs. Hattie.Bertha C.Foster, see Forster and Forrester.oTloCOH W£WnXoXzcsu3If) p*7 050

*->tooS-,&^-"T3c3AX . 4-J*:©p*o>-.oT3^opeaP-H Xus5—, m;(D.-Q•H-1t—« Irma E.0 m Albert B.y f-(d e Harold G.Leonard C.d* Four Cent and Nine Cent Store, (C. Golden and Mary R. Golden,bprops.) 608 W. State.Fountain, see Fontaine.a * Fowler, Joseph C, pipe fitter,121 N. Ninth.(0 §Mrs. Emma F.Elsie E., stenographer.•H S3 Clara L.u "» = Harry S.Frank R.Honor G.< = Grace E.Fowler, Mrs. Mary E., 418 Laurens.Fox, Charles E., conductor (P. R. R.) 516 N. Seventh.Mrs. Gertrude.iInfant.i Fox, Mrs. Emma, housekeeper, 205 R. R. av., E. O.id u,: Fox, Eugene, 143 1-2 N. Union.Wo Fox, Isaac, glassblower, 802 Washington.Mrs. Rebecca.L/CIvy.2 a, Maud.riiFox, Jennie, chambermaid, 111 R. R. av.:CO 'Fox, John, boilermaker, 537 N. Ninth.Mrs. Lena.Fox, John, laborer, 513 N. Fifth.wMrs. Ledwidge.1/3Fox, John, laborer, 122 N. Eleventh.*Mrs. ^Jnnie.oJohn.mClara.|H Emma.Fox, Peter, pipe fitter,323 N. Uniom.£fcFox, Thomas, laborer, 602 Wayne.z Fox, William, farmer, W. State, W. 0.«Mrs. Mary.i>Teresa.E d Fred. w a r d Troy, Waning Mill,Irene.Mayme.Fox, William, firemanSHINGLES,(P. R. R.) 228LUMBER,S. Barry.220 S. Barry St.LATH,Mrs. Florence.SIDING, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND MOULDINGS.Eva L.Fox, W. J., painter, E. State, E. O.Mrs. Rubia.

STETSON'S FINE SHOES FOR M E i U ^—AT—F. E. Tyler & Co's, ,5\tToar—OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 117 x\3Fox, see Fuchs.£jfFrail, Anna, chambermaid, Olean House. j-t (_JjFrance, George P., 225 N. Third. o C/} t_iMrs. Flora. M % L^Bessie. C 3- [""France, t.eanor, 206 Laurens. g- •!_ HFrance. Mrs. M. E., widow, 118 Hamilton. 3 — ^FRANCHOT BROS., (Stanislaus P. Franchot, Nicholas V. V. v> 3' o OFranchot,) 25 Ex. Bk. bldg.r Q. W p-riFRANCHOT, NICHOLAS V. V, (Franchot Bros.,) 305 N. Sec- £ F- sTond. 3 M ^Mrs. Anna W. ex. » 1^FRANCHOT, Douglas RICHARD W. H., oil producer, office 25 Ex. Bk. a _ rjj _! p-*I Qbldg., Louise res 311 W. N. Fourth. w o X c Z .. XJanet Mrs. Helene V. S.' 9 ^t — $?Lawrence. C. Pascal. -g Q- ^j"Reginald. Annie C. =f ^ < C/jFrank, -r _ Charles O, mgr. Postal Telegraph Co., 207 E. Henley. £JMrs. Blanche L. S°Marguerite E.FRANK, MRS. KATE, prop, Frank's Hotel, 108-110 W. State. — — —Franklin, Fred, laborer, 513 1-2 N. Union.Franklin, Mrs. Kate, 513 1-2 N. Union. Cm *H-Franklin, William, laborer, American House, 1125 N. Union, *• ' -Frasier, William, butcher, Moore's Lane, W. O» 73Mrs. Margaret E.0^s.CO frEva. Mrs. Ella.ift a (/iClarence.00FRAZEE, WILLARD L., prop, planing mill, North Olean, res

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.Directors.- E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler/u „ E. M. Johnson, I. F. Johnson.k _*M- • mZt H8 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SS§|tf . French, William H., boilermaker (P. R. R.) 120 N. Twelfth.zOJMrs. Mary.Martha.0i_Leo H.m inRaymond J.pa eo^5 « Frey, August H., engineer (P. R. R.) 502 N. Eighth.mMrs. Frances F.Q0 T3 OClara E.0Catharine I.ZHenry Edward.< Frey, Charles, general foreman car shops (P. R. R.) 323 N.• H H Fourth.Mrs. Mary.* xHarry.0 Frey, Charles, machinist, (P. R. R.) 422 N. Eighth.< UMrs. Mary E.Bessie I.Florence R.Charles.Frances.Frichte, Mrs., 143 N. Thirteenth.Friedl, Julia, 19 Center, Bv.m C/J "*" Friedl, Miss Julia T., domestic, 35 Third av., Bv.f-i £ Friel, Mrs. Annie, 418 N. Thirteenth.-—•• „ . William.•+"* g ^ Friel, see Freel.f^ q> £ O Frier, Charles B., insurance agent, 134 S. Clinton- _j © g Mrs. Ida.3 . _ Clarence.Z t> §Viola.5 nj u < Frier, Lues Mrs. Lucinda, dressmaker, 227 S. Barry.H fj rjj 253 >, Frink, Leo. see Fink.*Tpj -> c < Frisby, Mrs. Elvira, widow, 108 S. Eighth.Jt-i 3 Q If Frisby, Your Ward Life's A., car repairer Worth (P. R. Living R.) 108 S Its Eighth Worthj^ _J ~ 7, Mrs. Maud I.*j_J [5 S Genevieve A.Insuring-.« _ O Fritsch. Arloes, galvanizer (P. R. R.) 127 N. Eleventh.Fitch & Ramsey, City Building.tuMrs. Katharine.

I.254 N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire ClavGoods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 119Fritsch, Joseph, carpenter, 1214 Washington.Mrs. Mary.Fritz, Burt, butcher, 607 W. Henley.Fritz, George N., boilermaker, 609 Irving.Frohlich, Michael, Second av., cor. Genesee, Bv.Mrs. Anna.Florence M.Edward K.Frost, Carrie, domestic, 1002 W. State.Frost, Charles, glass worker, prop, bakery and confectionerystore, 508 W. State.Mrs. Jennie.Roy N.Guy R.Samuel L.Frost, Jesse, popcorn stand, 251 N. Union.Fryer, see Frier.F. T. B. BARBER SHOP THE, F. T. Bowser, prop, (see adv.,)172 N. Union.Fuchs, Rumbold, 1121 W. State.Mrs. Wilhelmina.Sophia.Fuchs, see Fox.Fuller, Almeron, stonemason, E. River Road, S. O.Mrs. Florence.Fuller, Alta M., domestic, 312 Laurel av.Fuller, Charles T., jeweler and optician, 143 N. Union, res 504W. Henley.Mrs. Louise C. H.Fuller, Evi, gardener, 64 King, E. O.Mrs. N. J.Fuller, Merrit H., conductor (P. R. R.) 305 N. Seventh.Mrs. Gertrude E.Verda G.Hazel C.Gladys E.Esther M.Forrest M.Fuller, Michael F., butcher, 24 Genesee, Bv.Mrs. Anna.Florence.Edward.Fuller, Ward M., works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.FULLER WILLIAM F., prop. 5c and 10c store, 219 N. Union,Fun (see Lee, marginal laundryman, advs,) res 253 210 N. Union. Jay.Mrs. Stella.Lloyd W.TMildred h e E. M o r n i n g T i m e s .Fuller, see Faller and Fellar.TheFulton,OnlyRobert,Newspaperconductorin(P.OleanR. R.)Havingroom 9 RileyAssociated& Wandsblock. Press Membership.o5 -froCD* - ris) ~rn> •—- ran ©fr» 1e " t» fr"• »sr© 2reo3 S 3M> H« 0V3 tttk02 ^1 •rtp-7

Good Swell Furnishings for.,-,« * Men. Trunks andL.l0thes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.120 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SFurey, Michael, laborer (P. R. R.) 332 N. Eighth.Mrs. Carmey.1Mary.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing; Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. {*°'il0£h?lne ]$ OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 121Gale, John E., plumber, 312 S. Eighth.Mrs. Minnie M.Gallagher, Miss Celia, music teacher, 463 1-2 N. Union.Gallagher, Henry, prop, hotel, 125-7 N. Union.Mrs. Mary E.Gallagher, Frank, bookkeeper (P. R. R.) 1102 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Anna.Fern.Gallagher, Hugh, currier, 1302 W. Henley.Mrs. Susie A.Mary E.Leonard.Edward.Charles H.Gallagher, Mrs. Jane, widow, 111 Wayne.Gallagher, Miss Mary, 111 Wayne.Gallagher, Patrick F., telegraph operator, 111 Wayne.Gallagher, Stephen V., pipe fitter,440 N. First.Mrs. Anna L.Harold V.Gallagher, William, agent Singer Sewing Machine Co., IllWayne.Galusha, Dewitt O, glazier, 111 N. First.Gamble, William G., teacher, 79 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Hattie.Dean.Lester.Ganey, Thomas, currier, 1209 Washington.Mrs. Mary.Helen.Gannon, William, engineer (P. R. R.) 215 Winters av.Mrs. Margaret.Nellie.Gano, Edward, works at tannery, 9 Avenue B., N. O.Mrs. Mary.Joseph.Michael.Francis.Anna.Susan.Mary.Rose.GANOUNG, CHARLES A., prop, night lunch car, 250 N. Union.Mrs. Jennie.Charles S.GANOUNG. FLORANCE, (Ganoung & Son,) sign writer, (seeadv.,) 204 E. av.Mrs. M. Maud.Bruce H.GANOUNG, HIRAM P., sign writer, (Ganoung & Son,) 250 N.Union.Mrs. Mary E." OLEAN Clothiers, GANOUNG writers WM. HORNER HOUSE and & decorators, SON, Furnishers, BLOCK. & (H. CO., P. 250 Ganoung, N. Merchant Union, F. (see S. Tailors.adv.) Ganoung,) signOo__>* r"~DJca,0ilQto %•XKHi1WS3o1}tros if.wtX>\JGlOOJOMr*3CDo CD3CO Xs~*~inpand an00 _00o —

E< >•+->0e\t1-,ahrc*"QJm euXU O)— 0m O-L-. if)>cOh'XIS)0U-First National Bank of Olean,Capital, $ioo,ooo. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.T. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres-A. T. EATON, Cashier.>-^ Directors_K. G. Dusenbury, ]. £. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler.E. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.122 ^ MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SGarden, c fl Allen A., baggagemaster (P. R. R.) 324 Jay.r3 u

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,rtanufacturers & Dealers T T1MRP1> Lath an(1 Shingles, Doors,JLUIYIDEJX, Windows, Tuined Work.Long Distance^hone 6-W.p Q> VVESTON'S MILLS,OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.Garvey, John, motorman, 120 Wayne.Mrs. Margaret.Lillian.Garvey, Thomas P., painter, 135 N. Barry.Gattem, Battros, peddler, 437 N. Union.GAULT & MORRIS, (Murray M. Gault, Wm. R. Morris,)Grand Central Hotel.GAULT BROS., (Lawrence C. Gault, Joseph A. Gault,)market, 260 N. Union.Gault, Janies C, works for Gault Bros., 6 First av., Bv.Mrs. Minnie.John C.Glenn M.GAULT, JOSEPH A., (Gault Bros.) 128 S. Third.Mrs. Isadora H. K.GAULT, LAWRENCE O, (Gault Bros.) 207 Jay.Mrs. Nellie.GAULT, MURRAY N., (Gault & Morris, Grand Central)Union.N. Y.123props.meat314 N.Gay, Charles J., works at Vacuum oil works, 902 Washington.Mrs. Elivia C.Ethel L.Theresa M.Francis K.Laura.Albert.Marie.Gayley, see Gailey.Gayner, Gertrude, chambermaid, Genesee House, R. R. av.Gayner, Rose, cook, Genesee House, R. R. av.Gaynor, Susie, laundress, Olean House.Gaynor, Michael J., works for Vacuum Oil Co., 704 W. Henley.Mrs. Anna M.John J.Joseph Leo.Mary Anna.Gayton, Charles W., laborer, 198 R. R. av., E. O.Mrs. R. Elnora.Clarence W., laborer.Harry G., laborer.Charles.Lena.Lela.Gayton, Clarence, currier, 124 N. Fifth.Gayton, Mrs. Jennie, 350 East av.Geanon, see Gannon.Geise, Jacob, conductor St. Ry., 5 City Line alley.Mrs. Rose.Geise, George W., tanner, Buffalo, N. O.Mrs. Laura B.Ernest T.George D.NEW MANAGEMENT.NEWLY FURNISHEDD A I L E Y ' S I N N ,Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.J0HH F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union street.PATES. It 50 PER DAV.asco3if)O•ao.-. if.3mo trc n»= o5 «"•?r3"Q-C/lOOo2s m73 Q>r-a70zHZoex.o 3COeno

When you buy of us, youget the Best, in all gradesof Footwear. —158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 125GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH, (Rev. F. C. Weidman, Pastor,)cor. Laurens and N. Fourth.Gerolds, James H., laborer, Spring, E. O.Mrs. Laura.Geronimo, Mary, Sister of Mercy, 606 W. Sullivan.Gerringer, Louise, domestic, 513 W. Sullivan.Gerry, John J., currier, 655 E. State, E. O.Mrs. Mary A.John J.Honora M.Gesse, William A., asst. yard master (P. R. R.) 613 Washington.Mrs. Mary L.Donald H.Mildred R.Getsee, John, farmer, Oregon Road, N. O.Mrs. Lena.Joseph.Ella.Frank.George.Getsy, Stephen, works for P. R. R., 17 Avenue B., N. O.Mrs. Mary. .Geuder, George, laborer, 114 S. Seventh.Mrs. Catharine M.Otto W.Albert G.George J.Barnhard D.William H.Geuder, Godfrey G., deli very man, 313 S. Seventh.Mrs. Minnie C.Martha L.Esther A.GEUDER, JOHN H.,grocer, 422 W. State, res 420 W. State.GEUDER,Mrs.MICHAELAnna L.J..grocer.236 N. Eighth, res 234 N. EighthEdaMrs.A.Emma.Hilda L.Emma L.Loretta M.Geugie, Clara George, L. miner, 20 Hoop.Arthur Mrs. Tilly. D.Geyer, J. George Harold, O, Jr. tinsmith, 128 N. Fourth.Mrs. Helen M.Mossie G.Geyer, Lewis, laborer, 116 S. Fourth.Geyer, Jacob, cornice maker, 116 S. Fourth.Mrs. Golda.Geyer,, Valentine, bar tender, 116 S. Fourth.I. P. C O L L I N S ,309 flasonic Temple.0PT(XX03inr-t-CDCO1—t-Or->•7Z7

First National Bank of Olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J . E. Dusenbury, Wm. E.WheelerE. M. Johnson, J- *'. Johnson.o~b"3 ^ 126 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S«Sc/>« g —dT^o-S _j Gibbons, Irene, nurse, 207 Coleman.« jo u

iiTHE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick.ij 254 N. UNION STREET-OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 127GILLINGHAM & SON, (Charles Gillingham, Charles Gillingham,Jr.) building contractors and dealers in lumber andbuilders supplies, 302 N. Union, (see adv.)Gilmore, Matthew, student, 429 N. Ninth.Gilmore, Mrs. Rose, 414 Wayne.Elizabeth.Gilson, John, laborer, 7 Spruce, N. 0.Ginter, see Guenther.Glase, Miss Lulu, bookkeeper, 121 S. Barry.Glass, Herman I., agent, 119 N. Second.Mrs. Bessie.Isadore.Glasier, William, boilermaker, W. State,,W. O.Glavin, Miss Mary, 324 N. EighthGlavin, Timothy, teamster, 324 N. Eighth.Glavin, William, boilermaker, Exchange Hotel, N. O.Mrs. Nellie.Gleason, Elisha, laborer, 266 1-2 N. Union.•Gleason, Mrs. Elizabeth, dressmaker, 463 1-2 N. Union.Gleason, Fred L., (Carley Heater Co.) 312 Laurens.Mrs. Ella.Caroline T.Gleason, Luman'B., carpenter, 147 R. R. av., E. O.Mrs. Samantha C.Alvin L., farmer.•Globe Restaurant, Benjamin Bear, prop., 306 N. Union.Glok, Kaiser, laborer (P. R. R.) 20 Oak, N. O.Mrs. Mary.Augusta.Julia.Gobies, James M., laborer, 78 King, E. O.Godden, Charles A., clerk, 1311 Washington.Mrs. Anna.Clara.Harold.Godfrey, Godden, John I. M., H., prop. miller, Godfrey's 10 First livery, av. Bv. 162 N. Union, res 46Front, Mrs. Bv. Frances (see adv.) A.Walter Mrs. Maud F. E.Mabel Florence E. B.Elmer Marguerite. Lee.GODFREY Theodore LIVERY, N. (I. M. Godfrey, prop.) (see adv.) 162 N.Union. Jeane.Godfrey, Orrin W., farmer, Main, Bv.Mrs. Jennie.Mina.Elizabeth.T h e M o r n i n g T i m e s .The Only Newspaper in Olean HavingAssociated Press Membership.o2!oH•"1s; -IS) •1ftCDoft•nOSoB•na3o—jIT)nit)aro•C_•03rrnfrfrm-~i2aV3 X\" _-COIS>a S s ?o b QJ CLBIS)1 £PV CD*£ DOVX %


E X C H A N G E L I V E R Y .I. M. GODFREY, Prop.Boarding, Sales and Feed Stables.Rear of Tower Building;, Opp. Exchange Bank. OLEAN, N. Y.WRIGHT MANUFACTURING CO.Manufacturers ofCABINET SPECIALTIES.J. P. HEARN,PHOTOGRAPHER.^^n04 W. State St., - - - Olean, N. Y.

FACIAL MASSAGE,MANICURING.TREATMENT OF THE HAIRAND SHAMPOOING A SPCIALTY.MRS. MARIE L. GEORGIA,241 1-2 N. Union St, Room J7-18.Dressmaking. OLEAN, N. Y.O L E A N C A B &BAGGAGE CO.H. R. O'NEIL, Prop. > j» 911 Henley St.Cabs for all purposes. Rates to any part of city, with baggage,25c. Trunks to Erie depot on cab, 10c extra.Carriages for calling, etc., 75c per hour; for driving, $1.00per hour.Calls for baggage promptly attended to. Telephone stand atGrand Central Hotel, or Union Phone No. 454.F I T C H & R A M S E Y .GENERAL AGENTS FORPHOENIX LIFE INSURANCE CO.,CITY BUILDING."If your life's worth living, it's worth insuring.'Ask about the Phoenix Endowment Policies.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Brinks.TllOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. °?e '£ OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 129Goodwin, Nelson S., works at Conklin wagon works, 401 E.State.Mrs. Agnes.GOODWIN, WILLIAM A., pharmacist, 233 N. Union, res 216S. Fourth.Mrs. Minnie C.Helen M.Melville H.Norbert M.Paschal A.GOODWIN, WILLIAM T., (Wheeler & Goodwin,) 210 N. Fifteenth.Gosdick, Andrew, works P. R. R. shops, Spring, E. O.Mrs. Frances.Helen.Irene.Emma.Goshgarien, Jacob, 20 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Rose.Joseph.Gould, Albert, engineer, (P. R. R.) 217 Winters av.Gould, Emmett M., carpenter, 8 Genesee, Bv.Mrs. Minnie.Florence Helen.Gould, James M., farmer, 116 N. Second.Lucie L., teacher.Leona E., teacher.Gould, John H., telegrapher, 128 E. Henley.Gould, Roy, barber, 719 W. State, res 606 W. State.Mrs. Mary.Gowtz, Charles, farmer, Savage Hollow, S. O.Mrs. Magdelene.Tony.Martha.Jeane.Helena.Annie.Goyt, A. H., laborer, 140 Adams.Mrs. Lucinda R.Grady, Mrs. Catherine, Stafford av., W. O.GRAHAM, FREDERICK TODD, (F. T. Graham & Go.) 121 N.Union, res 216 N. First.Mrs. Edna A.GRAHAM, F. T. CO., (Frederick T. Graham, Mellville C. Follett,Mary A. Follett,) dry goods and millinery, 121 N. Union.Graham, Samuel G., boilermaker, 129 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Nettie.William L., shoe factory.Anna.Lillian.Lephie.IWM. HORNER & CO.,OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.Sft)p—*Ism H*&rn73OO73m« r-o SS frBSg __"' *> a r" c3 a*

1*IS)aif) enUJz STri H

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers & Dealers T HMRP1) Latn and Shingles, Doors,nail Kinds ofJLUITIDEIY, Windows, Turned Work.Long mstance^Phone 6-W, p 0 WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 131•Green, Alfred H., mason, 108 E. Green. O hi —Joseph. £ ZJennie. O u __ OLolly. %Z ^ XHarry.W -^ MGreen, Allen L., painter, rear of Quirin tannery, E. State, E. O. -CM „ . t^ ° ZMrs. Joanna.w 3. A QRoy. J^-ate. 2 ^d ^Green, Kate. Charles W., lumber dealer, Olean House. 2 -^ mGreen, Mrs. Emmett Mary. E., larmer, Dugan Road, E. O. ffi x £ fit W _. 70 to ^Green, Mrs. Mrs. Kate Cornelia D. C, widow, 214 N. Fourth.• >o • if* X fW oArtemus E.toGreen, George W., traveling salesman, 601 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Nellie M.Robert B.___Green, Henry, laborer, 523 N. Union.Green, J. Sterling, laborer, 57 Johnson, N. O.Z08 "3Green, Mrs. Lucy, 24 Hoop, E. O.Green, Mabel, domestic, 52 Main, Bv.Green, Mr., traveling agent, Riley & Wands blk. room 25.Green, Thomas B., tanner, 94 Garden av. E. O.« o 3" _,•US » *f sr_gMrs. Maud.Josa.GREENMAN, Greenan, Thomas SANFORD F., engineer G., asst. (P. R. supt. R.) Metropolitan 134 N. Fourth. Life Ins. *mCo., Mrs. office Elizabeth 143 1-2 N. R. Union, res 107 S. Clinton. fjpj T W r+ ~TMrs. Cecelia Emma C. J. — rn rr~ ^ D- ® OGreenfield, Ethel Esther, May. 25 Railroad av. E. O.Greenfield, Parker Rosella, E. 25 Railroad av. E. O.w __ .Greenwood, Gardiner O, engineer (P. R. R.) 124 N. Sixth. 63 •* j*.Mrs. Kate. ** gLeona. *mGreenwood, Mrs. Celia, boarding house, 321 N. Ninth. £3 ^r rf'George E.£*___-•-Robert.PSJ, fjj"QOGregory, Celia. Tom, laborer, 604 N. First.» 73Mrs. Jessie. Mary.£JGreer, Rosloe. John P., engineer, 34 River, N. 0.XT ^ "7Annie. O iJoseph. Pf *^Grey, Fannie Mrs. Beulah, D. 311 N. Seventh. XFl70NEW MANAGEMENT.NEWLY FURNISHED.DAHEY'S INN.Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.RATES. SI.50 PER DAY.

-*—*tXB•l-H£-—-73a c3

STETSON'S FINE SHOES FOR MXd,—AT—F. E. Tyler &158N. UnionGo's, Street.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 133Grossman, Benjamin, bill distributor, 233 1-2 N. Union, room 10.GROSSMAN BLOCK, (Charles Grossman, prop.) 233 N. Union.Grossman. Miss Ida, (owner the Grossman Block,) room27 Grossman block, 241 N. Union.Grossman, .Miss Josephine, (owner the Grossman Block,) room27 Grossman block, 241 N. Union.Grossman, Miss Mary, (owner the Grossman Block, room27 Grossman block, 241 N. Union.Grummel, see Krummel.Grundy, Mrs. Ellen, widow, 37 River, N. O.Peter, boilermaker, (P. R. RJJames, laborer.Thomas, laborer.John, glassworker.Eliza.Guay, P. J., currier, 1312 Reed.Mrs. Mary E.Joseph D.John W.Henry.George W.Mary E.Onesim D.Mildred.Guenther, Fred, engineer (P. R. R.) 109 Coleman.Mrs. Mary.Harry.Florence.Guile, Othello P., machinist, 128 W. Green.Mrs. Mary B.Blanche M.Gumiock, Mrs. Anna, 19 Avenue B., N. O.Michael.Mary.Gumiock, Ella, 33 River, N. O.Guthrie, Estella, 608 W. Henley.Haase, August, machinist, 1103 Irving.Mrs. Augusta.Joseph.Haase, Jacob, stone mason, 113 N. Tenth.Mrs. Catharine.Haas, William, machinist (P. R. R.) 1208 Washington.Mrs. Bertha.Magdalena.Harry J.Haddon, John W., 118 Hamilton.Hadley, Miss Mabelle W., stenographer, 27 Grossman block.\. Hadley, P. Oliver C0\i\iWS N., laborer, 205 Railroad ^ General av., E. Insurance,O.Floyd, clerk.Newton, laborer. 309 Masonic Temple.George.Hagan House, (Mrs. Orphie Hagan, prop.; 612 N. Union.Hagan, Mrs. Orphie, prop. Hagan House, 012 N. Union.CmOr0if) sis09•v9aetenaaminrrU33'is)Sex.r—ex.COif)X\XwJ^ rCO(J)enr-L'£3£3O(J)1—1rr1—120X>'A??c/>O2273fr00Grroo

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.1 E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.AT. EATON, Cashier.DIRectoks.-E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, I. F. lohnson.M_^ . > _\ 134 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'So S «2 ©_. V o «Hagadorn, Henry D., oil producer, 308 E. State.a"0 9 C ~i u Mrs. Ella L._ « a H 5 Leland Jex M ,J Marian J.3 2 s ^ r£ Hahn, Fred, teamster, 19 Grossman block, 241 N. Union.U- * 5 Raymond.> *j g, IS)Kenneth.z a>W t Halbran, Jules, bookkeeper, 313 S. Clinton.% 0 H >—Mrs. Harriet N.00 C/JRay P.Gertrude.HALE, FRANK, liveryman, 610 E. State, E. 0.Q OTJOMrs. Kate.pa 3 £zNina.Haley, Henry, machinist, 32 Walnut, N. O.< S3S"• H (-Mrs. Victoria.Henry.£ XRoscoe.1— 0Margaret.< UPaul.Clara.Ray.Sally.Haley, James, lives at Johnson's, Irving, W. O.Hall, Andrew J., blacksmith helper, 304 S. Eighth.Mrs. Fanny.W. Howard.Anna L.Hall, Boardman, student, 404 Laurens.Hall, Edward, lineman, 210 N. Clinton.• CERStatNESIfi •*• Hall, Fred L., bridge builder, 19 Center, Bv._l ^ Mrs. Emma.>J-H . . Gladys."3H •+•» g©£ Hall,Fred,Georgeporter,'OleanE., tanner, 27House.Main, Bv.f_ • JJ> rj Mrs. Nancy M.If Your Life's Worth Living Its Worthm r ° £ Mary B-a . Hall, Homer, Windfall Road, Insuring. Bv.Z u 9 Mrs. Jennie.Fitch & Ramsey, City Building.^ JJ

I.254 N- UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.135Hall, Mrs. Lucinda A., Union, S. 0.Aaron J.Hall, Mary B., matron at Olean General Hospital, 207 Coleman.Hall, Sherman L., fireman (P. R. R.) Osgood av., E. 0.Mrs. Nora.Charles L.Hall, Truman, carpenter, 48 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Amelia.Oliver.Norman.Haller, Antone M., machinist, 316 Coleman.Mrs. Mildred.Josephine.Fayetta M.Haller, Mrs. Elizabeth, 414 Wayne.Frank, machinist.Emma.Haller, George J., machinist, 312 Coleman.Mrs. Margaret.Charles A.Genevieve.George J.Hallet, Charles W., teamster, 481 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Elizabeth T.Hallet, Elizabeth G., stenographer, 305 W. Sullivan.Halliday, Edward, telegrapher, 94 River, N. 0.Mrs. Emma.Halliday, Freeman B., 94 River, N. 0.Halloran, see Holleran.Halstead, J. Albert, travelingman, 214 S. Clinton.Mrs. Mamie.Hazel.Lawrence.Edith.Halter, Rose, works at 131 Fulton, res 508 W. State.Halter, William, prop, saloon 504 W. State, propr. bakery 508W. State, res 508 W. State.Mrs. Frances.Lena.Clara.Josephine.Halwig, Mrs. Clare M., 414 S. Union.Helena M.Hamad, R. G., grocer, 431 N. Union.HAMEL, J. J., clergyman (St. Mary's, Catholic church) res 118W. Henley.Hamer, Charles L., fireman, Avenue A., N. O.Mrs. Anna.Samuel D., currier.Benedict.Loretta.Hamilton, Blanchard E., painter and paperhanger, 111 E.Green.Mrs. Maggie.o5Sotrn'CIS) orVIS)n ft5*o«so3s.Hi"5"nS37*3oV)3"O-»r>£ #M«»wgp>1rt-5*3woX73oH«1-4M>301^.©•0 "V©if) Hw_--\o•c-•DOrmfrfr^-*2ON«SotuaidU)mm2•C3©'3frrrT h e M o r n i n g T i m e s .The Only Newspaper in Olean Having AssociatedPress Membership.

00oIGood Swell Furnishings fors~ii i Men. Trunks andUothes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.136 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SHamilton, C. G., butcher (Mayer Bros.) 418 W. Henley.Mrs. Margaret R.10 1 Hamilton, Marvin N., stonemason, 115 E. Green.qjMrs. Ann.O Hamilton, Miss Florence, laundress, 110 W. Sullivan.feHI C Hamilton, John, engineer, 307 1-2 N. Union.^^

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing; Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOll, ^es. & Treas. g^o?"""" $ OLEAN. N-Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 137HANNIFAN, WIILLIAM P., (Hannifan & Maroney) 147 N.Union, res 136 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Katherine E.Aileen M.William.Margery.Marion.Hannigan, Edward, farmer, Oregon Road, N. 0.Hannigan, George, Oregon Road, N. O.Hannigan, James, gauger, 95 Green, N. 0.Mary, clerk.Josephine.George.Irene.Marie.Hannigan, Lucy, Oregon Road, N. O.Hannigan, Martha, Oregon Road, N. O.Hannikainen, E., tailor, 116 N. Third.Hanks, Mrs. Una, 315 1-2 N. Union.Hannon, Edward J., wine clerk, Olean House.Hannon, James, 615 W. Henley.Hannon, James C, stationary engineer, 118 N. Eighth.Mrs. Carrie.Clyde D.Raymond H.Helen M.Margaret L.Hannon, John J., oil gauger, 615 W. Henley.Mrs. Margaret.Leo J.Mary U.Francis W.Hannon, Mrs. Mary, widow, 218 S. Fifth.Hannon, Michael, gauger, 530 N. Fifth.Mrs. Mary.Thomas, boilermaker.John, laborer.James, laborer.William, inspector.Frank, switchman.Hannon, William F., National Transit foreman, 1310 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Mary.Loretto.William.Mark.Hanson, Frank, works at tannery, 136 S. Third.W M . H O R N E R & C O . ,Hanson, Mrs. Florence C, teacher, 710 W. Sullivan.Helen T. OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Hanson, Peter, car repairer, (P. R. R.) 1008 Buffalo.Clothiers, Mrs. Elma. Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.R. Teresa.Oscar.Hanson, Will, works at tannery, 136 S. Third.OlNaoz ?ffl' ,_.W-T^ O'.ft „rnr-c 3COCL o© CO3(fl CO Xs» s*~mXJ» X'i ex.a. in ex.Ka 03 , .T o0) jT3CpaO--^03 3o tr ?nTf CD-1o63*PJ>13OIT) X ex.

XI)—-.coCJJCh-wu.OJidXIS)XU oo>11-oLI_>-fCXinOJo-l-JC/J

The A* Weston Lumber Co.,Hanufacturers & Dealers T TTMteTift Lath and Shingles, Doors,in all kinds ofHJiUDElX, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance^Phone 6-W p 0j WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 139Harris, Henry V., 336 N. Tenth.Mrs. Elizabeth.Harris, John D., moulder, 215 S. Second.Mrs. Elizabeth.Harris, Joseph E., junk dealer, 214 W. Green.mrs. Dora L.Samuel.Esther.Sarah.Maurice.Leo.HARRIS, J. M., clothier and pawnbroker, 246 N. Union, res138 Fulton.Mrs. Molly.Mindel R.Theodora B.Harrison, A. M., junk dealer, 1437 Buffalo.Mrs. Sophrona.Leroy.Delbert.Harrison, Cora, 109 N. First.Harrison, G. F., works for P. R. R., E. River road, S. O.Mrs. Bessie.Harrison, Sylvester, laborer, 109 N. First.Harrison, William H., oil producer, 209 S. Fifth.Mrs. Clara E.Mary E.Henry D.Harsch, Edward C, tanner, 12 Green.Mrs. Ada.Violet.Neville.Corrine.Hart, Matthew F., yard master (P. S. & N. R. R.) 408 N. Eighth.Mrs. Catharine.Charles, brakeman (P. R. R.)Anna.Helen, teacher.Henry.Mabel.Beatrice.R.) 11 Third av., Bv.Katharine.Matthew.Harten, Henry, 1009 W. Henley.Harten, Lottie, 1009 W. Henley.NEW Harter, MANAGEMENT.George, blacksmith, (P. R. NEWLY FURNISHEDMrs. Nellie.Berna. D A I L E Y ' S I N N ,Roy. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHH Ambrose. F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union street.RATES, S1.SO PER DAY.a303if>0•a•a0if>tm00sr?3^'-QCO^

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BE^TAlways Sometinhg New.CLOTHIERS.160 N. Union Street.u140 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SCJtiartman, Conrad, tailor, 219 1-2 N. Union, res 112 H. Twelfth.Mrs. Kate.^_ 0 Bessie.3 flj Arthur.Mabel.Howard., tfl U £• « Hartwick, Sullivan. Anton, works at tannery, 66 Clark, E. O.m ^_ _3 W (0 3 - Hartz, HARTZ, Mrs. JOSEPH, Theresa, clothier, widow, (Davis, 1005 W. Nenno Sullivan. & Hartz) 1005 W.__ .2 *_J 3 Albert W.O U « w Herman A.U K JL J Harry C.0> r/J" i* Harvey, Mrs. W F., E. River, S.'O.*- rj n Harvison, Robert G., motorman, 38 Front, Bv.^ W - Mrs. Elizabeth B.0> (0 Harvison, Thomas J., laborer, 19 Main, N. O.^ _UaMrs. Katie.ao-etf.uCOCOHILVJZoOCO.f-

When you buy of us, youget the Best, in all gradesof Footwear. —158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 141Hastings, Mrs., widow, 309 Coleman.William.Hastings, Mrs. Sarah, lives at D. L. Parker's, N. 0., back roadto Hinsdale.Hatch, Daniel, bartender, 507 W. State.Mrs. Nellie.HATFIELD, JOSEPH J., barber, 106 W. State, res 126 N. Third.Mrs. Helen M.Hathaway, Daniel, 61 Spring.Mrs. Cynthia.Ina.Irma.Alta.Mary.^nauncey.Glenn.Hathaway, Miss Frances A., 76 Bishop, E. O.Hathaway, Frank F., engineer, 76 Bishop, E. 0.Hauestein, Julius W., barber, 316 1-2 W. State, res 210 N.Sixth.Mrs. Cora A. prop. Haugh's Out, liquor store, 105 Rail-Ernest K.HAUGH, Julius MICHAEL N. J., prop. Haugh's Bottling Works, 612 N.First, Bernice res 611 W. N. Union.Haugh, Mrs. James Margaret. M.road Chester. av.Katherine.Ella.Emma.Michael.Margerete.Veronica.James.Haugh, P. J., machinist, (P. R. R.) 1 Maple, N. O.Mrs. Elizabeth.Hause, Charles, peddler, 20 Garden av., E. O.Hause, W. C, works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.HAVENS, JAMES H., (Dean & Havens,) opera house block,116 S. Second.Mrs. Helen L.C. Elayne.J. Meryle.C. La Rue.Hawks, William H., oil operator, 337 N. Sixth.Mrs. Sadie.Hawk, Mrs. Mary E., widow, 215 N. Sixth.Hawley, Williard, freight handler, 61 King, E. O.I. P. Mrs. Susie. C O L L I N S ,Haws, 309 Michael, nasonic foreman, Temple. 313 1-2 N. Union.Life, Fire and AccidentOtomCDCDor-m>z-TOo>TOtnXff> _* DaXA3 3law0M JrCm ^3* m .a ' ©3 O- X£3>ostomwdCOl"1tr 0o

First National Bank of Olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. K. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.|"«a >> 142 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S"§S«,« g«T°o-5 r\ HAYDEN, EUGENE W., printer, (see adv.) 226 N. Seventh.x « § S ** Mrs- Kittie W.Hog a Donald F.S^g" J Virgil D.at „ O _? ^ Hayden, John F., paperhanger, 704 E. State, E. O.Sjj«| j HAYDEN, THE PRINTER, (E. W. Hayden, prop.,) successor. bU.1" t0 Auto Printing Co., city bldg., (see adv.)a. is, S iiH~ &*a5 -2 -S S .j Hayes, Isabelle, nurse, 207 Coleman.-"oJ> . "* Hayes, James, currier, 901 W. Henley.««2fl « ts Mrs. Minnie.^"o«o 55 IS) Marjorie.|2J3«g^

I l l•v THE CELEBRATEDI KING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERJ Asphalt Roofing and Shingles.| Building and Paving Brick.I) 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 143Heck, Mrs. Margaret, widow, 1506 W. Henley.Anna.Henry.•Fritz.Minnie.Karl.Emma.Margaret.HEDDING, H. E., pastor Ninth St. M. E. church, 106 N. Ninth.Mrs. H. E.Heeny, Patrick, works for United Pipe Line, 35 Green, N. O.Mrs. Maria.Patrick H.Florence M.Harriet M.Heher, Mary, housekeeper, 118 W. Henley.Heilman, John, liveryman, 136 N. Sixth.Mrs. Florence R.Heisel, Edward, bartender, 419 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Mabel M.Heitzinger, John N., tailor, 223 N. Seventh.Mrs. Hannah E.Rudolph R.Herman N.Albert J.Helb, George, tanner, 117 W. Green.Selma T.Julia E.Held, Grace, dining room girl Dailey's Inn.Helenbrook, Fred L., bricklayer, 20 Oak, N. O.Mrs. M. Estelle.Blanche Estelle.Mary Cecilia.Heliker, Mrs. Frankie Oviatt, clerk, 321 Tompkins.Oviatt V.Heller, Egidius J., engineer (P. R. R.) 1114 Washington.Mrs. Anna J,Susa L.Heller, William, carpenter, 422 N. First.Mrs. Anna.Laura.Marguerite.Irene L.Edward A.Heilman, John, laborer, (P. R. R.) 1505 W. Henley.Mrs. Anna.William.Hellwege, Elizabeth, domestic, 104 South.Hellwege, Fred L., well driller, 112 N. Ninth.Mrs. Carrie C.Rosetta E.Eva E.John W.The Morning Times.The Only Associated Newspaper Press in Olean Membership.Havingoago- rts> 3Z o rn ft£ ST§ ftMaas oOa•-•wV3a031IS)nsrwCOHXTrur—n>IS) pa Q-t-tcoDOCOIS)

GOOD Swell Furnishings forMen. Trunks andCLOTHES Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrelceeli—OJo .. OSf—, OJ sO ti CX00 XUJOSo •' ^>-mZf- 0Ohs-jO T3H *sa.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co,Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. ft","." 3?7° OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 145Henry, Warren, hostler, 111 N. Ninth.Henry, Mrs. Rosetta, widow, 111 N. Ninth.Hermmann, Mrs. Christine, housekeeper, 124 S. Twelfth.Herold, John B., stonemason, 125 S. Seventh.Mrs. Eva.Albert C.Otto C.John B. Jr.Edward J.George.Herron, D. R., green house, W. State, W. O.Mrs. Genevieve.Forrest R.Loraine H.Frank L.Herron, Frank, bookkeeper, 666 State, E. O.Mrs. Minnie.Donald.Seldon.Herron, Michael, laborer, 21 Center, Bv.Mrs. Margaret.Edward.Howard.Alden.Herse, Robert, carpenter, 106 N. Third.Mrs. Ellen.Herse, William, carpenter, 106 N. Third.Hess, Mrs. Stella, 1115. Irving.Evert.Rola.Hewbertis, John, night clerk, 133 1-2 N. Union.Hewitt, Frank B., glassblower, 1305 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Anna M.Opel.Richard.Hewitt, George J., Erie excursion agent, 119 N. First.HEWITT, W. IRVING, physician and surgeon, 204 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Annie E.Heysel, Philip, granite cutter, 1208 Reed.Mrs. Jennie.Donald.Harvey.Marion.' HIBBARD, DEVERE M., physician and surgeon, 128 S. Union.Mrs. Mary E.Hickey, Patrick, laborer, 58 Oak, N. O.Mrs. Ann.John.Eugene.James.Kathryn.Nora.WM. HORNER & CO.,OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.ra0Ho73ro 13to§ c"frBE*S =-ft3* 3 -t*> ft r-

is, S «IS) H . £HJ 13 2« °Or* p-h ^ LU< jj s 5 uoz ^K -az

The A* Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers & Dealers T ITMl>cp Lath and Shingles, Doors,nail Kinds of LUMBER, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-WP. 0. WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 147Hill, Miss Lucy, domestic, 114 Hamilton.Hilliard, Beford B., glassblower, 134 S. First.Mrs. Lucetta M.Oakford D.Frank T.Elizabeth I.Hills, Miss Jennie, domestic, 119 Hamilton.Hillyer, C. L., 321 Tompkins.Hilton, Mrs. H. Louise, widow, 312 N. Fifth.Himes, John, laborer, 43 Pine, N. O.Himpsher, Henry, tanner, 20 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Grace.'Ardeane. "Arlien.Ethel.Hinds, Mrs. Margaret, 42 Pine, N. O.Hinkle, Mrs. Mary, 333 N. Sixth.Hirliman, Alphonso, laborer, (P. R. R.) 134 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Margarette.Christina.Alphonso.Hirliman, August, works for P. R. R., 1213 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Hattie.Alice.Magdeline.Tresa.Louise.Hirliman, John, machinist, (P. R. R.) 119 S. Eighth.Mrs. Annie.William.Hitchcock, Ebenezer, farmer, McCann Hollow, S. O.Vina.Hitchcock, Flavel, farmer, McCann Hollow, S. O.Mrs. Mary.Pearl.Roy.Ester.Hobbes, Freeman, laborer, 513 1-2 N. Union.Hodgas, Mrs. Bertha, agent, 305 N. Thirteenth.Marshall.Howard.Hodges, Carrie L., housekeeper, 215 S. Fourth.Clara M., bookkeeper.Hodges," Fred, marble cutter, 410 W. Henley.Mrs. Fred.Charles.NEW MANAGEMENT.NEWLY FURNISHED.Hodges, G. E., works for P. R: TL, 413 N. Seventh.Hodges, D L. AE., painter H E and Y paperhanger, ' S 125 IN. NEighth.N .Mrs. Mary E.Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN F.Monroe.DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.Hodges, Thomas, laborer,RATES,27SI.50GardenPERav.,DAY.E. O.Mrs. Julia.Jacob.Thomas.0T1Otiif)H WgWXX073X5zc9aa—•7a0 ei>*• "V« a*?SOwmmCxC3okjC3E3H0130Pf•HVdrr«HoHXZOo

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.Always Something New. 160 N. Union Street.148 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S•w k §•bA u £ Hodges, Charles, plasterer, 120 S. Eighth.»-, •d - Hoefler, Mrs. C. E., widow, 504 W. Henley.& •—' S = Hoffman, Chris., prop, liquor store, 915 E. State, E. O.3 2cd «Mrs. Christine.Charles, tanner.4 *cS •« WilEam, clerk., •H ^ = Hoffman, John, laborer (P. R. R.) McCann Hollow, S. O.o 0 wMrs. Annie.•a6*Genevieve.Martha.Mary.Theresa.Hogan, David, oil producer, 224 N. Fourth.Mrs. Ellen S.1Nellie.1Catherine L.01U cLucy A.WoMargaret E.. _5 £ (fl P Hogan, Mrs. Margaret, widow, 108 N. Sixth.John J.S-RCQ^ Hogan, William Andrew, driller, 224 N. Fourth.pCs—iX°'tOf | ' Holcomb, A. Waldo, tanner, 140 Railroad av., E. O.Mrs. Katherine E.Doris I.-OJ—. s 3 C/3 * Holcomb, Charles O, currier, 143 Railroad av., E. O.W S>Mrs. Lillian.Holcomb, Mrs. Caroline, widow, 140 Railroad av., E. O.-dHoliday, see Holiday.Hollan, Mabel, 312 Wayne.E—3 * gh Holland, William, 312 Wayne.Hollander, Abraham, hide and tallow dealer ,211 N. First.tU -3P-;Holiday, Samuel, gardener, Alder, E. 0. z Holleran, Dan, fireman,41 Johnson, N. 0.,=3 Nr—'Mrs. Mary.t> Edward.Lena.Teresa.William.Holleran, Margaret, domestic, 123 N. First.Edward Troy, Planing Mill,220 S. Barry St.SHINGLES, LUMBER,LATH, SIDING, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND MOULDINGS.

STETSON'S FINE SHOES FOR ME.U--AT-F. E. Tyler &58 N. UnionCo's, ' Street.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 149Holleran, Timothy, stillman, Homer Hill, N. O.Mrs. Esther.William J., fireman (P. R. R.)Timothy B., treater.M-uioi T.tsti.er E.Lrn.1j.Benedict.Bernard.Katherine.Beatrice.Christopher.Holly, Lewis, farmer, Wildcat Road, S. O.Mrs. Elizabeth.Florence.La vina.Rennie.Glenn.Holly, Mrs. Sarah, widow, E. River Road, S. 0.Miss Hannah.Holman, Charlotte E., 230 N. Third.Holmes, Earle D., bookkeeper, 311 N. Sixth.Mrs. Florence M.Dorothy L.Holmes, Elba D., carpenter, 1214 Irving.Mrs. Catherine L.Ralph, works for Standard Oil Co.Holmes, Mrs. Minnie, works at Tanner Shoe Stock Co., 31Pine, N. 0.Roy.Clyde.Holmes, Mark M., bookkeeper, 203 N. Clinton.Mrs. Jessie L.Holmes, Mrs. Nancy L., widow, 31 Pine.Robert, laborer (P. R. R.)William, farm hand.Holmes, Sidney, 301 Jay.Holmes, William, bookkeeper, 629 E. State, E. O.Mrs. Blanche.Theron.Holobok, Michael, laborer, 155 Griffin, E. O.Mrs. Katie.Olga.Borshena.Homer, Eugene A., booKkeeper, 305 Laurens.Mrs. Anna.HOMER, JAMES M., paving contractor, 310 N. First.\. P. Mrs. Hattie C O UD.W W S ^ General Insurance,Helen E.Sarah.Homer, William 3op A., engineer Masonic (P. R. Temple. R.) 606 Washington.Mrs. Levancha.Hooker, Mrs. Mary, 244 N. Union.0c_ 0if) acrCDmIS)— CDXex.Htr0m0t*O p—1r>—12t-> O> X>X5Ji$>£3•-»••*r *0•*Q(f)m r-L-J3}{Q^£$*i—-O7;C/3O2-373C/>DOCrr0*

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER,.Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.M£> . _\Directors._E. G- Dusenbury, J . E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler150 MORRIS E. M. Johnson, AND VAN I. CAMPEN'SF. Johnson.^ o c __f K HOOKER, GEORGE W., supt. Vacuum Oil Co., 218 N. Fourth.u-5 2 > u Mrs. Fannie L.S § a H 3 Helen D-If m __r «" Douglas L.3 » c rJ ^ Hoover, Jacob, conductor, Buffalo, W. O.—• ^ 3 «p?JjMrs. Joseph._• |§ « ^ _* Hoover, Joseph, farmer, Buffalo, W. O.© - Jfcj "* George, conductor._i § a "g Silas, pipe fitter.JjJwS . « Charles, bridge builder.-1 "•§ Hoover, see Huver.?•/•*j g, en Hopkins, B. C, works lor P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.jji/1 i. Hopkins, Bernetto, laborer, 245 Spruce, N. O.£ W Mrs. Katie.__• flej "£ Hopkins, John E. P. L., works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.r^ W r"^ wHoran, Mrs. Timothy, Carrie currier, M., widow, 114 N. 1125 Fourth. W. Henley.~ yOTz o -aMrs. J. Walter. Mary A.pa § "^ c § M. Earl Gertrude. C.ctj °< James Gerald.(>0 Harry K.S Lawrence Edward.COUJ.-£

I.254 N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 151Horton, Stephen, stationary engineer, 18 Hoop, E. O.Mrs. Sophia.Ruth E.Claude P.Hosey, Mrs. Clorinda J., 124 Hamilton.Hotchkiss, Ola. Collins H.,Mrs. Mary. janitor N. O. School, 22 Pine, N. O.Hotchkiss, George W., painter and paperhanger, 113 Coleman.L., widow, 113 Coleman.bookkeeper, (P. R. R.,) 113 S. Tenth.Albie.IS)Hotchkiss, Mrs. JaneoHotchkiss, Milton V.Mrs. Amelia S.1*5>-(Eva B.Lee M.*+HOTEL IMPERIAL, (Elmer H. Vaughan, prop.) 102-106 S. g. ©Union.Houghton, John W., mail carrier, 212 S. Clinton.Mrs. Ella.Joseph.Bessie.Gertrude.Eleanor.Loretto.John.House, B. Aaron, laborer, 114 1-2 S. Third.Mrs. Jane.House, William M., laborer, 121 N. Twelfth.Mrs. Mary.Minnie.Charles.Anna.Houseknecht, Ed., laborer (P. R. R.) 524 N. Seventh.Houseknecht, Hermann R., locomotive inspector (P. R. R.) 802Reed.Mrs. Martha E.Dora M.Ida E.Fred R.Lena K.Edna B.Bertha G.310 N. Eighth.Hovey, Carl Mrs. H. Augusta L., widow, 131 S. Barry.Houseman, Grace James, E. tanner, 7 Center, Bv.Dana Mrs. Sarah. W.George Gladys. L. Jr.Housey, Samuel, merchant, 431 1-2 N. Union.Houston, Frank, 404 Wayne.Houston, T hsee e Huston M oand r Huson. n i n g T i m e s .Hout, James, fireman (P. R. R.)The Only Newspaper in Olean Having AssociatedPress Membership.ao "-1sr~)trif)n3moX73O"0nptn-i•"_-o-tinnmsro•torafrfros s »03o"0oIS)HMo3wC3o"3frt-p--iffi

Good Swell Furnishings for^i « Men. Trunks andClothes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.152 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SHowalt, Willhelm F. O, draughtsman, 128 E. Henley.Mrs. Edith.I Howard, Arthur J., linotype operator, 402 1-2 W. State.OJ_Mrs. Belle.O Howard, John E., tanner, 109 S. Twelfth.fe^ X 5-H Mrs. Nellie May.,^^ 00 C3 Howard, Miss Mabel, student, 51 River, N. 0.r/_J £j Howard, Samuel, carpenter, 134 S. Second.C/j 3 Mrs. Matilda.< - JS3-1Howd, John M., works for P. R. R., 528 N. Eighth.Mrs. Mary.Isabelle.Charlotte.m. Y* William, student.[J-l w Q John.£* Charles. X Hubbard, Arthur C, foreman heading factory, Griflin, E. O.> u.C/j r. • S —Mrs- Helen.UJ2 x -tSQ.X co Pearl.-U w .2 ei .° Leona.IS)oaJ_ "t3 ^ T3 Hubbard, Charles S., farmer, 32 Queen, E. O.£_ u XL ei-^ 1—' rt Mrs. Luella.q. O Florence M.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.Th0S. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. ft,1,0£h?.ne $ OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 153HUBBARD, WALTER S., attorney, office city building, res 482Higgins av.Mrs. Ethel.Florence.Hubbard, William, engineer (P. R. R.) 904 Washington.Mrs. Sadie.Elizabeth.Grace.Lucile.Hubbell, Emma E., 26 Main, Bv.Hubbell, Horace C, teamster, 19 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Lizzie.Huff, Ernest, laborer, 823 E. State, E. O.Huff, Wesley, stationary engineer, 241 Adams.Mrs. Milley.Edward R.Kenneth P.Hufstader, William H., railroad man, 221 N. Third.Mrs. Laurilla O.William F.Thomas C.Hughes, James H., oil producer, 112 W. Green.Mrs. Lucretia A.Lotto.Don E.Hugh, Joseph F., moulder, 509 Van Campen.Mrs. Margaret R.Verna.Marshel.Hughes, John J., conductor (P. R. R.) 112 N. Sixth.Mrs. Mary V.M. Katherine.John Leo.Helen M.James S.Anna.Dorothy.Cecelia.HUGHES & PITCHER, (Silas A. Hughes, John A. Pitcher,)barbers, 237 N. Union.HUGHES, SILAS A., (Hughes & Pitcher,) 237 N. Union, res 426N. First.Mrs. Meda B.Dorothy.Esther.Hull, Mrs. Mary J., domestic, 321 N. Fifth.Humes,WGraceM ,E.,Hteacher,O R234NN.EThird.R & C O . ,Humes, Nellie E., stenographer, 234 N. Third.Humes, Robert, works OLEAN Vacuum HOUSE Oil Co., BLOCK. 234 N. Third.Humphrey, Fred B., 226 N. Second.Clothiers,Mrs. JanetFurnishers,B.Merchant Tailors.Grace B.Humphrey, James M., engineer, (Vacuum Oil Co.) 136 N. Third.Mrs. Agnes M.©oSTrvmtz>()• CD3CO XJ-1"inp^O t-5? a.is. 03o?rX\p^ex.—tCDiPiXex.

First National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.I. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres-A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—K. G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E, Wheeler.E. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.E >-f •>1— z154 ->-> MORRIS X AND VAN CAMPEN'SHunt, u A. cS V., l.entraveling man, 207 S. Union.1-.C H C/_ a*~- X OJCI J (Ameui—m O IS)fl) IS) 0C 01—>,c0ft)JZHOu0nrt -4—»r/0£^0CMmm\apapa00JIS£*0ts)OJs0If)0sMrs. Florence a.Hunt, Ernest A., bookkeeper, 220 N. Sixth.Mrs. Bertha M.Hunt, Jessie S., 217 N. Fifth.Hunt, Mrs. Mary H., 217 N. Fifth.Hunt, Mrs. M. A., 124 S. First.Hurd, William H., locomotive engineer (E. R. R.) 118 S. Second.Mrs. Floretta Emma.John Milton.Hurlburt, J. B., stonemason, 52 Orchard av., E. O.Hurley, Jeremiah M., engineer, 87 Green, N. O.Mrs. Nora.Marion.Eleanor.Hurley, Timothy, teamster, 6 Elm, N. O.Mrs. Mary.Hurlow, Mrs. Charlotte, agent, 31 Main, Bv.Huselstein, Frank, sexton, 118 W. Henley.Huselstein, John, blacksmith, 118 N. Eleventh.Rose B.Mary R.Charles H.Samuel J.Huson, Miss Anna E., 140 S. Union.Huson. Joseph A., clerk (P. R. R.) 1017 Buffalo.Mrs. Alta G.* kV Huson, Joseph, 140 S. Union.&JHuston, Mrs. William, widow, 133 S. Barry.2 HUTCHINGS, WILLIAM, prop. Genesee House, 125-131 Rail-J _ road av.ZMrs. Eva.Q^ < William P.«jIPansy.fc O X Florence.X) Hyland, Patrick, bricklayer, 713 Irving.•« u Joseph.* • Mrs. Mary.M U O Anna.Qfi Z Charles.M >A eq Hutchinson, Alexander, machinist, 210 E State.iv\Gertrude.HM vl x Mrs. Lovila.Q O Hynes, Anna, domestic, Olean House.ZK_ 5"" Q William G.S l* 5 Helen O LJ.E A N S U P P L Y CO.,. ^ Paints, Hutchinson, Harlowe Glass, G., motorman, Roofing, 9 Second av Bv Doors,-JrJ ^Mrs. Nellie.k fl| v *WXNDOWS,Blanche L.SIDING, MOULDING AND SHINGLES.>j 2Huver, Mrs. M., widow, 413 S. Third.Huver, Hyde, Mrs. Dean. C. see E., Hoover agent Prudential and Hewver. Ins. Co.,'118 Hamilton.

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Hanufacturers & Dealers ¥ IlMlJ'Ct* Latn and Shingles, Doors,in all kinds ofLUluDElX, Windows, Tuined Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W. P. O,, WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. V.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 155Ignaczak, Andrew, tanner, 57 Bishop, E. O.Mrs. Lena.Ineich, Julius, car repairer (P. R. R.) 810 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Constance.Julius.Margaret.Felix.Edward.Frank.Josephine.Julia.Ineich, Nicholas, machinist (P. R. R.) 1208 Washington.Mrs. Emma.Armint.Ingalls, Fred D., barber, 520 W. State.Mrs. Elizabeth.Hazel.Fred D. Jr.Mamie.John A.Ingalls, Mrs. Annie, 10 Garden av., E. 0.Coy.Ingalls, Orson L., teamster, 329 N. Sixth.Mrs. Minnie.Gladys.Francis.Mildred.Dexter.Ingalls, Oscar H., night watchman, 309 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Sarah A.Ingalls, Philetus D., farmer, 230 S. Clinton.Mrs. Eugenia.Ingrahm, Lee, engineer (P. R. R.) 309 1-2 N. Union.INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION & IMPROVEMENT CO., (F. P.Byrne, Pres., A. G. McComb, chief engineer,) 203-204 MasonicTemple.INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, Scranton,Pa., (G. S. Whitman, local mgr.,) office Ex. Bk. bldg.Ireland, Daniel, glassblower, 336 N. Tenth.Mrs. Ella.Irish, W., gardener, Plum, E. O.Isaac, Mrs. Laura F., 119 Irving.Isaacson, Peter, prop. Monarch Billiard Academy, 111 N. Union.Isaman, John W., milk dealer, Main, Bv.Mrs. Josephine D.Howard W.NEW MANAGEMENT.Dorothy F.NEWLY FURNISHEDItalienne, DFurtino, A I trackman L E Y (P. ' R. S R.) 46 IOak, N N. N O. ,ITALO-AMERICAN Opposite FRUIT Pennsylvania CO., (L. A. Depot. Mazza, A. G. Questa,)J0HH fruits F. and DAILEY, confectionery, Proprietor. 231 N. Union, 402, branch 404 N. store, Union (John Mreet. G.Questa, mgr.) 320 BATES, W. State. Si.50 PER DAV.Ivers, Michael, switchman (P. R. R.) 305 Jay.Mrs. Frances. Katherine.K)oaotrtts2^ xpr23inpmm.©.—i **2oi-"•o•3md >

OLEAN'S BE»T CLOTHIERS.Always Sometinhg New. 160 N. Union Street.156 MORRIS{*pH AND VAN CAMPEN'SIvers, H3 Minnie, 28 First av.fi3cdp4

When you buy of us, youget the Best, in all gradesof Footwear.— —158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 157Janke, Charles A., tailor, 405 Irving.Mrs. Clara.Walter H.Paul W.Edwin.Jarl, Samuel P., laborer, 105 Irving.Jebb, Albert E., foreman in tannery, 318 N. Ninth.Mrs. Flora.Jebb, Mrs. Charles, widow, 132 S. Third.Jebb, Samuel J., currier, 317 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Catharine B.Frances R.Geneva S.Samuel C.Albert S.Harriet E.Jebson, Elbert B., foreman tannery, 119 N. First.Jeliffe, Nye C, auditor Olean Glass Co., 132 N. Barry.Mrs. Miriam T.Jenke, see Janke.Jenkins, John, works for P. R. R. 413 N. Seventh.Jennings, Edward, engineer, Exchange' Hotel, N. 0.Jennings, Mrs. Mary L., widow, 1112 Buffalo.Hazel E.Rex E.Jensen, Burt, farmer, Windfall Road, Bv.Jepson, E. P., foreman tannery, 119 N. First.JEPSON, MARY B., physician and surgeon, 124 Hamilton.JERSEY FARM, see Olean Driving Park Assn.Jewell, Albert, leather worker, 414 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Hanna.Jewell, Mrs. Bertha, 308 N. Thirteenth.Emma.JEWELL, DANA L., attorney at law,office 32 Exch. Bankbldg., res 310 N. Second.Mrs. Elizabeth F.Julia Madge.Jewell, Floyd G., tanner, 21 Homer, N. O.Mrs. Minnie.Beatrice.Jewell, John G., laborer, 308 N. Thirteenth.JEWELL, MARCIUS B., attorney at law, office 155 1-2 N.Union, res 217 N. Second.Mrs. Lizzie B.Robert H.Jewish Synagogue, (A. H. Zeligsohn, Rabbi,) Opera House blk.JEWELL, I. P. M.LLE. COLLINS,MFG. CO., mtrs. of toilet preparations, (NellieL. Jewell, pres., Willis Chamberlain, treas.,X (see adv.)309 nasonic Temple.244 1-2 N. Union,Life, JEWELL, Fire NELLIE and L., Accident mfr. toilet preparations, 244 1-2 N. UnionJob, George, laborer (P. R. R.) 175 Railroad av., E. O. ->lMrs. Laura.\j*joCOcrOp-Hrr100 m70 OCOCO "~Xor-m>z->>TOtnX(/}O233 g W»- B ^U)et,ait,g a tr 0" m. D. oiM Ifi' oGo8 h_.»^ 3' 7Qr* 3 •

First National Bank of Olean*Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheelero E. M. Johnson, J. *'. Johnson.73 c ~ sis) « at« a >3 g 158 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'Sw'^o-S _j JoDe' Ephriam H., laborer (P. R. R.) Brook, E. 0.§ «Jg «> < Mrs. Ella.P gw | S Clarence.£ 55 § u »* Harriett.g*j§2 . Frances.^ " i. S ^ Irving.0.J5S"Nellie.SS „ ^*Willie.S3 is o « a S « ° ' "[ . Jocelyn, Infant. Frank, conductor (P. R. R.) 324 N. Eighth.^553^3 jsJo Jocelyn, Floyd, currier, 119 S. Eleventh.a© 0uod.3« il^

\J * 1 1THE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick.I) 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 159Johnson, Mrs. Anna, widow, Moore's Lane, N. O.Johnson, Eugene, currier, 72 Queen, E. O.Mrs. Frances.Johnson, Frances, cook, 350 East av.Johnson, Frank, stationary engineer, 215 N. Sixth.Theodore E.Fred R.Marie J.Howard R.Gertrude.JOHNSON, FRED H., florist (see adv.) 313 Whitney av.Mrs. S. Isabella.Johnson, George, porter Olean House.Johnson, Harry, laborer, 126 Whitney av.Johnson, Helma, domestic, 219 N. Third.Johnson, Henry, laborer, 312 East av.Johnson, Henry, barber, 461 N. Union.Johnson, J. E., clerk, 128 S. Third.Johnson, J. W., fireman (P. R. R.) 805 Reed.Mrs. Mary.Johnson, James, car repairer (P. R. R.) Irving, W. O.Mrs. Sarah.Sarah.Johnson, James F., real estate dealer, 117 Hamilton.Mrs. Mary A.JOHNSON, JAMES M., oil producer, prop, shoe store 188 N.Union, res 401 E. State.Mrs. Anna S.M. Agnes.Mildred G.James M. Jr.Anna L.JOHNSON, JOHN A., mgr. Keystone Gas Co., 314 N. Second. 'Mrs. Gertrude.John.Johnson, John A., tailor, 116 N. Third.Mrs. TDmanda.Ethel E., stenographer.Pearl S.John Burlin.Cecil Victor.Olga G.Johnson, Mrs. Josephine, widow, 617 W. Green.Johnson, Josephine, domestic, 410 W. State.Johnson, Julius P., bookkeeper, 818 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Lodema.Johnson, Louis A., railway mail clerk, Crown, E. O.T Mrs. h e Helen MM.o r n i n g T i m e s .The Harold. Only Newspaper in Olean HavingJohnson, Melvin, laborer, 23 Railroad av., E. O.Mrs.AssociatedCarrie.Press Membership.Ethel.Grant.Sidney.S. -0X oCKjs» -teno »3 ft-—aGMLV3Zo 3 P>(S> 1ffxnofrfr2aHXTro r-CDif)> £TH 3 O.3*CO03CDif)

-axririZo s

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. gSto-1"' „?? OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 161Jones, Mrs. Emma, 823 State, E. O.Arthur.Hermann.Hazel.Marguerite.Jones, Mrs. Sarah, widow, 211 S. Eleventh.Jones, Thomas, freight handler, 38 Garden av., E. O.Jones, Walter R., stonemason, 42 iront, Bv.Jones, William L., painter, 23 River, N. 0.Mrs. Harriet A.Jones, Mrs. Winifred, boarding house, 117 S. tsarry.Jordan, Daniel E., boilermaker, 665 E. State, E. O.Mrs. Margaret.Margaret L.Claude Thomas.Daniel M.John W.Maud Catherine.James L.Helen A.JORDAN, MILTON A., grocer, 463 N. Union.Mrs. Caroline.M. Monroe.Frank R.N. Claire.Jordan, Thomas B., engineer (P. R. R.) 429 N. Seventh.,Mrs. Mary.Jordan, Mrs. Sarah, 38 Garden av., E. O.Ruth M.Joyce, Stephen A., teamster, 51 Queen, E. O.Mrs. Evelyn S.Reuben N.Judd, Charles D., contractor, 132 S. Union.Mrs. Flora.Ethan W.Judd, Ethan Allen, bookkeeper, 128 E. Henley.Mrs. Neola P.,, stenographer.Judd, George, laborer, E. River, S. O.Juud, Mrs. Hannah, widow, 138 N. First.Judd, Mahlon, laborer, E. River Road, S. O.Roby.Fannie.Judge, Albert, carpenter, 313 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Abbie.Judge, Henry, gardener, 1205 Buffalo.Mrs. Ellen.Stanley. W M . H O R N E R & CO.,Judge, Levi, carpenter, 112 N. Third.OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Mrs. Emma M.Clothiers, Katherine Furnishers, M.Merchant Tailors.Marjorie A.Florence E.Marion C.Doris B.rn73p—i1 0ooS0Q73rn&

ftftoW 00>-z

The A. Weston Lumber Co.?Manufacturers & Dealers f ITMkED Latn and Shingles, Doors,,n all Kinds ofJLUlTlDEIV, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W, P. O. WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 163Kamery, Glenn, works for Luther Mfg. Co., E. River road, S. O.Kamery, Frank, stonemason, E. River road, S. O.Mrs. Alice.Naomi.KAMLER BROTHERS, (Frank H. Kamler, Max J. Kamler,)grocers, 323 W. State.KAMLER, FRANK H., grocer, 323 W. State.Mrs. Anna B.Harry V.Alfred F.Kamler, Frank, laborer, 1210 Washington.Mrs. Matilda.Henry.KAMLER, MAX J., (Kamler Bros.) 1210 Washington. ,Mrs. May.Kane, Austin O, conductor (P. R. R.) 1111 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Carrie.Mildred.Marion.Kane, John, fireman, 18 Homer, N. O.Mrs. Bridget.James.Anna.John.Thomas.Daniel.Edward.KANE, JOHN F., physician and surgeon, 233 1-2 N. Union res doKane, John J., mail carrier, 813 Buffalo.Mrs. Florence M.Kane, Robert, currier, 117 S. Tenth.Mrs. Mary E.Isabella May.Florence Irene.Robert Raymond.Kaparanski, J. F., works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.Karagan, Miss Anna, dressmaker, 145 1-2 N. Union.Karagan, Mrs. Ellen, widow, 145 1-2 N. Union.Karl, Irene M., student, 506 N. Fourth.Karl, John S., street car conductor, 13 Second av., Bv.NEW MANAGEMENT.Mrs. Edith M.NEWLY FURNISHED.KARL, DJOSEPH A I I M., ,(Karl E & Y Rice,) ' S 108 Coleman. I N N .Mrs. Mary M. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN KARL F. & RICE, DAILEY, (J. Proprietor. M. Karl and G. 402, C. 404 Rice,) N. Union clothing Street. andgent's furnishings, RATES. 164 N. $1.50 Union. PER DAY.Karnuth, Ferdinand, laborer. Homer Hill, W. O.Mrs. Minnie.Amelia.Karnuth, John Anna. William. Fred. Mrs. Henry. Kalina, widow, Homer Hill, W. O.OTJoit)WK S.o -K t/ix JOto2 03o n*. 13•o SPo•n5oaCmavzatm. ft)*1H0a000pfaHXZOo"070•"•«'aHrn70

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.Always Something New. 160 N. Union Street.2«" 164•> §•MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S_« i_ °> Kasperske, Mrs. Catherine, 67 Oak, N. 0.'C 'D John J., currier.^ G E Michael, currier.•^m- ]_( o Joseph.ffj 5Asnes-T3 X. > Margaret.g M ^ KAUFMAN, FRED W., painter and paper hanger, 109 N. Eighth"^ * Mrs. Etta.a) O a Arthur C.*X U h Kauppinen, A., tailor, (Mayer & Mayer) 116 N. Third.^ -t-1 (fl E Karttunen, J. H., tailor, 116 N. Third.^ "^ i—\ ^ Kautz, Mrs. Henrietta, widow, 40 Washington, N. O.o • — {fl Paul, laborer.^ Oscar.>-l (fl *> §William.mm© >,oT3fi ^•H Su =o Wa *4 =Kay, Mrs. Frances E., widow, 309 W. Green.Florence.Richard.Keating, Dennis, musician (Keating's Orchestra,) 1010 Washington.Mrs. Margaret.Keating's Orchestra, (Dennis Keating, mgr.,) 1010 Washington.Keating, Miss Mary, dressmaker, 1010 Washington.Keefe, Adam, works at brewery, 24 Homer, N. O.Mrs. Anna.— — Anna.Mary.(ftRose.,_3_cj iJunie Isabelle. N.A 2 _j'j-, IJohn. GuyW.1 *< V3 (8 P Frank. Lula M .S* 0 jQr£| U C Keeler, Ellsworth Elmer, machinist E. (P. R. R.) 6 Second av., Bv.p§° Q Y _» B . Mrs. Gertrude Bertha. V.Of I , Ray.H X (Q ' Keenan, George B., grocer, 110 Hamilton.^-> r* m Keenan, Mrs. Mrs. Jennie Katherine, A. widow, 306 Laurens.L-i ST, ^ Florence J.Jj3 fl ^Gertrude C, drug clerk.£Q ^ Keenan, Mrs. Margaret, widow, 230 N. Eighth.. Q ^ Mary, bookeeper.CQ m 2J f-1Harvey.Charles P.Albert S.U_B •3 ^Keenan, Peter F., contractor, 325 Tompkins.Mrs. Mary AO Z Keesler, Beiley M., farmer, E. River road, S. O.Mrs. Louisa.Edward Troy, vmk220 S. Barry St.SHINGLES, LUMBER,LATH, SIDING, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND MOULDINGS.

STETSON'S FINE SHOES FOR MEN.^—AT—F. E. Tyler &58 N. UnionCo's, ' Street.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRE^ORY. 165Keesler, Mrs. Rosetta, widow, 339 N. Sixth.Keibler, William, glass blower, 123 Hamilton.Mrs. Flora.Frank.Keim, Henry G., deputy sheriff, 104 N. Thirteenth.Keim, John P., 104 N. Thirteenth.Keim, Mrs. Julia, dressmaker, 121 N. Seventh.Grace H.Evelyn M.Keim, Mary, seamstress, 104 N. Thirteenth.Keir, Mrs. N. Catherine, 114 N. First.Melville N.Keir, James, laborer, 1005 Buffalo.Mrs. Loretta.Keith, C. M., works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.Keith, Charles, laborer, 540 N. Eighth.Mrs. Sarah M.Albert E.Ora.Ory. 'Garrett.Harry.Keith, George T., civil engineer, 315 Laurens.Mrs. Evelyn A.Keller, Milton B., laborer, 1313 Reed.Mrs. Jennie F.Roy L.Cleo.Lee.Bernice.Kelley, Daniel, laborer, 602 Wayne.Kelley, Edward, glassblower, 16 Elm, jn. O.Mrs. Mary.Mary E., clerk.Harry.Kelley, Edward W., painter and papernanger, 330 S. Barry.Mrs. Florence J.Faith M.Ruth M.Edith E.Kelley, Henry M., engineer, 17 Center, Bv.Mrs. Nellie M. >James H.Kelley, Mrs. Mary, dressmaker, 205 Adams.Harry.George.Essie.\.Kelley,P.seeC0\i\i\US.Kelly, also Keller and Keeler.General Insurance,Kellington, George, lumberman, 505 Van Campen av.Kellmer, Christopher, plumber, 211 S. Tenth.Mrs. Lena. 309 Masonic Temple.Bertha D.Howard G.0-c0If) 3piex. Xro 030 x_my eT.9 •093it)CmK¥aiti0IS)Htr0ncrtompi IS)rrDOXex.IS)CD>—lif)X\piex.pi»>rXX£3r-L'*OhtQIf)(n(->••mtDKQ£1)r—Lo(f)O t—1r1—120X>$>CO02!373fr'COcrr

irst National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER,.Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.>•Rss_y| Directors._E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. [ohnson, I. F. Tohnson.sij « _ 166 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SKellmer, David F., painter and paper hanger, Irving, W. O.5 § § H 5 Frank. Mrs. Catherine.s*m J M Rose.Elizabeth.Carl.- 2 » J3a - > H - Marion. res 202 Laurens.*V< « = §Mrs. Jane.< . if. p. S. Lavina.v^ e . O Kelsey, James, MissHclerk. Josephine, domestic, 438 N. Eighth.u Howard S.If Your Life's Worth Living Its WorthInsuring.Fitch & Ramsey, City Building.

254 N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 167Kelsey, George W., 329 Laurel av.Mrs. Cassie.James D., engineer.Kember, Mark, photographer, 303 W. State.Mrs. Alice.Marie.Kennedy, Edward, painter, 713 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Lillian.Kennedy, Mrs. Eva L., 213 W. Green.Kennedy, James P., conductor (P. R. R.) 512 Wayne.Mrs. Agnes.Kenny, Patrick J., machinist, 133 N. Eighth.Mrs. Margaret.Marion.Kenott, George, currier, 316 N. Eighth.Kenott, James P., glass worker, 316 N. Eighth.Kenott, see Knott.Kent, Miss Anna, boarding house, 438 S. Fourth.Kent, Lambert, clerk, 135 N. Twelfth.Mrs. Lillian.Kent, Levi C, farmer, back road to Hinsdale, N. O.Mrs. Blanche C.Edward.Howard.Kent, Omar P., teamster, 126 S. Fourth.Mrs. Carrie R.Howard T., clerk.John W.William R.Helen N.Kent, William H., salesman for Singer Sewing Machine, 203 S.Fourth. 'Mrs. Emma 0.Mary Louise.Bessie T.Kenyen, Fidelo W., laborer, 511 Irving.Kenyon, Harvey, hostler, 481 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Minnie.Anna.Edward.Keough, Fred, carpenter, 612 N. Union.Keough, Michael, laborer, 651 E. State, E. 0-Mrs. Nellie.Kernes, Vincfent, bell boy, Olean House, res 1305 W. Henley.Kerns, Daniel E., currier,. 1305 W. Henley.Mrs. Mary.Ellen.Irving.Lewis.Kerr, Warren H., bookkeeper, 301 N. Barry.Mrs. Grace E.The Morning Times.The Press Only Membership. Newspaper in Olean Having Associated!Itr*• 2£ 3n. ra O" enOft1o••frfr2o3 3 3M» oU3tk3»if-r-~t-mi3wnXX73oXH«1—11-4Mp3^ 0.1o©if)m. MlS^w2•Cs©3frrfnft

Good Swell Furnishings for(-*< i Men. Trunks andUothes. Bags. Fine Shoes.[R266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.168 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'Swp ^ I Kershner, J. Willis, machinist, 225 N. Sixth.|J-H \ Mrs. Nellie B.Eugene B.*j Wilma S.O Grace W.Ketcham, F. W., fireman (P. R. R.) 512 W. Sullivan.GO § wMrs. Jennie.Grace H.Leon R.rf\ H Kettleman, see Klttleman.^ •• HH Keysaw, Paul 0., conductor, 126 N. Fourth.Mrs. Margaret A.0-. *\i Keystone Caroline Academy M. of Music, (Roy G. Miller, mgr.) 258 1-2 N.£h Union. Earl P.KEYSTONE GAS CO., (John A. Johnson, Mgr.) 182 N. Union.Kibbey, Miss Belle, res Miller's, Windfall road, Bv.Kichle, George, butcher, 325 W. State, res 101 S. Third.Mrs. Anna B.Kick, George, works for P. R. R., 122 S. Eleventh.C/5 IMrs. Katharine.Anna B.Clarence G.____________ Loretta K.Kieley, see Kiley.^ . Kiesel, Charles, clerk, 10 Elm, N. 0.Ca x cu Mrs- Maria._U C *n ^} Mrs. Helen. Mary E..C -~ ^Charles. Katherine.3 "^ O. Anna. Frank.§ Elizabeth.\£>1W 3v

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.Th0S. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. g*1° *# OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 169Kiley, Patrick, laborer, 605 N. First.Mary, dressmaker.William, fireman.Lizzie.Margaret. >King, Mrs. Ada, 501 Irving.King, Albert, laborer, 523 N. Union.King, Mrs. Alice, widow, 25 Genesee, Bv.King, James H., carpenter, 526 N .Union.Mrs. Ellen A.King, James M., pipe fitter,305 S. Eighth.King, John, farmer, 430 S. Union.King,KateSheridanM.P., St. car conductor, 314 S. Third.King,Mrs.Mrs.EstelleMary, 321 N. First.F.King,MildredPatrick,E.machinist, (P. R. R.) 209 S. Eleventh.Philip H.Howard M.Glenn S.Kingsley, Mrs. Jeanette, canvasser, 127 N. Barry.KINLEY, ADAM & SONS, tanners, North Olean.KiJNl^EY^ W!L,LdAM, (Adam Kinley & Sons) 907 W. State.Mrs. Emma.May.Louis.Clara B.Adam.Kinner, Levi C, banker, 211 N. Fourth.Mrs. Mary G.Kinney, John, laborer, 523 N. Union.Kinney, Mary, domestic, res 804 W. Henley.Kirts, J. R., works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.Kiser, Warren, porter, 103 N. Union.Kiser, see Kaiser and Kyser.Kissinger, Joseph, laborer, 1012 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Mary J.Kittleman, Fred, laborer, 1115 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Josephine.Fred.Harry.Kittleman, John, laborer, 8 Elm, N. O.Mrs. Phena.Klamt, Joseph, cooper and gardener, 708 W. Green.Henry, saddle maker.Herman, clerk.August, student.Paul, glass blower.Alfred, printer.Max, plumber.Rudolph.Harriet.William" WM. HORNER & CO.,OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.oImUJC>—inw*\DOOmr—3COC)CD3CD X.T"1"mpi Xex.So a. DO , .o -17T_cpjex.~1piCO~tpiXex.

First Hational Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.T. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, VicePres,-A. T. EATON, Cashier.X >- Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E, Wheeler.

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Hanufacturers & Dealers T ITMlJ>EI> Latn and Shingles, Doors,pall kinds ofLWUDEH., windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W P. O., WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N YOLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 171Knapp, Elma, domestic, 107 S. Barry.Knapp, George M., painter, 633 E. State, E. O.Knapp, Mrs. Sarah ,widow, 14 Third av., Bv.Charles, works for P. R. R.Hazel.Kneip, Adam, tanner, W. State, W. O.Mrs. Elizabeth.Pauline.Knight, Frank A., blacksmith, (P. R. R.) 266| N. Union.Mrs. Ella J.Laura M.William W.Ruth I.Knight, Fred A., works for P. R. R., 205J N. Union.Mrs. Jennie M.DeForest.Treba Z.Raymond L.Knight, Geo. L., painter, 124 S. Second.Kniser, James, dry goods peddler, 202 Whitney av.Mrs. Annie.Knippel, Mrs. Emily, widow, S. Union, S. O.Henry, derrick builder.Knott, W. C, works Baxter's bakery, lives at Portville.Knott, see Kenott.Knowles, Mrs. Caroline, 29 Second av., Bv.KNOWLES, DR. CHARLES P., physician and surgeott; citybuilding, res. 139 S. Union.Mrs.Koebelin, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, Brook, E. O.William.Anna.Mary.Koeblin, Jacob, clerk, (P. R. R.) Goodrich av., E. O.Mrs. Hattie.Koebelin, John, buffer, 15 Plum, E. O.Mrs. Cora.Victor.Walter.Kohalsky, see Kowalski.NEW KOLUMB1AN MANAGEMENT. PHARMACY, (Elias Wood, NEWLY prop'r, Harry FURNISHED Arnold,mgr.) D Asee Iadv., L E133 Y N. ' Union. S I N N ,Kosicek, Antony, 124 Opposite Moore's Pennsylvania lane, W. Depot. O.JOHH Mrs. F. DAILEY, Margaret. Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union street.Antony. RATES, $1.50 PER DAY.Kowalski, Joseph.Johanna.Mrs. John. Mary. Stella. Frank, Victoria. laborer, 1014 N. Union. N. O.2!3OaIS)0•a0v)nS3m0~ir,trI *f?3HSBS3?S%''j2c07£^00=-ra70O >r-0702HO 7GlOXCOin0^O0SuinaO

OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,Always Sometinhg New. 160 N. Union Street.172 MORRIS U AND VAN CAMPEN'SKowalski, »0 John, works in tannery, 3 Washington, N. 0.0Mrs. Frances.«t_l 8Mary.Cfr- 3 flFrank.U 4 aj Jake.•a5 if]Katie.0 00CSKowalsky, George, clerk, 133| N. Union., -M »—< •—Li as Kowalski, Mrs. Lydia A., 71 River, N. O.fl«s s>•Kowalsky, see Kalski.>—1o y fl C/j Koziot, Joseph, laborer, 21 Oak, N. 0.U « CU,

When you buy of us, youget the Best, in all gradesof Footwear. ——--f.tl158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 173Krott, Andrew, leather worker, 1307 Reed.Mrs. Carrie.Krott, J. A., painter, 236 N. Eighth.Mrs. Anna.Krott, John, gardener, 126 S. Tenth.Mrs. Anna.Charles, machinist.Sophia M., works in shoe factory.Mary T.Krott, Pierce J., currier, Homer Hill, N. 0.Mrs. Anna.Walter G.Frances M.Frederick J.May Genevieve.Rosy E.Loren C.Ralph A.Krott, see Kratts.Kreutter, see Kritter.Kruher, Paul, stonemason, 612 N. Union.KRUSE, FREDERICK W., attorney at law, office 304 MasonicTemple, res 144 S. Union.Mrs. Julia.Alice.Krynach, Lizzie, domestic, Olean House.Kubacki, Tony, laborer, 43 Walnut, N. O.Mrs. MUry.Ellen.Kugawa, Frank, saloon keeper, 1121 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Alexandria.Kugawa, Joseph, grocer, 1117 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Anna.Mary.Florence.Frank.Helen.John.William.Cecelia.Kuhn, John, electrician, 1307 W. State.Mrs. Nellie E.Irma L.Harold G.Helen A.Bernice G.Kuhn, I. P. Michael C OO, Lstationary L I N S engineer, , 12 Avenue B, N. O.Mrs. Mary.Maud. 309 flasonic Temple.Frank.Life,Alphonso.Fire and AccidentGenevieve.07.*X0Xin•—*-CDOr-m>7Z7

First National Bank of Olean*Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres,A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.aT°o5 a-sa !h 174 _! MORRIS Kuhn, AND Henry, VAN fireman,434 CAMPEN'S N. Tenth.§ u§« < Mrs. Theresa.h o § S3 Albert R.S 55 § ^ J Eleanore L.g«§2 . William G."" Hu S *J Agnes S.fl-^fiu Ida C.^ u ^ Hermann J.« «a « . Richard J." 55 3 ^ Jo Kujaiok, Tanfred, laborer, 15 Franklin, N. O.suojb u Kujawa, see Kugawa.SS ~" « Kullmer, David, laborer, (P. R. R.) 1016 Washington.3o2S° «? Mrs. Elisa.£ -^- v^* Or*| K £ ° — 5 «_ ~ A^a Esther Helen Wallace Raymond May. Grace. Leona. Edgar. Leroy.

THE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing: and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick.) 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 175Lampack, George, currier, 1011 Buffalo.Mrs. Sophia.Walter J.Frank H.Lamper, Acta M.. contractor and builder, 931 Buffalo.Mrs. Nancy.Clyde.Lancaster, George, lumberman, 142 S. First.Mrs. Bessie.Lane, John O, oil operator, 30 Walnut, N. O.Mrs. Lucy A.Anna.John J.Hazel.Alta.Clifford.Lane, Lester, laborer, 111 E. Sullivan.Lane, Martha M., 506 Brickell av.Lang, Carl, painter, W. State, W. O.Lang, John, car repairer cigar manufacturer (P. R. R.) 1022 and Buffalo. dealer, store 111 N.Mrs. Eva. First.William.Grace.114 S. Fourth.LANG, JOSEPH I.Union, res 120 S.Mrs. Agnes.Frances A.Lang, Lewis N., painter and paper hangerMrs. Julia A.Joseph A.Raymond L.N. O.Lang, William, glass worker, 1302 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Molly.Lang, see Laing.Langdon, Lew, glass worker, 104 N. Third.Langhans, Marian, 1003 Washington.22Langley, William, engineer (P. R. R.) 7 Avenue AMrs. Edith.Maggie.Ralph.Ethel.Langs, Fred, boilermaker, 401 W. Henley.Mrs. Leafy M.Claude M.Langworth, Mrs. Lucy, 425 N. First.Langworthy, A. Lee, works for P. R. R., 425 N. First.Mrs. Carrie.T Mabelle. h e M o r n i n g T i m e s .The Lannin, Only Miss Beckie, Newspaper saleslady, 218 N. inFourth. Olean HavingLannin, Miss Mary, bookkeeper, 218 N. Fourth.Associated Press Membership.LARA WAY, W. W. & CO., (Watson W. Laraway.) steam dyeingand cleaning, 321 W. State.Larkin, Albert, machinist, 712 Wayne.Larkin, Mary, teacher, 137 S. Clinton.S 3a f>S_ O» -tn fBoCD- rrnfrfr2O

c>-COri ZB *»O>-UJ__

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA PINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. » °.?e £» QLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 177Lawrence, Robert B., laborer, 22 King, E. 0.Mrs. Maude.Paul H.Lawrence, Allanson B., pumper, 20 Fourth av., Bv.Mrs. Agnes.Hazel E.Veronica H.Mary B.Gertrude G.Joseph K.Lawson, Richard, works for P. R. R., 310 Wayne.Mrs. Lavina.Harold.Leslie.Lawson, William W., brakeman (P. R. R.) 309 N. Sixth.Mrs. Carrie A.William.Clifford.Lawton, Chester M., tinsmith, 115 S. Tenth.Mrs. Estella A.Grace C.Lawton, Welcome J., farmer, Union, S. 0.Mrs. Emma.Henry.Ida.Lax, Naftali, clothier mgr. for S. Deiches, 168 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Regina.Joseph M.L,ax, Sigmund, clothing store, Deiches) 310 Jay.Mrs. Rebecca.Lay, Florence B., 166 1-2 N. Union.Lay, George F., carpenter, 321 N. Eleventh.Mrs. Christine.Mildred.Lay, Leonard, shoemaker, 1117 Buffalo.Lay, Ruth O, 166 1-2 N. Union.Leader, George W., tinsmith, 228 N. First.Mrs. Frances S.G. Howard.Leader, Mrs. Sarah, 130 S. First.Leahen, Mrs. Ellen, widow, 530 N. Sixth.James, switchman, (P. R. R.)John, yardman (P. R. R.)Anna, nurse.Nellie.Leahey, John S., currier, 117 N. Twelfth.Mrs. Minnie.William.Learn, A. B., motorman, 105 N. Eighth.Mrs. Emma J.Learn, Paul. Almira, 32 First av., Bv.LEARY'S DYEING & CLEANING WORKS, (F. S. Tinklepaugh,mgr.) 216 W. State.0p—io.B m3 a •! * *-1 1—4 ,sB 5*3.05.5 ©1^73—1• hd rn__**•nH«1—*"'§ P"© C* frBSsJ -TO*»3 3 n8g__-*> n ris) r/> fa>" -ta 3*e -09 ^~«—"JO 1-t•um**'X* -^=* >—»W M . HORNER & CO.,OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.


The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers inufacturers & Dealers T UMIiED Lath and Shingles, Doors,n all Kinds of HJiTlDEJV, Windows, Turned Work.Long P. Distance O. WESTON'S Phone 6-W, MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 179LeMarbre, Joseph, currier, 116 N. Fifteenth.Julia M.Joseph, tanner.Lulu.LeMarbre, Edward G., buffer, 205 S. Fourth.Mrs. Delima.Albert G.Lucile M.Alexina L.Beatrice F.Lenhart, Mrs. Emma B., 67 Bishop.Leonard, Albert J., teamster, 16 Avenue B., N. O.Fred.Leonard, Louis, foreman (P. R. R.) Buffalo, W. O.Mrs. Mary.Archie.Leroy, G. W., carpenter, 120 N. Second.Mrs. Jennie H.Vera B.Leon L.Earl L.Clarence E.Leroy, George C, blacksmith, 202 Irving.Mrs. Elizabeth B.Leroy, Mrs. Ida, teacher, 117 S. Tenth.Howard S.Claire Hayden.Leroy, Rhoda, 514 W. State.LeStrange, Mrs. W. P., 136 S. Second.LeStrange, William J., tailor, 809 W. State.Mrs. Nellie C.Helen.Naoma.Letts, Lyle D., 320 Jay.Letts, Ovedia J., 320 Jay.Lew, John A., painter and paper hanger, 105 Irving.Mrs. Hilda.Theodore J.Edward.Lewelyn, see Llewelyn.NEW Lewis, MANAGEMENT.Mrs. Carrie, 118 Coleman.NEWLY FURNISHED.Stillman D A IS.t E Y ' S I N N .LEWIS, DR. S. E., Opposite dentist, Pennsylvania office 184 1-2 Depot. N. Union, res 212 N.JOHN Third. F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.Mrs. Jennie M. RATES. SI.50 PER DAY.Lina W..Lewis, res Rochester, 212 Mrs. Walter Hazel Stanley, William N. Mary A. Third. 130 E. C. E., promoter, S. Second. traveling offices salesman, New York Smith, and Perkins Philadelphia, & Co.,W 2 dW 3. •»•0 _->£ a FX t/i* JOtoZCDo

••—>mXbfj Vh£>—'rt-,oT3>oP--1-i

STETSON'S FINE SHOES FOR ME1U—AT—F. E. Tyler &UnionC o s , ,s8sfc2!OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTOR*. 181Loan, J. W., clerk, 218 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Mabel C.W. Kenneth.Lobe, Miss Lizzie, domestic, 309 Laurel av.Lobe, Mary, cook, 308 N. Union.Locke. Samuel B., 414 1-2 N. Union.?:i-s. Julia M.George J.Emerson P.Samuel K.Lockwood, Fred, boilermaker (P. R. R.) 801 Irving.Loedold, Anton, works at brewery, 605 W. Green.Mrs. Frances.Anna.Anton J.Loftus, John J., conductor (P. R. R.) 329 Tompkins.Mrs. Julia.Frances M.Sadie N.Lombardy, Peter J., prop, liquor store, 521 N. Union.Long, Albert, chef Olean House.Long, Hardy, glass blower, 113 N. Seventh.Mrs. Phoebe.Edna.Harry, glass worker.Frank.Long, John, glass blower, 920 W. State.Mrs. Augusta.Norman B.Verna H.Long, Walter, bartender, 108 W. State.Longyear. Mrs. Elizabeth A., McCann Hollow, S. O.Lonkto, Mrs. Anna E., 264 1-2 N. Union.Loop, George H., iron moulder, 229 Adams.Mrs. Winifred M.Lopus, Edwin A., carpenter, 521 N. Fifth.Mrs. Lulu F.Ethna J.Wenzel J. W.Lott, George, carpenter, Savage Hollow road, S. O.Mrs. Nettie.LOUGHLEN, JOHN J., physician and surgeon, office and res168 1-2 N. Union.Loughlen, R. D., refiner, 113 Laurens.Mrs. Katherine.Robert.LOUGHLEN, DRS. T. B. & J. J., physicians, 168 1-2 N. Union.LOUGHLEN, THOMAS B., physician and surgeon, 168 1-2 N.\. P. C0\i\i\HS^ General Insurance,Union, res 127 S. First.Mrs. Polly.Love, Thomas B., 309 oil producer, Masonic 311 E. Temple.State.Mrs. Winifred B.Gladys, E.W. Benjamin. Stewart.XcrCDp-iOj -O Ui_ IS)if> = X P-S 2 ex.IS)PiXex.co COTS CDo Xoaa Q-CmX£3Q(f)(J)r~L.£jKQ^0£3(f)Oi—irri—ioX373frCOcrroo

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURV, Pres WM E. WHEELER„Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.>Directors E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerV Mp»» ., 182 MORRIS E. M. fohnson, AND VAN T- CAMPEN'S F. lohnson.o u B __T Love, William, oil producer, 311 E. State.!>5 5 > J! Lovell, Rial, laborer, 63 Railroad av., E. O.•2g5a 3|4r- « Mrs.1*1 3 ~" g a g 3M " ^^, T ^ *-^ Lovell, Olive. William E., switchman, 613 E. State, E. O.^ ^3 v« Mrs-Mmnie-O 3 «5J H ". Low> Mary, domestic, 318 N. First.r*. -.. ,Cj M Lowe, Leonard, laborer, 21 Fourth av., Bv.© « a Mrs Rose.B ^5 . * George W.ra^J-o ^ = Glenn A-o » o ^H «5 Lowe, T. L„ farmer, Pond, E. 0.* r a M ^ Tunis Mr?. Margaret. L., laborer.o* i IS) Lowe, Elmond Walter H., R., teamster, laborer. 78 King, E. O.zCOI—0~L->\JJ mQZ

254 N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Woo d., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.183Lundgren, 0. A., shoemaker, 702 W. State.Lundin, Henry, boilermaker, 1008 Buffalo.Lundy, Charles A., stillman, 51 Johnson, N. 0.Mrs. Mary A.William J.Mary Margaret.Charles Peter.Katherine L.Annie E.Thomas J.Violet.Lundy, James, teamster, 38 Green, N. 0.Mrs. Anne.Thomas, works in refinery.George, clerk.Lundy, William, farmer, Buffalo, W. 0.Mrs. Mary.Charles, laborer.Thomas.Luntz, Isadore, traveling installment agent, 130 N. Third.Mrs. Rosa.Anna Susa.David Harry.Benjamin Abraham.Archie Herman.LUTHER, CHARLES P., prop. D. S. Abbott Co., (see adv.) 130N. Barry.Mrs. Emma C.Clara E.Elsie E.Marion C.LUTHER, GEORGE H., prop. Luther Mfg. Co., 314 N. Clinton.Mrs. Hannah L.Mabelle M.George W.James H.ootrtr&IS)ftIS)nm)«ioco ts©3t-h£TnnH«»V3Luther, John, laborer, 7 Franklin, N. O.LUTHER MANUFACTURING CO., (George H. Luther, prop.) f*office 133 Railroad av., works 133-149 Railroad av. 5*Lutta, John, laborer, 7 Franklin, N. O.Lyman, Elijah B., lumberman, 115 N. Twelfth.Ella T.Endora A.Lyman, L. J., printer, 108 W. State.Lynch, Mrs. Catherine, Spruce, N. 0.Mary.Francis.Margaret.vLizzie.Lynch, James, laborer, 602 Wayne.Lynch, Mrs. Katherine, widow, 532 N. Fifth.Thomas, laborer, (P. R. R.)Lynch, Michael, boilermaker, (P. R. R.) 812 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Julia.The Morning Times.The Only Newspaper in Olean Having AssociatedPress Membership.a&ig^wnxx73oXoELaoIf)ftIf)ar©-tO•C-_

Good Swell Furnishings forn* i Men. Trunks andUothes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.184 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SwLynch, Daniel P., laborer, 525 N. Seventh.oaMrs. Hannah M.Daniel.^JJohn.OMiles.CEdward.. j" Mrs. Mary.(J_| ei* Harold.00C*-U--< .%zuSO tn2- SfW -_y weHWOOuf_J*\iibem-iXriCOJZ nm0u0riXex.COCO,coS.ei">nIS)ri3-IS)en0a.if)CO uDC 0-m^mX ri1—O^-OOObe_XTOO.CO"H oa criCecelia.Lynd, Mark, grocer, 433 N. Seventh.Mrs. Sarah.Alice S.Mary E.Lynn, David, second hand furniture, 429 N. Union.Mrs. Betsy.Annie.Pearl.Lyon, Mrs. Martha, 1311 Reed.Lyons, Daniel J., supt. United Pipe Line, 334 Laurel av.Mrs. Emma L.Lillian M.Catherine F.Josephine J.P. Hurley.Irene A.Paul L.Daniel C.Lyons, Eugene, laborer, (P. R. R.) 514 N. Eighth.Mrs. Ella.Arthur E.Alice M.Lyons, George B., farmer, E. River road, S. 0.Mrs. Dora M.William.George.Maurice.Arthur.Lyons, James A., painter, 115 W. Green.Mrs. Anna.Lyons, Michael H., carpenter, 28 First av., Bv.Mrs. Margaret.^ JPaul.W

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. fci',,?.-$ OLEAN. N-Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 185 oMachael, Joseph, peddler, 437 N. Union.Machatchick, Paul, laborer, 43 Railroad av., E. O.Mack, Ellen, housekeeper, 417 N. Thirteenth.Mack, Fannie, domestic, 117 Railroad av., E. O.MACK, MICHAEL F., general store, 1022 Union, N. O., res 53River, N. 0.Irene.Helen.Mack, Patrick, laborer, 417 N. Thirteenth.Mackey, Henry A., teamster, 34 Washington, N. O.Mrs. Emma S.Theo Belle.Macnerney, Katie, domestic, 115 N. Clinton.Macomber, Mrs. Arvilla E., dressmaker, 130 S. First.MacNeille, see McNeille.Madara, Joseph M., flagman (P. R. R.) 113 Wayne.Mrs. Laura M.Emma J.Magee, Mrs. Dora, housekeeper, 109 S. Fifth.Bertha, milliner.Magee, John H., 105 S. Ninth.Magee, Thomas, machinist (P. R. R.) 105 S. Ninth.Mrs. Sophia M.Florence Marie.Magner, David R., works for street railway, 510 Higgins av.Mrs. Delia.Mary.Robert.MAGNER, FRANK W., (Olean Carriage Works,) 518 N. First.Mrs. Cora Bell.Alta May.Maguire, Peter, laborer, 807 Reed.Mahaffy, Mike, butcher, 525 N. Union.Mahany, Esther Jorden, student, 429 N. Seventh.Mahar, Kate, 130 N. Ninth.Mahoney, Charles, night watchman, 435 N. First.Mrs. Margaret.Thomas.Margaret.Maines, Joseph, tanner, 204 Coleman.Mrs. Lena.Katherine.Harry.Mallery, Edwin W., carpenter, 428 N. Tenth.Mrs. Agnes.Fred A.Agnes G.Charles L.Mallery, Ferris J„ carpenter, 417 W. State.Mrs. Mary M.Mallery, George E., farmer, E. River road, S. O.Mrs. Mary.Frances." OLEAN Clothiers, Mallery, WM. HOUSE HORNER Ira, clerk, Furnishers, BLOCK. & 425 CO., N. First. Merchant Tailors.QXL)J_-U l-\•5 J\)3"g M" oif' r~~^'XMtnc»-_•:a,(Dw •*»X$D>n(D•©*vP"OE3QIS)IS)MrVo50tnV3eno r»3Xj-1"mXex.3O-LUoreex.-tropiXex.

I >i(_}X0 OOOJ~c3C/J0CMmmpapa0^zzOO w j0 2'EX)zrrvOM0isfe 0)aIf)£ 0800IS)00.a 00 *^0sFirst National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres-A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler.E. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.186 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SMALLERY, LLEWELLYN A., furniture dealer, (see adv.) 511and 516 W. State, warehouse 415 W. State, res" 413 do.Mrs. Sophia B.Lewis E.Raymond T.Carl F.Katherine M.Mallery, Mrs. Mary, domestic, at Swarts, E. River, S. 0.Mallery, Mrs. Susannah, 416 S. Union.Clyde M., baker.Malone, Mrs. Agnes, widow, 417 N. Ninth.William P., brakeman.Owen, glassblower.Maloney, Edward, conductor (P. R. R.) 445 N. First.Mrs. Carrie H.Clyde L.Maloney, James J., flagman (Erie) 55 River, N. 0.Mrs. Ellen.Margaret, teacher.Helen, teacher.Elizabeth, bookkeeper.Agnes.James.Maloney, Patrick J., butcher, 501 N. Eighth.Mrs. Mary.Charles E.Ella Marie.Frances.Vergil J.Mance, Dominick, laborer, 536 N. Sixth.Mrs.Infant.Mance, Michael, laborer, 536 N. Sixth.Mrs. Carlie.Mandeville, Frank E., teacher, 212 S. Union.Mrs. Ida A., teacher.MANDEVILLE OIL CO., (W. H. Mandeville, W. Harry Mandeville,)office 163 N. Union.MANDEVILLE, WILLIAM H., (W. H. Mandeville & Co.,) 223N. First.Mrs. Helen L.MANDEVILLE, W. H. & CO., Insurance, (see adv.) ExchangeBank building.MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., (Wm. M. Patridge,mgr., 307 Masonic Temple.Mann, Buell E., carpenter, 306 N. Ninth.Mrs. Lillian.Roy N.Mabel C.Alfred H.Mann, Michael, laborer (P. R. R.) 12 Third av., Bv.O L E A N S U P P L Y CO.,Paints, Glass, Roofing, Doors,WINOJWS, SIDI NO, MOULDING AND SHINGLES.

The A. Weston LumberCo.,flanufacturers & Dealers I ITMliCt* Latn and Shingles, Doors,in all kinds ofLUlTlDEH., windows, Turned Work.Long Distance^hone 6-W. p Q) WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y. ^OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 187o.— mm,Manning, Mrs. Clara, widow, 1301 W. Sullivan. g1 l~TJ OHarvey. o is) ^ ^~* pi &.Cecil. » CL\ »Mildred.Beulah. - t_Alice. § p1 r>Manz, see Mance. •§ & i__. " IMAPLE SHADE HOUSE, (John J. Powers, prop.,) Buffalo, cor 2. [-H ^Thirteenth.MARCUS, HARRY W., dry goods, (see adv.) 131 N. Union, re* „115 N. First. ' m B.Mrs. Eda.Ml/Jo*Evelyn M. S 5Benjamin M. J*nMendel V. g.David.pjLeon J.____ ^Margeson, M. Bert, milkman, 121 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Adeline.gr,a*0Juliette.& hClarence. -i "^ >as#Markert, John, tanner, 9 Walnut, N. O.hwMrs. Emma. ^ 2Minnie. & ©Fritz.2 O aMarie.o PMarkham, George W., machinist (P. R. R.) 53 River, N. O. f"Mrs. Delia.&3Markle, William L., 1444 Buffalo, N. O.X2Mrs. Dorcas.C_George B., plumber.oMaroney, Celia, student, 330 Coleman.EMaroney, James, tinsmith, 330 Coleman.*^r2HZOH^0131M»srt-01t

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.Always Sometinhg New. 160 N. Union Street.188 MORRIS u AND VAN CAMPEN'SMarquest, H3 Anna, 19 Avenue B., N. 0.Gd«dA0-13UT35 «0,". -4-1 * L>—. •—• cdiSso o cdu g_ &f>fr«c(8•HUos«>•XGO&r\MARTH, MISS ELIZABETH, prop, millinery store, 221 N. Union,(see adv.) res 135 N. Thirteenth.Marth, Martin, cabinet maker, 1316 W. State, res 135 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Sophia.Martin, Mrs. Caroline, .widow, 1003 W. Henley.Joseph.Frederick.William.Jennie.Caroline.Charles.Louise.Thomas.Martin, Fred, porter, Hotel Imperial.Martin, George S„ painter (P. R. R.) 316 N. Seventh.Mrs. Maude M.Lillian G.Martin, Jennie, domestic, 108 South.Martin, Michael, currier, 57 Railroad av., E. 0.Mrs. Fannie.MARY OF THE ANGEL'S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL, 606 W. Sullivan.___________ Mary, Aide, Sister of Mercy, 606 W. Sullivan.Mary, Anastasia, Sister of Mercy, 606 W. Sullivan.w ~ (ft y Mary, Sacred Benedicta, Heart, Sister Sister of Mercy, of Mercy, 606 606 W. W. Sullivan. Sullivan.Q« ^Q | . Mason, Mary, Cecelia, Fred F., Sister engineer, of Mercy, 121 N. 606 Fifth. W. Sullivan.O *• W _ l# o Mary, Mrs. Gerard, Anna Sister E. of Mercy, 606 W. Sullivan.D fj $ rjj «{ Mary, Frank Geronimo, T. Sister of Mercy, 606 W. Sullivan._Q Q i* J^ "S Mary, Mather, Regina, Homer, Sister linotype of Mercy, operator, 606 108 W. Sullivan. N. Barry.U- Q H o Mather, Visa, clerk, 108 N. Barry.CCJ m\t I —' Mathis, T. Jefferson, glassblower, 151 N. Eighth.aa .L. .. Mrs. Laura.HJl^g Stella M.(—< 73 Matish, see Matush.*jk Washington.J= Mrs. Eva. Margaret E.VDunlap, clerk.David H.Matthews, Sarah E., 908 Washington.Mattison, Mrs. 114 N. Twelfth.Edward Troy, nam* Mill,•s220 S. Barry.SHINGLES, LUMBER,LATH, SIDING, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND MOULDINGS.

When you buy of us, youget the Best, in all gradesof Footwear. —--1*8 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 189Matush, John, laborer (P. R. R.; 419 N. Ninth.Mrs. Anna.Matylas, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, 43 Railroad av., E. O.Michael, glass worker.John, glassworker.Elizabeth, domestic.Mary.Anna.William.Nellie.Mauch, Clayton, conductor (P. R. R.) 202 Coleman.Maurer, Albert L., carpenter (P. R. R.) 313 Jay.Mrs. Clara A.Maurer, Mrs. Katherine, 124 Fulton.Maude.May, Bernice, student, 438 N. Eighth.May, Edward, machinist (P. R. R.) 317 N. Seventh.Mrs. Anna.Edward H.Mildred H.May, Frank C, clerk, 717 1-2 Irving.MAY, LEWIS B., wholesale dealer in Butter and Beans, 210 E.Henley.Mrs. Frances L.May, Rose, student, 438 N. Eighth.Maybee, Agnes, student, 823 State, E. O.Maybee, Josie, 823 State, E. O.Maybee, Theodore, laborer, 17 Railroad av., E. O.John A.Edna.Nina.Arthur.Maybee, William, cook, back of Quirin's tannery, E. State, E. O.Mrs. Erne.Joseph.Aggie.MAYER BROTHERS, (Max F. Mayer, Rudolph C. Mayer,) meatmarket, 152 N. Union.MAYER, CLAUDE, tailor, (Mayer & Mayer,) 136 S. Second.Mrs. Flora E.Henrietta M.MAYER George & MAYER, F. (George M. Mayer, Claude F, Mayer,)merchant Infant. tailors, 122 N. Union.MAYER, Mayer, Edward, MAXIMILLIAN works for F., P. R. (Mayer R., 342 Bros.) 1-2 S. res Barry. 227 N. Fourth.Mrs. Nellie. Eliza J.MAYER, GEORGE M., postmaster, 301 Laurens.I. P.Mrs.CMarieO LM.L I N S ,Katherine.Mayer, 309 Mrs. Hasonic Katherine, Temple. widow, 231 N. Fourth.Life, Fire and AccidentOtoorCCDMm mCDCOOt-m>zZ50 O'X>>>TOrnX9P0 3 r"I—VOS ~ 3inolawr o3- **?? # £W mTCm 35 T3 5 ntop-?Pao3oto

First National Bank of Olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. K. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.g-Ms \>3 190 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN S•oS«a g«"°o-S ^ MAYER, RUDOLPH O, (Mayer Bros., 152 N. Union, 508 W.°k iJg u < Sullivan.ho"| s Mrs. Elizabeth D.5 55 © u J Gretchen P.g*jg2 . Christine D.°* H u, * *"' Mayer, see Meyer and Myers.fl. 55,2 o Mayo, Greenleaf H., milk dealer, 921 Buffalo, res 920 Washing-SUhaston'a « a « Mrs. Margaret F."553 £ 55* William M.a o o « u uMarv, clerk.gfi-S £ IS) « Mayo, WinHeld D., conductor (O. R. C. & B.) 117 S. Seventh.3oKS°

1THE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick.) 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 191McCaig, Donald G. Jr., glassblower, 218 Winters av.Mrs. Alta F.McCann, James, Union, S. 0.Thomas.McCann, John, stone breaker, McCann Hollow, S. O.Mrs. Harriet.McCartin, William, telegraph operator, (P. R. R.) 441 N. First.Mrs. Elizabeth.McCartain, Peter F., fireman, 5 Spruce, N. O.Mrs. Mary.Dan.Lizzie.Nell.Mayme.Peter F.McCarthy, Mrs. Almeda S., widow, (dressmaker) 202 East av.Florence E.Ira.Edna.McCarthy, Bat, iron worker, 2 Pierce av., W. O.Mrs. Mary.Michael.Daniel.Mary.Julia.Charles.William.Thomas.McCarthy, Ellen, housekeeper, 773 N. Union, N. O.McCarthy, Lily, domestic, 135 S. Union.McCarthy, Lily, domestic, 206 N. Barry.McCarthy, Mary, cook, Grand Central hotel, N. Union.McCarthy, Mrs. Mary, 331 N. Seventh.McCarthy, Matthew, laborer, 439 N. Ninth.Mrs. Sarah.E. Lillian.Louis M.Alice M.Josephine.Sarah.Ella.James J.Matthew J.McCarthy, Timothy, retired farmer, E. River, S. OEdward, machinist.Joseph T.McChello, Michael, farmer, Dugan road.Mrs. Cassie.Clifford.McClay, David, tanner, 113 Railroad av., E. 0.Mrs. Ella.Alice.Arthur.The Morning OnlyHilda.Associated Newspaper Times. Press in Olean Membership.Havingmt f>o? g 03- r3o m-t fro V) frftif)3" zOQ

xcim.COJutei>-ZOUJ >-< 0UJO

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers arid Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.Th0S. Whitton, Pres. & Treas. gSlon"' 3?7 OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 193McCULLOUGH, E. O, Adams Express agent, 238 S. Barry.Mrs. Delia.McDermott, Mrs. Anna, 520 W. State.McDermott, John, laborer, 501 N. Thirteenth.McDermott, James, 1111 W. Henley.McDermott, Peter, fireman, 8 Washington, N. O.Mrs. Mary.Marie Anna.John William.McDermott, Thomas F., conductor, 323 Whitney av.Mrs. Ellen L.Earl E.C. Grover.Sarah E.Thomas F.Elouise.McDonald, Alexander, currier, 1215 Washington.Mrs. Isabella F.Arthur W.Archibald J.Alice M.J. Roy.C. Bruce.Joseph.McDonald, Felix, boilermaker, 40 Elm, N. O.Mrs. Elizabeth.Arthur.George.Edward.Francis.McDonald, Gene, machinist, 404 Wayne.McDonald, James, currier, 140 Railroad av., E. O.McDonald, Lawrence, 305 E. Henley.Mrs. Catherine.Floyd.Harold.Glen.Lucille.Aileen.McDonald, Mrs. Mary, cook, 323 N. Union.McDonald, Neal, currier, 13 Pierce av., W. O.Mrs. Mary.Wallace.May.Teresa.McDonald, Thomas, laborer, (P. R. R.) 523 N. Union.McDONALD, W M WILLIAM . H A., O Rliveryman, N E R & 409 CO., Laurens.Mrs. Catherine.OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Lillian.Clothiers, Flora. Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.McDonough, Mrs. Anna, widow, 17 Homer, N. O.McDowell, Harley B., clerk, 418 S. Union.Mrs. Ida B.op—*O0K^den70IB©pi p-W(o Q on&73rn

-IS) is) © asW IS p"e a ~\at Id-1 rrFirst National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, P.cs.WM. E WHEELER, Vice-Pres.T. EATON, CashierDirectors—E. G. Dusenbury, J E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler,194 MORRIS E M. Johnson, AND VAN J. CAMPEN'S F Johnson.McDOWELL, CLINTON B., general store, S. Olean, 408 S.Union, also dealer in wood and stone, office with W. S. Hubbardin City Building.Mrs. Adeil V.Ruth.Edith.McDUFFIE, WILLIAM E., physician and surgeon, 301 E. State.Mrs. Dell.Jessie.Donald.Robert.Jane.McEachern, John, lumberman, 911 Buffalo.Mrs. Eliza.Duncan.Annie Helen.John.Archie.McElfresh, Earl T., agent, 16 Plum.McElfresh, John, laborer, 16 Plum.Mrs. Rosa.Earl.Manira.Stanley.Maud.Edna.McElhinney, see MacElhinney.McElligott, Daniel, granite cutter, 206 N. Seventh.Mrs. Sarah.Elizabeth J.Margaret M.Tressie A.Florence N.John H.McFadden, Alex., moulder, 118 S. Eighth.Mrs. Charlotte.Russell.Earl.McFadden, Anthony, glassblower, 24 Pine, N. O.Mrs. Mary.John.Francis.Helen.Margaret.Conneail.McFadden, Michael, glassblower, 822 N. Union, N. 0.Mrs. Emma.413 N. UnionO l John. e a n S u p p l y C o . ,Street.Leo. Portland and Common Cement,SEWERMcFarland. Alpheus,TILE,supt.LIMETaylor'sANDwarehouse,PHOSPHATES.334 Coleman.Mrs. Janet C.Harriet B.Melville U.McFarland, Ella, cook, Genesee House.

The A* Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers inufacturers & Dealersf ITMRED Latn and Shingles, Doors,n all Kinds ofJLUIUDEIV, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-VVP. O. WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 195McFarlin, Mrs. Carrie, 215 N. Union.McGann, Thomas, tool dresser, 402 N. Eighth.Mrs. Margaret.Celia M.Harry.McGavis, Christopher H., deliveryman, State, E. O.Mrs. Sarah.Sophia.Leo.Frances.Beatrice.McGavisk, John O, gardener, 670 E. State, E. O.Mrs. Joanna.Delia.Anna E.William H., trainman (P. R. R.)Katherine.Joseph.Helen.McGavis, Sadie, 8 Eastman av., E. O.McGavis, William Robert, conductor, 657 E. State, E. O.Mrs. Margaret D.McGavisk, Patrick, foreman Olean Transfer Co., 661 E. State,E. O.Mrs. Mary.McGavfsk, Thomas, butter, 121 S. Sixth.Mrs. Elizabeth.Francis.Mabel.Irene.Catherine.Gertrude.McGee, see Magee.McGever, Andy, blacksmith, 241 Adams.McGever, Anthony, section foreman P. R. R., 428 N. First.Mrs. Mary.Thomas Frank, clerk.William, clerk, (P. R. R.)Katherine.May.Margaret.McGilliger, Mrs. Mary, housekeeper, 538 N. Eighth.John, constable.William, works for P. R. R.James, laborer.NEW McGillis, MANAGEMENT.Alexander, carpenter, 522 W. State. NEWLY FURNISHED.Mrs. Margaret.Angus L.Marguerite E. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN McGinnis, F. DAILEY, Arthur, Proprietor. farmer, McCann Hollow, 402, 404 S. N. O. Union Street.McGinnis, Hugh, tanner, RATES, Wildcat $1.50 road, PER DAY. S. O.Mrs. Katherine.Minnie, works for Tanners Shoe Stock Co.McGinnis, Katherine, domestic, 120 S. Union.ooHiHM «W g.nX if)c71aX to7030 eb-. "0>o a"07>80.aV*S3Cm.-tH0•Si Bf~)OOPffmX>

AXb/>a-.£>-'. *It)-»> fti U a 2•d .S r,3 o(d *e$ •a

STETSON'S FINE SHOES FOR M E M ,—AT—F. E. Tyler & Co's, l5\^TonOLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORS.197Mclnerey, Thomas, machinist, 417 N. Thirteenth.Mcintosh, Archie A., laborer, 330 Wayne.Mrs. Maud I.Ethel M.Mclntosli, Charles A., engineer, 1311 W. Henley.Mcintosh, Mrs. Mary A., widow, 233 N. First.Mclntyre, Mrs. Mary, widow, 36 Walnut, N. 0.McKee, Burt, works for P. R. R., bds. 413 N. Seventh.McKee, Hattie, domestic, 116 E. Sullivan.McKellips, Fred L., carpenter, Troy's planing mill, 207 S. BarryMrs. Jennie M.Harry R.Gertrude E.McKeohn, Henry, laborer, 71 River, N .0.Mrs. Martha.McKinley, Henry, tailor, 222 N. Third.Mrs. Rose.Mercedes.McKinney, Frank, glass worker, 1403 W. State.Mrs. Bertha.McKinney, Thomas J., Supt. South Penn. Oil Co., Olean House..MsKnight, Miss Mary, dressmaker, 1 Union place.McLaughlin, Edward, glass blower, 329 N. Eleventh.Mrs. Ella A.Leon, glass worker.Frank.McLaughlin, Samuel, fireman, P. R. R., 331 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Josie.McLeroy, Hugh, laborer, P. R. R., 414 N. Eighth.McLOWRY, J. F., (McLowry & Ryan) 213 N. Union, res. 134Fulton.Mrs. Myra.John.James.Ambrose.Mildred.William.Dorothy.Kenneth.Myro.McLowery, Miss Mary, clerk, 119 N. First.McLOWERY & RYAN, (J. F. McLowery, W. G. Ryan) clothiersand gents' furnishers, 213 N. Union.McMahon, John, section foreman, (P. R. R.) cor. Pine andSpruce, N. O.Mrs. Mary.Mary.Kate.Agnes.William.Bessie.Tessie.Charles.McMahon, Mrs. Margaret, 11 Spruce, N. O.Ojo MCaCOo3""0a*a'CmMP-^3O*13if)•HcrOo33Bdooc3CDJ-tmIS)DO©" aif> 5' drm Q- WIS) *fi-Pi X t* P)°- £DO «X =*—CO—tIS)a:piO.3 i—tCDX£3r-Lh-^O^CD(f)if)£j^£3i—»•o••*(f)o 1—1rr1oX>3Rpo2**373frUSroo\. P. COUUYNS* General Insurance,309 Masonic Temple.

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.Directors E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. fohnson, I. F. lohnson.0ob fjj 5 198 McMahon, MORRIS Harry AND VAN P., fireman,605 CAMPEN to N. Fourth.^~j 2 y " Mrs- Mary-^t ccti lJ 53 A°nes«M J S McMahon, John H., oil guager, 109 N. Sixth."" u ^3 - John, telegraph operator.3 S S j te Mrs. Katherine.h « | HWilliam wO •: ft "" Paul C.—> o w a Helen.s^S *" u S £, jA . rt - McMahon, William, Mrs. Kate, fireman 605 N. Fourth.> B^-O £ o « ^ McMahon, Mrs. Mary, 401 Irving.*ta m John, hostler.«W t Mary.> M Edward, mason.^Maggie.hyr _£2 McMahon, Mary, domestic, 217 N. Second.|__i «J McMahon, Simeon J., policeman, 11 Spruce, N. O.O m . McMahon, William, stone mason, 323 N. Union.rj^ McMann, Robert, glass worker, 1205 Buffalo.C/j . co McManus, Mrs. Margaret, widow, 317 Whitney av.r/. Pa "JSThomas, buffer.W UH fo £ Anna.W (,J Z Margaret.Q § "g § Ella.H-— Th ctS ^ Sarah.I_h x:S McMillan, Dellmer, 1214 W. State.^f* W (J "£ o McMillan, Olive. D. J., newspaper correspondent, 1214 W. State.^ 5 3 — 53" — McMillan, Julia. Dolly A., 1214 W. State.K* 00 >; ^ McMURRAY, Donald. ANDREW C, brick mfr., 634 State, E. O.J»^ co Mrs. Helen. Fannie.K"\ Z £ Maud. Doris .C(j •g O2j.;OMcMurray,McMURRAY,James. Mrs.J.Anna,C. & A.,widow,(James650C.State,McMurrayE. O.and Andrew Mc-_^- §: © X Murray,) brick mfrs., E. State, E. O.fl] a * McMURRAY, JOHN, oil producer, 19 Crown, E. O.^^ Z •J g Mrs. Melvina.^ 2 < McNall, Mrs. C, grocery store, 16 Pierce av., W. O.^ «« >. Winifred.»"—"J _j

I254 N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Woo d., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 199McTamney, James, lumberman, 409 N. Ninth.oMrs. Mary.James G.Joseph R.toAbbie H.oMcWilliams, Uharies, night watchman, 1113 Washington.Mrs. Myrtie.I ? COtfHenry.- rAnnabel.» 3Charles.mn oBessie M.Infant.£ » frMcWilliams, Willis, teamster, 115 S. Fulton."? ftfrMrs. Mary.o _-Nellie M.cs ->John.g ft 2Grace.Mead, Bert, carpenter, 266£ N. Union.OMrs. Hattie.Alice.Bertha.Elsie.Otis.Mead, George C, brakeman, (P. R. R.) 116 N. Sixth.z a SMrs. Emma M.M» M- 0Julia M.tn bMilton J.tn E 0Mead, John, carpenter, 507 N. Ninth.Mrs. Maria A.aFred J.g v*Pearl.1 •rttfMead, Thomas O, switchman, (P. R. R.) 3 Main, Bv.Mrs. L. Blanche.Mead, William L., cook, 117 N. Fourth.toMrs. Fannie E.K)3Meade, J. C, works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.2Meader, see Meder.w "Meany, Ellen, domestic, 315. Laurens.0 CMeder, Jacob, car inspector, (P. R. R.) 125 N. Seventh. o 1} 3 3Mrs. Lena.P-H if) 0Carl J., glass worker.X w 3Jay P.*> frFrank B.rp-Isabelle F.a-tJohn J.ftMellin, William, machinist, 1112 Buffalo.ftMELOY, CHARLES F., printer, prop'r Olean Ledger, office 5-6Union Place, res. 15 Front, Bv.Mrs. Carrie A.Frederick 0.Meloy, John W., grocer, 113 N. Union, res. 313 Laurel av.Mrs. Frances A.Frances W.Mary D.The Press Morning Only Membership. Newspaper Times. in Olean .Having Associated

0,Good Swell Furnishings forr*\ ±al Men. Trunks andUotnes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.200 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SMelvin, John J., switchman, (P. R. R.) 36 Washington, N. O.Mrs. Susan.Robert P.Jw Helen T. 3\

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. $ OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 201Messer, John, foreman, (P. R. R.) 408 Wayne.Messier, Frank, hostler, 603 E. State, E. 0.Metcalf, Mrs. Amelia, widow, 305 Coleman.Earl.Melville.Metcalf, Fred B., brakeman, (P. R. R.) 305 Coleman.Mrs. Mayme.Metcalf, William F., conductor, (P. R. R.) 431 N. First.Mrs. Minnie.Charles W.Gertrude C.METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, First, (list of officers onfront pages) 202 N. Union.METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Ninth St., (list oi officerson front pages) 129-133 N. Ninth.AIETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, People's, (list of officerson front pages) Chestnut St., East Olean.Metier, Mrs. Sarah, widow, 310 N. Thirteenth.Charles W., laborer.Fred D., glass worker.Max H.Robert J. L.METROPOLITAN LIFE INS. CO., (Sanford G. Greenman, asst.mgr.) local offices 143J N. Union.Metzgar, Clementine C, student, 124 S. First.Metzgar. John J., student, 124 S. First.Meyer, Charles, laborer, Mickey's livery, 325 N. Union.Meyer, Harry, bookkeeper, St. Ry., 214 E. Henley.Mrs. Sue Brown.Kephart.Meyer, Julia, 205 N. Thirteenth.Meyer, see Mayer and Myers.Michael, David, brakeman, (P. R. R.) 810 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Sarah.Helen.Michael, Samuel, tailor, 212 W. State.Mrs. Hannah.Abraham I., clerk.Esther.Rufus H.Michael, see Machael.Michler, Gottleib, carpenter, 116 S. Fourth.Mrs. Caroline.Michler, Mrs. Rocine, 124 S. Twelfth.Michler, William, blacksmith, 29 Walnut, N. O.Mrs. Mary.Mabel K.Middleton. George W., barber, 124 N. Fifth.Mrs. Mandanah.Middaugh, Mrs. Randall, widow, 228 N. Seventh." WM, HORNER & CO.,OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.ooJ3m^ o *ta

First National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.I. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres-A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—K. G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E, Wheeler.E. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.202 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SMiles, -+-> Gilbert C -Yi D., pattern maker, (P. R. R.) 213 E. State.0CD!—ar)CXXZenLmcoBXIS)m LiCO u Om. 0m O IS) 1—IS) C\)X 0!— u_aX >!X0COJZ(-trt l-i

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Jlanufacturers & Dealers T TTMUED Latn and Shingles, Doors,in all kinds ofLUlTlBEJJA, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W P. O,, WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N YOLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 203Miller, Hermann G., foreman, (P. R. R.) 52 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Eva.Henry E., machinist, (P. R. R.)Raymond, machinist, (P. R. R.)George B.Margaret A.Elizabeth.Theodore John.MILLER HARDWARE Co., (A. F. Miller, pres. and treas.; A.E. Ewing, vice pres. and sec'y) wholesale and retail dealersin hardware, 139 N. Union.MILLER, IRVING W., supt. Olean St. Ry. Co., 213 W. State.Mrs. Winona.Wilson I.i];g|Delia K.Miller, John, glassblower, 815 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Julia.Gertrude.Miller, J. Edward, painter and paper hanger, 311 S. Seventh.Mrs. Emma C.MILLER, LAURENTINE Y., (L. Y. Miller & Sons) res. 115 S.First.Mrs. Eveline.MILLER, L. Y. & SONS, (L. Y. Miller, H. C. Miller, E. W.Miller) wholesale produce dealers, 121-123 W. State.Miller, Mrs. Margaret, 201 N. Thirteenth.Bessie.Miller, Nathan, farmer, Windfall road, Bv.Mrs. Cynthia.Miller, Otto, jeweler, 109 N. Union, res. 219 W. State.Mrs. Susie S.Armond K.Miller, Peter, laborer, 905 W. Henley.Mrs. Dora.Bertha A.Fred H.Albert G.Miller, Robert E., cigar maker, 133 S. Seventh.Mrs. Katherine.Albert B., clerk.NEW MANAGEMENT.Gertrude N.NEWLY FURNISHEDMiller, William, D A Iworks L Eat Vacuum, Y ' S 36 Third I av., N N Bv. ,Mrs. Mary. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHH Charles. F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union street.Robert, works RATES, in tannery. $1.50 PER DAY.Addie.Miller, May. Leona. Helen. Dewey. Maud. Mrs. William, Agnes J., carpenter, F. bookkeeper, (P. R. 120 R.) N. 22 Fifteenth. First av., Bv.©° r1 wpCimmE3r— ^inpaI ^ |om {J} vn5 ' °5 ftfaB3JZ > x n333CD~V70zHZoO3co3o


When you buy of us, youget the Best, in all gradesof Footwear. —-•158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.Mohr, Andrew, farmer, Mohr av., W. 0.Mrs. Julia.Clarence.Walter.Loretta.Edward.Mohr, George, works P. R. R. shops, Mohr av., W. 0.Mrs. Frances.Helen.Raymond.Mohr, Henry, Mohr av., W. 0.Mrs. Anna.Martha.Anna.Monahan, Kate, stenographer, 39 Front, Bv.Monahan, W. H., boilermaker, 39 Front, Bv.Mrs. Mary.Loretta."Walter.Frances.Marjorie.Helen.Alice.Monthey, August, laborer, 63 River, N. 0.Mrs. Ernestine.Paul, laborer.Montie, Herman, machinist, 12 Elm, N. 0.Mrs. Emma K.Montroy, Miss Ella, domestic. 407 W. Sullivan. •Montroy, Mrs. Frank, boarding house, 336 N. Tenth.George J.Ellen E.Dora M.Moodier, Charles F., carpenter, 605 N. Union.Mrs. Susan.Viola.Moody, Walter E., driller, Brook, E. O.Mrs. Emma.Fred, finisher.Harry, roller.Frank, laborer.Jennie.Blanche.Delia.Mook, Benjamin O, clerk (P. R. R.) 1003 W. Henley.Mrs. Nellie.Mooney, Patrick, teamster, 423 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Ellen.John, glassblower.Edward, glassworker.William, glassworker.Henry.James.Joseph.I. P. C O L L I N S ,309 ITasonic Temple.205 £toc3o*3m ~m~CDom>zZ7

First National Bank of Olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. K. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler•0 >>•a 3E. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.s ei at206 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SW.r,*-0Mooney,0^ S _iu Addie, 202 Irving.S Mooney, Benjamin F., shoe shop, 206 W. State, res 202 Irving.tso«*.© 0«•!Mooney, Mrs. B. F., widow, 204 Irving.tmu.UiSL.J_ u 0 i-l Mooney, James F., pastor St. John's Catholic church, 773 N.«-55S .0Union, N. O.£2 < teaS3 « s ei Moore, Charles, Moore Lane, W. O.ISlmAfr •t/5Mrs. Eliza.S3 Moore, David H., asst. supt. Pipe Line Co., 321 Laurel av.if)0.30 t*Mrs. Josephine G._?sWOO u >>uX in Margaret F.R. Emmett.t/i John D.tfj OOI. Darwin.z Charles M.0 IS)

8 1 I ITHE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick.i) 254 N. UNION STREET-OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 207Moran, Geo., works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.Moran, Thomas, prop'r saloon, pool and billiard room 321 N.Union, res. 321 N. Union.Mrs. Alta.Morell, Peter, shoe maker, (see adv.) 108 Laurens, res. 112 N.First.Mrs. Victoria.Peter, Jr.Morell, Vincent, tanner, 112 N. First.Morgan, Cassius O, clerk, (Erie R. R.) 100 River, N. O.Mrs. Inez M.Morgan, Horace H., carpenter, 141 N. Barry.Mrs. Emeline K.Morgan, Mrs. Zelina E., seamstress, 117 N. Third.Charles B.Morian, Carlos O, mgr. Riverhurst park, 211 N. Clinton.Mrs. Marion E.F. Raymond.Morian, Fred E., confectioner, 524 W. State.Mrs. Mary:Morlland, Harry, civil engineer, 218 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Rena.MORRIS, CHARLES DEXTER, (Morris & Van Campen) pub-' lishers of modern city directories, office 122 N. First, res.249 N. Union.MORRIS, CHARLES W., dist. mg'r Mutual Reserve Life Ins.Co., office 37 Ex. Bank bldg., res. 124 S. First.Mrs. Lulu C.Morris, Elizabeth M., waitress, 420 N. First.Morris, George, teamster, 266J N. Union.George G., moulder.MORRIS, J. E. K., physician and surgeon, 249 N. Union.Sarah F.Charles Dexter.Raymond Bartlett.Caroline Elizabeth.Margaret.Morris, James, 7 Spruce, N. O.Morris, Miss Julia, dressmaker, 245 N. Union.Morris, Julia, 7 Spruce, N. O.Morris, Miss Mary, dressmaker, 245 N. Union.MORRIS MILLINERY PARLORS, (Chas. W. Morris, prop'r)235 N. Union.Morris, Neal M., traveling man, 717 Irving.Mrs. Nina L.Morris, Orren D., switchman, (P. R. R.) 420 N. First.Morris, Sidney, currier, 6 Pierce av., W. O.Mrs. Mina.Florence.Roy.Thomas.Carl.Fred.The Morning Only Associated Newspaper Times. Press in Olean Membership. Havings otr 2~H2. *t ^'12o» -t0*! fr V)n rt if)C sr fro o3 rt>-t z

-ax>-ri cori ZO E

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co,Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. {j6?6 '£ OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 209Mott, Charles A., conductor, (P. R. R.) 131 N. Barry.Mrs. Mida E.Lulu A.Motto, Samuel G., butcher, 1011 S. Third.Mrs. Lillie.George S.Josephine E.Viola.Motz, Edward, laborer, bds. 107 Irving.Moulton, Mrs. Gertrude B., widow, 213 E. Henley.Moulton, John, laborer, 325 Railroad av.MOUNTAIN, DR. WM. H., physician and surgeon, 116 S. First.Mrs. Harriet M.Joseph L.MOUNT VIEW CEMETERY Association, (George V. Forman,Buffalo, pres., Allan B. Williams, manager) 302 Mas. Temple.Mousdon, Michael, groceries and cigars, 404 Wayne.Mrs. Mary.Moyer, John, laborer, 1309 Buffalo.Mrs. Minnie.Moyer, Laura Samuel M. O., telegrapher, 1032 W. Sullivan.Julia Walter A. James.Bruce John Clinton. H.Gertrude Earnest V. A.Phil. S.Hazel D.Helen S.MUCKEY, F. D., liveryman, rear of 323 N. Union, res 302 S.Eighth.Mrs. Sophia.Josephine.Leon.William.Earl.Muckey, John, laborer, lives at Murphy's, W. River St., E. O.Muckey, Orgen. hostler, 618 W. Green.Mrs. Frances.Muckey, William F., clerk at Higgins' store, 805 W. State.Mrs. Adra A.Mudge, Charles, bookkeeper, 214 N. Fourth.Mrs. Geraldine G.Winnifred.Helen Louise.Geraldine.Muckey, Fay L., clerk, (P. R. R.) 314 Jay.Mrs. Maud.Fay W M L., . Jr. H O R N E R & CO.,OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.PIHDOHX•0IOznin&rn73m©o73m© ro c* fr 3s_ •_• ftif) '© M^ IS) » ft) I r!>53

IS) oat w as IS Sos >-« H OSi? w< ^ u, LJS3^ g »,—J) © BS R Ow ftS3 Mr-wH04bM-,wteS- °UJata>•stZ

The A* Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers inufacturers & DealersIITMUPD Latn and Shingles, Doors,n all Kinds of JLUlUDEJA, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-WP. O. WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 211Murphy, Mr. F. J., mason, 208 N. Fourth.Mrs. Minnie.Murphy, Mrs. Grace E., 309 N. Fifth.Marjorie A.Murphy, Henry B., currier, W. River, E. O.Mrs. Lily.Helen M.Ruth.Infant.Murphey, John E., sorter, 132 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Clara.Helen G.Murphy, John, tanner, Bussel & Hubbard, bds. 507 W. State.MURPHY, JOHN V., pharmacist, 483 N. Union, res. 483 1-2 N.Union.Mrs. Loretta.Katherine.Murphy. Mrs. Mary, 7 Spruce, N. O.Murphy, Michael, laborer, 37 Water, N. O.Mrs. Catherine.Nellie.John.Daniel.William.Vincent.Joseph.James.Marie.Catherine.Teresa.Murphy, Michael, currier, 225 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Bridget.Thomas, printer's apprentice.Mary.Katherine.Anna.Margaret.Murray, Elizabeth. Patrick B., 1305 W. Henley.Murphy, Mrs. Walter, Ellen. mgr. for Armour & Co., 231 N. Fourth.Murray, John, Mrs. currier. Henrietta, widow, 29 Railroad av.NEW Murray, MANAGEMENT. J. N., tanner, 28 King, E. O. NEWLY FURNISHED.Mrs.D AElizabeth.H E Y ' S I N N .Murray, James, works Opposite at Pennsylvania tannery, 47 Depot. Bishop, E. O.JOHN F. Mrs. DAILEY, Ella. Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.William J. RATES, $1.50 PER DAY.Elmer E.Alfred. Edith. Grace. George.o•flit) 2ws200-. "0>0 3-T>2O*-

mXry,Propsmm »o .£^—'S =3 2cd *T3a *eri

STETSON'S FINE SHOES FOR MEN.^—AT-F. E. Tyler &158N. UnionC o s , Street.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 213Nelson, Charles B., bookkeeper, 414 W. State.rj-CDMrs. Molly.ONelson, John J., engineer, 316 N. Thirteenth.0 m p-i 1—1Mrs. Julia.cUi if)rBert, pipe fitter, (P. R. R.)zr H—4• 03Josephine.mZHelen.If) 3 X n OIrene.ex.> XJohn.IS)3 r >Loretta.ex. IS.Joseph.no DO %Nelson, Katherine, student, 318 N. Ninth.0 'A,Nelson, Mrs. Mary L., widow, 141 N. Ninth.9 0^ frNelson, Minnie, clerk, 1120 W. State.•0 CD9 IS) C/3Nelson, Myrtle, domestic, 211 N. Fourth.9ONelson, Oscar, works for P. R. R., 322 N. Ninth.01Nelson, Paul H., laborer (P. R. R.) 910 Wayne.2!Mrs. Mary.Henry, works for P. R. R.Raymond, works for P. R. R.Mary.NENNO, JOSEPH J., (Davis, Nenno & Hartz, 160 N. Union,)res 404 Laurens.Mrs. Bida L.XNettleton, Miss Harriet, nurse, 3 Pond, E. O.£33Neuschel, Henry, glassworker, 9 Pierce av., W. O.Mrs. Katie.CmNevils, George, moulder, 603 E. State, E. O.imNevins, Mrs. Grace E., dressmaker, 112 N. Fifth.Florence Ethel.2NEW CONKLIN WAGON CO., (John E. Dusenbury, pres.;73COJames H. Waring, vice-pres.; E. A. Judd, sec'y and treas.;fr•o(f)

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURV, Pres. WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler0) •, E. M. Johnson, T. F. lohnson.M- • mZt 214 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'Sc§| ft _,o o n M" isi Newman, Mrs. Ellen, widow, Buffalo, N. O.^5 2 "v

254 N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Woo d., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 215mZmachinist, 34 Pine, N. O.©Niles, Howard B..*t oMrs. Sally.srlaborer, 18 Garden av., E. 0.HNivers, John W.,E TJMrs. Mary.-tasNivers, Maggie, 18 Garden av., E. 0.Noble, Bartlett A., teamster, 421 N. Ninth.(->• nMrs. B. Ann.r>»Fred J., hostler.£ ~ rEdward A.C/) 3Louis T.ft o mNoble, Benjamin, 3 Pond, E. O.fi> —.-t idMrs. Frances.re frV)Bertha.tr frFranklin. agent Groton Bridge Co., 109 North. ©M reMaude.•tRobert.2NOBLE, BYRON D.,OMrs. Louise.Noble, John P., 209 W. State.Noble, Mary E., 209 W. State.Noble, William, car repairer (P. R. R.) 511 N. Union.Mrs. Helen.Bessie.Laura.S 3 SNobles, Fred, laborer Muckey's livery, 325 N. Union.H» H» 0Noonan, Mrs. Hannah, widow, 39 Green, N. O.tn b tuJohn, gauger.tn tr. 0Michael.1Mary.3Bina.P5 James.hi%John.2Edward.w *William.•^ o GNormandeau, Miss Helen, teacher public schools, 210 E. Henley. n 3 3NORTH OLEAN VILLAGE HALL, cor N. Union and Water. x « ONorthrup, Mabel, waitress, Olean House.X w 3Northcotte, Fred, bricklayer, 40 Maple, N. O.73 frMrs. Sarah.Oi-p-Mary. (X•tLillian.reJohn R.reWilliam H.Elizabeth.Paul H.North, George, laborer, 126 Whitney av.Northrup, Mrs. Eva, widow, 74 Bishop, E. O.May.Jesse, freight clerk.Lizzie..The Press Morning Only Membership. Newspaper Times. in Olean Having: Associated

ooCO «< -OhWC/5Good Swell Furnishings forf-,* « Men. Trunks andGlomes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.216 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SNorton, Bert H., works for Adams Express Co., Main, Bv.Mrs. Emma.Norton, Bradley, 302 N. Clinton.aj Norton, Edward, tanner, 1 Maple, N. O.OMrs. Mary.£ Edward F.rjj Norton, James, pumper, 32 River, N. O.Mrs. Sarah.Marguerite E.Marie K.Howard G.Norton, John R., carpenter, 30 First av., Bv.Mrs. Elizabeth.Genevieve.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. gSVon"-"' $ OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 217Oakley, George W., contractor, 315 Irving.Mrs. Edith C.Oakley, John L., carpenter, 301 S. Barry.Mrs. Maud.Orrin.Ruth.Hazel.Oatley, George H., engineer, 708 W. State.Mrs. Jessie.Oaks, Ernest, machinist (P. R. R.) 310 N. Eighth.O'brien, Daniel, boilermaker, 27 Elm, N. 0.Mrs. Abbie.John J., glassworker.Leo F.Frank.Arthur.Joseph.O'Brien, James, clerk, 208 N. Fifth.O'Brien, James B., student, 535 1-2 N. Union.O'Brien, Jeremiah, 429 N. Seventh.O'Brien, Mary, domestic, Olean House.O'Connell, see Connell.O'Connell, Mrs. Alice E., dressmaker, 135 S. Second.O'CONNELL BROS., (James O'Connell, Philip O'Connell, billiard,pool and sample room,) 128 W. State.O'CONNELL, JAMES F.„ (O'Connell Bros.,) 208 S. Fifth.O'CONNELL, PHILIP, (O'Connell Bros.) 115 Irving.Mrs. Margaret.Ella G.Philip M.James R.Marion H.O'Connor, Redmond, bartender, 108-110 W. State.ODD FELLOWS LODGE ROOMS, 231 1-2 N. Union.Odell, Mrs. Anna, widow, 223 1-2 N. Union.John.Odell, Herman, coachman, 113 N. Fourth.Mrs. Elizabeth.Louisa Jane.Odell, Miss Jennie H., 119 Irving.O'Donnell, Jerry, teamster, 75 Oak, N. O.Mrs. Kate.Agnes.Jerry.Roger.Catherine.O'Donnell, Mary, domestic, 112 S. Clinton.Mrs. Mena.Veronica.O'Donnell, W. Patrick, currier, 308 S. Eighth.Mrs. Susie.Algie.Roscoe.O'Donnell, Miss Nellie, dressmaker, 117 S. Barry.~ OLEAN Clothiers, WM. HOUSE HORNER Furnishers, BLOCK. & CO-, Merchant Tailors.OQ-Q3.-31 *$W m—L£S i ,J*$ ^'a 1—«;if-.rilQXinc•—KSUTOo"8tr©13 If)ffljaSoo50mm\3CDo3CO XJ-1"mpiXO p. ex.is, ex. • DO , ,oJTmT.f"o-"^3^11 CO,piex. X

First National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres-A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—K. G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler.E . E. M. Johnson, J. F. Jobnson.>- •£ ^ 218 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SI*•*-t X £ O'Donnell, O'Hara, John, Ellen, buffer, housekeeper, 1311 103 W. N. State. Union.Q . ^-3 ^ O'Hara, Florence, dressmaker, 109 N. Twelfth.•> m. Ohlandt, Miss Eleanor, telegraph operator, 114 N. First.X mm\ © O'Keefe, Mrs. Martha, 1110 Washington.O S Clarence P.oj ^ Marie M.JT OLDS, (H. C. FRED Schamel, C, mgr. prop.) chemical 255 N. works, Union. 136 S. Union.^ 0/0 r\ 3 j OLEAN Mrs. CARRIAGE Miranda C. WORKS, (D. S. Abbott, estate, F. W. Mag-" -^ X X u ner.) Ethel carriage M. builders, repairers and horseshoers, 522-524 N.W J-, .2 o Olds, Union. Mrs. Jennie, widow, 810 W. Sullivan.m rn « Vlva- C OLEAN DRIVING PARK ASSOCIATION, (H. S. Sartwell, pres.,MH u< X) Olds w. R. see Page, Oles. Sec'y.,) W. State, W. O.^ J~* Q OLEAN BAKING ELECTRIC CO., LIGHT (N. R. & Robinson, POWER J. CO., Turner,) (P. A. bakers, Davidson, 2392 r1 Z rrv 5 N. sec. Union. and treas.; for other officers see front pages, 430 N. Union•/ pvn .S OLEAN BUILDING, FIRE DEPARTMENT, LOAN & SAVINGS (W. H. Simpson, ASSOCIATION, chief, 107 for•H *J O ? worth, other Oofficers, L E(E. E. Alderman, see A N front pages.) S U P P L Y CO.,Sec'y.)Paints, Glass, Roofing, Doors,WINDOWS, SIDING, MOULDING AND SHINGLES.

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,rianufacturers & Dealers | ITMtiEl> Lath and Shingles, Doors,inallkinds of.JLLiuDEI\, Windows, Turned Work.Long D^tance^Phone 6-W. p 0; WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 219OLEAN GENERAL HOSPITAL, directors, Frank L. Bartlett,pres., (for other officers, see 1'ront pages,) 519 N. First.OLEAN GLASS CO., (S. W. Pancoast, pres., F. W. Higgins,vice-pres., J. L. Clyde, sec'y and treas.) 1409 Buffalo.OLEAN GOLF CLUB, (links at Sunny Side, Bv., F. W. Higgins,pres. For other officers, see front pages.)OLEAN GREENHOUSE, (see adv) F. H. Johnson, prop., 311-13Whitney av.OLEAN HERALD CO., (Herbert D. Sibley, William L. Ostrom)publishers of Olean Herald and Weekly Democrat, (see adv)215 N. Union.OLEAN HOUSE, (H. S. Sartwell, prop.) 132 N. Union.OLEAN HOUSE BARBER SHOP, (W. W. Virginia, Jr. prop.)130 N. Union, (see adv.)OLEAN LEDGER, (Chas. F. Meloy, prop.) Union Place, Grossmanblock, 245 N. Union.OLEAN LIVERY CO., 238 N. Union.OLEAN MILLS, (George Oliver, prop., (see adv.) E. State, corEast av.OLEAN MONUMENTAL WORKS, (Foley Bros, props., see adv)Whitney av below N. First.OLEAN OPERA HOUSE, (E. L. Kallenback, mgr.) 115 W. State.OLEAN PLANING MILL, (E. R. Moore, prop., W. D. Moore,mgr.) office 217 Wayne, factory, yard and warehouse 207-227Wayne, (see adv.)OLEAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, (Mrs. Lillian Heath, sec.,) forother officers see front pages; 119 S. First.OLEAN STEAM LAUNDRY, (F. S. Tinklepaugh, prop.) 216 W.State.OLEAN STREET RAILWAY CO., (Wilson R. Page, pres., IrvingW. Miller, supt.) offices at foot of N. Union.OLEAN SUPPLY CO., (N. V. V. Franchot, pres., R. H. Franchotvice-pres., C. M. Diffenderfer, sec'y and treas.) contractorsand dealers in builders' supplies, (see adv.) offices 412 N.Union.OLEAN TIMES, (C. D. Straight, editor and prop., see adv.) 107North.OLEAN TRANSFER CO., (Thomas Gilligan pres., J. W. Cook.sec'y and treas., C. C. Bissett, supt.) carting, moving andstorage, 114-116 W. Sullivan.OLEAN Y. M. C. A., (W. E. Hanger, county sec'y) rooms 215N. Union, open 7 to 10 p. m.Oles, Mrs. Mary, widow, Griffin, E. O.Nellie, milliner.Oles, see Olds.Oliver, Mrs. Caroline A., widow, 305 Laurel av.OLIVER, GEORGE, prop. Olean Mills, (see adv.) 312 Laurel av.NEW DAILEY'S JOHH Oliver, MANAGEMENT. Mrs. Marion F. Gertrude. Kathleen, DAILEY, Helen B. INN, A. 110 NEWLY Proprietor.Opposite RATES, 1-2 FURNISHEDE. Pennsylvania Sullivan. $1.50 PER 402, Depot. DAV. 404 N. Union >treet.a*PIS)^'I wi v» in0-1*nP*5a-t "52 C^ X 0 •—'mX >X xzs Wm< ex.if)CO ^>3 O^r 0* 1X ex. > mx Opi >x r- 2?p-i- 70stic 1NTINU aX CX.x 0CO -jr> n>tn0, .*•0Cm0=20 .—p-S3*mm•-*•0< ft

«4-i«t-i 3V"O5 »fl . -p-> *ia •—_s *o oU &(U£co-cCflU-0)-SUH3flacd40Ocdcdbocd•H

When you buy of us, you T T Till TH Vj HC\get the Best, in all grades v ¥ I VI KM jL Mlof Footwear. —-- I, L. II LLIl U UU.1*8 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 221 £t\> OOOSTERHOUDT, WILLIAM A., deputy sheriff, 57 Main, Bv.Mrs. Harriet F. 2 ' jRay E. ' "Manly G. C 03 t_tWilliam A. Jr. 2. £Minnie E. O p— t—lHelen F. 3 D ^James W. i/y fn ,—.Orcutt, Clarence, teamster, 7 Pierce av., W. O.ZX TO C~)Mrs. Minnie.ro iy\Orcutt, J. H., box maker, 23 Pierce av., W. O. j-+- p-hMrs. Carrie A.^C *r-iEarl S. > **Sadie K.70 ~Z*Orcutt, William S., clerk, 36 First av., Bv.r-j p^iMrs. Mildred.•

First National Bank of Olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.s-i53 >m. „ ei >3 222 Oi MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S(if0©* j Osterman, George, teamster, McCann Hollow, S. 0.« ,j© m, IS) „«.KSuGeorge.< ° Osterman, Lizzie, chambermaid, 112 W. State.« 2S""e « a § £J S Ostertag, Osterman, Mrs. William, O, W. moulder, State, W. 22 O. Elm, N. O.°553£ ^ SU S ° O M 55 is. Ostertag, .-,-.. Mrs. i__ John, t_i Elizabeth. works ,__ for * P. r> R. r> R., r, W. State, \ W. 0.3 © ~ u * o a.s» *» ^ ^ « Mrs. Howard. Etta.^« S s— S .a.* i» -•;Bessie.*" S ° u 2 in Ostrander, Fred, leather worker, 412 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Margaret.Mrs. Katherine C.1 ca at 0 inMerle C.0 0 T3Selden W.c-1 oi C0Ostroskie, John M., machinist (P. R. R.) 812 N. Union, N. O.Z OS r-Mrs. Eva.< O OAnnie.j #OS ^*1— Emilia.£ 0 • " Otis, Robert, pumper, 140 S. Twelfth.>•——1 gj Mrs. Mabel.•—-< . O'Toole, J. John, glassblower, 1406 W. Henley.nf £——1 . «Mrs. Margaret.S CC W 5 Helen.q •"-*< g ° James.m pC*^ SMargaret.2 p> O'Toole, Joseph, painter, 537 N. Seventh.•t l_^ 5 • O'Toole, Miss Kate, 77 Oak, N. O.% ' \ , ** tn O'Toole, Michael, laborer, 17 Homer, N. O.P

\J •THE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing; and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick., 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 223O'Toole, Mary, waitress, 412 N. First.O'Toole, Nellie, domestic, 135 Fulton.O'Toole, Thomas, laborer, Homer Hill, N. O.Mrs. Mary B.Edrie Hazel.Aubrey V.Otto, Andrew J., 129 S. Barry.Mrs. Jennie.Ovenshire, Gertrude, student, 418 W. State.Overton, Giles B., land agent, 321 N. Fifth.Oviett, Grace, 813 W. Sullivan.Oxx, Hiram, laborer, 633 E. State, E. O.Pacer, Jacob, works at tannery, 7 Walnut, N. O.•Irs. Kate.Anna.Agnes.Joseph.Frank.Paddock, John H., carpenter, 27 Second av., Bv.Mrs. Emma":Bonnelyn, bookkeeper.Dawn.Percy.Padler, George, tanner, 8 Spruce, N. O.Mrs. Vigi.Padlo, Felix, laborer, 440 N. Tenth.Mrs. Lulu.Walter.Martha.Padwah, Broneski, works P. R. R. shops, 124 Moore's Lane,s. o.W. 0.Mrs.Victoria.Mary.Page, A. S., farmer, Wildcat road, fa. O.Page, Florence, student, 112 Irving.Page, Frank, carpenter, McCann Hollow,Mrs. Hattie.Page, Frank N., flagman (P. R. R.) 1113 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Hattie.Marvin.Frank.Page, Dorothy. Mrs. Margaret, widow, 96 River, N. O.Stella Howard. M., stenographer.Page, Edward Fred, works J., telegrapher.Vacuum Oil Co., Wildcat road, S. O.Mrs. Bertha.Carl.The Morning Willie. Times.The Fred. Only Newspaper in Olean HavingPAGE, JOSEPH Associated L., lawyer, Press 218 1-2 Membership.N. Third.Mrs. Harriet.miS. -3SOCD- r- 3 O rn» »-frlf>c in fr Ore••3C2Otntn x\n>ts>3 s £B o QJ O.s 1 g:IS)rt-ro». mtn %

OO-axeelm.OJJm-lummim0Q.mw"E i^M0e^«s

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. g«,,I0,«?° '£ OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 225 _•Parker, Allen, farmer, W. River road, S. O. ^Mrs. Hannah.CDParker, Asa, 56 Main, Bv.2Mrs. Hannah.M •rnHomer, pipe fitter. o MFlorence.Ada. Mrs. Mary E.g 3Parker, Hattie Carleton M. B., farmer, back road to Hinsdale, N. O. -jifps Jessie EParker, Mrs. Charles Mary. W., carpenter, 307 S. Seventh< "J ^^.Raymond Clara C L.n ^, \^m)Laura.Parker, $**73 Mrs. Christienne, widow, lives at Murphy's, West Riverroad, S. 0.PARKER & COBB, (W. D. Parker, William Cobb,) attorneys, ' rnTower block, 15b N. Union.Parker, Mrs. Grace, widow, River, S. O.Gladys C.Iva W.VPARKER, DAVID L., farmer and milkman, back road to Hins- H*o Edale, N. O. "% frBMrs. Ella S. t=Frank D. o SEthelt'esE.fro_ . .MildredFrank H.L.' ^ fT P"Parker, Mrs. Jane, widow, 107 S. Clinton. Hiram M., machinist, 318 N. Eighth.V)intafagsParker, Orrin B., farmer, River, S. O. a >Mrs. Mary Frances. A. a "Parker, Chester Mrs. Sarah A. N., widow, River, S. O.Parker, William, farmer, 29 Main,.Bv.Mrs. Maryett.PARKER, WILLIS D., (Parker & Cobb) Tower block, res 206N. Fifth.Blanche.Genevieve.Parkhurst, Wilbert P., glassblower, 1302 Washington.Mrs. Bertha.Norman.Charles.Elsie.Parm, Mrs. Louisa, 534 N. Seventh.Paser, see Pacer.Passmore, John H., lineman, 128 S. Clinton.Mrs. Margaret.Passmore, Mary E., dressmaker, 131 S. Second.WM. HORNER & CO.,OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.

IS) at a"If)KUJ •9 0 '"I .= 3 «at

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers & Dealers T flMDCn Lath and Shingles, Doors,nail Kinds of JLUiuDEIV, Windows, Turned Work.Long Dtetance^Phone 6-W, p Q VVESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 227PEOPLES' CREDIT STORE, (Leroy Willis, prop.) 411 N. Union,(see adv.)Peozensky, Toadeus, works at P. R. R. shops, 530 N. Seventh.Peffer, Miss Mary, housekeeper, 1312 Washington.Peglar, John G., stillman, 86 River, N. O.Mrs. Mercy A.Edna R., dressmaker.Arthur P., machinist.Abbie E., teacher.Dora, milliner.Susie A.Pelton, Jane, 204 N. Clinton.Pelton, John G., tailor, 219 N. Union, res 204 N. Clinton.Mrs. Mary F.Pelton, William L., clerk, 132 1-2 N. Barry.Mrs. Emma M.Pender, Anna P., domestic, 237 N. Third.Pendleton, Mrs. Ella, 110 N. First.Pendergast, Agnes, waitress, Olean House.Pindergas, Edward, laborer (P. R. R.) 329 N. Eighth.Pindergas, Patrick, laborer, (P. R. R.) 329 N. Eighth.Pennington, Richard, fireman (P. R. R.) 217 Winters av.Pennock, George, flagman,124 Fulton.Mrs. Maud.Pennock, Merton, engineer (P. R. R.) 447 N. First.Mrs. Maud.Mary.Eloise.Penoyer, Frank H., works for P. R. R., 314 Wayne.Mrs. Marchia.PENNSYLVANIA R. R. FREIGHT HOUSE, (W. E. Rapp, agt.)201-221 Railroad av.PENNSYLVANIA R. R. MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE,(John M. James, master mechanic) 711 Wayne.PENNSYLVANIA R. R., medical examiner's office (Drs. W: B.Reynolds and I. H. Boyd,) rooms 13 and 14, Riley & Wandsblock.PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD passenger station, (W. A. Rapp,station agent, A. E. Wormer, ticket agent,) 12T=T31 E. Sullivan.NEW PENNSYLVANIA MANAGEMENT. R. R. shops and yards, NEWLY Wayne, FURNISHED. betweenFirst Dand ASeventh.H E Y ' S I N K .PEOPLES M. E. CHURCH, Opposite Pennsylvania (George W. Depot. Adams, pastor,) corJOHN Chestnut F. DAILEY, st. and Proprietor. Garden av., E. O. 402, 404 N. Union Street.Percival, J. Gordon, RATES. 201 N. Clinton. $1.50 PER DAY.Perkins, Arthur J., shipper, 141 N. Thirteenth.Perkins, Bertha. Mrs. Florence Ruth Glenn. Elsie Don Jennie. Alice E.D., G. M. laborer, E. State, E. O..013 "0Oit) Wa HMr,XXn X7a0 a•u. "O-O 3"O""30wCma0*5mmCm.H0-Si a000pfHMS '?di?3 ii»tof3>

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.Always Something New. 160 N. Union Street.^ « » 228 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S

STETSON'S FINE SHOES FOR M E M—AT—F. E. Tyler &58 N. UnionCo's, ' Street.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 229Peterson, William P., 112 W. State.Pettinate, Dominick, laborer (P. R. R.) 522 N. Fourth.Mrs.Frank.Pettit, Earl, clerk, 116 S. Clinton.Pettit, George F., back road to Hinsdale, N. O.Mrs. Julia.Vincent.Petty, William I., laborer, 26 Main, Bv.Mrs. Maud.Petz, Frank, bookkeeper (P. R. R.) 117 S. Barry.Phalin, James, driver, 507 W. State.Phelps, Bernard, fireman (P. R. R.) 520 N. First.Phelps, Freeman W., foreman at Weidman heading mill, over409 W. State.Mrs. Hattie V.Phelps, Homer, fireman (P. R. R.) 520 N. First.Mrs. Pearl.Philius, Cornelius, auditor U. S. Leather Co., 122 Hamilton.Mrs. Etta.Harry.Phillips, Emery, currier, 25 Prince, E. O.Mrs. Nannie B.PHILLIPS, GEORGE E., bakery and milk depot, 324 W. State,bicycle shop 507 W. State, res 143 N. Ninth.Mrs. Mary M.Millie.George A.Phillips, John, Getlinger's, W. State, W. O.Phillips & Keenan, (Peter Phillips, George Keenan,) grocers,535 N. Union.Phillips, Luke, 821 N. Union, N. O.Florence.Phillips, Max B., painter, 145 N. Ninth.Mrs. Stella.Mace M.Phillips, Peter, (Phillips & Keenan,) 535 N. Union, res 107 Coleman.Mrs. Sarah.Sadie.Phinney, Beriah, machinist, 1102 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Harriet.PHOENIX MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., (Fitch & Ellis, generalagents,) (see adv.) City Hall.Pickard, Mrs. A., 824 E. State, E. O.Mabel.James, brakeman.William.\. P. C0\i\i\WiS^ General Insurance,309 Masonic Temple.coOJ «0 in w S"C if)a ZT9 COm Xp* ex.is)pinriM>rwa. 7tco COa s.ff 5:"0 CO9 "15 if)aIt) mim• Piex,%piCmamiX£m>CO(f)(f)£31—••o(floP-Hrrp—1OXCOOZ273fr00Grro

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.Directors. _E. G- Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler0) r. 230 MORRIS E. M. Johnson, AND VAN I. CAMPEN'SF. lohnson.B«B _T K Picket, Martin, works for Tanner Shoe Stock Co., 1 Pierce av.,3^ 2 ^ £> w. 0.jJJ M 2 Mrs. Agnes.= JS bt _T «" Mary.3 k « Zl ^ Josephine.tt- * u n\Anna. Frances.•w ^» o a T * a Frank. Joeis^£ . rt Pierce, Miss Ada, 124 Hamilton."" « i*-.V w 2£ o < +4 tI «=- Pierce, Mrs. Caleb Louisa. D., grocer, 201 Eleventh, res 201 1-2 N. Eleventh.*td M Otto.u W i Earl.£ W Eva.IS)z -mm PIERCE & COBB, (George H. Pierce, Hugh A. Cobb,) attorneys,305 Masonic Temple.0 comCOPierce, Daniel W., carpenter, 34 Garden av., E. O.. COMrs. Hattie E.P4Pierce, Eugene S., asst. city engineer, 231 N. Third.Mrs. Theodosia K.QO T3 Opa 3 = "S £ °< Pierce, Eugene W., car inspector, Division, E. O.ZMrs. Mena.< 33 5" Benjamir• HhLouise.COAlma.^ X Pierce, J. Frank, 123 N. Clinton.0 Pierce, Ralph, shipping clerk (P. R. R.) 12 Third av., Bv.r/J ^ c g Fitch Mrs. & Charlotte. Ramsey, City Building.Emma J.

1.1. TAYLOR.254 N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard W ood.Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.A.I1 Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.Pierson, John, car inspector (P. R. R.) 145 N.Mrs. Josephine.Gilbert.Pike, Blanche L., clerk, 43 Third av., Bv.Pilon, Orson, laborer, 97 Railroad av., E. 0.Mrs. Barbara.Joseph.Katherine.John.Piper, Mrs. Anna M., 220 N. First.Ross, works at tannery.Sixth.Pishtelle, Carl, laborer (P. R. R.) 516 N. Fourth.Pishtelle, Frank, laborer (P. R. R.) 516 N. FourthPitcher, John, barber, 427 N. First.Pitts, Lester C, agent, 107 N. Fourth.PITTSBURG, SHAWMUT & NORTHERN R.308 Masonic Temple, chief engineer's office,chief engineer.PITTSBURG, SHAWMUT & NORTHERN R.Temple, trainmaster's office.Placher, Mrs. Mary R., widow, 234 N. Third.Placher, Mrs. Sarah R., wfdow, 234 N. Third.Piatt, Adam, baker, 141 Adams.Piatt, Edward, plumber, 107 N. Fourth.Mrs. Julia.Eugene A.Edward.Arthur.Rudolph.Flora.Piatt, Frank, patrolman, 141 Adams.Mrs. Emma.George.Josephine.Piatt, John, lather, 413 S. Third.Mrs. Mary.John.Sadie.Josepn.Playford, H. C, machinist, Pleasant Valley.Mrs. Sarah A.Ralph E.Mildred E.Laura L.Ploessel, Emanuel N., blacksmith, 13 RailroadMrs. Vera I.Ploessel, Julius T., blacksmith (P. R. R.) 609R.,M.231R. 310 Masonicav., E. O.Irving.Plucker, Henry, laborer (P. R. R.) 330 N. Eighth.Mrs. Clara.George.Charles.Plumley, Wilmer W., machinist (P. R. R.) 116 E. Henley.Mrs. Lillian.Raymond Eli.030tr "IHcIS)CDCbIS)CD n5*B^O5-O£3—*> •nO »22Z*nr1*ELz0mftm3"O—.rtO*£•_,•COrmfrfr'"•*z0

Good Swell Furnishings fors-*i i Men. Trunks andL-lOthes. Bags. Fine Shoes.[R266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.OEStatew232 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SPolance, Mrs. Agnes, widow, 41 Green, N. O.oaJosephine, works at Tanner Shoe Stock Co.0 1\Joe, juc, works wurn.cs at ai Liiuircij'. tannery.qjAnna,John, worksworksforatP.TannerR. R.Shoe Stock Co.OCJAnna,Helen.works at Tanner i*-Hrj3Antony.CO 3 Polk, Mrs. Martha, widow, 210 W. Green.go _sRoy.Forrest.Charles.Pomeroy, Mrs. L. K., 153 N. Seventh.f\ 2* Poppenburg, Miss Louise, Temple Music Store, 205 E. State.(-J-H ^j Poppenburg's Temple Music Store, 124 N. Union.£•• Porsch, William, machinist (P. R. R.) 1004 Washington.wftj Mrs. Bertha.rj^Raymond.V~/ Post, Albert M., 801 Irving.Mrs. Margaret M.IGrace F.Oscai W._ Post, Charles E., laborer, 1504 Irving.C/j ^ Post, Elford E., car repairer, (P. R. R.) 313 S. Eighth.• becaIS)Mrs. Rebecca D.XUJenj»s 10 Margaret E.ei m* Post, John, grocer, 445 N. Union, res 445 N. Union.< . CL Post, Joseph, laborer (P. R. R.) 418 N. Eighth.Sa 0 IS)Mrs. Mary.JZ Mary.^ - J* ri Post, Thomas, fruit store, 445 N. Union, res 534 N. Seventh.UJ •» i-i0>—O Joseph.E ei £George.H -+m -n Mary.ex. XRose.co 0Cmm Post, Woodruff, retired clergyman, 207 1-2 N. Union.OMrs. Permelia A.« COmC2 be POST OFFICE, (George M. Mayer, P. M.) City Hall, cor Unionri and State.O "> POSTAL TELEGRAPH & CABLE CO., (Charles C. Frank,r- C3 mgr.) Olean House block, 126 N. Union.X O. Potaski, Frank, tanner, 1221 N. Union, N. O.Ori COMrs. Rose.IS)ri oa -nXJohn.u as ri Adolph.Victoria.POWERS, EDWARD, (prop. Maple Shade House, 501 N. Thir­( teenth,) 5 l W res d%£/\ZsCwV 501 do.This Afternoon.Powers, Associated Mrs. Ellen Press E., and 501 N. Publishers' Thirteenth. Press DespatchesPowers, Frank T., clerk Hotel Imperial, 102 S. Union.THE NEWSPAPER FOR THE SUPPER TABLE.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. {j^"?."6 % OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 233Powtlo, John, works at Tanners Shoe Stock Co., 15 Walnut,N. 0.Mrs. Anna.Victoria.Bolak.Edward.Frank.Judge.Pratt, Dykeman A., Cottage grocery, 236 N. Union, res 309Laurel av.Mrs. Delia.Emery B.Clara A.Frances.William.Pratt, Edward W., machinist, 111 S. Fifteenth.Mrs. Margaret B.Grace A.Pratt, Emerson A., conductor (P. R. R.) 301 Coleman.Mrs. Mary A.Pratt, Frank, bartender, 309 1-2 N. Union.Pratt, Ira F., clerk Hotel Imperial, 102 S. Union.Pratt, James A., boilermaker, 528 N. Sixth.Mrs. Mary A.Mary Ella.Thomas A.James A. Jr.PRATT, JOHN W., grocer 203 N. Union, res 225 N. Fourth.Mrs. Elnora.Mary L.Fannie A.John W.Mildred E.Pratt, Joseph, farmer, Wildcat road, S. O.Pratt, Martin E., brakeman (P. R. R.) 7 S. Main, Bv.Mrs. Mariette.Hartley F.Frances J.Clara P.Pratt, Mrs. Theba E., widow, 301 Coleman.Preckle, William H., machinist, 319 N. Fourth.Mrs. Mary H.Mabel.PRECKLE, WILLIAM B., cigar store, (see adv.) 307 N. Union,res 319 N. Fourth.PRIES, REV. JOHN, (pastor Zion Church,) 142 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Lorinda B.PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, (Newton L. Reed, pastor,) cornerLaurens and N. Second.Prest, Mrs. Harriet. 40 Maple, N. O.Preston, Mrs. Louise, 113 W. Green.Price, Edwin, salesman, 110 N. Second.Mrs. Serena M.~ OLEAN Clothiers, WM. Albert HOUSE HORNER G., Furnishers, clerk BLOCK. & CO., Erie freight Merchant office. Tailors.I%tnc•—

Bn+me\>m-nX^.^1cOC ouoo>^

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Hanufacturers inufacturers & Dealers I IIMliPft Latn and Shingles, Doors,in all kinds ofLUlUDEI\, Windows, Tumed Work.Long P. Distance O,, WESTON'S Phone 6-W MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 235Pusksi, Michael, works at tannery, 1 Avenue B., N. O.Mrs. Mary.John.Mary.Joseph.Rose.Putney, Emery, teamster, Griffin, E. 0.Putney, John, teamster, Wildcat road, S. 0.Mrs. Anna.Delia.Quakenbush, William, laborer, 523 N. Union.Quandt, Charles, fireman (P. R. R.) 602 Wayne.QUESTA, ANGELO G., (Italo-American Fruit Co.) 231 N. Union,res 231 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Caroline.QUESTA, JOHN G., (prop, fruit store, 320 W. State,) res 320 1-2W. State.Mrs. Jennie.Amelia.Angelo.Guido.Lillian.Marion.Quick, Jack, tanner, 1221 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Katie.Jack.Veronica.Quigley, Mrs. Eleanor, 209 Irving.Lewis B.Quigley, John A., currier, 1031 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Mary.Mary G.John H.Celia.Quigley, Mrs. Nellie, 1207 Washington.John.QUIGLEY, WILLIAM J., undertaker, 217 N. Union, res 206 S.Clinton.Mrs. Frances.Deal M.NEW MANAGEMENT.William J.NEWLY FURNISHEDCharles D AR.I L E Y ' S I N N ,Helen C. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.J0HH Edward. F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union street.Anna M. RATES, $1.50 PER DAY.Francis J.Linus.Quinlan, Quinn, Quirin, Agnes. Frances. Mrs. Peter Miss J. Mary. Anna. L., Angie J., switchman, traveling F., 417 man, 36 E. Pine, State. 124 S. N. O. Clinton.3 '^ **)§ cif) rr ^1 we M. E. 0tr0 trIsHES^»cg3R'SmQ >X zxz w^ex.in» 1X O. m* m- 73x 5*> > n3 r3- 70stic 1NTINX ex.x 0CD -jr1 riin0^m.OmmmmtoCm.in020 mm-S3*S"0

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BE&TAlways Sometinhg New.CLOTHIERS.160 N. Union Street.u236 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'ScQuinn, James D., carpenter, 109 N. Twelfth.Mrs. Mary A.5_ 3 Ellen May.J3 (fl Nora.U _J ~ Alice.M v Marcella. Catherine.«2 O - QUIRIN, CHARLES, supt. Quirin tannery, 233 1-2 N. Union.W LJ « Quirin, George L. A., tanner, 808 E. State, E. O.J- .— fd a Mrs. Celia F.= 03 .33 *"1 a Leslie R.© "3 (d ^ Ethel B.W _ ^ SH> r/j ^ Irene M.Alta H,-• jn « QUIRIN LEATHER PRESS CO., (W. C. A. Quirin, treas., E. J."3 H - F. Quirin, gen'l mgr.,) mfrs. of presses for leather, office 10024> (d E. State, E. O.*£ U QUIRIN, WILLIAM C. A., prop. Quirin's tannery, 417 E. State.ao-Ct/)cd02CDh-Lieu-COOOOf-

When you buy of us, youget the Best, in all gradesof Footwear. —-•1.11158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 237RAMSEY, WILLIAM H., insurance agent, 128 E. Henley.Mrs. Julia.Emma M., stenographer.William Howard.Randall, Addison T., 1509 W. Henley.Mrs. Almeda A.William A.John P.Lewis H.Ada C.Randall, Addison, carpenter, 1511 W. Henley.Randall', Charles, linotype operator, 125 1-2 N. Seventh.Mrs. Lelia.Randall, Charles W., carpenter, 1515 W. Henley.Mrs. Elizabeth.Edward.Randall, Ida, domestic, 108 S. Clinton.Randall, John, laborer, 128 W. State.Randall, Roxie, Main, Bv.Randall, Mrs. Sophia, 601 Irving.Ella M.'/alter U.Ida B.Roy E.Orrin M.Randlett, Lucian T., currier, 1013 W. Sullivan.Randolph, John, 28 Queen, E. O.Randolph, Thomas, wagon maker, 28 Queen, E. O.Mrs. Alice L.John A.Scott.RANK, GEORGE R., harness maker and dealer in trunks, etc.,(see adv.) 204 W. State.Mrs. Jennie T.Ina M.Genevieve F.Rapp, Clyde, bookkeeper, 126 N. Sixth.Mrs. Harriet.Neil C.Rapp, Fred C, fireman,216 S. Union.Mrs. Lily M.Arthur F.Bessie M.Mildred A.Laura B.Rapp, William A., freight agent (P. R. R.) 215 Jay.I. P. Mrs. CIda OP.L L I N S ,C. Edith.Rarey, 309 Harry ITasonic R., laborer, Temple. 331 S. Barry.Mrs. Rhoda A .Life, Fire and Accident0ycX0XmCOr-p-OVtn>7sZ•

= -33^-£i2A*zt^ (U 9 u3 "° si-t -^ O H«„o_*E53sza~055a"5IS)If)eiWOFirst National Bank of Olean*Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler238 E. MORRIS M. Johnson, AND VAN CAMPEN'SJ. F. Johnson.Rarey, Herbert L., laborer, 41 Railroad av., E. 0.Mrs. Lina A.TJIyrtle.Mattie.Minnie.Harry Lee.Clarence.Eva.Rasmus, Joseph, carpenter (P. R. R.) 2 Washington, N. O.Mrs. Pauline.Mary.Laura.Rathburn, Charles B., car inspector (P. R. R.) 43 Orchard av.,E. 0.Mrs. Stella.Gladys F.Ratzel, Charles, moulder, 2 Fourth av., Bv.Mrs. Almira.Earl M.Louise.Raub, Elmer, moulder, 24 Hoop, E. O.Mrs. Bertha.Leona R.May.RAUB, HERSCHEL D., dentist, 311-312 Masonic Temple, res333 Laurel av. 'Mrs. Blanche I.Howard W.Lawrence G.Raub, Joseph M., engineer, 212 N. Sixth.Mrs. Mary J.RAUB, LEWIS M., dentist, 311-312 Masonic Temple, 315 Laurelav. •L. M. RAUB & SON, (Lewis M. Raub, Herschel D. Raub,) dentists,311-312 Masonic Temple.Raub, William, laborer, 4*05 S. Fourth.Rauschert, Adam, tinsmith, 527 N. Eighth.Mrs. Kate.Fred, works at Vacuum.Rawson. Washington, pipe fitter,10 Green.Mrs. Elizabeth.Albert.Frank.Fred.Edward.RAY, DANIEL P., supt. tannery, 220 N. First.Mrs. "Anna P.Richard.John P.Mabel.Isabella.William?Waldron.Business M e n ! Attention!Connect Your Residence and Place of Business with a PrivateTelephone. Telephone Work is my Specialty.R. R. NEWMAN. (See cut on fly leaf.) M6 Wayne Street.

a i iTHE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building: and Paving1 Brick.i i) 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 239Ray, Walter M., driver, 116 S. Third.Mrs. Cora.Raymond, Charles, fireman,505 N. Seventh.Mrs. Kate.Rose.August, moulder.Charles, glassblower.Isabelle.Mary.Reagan, Patrick, 119 1-2 N. Union.Reardon, Mrs. Ellen, 42 Elm, N. 0.James, boilermaker.Reardon,. John, baggageman, 709 N. Sixth, N. O.Mrs. Maria J.Reazs, Williard L., currier, 117 N. Second.Mrs. Frances L.Elmer.Frank.Albertine.Catherine.Edith.Rebicki, Valentine, laborer (P. R. R.) 66 Oak, N. O.Mrs. Jennie.Flora.Henry.Ignatia.Joseph.Mayme.Charles.Violet.REBMAN, FRANK E., prop. Old Homestead hotel, 323 N. UnionMrs. Theresa.Frank C.Redding, Edward J., currier, 130 Fulton.Redding, James, laborer, 130 Fulton.Mrs. Lavina.Agnes.Delia.Leo.Reddy, C. W., currier, 601 E. State, E. O.Mrs. Mary.Harry.Ethel.Catherine.Reddy, see Reedy.Redstone, Leonel L., carpenter (P. R. R.) 16 Center, Bv.Mrs. Carrie.Reed, Charles M., machinist (P. R. R.) 222 Winters av.Mrs. Barbara.Ethel B.Reed, Clifford J., engineer, 38 Front, Bv.Mrs. Edith.The Reed, Morning Only Emma, Mrs. Associated Diantha, Newspaper 122 Times. E. Henley. widow, Press in 122 Olean E. Henley. Membership.Havings Otr ?mi* 3 e-_,Cl "I •* g co0-e.oa- rzo rn•tmreotnft-t 2O


D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. Whitton, Pres. & Treas. °.?e $ OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 241Regan, see Ragan and Reagan.Regina, Mary, Sister of Mercy, 606 W. Sullivan.Reich, Simon, dealer in hides, 309-311 W. State, res 211 N.First.Reiger, Michael, laborer, 109 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Anna.Reitz, Fred J., oil driller, 13 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Gertrude M.Reitz, Mrs. Katherine, widow, 5 Third av., Bv.Mary L.Reitz, William, mason, 7 Third av., Bv.Mrs. 'Elizabeth.Anna K.Clara M.Fred F.Edward J.Walter W.William L.Rent. Edward, yardman (P. R. R.) 301 Coleman.Mrs.Mary.Reozensky, Toadeus, works for P. R. R., 530 N. Seventh.REPP, CHARLES, mgr. Grand Union Tea Co., 108 S. Clinton.Mrs. Matae.Roscoe.Douglas.Reynolds, Edward J., carpenter, 122 S. Eighth.Mrs. Anna E."Earl W.Ora L.Reynolds, Ellsworth, carpenter, 626 State, E. O.Mrs. Frances.Reynolds, Frank, clerk, 30 Second av., Bv.Reynolds, Frank E., painter, 213 Railroad av., E. O.Mrs. Rose A.Wilford J.Guy L.Hugh J.Reynolds, George, 201 N. Thirteenth.Reynolds, Horace, 626 E. State, E. O.Reynolds, Howard, fireman (P. R. R.) 215 Railroad av., E. O.Mrs. Mabel L.Ethel A.Claude A.Reynolds, James, 10 Elm, N. O.Reynolds, John, blacksmith, 116 E. Avenue.Mrs.Jennie E.Reynolds, John L., pathmaster, town of Olean, 204 Railroad av.,E. O.Mrs. Jane.Lewis E., painter.Reynolds, Levi, teamster, 30 Second av., Bv.WM. OLEAN Clothiers, HORNER HOUSE Furnishers, & BLOCK. CO., Merchant Tailors.NO-J73HOioIO~l Ola(0 Q OH73mts r-o C5 frBis) m p>>- r*a sr

is atIS)tu tS0He z " asos «

The A. Weston Lumber Co*,Manufacturers & Dealers T TTMftPD Lath and Shingles, Doors,n all Kinds of HJlTlDEIV, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W, P. O. WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 243Richardson, H. A., mason, Union, S. O.Mrs. Etta.Arthur.Delos.Richardson, Leander, laborer, Union, S. 0.Mrs. Sarah.Beulah.Daisy.Rosamond.Emil.Morris.Lee.Jennie.Rickerson, C. L., clerk at Bon Air hotel, Olean House, N.Union.Ried, see Reed.Riel, see Reel.Riggs, Charles W., rig builder, Pleasant Valley.Mrs. Flora E.Henry.Amos.Alfred.RILEY, MILLARD F., (Riley & Wands,) (see adv.) 405 W.Henley.Mrs. Martha W.J. WTands.Harriet N.Edith M.Edna A.Millard F. Jr.RILEY & WANDS, (Millard F. Riley, Charles R. Wands,)Wholesale and retail grocers, (see adv.) 301-305 N. Union.RILEY & WANDS BLOCK, 303 N. Union, cor Sullivan. Forcomplete list of offices, see Duplex Street Directory, fUnionstreet.)Ringer, Ralph, bell boy Olean House.Riordan, John F., currier, 119 N. Twelfth.Mrs. Emma.Fred John, machinist (P. R. R.)Dennis William, cigar maker.NEW MANAGEMENT. Clifford E., call boy (P. R. R.) NEWLY FURNISHED.Walter D AA.H E Y ' S INJM.Alice. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN Rishell, F. DAILEY, John A., Proprietor.works for P. R. R., 402, 1105404 Buffalo. N. Union Street.Mrs. Addie. RATES, SI.50 PER DAY.Maxwell.Edelweisse.Ritter, John, works for P. R. R., 524 N. Seventh.Barbara. John. Joseph. Mary. Mrs. Andrew. Eva.8 *w 5.K tnx r*T- -ntoZ0J© n- "0-O 9©PSOBaBex.rt HoBOopfzsZoHX2oo

pBmm£^-'BJX _.5?mm©£S-lBo !»-,oT3oIS)P-Hp£2>—i

STETSON'S FINE SHOES FOR MEN.^-AT-F. E. Tyler &S8N. UnionCo's, ' Street.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 245ROBINSON, NORMAN R., (Olean Baking Co., 239 N. Union,)res 202 N. Barry.Mrs. Nellie.Rocchietti, Charles D., currier, 26 King, E. 0.Mrs. Mary.Ni.e.Ti.omas.KaU.erine.Theresa.Rochford, Dennis, foreman (P. R. R.) 321 Whitney av.Mrs. Mary E.Winifred J.Thomas F.Rock, Bernard, works for St. Ry., 516 Higgins av.Rockwell, William, painter, 143 1-2 N. Union.Rockwood, Mrs. Anna, 217 N. Second.ROCKWOOD, CHARLES H., soliciting agent for Empire Line,office Riley & Wands block, res 707 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Florence W.Harry L.E. Louise.Chester D.Ralph W.Rockwood, Mrs. Emeline, widow, 145 S. Clinton.Roddy, John W., machinist, 406 W. Henley.Mrs. Elizabeth.Ethel M.Norman A.Rodgers, James J., 207 S. Second.Mrs. Blanche E.Florence.RODGERS, L. G. & CO., plumbers, gas and steam fitting,111W. State.RODGERS, LANGFORD G., plumber, (L. G. Rodgers & Co.,)res 215 W. Henley.Mrs. Mary.Dorathea M.Rodgers, Lewis, plumber, 218 W. State.Mrs. Minnie.Frederick E.Roeske, Charles M., works at tannery, 1009 W. Henley.Mrs. Louise.Roessler, William, mould maker, 1501 W. Henley.Mrs. Mary.Rogers, Charles E., works at Conklin wagon works, 306 S. BarryMrs. Sophia.Mildred.Harry.\. P. C0\i\i\US^ General Insurance,Rogers, Mrs. Diana R., 131 S. Eleventh.Rogers, Dominick, laborer, 202 WThitney av.Rogers, Frank F., 309 wagon Masonic maker, 229 Temple.S. Barry.Mrs. Ada J.Howard F.Leon S.X3crCDCm -O GO2 00m xex.is)pixex.co 03o xK)CmJ3aa oonH©moa:X£3r-L.hr>o•£Q(f)(nM-pjmKqt£3r—LO(f)! 3ai—irri—iOXGOO2373fr03Grro*

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.Directors. -E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheelerqj m. E. M. lohnson, T. F. lohnson.> fyRogers, Mrs. Ethel, lives at W. B. Rogers' W. State, W. 0.M^> . Vj Rogers, 246 Joel W., MORRIS janitor, AND (P. R. VAN R.) CAMPEN'S323 N. Seventh.X « 3 ^ ~Mrs. Lena E.ce be _J M Nancy J.3 « g H fe Hiram L.U- ? 3 »^j ^ J. Wilson Jr.i; b S taH - Rogers, Mrs. Mary A., widow, 112 E. Green.0-Z% " Elta L«eS a Rogers, Michael, laborer, 202 Whitney av.§5* . rt Mrs. Mary.fc 8.8 _*< = Nickly.««© "SH » Merril.* ta M-t—>Joseph.z o > Nellie.£ 0 H 1—:Pena.-*—*mm. coQZ

B T fl \/ fl n Lehigh Valley Coal. (fly J Hemlock and Hard """ "Weed.. U . II I L U 1. Sewer Pipe Building Buildin; Blocks.2S4 n. union st.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.247Root, Earle L., blacksmith, 51 Bishop, E. 0.Root & Keating Tannery, 743 N. Union, N. 0. (See U. S.Leather Co.)Root, Leona, 1012 N. Union, N. O.Rose, Mrs. Anna, widow, 20 Homer, N. 0.Joseph, currier.Emma.Florence.Frank.Clarence.George.Mabel.Rose, Charles, works at tannery, 1407 W. Henley.Mrs. Florence.Charles W.Rose, Mrs. Esther A., dressmaker, 318 Tompkins.Mabel J.Otto W., clerk. (P. R. R.)Rose, John, laborer, 444 N. Union.Mrs. Johanna.Rose, Pasquelle, laborer, 454 N. Union.Rose, Scott, machinist, Dailey's Inn., 402 N. Union.Rose, Tony, laborer, 356 East av.Mrs. Nora.Ross, Anthony, laborer (P. R. R.) 526 N. Fifth.Mrs. Annie.Frank.Nellie.Ruth.George.Mary.Rosenbaum, Grace, 511 Irving.Rosine, Martin, laborer (P. R. R.) 717 W. State.Ross, Fred, machinist. Grand Central Hotel, N. Union.Ross, George A., drayman, 33 Railroad av., E. 0.Mrs. Anna R.William.Myrtle.Ross, Grace E., 230 N. Third.Ross, Mrs. Marcia, widow, 447 1-2 N. Union.Ross, Tony, works for P. R. R., 46 Elm, N. O.Mrs. Mary.John.Annie.Michael.Consetta.Carl.ROSS, W. O, florist, (A. M. Palmer & Co. sales agents,) 161 N.Union.Roty, Charles, clerk (P. R. R.) 303 N. Barry.Rounds, Joseph, quarryman, Union, S. O.Mrs. Nellie.Mervin.Rounds, Mrs. Mary, widow, Union, S. 0.comttr-i*ia. g;»-tCDCDIS)CDCD*?Ott©E3>-* -1O B"-H,l•m&io3o01rtm3*Oft 1pc_•CDrrafrfrp^2o-^8 S 2tn0tn^r*tf3woXX73nX1-4Mi301^•©© "9if)m%W0•i3tjw2"C3o"3frirtr*T h e M o r n i n g T i m e s .The Only Newspaper in Olean Having AssociatedPress Membership.

Good Swell Furnishings fors-i, i Men. Trunks andUothes. Bags. Fine Shoes.D266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.248 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SRounds, Main, stone cutter, Union, S. 0.oa\Mrs. Anna.Rounds, Mrs. Eunice, 407 S. Fourth.o & Minnie M.G. Pearl.C *-i Ethel M.\mfj (3 ji Rourke, Edwin see O'Rourke. R.r +\ 52 nouse, Sylva John D. F., glassblower, 616 W. Henley.\f J ,__j Mrs. Mildred G.< C l e o v a M.""_3 JrJ Rouse, Rowe, Albert Mrs. Lavantia, E., laborer, 21 Front, 325 Railroad Bv. av.Puw °I- Mrs. Hattie B.Edward.Albert.Rosie.Pearl.Rowe, Mrs. Carrie, widow, 221 S. Ninth.Albert, fireman.George, coachman.Tf\ *\\ Clifford, coachman.^ J ^ Kittie May.____________ Rowe, Fred J., laborer, 77 River, N. 0.Mrs. Delia A.•• fc/j • Leon T., works at Vacuum.OC co X ts\ co Rowe, Archie. Mrs. J. A., widow, 135 S. Union.LI-_J 2'mm\jx OCD.mi? Rowe,EthelWilliamF.D., insurance agent, 15 Grossman av., E. O.•-«Q S«2^OltSarahMrs- AHieT.N.^E ^SO Z+m Grace.Neil H-•T" > m- ri Rowland, John W., currier, 309 N. Clinton.2 X ~m. MrS- Ma M'QJ >n O O Charles J._ V£ 3 > ~0 Rowley, Bert Mrs., P. cook, 308 N. Union.1 -£3 g" § Rowley, Mrs. Annie, Eurana seamstress, S., 266130 1-2 N. N. Ninth, Union.r- Cys rn Rowley, John, works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.Rowley, John, fireman,130 N. Ninth.Rowley, Katherine, housekeeper, 130 N. Ninth.c3 ^ Rowman, Tony, laborer (P. R. R.) Spruce, N. O."> °C Mrs- Mary.uX • — Ruchte, Alec, moulder, 529 1-2 N. Union.-J ex Mrs. Margaret M.X £} Loretta T.^ "" Ruchte, William, moulder, 108 Wayne.£} ~& Mrs. Clara M.X 5 \ 5 R"th- W ^ 3\rQs^COX/0 This Afternoon.Associated Press and Publishers' Press DespatchesTHE NEWSPAPER FOR THE SUPPER TABLE.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. ft'lon"""" '* OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 249Ruchte, William, moulder, 108 Wayne.Mrs. Maud.Ruchinski, Andrew, laborer, 43 Walnut, N. 0.Mrs.Martin.Mary.Rugg, Herman W., watchmaker, 230 N. First.Ruleson, Henry, insurance agent, 34 Grossman av., E. O.Mrs. Fanny R.Gretchen.Ruleson, James, farmer, 34 Grossman av., E. 0.Mrs. Rose.RUMSEY, EMMETT D., dealer in drugs and groceries, 609 E.State, E. O., res 627 do.Mrs. Marie M.Rumsey, George, gardener, 221 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Bertha.Mabel.Runyan, Charles, laborer, 24 Grossman av., E. O.Mrs. Martha.Rupprecht, Conrad, tanner, 1006 W. Henley.Mrs. Mary.Sarah.Violet.Russ, John, machinist, 121 S. Seventh.Mrs. Emma.Charles J., machinist (P. R. R.)Clarence E., messenger (P. R. R.)Russel, Charles C, laborer, 513 1-2 W. State.Mrs. Olive P.RUSSEL, EUGENE R„ ice dealer, 9 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Catherine.Leo E.Hortense.Russell, Frank, teamster, Union, S. O.Mrs. Myrtia.Laurence.George.Russell, George, mason, 313 Irving.Ida M.Frank.William.Bessie E.Russel, Napoleon, works for United Pipe Line, 1220 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Elizabeth.- Lena M.Kate.Julia.Lizzie.Agnes.Pauline.Florence.Raymond.WM. OLEAN Clothiers, HORNER Leon. HOUSE Furnishers, & BLOCK. CO., Merchant Tailors.ort©\J*,*>Ij r—'-3 otr,.fr-.oo3^Mtnctm-rnlCL01W

First National Bank of 01eanfCapital, $ioo,ooo. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.I. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres-A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors - E. G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler.E « E. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.>- , _£ 7 250 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S>+- «--L-; X ^ Russell, Louis, lives at Baldwin's, E. State, E. 0.bea> cu o Russell, Mrs. Mary M., widow, E. River road, S. 0.X• - O ^ Ruth, Harry G., foreman (P. R. R.) 55 King, E. 0.Q • j* Mrs. Pearl.co -mZ K Thelma I.£ m a Infant.3 _ w L Q Frank.^ ("•_2j Rose.*7* —-1. t. James.• Nellie.Q^ Z Mary.i^rsJoseph.Q O Sacred Heart, Mary, Sister of Mercy, 606 W. Sullivan.OLEAN SUPPLY CO.,Paints, Glass, Roofing, Doors,WINDOWS, SIDING, MOULDING AND SH/NGLFS.

The A* Weston Lumber Co,,Hanufacturers & Dealers T HM1*E1> Lath and Shingles, Doors,in all kinds ofJLUluDEI\, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W P. O , W ESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N YOLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 251Sadden, O. H., works for P. R. R., 118 Hamilton.Safford, Gird, deliveryman, 310 Tompkins.Mrs. Nettie R.Frank.Sage, Lester, works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.St. Clair, .Lewis V., machinist, 1V6 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Mary R.Chester L., machinist.Earl V.ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, (James F. Mooney, pastor,) 775-779 N.Union, N. O.ST. MARY OF THE ANGELS CHURCH, (J. J. Hamel, rector,Francis Burns, asst. rector,) W. Henley, cor. S. First.ST. STEPHEN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (James W. Ashton,rector,) 109-111 S. Barry.Salisbury, Archibald, brick maker, 55 Bishop, N. 0.Mrs. Elizabeth.Maud E.Howard C.Frederick M.Gertrude H.Infant.Salisbury, Charles H., mason, 3 Main, Bv.Mrs. Mary A.SALISBURY, HUGH S„ architect, 182 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Nan A.Lloyd.Saitz, see Seltz.Salvan, John, laborer, 518 N. Fourth.Mrs. Carrie M.Mary S.Johann.Salvation Army, local captain, R. M. Stubbs, 266 1-2 N. Union.Samelson, see Samuelson.Sampsell, Charles, works for P. R. R., 413 N,. Seventh.Sampson, Richard W., glassblower, 114 N. First.Mrs. Kate.Sampson, see Simpson.Samuels, E„ mail clerk, 14 Pierce av., W. 0.Mrs. Ida.Walter.Victor.NEW MANAGEMENT.Roy.NEWLY FURNISHEDFloyd. D A I L E Y ' S I N N ,Samuelson, Iver, wor«:s for P. R. R., 322 N. Ninth.Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.Samuelson, John I., works for P. R. R„ 322 N. Ninth.J0HH Sanborn, F. DAILEY, Charles L., Proprietor. currier, 507 W. 402, State. 404 N. Union >treet.Mrs. Mary I. RATES, $1.50 PER DAV.Sandburg, Mrs. Rudolph Ruth Raymond Esther August Dora. A. L. W. T. W., carpenter (P. R. R.) 92 Garden av., E. O.=5« ^§ cif) ^^° r1. w« pd"rn CDO P*-tn &2 *^ X§2 3 CJD >X E=£ ^t/iCD ^"^ 9^ 1p. x m >_- 70x pa > O3 t-£5 "V3- 70stic lNTINpj mlx ex.=3 Ort> 3ino _o63Cm.mo3©S3*630*q ©< ft•-tP3^0*0av#rttrofl1M»0f*o•1V

3U*ort -p-. *S- .—-2"5o uU «u73rtu£fcpH"3fl3

When you buy of us, youget the Best, in all gradesof Footwear.— —158 North Union Street,f.LlOLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 253Saway, Charles, peddler, 122 Whitney av.Saway, Elias, peddler, 122 Whitney av.Saway, Ferris, peddler, 122 Whitney av.Mrs. Alice.Sawyer, Albert J., carpenter, 7 Osgood av.,Mrs. Cora.James.Lena.E. O.Scanlon, John, mason tender, 1315 W. Sullivan.patrolman, 207 N. Twelfth.A.Minnie.Bessie.Scanlon, JohnMrs. KatherineElizabeth M.Leon J.Schalk, George, car repairer (P. R. R.) 141 N. Eleventh.Mrs. Alice.Katherine.Louise.Mary. ,Schamberger, Barbara, 115 S. Fifth.Schamberger, Albert H. Max, 115 S. Fifth.Scheifley, SCHAMEL, Mrs. HENRY Mary, O, 216 prop. S. Tenth. Olean carpet cleaning works, 257N. Union, Joseph. res 814 Buffalo.Henry. Mrs. Anna B.Scheirries, Elias, peddler, 310 W. State.Mrs. Jennie.Isaac, telegraph operator.Myer.Lewis.Anna.Nathan.Esther.Scheiterley, Charles, foreman (P. R. R.) 1406 W. State.Mrs. Mary.Karl A.Bertha M.Clara L.Florence C.Scheiterley, Conrad, laborer, 1502 W. State.Mrs. Caroline.Conrad.Charles.Cathyrn.Scheiterlee, Michael G., blacksmith, 110 N. Fifteenth.Mrs. Clara M.Eva D.I. P. Michael COLLINS,W.Helen 309 JTasonic M. Temple.Albert C.Life, Fire and Accident—>•0CO2CX0XmCDCOr-p-Or-m>7.27TOa>TOrn2-XJ-•tP? a 7Qr 0 PP« CU JH0.coi"1ID 0SoW mT B MCM ?CM *"*• 0 rn 0aft s O h*.IS) £Rocn0! ? -in1/1»•

First National Bank of Olean*Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J.t'. Johnson.,_,IS)w a >

THE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing- and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick.fi J 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 255Schott. Charles F., sheet metal worKer, 134 S. Third.Mrs. Celia A.Douglass G.Dorotha C.Schott, William E„ deliveryman, 56 Clark, E. O.Mrs. Margaret.Walter.Hazel.Lawrence.Infant.Infant.Schouten. N. J., flagman (P. R. R.) 30 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Elizabeth S.Bertha E.Pearl P.Elmer N.Schrader, Otto, works in tannery, E. State, E. 0.Mrs. Lena.Walter.Laura.Ernest.Albert.Schrader, see Shroeder.Schreiber, G. Peter, works for P. R. R., 1105 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Emma.William.Albert.Schuder, Mary, 53 River, N. 0.Schuder, Nellie, domestic, 310 N. First.Schue, Mrs. Anna, widow, 814 W. Henley.Schue, Conrad, carpenter, 210 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Sophia C.Tina C, works for Tanners Shoe Stock Co.Schue, Henry L., mail carrier, 312 W. Green.Mrs. Ella.Clarence H.Clara E.Lawrence F.Florence H.Schue, Louis, cellarman (Dotterweich) 613 W. Green.Mrs. Katherine.Carrie.Edward.Louis.Ha/tie.Ami el.Schubert, Adolph, farmer, Union, S. O.Mrs. Henrietta.Fred.Schuetz, Herman, 219 W. State.Mrs. Louisa.Schuley, Frank, tanner, 801 E. State, E. O.Schulze, Mrs. Philiphina, 127 S. Fifth.William F., works for Myrick Machine Co.The Morning Times.The Only Associated Newspaper Press in Olean Membership.Having5 2.ScoCD- r3o rntm onrtmsr 2©DrtXoI K.tn rtn mm.tzCDa > IS)Pi3© C3n0) exa 1 rmrt-COZZtn CDIS)

T3Xrii_coJ£eiO B goO ti q.mX, CO COUJoiO>-UJ-Z

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers ard Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. gen^h°Pe '£ OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 257Searles, John, carpenter, 71 Oak, N. 0.Mrs. Roberta.William.Leroy.Mary E.Florence.Joseph.George.Sears, Frank, laborer, 81 Garden av., E. 0.Mrs. Sarah.Edward.Forrest.Seaver, Mrs. J. W., 126 N. Barry.Seavert, see Sievert.Seay, Frank E., works at Vacuum, 129 N. Fifth.Sebatino, see Sabtino.See, Mrs. Anna, widow, 112 Laurens.Seed, Abdoo, peddler, 437 N. Union.Seefried, John, engineer (P. R. R.) 325 N. Eleventh.Mrs. Julia.Augusta L.Alice M.Albert L.Myrtle L.Marie F.Edward G.SEELEY, DEXTER W., mgr. 0. T. Higgins & Son, N. O., res783 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Helen M.Blanche 0.Jay Floyd.Helen F.Seiter, Mrs. Anna M., nurse, 202 S. Union.Marie.Seiler, Frank, butcher, 107 S. Eleventh.Seiler, Julius, Fifth Ward Meat Market, 1129 W. State, res 107S. Eleventh.Selden, Charles, clerk (P. R. R.) 140 S. Union.Selling, William, painter (P. R. R.) 455 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Minnie.Mary.Bertha.Emma.Isabelle.Selover, William F., blacksmith, 40 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Frances.Blanche W M E. . H O R N E R & CO.,Jessie- L.OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Senn, John F., foreman acid works, 89 River, N. O.Clothiers, Mrs. Helena. Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.G. William.Lula E.aiff< B2(A aPIH&ra73oo73m

-IS) asIS,miZJ Hu^ y riat -. ^7?£

The A* Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers & Dealers I TIMnrn Lath and Shingles, Doors,n all Kinds of JLUluDEJJA, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W, P. O. WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 259Shaffer, Frank S., tinsmith, 110 E. Green.Mrs. Lucy B.Elizabeth.Mabel.Shaffer, John, works for city, 146 N. Seventh.Mrs. Elizabeth.John Jr.Shaffer, John, laborer (P. R. R.) 324 N. Seventh.Shafer, Mrs. Lavina, Anderson av.Willis, brakeman, (P. R. R.)SHAFFER, MICHAEL, oil producer, 330 Laurel av.Mrs. M.Clyde.Viola.Shaner, Daniel, oil treater, 753 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Lina.Clara.Frank.Elba.Mamie.Clifford.Clarence.SHANER, F. P., (Wilkinson & Co.) 112 N. Barry.Mrs. Jennie F.Earl L.Helen M.Robert C.106 W.Louise M.Shannon, Mrs. Ella, 43 Queen, E. O.Agnes M.Bessie E.Shannon, Patrick, 320 W. Henley.Sharp, Frank H., blockman, Deering Harvester Co.,Green.Mrs. John Carrie E.Edwin. Helen L.Thomas. Howard P.Marie. Russell G.Sharp, Marguerite.Joseph A., glassworker, carpenter (P. 780 R. Union, R.) 56 N. Bishop, O. E. O.Shattuck, Mrs. Frank Margaret. MMrs. Joseph. Lily M.Vernon V.Union, res 922 N. Union, N. O.Shaw, William, saloon 922 NMrs. Mary.Mary.Leo.NEW MANAGEMENT.Irene.NEWLY FURNISHED.D A H E Y ' S I N N .Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.RATES. SI.50 PER DAY.^ ©oS H*0 *T3CJ3*° J -. 50m3 M••CMSw _.•*• wP »«*V5205o J^•u. "0-O 90.CD* 53^a rag za -•o^mC/5^_kop—hrp-Corp-OOP"0—3rparpti>7?rtto—.aCP-n HSL 3s ra O•H ,% T3a ft«-) r"5- ^O 3pf Hm70

m-^-mmmXm-i "rnZ£TZtae^

DORCA'S $ 3 . 5 0 LADIES SHOES,SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY158N. UnionF. E. Tyler & C o s , Street.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 261SHELDON, JESSE A., contractor and builder, 138 S. First.Mrs. Lena M.Howard W.Maurice G.Sheltz, Job a T., blacksmith, 124 N. Fourth.Mrs. Catherine.Francis H.Genevieve M.Donald J.Lucile C.Shein, Mrs. Catherine, 601 N. Fourth,William P., machinist (P. R. R.)Sheridan, Elizabeth, 145 N. Barry.Sheridan, Mrs. Ellen, 1206 Irving." Ellen.Philip J.SHERIDAN, GEORGE A., oil producer, 145 N. Barry.Mrs. Esther B.Bertrand J.Rena F.Nettie I.room, Salina 129 W. E. State, res 217 Winters av.Sherlock, Mrs. Fred, Nellie. 1306 W. Sullivan.Sherlock, Jay, machinist.Sherlock, Sherman, Mrs. Irving Ada, V., 22 1306 Fourth W. Sullivan. av., Bv.Sherlock, Sherman, Daniel Judd, sidewalk M., mill inspector hand, 22 Fourth and prop, av., pool Bv. and billiardMrs. Louise.Sherman, Edgar, tanner, Brook, E. 0.Mrs. Louis.Nellie.John.Niles.Roger.Sherman, George, laborer, Goodrich av., E. O.Mrs. Mattie.Louise.Lena.Stacia.Veronica.Sherris, see Scheirries.Sherwin, Mrs. Carolina, widow, 18 Second av., Bv.Sherwood, Mrs. M. B., 29 Center, Bv.Augusta.Sherwood, Mrs. Nancy A,, variety store, 306 W. State.X3crCD—tCm -O r/->M [^V) r-

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.Directors.- E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, T. F. Johnson.W- • _j y 262 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SS ©_ • -u u s _rj ts> Sherwood, Claude D., laborer, 307 N. Barry.fc!3 2 ^ a Mrs. Nettie.— b s M 5 Maud, domestic.ifibt _T w Earl A., insurance agent, (Prudential.)3 * r \j mm Floyd A., traveling man.V- * o ^1 Grace E., domestic.JS? J( - Lester L.O"»o . "-•«- * li Jj" > Shrader, see Schrader.__ "" 2 Q Fitch SHROEDER, & Ramsey, LEO O, supt. City Elks' Building.club room, cor. Union & State.*C« mi - z 123 s- Fourth.*-jH = £ Mrs. Mary.*H o Clara M.H v3 p , (li 2 Daniel Samuel Marie E. C. J.

254 N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 263SIBLEY, HERBERT D., (Sibley & Ostrom) 207 N. Third.Mrs. Margaret.SIBLEY & OSTROM, (Herbert D. Sibley, William L. Ostrom)printers and publishers, (see adv.) 215 N. Union.Sicker, Mrs. Jennie, widow, 512 W. Sullivan.Dorothy.Whitney.Siebert, John L., farmer, Pleasant Valley.Mrs. Flora.Irene May.J. Albert.Sieter, see Seiter.Sievert, A. C, painter, 223 N. Third.Mrs. Flora.Adah.Helen.James.Sievert, John, clerk, 75 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Flora J.Hazel H.Lawrence J.Elizabeth L.Lillian M.Charles B.Sievert, Mrs. L. D., 7 Second av., Bv.Sophia A.Sigel, Henry, 123 S. First.Mrs. Mary.Clara.Florence.Sigel, Louis, currier, 141 N. Fifth.Mrs. Anna.Morgan L.Aileen.Sigel, Mrs. Minnie, 619 W. State.Glenney.Genevieve.Sigel, William, traveling man, 116 N. Clinton.Mrs. Alice.Silk, Frank, switchman, (P. R. R.) 405 N. Eighth.Mrs. Mary.John, glass worker.Anna.Agnes.Leo, glass worker.Nettie M.Edward.Hazel.Mary.William.Harry.Thelma.Silk, John, machinist, (P. R. R.) bds. 310 N. Eighth.The Morning Times.The Only Newspaper in Olean Having AssociatedPress Membership.otrvoaFT DOmi- rIS) 3n mT raCD ©fr5 3 tn fr§ §"s f* 2as »H« H» 0tn e0*tn K0o 3 3X § oa » 373 frO rpftXrt3S3 V41 •r*or*(U3tJwoZ•c

iGood Swell Furnishings forr-n * Men. Trunks andClothes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.w264 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SSilloway, LeRoy J., finisher, 65 Garden av.oaMrs. Ella.1Loren.O a j Silvernail, John, barber, 321 N. Union, res. 120 Wayne.O(3Mrs. Mary.James.rjj Simon, John, peddler, 508 Brickell av.£j Richard.{fj JT Simon, Joseph, peddler, 508 Brickel av.CO «Frank, peddler.Simons, John, junk dealer, 11 Crown, E. 0.< - Simons, John S., engineer, 432 N. Eighth., . Mrs. Nellie M.— 2 Clair H.(J_l %j Winifred L.r* Raymond E.w

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing; Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.Th0S. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. Bell Phone 136 OLEAN. N.Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 265Sirdevan, Thomas, 20 Elm, N. O.Mrs. Katherine.Katherine.Anna.George.Sirdevan, Frank J., boilermaker, 36 Pine, N. O.Mrs. Mamie.Arthur J.Sisson, E. G., bookkeeper, 220 N. First.Sisson, Mrs. S. B„ 220 N. Fourth.SISSON, WILL, life insurance, office 123 1-2 N. Union, res 220N. Fourth.SKIFF, C. H., piano salesman for Stranburg, Jamestown, 219 S.Second.May F.Blanche Eleanor.Walter A.Skinner, Henry, stillman, 220 N. Eleventh.Mrs. Mary A.Slater, Benjamin F., market gardener, Clark, E. O.Mrs. Minnie.Asher.Ordelia.Slater, John W., carpenter, 112 N. Fifth.Mrs. Mary I.James A.Slattery. Dennis F„ tailor, 202 S. Union.Mrs. Mary A.Lewis.Marie.Joseph.Sleboda, Andrew, laborer, Homer Hill, off Buffalo, W. O.Mrs. Josephine.Slinker, Christian J., painter and paperhanger, 606 W. Green.Mrs. Augusta.L,ola.Slinker, Fred L., painter (P. R. R.) 610 W. Green.Mrs. Lena M.Mary E.Slittler, Fred C, boilermaker, 430 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Anna E.Frederick G.Harry E.Slitter, George P., 1205 W. Sullivan.Sloan, Slitter, Arthur William O., C, book-keeper, 1205 W. Sullivan. 214 N. Barry.Slivincski, John, tanner, Spruce, N. O.Sloan, Mrs. Adeline, nurse, 1008 W. Sullivan.W M . H O R N E R & C O . ,Sylvia.Agnes. OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Ethel.Clothiers, Sloan, Albert, carpenter, Furnishers, Bush, E. O. Merchant Tailors.Mrs. Lucy J.Albert C.Ovl^o•)15Xrnc*—«0-01W %•XJWDmKIUT0•a0E? "0tr073\JmQif.if)OO23r-dCO0r»0Xs~*mpi~>ex.pin a.UJ0mXpi—iex. piCOPi

-IS)atif) f—oW o S5 g <

The A. Weston Lumber Co*Tnamifacturers & Dealers T TTMRC1> Latn and Shingles, Doors,inallkinds ofJLUItIDEJJA, Windows, Turned Work.Long DirtancePhone 6-W. p Q > WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 267 mt >Smith, Buell R., traveling man, 333 Tompkins. £ H ZMrs. Ella. 5" 22Henry B. 2 « *T) J_S _ gLucy E.SMITH, Nellie CASSAR, O. physician and surgeon, 903 W. State. § f-H 2 OMrs. Edith. •§ ^ w J>Follet.a F""1 r SSWilliam. e» >__< f° gSmith, Charles, dealer in coal and wood, 472 Higgins av., res g P-J ffl215 N. Clinton. m W ^*Mrs. Marion.• ^_Bertha M., stenographer. g r/j mSMITH, CHARLES W., mgr. Higgins' store, 112 N. Clinton. c ,. qMrs. Effie M. & OIvah E.Ward W.Smith, Copeland, clerk Bell Bros., 211 S. Union.Mrs. Edith. «0 ^—jSmith, D. L., harness maker and repairer, shop 219 1-2 N. Un- §, 3 ^Hion, res 126 Fulton. S ~i ***Mrs. Emma M. h w PJPorter R., draughtsman. § 2 (_^(Minnie B. sg ^Smith, Edward, clerk, 116 S. Clinton. og Q.Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding house, 217 Winters av. °o CI*SMITH, EUGENE S., mfr. jeweler and graduate optician, 115 F" ^N. Union, res 109 E. Henley. {jMrs. Clara B. xi J> »Ellwood Watson.C_ XZSmith, Fred B., patternmaker, 302 S. Barry. o' ?r __jMrs. Elizabeth. E 3" P1}Beatrice.^< ex. y-MHazel. 0

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.Always Sometinhg New. 160 N. Union Street.26b' MORRIS fc AND VAN CAMPEN'SPHSmith, -3 Hendrick J., carpenter, 75 Bishop.flMrs. Sarah. Nellie.•O D ._ fe SMITH, JOHN B., real estate, office 123 1-2 N. Union, res 214 E.UJ CQ © George.• ^ ^ §• State.03 Mary.H Q • u. • Florence. Gertrude.Z £ Smith, Katherine. John W., foreman at Quirin's, 52 King, E. O.J= Mrs. Maggie.a> _Katie.ZLena.NNathaniel.J^Isabella.Edward Troy, Planing Mill,*s ' 220 S. Barry.SHINGLES, LUMBER.LATH, SIDING, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND MOULDINGS.

Ladies' and Children'sFootwear. The best asortment in the City r i l l158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 269Smith, John M., farmer, Windfall road, Bv.Mrs. Liza.John.SMITH, JOSEPH A., prop, liquor store 118 W. State, res 125 S.Third.Mrs. Lena.Clara A.Smith, Lee, glasspacker, 210 Coleman.Mrs. Mary.H. Dean.Charles Roy.Alice L.Smith, Leroy, currier, 43 Third av., Bv.Smith, Lewis H., bicycle repairer, 205 W. Green.Mrs. Matie O.Laura A.Doris A.Smith, Lewis, boilermaker, 11 Fifth av., Bv.Mrs. Margaret.Smith, Mrs. Lodema E., widow, 135 N. Barry.Ollie A.Ella L.Hattie N.Smith, Mrs. Louise. 33-34 Grossman blk.. 241 N. Union.Smith, Miss Mabel E., works for Tanners Shoe Stock Co., 23Pierce av., W. O.Smith, Marsh F., mail carrier, 233 Adams.Mrs. Alice L.George E.Frank L.Marshie M.Smith, Mrs. Mary, Wildcat road, Clinton. S. 0.Smith, Mary, domestic, 816 N. W. Union, State. N. O.Smith, Miles, carpenter, 312 S. Barry.Mrs. Jennie.Harold A.Beatrice.Bernice.Smith, Millie, domestic, 116 S.Smith, Peter, laborer, 517 1-2Mrs. Mary.Smith, Mrs. Polly M., widow, 234 S. Clinton.Smith, Robert F., machinist, 115 S. Seventh.Smith Miss Minette, teacher, 1307 W. State.Smith, Tony, works at tannery, 4 Brook, E. O.Mrs. May.I. P. Adam. COLLINS,SMITH, WILLIAM, cabinet maker, 409 W. State, res 405 do.Mrs. 309 Catherine.Hasonic Temple.Emma L.Life,LenaFireC.and AccidentBertha.Margaret.Smith, William E., machinist, E. River road, S. O.otviOrC CD w-io- p '-1ISO PI mmmt TOOco m • -CO Xm >>o ^z-oV3 V f\k l,33 g »o•* 2 S_aait.o* Mi ^s cr 0&f g n"*• ra O P te' O

First National Bank of Olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. K. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. K. Johnson.s-Sfi >«* 270 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S«m. „ ei at~ s3 is) m ~~~w^o-S |j Smith, William, blacksmith (P. R. R.) 8 Second av., Bv.5? J?

u • RTHE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick.1 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 271Soduski, Joseph, works at tannery, 68 Oak, N. O.Mrs. Mary.Frank.Solwaski, Wallace, works at tannery, 67 Oak, N. O.Mrs. Marion.Helena.Flora.Joseph.Hannah.Frances.Somers, Harry, glassblower, 409 W. Henley.Mrs. Laura M.Warren.Lenora.Howard.Somers, see Summers.SOOY, J. LEANDER, pastor First M. E. church, 203 N. Fourth.Mrs. Mary E.South Olean Chapel, Union, S. O.SOUTH PENN OIL CO., office Exchange Bank Building, (T. J.McKinney, supt.)Southeron. Martin, 1017 W. State.Mrs. Mina A.Southworth, Elmer E., carpenter, 17 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Emma.Sowers, Mrs. Jane H., 209 S. Union.Spaulding, Mrs. Anne, widow, 207 S. Barry.Spaulding, Elizabeth M., 511 Irving.Spaulding, William H., carpenter, 223 N. Fifth.Mrs. Eliza J.Harry E.Spears, Mrs. Janet, 44 Third av., Bv.Spears, Jessie, domestic, 504 W. Sullivan.Spears, Rupert, stonecutter, 44 Third av., Bv.Jessie.James, mill hand.John.Margaret, student.Christina.Ellen.Spears, William, inspector (P. R. R.) 23 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Louise W.Bruce W.Mary J.Anna L.Jessie G. H.James G. H.T Mildred h e E. M o r n i n g T i m e s .TheSpeers,OnlyAlexander,Newspaperlaborer, 339 N. Sixth.in Olean HavingSpellan, Patrick, works for P. R. R., 316 Wayne.Mrs. Associated Nora. Press Membership.Helen,Margaret.John.H3 8n- g CD- r8 3ra2. oUK) mftft V)M 2 3"oaptXit N" S3ao S33IS)a zH. tn r-tn &CDif)3 $ iQJ O-3- **t DOtn 5

T3XriCOrisUO B 3§H o - J~ CO COm-Z eX.QSmxo>-UJ0C/500oa to(J «3Oas^3- uW «U.0-1wu- —COcoLm-+mmcou0.?UJr-ozo(A

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers an d Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. Whitton, Pres. & Treas. gen'^h»Pe ^f° OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 273Starks, David D., newspaper dealer, 1306 Reed.Mrs. Hannah.Blanch.Virginia.Lee.Pearl.Hazel.Osbourne.Mildred.Starks, Fred C, upholsterer, 188 Railroad av., E. O.Mrs. Sarah J.Harlow Clinton.Ruth L.Jeffry R.Mildred G.Starkweather, Miss E. T., Riley & Wands block.Starr, G. F., fireman (P. R. R.) 810 W. Sullivan.STATE ARMORY, 43d Separate Co., N. G. S. N. Y., North, cor.N. Barry, (for list of officers, see front pages.)Stearbitz, Frank, prop, liquor store, 1106 N. Unien, N. O.Mrs. Rosie.Raymond.Katie.Thomas.William.Frank, Jr.Stedman, Frank L., commercial traveler, 226 N. Fourth.Mrs. Sarah.Lyra.Steele, Frank H., engineer (P. R. R.) 138 N. Barry.Mrs. Kate.Anna M.Steele, Hugh, milkman, 114 Wayne.Mrs. Mildred F.Reginald W.Steele, Thomas L., foreman (P. S. & N. R. R.) 114 Wayne.Mrs. Lena.Harriet M.M. Thelma.STEELE, W. S., principal Olean High School, 120 S. Clinton.Mrs. Eleanor.Dorothy.Stegner, Adam, works at tannery, 1410 W. State.Mrs. Magdalena S.Magdalena B.Mary E.Adam.Walter.George.Martin.Clinton.Stein, Frank E„ stillman, 403 N. Ninth.Raymond B.Harry F.WM. OLEAN Clothiers, HORNER HOUSE Furnishers, & BLOCK. CO., Merchant Tailors.5*0) Q-i&ra73OO73me ro ctofr 3If) _-o*3«!-•rts —WO _Lrt rts> V) ta> *" rfa 3*(6

*His, £IS) IU IS © H2 K 3 osos « r?E1X1Y HASELLOM F-J ,„ os© S©i—S3 "> WHw4fc&MBSISO•^T'z•oort1>——»oj1/50F)0u z3u ITFirst National B a n k of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.J. WM, E E DUSENBURY, WHEELER, Vice-Pres.A T. EATON, CashierDirectors—L. G Dusenbury, J E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler,E M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson274 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SStein, George F., foreman at Dotterweich's, 319 W. Henley.Mrs. Mary.George.William K.Eleaonora.Clara A.Joseph K.Stein, Gus, works at tannery. 322 Ninth.Stein, Michael, grocer, 1014 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Rosa.Mary.Pearl,Voranica.Kate.Steinbach, George, 1121 W. Henley.Mrs. Lizzie.Steir, August, laborer, Buffalo, W. O.Mrs. Mary.Frank, currier.August, laborer.Steir, John, currier, Buffalo, W. O.Mrs. Rica.Isabelle,Stemlinger, John, engineer, (P. R. R.) 419 N. Seventh.Mrs. Maggie.Maude.Reuben M.Margaret M.Nellie.Thomas.Stepanof, Nicholos, baker (Higgins') 316 W. Green.Mrs. Elizabeth.Otto N.Louise.Edward William.John Frank.Charles Tony.Steurm, see Sturm and Storms.Stephan, William N., clerk, 230 N. Fourth.Mrs. Augusta.Lena.Veronica.Stephens, Charles W„ operator, 134 N. Ninth.Mrs. Ella.Steven, Andrew O, commercial traveler, 129 S. Second.Mrs. Louise.Helen.Stevens, Mrs. Mary A., boarding house, 118 E. Henley.Stevens, Nellie, waitress Grand Central Hotel.Stevens, Warren, moulder, 129 Fulton.Stewart, Joseph, carpenter, 115 N. Ninth.Mrs. Catherine.Celia M.Leo M.Olean SEWER Portland Supply TILE, LIME Co.,n. and AND Common PHOSPHATES. Cement,

The A. Weston Lumber Co.TManufacturers & Dealers T nMUCD Lath and Shingles, Doors,nail Kinds ofLUluDElV, Windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-WP. O. WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 275Stewart, James, machinist, 507 W. State.Stewart, Joseph A., glasspacker, 125 N. Ninth.Mrs. Annie C.Lloyd' M. B.Stewart, Thomas A., currier, 5 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Bertha.Stewart, William H., commercial traveler, 128 N. First.Mrs. Lydia.Wallace.Steyner, John J., 513 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Frederica E.Edward R.Stickney, Edward W., real estate, 218 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Alida D.Stickney, Mrs. Lena, dressmaker, 168 1-2 N. Union.STILLMAN, F. V. R., insurance agent, (Alderman & Stillman,North) res. 216 N. First.Mrs. Carrie B.Doris B.Stillman, Paul, moulder, 603 E. State, E. O.Stimson, George, engineer, E. River road, S. O.Mrs. Ida.Mabel.Floyd.Stine, see Stein.Stoddard, Charles, painter, 108 W. State.•„Stomieroski, Thomas, works at tannery, 3 Fifteenth, W. O.Mrs. Anna.Jacob.John.Joseph.Martin.Michael.Stone, Hugh, boilermaker (P. R. R.) 217 Winters av.STONE, JASON E.. secretary for Coast Oil Co., 128 N. First.Mrs. Anna R.Stone, Ora R., pattern mater, 30 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Harriet S.Harry W., clerk (P. S. & N. R. R.)Storey, Carl, switchman (P. R. R.) 136 S. Barry.Storms, Christopher, moulder, 211 Jay.Mrs. Amelia A.George A.STORR)S, THOMAS, lawyer, 223 1-2 N. Union, res 118 N. ClintonMrs. Fannie T.NEWStorton,MANAGEMENT.Bessie, domestic, 405 N. Union.NEWLY FURNISHED.Story, Frank P., tinner, 319 Tompkins.Mrs. D AMay HL.E Y ' S I N N .Stowell, Mrs. Betsy Opposite E., 225 Pennsylvania N. Second. Depot.JOHN STOWELL, F. DAILEY, FRANK Proprietor. L., lumber dealer, 402, office 404 N. 39 Exch. Union Bk. Street. bldg.,res 225 N. Second. RATES. SI.50 PER DAY.Mrs. Lulu.Emily E.1352 - ^3mm 73o mSi"1 g>to2 03O CDO 9owS3SN-4*aC2mmXmft-tHooop?©PSmC/l©tnzr0>< 2.ra 2.- 037?H im °*oHm70


DORCA'S # 3 . 5 0 LADIES SHOES,SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY158N. UnionF. E. Tyler & Co's, Street.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 277Struchen, Charles B., carpenter, 39 Center, Bv.Mrs. Cora E.Florence E.Sylvia E.C arles B. Jr.Stuart, Arthur D„ flagman, (P. R. R.) 412 i>. First.Mrs. Nellie E.Stubbs, Rushton M., captain Salvation Army, 266 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Gertrude E.Ray N.E. Victor.Bertha I.Victoria P.Stubbs. Charles A., deliveryman. 220 N. Seventh. State, res 108 S. Thir-Studey, Michael, mason, 612 N. Union.Sturm, Charles J., barber shop, 1308 Wteenth.Mrs. Lyda.Lawrence.Sturm, Edward W., carpenter, 605 W. State.Mrs. Josephine.Jacob C.Charlie.Henry.Tillie.Sturm, Edward W. Jr., clerk, 122 W. Green.Mrs. Caroline R.Gretchen L.Sturm, Mrs. Mary O, widow, 1403 W. State.Fred A.Stuter, Mrs. Hattie, 214 S. Clinton.Ethel.Helen.Subjeck, Michael, works at tannery, 249 Spruce, N. OMrs. Frances.Martin.Tony.Kaiser.Martha.William.Joseph.Sullivan, Cornelius, yardmaster, 1 River, N. O.Mrs. Mary.James.Raymond.Daniel.Eugene.\. Sullivan, P. Daniel C O H., U postoffice W U S ^ clerk, General 416 W. Henley. Insurance,Mrs. Margaret.Sullivan, Grace, 43 Pine, N. O.309 Masonic Temple.Sullivan, John, laborer, 325 N. Seventh.Mrs. Margaret.Helen M.Margaret J.a 2Q-tS)CO CDo X* eZ"0 CD9 ~IO IS) reaoS"X3tocoCu -o c/jim«»-CM3Xas 0if)*mHtr•-t0 ifif. yro0Wm03y-L'•*G•*CO(n(nM-'J-3UQ*$-QJt 1—>•OO•—irr•—1OXoP5 >! SzCOO2373fr03Grr0*

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURV, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.oDirectors.- E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler**- • mZt 278 MORRIS E. M. lohnson, AND VAN 1. CAMPEN'S F. lohnson.„ o c f_T isi Sullivan, Mrs. Eliza, widow, 43 Pine ,N. O.Dennis, laborer.H § 1 pJ" S Sullivan, John, boilermaker (P. R. R.) 533 N. Seventh.Bitt J " Sullivan, J. L„ clerk, Haskell road, E. O.*5 3 *«> B B '"I £ Mrs. Hanna.Joseph.- 2 » J] *°Sullivan, John P., engineer (P. R. R.) 34 Water, N. O.6 - * fc "" Mrs. Frances.5 « q Anna.gSfl« s-s-s ^ . « z. «ay- Timothy.»j£3 « te o *< tI = w May- Rena.?« +j te o g tI w Sullivan, Rena. Mrs. Kate, widow, 919 N. Union, N. O.o* i. Daniel J., conductor (P. R. R.)>if)Sullivan, Mrs. Margaret A., widow, 16 Fourth av., Bv.Robert.zCOJeremiah.o OOMargaret Alice.CORachel E.0*paAnnabelle.mLillian.C_> ©Sullivan, Martin T., fireman, 119 N. Seventh.Q-o opaoMrs. Annie.ZRobert James.UJ< Michael Joseph.• H (- Sullivan, Mrs. Mary, widow, 32 Oak, N. O.OJJohn, street commissioner.& cDennis, clerk.oBernard, machinist (P. R. R.)< uAgnes.SULLIVAN, MICHAEL C, prop. American House, 1125 N. Union,N. O.zMrs. Elizabeth.Katheryn N.mElizabeth.X/l JO •*" " Mrs. Susan. Frances T.OQS a -Josephine.William Henry.• ' Z y-m) -S 9 Mary Eileen Ellen. E.4-" * B £ 2 -? Francis. Albert E.(^ rs £ — S O > Sullivan, Robert Robert, A. works at Empire Mills, 14 Fourth av., Bv.J _ < Richard E.. >Frances D.»W m< _ = £ Sullivan, Mrs. Susan, widow, 38 Washington, N, O.= £ Agnes.1/3 o Sullivan, William, driver, 18 Fourth av., Bv.HOJMrs. Kathryn.„3 Margaret Bessie.o Sullivan. Mary, domestic, 116 S. Second.If Your Life's Worth Living Its WorthInsuring.Fitch & Ramsey, City Building.

I.254 N. UNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 279Surnock, Henry, laborer, 123 N. Twelfth.Mrs. Louise.Summer, August, car inspector (P. R. R.) Division, E. O.Mrs. Louise.Merle.Summers, Edward, detective, (P. R. R.) 425 N. First.Summers, Elmer, glassblower, 716 Washington.Mrs. Mary.Helen.La vina.George.Summers, see Somers.Sunck, see Sumock.Sutherland, Hattie, 204 W. Sullivan.Sutter, George, mail carrier, 1101 W. Sullivan.Vera A.Mary.Sutter, Joseph, 1101 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Magdelene.Sutter, Michael, farmer, E. River road, S. 0.Mrs. Mary E.Mildred M.Frederick J.Geneva E.Harry J.Sutton, Vernon, works at Conklin Wagon Co.'s, 71 Queen, E. O.Mrs. Etta.Clifford.Ethel.Swain, Oscar, glassblower, 114 N. First.Mrs.SWANSON, MRS. ANNA, ice cream and confectionery, 704 W.State.Swanson, c. O.. works at tannery, 21 Pierce av.. W. O.Mrs. Anna.Bertha.Adolph.Swanson, John, currier, 208 N. Thirteenth.Swanson, John, bartender, 265 N. Union.Mrs. Kate.Swanson, John A., currier, 207 N. Eleventh.Mrs. Alma Ulrika.Henry Albion.Genevieye Alvina.Swanson, Nils, shoemaker, (see adv.) 702 W. State.Mrs. Anna A.Evelyn V.Roland.Swarm, Edgar T., clerk (P. R. R.) 119 N. Second.Mrs. Anna M.Charles.Swarm, Mary, chambermaid Olean House.The Morning Times.The Only Newspaper in Olean Having AssociatedPress Membership.o2 -n .p COSo- rIS) __n mT rnCD ©fr* £«> rt frcd r/j£ (5- "faa s sH« Hp 0tntn9>1rtV3MOXX73omrimmiHi30^ •ooIS)m.a^2•C3O3frp-p--Irtrt

Good Swell Furnishings forjm-i , Men. Trunks andClothes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.280 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SwSwart, George W., carpenter, 230 N. Union.oaMrs. Alice M.1Guy H.o

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Brinks.Th0S. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. ^,i'on>h?.ne $ OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 281Swift, Edmond H„ roofer, 321 N. Sixth.Mrs. Mary J.Joseph A., roofer.Swift, John D,, works tor Armour & Co., 265 N. Union.Mrs. Nettie R.Charles D.Bertha I.Switz, Mrs. Emma, dressmaker, 708 W. State.Cecile.Switzer, Gus, stillman, 39 Elm, N. 0.Mrs. Anna.Gus.George.Swetland, Rufus R., works at Conklin Wagon Co's, 605 1-2 W.State.Mrs. Bessie.Sykes, John W., laborer. 29 Second av., Bv.Mrs. Carrie M.Zeno T.Symendera, Charles, laborer, 902 Union, N. O.Mrs.Willie.Szribe. John, peddler, 108 1-2 E. Sullivan.Mrs. Minnie.Samuel.Taggerty. Mrs. Mary, 185 Railroad av., E. O.Marie.Francis.Taggerty, Nellie, domestic, 131 S. Union.Taggerty, William, watchman (P. R. R.) 911 Irving.Mrs. Anna.Taggerty, William, hostler, 162 N. Union.Taksen, Morris, junk dealer, 414 N. Tenth.Mrs. Matilda.Ruth.Pauline.Florence.Talbot, William, farmer, back road to Hinsdale, N. O., outsidelimits.Annie Mrs. Nora. R.Henry Fred. W.Joseph Stanley. R.Tanner, Ruby. Mabel A., bds. 437 N. Ninth.Tanner, Frances. William, 17 Crown, E. O.Mabel. Avery.Tamutis, George. Joseph J., currier, 26 Prince, E. O.WMrs. M Gertrude . HK.O R N E R & C O . ,OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Clothiers, Furnishers, MerchantTailors.olbJcI—i•3 i-mSi3aDlcp—(•N—4Dm0C *)1 sr- ooM S*X01a.Kjui0S3O3-"BcroIfaCDGlts>vfflMr—3CO(i3re XJ-*-mpind anex.__00o?rZCf^ex.—%"^coXex.

fiat'S)IS) |—cts S O£ a < OSat x u.< mi uj S 00*("w90c/> 3•J uj OSS5Oe 5 u, 0 OW K H H t*r~ uj •vH OS .-a «uw4*wKQZ>-z&

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,rtanufacrurers & Bealers T TTMftCl> Latn and Shingles, Doors,inallklnds ofLUluDEIV, windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W P. O , WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N VOLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 283Terhune, Mrs. Sarah E., cook and seamstress, 419 N. Union.L. Allie, laborer.Terpak, Mary, cook, 112 W. State.Terrett, James F., insurance agent, 111 S. Seventh.Teugher, Ed., freight handler, Clark, E. O.Mrs. Maggie.Thatcher, John T., huckster, 1311 W. Sullivan.Mrs. Thurza.Marguerite.Thomas, A., works at tannery, 83 Garden av., E. O.Thomas, Alice L., 1116 W. Sullivan.Thomas, Anna, stenographer, 1116 W. Sullivan.Thomas, Benjamin F., supt. Pierce's tannery, 410 W. State.Mrs. Elizabeth M.James P.Thomas, Charles E., laborer, 211 Adams.Mrs. Carrie.Ralph V.Bessie.Thomas, George, hostler, 162 N. Union.Thomas, Jim, works at tannery, 83 Garden av., E. O.Thomas, Joe, peddler, 437 N. Union.Thomas, Joseph, tanner, 444 N. Union.Mrs. Nestor.Matilda.Estella.Thomas, Kanaan, peddler, 20 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Julia.Sadie.Thomas, Samuel, works at tannery, 83 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Adaline.Mamie.Celia.Ada.Thompson, Eugene W., farmer, 317 S. Clinton.Mrs. Ella G.Thompson, Frank B., ass't engineer, 228 S. Clinton.Mrs. Ellen L.Daisy A.Floyd A.NEW MANAGEMENT.Gerald E.NEWLY FURNISHEDThompson, DGeorge A I F., L mg'r E Y Western ' S Union, I 134 N N. N Third. ,Carrie B. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.J0HH Florence. F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Mreet.Georgie A. PATES, $1.50 PER DAV.Thompson, Gladys D., milliner, 228 S. Clinton.Thompson, Joseph H., bookkeeper, 223 N. First.Thomson, Thompson, Thorn, Thorne, Mrs. Rhea Samuel, Charles Georgia Anna Michael, T. William, granite M., E. E., clerk, works farmer, bookkeeper, cutter, 313 for Wildcat N. P. 203 Union. 401 R. W. road, R., Laurens. State. 523 S. N. O. Union.? >S h; tf •w pds inC mtar3 *^ XX> >c xzIS) ' -r* « nx rr-t- 73stic 1NTINx ex.X OCO 3r1 n©"TJ70mmm.m c/vMoftBp>^P40v#Htr0V1M»sr*o1;

35 «. w1. .—JS*o nu _L-t/jc/5t#ND a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.Always Sometinhg New. 160 N. Union Street.284 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SThornbury, E. R., bartender, 24 Riley & Wands bldg.Thornbury, John R., clerk at Dailey's Inn, 402 N. Union.THORNBURY, MATTHEW A., prop'r livery stable, 106 S.Twelfth, res. 108 S. Twelfth.Mrs. Mary A.Josephine.Walter.George.Howard.Thornton, Warren E., car inspector, (P. R. R.) 32 Prince, E. O.Mrs. Nina.Claire,Wilford.Thurber, Chas. F., machinist, 110 N. Barry.Mrs. Clara M.Thurber, Clinton, works P. R. R. shops, 9 Fourth av., Bv.Mrs. Jennie.Glenn H.Estella J.Thurber, Geo. D., bookkeeper, 153 N. Seventh.— •Thurber, Mrs. Mrs. Catharine Louise, B. widow, 242 S. Barry.Ida. Adah R.Thurston, Alfred N., teamster, 59 Bishop, E. O.a (£ Mrs. Anna.o IClarence..c I. Lawrence.(fl Thurston, Daniel, 37 R. R., E. O.UMrs. Cornelia.ODora.• >Q _• Thurston, Dora, 210 N. Clinton.^OfftB, "~ U S Thurston, Wilma" LeRoy, laborer, 53 R. R. av., E. O.U« Q H (Q J" © Thyng, Mrs. Elizabeth, Margaret. teacher, 304 E. State.Cd Oa \ °" O. ThynS. Mrs. Mildred K., widow, 315 Laurens.f>f\ (ft m Thyng, William, student, 304 E. State.^--J X £ Tidd, Lewis T., leather splitter, 908 W. State.f—• tn Mrs. Ella M.mA < £ Ethel M.tU CO O Tidd, William B., currier, 301 N. Fifteenth.. ffl Mrs. Delia.L_ Q ,_• John D.Z . Laura D.. •< g m. Tierman, Uhlrich, laborer, (P. R. R.) 1216 Washington.£^ o Mrs. Louise.JJEdward.ajGeorge.Z, Z Fred.•** n Tillow, Henry B., Spring, E. O.fc-«" Jn Harry.Edward Troy, Planing Mill,•/ 'SHINGLES, LUMBER.LATH, SIDING, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND MOULDINGS.220 S. Barry.

Ladies' and Children'sFootwear. The best asortmentin the City '— I. L I158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 285Tillow, Harlow, laborer, Spring, E. O.Mrs. Belle.Paul.Perry.George.Jay.Tilly, Albert, laborer, (P. R. R.) 1008 W. Irving.Tilly, Carl E.. tanner, 1008 W. Irving.Mrs. A. Josephine.Frederick.TINKLEPAUGH, FRANK S., prop'r Olean Steam Laundry, 216W. State.Mrs. Chloe A.Max H.Titus, Mrs. Verna, widow, 67 Bishop, E. O.Harry.Tobias, Fred, works for Interior Construction & ImprovementCo., 205 E. State.Tobin, Carthage, fireman,1444 1-2 Buffalo, N. O.Mrs. Bridget.Mary.William.Patsy.Margaret.Ella.Anna.Ruth.Louise.Leo.Loretta.Tomes, Joe, glassblower, 820 W. State.Mrs. Margaret L.Bessie.Edwin.George.Paul.Katharine. - _-Tompkins, Harry, ^aft^nser, 42 Pine, N. O.Mrs. Nellie.Norman.William.Dorothy.Tomoereski, Matthew, works at tannery, 1121 N. Union, N. O.Tonkins, Jesse, laborer, 25 Railroad av., E. O.Mrs. Julia.Toohey, Agnes, 469 N. Union.Toohey, Hannah, 469 N. Union.I. P. C O L L I N S ,Toohey, John, bricklayer, 469 N. Union.Toohey, 309 Jeremiah, Hasonic bricklayer, Temple. 469 N. Union.Toohey, Nora, dressmaker, 469 N. Union.Life, Toohey. Fire Patrick, and bricklayer, Accident 469 N. Union.Mrs. Margaret.Toohey, Mrs. Sarah, 469 N. Union.0toZX0XinCDCDm+-Or-m>7,z7

First National Bank of Olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheelera-SS fiatAND VAN CAMPEN'SE. M. Johnson, J. fr. Johnson.286 sSg« MORRISToohig, -,o

iTHE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick.fi ) 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 287Truby, Peter, bookkeeper, (P. R. R.) 1121 W. Henley.Mrs. Martha.ClaraTruber, George, works at tannery, 68 King, E. O.Mrs. Julia.Michael.George.John.True, Arthur C, expressman, 109 N. Eighth.Truske, Antony, works P. R. R. shops, 530 N. Seventh.Mrs. Julia.Sigmund.Tilly.Gertrude.Vat.Edwin.Trutts. Joseph, works at tanneery, Moore's lane, W. O.Mrs. Mary.Henry.Tubbs, Frank, farmer, 24 Second av., Bv.Mrs. Mary.Herbert.Tubbs, Vernon L., clerk. River, S. 0.Mrs. Electa P.Parker W.Tubbs, Wilson W., farmer, River, S. O.Mrs. Olive.Tubsing, Charles, cigar maker, 108 W. State.Tucker, Arthur L., currier, 128 S. Seventh.Mrs. Lila A.Louise A.Eugene H.Grace G.George J.Mildred S.Tucker, Bertha, 307 W. Green.Tucker, George S., 307 W. Green.Tucker, Henry, 307 W. Green.Tucker, Mrs. Sarah A., 325 Laurel a*.Clarence J., tanner.Lottie S.Tully, John, 82 Pine, N. O.Mrs. Honora.John.Tom.Dan.Frank.Hannah.Katharine.TuJley, William H.. bricklayer, 902 W. Henley.Mrs. Eliza.Mabel E.Clarence H.The Morning Only Clarence Associated Newspaper D. Times. Press in Olean Membership.HavingoE -0ps~t «o- §• ro- rtS) _-o» s "t 3 rnmn rtme 3**"* O8 rt•fl •*M2O 3DXODI hitntnas>s Xo $ B irttnr-mm-COIS)Pinex.CODCCOif)

X ^eiv- ZCOO E _5O Vm Z-\ZX CO COmU cxrsGO XUJcaX)o>-UJmm* 0LUO

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers aud Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. l°"e '£ OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 289Umferfate, John, works P. R. R. shops, 1110 Washington.Mrs. Johanna.Joseph.Henry.Underbill, James, retired minister, 44 Crown. E. O.Mrs. Emma.Nellie M.Underwood, Charles R., foreman, (E. R. R.) 98 River, N. O.Mrs. Hattie C.UNION HOUSE, W. V. Busch, prop'r, 405 N. Union.UNION HOUSE RESTAURANT, W. V. Busch, prop'r, 407 N.Union.UNION LIVERY STABLE, (S. M. Muckey, prop'r; F. D. Muckey,mgr.) 325 N. Union.UNION PACIFIC TEA CO., C. W. Fanning, mgr, 168 N. Union.UNION TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO., 209-210 Mas. Temple,B. W. Curtiss, local mgr.Up-to-Date Variety Store, The, 211 N. Union, Arthur Gibbs,prop'r.Updyke, A. S.. farmer, E. State, E. O.Mrs. Orilla.Luella.Updyke, Mrs. Clara, E. State, E. O.Ursoy, Joseph, laborer, 414 S. Third.Mrs. Emma L.Grace M.James E.Joseph J.Everett C.John Harold.Ruth Anna.Ella May.Usselmann, Barbara, domestic, 210 N. Second.VACUUM OIL CO., refiners of petroleum, (Geo. W. Hooker,supt.) cor. Seymour and Buffalo, N. O.Vager, Anton, works P. R. R. shops, 111 N. Fourth.Mrs. Dora.Walter.Teresa.Valentine, Geo., telegrapher, (P. R. R.) 55 Queen, E. O.Mrs. Bertha.Valentine, Mrs. Louise V., dressmaker, 129 N. Third.William E., carpenter.Valentine, William S., works at tannery, 57 Queen, E. O.Mrs. Hattie D.Valley, Edward L., conductor, (P. R. R.) 212 N. Clinton.Mrs. W M Rose . G. H O R N E R & CO.,Valone, Oneil, works at tannery, bds. 46 Elm, N. O.VANCAMPEN, OLEAN BENJAMIN, HOUSE (Morris BLOCK. & Van Campen) publishersof modern city directories, office 122 N. First, res. 122 N.Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.First.Van Campen, Marcus, clerk Ex. Nat. Bk., 319 .Laurel av.Mrs. Alice B.Rutk B.zdPI-Ino-iz•DXozPItnS rn&73oo73rnorow c* frBn^ =•«' *3 r?ris) m fa>" itO -

"'t^^^K'^^'^1 ^^JS^L^MiMf^ -•'- •;IrS..iSl Ifurn-1f a n '•11 - feIn af»W O H2ts Z; _} cs .BS "-! S W r»3 «» on-J m as 0§S fc" 00rt0 0 •_ 0 •sa UH •" wh asoHO0 Nc >-W ^:Z" zft £_jft 05 ^t—t> b £ ^• w «O Q ^c» -s!Z>« zrrvW r

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,Manufacturers & Dealers T ITlWftCD Latn and Shingles, Doors,n all Kinds ofJLUluDEJA, windows, Turned Work.Long DteMnce^ne 6-W,p Q WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.291Vaughan, Merrit, Hotel Imperial, 102 S. Union.Vaughn, T. E., laborer, E. River, S. 0.Mrs. Carrie.Ethel.Edna.Olive.Mary.Vedder, Joseph, works P. R. R. shops, 66 Clark, E. O.Mrs. Barbara.Venus, Mrs. Jennie A., Ill S. Seventh.Herbert.Harriet.Venus, Martin V. B., carpenter, 33 Franklin, N. O.Mrs. Harriet A.Victoria C.Vergason, Charles L., bookkeeper, 128 S. Sixth.Mrs. Beatrice M.B. Vivian.Norma I.Vergason, Estella, 128 S. Sixth.Vergason, George R., carpenter, Main, Bv.Mrs. Dora I.Ora M.Estella M.Very, Charles, 29 Water, N. 0.VERY, EDWARD W., prop'r European Hotel, 319 N. Union.Mrs. Nettie E.James E., bartender.Very, John G., clerk, 502 Higgins.Mrs. Lizzie.Leo.Viellan, Gamille, laborer, 16 Spruce, N. 0.Vincent, Elijah 0., farmer. Wildcat road, S. O.Mrs. Harriett.Michael R., farmer.Vincent, Owen M„ laborer, 316 S. Barry.Mrs. Rose.Shirley.Vaniesky, Micheal, currier, 55 R. R. av., E. 0.Mrs. Anna.Raymond.Julia.William.Charles.Anna.VIRGINIA, WALLACE W., (prop'r Olean House barber shop)(see adv.) 130 N. Union, res. 130 S. Fourth.Virginia, Wyman W., barber, 130 S. Fourth, shop 430 N. Union.Mrs. Abiel A.NEW MANAGEMENT.NEWLY FURNISHED.D A H E Y ' S I A N .Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.RATES, SI.50 PER DAY.oO ^ 13V) m\ ^ oo PT>to*f!3>-

^mm.mX"mmj£•ea rt tfi*d -fl £a acd s•a0 ujU Hr? ^ (d c15=VhS3OT3P-HpCQ•5? cd *"ft+JC ">cd §•H =p4 36*< =I101U t:U o• .£ 0)£

DORCA'S # 3 . 5 0 LADIES SHOES,SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BYUnionF. E. Tyler & C o s , l 5 KOLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.293Wagner, Mrs. Caroline E., widow, 118 S. Sixth.George, painter.Annie.Minnie, milliner.Clara, teacher.Wagner, Charles M„ gas fitter,146 N. Sixth.Mrs. Emma V.Carl F.Harold H.Helen C.Doris E.Wagner, Henry, bricklayer, 1006 W. State.Mrs. Clara.Wagner, Ina T., student, E. River, S. 0.Wagner, Wenzel, 129 S. Third.Mrs. Dorothy.Fred, works at Dotterweich Brewing Co.Dorothy.Edward, worksfcra\ P. R. R.Amelia.Matilda.Robert.Lewis.Wagner, WilliamJ., machinist, 503 N. Eighth.Wahl, Lewis, pool room attendant, Olean House.Wagciechowski, Adam, grocer, 818 N. Union, N. 0.Mrs. Anna.Mary.Frank.Wakefield, James, works P. R. R. shops, 7 Bishop, E. O.Mrs. Iva O.Marion E.Wakelee, John W., driller, 233 S. Barry.Mrs. Jennie.Anna T., telephone operator.Arthur W., clerk.Clyde B., telegraph operator.Minnie G., stenographer.Nettie C, stenographer.Florence L.Waldick, William F., prop'r saloon 1312 W. State, res. 1312 W.State.Mrs. Hannah.Mary.Dora.P. William.Fred.Mabel.Charles.Florence.Henry.Cm©COo 3"•o9C33_mrt-KlCm«*- Oj3G© 33IS)m+Htro rais,B3cd©oX3crj-t CO'mIS)rr*25' oQ- MIS) >X C*!Q_50DD JE. zex.COIS)^O 3 mXa it) pip3^ —tCOXmC-)M+*o•XO(fl(fl 'L-L.mtDUQ*v-00r—Lo(florrmZoX>3RPCOO22/0J1*00GHPOo\. P. C0\i\i\HS^ General Insurance,309 Masonic Temple.

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A T. EATON, Cashier.>Directors.- E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerW±> . _\ 294 MORRIS E. M. fohnson, AND VAN I. CAMPEN'SF. lohnson.c§8ft .» c __T tn Walhauser,Charles,Mrs.laborer.Mary, bottling works, 602 E. State, E. O.•3 ?. S m* S ei M P*^ S George, civil engineer.b*m _J " Emil, ~ machinist.u u c " .J Rosalia.kj} J SWalker,Mrs.AlbertL. Jane,P., clerk, Union, S. O.3 -* ST » Preston M.5« '3 Walker, Andrew, section foreman, (P. R. R.) 602 Wayne.•M OS &eHarlowZWallace, Anna, domestic, 146 N. Union.< Wallace, Miss Mary, waitress Hotel Imperial, 102 S. Union.• H< h- WALLDORFF, MARLEN L., sup't Acme Milling Co., 308 N.m* Clinton.•* COMrs. Ida.0 cFlorence.< JURobert.Margaret.Thalia.*GWaller, David, foreman, (P. R. Rj 209 N. Sixth.B tMrs. Ella.Oj my a 2 X OGeorge. Eleanor Edwin. E._° Z Wallin, Isabelle John E. P., tailor, 404 S. Union.CQ GO aT mT.Q_ Lawrence Mrs. Alice. C.*- i) g Wallin, Anna,Anna, Joel dressmaker.K, miller, 703 Washington.r*j uj tn.Mollie. Mrs. Neal Hilda. H., glass worker.yTT -J B < Frank W., clerk.*2 < g Q Huldah M.k> a? = 55 £ Walsh, Albert James, J. clerk, 1208 Read.U

I.254.N. aNION ST.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood., Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 295Walsh, see Welch.Walters, Elizabeth N., dressmaker, 230 N. Third.Walters, John, laborer, 602 Wayne.Walters, Joseph, glass worker, W. State, W. O.Mrs. Ruby.Harry.Walters, Josephine J., domestic, 135 S. First.Walters, Nellie, domestic, 122 N. Eighth.Walton, Andrew M., currier, 735 E. State, E. 0.Mrs. Mary E.Archie D.Bernice E.Walton, Charles H., buffer, 6 Pond, E. O.Mrs. Delora.Vivian.Walton, David, laborer, 821 E. State, E. 0.Mrs. Mary.ElizabethEdith.Bessie.WANDS, CHARLES R., (Riley & Wands, grocers, 302- 306 N.Union), res. 405 W. Henley.Wands, Miss Edith Margaret, 405 W. Henley.Wangelin, Albert, works for P. R. R., 1107 Irving.Mrs. Henrietta.Ward, Edward, bartender, 202 W. State.Ward, John, works at Vacuum, 43 Spruce, N.O.Mrs. Catherine.James.Clara.John.Kathryn.William.Jessie.Ward, Mrs. Sarah, 9 Spruce, N. O.John, laborer.WARING, JAMES H., attorney, 107 1-2 N. Union, res. 237 N.Third.Mrs. Agnes.WARNER & ADAMS, (George W. Warner, Leon R. Adams)barber shop, 311 1-2 N. Union.Warner, Mrs. Barbara, widow, 315 1-2 N. Union.Warner, Elmer D., mason, 19 Genesee, Bv.Mrs. Ruth E.Elsie.Warner, Mrs. Florence, widow, 210 East av.WARNER, GEO. W., (Warner & Adams) 311 1-2 N. Union, res.148 N. Sixth.Mrs. Myrtie L.Robert R.Warner, William, machinist, 211 S. Union.Warren, Chas., galvanizer, (P. R. R.) 201 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Hila U.Eunice U.TheThe PressMorningOnly Membership. NewspaperTimes.in Olean Having Associatedo3c->eoox COmi- r3rno-» frtn frrtmsr 2orta•tS 3 2M« H« 0tn btn £ 0ns 3£ w2"css0ssfr1nrt

Good Swell Furnishings for^p-m , Men. Trunks andUothes. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.296 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SWarren, Jerome, laborer, 433 N. Ninth.0,Mrs. Mary.10 1 Charles.^JRaymond.OMerle.|r——1 C Warren, Joseph S., painter and paperhanger, 156 Crown, E. O.|_^; rjj Mrs. Frances.' ' IA *2 David.C/j 00 ;j» GMerle.Washer, George H., 525 N. Ninth.Washer, Mrs. Geo. Emretia. W., machinist, (P. R. R.) 317 N. Ninth.J5Ella. Mrs. Addie.Dl, fj Washington, John, laborer, (P. R. R.) 61 Bishop, E. O.jjMrs. Anna.

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. ^I" $ OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 297Weagraff, Fred C, carpenter, 1306 1-2 W. State.Mrs. Elizabeth.Mildred.George.Weaver. Thomas M., brakeman, (P. R. R.) 1 R. R. av., E. O.Mrs. Jennie J.Webb, Charles W., lumber inspector, (P. R. R.) 141 N. Ninth.Mrs. Carrie M.Webb, Herbert, night clerk, Olean House.WEBBER, FRANK B., tinsmith, 123 N. Sixth.Mrs. Mary A.Lawrence.Norbert.Webber, Fred J., gas fitter,916 Washington.Mrs. Florence.Vincent J.Walter J.Webber, George, printer, 324 Coleman.Mrs. Marguerite.Walter.Webber, John A., farmer, 125 N. Twelfth.Mrs. Elizabeth.WEBBER, WILLIAM, tinsmith, 70T W. State, res. 118 N. Sixth.Mrs. Catherine.Mary, bookkeeper.Lottie, clerk.Loretta, dressmaker.George.Weber, Henry H., dealer in shoes, 135 N. Union, res. 133 1-2 N.Union.Webster, Cora E., 126 N. Barry.Webster, Otis A„ butcher, 208 N. Fourth.Mrs. Nellie M.Theodore O.Weed. Harry, baker, 306 1-2 W. State.Weeks, J. Grant, machinist, 312 Tompkins.Mrs. Jennie.Nina.WEIDMAN, FREDERICK O, rector German Lutheran church,415 Laurens.Mrs. Caroline.Fred W.Amanda M.Henry A.Amelia M.Martha L.Walter L.Agnes K.Carrie A.Florence E.WEIDMAN, JOHN, harness shop, 317 W. State, res. 317 1-2 W.State.Weipper, Mrs. Rose E., dressmaker, 15 Riley & Wands block.Dorothy." OLEAN Clothiers, WM. HOUSE HORNER Furnishers, BLOCK. & CO., Merchant Tailors.o^ rn•3X0to3tncilQHH-^-4Du(01« «•X0J'JCL

w,4~&•*ML.WW*Ez•>-7^First .National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.I. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres-A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—K G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler29S MORRIS E. M. Johnson, AND VAN J. F. CAMPEN'S Johnson.Weinhauer, Mrs. Carrie A., prop'r boarding house, 206 N. Barry.Barry.Ruth.Weir, Charles E., traveling salesman, room 23 Riley & wandsblock.Weiss, Maxmillian, boiler inspector, 97 River, N. 0.Mrs. Ella.Howard W.Leo T.Earnest M.J. Harold.Weis, Paul, farmer, Oregon road, N. 0.Mrs. Rosina.Fra-k J., farmer.Paul O, farmer.William N., farmer.Margaret.Christine.Weiser, Mrs. Tessie, 309 S. Eighth.Ennie I.Joseph F.Hermann A.Emma.Clara B.Weith, Henry, tailor, 213 S. Third.Mrs. Celia C.Lilian C.Susie.Fred, clerk.Henry, clerk.Florence E.Alice C.Morris W.Weitmer, Peter, contractor, 1012 W. Henley.Mrs. Fanny.Rosie.Ella.Celia.Welch, Harry, barber, 127 S. Second.Welch, John P., farmer, back road to Hinsdale, N. 0.Mrs. Katherine.Welch, Patrick E. .sexton at St. John's church, 26 Water, N. O.Mrs. Anna.Kathryn, telephone operator,Minnie.Anna.William.George.Rose.Gertrude.Leo.Welch, Peter, conductor, (P. R. R.) 206 N. Sixth.Mrs. Nellie.Clara.OLEAN Paints, WINDOWS, SUPPLY Glass, SIDIMG, CO., Roofing, MOULDING Doors, AND SHINGLES.

The A. Weston LumberCo,,Hanufacturers & Dealers f TTMRE1} Latn and Shingles, Doors,mankinds ofLUlTlDEJJA, windows, Turned Work.Long Distance Phone 6-W P. O , WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 299Welch, Patrick, oil producer, 445 N. Union.Mrs Celia.Welch, see Walsh.Weld, Moses E., pipe line employee, 262 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Elizabeth A.Emily C.Charles A.Irving J.Regina.Weldon, Bert, machinist's helper, 314 N. Thiteenth."" Mrs. Gertrude.Vera.Pearl.—Welden, Chas. S., flagman, (P. R. R.) 59 River, N. O.Mrs. Emma._..Weldon, Frank, glassblower, 129 S. Fourth.Mrs. Ada.Catherine E.Welden, Harry, student, 61 River, N. O.Welden, Mrs. S., dressmaker, 61 River, N. O.Weley, George D., flagman, (P. R. R.) 18 Third av., Bv.Mrs. Hannah.Weley, see Wiley.Weldy, William, brakeman, (P. R. R.) 13 Fifth av., Bv.Mrs. Rose.Hazel.Weling, Andrew, galvanizer, (P. R. R.) 606 E. State, E. O.Mrs. Susie.Weller, E. F., carpenter, 75 River.Mrs. Sadie.Elwood.WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express, F. W. Davis, agt., 172 N.Union.Wells, George, glassblower, 121 N. Seventh.Mrs. Alma.Wenceslow, John B., currier, 117 N. Eighth.Mrs. Louise.Dotta Pearl.Wendil, Paul, 218 W. State.Wenke. Paul, laborer, 1017 Irving.Mrs. Louise.Charles.Alfred.Edward.Lena.Peter.NEW MANAGEMENT.Leo.NEWLY FURNISHEDClara. D A I L E Y ' S I N N ,William.Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.Otto.JOHH F. DAILEY, Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Onion Mreet.Rudolph.RATES, S1.50 PER DAY.IHV) ' -•O [^ (Tsa r~' t-3 W« 7*i ener2 Git3X. >c zx~ Wm< ex.IS)CD^* 1ex. rn_. 70pi x > O3 rp-p- tostic 1INT1N= O=3 Q.5 °ro x^©n-c70mFrlc/>Moobs»Htrot)1H»srv1V

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BEST CLOTHIERS.Always Sometinhg- New. 160 N. Union Street.300 MORRIS h AND VAN CAMPEN'SUWenke, T3 Emanuel, cooper, 1113 Irving.CMrs. Bertha.p-t-l 3Ida.3 rt Mrs. Bessie.1- —** S>•Jessie A.o o Wheeler, Mrs. Betsy E., W. River road, S. O.Edward Troy, Waning Mill,•* ' 220 S. Barry.SHINGLES, LUMBER,LATH, SIDING, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND MOULDINGS.

Ladies' and Children'sFootwear. The best asortmentin the City — -158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 301Wheeler, Calvin A.,Mrs. Latta.Clara.Lotta.Wheeler, Charles C,Wheeler, Charles W.,Mrs. Mabel.Mary.Wheeler, Mrs. D., nurse, 56 Bishop, E. O.Wheeler, Fank, brakeman, 318 N. Fifth.Mrs. Edna Romaine.Francis L.Wheeler, George, butcher, 607 W. Henley.traveling salesman, 107 S. Thirteenth.farmer, W. River road, S. O.brakeman, (P. R. R.) 228 N. Fifth.Wheeler, Geo. V., switchman, (P. R. R.) 221 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Mellie.Grace Beatrice.WHEELER & GOODWIN, (Irving T. Wheeler, Will L. Goodwin)suit cleaning and pressing, 143 1-2 N. Union.'Wheeler, Gus K., 430 S. Union.Mrs. Georgia S.Gus K, Jr.Wheeler, Hiram O., teamster, 82 Bishop, E. O.Mrs. Cora.Cecil H.Frederick F.Lawrence.Thelma.Wheeler, Leroy, currier, 107 S. Thirteenth.Wheeler, Stuart M.. boilermaker, 210 N. Fifteenth.Mrs. Elizabeth A.Irvine T., (Wheeler & Goodwin.)Leon R.Clyde A.Clifford P.Edith A.Vincent Donald.Whelan, Mrs. Matilda, 812 Washington.Ethel.Zula.Whelan, Michael J., pipe line walker, 311 N. Fifth.Mrs. Catherine.Robert E.Florence J.Whelan, Richard, machinist, 535 N. Fifth.Whelpley, Frederick, tanner, 25 Pierce av., W. O.Mrs. Carrie S.Whelpley, I. P. Henry, C O Lboilermaker, L I N S (P. , R. R.) 25 Pierce av., W. O.Wheton, Samuel, carpenter and joiner, 321 S. Barry.WHIPPLE, 309 ITasonic HERBERT Temple. C, photographer, 236 1-2 N. Union, res.210 N. Fourth.Life,Mrs.FireCarrieandE.Accident1> tMelviiTe C.H. Ford.Whipple, Mrs. Mary Lovina, widow, 601 W. Sullivan.0toZCX0XinCDCDOr->7Z7

Is5 ass5g«,„-*> a aIV o~3ITURtore,D GOomeS5"5©"ES-^-ou.O uOSu u uif 0H 2

\J •THE CELEBRATEDKING'S WINDSOR WALL PLASTERAsphalt Roofing and Shingles.Building and Paving Brick.) 254 N. UNION STREET.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 303WHITMAN, GEORGE E., mgr. Scranton School, office Exch.Bank bldg., res. 211 S. Barry.Mrs. Henrietta.George E., Jr.Dorothy.Whitmarsh, Stephen, currier, 603 E. State, E. O.Whitney, L. L., blacksmith, 507 W. State.Whitney, LamBeYf S., farmer, River St., S. O.Whitney, Russel M., sup t hub factory, Galeton, Pa., H6 Laurens.Mrs. Lydia St. John.Edward.Pearl.Whitney, S. J., peddler, 507 W. State.Whittaker, Clark F., blacksmith, 203 W. Green.Mrs. STartha E.H. Theresa.Harry C.Whittaker, Daniel O., laborer, 20 Alder, E. O.Mrs. Nellie M.Whittaker, Erastus, laborer. East River road, S. O.Whittaker, Geo., tanner, E. State, E. O.Mrs.- Candace.Coy.Howard.Floyd.Archie.Whittam, Frank R., carpenter, 58 Bishop, E. O.Mrs. Anna J.Whitton, Mrs. Clara E., widow, 9 Osgood av., E. O.James M.Gus.William.WHITTON, THOMAS, pres. Dotterweich Brewing Co., 505 W.Henley.Mrs. Eva B.Maud F.Oscar J.Thomas L.Gertrude M.Ethel A.Wholeben, John, painter, 114' S. Tenth.Mrs. Louise.Frederick.Rosella.Wholeben, Mrs. Sophia, 911 W. State.William.Charles.Whyman, Frank, glassblower, 806 Buffalo.Mrs. Frank.Associated Press Membership.Frank.Edward.Mary T.The Morning Only Newspaper Times. in Olean HavingoaPIX• ag3O£3if)oCO- ro 3 m-»tnftmort 23wtnaP>1srtnO-izrCO r-piCD mm-IS)"> Xex.r^_3-coDOCDif)

omUJOxmoaO>-UJmZUUOT3Xn%—COeiBm-x COZ

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.Brewers ard Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER, Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all Kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. Whl'ttOn, Pres. & Treas. ^I" jf° OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 305Wilcox, Fred, laborer, 4 Second av., Bv.Mrs. Ida.Mabel.Irene.* rnWilcox, I. O, furniture repairer, rear of 920 W. State. o HMrs. Minerva R.-i WWilcox, Joseph, laborer, (P. R. R.) 12 Main, Bv. H mmMrs. Jennie.° ^, A ^Guy.* rEarl.Clarence. »,IdWilcox, Melvin, farmer, 22 Genesee, Bv.J fUQMrs. Sally.* '-'«B OWilcox, Thomas F., carriage trimmer, 306 Tompkins.Mrs. Flora A.T. Paul.^73Wilde, John, foreman, 21 King, E. O.Nellie M.Ella J.Emil C.Wilder, Daniel, painter, 328 N. Eighth.Mrs. Ida.Alfred, laborer. ^4«Wilder, Henry, laborer, rear Racket Store, N. Union. h-4Mrs. Grace.h-iWilder, William, works at Parker's, River road, S. O.*•Wiles, Edward, butcher, 117 Irving. 0 —Mrs. Indie. o CClyde A. § aOlive M. y> fr 3Katie E. gS^ 3" C*Willie J. S3 B nWiles, John, boilermaker, 1503 W. Henley. e»a (q »Mrs. Anna." § JtT r~"Wiles, Thomas, tanner, 1402 W. Henley.5 $ ft}Mrs. Kathryn.^. " rfCharles E. a 3*Theresa. B "Harold. 1 -. iKathryn.gr""—~~*Marie.WILKINSON, WILLIAM S., (W. S. Wilkinson & Co.) 302 N. n C •—-—»Wiley, see Weley.Clinton.(0 L-_____f —Wilkins, Fred, painter and decorator, 304 S. Union.J^__^__^Mrs. Martha G.Mrs. Mina A.5 _^_^__2Wilkinson, Roy, paper hanger and painter, 708 W. State.Kittie M. H *—/Mrs. Rose.Clarence R.I * *^""^?WM. Wilkins, HORNER Herbert, & teamster, CO., 12 Grossman av., E. 0. 3J "~Mrs. Emma. 5Wilkinson, Charles, OLEAN brakeman HOUSE (P. R. BLOCK. R.) 202 Coleman.zClothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.18

cIS)IA OS eiKW OsH3 «. ^^4>at < ** *^J ti_tn»l>as p-i ,., « 0a "*" t/5«0 ou 0 w 0 s£S IS) Hp- os 00 (H.,wp4&AMwSELLOM FNSUM>^2z-LlC-1First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pies.WM. E WHEELER, Vice-Pros.A T. EATON, CashierDirectors—E. G. Dusenbury, J E. Dusenbury, Wm. E Wheeler,306 MORRIS E M. Johnson, AND VAN J CAMPEN'S F Johnson.Wilkinson, Millard, 3 Bishop, E. O.WILKINSON. W. S. & CO., (W. S. Wilkinson, F. P. Shaner,)hardware and crockery, 129 N. Union.WILLARD, CHARLES, prop, music house, 229 N. Union, rei229 1-2 N.' Union.Mrs. Lucy H.Everett W.Willard, Fred C, clerk, 233 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Stella.Williams, A. A., oil worker, 305 N. Barry.Mrs. Betsy A.WILLIAMS, ALLAN B., secretary to F. W. Higgins, mgr. Mt.View cemetery, office Masonic Temple, 130 S. Barry.Mrs. lone G.Thelma.Barton F.WILLIAMS, ALLAN I., cashier Exch. Nat. Bk., 703 W. SullivanMrs. Emma B.Williams, Bert, works at D. L. Parker's, back road to Hinsdale,N. 0.Williams, Charles, works at Hazen Chamberlain's Pleasant Valley.Williams, Mrs. Emma J., 925 1-2 Buffalo.Williams, Frank, tanner, 138 N. First.Williams, George H., fireman,105 1-2 N. First.Mrs. Maud L.Williams, Miss Grace, works at Townsend's, backHinsdale, N. O.Williams, Henry, laborer, 14 Garden av., E. O.Mrs. Henrietta.Frances.Williams, Jacob, laborer, 202 Whitney av.Mrs. Mary.Matilda.Williams, John, tanner, 513 N. Fourth.Mrs. Julia.Williams, John, traveling man, 1001 Irving.Mrs. Jane.Fred.Charles.Glenn.Irene.Williams, John M., machinist, 137 N. Barry.Mrs. Rebecca E., nurse.Clinton R., photographer.Floyd J., druggist.Williams, John R., works for P. R. R., 606 N. First.Mrs. Daisy E.C. Douglas.Jeanette M.William J.Williams, Miss Katherine, clerk, 305 Laurel av.Williams, Lena A., domestic, 411 E. State.Williams, Mary, domestic, 438 S. Fourth.Olean Portland SEWER Supply TILE, and LIME Co.,413sCommon AND Cement, PHOSPHATES.road to

The A. Weston Lumber Co.7Manufacturers & Dealers T I IMDCD Lath and Shingles, Doors,nail Kinds of JLUluDEK., Windows, Turned Work.Long DfctanwPhone 6-W, p Q WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 307Williams, Joseph, laborer (P. R. R.) 145 N. Thirteenth.Mrs. Sophia.John W., laborer (P. R. R.)Joe J., baker.Lena A.Dora.Anna M.Alice.Charles E.Leon Lewis.Williams, Maurice D., baggagemaster (E. R. K.) 18 Oak, N. O.Mrs. Mildred A.C. Imogene.Williams, Owen J., mail clerk, 925 1-2 Buffalo.Mrs. Helen Kate.Williams, Peter, laborer, 412 S. Third.Frank, Peter, laborer.Williams, Simeon A., fireman,20 Main, Bv.Mrs. Catharine.Milo J.Homer C.Williams, Thomas, bartender, 168 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Nellie.Clara.Herbert.Wffliams, William, fireman (P. R. R.) 509 N. Ninth.Mrs. Margaret.Edward.Marie Helen.Williams, William, marble cutter, Genesee House, R. R. av.Williams, William H., engineer, 1015 Buffalo.Mrs. Minnie B.Bernice M.H. Burdette.Williamson, George H., painter, 215 N. Twelfth.Mrs. Mary E.Lance N.Helen L.Harriet A.Mary Evelyn.J. Stanton.Gladys.Williamson, James G., driver, 109 S. Fourth.Mrs. Mary E.Emma J.Anna M.NEW MANAGEMENT.NEWLY FURNISHED.Theresa E.Elizabeth D A LI.E Y ' S I N N .Marie E. Opposite Pennsylvania Depot.JOHN F. Harry DAILEY, G. Proprietor. 402, 404 N. Union Street.Williard, Frank H., RATES, beyond $1.50 limits PER W. State, DAY. W. O.Mrs. Mary.Ada.Willis, E. A., works for P. R. R., 413 N. Seventh.\> ©o H•8 •a "13° M r%M* 70W 2 •V_4 r> mw 2" oo aXoyc « 8w -to7C0© »_Jm "V*© 9ot>2• o

mXmm£•—'73.mm f*-*.5?o£mmS3o >-,o•a>o-E3C/0P-H«->4=2P-HOSQ

DORCA'S $ 3 . 5 0 LADIES SHOES,SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BYUnionF. E. Tyler & Co's, ,sJ£Street.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.309WILSON, L. C, oil producer, 120 S. Union.Mrs. Thalia.Wilson, Mrs. Mabel, boarding house. 111 Railroad av.Wilson. Mrs. Mary, 323 N. Fourth.Wilson, Matthew, fireman (P. R. R.) 68 Oak, N. O.Mrs. Kathryn.George.John.Matthew Jr.Kathryn.Wilson, Owen, 610 E. State, E. O.Wilson, R. H., glassblower, 118 Hamilton.Wilson, Ruth Tefft, 120 S. Union.Wilson, Volney J., engineer, 8 Orchard av., E. O.Mrs. Alice.Leroy.Catherine.Winch, Burt, glassblower, 336 N. Tenth.Winch, John, works at tannery, Queen, E. O.Mrs. Annie.Winch, Joseph, tanner, 818 N. Union, N. O.Mrs. Agnes.Helen.Walter.WINCHELL, NATE E., contractor and drayman, 501 Irving.Mrs. Florence E.Wind, Anna, chambermaid Olean House.Wind, Charles H., butcher, 507 W. State.Wind, John, car repairer (P. R. R.) 124 S. Se\ enth.Mrs. Clara E.John.Melville.Harold.Wind, Mrs. Ernestine, prop. Eagle Hotel, boarding house, 507W. State.Wind, William, works for P. R. R., 36 Homer, N. O.Mrs. Anna.Wind, William, tanner, 5 Avenue A., N. O.Mrs. Anna.John, carpenter.Annie.Joseph.Mary.Katie.Wing, Milford, stonemason (P. R. R.) 31 Main, Bv.Mrs. May.Pauline.\. WINSOR, P. WOODLEY C0\i\i\HS. C, photographer, General 150 N. Insurance,Union, res 124N. First.Mrs. Harriet C.Winters, Mrs. Margaret 309 Masonic Z., 204 W. Sullivan. Temple.CXa-CDo oo3orri—iS 2Oa.XIS)pi>tX CDXoX ex.Z= ex."0 CO9 "toO IS)a2(fl i-U• Pia.piCmeu3X£33CO(fl(flrf £-3• o273frCOcrroo

First National Bank of olean.Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000.J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres WM E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.V mA T. EATON, Cashier.Directors.- E. G. Dusenbury, J. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. [ohnson, T. F. Tohnson.e vii«^B __T tn 310 Winton, MORRIS David AND J., VAN music CAMPEN'S teacher, 332 Laurel av.J5J ^ „ Mrs. Elizabeth G.ii a § H 2 Grace E.ecu " u fe 5,4.-4 T tt "> Mariam. Cortlandt D.-• * 8 Wisner, Fred, wagon maker, 114 Irving.?{j &Mrs. Thea.(to i Walter H.^ M Wisnenski, Joseph, works at tannery, 818 1-2 N. Union, N. O.-_-———_ Mrs. Aggie.1/3 t--y 42' Helen.|_L, x Witz, Xaver, (Dotterweich's) 129 S. Fifth.• £5 Mrs. Hattie.^T rj Louis A.Louisa H._ • Mary E.U3 J2 < | Q Mrs. Helen Emma. M.mj^j (—I _/ £ ~ Z Woertz, Wolfe, Samuel William, H., glasspacker, engineer (P. 202 R. Coleman. R.) 323 Coleman.= g Mrs. Ida M.*' ' I . O ^ Wolfe, Wolf, William Edward, P., farmer, currier, Main, 25 Prince, Bv. E. O.•+-* OJ § g Wolf, Mrs. Joseph, Rhoda. laborer, 109 N. Eleventh.H(^ jj „— O Viola Mrs. Anna. L.f^\ tt) ® 0 S Charles Harry H. J.| 1 I © . „ If Your Bertha. Life's Worth Living Its WorthZ t3 9 Paul.Insuring.5 _ 5 Henry.. n m s >. Fitch R°se- & Ramsey, City Building.-I _

cNion st.Lehigh Valley Coal.Hemlock and Hard Wood.Sewer Pipe Building Blocks.All Fire Clav Goods.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.Wolfe, Jesse C, clerk, 119 S. Second.v\Tolfgang, Orlando, currier, 95 Railroad av., E. O.Mrs. Margaret.Frank, works for P. R. R.Daniel, works for P. R. R.Wolfrum, J. M., machinist, (P. R. R.) Grand Central, NWood, A. Monroe, machinist, 307 1-2 N. Union.Mrs. Mary A.Gladys L.Wood, Albert B., machinist, 322 Tompkins.Mrs. Mary E.Wood, Charles H., carriage maker, 54 Bishop, EMrs. Nora.Mary.WOOD, ELIAS V., prop. Kolumbian Pharmacy,res 131 S. Union.Mrs. Helen M.Wood, Fred M., foreman (P. R. R.) 316 N. FifthMrs. Fronies M.Basil F.Wood, Fred R., electrician, 40 Front, Bv.Mrs. Jessmore M.Wood, Inez, student, 113 Fulton.Wood, Nettie, dressmaker, 113 Fulton.Wood, Owen, currier, 705 Washington.O.133 N.Wood, Reuben E., engineer at Vacuum, 114 S. Eighth.Mrs. Mary T.lone.George.Wood, William F., carriage painter, 402 Wayne.Mrs. Myrtle.Laura.WOODARD, CLINTON P., undertaker, 232 N.Laurens.Mrs. Ruby E.Woodard, Fred J., milk depot, 1306 W. State.Woodard, Orlo, electrician, 402 N. Union.Woodard, William C, laborer, 506 Higgins.Mrs. Dinnie.Pearl.Andrew M.Glenn.WOODRUFF, ALLAN O, contractor and builder,Mrs. Jennie H.Gertrude L.William C.Robert Henry.Anna C.Woodruff, George, 34 Genesee, Bv.Mrs. Dora.Hazel.Woodruff, Mrs. Lucinda, 213 W. Green.Amy.Wilson.311. Union.Union,Union, res 418148 N. Seventhoao•-xmi 9trV)t"CDCD 7*IS)CDco»©3>

Good Swell Furnishings for/"•i it- Men. Trunks andUotfies. Bags. Fine Shoes.266 N. Union St. Look for the Water Barrel.[R312 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'Swm^J 1 Woodruff, Jason M., traveling salesman, 130 N. Eleventh.(JL) \ Mrs. Stella A.Jessie Marguerite.U ^ J Winford.ORaymond.(r-^H C Woods, Albert, laborer, rear 511 W. State.^^ *ti Mrs. Lottie.-mm ||J WOODS, HENRY C, clergyman, (presiding elder Methodistl/J Jq Episcopal church,) 126 N. Barry.r/\ r* Mrs. Mary M.*~ * h-H Mary Louise.< -a Woods, John J., traveling salesman, 220 S. Eleventh.Mrs. Mary B.^ £J Anna M.W H &> Mary T.£ Woods, John W., janitor at Erie station, 214 W. State.w 0*mi Mrs. Jennie.Elmyra.Elizabeth.Woods, Thomas, fireman,612 N. Union.Woods, William T., flagman (P. R. R.) 509 N. Fourth.Mrs. Josephine._ mm m Arthur.\Sj Edwin.Worden, Charles H., carpenter, 152 N. Seventh.—————— V rtMrs. Lulu S.Raymond.*£myss^0

D O T T E R W E I C H Brewing Co.flrewers and Bottlers of EXTRA FINE LAGER BEER Brewed fromthe Finest Malt and Hops. Ale, Porter and all kinds of Soft Drinks.ThOS. WhittOn, Pres. & Treas. {ft'on1* '* OLEAN. N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 313Wright, George, laborer, 212 W. Green.Mrs. Lizzie.Wright, James, laborer, 331 N. Seventh.Mrs. Anna.Edward.Wright, Mrs. Kate, widow, 334 S. Barry.WRIGHT MANUFACTURING CO., (W. R. Wright, mgr..) mfrs.of cabinet specialties, (see adv.) 113-117 S. Fourth.WRIGHT, MILLARD, (White & Wright, props. American Pal­E. State, E.O,ace Laundry,) 314 N. Fourth.Mrs. Alice.WRIGHT, ROLAND R., prop, grocery store, 64dbds 633 E. State, E. O., res 662 do.Wright, Mrs. Sarah, works at D. L. Parker's,back road toHinsdale, N. 0.Wright, W. A., hay dealer, 417 W. Green.Mrs. Orsavilla I.Bertha O.WRIGHT, WILLIAM R., mgr. Wright Mfg. Co.,S. Fourth.Mrs. Mira E.Harold A.Wunt, Joseph, lives at Cook's, back road to Hinsdale, N. O.Wunt, Mary, lives at Cook's, back road to Hinsdale, N. 0.Wyatt, Benjamin, 32 Garden av., E. 0.Wyatt, Clara May, 32 Garden av., E. 0.Wyatt, Elmer E., carpenter, 50 Crown, E. O.Mrs. Mary.Edna.Ellsworth.Earl.Beulah.Wyatt, G. L., freight handler, 116 Irving.Mrs. Maud L.Wyatt, Warren, laborer, 107 Irving.Mrs. Emma J.(see adv.) 113shoe store, 455-57 N. Union, res 457 1-2 do.Wyldrick, Lewis, factory laborer inspector, (P. R. R.) 111 Haskell Laurens. road, E. O.Mrs. Mary K.Yahn, Mrs. Pauline, seamstress, 110 N. Ninth.Rose P.Elizabeth T.Arthur.Anna.Yanella, Felix,Yard, David S.,Mrs. Hannah.Laura.W M . H O R N E R & C O . ,Yates, Oney, drayman, 24 Center, Bv.Mrs. Helen. OLEAN HOUSE BLOCK.Edgar A., machinist (P. R. R.)Clothiers, Furnishers, Merchant Tailors.Yaw, William Harry, machinist, 212 N. Eleventh.Mrs. Bessie M.Guy H.Yaw, John, machinist, 337 N. Sixth.cw8 h*!tfto

First National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000.I. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres'A. T. EATON, Cashier.Directors—K G. Dusenbury, ]. E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. Wheeler314 MORRIS E. M. Johnson, AND VAN J. F. CAMPEN'SJohnson.Yaw, Frank E., glassblower, 402 S. Union.Mrs. Maud N.Bradley T.Myrtie F.Harry D.Yaw, Jesse W., laborer, 402 S. Union.Mrs. Maria L.Yaw, Mahlon H.. tinsmith. 111 N. Second.1 Mrs. Cora.fi- aHelen.Maria.&'i?

The A. Weston Lumber Co.,JTanufacturers & Dealers | TTMPlCP Latn and Shingles, Doors,inallkinds of.JLU WIDER, windows, Turned Work.Lang Distance Phone 6-VV P. O . WESTON'S MILLS, N. Y.Olean, N. V.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 315Youngs, William, moulder, 219 N. Eleventh.Mrs. Emma.David M.Allie E.Grace Marie.Florence Rose.Yusko, see Jusko.Zalesky, Joe, works at tannery, 52 Queen, E. O.Mrs. Nettie.Edward.Sophia.Zedan, Charley, peddler, 431 1-2 N. Union.Zeile, Frederick L., tailor, 147 N. Ninth.Mrs. Katharina.William, brakeman (P. R. R.)ZELIGSOHN, ABRAM, Jewish minister, 108 Fulton.Mrs. Denne.Jessie.Sol.Anna.Vita.Zerher, J. C, lather, 129 N. Eleventh.Mrs. Susan A.L. Roy.Ralph.Tacy May.Stella F.Hattie D.Louis S.Zhan, Battros, 437 N. Union.Ziegler, Frank, works P. R. R. shop, 1102 Washington.Mrs. Anna.Benedict.Charles.George.John.Anna.Zimber, John, W. State, W. O.Mrs. Barbara.John.ZIMMERMAN BROS., (Philip Zimmerman, Henry J. Zimmerman,)groceries, boots and shoes, 802 W. State.ZIMMERMAN, HENRY J., (Zimmerman Bros.) 802 W. State,res 802 do.Mrs. Ella.Earl H.Zimmerman, John, 810 W. State.Zimmerman, Miss Lillie, dressmaker, 32 Third av., Bv.ZIMMERMAN, PHILIP, (Zimmerman Bros.) 802 W. State, res810 do.Mrs. Jessie.Mary M.Clarence J.NEW DAILEY'S JOHH MANAGEMENT. Justus Lucy F. DAILEY, R. E. INN, NEWLY Proprietor.Opposite RATES, FURNISHED Pennsylvania $1.50 PER 402, Depot. DAY. 4«4 N. Union street.LLOpposlts Wa 7$f cnp"2 G§1x> >c zxO PTE 5'^ ex.IS)?T^•8 O* 1X ex. rn m*x n5a >x r-^ -TJmm- 70stic 11NT1Ng Oex.x 0ro -3r1 nOi H T3f-mIS) ' m.70r c* ; m3 Offlc/iMOO^CUO»>*Htr0t)1H»srt01;

D a v i s , N e n n o & H a r t z ,OLEAN'S BESTAlways Sometinhg New.CLOTHIERS.160 N. Union Street.316 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SuT3 Zimmerman, Park, painter, 633 E. State, E. O.f_j Zimmerman, Philip, farmer, Pleasant Valley.tt-i JUJ Mrs. Emma."tj mt Zimmerman, W. L., lumberman, 32 Third av., Bv.rj > . Anna.W u Andrew."2 i: Harry.X a ^ ZION CHURCH of the Evangelical Ass'n, (John Pries, pastor,)to li « 152 N. Thirteenth.h S (Tj - Zoghibe, Said, merchant, 431 1-2 N. Union.J2 7S i—( ^ Mrs. Mary."q *o (d Michael.•^ pH CL " George.u r~ M £ Zottman, Mr., works for Foley Bros., 118 Hamilton.jU yjZoungs, James W., freight agent, 24 Third av., Bv.C5 C - Mrs. Margaret.fy (0 Helen.;> »J Charles.^ *H Gertrude.Md o 9s o I.^5r— c/iCQctITT ©c3s *Edward Troy, Waning Mill,•^ ' 220 S. Barry.SHINGLES, LUMBER.LATH, SIDING, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND MOULDINGS.

Ladies' and Children's r T T\/| TH D flFootwear. The best asort- V \ I Y11 It Al liment in the City —-»> I, L. II LLIl U u158 North Union Street, OLEAN, N. Y.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY.317 OoS U P P L E M E N T .Andrews, George E., undertaker, (Blighton & Andrews) 215N. Union.Mrs. Olive.Adeline.Harold.BANFIELD, C. D., (Rhodes & Co., carriages and harness) res.Hinsdale road, beyond limits.Benson, Wm. A., prop'r Benson's dining hall, 244 N. Union.Mrs. Anna.Camp, Cyrus Gustavus, glassworker, 813 W. Sullivan.Carson, Arthur, 105 S. Thirteenth.Mrs. Grace.Ellen.Marlon.Dailey, Dan O, train dispatcher, (P. R. R.) 316 Laurel av.Mrs.William.Maurice.Marion.Green, Porter, bartender at Genesee House, 426 N. First.Bessie.Hannifan, Wm. P., (Hannifan & Maroney) 119 N. Third.Mrs. Katherine E.Aileen M.William.Margery.Marion.Hinton, Mrs. Emma, 133 N. Barry.Keenan, Charles, city clerk, 302 N. Barry.Kershner, George H., currier, 206 N. Second.Mrs. Emma.Lela.Hugh.Kratts, Clarence E., milkman, off back road to Hinsdale, N. O.Mrs.I. P. Infant. C O L L I N S ,Krushinski, Anna, domestic, 403 N. Union.309 Hasonic Temple.Life, Fire and AccidentCZ CO i—i3 C "5" |= "-•m tn A=r to oCD lyl . .Xm J>o> &>zo~ lLTO gX3 •*3 g •t aen m*.§1 8.toSaw or>U) ZZa _3 1-1to CUft-16^8a.s' 83OK?

First National Bank of Olean,Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $100,000J. E. DUSENBURY, Pres. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice Pres.A. T. EATON, Casruer.Directors—E. G. Dusenbury, J.E. Dusenbury, Wm. E. WheelerE. M. Johnson, J. F. Johnson.Sa8a >3 318 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S2 m. ^ei at73 3f> IV ^ — — — — ^ — — — — —uT^o-S j Locke, Phillip D., painter and paper hanger, Main, Bv.S* u®u < Mrs- Myrtie S.£c3 g S Edna A.1—1-m* n 3 ,S^g « •"! Markham, Anna, teacher, 513 W. Sullivan.§o§2u. u o i-i Maxon, James A., cigar maker, 414 W. Henley.*jS5 OLEAN SAFE DEPOSIT CO., Exchange National Bank.S^Sjau 2 Pettit, Henry J., osteopath, 34 Exch. Bank building.^ **

M O R R I S A N D V A N C A M P E N ' S1903STREET DIRECTORY,SHOWING THE BEGINNING, ENDING AND INTER­SECTIONS OFSTREETS.A.DAMS STREET.From 424 E. State, south to B.Green.Left Side.141 Frank Piatt.147 Henry Bush.149 George Bush.E. Henley st. intersects.205 Augustus Snyder.207 John Dobmier.211 C. E. Thomas.217 Byron Smith.221 C. S. Jones.229 George H. Loop.233 Marsh F. Smith.241 Wesley Huff.Right Side.132 George F. Brooks.140 A. H. Goyt.E. Henley st. intersects.AVENUE A., (Boardmanville.)From Main st. east.Left Side.31 Clement Burlingam.31 Abram M. Farwell.Right Side.62 Frank Nancarrol.BRICKELL AVENUE.From 21 Wayne, north to Coleman.Left Side.509 Frank Chapman.509 Floyd E. Chapman.Right Side.506 Chas. R. Cornwall.508 John Simon.510 Vacant.BUFFALO STREET.From 802 Washington, north tolimits.Left Side.807 William DuValt.813 J. J. Kane.817 Mrs. Mildred Schneil.821 John Roach.821 Michael Roach.825 Milton G. Butler.N. Eighth not open.901 Mrs. Amelia Barnard.903 Arthur A. Johnson.907 Henry J. Bonhon.911 John Mcxuachern.W. Sullivan st. intersects.921 Greenleaf Mayo.925-927 F. W. Higgins & Co.925 1-2 Mrs. Lucy Camp.925 1-2 Owen J. Williams.931 Acta M. Lamper.931 1-2 Walter Milliken.933 Peter Lundberg.N. Ninth st. not open.1001 La Verne Sweet.1005 James Keir.-011 George Lampack.1015 William H. Williams.1017 J. Wesley Smith.1017 Joseph A. Huson.

320 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SN. Tenth st. intersects.1105 John A. Rishell.±115 Joseph W. Lynd.1117 Leonara Lay.N. Eleventh st. intersects.1205 Henry Judge.1303 Vacant.N. Twelfth not open.1309 John Moyer.1315 James J. Garvey.1319 Thomas Burke.N. Thirteenth st. intersects.1401 Maple Snade House.1409 Olean Glass Co.1431 Henry L. Paulman.1437 a. Harrison.Right Side.806 Frank Whyman.810 Martin McGrath.814 Henry C. Sehamel.818 Mrs. Elizabetn Savage.822 George Eighth M. st. Foster. intersects.930 William H. Bowen.932 William N. Bennett.934 rcobert Beckman.N. Ninth st. intersects.1008 Peter Hanson.1022 Vacant.N. Tenth st. intersects.1112 Mrs. Mary Jennings.1120 John E. Larson.N. Eleventh st. intersects.1226 John F. Fenton.N. Twelft- not open.No houses.N. Thirteenth st. intersects.CENTER STREET, (Boardmanville.)From 10 Main, east to Fourth av.Left Side.3 Simeon Blouin.5 George Conway.7 James Houseman.First av. intersects.Henry M. Kelley.Fred Hall.Second av. intersects.Horace E. Kyser.Adam Derx.Mrs. M. B. Sherwood.Third av. intersects.Charles B. Struchen.Right Side.2 Henry K. Brooks.1719232529398 George O. Buckley.First av. intersects.14 Martin B. Duncan.16 Leonel L. Redstone.18 Alexanuer L. Goodrich.Second av. intersects.22 O. P. Boardman Hook & LadderCo., No. 1.26 George Coon.28 Thomas Finn.COLEMAN STREET.From 539 N. union, west to N.Fourth.Left Side.105 Charles E. Henderson.107 Peter Phillips.109 Fred Guenther.113 George W. Hotchkiss.117 John P. Kiley.N. First st. intersects.211 Olean Hospital Annex.Brickell av. intersects.301 Emerson A. Pratt.301 Ed. Rent.3.05 Fred B. Metcalf.305 Mrs. Amelia Metcalf.309 Mrs. Hastings.313 Owen Howe.315 John Andrews.319 Mrs. Katherine Brown.321 Patrick J. Nash.323 Samuel H. Wolfe.327 William H. Eckman.VanCampen av. intersects.No houses.N. Fourth st. intersects.Right Side.106 Mrs. I ranees Alger.108 Vacant.108 Joseph N. Karl.112 John Arnold.114 Orlando S. McClure.118 William E. Reynolds.N. First st. intersects.202 Mrs. Mary Ryan.204 Joseph Monies.206 Tracy T. Buck.210 Lee Smith.214 Walter C. Foss.Brickell av. not open.302 Louis Becker.304 John H. Andrews.306 Vacant.310 Samuel C. Hamilton.312 George J. Haller.316 Antone M. Haller.

OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 321324 Timothy Burke.324 George Weber.328 John Conners.330 James Maroney.332 John -J. Sheahan.334 Alpheus McFarland.336-338 B. U. Taylor's warehouses.N. Fourth st. intersects.EAST AVENUE.From E. State, at Olean Creek,north to ulean Creek.Right Side.112 George R. Brink.116 John Reynolds.118 Per 0. Peterson.Laurel av. intersects.202 Mrs. Almeda S. McCarthy.204 Florance Ganoung.206 Vacant.210 Fred Baker.Tompkins st. intersects.302 Eugene Crandall.312 Charles G. Willis.Railroad av. intersects.350 Mrs. Frances Johnson.356 T. Rose.EAST GREEN STREET.From 323 S. Union, east to Adams.Left Side.Ill Blanchard Hamilton.115 Marvin Hamilton.117 Archibald W. Bowser.117 Furman T. Bowser.S. Barry st. intersects.No houses.S. Clinton st. intersects.Right Side.102 Herman Smith.110 Frank S. Shaffer.112 Mrs. Mary A. Rogers.118 Joseph A. Yoerk.120 George W. Warner.S. Barry st. intersects.No houses.S. Clinton st. intersects.EAST HENLEY STREET.From 145 S. Union, east to Adams.Left • Side.109 Eugene S. Smith.113 G. C. Ford.115 Geo. P. Smith.119 Vacant.121 Edward J. Dorsey.S. Barry st. intersects.207 Charles C. FranK.213 Samuel E. Passmore.S. Clinton st. intersects.305 Lawrence McDonald.311 Chauncey Clark, Jr.Fulton st. intersects.No houses.Adams st. intersects.Right Side.102 Dr. M. C. Follett.112 Onslow M. Merritt.116 Wilmer W. Plumley.118 Mrs. Mary A. Stevens.122 Mrs. Diantha Reed.122 Harry Blighton.128 Mrs. Seraph Chamberlain.128 W. H. Ramsey.S. Barry st. intersects.206 George S. Benedict.210 Lewis B. May.214 Frank Boyle.214 Harry Meyer.S. Clinton st. intersects.302 William F. Showalter.302 Henry Showalter.312 Walter E. Ryer.312 Thomas Farrel.Fulton st. intersects.No houses.Adams st. intersects.EAST STATE STREET.From N. and S. Union, east throughE. Olean.Left Side.101-103-105 City Building.123 Public School No. 3.N. Barry st. intersects.201 Congregational church.205 Mrs. Irene H. Burlingham.209 Henry C. Crawford.213 Gilbert D. Miles.N. Clinton st. intersects.301-3 Dr. Wm. ,E. McDuffie.307 B. J. Wilmouth.311 Thomas B. Love.Fulton st. not open.401 James M. Johnson.407 Mrs. Amanda F. Fobes.411 Mrs. Alice J. James.417 William C. A. Quirin.423 John A. Baxter.niast av. intersects.Right Side.Park.S. Barry st. intersects.210 James M. Forrester.210 Alexander Hutchinson.IO

322 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S214304308312404408410.410416J. B. Smith.S. Clinton st. intersects.Dewit C. Conklin.Henry D. Hagadorn.Showalter & Son.Fulton st. intersects.Mrs. Cordelia C. Barbar.George Fobes.Alborn Crandall.Alfred M. Palmer.Elijah W. Conklin.420-424 New Conklin Wagon Co.Adams st. intersects.502 Olean Mills.EAST SULLIVAN STREET.From 265 N. Union, west to limits.Left Side.107-109 Gillingham & Son.121-131 P. R. R. Station.Right Side.102-106 Durringer & Driscoll.108 Robert Alexander.110Gillingham & Son.114O. S. McvJlure.116Mrs. Dora E. Dennison.126-134 120Vacant. Myrick Machine Co.FIFTH AVENUE, (Boardmanville.)From end of South St., north.Left Side.11 Lewis Schmidt.11 Mrs. Elizabeth Biehler.13 William Weldy.Right Side.10 David Converse.FIRST AVENUE, (Boardmanville.)From 11 Front, north to Genesee.Left Side.7 Alfred McCoy.9 Vacant.11 Franz M. Ellsworth.13 Dennis D. Dempsey.Center st. intersects.21 Edwin Voorhies.23 Alexander J. Conway.25 George Ferris.27 Slater Mott.Genesee st. intersects.Right Side.6 James C. Gault.8 John A. Dempsey.10 John H. Godden.18 Melvin Parrish.20 John W. Fairbanks.22 William Miller.24 John Sarver.26 S. Eyler.28 Michael H. Lyons.30 John R. Norton.32 Andrew Minahan.36 William Orcutt.FOURTH AVENUE, (Boardmanville.)From South st. north to Center.Left Side.3 Myron C. Adsit.5 George Bathurst.7 George Radley.9 Clinton Thurber.11 Mrs. Mary Radley.17 Jacob Becker.19 Charles Becker.21 Leonard.Right Side.2 Charles Ratzel.6 Mrs. Kathryn Swartz.6 Edward A. Swartz.10 Charles H. Simmons.12 Harry R. Turner.14 Robert Sullivan.16 Mrs. Margaret A. Sullivan.20 Allanson B. Lawrence.22 Daniel M. Sherman.FRONT STREET. (Boardmanville.)From creek bridge, southeast tolimits.Left Side.No houses.First av. intersects.11 JOhn H. Burdick.15 Charles F. Meloy.21 Mrs. Jarrie L. Smith.Second av. intersects.No houses.39 William H. Monanan.Right Side.36 John T. Mulroy.38 Clifford J. Reed.38 Robert G. Harrison.40 Fred R. Wood.42 Porter J. Green.42 Gerald E. Towner.46 I. M. Godfrey.56 Charles Oosterhoudt.Prospect st. intersects.FULTON STREET.From 312 E. State, south to E.Henley.Left Side.105 Herbert C. Perkins.109 Eugene E. Young.

113 Mrs. Carrie M. Jackson.113 Mrs. Nettie Wood.115 Willis McWilliams.121 Emulus Morse.125 Fred C. Achenbach.129 Mrs. Lydia A. Alexander.131 Dennis Hennessey.133 John B. Finnessy.135 Edward Fitzgerald.139 William Cobb.E. Henley st. intersects.Right Side.108 Abram Zeligsohn.112 Thomas Cobb.114 M. P. Derby.118 R. W. Councilman.122 E. L. Nichoson.124 Mrs. J. M. Maurer.126 Milroy Jackson.126 D. L. Smith.130 James Redding.134 John McLowry.138 J. M. Harris.E. Henley st. intersects.GENESEE STREET, (Boardmanville.)From 26 Main, east to Fourth av.Left Side.17 Lovell G. Moore.19 Elmer D. Warner.21 W. Blouin.25 Arthur H. Cole.31 George Moore.33 James Baker.33 George Sloat.Right Side.4 Charles R. Buckley.8 E. M. Gould.First av. intersects.22 Arthur Adsit.22 Melvin Wilcox.24 Michael F. Fuller.Second av. intersects.34 Mrs. Alice Chatterton.34 George Woodruff.HAMILTON STREET.From 188 N. Union, east to N. Barry.Left Side.117 James F. Johnson.123 Mrs. Mary Brooks.129 Dr. J. Ross Allen.Right Side.106 John Capozzi.108 Miss Lottie M. Hendryx.110 George B. Keenan.114 Arnold G. Crandall.118 Charles H. Wasson.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 323120 Charles L. Barreni.122 Cornelius Philius.124 Dr. Mary B. Jepson.124 Charles Fanning.HIGGINS AVENUE.From 472 N. Union, northeast toMain.470-474 Charles Smith.476 H. D. Stowell.480 George F. Clark.482 Walter S. Hubbard.484 H. D. Stowell.488 Charles E. May.492 Sylvester J. Reed.502 John G. Very.504 William McAuliffe.506 William C. Woodard.510 David R. Wagner.514' Otis Evans.518 Will Gardner.522 , Benj. B. .Lamb.IRVING STREET.From 216 S. Union, west to limits.Left Side.105 Samuel P. Jarl.105 John A. Lew.107 Warren Wyatt.Ill W. A. Grinnard.115 Philip O'Connell.117 Edward Wiles.119 Alonzo Shadbolt.S. First st. intersects.No houses.S. Second st. intersects.303 William J. Condon.311 Clarence E. Cooley.313 George Russel.315 George W. Oakley.S. Third st. intersects.401 Mrs. Mary McMahon.405 Charles L. Janke.415 Albert F. Peabody.S. Fourth st. intersects.501 Nate E. Winchell.505 William Barber.509 Mrs. Jennie R. Hornbeck.509 Fred S. Snowden.511 Miss i.iatie v.alker.515 Andrew Bell.S. Fifth st. not open.601 Mrs. Sophia Randall.609 Alexander Happell.615 Mrs. Anna R. Corkins.S. Sixth st. intersects.701 Mrs. Emily L. Ashley.705 Lucas L. granger.

324 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S71171371771780190791191110011017110311071113111311151125112114116202z,o4208212402408604902906100810161108111612061214Irving B. Weston.Patrick Hyland.Neal M. Morris.Julia and li^ary Priest.S. Seventh st. intersects.Albert M. Post.S. Eighth st. intersects.Charles Eldridge.William Taggerty.Mrs. Anna Priest.S. Ninth st. not open.John Williams.Paul Wenke.S. TentE" st. not open.August Haase.Albert Wangelin.Emanuel Wenke.Charles McWilliams.Mrs. Stella Hess.Frank Edel.Right Side.C. E. Yentzer.Fred Wisner.G. L. Wyatt.S. First st. intersects.Miss Addie Mooney.Mrs. B. F. Mooney.G. J. Ball.William Ehler.S. Second st. intersects.No houses.S. Third st. intersects.James H. Robbins.Austin J. Wight.S. Fourth st. intersects.No houses.S. Fifth st. intersects.Joseph Burt.S. Sixth st. not open.No houses.S. Seventn st. intersects.No houses.S. Eighth st. intersects.Charles H. Rafferty.James Smirfitt.S. Ninth st. intersects.Carl E. Tilly.D. P. Miller.S. Tenth st. intersects.Mrs. Sophia Delfs.Henry Ntiener.S. Eleventh st. intersects.Mrs. Enen Sheridan.Elba D. Holmes.S. Twelfth st. not open.1310 Mrs. Elizabeth Dickenson.S. Thirteenth st. not open.No houses.S. Fourteenth st. not open.1504 Charles E. Post.JAY STREET.From 216 N. Barry, east to East av.Left Side.207 Lawrence C. Gault.211 Christopher Storms.213 Joseph Wilson.215 William A. Rapp.N. Clinton st. not open.301 Mrs. Eunice L. Dagget.303 Irving M. Clark.305 Michael Ivers.307 James R. Bones.309 Vacant.311 Mrs. Florence W. Clark.313 Albert Maurer.315 William a. Rapp.317 Barn.319-321 Supervisor's Office, P. R. R.Right Side.210 William F. Fuller.210 Frank Bevins.N. Clinton st. intersects.310 Sigmund Lax.312 Frank Beaver.314 Fay L. Muckey.316 Fred B. Chamberlain.318 Vacant.320 George C. Oakley.-322--J3eymour J. Cline.324 Allen A. Garden.328 Clarence D. Hastings.330 Edward Drum.332 Mrs. Viola Strickland.LAUREL AVENUE.From 120 N. Clinton, east to Eastav.Left Side.305 Mrs. Caroline A. Oliver.307 E. W. Bevier.309 Dykeman A. Pratt.313 John W. Meloy.315 Dr. Lewis M. Raub.319 Marcus G. VanCampen.321 D. H. Moore.325 Sarah A. Tucker.329 George W. Kelsey.331 Henry Gale.333 Dr. Herschel D. Raub.335 James G. Gibney.337 R. J. Feltham.East av. intersects.

Right Side.308 Joseph M. Chapman.312 George Oliver.316 Daniel C. Dailey.320 Vacant.322 Mrs. Eva A. Cram.326 William 0. Curtiss.330 Michael Skater.332 David J. Winton.334 Daniel J. Lyons.336 Clare.u-e M. Diffenderfer.338 Clarence E. VanNess.LAURENS STREET.From 167 N. Union, west to N.Fourth.Ill1131192113013053113154014054094134154l9104106108112116120David S. Yard.Dalzal Loughlin.Left Side.Dr. Joseph C. Clark.N. First st. intersects.Mrs. Helen B. Strong.N. Second st. intersects.George Mayer.Eugene A. Homer.Henry S. Bradley.George F. Keith.N. Third st. intersects.Spencer S. Bullis.AVilliam M. Abrams.\V. A. McDonald.J. S. Shoemaker.Rev. F. C. Weidman.German Lutheran Church.N. Fourth st. intersects.Right Side.George Nickles.Greek American Fruit Co.Peter Morell.Edward C. Finnessy.Eussel M. Whitney.202 James Kelsey.206SamuelRev. NewtonW. Pancoast.L. Reed.212-214N.FirstFirstPresbyterianst. intersects.church.N. Second st. intersects.302 Frank L. Bartlett.306 Mrs. Katherine Keenan.310 Mrs. Lizzie Abbey.310 Edward W. Stickney.312 Fred L. Gleason.316 William P. Pierce.N. Third st. intersects.402 Arthur L. Colony.404 Joseph J. Nenno.408 Timothy C. Coughlin.412 John D. Chapman.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 325414 Mrs. J. C. Caswell.418 Clinton P. Woodard.MAIN STREET (Boardmanville.)From Allegany creek, north toHinsdale road.Left Side.1 Mrs. Marcia P. Boardman.1 John H. Bradner.3 Thomas Mead.3 Charles H. Salisbury.7 Martin E. Pratt.27 George E. Hall.29 William Parker.31 Milford Wing.32 Joseph Blackwell.53 Ransom G. Corwin.57 William A. Oosterhoudt.59 Mrs. Anna B. Sanderson.Bert ri. Norton.John Isamar.Mrs. .Louise Norton.Orrin W. Godfrey.Right Side.10 Mrs. Jennie Crosthwaite.Center st. intersects.12 Walter j. Foss.12 1-2 Joseph Wilcox.20 Simeon A. Williams.22 Joseph Moffat.26 William I. Petty.Genesee st. intersects.52 Mrs. Lydia F. White.( iean Golf Club.56 Asa Parker.George R. Vergason.NORTH STREET.From City Hall, N. Union, east toN. Barry.Left Side.City Hall.School No. 3.N. Barry st. intersects.Right Side.101-103 F. W. Higgins & Co.105 Olean Times.1U7 Alderman & Stillman.109 Groton Bridge Co.111-113 Don U. Scott.115 City Club.119 State Armory.NORTH FIRST.From 130 W. State, north to limits.Left z.ae.105 Augustus C. Bussler.105 1-2 George H. Williams.107 Mrs. Minnie Johnson.

326 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S109 Mrs. Mary Shoup.ill Fred B. Georgia.,15 H. W. Marcus.119 Dennis Gilligan.123 Christopher C. Bisett.Laurens st. intersects.211 Mrs. Sarah W. Stowell.215 Asa Curtiss Couse.223 William H. Manueville.229 Mrs. Patience S. Chamberlain.233 Gideon H. Strong.W. Sullivan st. intersects.309 Frank S. Oosterhoudt.321 Cyrus B. Barber.Whitney av. intersects.425 Albert L. Langworthy.427 James M. Forrest.431 William F. Metcalf.433 Sherman W. Harding.435 Charles Mahoney.439 W. C. Furlong.441 William McCartin.443 James W. Dunlavey.445 Edward Maloney.447 Mert Pennock.Wayne st. intersects.501-509 The D. S. Abbott Co.513 Louis Palardy.519 Olean General Hospital.Coleman st. intersects.605 Patrick Kiley.Left Side.110 Mrs. Ella Pendleton.112 Peter Morell.114 Mrs. Catherine N. Kerr.114 George Stratton.118 Charles Grossman.122 George VanCampen.124 Woodley C. Winsor.126 Wellington Prosser.128 Jason E. Stone.128 William H. Stewart.132 Mrs. Elvira Eddy.134 Vacant.136 Vacant.138 James B. Black.Laurens st. intersects.208 Thomas J. Brickell.210 Mrs. Isabella Brickell.216 F. V. R. Stillman.216 F. T. Graham.220 Dan P. Ray.224 Dr. Cornelius H. Bartlett.226 Timothy J. Devlin.228 George W. Leader.234 230 232 Mrs. William Fred Mary W. D. Burdick. B. Moore. Burlingham.W. Sullivan st. intersects.310 James M. Homer.314 Chester I. Oosterhoudt.316 Lloyd White.318 Mont ShoemaKer.322 Alfred Bourdeau.Whitney av. intersects.408 Olean Supply Co.412 Arthur u. Stuart.414 William Condon.418 William H. Jacquett.420 Martin Dailey.422 William Heller.426 Henry J. Christopher.426 Silas A. Hughes.428 Anthony McGever.432 J. M. White.434 F. C. Peckham.440 Stephen V. Gallagher.442 Patrick Driscoll.Wayne st. intersects.508 James W. Brown.518 Frank W. Magner.520 James Besecker.Coleman st. intersects.604 Thomas Gregory.606 John R. Williams.610 Mrs. i_,ouisa Barber.612 M. J. Haugh, Bottling Works.NORTH SECOND STREET.From 220 W. State, north to Whitneyav.Left Side.109 Vacant.Ill Mahlon H. Yaw.115 Joseph J. Bahney.117 Williard L. Reazs.117 Frank Nichols.119 Herman a. Glass.119 Edward Swarm.123 Mrs. -Lovella Cartwright.123 Mrs. Sarah McEhinney.131 George S. Benedict.Laurens st. intersects.217 Marcius B. Jewell.221 Charles S. Cary.225 Frank A. Stowell.231 Thomas H. * ancoast.235 William H. Simpson.239 A. F. Miller.W. Sullivan st. intersects.305 Nicholas V. V. Franchot.319 Frank N. Blakeslee.Whitney av. intersects.Right Side.110 108 112 Edwin Albert George Price. E. Feuchter. Ewing.

116 James M. Gould.116 William u. Rogers.120 John Brewer.Laurens st. intersects.206 John Cobb.208 Vacant.210 Dr. John P. Booth.214 Mrs. Mary Andrews.218 Hamilton D. Bennie.226 Fred B. Humphrey.230 Loren Brooks.240 Mrs. Nancy A. Danforth.W. Sullivan st. intersects.306 George S. Kelsey.310 Dana R. Jewell.314 John A. Johnson.316 James W. Watson.Whitney av. intersects.NORTH THIRD STREET.From 326 W. State, north to Wayne.Left Side.109 John W. Sloan.113 Conrad J. Blessing.117 Mrs. Zelina E. Morgan.121 Alexander F. Berry.121 Mrs. Sarah A. Bower.125 Vacant.129 Mrs. Louise V. Valentine.131 Edward Bonner.133 Mrs. Margaret McCormick.Laurens st. intersects.207 Herbert D. Sibley.211 Leon H. Ballard.219 William Horner.221 William H. Hufstader.223 A. C. Seivert.225 George P. France.229 Willard L. Frazee.231 Eugene S. Pierce.237 James H. Waring.W. Sullivan st. intersects.Right Side.104 Mrs. Cynthia Crandall.106 Robert j^erse.110 Blessing's Shop.112 Levi Judge.114 John A. Johnson.118 Frederick W. Fish.122 Alexander A. Cobb.126 Josepn J. Hatiie.u.130 Mrs. Isadore Lunfz.132 Mrs. Ellen White.134 George F. Thompson.136 James M. Humphrey.Laurens st. intersects.212 Stillman E. Lewis.214 Thomas Larkin.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 327216 Mrs. Minnie P. Fisher.2iS Charles A. Taylor.218 Joseph L. Page.222 Henry McKinley.226 Lacey A. Pierce.228 Ellsworth O. Whipple.230 Henry A. Marshall.230 Mrs. Elizabetn N. Walters.232 I. P. Collins.234 Mrs. Mary R. Placher.238 Mrs. Mary m. Graves.W. Sullivan st. intersects.312 Elbert E. Alderman.318 Frederick W. Mundt.338 Vacant.Reed st. intersects.NORTH FOURTH STREET.From 420 W. State, north to Spruce.Left Side.107 Oscar J. Young.107 Lester C. Pitts.107 Edward Piatt.Ill Anton Vager.113 Herman O'Dell.117 William L. Mead.117 Frank Robinson.Cemetery.Washington st. intersects.203 Rev. Dr. J. L. Sooy.207 Frank H. Oakleaf.211 Levi C. Kinner.219 Gilmore S. Bussel.225 John W. Pratt.227 Max F. Mayer.231 Mrs. Katherine Mayer.231 Walter Murphy.W. Sullivan st. intersects.311 Richard H. Franchot.315 Clarence Spraker.319 William H. Preckle.323 Charles Frey.325 William L. Ostrom.Reed st. intersects.Not opened.Wayne st. intersects.501 Jeremiah C. Dunnigan.505 Vacant.509 William T. Woods.511 John F. Clancy.513 John Williams.523 Mrs. Katherine Shine.605 Mrs. Kate McMahon.Coleman st. intersects.Fourth st. continued in SpruceSt., North Olean.Right Side.110 William Anen.

328 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S114116120120124126126128128130 132134136206208208210212214 218220224226230502506512S16518520520522522Timothy Horan.Albert M. Cnamberlain.Mrs. Mary Patterson.Mrs. Betsy Youngs.John T. Sheltz.Paul O. Keysaw.Clyde Rapp.George O. Geyer.Mrs. Celinda D. Ackerman.Benjamin Edmund Seaman. Bear.Thomas F. Greenan.Frank Bachman.Laurens st. intersects.Andrew Kaiser.Otis A. Webster.F. J. Murphy.Herbert C. Whipple.Allen J. Hastings.Charles Muuge.George W. Hooker.E. David G. Sisson. Hogan.Frank L. Stedman.William N. Stephan.W. Sullivan st. intersects.High School.Reed st. intersects.Not opened.Wayne st. intersects.Vacant.Thomas F. Reedy.Vacant.Thomas Bronesti.John Salvan.John Nicklas.Burton Haight.Mrs. C. Bernsal.Dominick Pettinate.Coleman st. intersects.602 Timotny Dugan.NORTH FIFTH STREET.From oZ6 W. State, north to CityLine Alley.Left Side.113117121125129207211213217219Guy C. Rice.David M. Cornwall.Fred l,. Mason.Mrs. Amelia L. Palmer.Mrs. Mary A. Conrath.Cemetery.Washington st. intersects.William H. Corson.William P. Roberts.Willis A. Cnamberlain.Mrs. Mary H. Hunt.Mrs. F. W. Aorams.223227229309311317321325503511513517519521523 525529533535112120124206208228312314316318William H. Spaulding.Charles L. Davis.Mrs. Kingman Brett.W. Sullivan st. intersects.William H. Mosier.Michael Whelan.Albert C. Boylis.Giles B. Overton.Mrs. Lucy Bates.Reed st. intersects.Not opened.Wayne st. intersects.James McGuire.Patrick Hanley.John Fox.William Carter.Godfrey Liechte.Edwin A. Lopus.Joseph William F. Flannagan. Kreuger.Theophile Yeahl.Michael Vollman.Patrick Shay.City Line Alley intersects.Right Side.John W. Slater.William M. Bosler.George W. Middleton.Cemetery.Washington st. intersects.Willis D. Parser.James B. Frawley.Charles W. Wheeler.W. Sullivan st. intersects.Mrs. H. Louise Hilton.Vacant.Fred M. Wood.Frank Wheeler.Reed st. intersects.Not opened.Wayne st. intersects.508 Mrs. Elizabeth A. Laverty.b20 J. J. McCready.522 Ezra A. Patterson.bZ6 Anthony Ross.530 Michael Hannon.udZ Mrs. Katherine .Lynch.538 Daniel Bar.City uine Alley intersects.NORTH SIXTH STREET.From 620 W. State, north to CityLine Alley.Left Side.109 John H. McMahon.113 Frank Reel.115 Frank C. Cook.

119 Oscar F. Carlson.123 Frank B. Weober.127 Richard Allen.145 John Pierson.147 Samuel E. Johnson.149 O. K. Buxton.149 George E. Peterson.Washington st. intersects.209 David Waller.211 Don B. Freeman.213 William C. Purdy.215 Frank Johnson.219 Edwin E. Wescott.225 J. Willis Kershner.227 Perry A. Daviuson.W. Sullivan st. intersects.309 William W. Lawson.311 it,arle D. Holmes.317 Fran.t A. Eckenrode.321 Edmond H. Swift.325 Mrs. Fidelia E. Arnold.329 Orson A. Ingalls.333 Mrs. Mary Hmkle.335 George W. Brenner.337 William H. Hawks.339 Mrs. Rosetta Keesler.Reed st. intersects.Not opened.Wayne st. intersects.509 Almond F. Carter.517 George Emlinger.519 Edward H. Wright.0^1 Thomas Dunnigan.523 Jesse Groom.525 C. H. Bierly.527 John Luderman.535 Michael Johnson.City Line Alley intersects.Right Side.108 Mrs. Margaret Hogan.108 Abdon E. McCabe.112 John J. Hughes.116 George C. Mead.118 William Webber.120 Mrs. Kathleen M. Clark.124 Gardiner C. Greenwood.132 Peter Dorson.132 Michael H. Fitzsimmons.136 John Hailman.140 John S. Bryant.144 Swedish Church.146 Charles M. Wagner.148 George W. Warner.Washington st. intersects.200 Peter Welch.208 H. D. Belding.212 210 Julius Joseph W. . riauestein.Raub.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 329216 Mrs. Harriet A. Kluge.216 Lewis D. Roberts.220 Ernest A. Hunt.224 Daniel H. Miller.W. Sullivan st. intersects.328 C. Frederick Miney.Reed st. intersects.Not open.Wayne st. intersects.51.6 Carl Peteisun.510 Albert F. Johnson.510 Thomas Donnellan.516 Charles E. Fox.520 Louis Rict,o524 Archie Battles526 Michael C Morton528 James A. Pratt530 Mrs. Ellen Leahen.534 Daniel J. Fitzpatrick536 Michael ManceCity line alley intersects709 John ReardonNORTH SEVENTH STREET.From 722 W. State north to CityLine Alley.Lett Side.113 Hardy Long119 Martin T. Sullivan121 Mrs. Julia Keim125 Jacob Meder125 Charles Randall153 Geo. D. ThurberWashington st. intersects223 John N. Heitzinger.W. Sullivan st. intersects.305 Merrit H. Fuller.309 Urban Didas.311 Chauncey E. Ellithorpe.315 Charles D. Morton.317 Edward May.319 Harry D. Cram.321 Mrs. Celia Greenwood.323 Joel W. Rogers.325 John Sullivan.331 James Wright.335 Clarence Jackson.339 Nachez Marosky.Reed st. intersects.405 Patrick Brown.413 A. B. Barse.417 Mrs. Mary Curry.419 John Stemlinger.425 Bernard Curran.429 Thomas B. Jordan.431 Frederick B. Hubbard.433-435 Mark Lynd.435J 437 Condon. Otto Englebach.

330 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SWayne st. intersects.501 William Granger.505 Charles Raymond.509 Mrs. Eva Bear.515 Vacant.517 John Batesky.521 Mrs. Kate Donovan.525 Daniel P. Lynch. •529 James S. White.533 Frank J. Marron.537 Wm. Dooley.541 Anthony Allran.City Line alley intersects.Right Side.102 Sherman G. Armstrong.146 Fred Shaffer.146 John Shaffer.148 Allen C. Woodruff.152 Chas. H. Worden.Washington st. intersects.206 Daniel McElligoot.210 Jasper W. Foster.210 Edward W. Neff.214 L. Rollinson.214 Linden H. Rollinson.216 Eliab G. Barber.220 Mrs. Juliaette Boorom.220 Sarah M. Apgar.224 Edwin G. Adams.226 Eugene W. Hayden.228 William R. Hill.W. Sullivan st. intersects.316 George S. Martin.320 Jay A. Witter.Reed st. intersects.510 Mrs. Frances C. Davis.512 Mrs. Elizabeth Battles.516 Chas. E. Fox.518 Michael Healy.524 John Ritter.530 Antony Truske.534 Thomas Post.538 Sebastian Uebelhire.City Line alley intersects.NORTH EIGHTH STREET.From 820 W. State, north to CityLine alley.Left Side.105 A. B. Learn.109 Fred W. Kaufman.113 John Peterson.113 John W. Coorigan.121 John B. Wenceslow.121 Fay Muckey.121 Mrs. Eugene Spiller.125 Lorenzo E. Hodges.129 W. D. Best.133 Patrick J. Kenny.137 Ernest Kallenbeck.137 William M. Deabold.141 Lewis Sigel.145 Charles H. Conrad.149 Paul H. Bernreuther.151 T. Jefferson Mathis.Washinton st. intersects.Not open.W. Sullivan st. intersects.321 Michael Burke.329 Thomas McAndrew.329 Charles A. Gardner.337 N. K. Morcinkcewitz.Reed st. intersects.401 Matthew Kelly.405 Frank Silk.407 George G. Root.411 Mrs. Anna Brennan.413 George R. Camp.435 Edward Gardner.Wayne st.501 Patrick J. Maloney.503 William M. Patterson.507 Michael Clemens.513 Michael Baher.517 George Gold.527 Adam Rauschert.535 John Gold.City Line alley intersects.Right Side.118 James C. Hannon.122 Edward J. Smith.126 Caleb A. Van Gorder.Washington st. intersects.Not open.Buffalo st. intersects.230 Mrs. M. Keenan.232 A. W. Newland.234-236 M. C. Gender.236 J.,A. Krott.W. Sullivan st. intersects.310 John F. Pierce.316 John H. Brady.318 Hiram M. marker.324 Timotny Glavin.328 Daniel Wilder.330 Henry Plucker.332 Joseph Quarto.332 Michael Furey.336 Rock Curci.336 Michael Bean.340 Michael Fitzgerald.Reed st. intersects.402 Thomas McGann.408 Matthew F. Hart.414 Millard Riel.

418 Joseph Post.422 Charles Frey.428 August Bonsack.432 John S. Simons.434 Thomas Ducey.438 Mrs. Wayne L. Forrester. st. intersects.502 August tn. Frey.514 Frank Fisher.514 E. Lyons.528 John M. riowd.532 Mrs. Ellen Hickey.536 Wm. A. Taylorson.538 Mrs. Mary McGilliger.540 Charles Keith.City Line alley intersects.NORTH NINTH STREET.From 920 West State, north to CityLine alley.Left Side.105 Stephen J. Schuster.109 Mrs. Ann Garvey.Ill William Paul.115 Joseph Stewart.119 Edgar R. Lathrop.121 Joseph C. Fowler.125 Joseph A. Stewart.131-133 Ninth St. M. E. church.137 Charles J. Green.141 Charles W. Webb.143 George E. Phillips.145 Max B. Phillips.147 Frederick L. Zeile.Washington st. intersects.No houses.W. Sullivan st. intersects.317 George W. Washer.325 Michael F. Brown.Reed st. intersects.401 Sylvester J. * orrest.403 Frank E. Stein.409 James McTamney.413 Henry G. French.417 Mrs. Agnes Malone.417 Thomas E. Brown.419 John Matush.421 Bartlett A. Noble.429 William G. Elnig.429 Alford Helwic.431 Wm. Merritt.433 Jerome Warren.437 Roy E. Foster.439 Matthew McCarthy.Wayne st. intersects.507 John Mead.509 William Williams.513 Vernon Palmer.513 Omar Bosworth.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 331519 Francis O'Neil.525 George H. Washer.531 Selden Adsit.537 John Fox.City Line alley intersects.Right Side.106108110112116118126130134136146302306308312316318322326402Rev. Hedding.James G. Umferfate.Mrs. Pauline Yahn.Fred L. Hellwege.J. F. Hellwege.Theodore Gratz.Charles J. Burger.John Rowley.Chas. W. Stephens.Mrs. Grestina Behr.Christopher Cunningham.Washington st. intersects.No houses.W. Sullivan st. intersects.Andrew Peterson.Buell E. Mann.William Becker.Lincoln E. Corsett.John Fitzgerald.Albert E. Jebb.Charles Olson.Vacant.Reed st. intersects.John C. Feller.Wayne st. intersects.502 Martin Consedine.City Line alley intersects.NORTH TENTH STREET.From 1016 West State, north to cityline.Left Side.109 Daniel C. Kerns.111 John Gabler.113 Jacob Hawse.Washington st. intersects.277 Roger P. Convey.Reed st. intersects.Wayne st. intersects.Right Side.128Mrs. Stella Fairchild.130Carl Sauer.132Charles Hornung.Washington st. interstcs.No houses.W. Sullivan st. intersects.No houses.Buffalo st. intersects.336 Mrs. Frank Montroy.

332 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S336 Joseph C. James.336 Henry V. Harris.336 Daniel Ireland.Reed st. intersects.414 Morris Taksen.418 lu-ichael J. Shea.420 Fred Bosworth.424 Frank James.420 Michael Spignard.428 Edward W. Mallery.432 Frank Murdzia.434 Henry Kuhn.438 Angust Seltz.440 Mr. Gluck.442 John Schlosser.444 Mrs. Anna Laing.Wayne st. intersects.502 John A. Collins.NORTH ELEVENTH SiREET.From 1120 West State, north to Buffalo.109 Joseph Wolf.Putnam Left st. Side. intersects.127129131133137139141143201207.207209215217.219321325329108112114118122130140212214Arloes Fritch.J. C. Zerby.Adolph Pahca.Alfred Dotterweich.Mrs. Frances Farr.John Seltz.George Schalk.Michael Wiedman.Washington st. intersects.C. D. Pierce.John A. Swanson.Victor Burgstone.Charles Finger.James Burleigh.Charles Burleigh.William Youngs.W. Sullivan st. intersects.George F. Lay.John Seefried.Edward McLaughlin.Reed st. intersects.Right Side.Charles A. Anderson.Michael Reed.William Ulmschreider.John Huselstein.John Fox.Jason M. Woodruff.Paul Blasky.Washington st. intersects.William H. Yaw.Leonard D. Doane.zl6 John Home.218 Cornelius Duffy.220 Henry Skinner.NORTH TWELFTH STREET.From 1214 West State, north toReed.Left Side.107 Mrs. Nora Lee.109 James D. Quinn.115 Elijah «B. Lyman.117 John S. Leahey.119 John F. Riordon.121 William M. House.123 Henry Sumck.125 John A. Webber.133 Horace J. Duke.135 Lambert Kent.137 Charles L. Flagg.Washington st. intersects.207 John J. Scanlon.215 George H. Williamson.W. Sullivan st. intersects.309 John -Lingren.327 Michael C. Dugan.Right Side.114 Mrs. Ella Horton.120 William H. French.Putnam st. intersects.126 Fritz Bendean.134 Vacant.138 Alfred Sass.140 Robert Otis.144 M. A. Foster.Washington st. intersects.No houses to end.NORTH THIRTEENTH STREET.From 1320 West State, north to Buffalo.Left Side.109 125 Joseph Edel.113 127 Claude M. Blanchard.119 Fred Klink.Frank H. Llewellyn.Arthur E. Bailey.131 Fred W. Dorr.135 Martin Marth.135 Miss Elizabeth Marth.137 Christopher Andrews.141 Arthur J. Perkins.143 209 Mrs. Eugene Frichte. V. Battles.217 145 Joseph F. W. Klink. Williams.Washington st. intersects.201 Chas. Warren.205 Mrs. Dorothea Ehman.

221 George V. Wheeler.221 Geo. Rumsey.223 Charles Carlson.225 Michael Murphy.W .Sullivan st. Intersects.305 Mrs. Bertha Hodges.309 Charles H. Calkins.313 Mark James.317 Samuel J

334 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S210 George Fred Bell.214 John Sloan.216 John j. roy.Jay st. intersects.302 Charles Keenan.304 Edward I. Oosterhoudt.308 Edwin J. Draper.310-318 Acme Mills.NORTH CLINTON STREET.From 213 E. State, north to Jay.Left Side.107 Frank W. Marshall.Ill Arthur Gibbs.115 Cnarles H. Bidlecombe.117 Elroy D. Westbrook.121 E. E. Allen.123 J. Frank Pierce.Laurel av. not open.201 Mrs. Hiram B. Smith.203 Mark M. Holmes.203 E. Vernon Haskins.205 Dr. Pugsley.205 Walter L. Cranne.i.207 Perry —. McNeille.209 B. Frank Tuthill.211 C. C. Morian.213 Warren Price.215 Charles Smith.Tompkins st. intersects.305 William ... Tough.309 John W. Rowland.313 Jules Haibran.317 E. W. Thompson.Right Side.112 Charles W. Smith.116 Thomas Storrs.118 Mrs. John Juke.120 Henry Donnelly.Laurel av. intersects.202 Myer Bock.204 Joan G. Peiton.206 William H. Van Tassel.

30-31, Eaton & Page.32, Dana L. Jewell.33, vacant.34-36, Henry J. Pettit.37, Mutual Reserve Life Ins. Co.37, Chas. W. Morris.38, Gideon H. Strong.39, Frank Stowell.40, Dr. Frank H. Bartlett.167 South Penn Oil Co.167 National Transit Co.Laurens st .intersects.201 Greek-American Fruit Co.203 John W. Pratt.2031 Vacant.205 J. B. Frawley.205 Fred A. Knight.2u7 Blighton & Andrews.207 Woodruff Post.209 Henry A. Brown.211 Up-to-Date Variety Store.213 McLowry & Ryan.215 Olean Evening Herald.215 Sibley & Ostrom.215 Y. M. C. A.215 Mrs. Carrie Mcrarlin.217 W. J. Quigley.217 M. J. Larkir.219 Wm. Fuller.219 D. L. Smith.219 Conrad Hartmann.219 J. G. Pelton.221 Miss Elizabeth Marth.223 Thomas Storrs.223 D. H. Bowles.223 Mrs. Anna Odell.223 J. M. Gena.223 Temperance Hall.223 Newell Newman.225 Racket Store.227 (rear) Mrs. McClure.227 (rear) Henry Wilder.227 (rear) Edward H. Dittrich.229 Charles Willard.231 Italo-American Fruit Co.231 L. Anthony Mazza.231 Angelo G. Questa.231 Odd Fellows' lodge roms.233 W. A. Goodwin.233 Fred C. Willard.233 Charles Quirin.233 Benjamin Grossman.233 Dr. J. F. Kane.233 Alexander W.- Nelson.233 Nate Burlingham.235 Chas. W. Morris.237 Hughes & Pitcher.239 Olean Baking Co.241 Grossman Room 14-15, Mrs. 8-9, Block: A. Orrin G. Richards. MvComb.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 33517-18, Mrs. Maria L. Georgia.19, Fred Hahn.27, Miss Ida Gross man, Miss JosephineGrossman, Miss MaryGrossman.28-29, Crit C. Adsit.33-34, Mrs. Louise Smith.35, Miss Eva Blakeley.243 E. Kurtzhaltz.245 Union Place:(1) Miss Mary McKnight.(1) Miss Julia Morris.(2) Mrs. Athea L. Furlong.(4)(5-6) C. F. Meloy, Olean Ledger.249 Dr. J. E. K. Morris.253 Sam Sing.255 H. C. Scnamel.259 Adelbert Jones.265 Charles G. Smiley.W. Sullivan st. intersects.301-305 Riley & Wands.303 Riley & Wands block.Offices:(2) Prudential Insurance Co.(3-4) Dr. E. O. Whipple.(5) Himpire Line.(8) Cavalry and Clark.(9) Fobert Fulton.(11-12) Miss Laura J. Fisher.(13-14) Medical examiners P.R.R.(15-16-17) Mrs. Rose E. Weipper.(19) A. O. U. W. hall.(22) Frank Bowen.(23) Charles E. Weir.(24) E. E. Varley.(24) E. R. Thornbury.(25) Green.(20-26-27-28-29) P. R. R.307 W. B. Preckle.307 John Hamilton.307 Mrs. Mary Clark.307 A .Monroe Wood.309-311 Dunlavey Bros.311£ Warner & Adams.313 H. G. White.313 N. I. Jones.315 F. B. Chamberlain.315 Charles Cummings.317 Collopy Bros.319 Edward W. Very.321 Thomas Moran.321 John R. Silvernail.323 Old Homestead Hotel.325 MucKey's Union Livery.Whitney av. intersects.405 Union House.407 Union House restaurant.409 411 Willis' A. Cullotta People's & Co. Credit Store.

336 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S413 Olean Supply Co.4131 Samuel Locke.417 Joseph Larosa.419 Abraham Abouahmad.419 Mrs. Sarah E. Terhune.419 Edward Heisel.524 Sarah Burke.427 Samuel J. Snowden.429 David Lynn.431 R. G. Hamad.435 O'Meara House.437 Kattar Eade.441 Wm. Borneman.443 William Boorneman.445 John Post.445 Patrick Welsh.447 Charles E. Osgood.449 Joseph Carter.451 Melville Wilcox.451 Abram DeGroff.453 Rococo Boehichio.45? Tony Cronin.455-457 Felix Yanella.457 William Selling.459 Charles W. Brown.461 Henry Johnson.463 Mrs. Caroline Jordan.467 Bordonaro Bros.465 Griffin Block:Phillip Griffin.William R. Slyger.Mrs. Elizabeth Gleason.Miss Celia Gallagher.469 Patrick Toohey.4/1-475 A. Taylor.479 Adolph Abrams.481 Rhodes & Co.481 Charles W. Hallet.481 L. John.483 John V. Murphy.489 L. John.501-505 D. W. Sheehan & Son.505 Sheehan Block:D. V. Sheenhan.Miss Mary Kiley.507 Cross & Way.509 Mrs. Ida M. Chaffee.509 James A. McGinnis.511 William Noble.513 S. B. Anderson.513 Freeman Hobbes.517 Frank Wilber.519 Mrs. Ida Fisher.521 Peter C. Lombardy.523 Joseph Henneman.525-527 Henry Gallagher.529-531 M. J. Burke.535 533 Vacant. Michael Phillips Coleman J. & Burke. Keenan. st. intersects.601 Mrs. Anna Brown.605 Charles F. Moodier.611 Michael J. Haugh.North First st. intersects.North Olean begins.Right Side.108 City Hall:Abrams & Sons.Post office.John Nicklas.Dr. Chas. P. Knowles.Water Commissioners' office.City Clerk's office.City Engineer's office.Common Council chamber.Walter S. Hubbard.Auto Printing Co.North st. intersects.120 F. W. Higgins & Co.122 Mayer & Mayer.124 Temple Music Store.Masonic Temple, offices:201, Creighton S. Andrews.202, W. V. Smith.203-4, Interior Const. & Imp. Co.205, Producers' Gas Co.206-7-8, P. S. & N. R. R.209-10, Union Tei. & Tel. Co.211-12, Mayer & Mayer.302-3, Frank W. Higgins.302, Mount View Cemetery Assn.304, F. W. Kruse.305, Pierce & Cobb.305, Wm. N. Partridge.306, P. S. & N. R. R.307, S. E. Passmore.308, P. S. & N. R. R.309, I. C. Collins.310, P. S. & N. R. R.311-12, L. M. Raub & Son313, John Sweeney.314-ol5, T. C. & J. F. Burke.126-140 Olean House.1461 126 Joseph M. Chapman.148 128 i-ostal Telegraph-Cable Co.148J 130 Olean House barber shop.150 134 Wells, Fargo & Co.152 136-8 Wm. Horner.142 154 Taylor & Webber.156 144 James Kelsey.156 146 City Cafe.156 Julia Matt Priest. Snyder.Adams Express Co.James E. Alderman.Vvoodlev C. Winsor.Mayer Bros.J. W. Coast & Son.Dr. Parker W. P. & Cobb. Noyes.

156 John R. Ryan.156 Collins P. S.156 Dwinnells & Shaffer.156 Rafferty, Chas. H.156 Westbrook Academy.158 F. E. Tyler & Co.160 Davis, Nenno & Hartz.162 Godfrey's Livery.164 Karl & Rice.164 1-2 Karl & Rice Tailor shop.164 1-2 Theodore Ernst.166 G. R. Daniels.166 1-2 Louis J. Chesner.168 Union Pacific Tea Co.168 1-2 Dr. D. E. Barrows.168 1-2 Dr. Thomas B. Loughlen.168 1-2 Dr. John J. Loughlen.168 1-2 Mrs. Lena Stickney.168 1-2 Edwin R. Ackerman.168 1-2 Thomas Williams.168 1-2 Mrs. Celia Griffin.168 1-2 Naftali Lax.170 S. Deiches.172 The F. T. Barber Shop.174 Allen's Department Store.174 1-2 Horner's Tailor Shop.176 W. L. Crannell.176 1-2 A. V. St. Clair.180 Ford's Red Front.180 1-2 Mrs. Kress.182 Keystone Gas Co.182 1-2 H. S. Salisbury.184 W. H. Simpson.188 J. M. Johnson.188 1-2 John Capozzi.188 1-2 Dr. Lewis.Hamilton st. intersects.M. E. Church.228 Vacant.230 Geo. W. Swart.232 Clinton P. Woodard.234 John M. Gena.234 1-2 J. M. Card.236 D. A. Pratt.236 1-2 xi. C. Whipple.240 Miss Streight.242 W. A. Chamberlain.242 1-2 William Howell.242 1-2 John R. Brink.244 W. A. Benson.244 1-2 Nellie L. Jewell.246 J. M. Harris.248 Ed. Dorsey.250 Hiram P. Ganoung.252 Singer Sewing Machine.254 B. U. Taylor.256 Geo. P. Smith & Co.258 Charles Cradduck.258 1-2 Keystone Academy.258 260 1-2 Gault Coast Bros. Hall.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 337262 M. H. Bailey.262 1-2 Moses Weld.262 1-2 Chas. Gillingham.264 City Steam Laundry.264 1-2 Mrs. Anna Lonkto.264 1-2 Miss Ada Rich.266 Clarence H. Spraker.266 1-2 Mrs. E. Rowley.266 1-2 Mrs. Minnie Jackson.266 1-2 Mrs. Ella Willis.266 1-2 Frank A. Knight.266 1-2 Bert Mead.266 1-2 William A. Benson.266 1-2 Salvation Army.268 Durringer oi Driscoll.E. Sullivan st. intersects.302 Gillingham & Son.304 J. E. Ryan.306 Benjamin Bear.308 William Shoemaker.310 Grand Central Barber Shop.314-318 Grand Central Hotel.P. R. R. Depot.Railroad av. intersects.402-404 Dailey's Inn.426-428 Armour & Co.430-432 Electric Light Station.442 Close Cycle.444 Joseph Hinas.454 Rose Pasquella.480-516 Carley Heater Co.522-524 Olean Carriage Works.526 James H. King.528 John Ahrens.540 Mrs. Hattie Eastbrook.540 J. R. Clark.540 1-2 Lester 1. Palmer.540 1-2 Henry R. Fergeson.540 1-2 Patrick Duffy.604 Mylon W. Scott.612 Mrs. Orphia Hagan.NORTH UNION ST., (North Olean.)Left Side.743 Root & Keating tannery.753 Daniel Shaner.773 Rev. J. F. Mooney.775-779 St. John's Church.781 Albert M. Coyle.783 Dexter W. Seeley.787 Charles Benson.791 John Peterson.793 Abe Cullather.River st. intersects.801-805 Public School.813 Mrs. Mary McAuliffe.815 John Miller.821 Luke Phillips.Water st. intersects. 30

MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S905 Robert Finley.Elm st. intersects.1001 Michael Kiesel.1007 Mrs. Bridget Colligan.1021 John C. Fitzsimmons.1101-1103 O. T. Higgins & Son.1101 David Curry.1117111911211125Mrs. Ellen Collins.Joseph Kugawa.Joseph Kugawa.Frank Kugawa.M. C. Sullivan.Pine st. intersects.1221 Jack Quick.1221 Frank Potaski.Right Side.Olean St. Ry. Depot and Offices.752 John M. Murtagh.770 George W. Cook.780 Joseph a. Sharp.782 Morris L. Lee.River st. intersects.802-804 Ruel C. Albro.810 Julius Ineich.812 Michael Lynch.812 John M. Ostroske.818 Adam WojcieciTowski.822 Michael McFadden.Water st. intersects.922 William B. Shaw.Elm st. intersects.1002 George Janas.1002 Joseph Boyle.1012 Joseph Kissinger.1014 Michael Stein. '1020 E. Jacob Jaekle.1022 Michael F. Macli.1024 Charles Donovan.1024 Wm. Donovan.Oak st. intersects.1106 Frank Stearbitz.1112 D. Fehan & Co.1126 City Exchange Hotel.Pine st. intersects.PROSPECT AVE., (Boardmanville.)From 56 Front, east, (along the lineof the street railway.Left Side.21 Jerry Davey.PUTNAM STREET.From 127 N. Eleventh, wsst to N.Twelfth.Left Side.1203 Charles P. Cook.1205 Vacant.1209 Lewis Kreytt.RAILROAD AVENUE.From 402 N. Union, east to limits.Leit Side.101-103 Dailey's Inn.105 James M. Haugh.Ill Buffalo House.121-123 Vacant.125-131 Genesee House.133-149 Luther Mfg. Co.201-221 P. R. R. Freight Depot.315 Vacant.325 Albert E. Rowe.329 Alfred A. W. Butler.REED STREET.From 338 N. Third, west to N.Thirteenth.Leu Side.No houses until N. Seventhintersects.805 J. W. Johnson.807 Peter Maguire.N. Eighth st. intersects.No houses until N. Eleventhst. intersects.1203 Peter Fagan.1207 Albert jLundberg.1213 John Anderson.N. Twelfth st. intersects.1307 Andrew J. Krott.1311 Jerry Chittenden.1313 Milton Keller.Rie-ht Side.No houses until N. Seventh st.intersects.802 Herman R. Houseknecht.N. Eighth st. intersects.No hpuses.N. Ninth st. intersects.1010 Union School No. 6.N. Tenth st. intersects.No houses.N. Eleventh st. intersects.1208 James Walsh.1208 Philip Heysel.1214 Vacant.N. Twelfth st. intersects.1306 David D. Starks.1312 Philip G. Guay.N. Thirteenth st. intersects.SECOND AVE., (Boardmanville.)From 21 Front, north to Genesee.Left Side.1 Mrs. L. D. Selvert.9 Harlow G. Hutchinson.11 Frank Close.

131521232527293124681224263036John Karl.James Close.Center st. intersects.Dennis Casey.William Bixby.Charles Carpenter.John H. Paddock.John W. Sykes.Grove Barron.Right Side.Fred Wilcox.Mrs. Carolina Sherwin.Elmer Keeler.William Smith.Episcopal Chapel.Center st. intersects.Conrad Derx.Frank Tubbs.John V. Young."Lucius B. Reynolds.SOUTH STREET.FromMartinS. Union,VanDusen.east to S. Barry.104 John Coast.10S Robert A. Conkling.112-114 First Baptist Church.126 Frank W. Higgins.SOUTH STREET, (Boardmanville.)From Town Hall, east to Fifth av.Left Side.Town Hall.Third av. intersects.W. M. Church.Fifth av. intersects.Right Side.Public School No. 4.12 Adam Deibler.Fifth av. intersects.SOUTH FIRST STREET.From 129 W. State, south to Alleganyriver.Left Side.Ill Albert A. Swarts.115 Laurentine Y. Miller.119 Eugene neath.119 Mrs. Ronse Buck.123 Henry Sigel.127 iJr. Thomas B. Loughlen.129 John Z. LeFevre.131 Dr. Francis E. Watts.133 John P. Foley.135 James G. Foley.137 Henry J. Collard.W. Henley st. intersects.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 339Right Side.106 Francis M. Ball.108 George Feuschter blksmith shop.110 Bussler Bovee.112-114 nose House.116 Dr. William H. Mountain.120 Joseph I. Lang.124 Charles W. Morris.126 Sam W. Binney.130 Mrs. Sarah Leader.130 Mrs. A. E. Macomber.132 Max L. Cohen.134 B. B. Hilliard.136 John M. Brown.138 Jesse A. Sheldon.142 George Lancaster.W. Henley st. intersects.SOUTH SECOND STREET.From zl9 W. State, south to Alleganyriver.Left Side.105 Fred R. Brothers.Ill Wilson R. Page.113 Herman Dotterweich.117 George M. Brown.119 Oliver F. Carley.123 Mrs. Elizabeth Borden.123 Friend E. Benson.125 Albert W. Chamberlain.127 John H. Wiseman.127 Chauncey F. Emery.129 Andrew C. Steven.129 Creighton S. Andrews.131 Charles F. Nickum.135 Frederick W. Goltz.135 1-2 Mrs. Alice E. O'Connell.W. Henley st. intersects.207 James J. Rodgers.209 Bernard W. Curtiss.211 Charles Grossman.215 John D. Harris.219 Charles H. Skiff.219 Charles W. Wright.Irving st. intersects.Left Side.102 Verne V. Joselyn.112 James S. Pierce.114 Albert M. Gibbs.116 James H. Havens.118 William H. Hurd.120 Clarence H. opraker.124 Rufus Austin.124 Mrs. Martha Hunt.126 Justice E. Seaman.12S Reuben M. Doyle.130 \villiam E. Lewis.132 Mrs. J. Berryman.134 H. C. Miller.136 Claude Mayer.

340 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S138 E. J. Billings.138 Mrs. Sadie McCready.W. Henley st. intersects.No houses.Irving st. intersects.SOUTH THIRD STREET.From 325 W. State, to Alleganyriver.Left Side.101 George Kichle.101 1-2 Samuel G. Motto.117 August Edel.119 John K. Ahlquist.125 Joseph A. Smith.129 Wenzel Wagner.137 Henry Bauer.W. Henley st. intersects.211 Dotterweich Brewing Co., BottlingDepartment.213 Henry Weitn.217 Mrs. Alta R. Bemer.Irving st. intersects.No houses.W. Green st. intersects.413 John Piatt.413 Mrs. M. Huver.Right Side.110-114 O. W. Pierce, factory.114 1-2 Aaron B. House.116 Walter M. Ray.118 Charles Breder.120 George Cady.122 Tobias Breder.126 Charles P. Anderson.128 Joseph A. Gault.132 Mrs. J. B. oolburn.132 Mrs. Charles Jebb.134 Charles F. ScTLott.136 Elbert T. Taylor.W. Henley st. intersects,No houses.Irving st. intersects.312 Harry B. Smith.314 Sheridan P. King.W. Green st. intersects.412 William Peter..14 Joseph Ursoy.SOUTH FOURTH STREET.From 419 W. State, south to All^gany river.Left Side.109 James G. Williamson.113-7 Wright Mfg. Co.113 William R. Wright.119 John Luh.123 Leo C. Shroeder.125 William G. Ryan.129 Frank Weldon.W. Henley st. intersects.203 William H. Kent.205 Edward G. LeMarbre.213 C. L. Hodges.215 Warren C. Conrad.Irving st. intersects.320 William H. Brown.W. Green st. intersects.405 William Raub.407 Mrs. Eunice Rounds.Right Side.114 Lewis N. Lang.114 Frank S. Banks.116 Gottleib Michler.122 Rev. John W. Nyvall.122 Erwin benneU126 Omar P. Kent.128 James V. Duffy. ,130 Wallace W. Virginia.W. Henley st. intersects.212 Isiah V. Filkins.216 William A. Goodwin.218 George R. Daniels.Irving st. intersects.No houses.W. Green st. intersects.402 Augustus M. Taylor.404 Henry H. Hill.438 Anna Kent.south fifth street.From 525 W. State, south to Alleganyriver.Left Side.105-7 African M. E. Church.109 Mrs. Dora Magee.Ill John H. Dugan.113 John Aenbes.117 Victor Kritter.121 Arthur W. Gibney.125 John M. Davis.127 Peter J. Messer.315 129 Xavier Witz.133 P. S. Collins.W. Henley st. intersects.126 209 William H. Harrison.130 Irving st. intersects.134 Eli K. Champlain.W. Green st. intersects.Right Side.Peter Bronold.Conrad Baker.Herman ^. Burdick.

W. Henley st. intersects.208 Mrs. Winifred G. Smith.216 William W. Butts.218 Mrs. Mary McAuliffe.218 Mrs. Mary Hannon.Irving st. intersects.No houses.W. Green st. intersects.SOUTH SIXTH STREET.From 601 W. State, south to Alleganyriver.Left side.119 John Mulcay.121 Thomas McGavisk.W. Henley st. intersects.Not open.Right Side.110 William R. Waters.US Mrs. Caroline E. Wagner.122 Charles *i. Luce.124 John F. Giese.126 Thomas J. Davis.128 Charles A. v ergason.W. Henley st. intersects.Not open.SOUTH SEVENTH SRTEET.From 721 W. State, south to Alleganyriver.Left Side.107 Richard J. Freaney.109 Vacant.Ill Mrs. Jennie A. Venus.Ill Mrs. Jane wasted.113 Bernard Johnson.115 Alexander Annibas.117 Wintield D. Mayo.119 Edmund Kurtzhaltz.119 Milton J. Duke.i..' John Russ.123 Charles S. Cooper.125 John B. Herold.125 Mrs. Ellen Dooley.127 Mrs. M. Gardner.129 Charles G. Schnell.133 Robert E. Miller.W. Henley st. intersects.No houses.Irving st. intersects.307 Charles W. Parker.311 Edward j. Miller.313 Godfrey Geuder.W. Green st. intersects.Right Side.108 Frank H. Cheesman.110 Mrs. E. bnlington.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 341112 Chas. A. Burlingham.114 George Geuder.118 Wal B. Nichols.120 Herman E. Ellis.124 Jonn ,, .nd.128 Arthur L. Tucker.W. Henley st. intersects.21(1 Charles ..obott.Irving st. intersects.320 Alex Edel.320 John Vogel.W. Green st. intersects.SOUTH EIGHTH STREET.From 8i9 W. Stale, south to Alleganyriver.Left Side.117 John Hirlemann.W. Henley st. intersects.No houses.Irving st. intersects.301 vVilliam N. Deabold.303 Alfred Edel.305 Eugene Evans.307 Frank Osterman.309 Mrs. lessie Weiser.311 Winifield Knapp.313 Elford E. Post.Right Side.108 Ward A. Frisby.112 Mrs. Ella Bemis.114 R. E. Allen..-. Wood.118 Alex McFadden.120 Frank L. Rhodes.128 August C. Goebel.W. Henley st. intersects.No houses.Irving st. intersects.302 F. D. Muckey.304 Andrew J. Hall.306 Chas. J. Decker.308 W. Patrick O'Donnell.310 Mrs. Mae Fields.312 Jonn E. Gale.SOUTH NINTH STREET.From 919 W. State, south to Alleganyriver.Left Side.105 Thomas Magee.W. Henley st. intersects.209 Mrs. Mary O'Hearn.213 Charles J. Klink.217 Daniel Savage.221 Mrs. Carrie Rowe.Irving st. intersects.

342 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SRight Side.No houses.W. Henley st. intersects.216 James Butler.222 George J. Brunner.Irving st. intersects.SOUTH TENTH STREET.From 1017 W. State, south to Alleganyriver.Left Side.113 M. V. Hotchkiss.115 Chester M. Lawton.117 Mrs. Ida Leroy.117 Robert Kane.W. Henley st. intersects.211 Christopher Kellmer.Right Side.112 Allen J. Clair.114 Mrs. Louisa Wholebin.116 George M. Miller.118 Ben H. Edei.120 Wm. G. Wiedman.122 Martin A. Brunner.j. d John KroiL.W. Henley st. intersects.216 Mrs. Sophia DellSOUTH ELEVENTH STREET.From 1129 W. State, south to Alleganyriver.Left Side.107 Paul Tumser.109 Joseph n,del.109 Michael Reiger.Ill John Edel.115 George A. Crocker.119 Albert Baxter.119 Floyd Jocelyn.121 Ai. Bert Margeson.123 Arthur L. Chase.125 Frank Bedford.129 Samuel G. Graham.131 D. R. Rogers.135 Rev. B. F. Lloyd.W. Henley st. intersects.209 Michael J. bourke.211 Fred G. Cahill.215 George a. bullock.Irving st. intersects.Right Side.108-116 School No. 2.120 John F. Vosseier.122 George Kick.124 George Schnabel.126 Cynthia u. Rice.132 J. E. Murphy.136 William P. Hannifan.140 Thomas P. Consedine.140 Micnael O'Hara.W. Henley st. intersects.212 Charles A. Cotton.214 Peter Carison.218 Mrs. Matilda Vogel.220 John J. Woods.Irving st. intersects.SOUTH TWELFTH STREET.From 1223 W. State, south to Alleganyriver.Left Side.107 Wm. J. Beabout.109 John E. Howard.109 Edward E. Dale.109 Solomon Dale.Ill Charles L. Doyle.115 John Wilson.119 Frank A. Butts.121 John E. Dollard.129 John W. Driscoll.W. Henley st. intersects.Right Side.108 Matthew A. Thornbury.112 Conrad Hartman.116 Hugh Flynn.124 FranK D. Babcock.126 Fred Bendean.128 F. E. Dellinger.132 Mrs. Christina Trube.134 Swan Anderson.134 J. H. Edel.SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET.From 1313 W. State, south to A1-"legany river.Left Side.107 Calvin A. Wheeler.115 Vacant.123 Patrick Mullin.Right Side.108 Charles J. oturm.122 Patrick Mullen.124 Martin Geoghegan.SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET.From 1511 W. State, south to limittLeft Side.Ill Edward W. Pratt.SOUTH BARRY STREET.From E. State, south to Alleganyriver.Left Side.103 John W. Coast.105-7 Dr. A. E. Smith.

109-111 St. Stephen's Episcopal Ch.113 Delmer E. Batcheller.117 Mrs. Winifred Jones.121 Mrs. Jennie Emmons.125 Charles D. Straight.129 A. J. Otto.131 Mrs. «.ugusta Hovey.133 Richard Richards.137 Charles B. Case.141 James S. Douglass.E. Henley st. intersects.201 Clinton Conklin.201 Mrs. L. H. Freeman.205 Samuel A. Anderson.207 Fred L. McKellips.211 Chas. H. Leuvan.211 J. F. Andrews.211 J. W. Coast Jr.211 George E. Whitman.215 Clarendon Kelly.215 Joseph Miller.217 Milford J. Adsit.225 Charles Hiller.227 William G. Severn.227 Lucinda L. Frier.229 Frank F. Rogers.229 Miss Lydia Filer.233 J. W. Wakelee.237 Dr. J. M. Card.241 John Brooks.245 Mrs. Anna Newman.E. Green st. intersects.301 John L. Oakley.315 Philip W. Ackerman.317 Archie M. Mott.319 Wm. E. Faunce.321 Samuel Wheaton.325 Vacant.327 Samuel Johnson.329 Harry Campbell.331 Harry R. Rarey.Right Side.Park.South st. intersects.130 Allen B. Williams.134 James S. Wetherell.136 J. A. Westfall.142 Harrington Austin.E. Henley st. intersects.206 Mrs. Katherine Fitzgerald.210-216 Chamberlain Mfg. Co.228 William Fox.232 Andrew J. Reese.238 E. C. McCullough.242 Mrs. Louise Thurber.302 246 F. George E. B. Green Smith. H. Cox. st. intersects.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 343306 Chas. E. Rogers.310 Judson Barnes.312 Miles Smith.312316316316326330334338342Mrs. Rosaltha Adsit.Orton M. Vincent.Geo. O. Oakley.F. C. White.Henry L. Brooks.Edward W. Kelly.Mrs. Kate Wrignt.Vacant.Charles Henry.342 1-2 Edward Mayer.SOUTH CLINTON STREET.From 214 E. State, south to E.Green.107107111115117125131137141145Sanford G. Left Greenman. Side.George L. Bemis.Horace S. McNeille.Thaddeus G. Cass.Mrs. Frances Hancox.^onrad Alles.Andrew Bulger.John M. Larkin.Wm. H. Mulholland.James K. VanCampen.E. Henley st. intersects.205 John L. Homish.207 Mrs. Mary Colran.209 Demont Dake.No houses.Right Side.108 Charles Repp.112 Rev. James w. Ashton.Ii6 Mrs. Minnie A. Bloodsworth.120 W. S. Steele.124 P. J. Quinn.128 John H. Passmore.130 Herman F. Wadhams.134 C. B. Frier.138 Charles Worden.140 F. W. Kruse.E. Henley st. Intersects.206 William J. Quigley.210 William D. Passmore.212 John W. Houghton.214 Mrs. Hattie Stuter.214 J. Albert Halstead.224 M. W. Call.228 Frank B. Thompson.230 P. D. Ingalls.232 James H. Smith.234 Geo. W. Smith.238 William Snow.SOUTH UNION STREET.From State, south to Alleganyriver.

344 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SLeft Side.131 E. V. Wood.135 C. E. Bell.139 Dr. Chas. P. Knowles.143 Dr. C. J. Duffy.145 John J. Newman.E. Henley st. intersects.207 A. V. Hunt.209 Mrs. Jane H. Sowers.209 Wm. Abitams Jr.211 Copeland Smith.211 O. W. Bentley.213 John W. Alles.219 Frederick B. Conrad.219 George Oswick.221-5 Buffalo Scrap Iron Co.No E. houses Green to st. river. intersects.405 Herman Right Smith's Side. barns.104105110116120128132136140144202202212216216Hotel Imperial.Office of Forbes Metal Co.Mrs. Pauline V. Adams.Forman <strong>Library</strong>.Louis C. Wilson.Dr. DeVere M. Hibbard.Charles D. Judd.F. C. Olds.Joseph Huson.Judge Kruse.W. Henley st. intersects.Mrs. Anna M. Seiter.Dennis F. Slattery.Mrs. Ellen T. Barrows.William J. Voorhis.Fred ^.. Rapp.Irving st. intersects.302 Fred Wilkins' shop.304 Fred Wilkins.306-310 Keystone Gas Co., gasometer.322 Edward Donohue.324 F. Edward Collopy.326 David E. Barrows.W. Green st. intersect-.402 Jesse W. Yaw.404 John r>. Wallin.408 Clinton B. McDowell.410 Mrs. Mary Butanowicz.414 Edward A. Cook.416 Susannah Mallery.418 Harley B. McDowell.430 John King.THIRD AVE., (Boardmanville.)From Town Hall, north to Genesee.Left Side.5 Mrs. Katherine Reitz.7 WlL- -J Keitz.9 Walter J. Eagan.11 Charles Harter.13 Fred J. Reitz.15 Mrs. Katherine Becker.19 Horace C. Hubbell.19 George J. Coon.23 William Spears.Center st. intersects.35 Miss Julia Friedl.35 George E. Baker.37 Alonzo n. Clark.39 J. L. Kelly.43 Almon A. Field.47 George Cooper.51 Charles W. Carter.121212141618182024262828303236384446Genesee st. intersects.Right Side.Ralph Pierce.Michael Mann.Mrs. Mary Moran.Mrs. Sarah Knapp.Horace M. Fales.Fred Boenig.G. D. Weley.Henry Hempsher.James W. Youngs.Aionzo Nutting.W. L. ^randall.John Good.Center st. intersects.N. J. Schouten.W. L. Zimmerman.William Miller.M. Carpenter.Rupert Spears.Duncan Bell.48 Truman Hall.Genesee st. intersects.TOMPKINS STREET.From 142 N. Barry, east to East av.Left Side.3*oT" Vacant.207 Jacob Corwin Miles.311 W. G. Naylor.211 313 H. S. S. E. Fisn. Dickinson.213 313 Ellsworth Leon R. Adams. Brown.319 William N. Clinton H. McHugh. st. intersects.319 FranK P. Story.321 Charles A. Turner.325 Peter F. Keenan.329 John J. Lottus.331 Richard White.333 Buell R. Smith.

Right Side.No houses.N. Clinton st. intersects.306 Thomas F. Wilcox.308 x-ercy G. Feltham.310 Thomas Delaney.310 Gird Safford.312 J. Grant Weeks.318 Mrs. Esther A. Rose.322 Albert a. Wood.322 Frank Saunders.324 Vacant.326 Edward Jones.332 John Deabold, Jr.VANCAMPEN AVENUE.From 318 Wayne, north to Coleman.505 Russel Olmsted.507 Vacant.509 Joseph F. Hugh.509 1-2 .Michael Lynch.WASHINGTON STREET.From 2i)3 N. Fourth, west to N.Thirteenth.Left Side.Cemetery.611 .Leon R. Adams.613 William A. Gease.N. Sixth st. intersects.703 Joel K. Wallin.705 Mrs. Nettie Austin.711 Mrs. Jennie Andrews.713 Vacant.N. Seventh st. intersects.No houses.N. ixinth st. intersects.1003 Walter Johnson.lOO'i George Burleigh.1009 Fred Westerland.N. Tenth st. intersects.No houses.1201 Harry Beabout.1203 Oscar OKerlune.1205 Mrs. Lena Helwedge.1209 Thomas Ganey.1209 Mrs. Nellie Quigley.1211 Aaron Couse.1213 nmgene Brant.1213 George V . James.1215 Alexander McDonald.N. Twelfth st. intersects.1301 William F. O'Hara.1305 John Landstrom.1309 Nicholas Truby.1311 Charles A. Godden.ISf. Thirteenth st. intersects.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 345Right Side.510 John T. Shiber.512 Lynas J. Whitcomb.N. Fifth st. intersects.602 David T. Jones.606 William A. Homer.608 Maurice Fitzgerald.612 John B. Wentzell.616 John Babel.N. Sixtn st. intersects.704 David Cramer.706 Samuel S. Turner.708 Edward B. Andrews.710 William M. Cramer.712 Daniel Crawford.716 Elmer Summers.N. Seventh st. intersects.802 Isaac Fox.Buftalo st. intersects.808 Mrs. Martha M. Eules.808 Swedish Church.810 Vacant.812 Mrs. Matilda Whelan.816 Lucien P. Abbott.N. Eighth st. intersects.902 Charles J. Gay.904 William Hubbard.908 Franklin H. Matthews.916 Fred J. Webber.920 Greenleaf H. Mayo.N. Ninth st. not open.1004 Mrs. Anna Ritzhauer.1004 William Porsch.Winters av. intersects.1010 Dennis Keating.1010 Myron Llewellyn.1014 Leonard J. Brown.1016 David Kullmer.N. Tenth st. not open.1102 Frank Ziegler.1110 Mrs. Martha O'Keefe.1110 John Umferfate.1114 Egidius Heller.1116 George W. Moore.N. Eleventh st. intersects.1208 Nicholas Ineich.1208 William Haas.1210 Frank Kamery.1212 Ernest Nickel.1214 Joseph Fritsch.1216 Uhlerich .lerman.N. Twelfth st. intersects.1302 Wilbert P. Parkhurst.1312 GottieiD Cook.1316 Harry E. Etter.N. Thirteenth st. intersects.

346 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SWAYNE STREET.From 487 N. Union, west to Thirteenth.Left Side.Ill Mrs. Jane Gallagher.Ill Miss Mary Gallagher.113 J. M. Madara.N. First st. intersects.211-227 E. R. Moore.400-500-600-700 Pennsylvania R. R.shops and yards.N. Seventh st. intersects.813 John Gold.N. Eighth st. intersects.Right Side.106 William Ruchte.108 Edward J. Wilson.112 Clarence W. Deibler.112 Jerry J. Dunlavey.11, Thomas L. Steele.114 Hugh Steele.116 John T. Newman.120 John Silvernail.120 John Garvey.N. First st. intersects.212 Charles R. Colegrove.Brickell av. intersects.302 Henry A. Brown.302 Conrad Kiesel.306 William Carter.310 Richard Lawson.312 Thomas J. Handley.314 Frank H. Penoyer.316 Patrick Spellan.318 William J. Foss.VanCampen av. intersects.328 Vacant.330 Archie A. Mcintosh.N. Third st. not open.402 Albert L. Cookingham.402 William v. Wood.404 Michael Mousdon.406 John Burk.408 John Messer.410 Arthur Kyser.414 Mrs. Elizabeth Haller.N. Fourth st. intersects.510 Bernard J. Duffy.512 James P. Kennedy.516 Vacant.N. FL-i st. intersects.602 John C. Smith.604 Robert Milliken.614-616 Corry House.N. Sixth st. intersects.704 Mrs. Mary \\ hite.710 James D. Gibbons.712 Carrol House.716 Edward Murtaugh.720 Adolph Englebach.No houses.N. Eighth st. intersects.910 Paul Nelson.N. Ninth st. intersects.WEST GREEN STREET.From 326 s. Union, west toSeventh.Left Side.113 Thomas L. Lighton.115 James A. Lyons.117 George Heib.119 Mike Sheahan.121 Edward l,. Edwards.123 Abram H. Block.S. First st. not open.203 Clark F. Whittaker.205 Lewis H. Smith.209 Mrs. Eleanor Quigley.213 Mrs. Eva Kennedy.215 Henry A. Taylor.217 Vacant.S. Second st. intersects.301 John B. Hassett.307 Jeremiah B. Foster.309 Mrs. Frances Kay.313 John Dolan.315 Joseph Myers.S. Third st. intersects.405 Mrs. Anna M. Seuling.413 Timothy Hassett.417 W. A. Wright.419 Frederick A. Collis.S. Fourtn st. intersects.507 Henry J. Adams.511 Eugene P. Edwards.513 C. Frank Jackson.S. Fifth st. intersects.601 Eugene J. McGiveron.605 Anton Loedold.607 William M. Corkins.611 Max Bartsch.613 Louis Schue.617 Mrs. Josephine Johnson.621 Milton M. iirden.621 George W. Richardson.S. Seventh st. intersects.Right Side.106 Frank H. Sharp.112 James H. Hughes.114 George Smith Jr.122 124 Thomas Edward W. E. Cahill. Sturm, Jr.

128 Othello P. Guile.128 Chas. C. Demming.S. First st. intersects.206 Fred W. Seamon.210 Lester F. Clemons.210 Mrs. Martha Polk.212 George Wright.214 Joseph E. Harris.S. Second st. intersects.306 Lew J. Strong.312 Henry L. Scnue.316 Nicholas Stepanoi.S. Third st. intersects.Vacant lots.S. Fourth st. intersects.510 S. D. Earner.514 Horatio E. Green.S. Fifth st. intersects.606 Christian J. Slinker.610 Fred L. Slinker.614 J. E. TenEyck.618 Orgen MucKey.S. Sixth st. not open.702 Edgar C. Follett.708 Joseph Klamt.712 Arthur Happel.714 Joseph iviamt Jr.718 Theodore Fiechter.S. Seventh st. intersects.WEST HBNLEi STREET.From 144 S. Union, west to limits.Left Side.109 William V. Smith.113 Thomas Gilligan.117 St. Mary's Church.S. First st. intersects.203-5 Catholic Book Store.207 Mrs. Elizabeth M. Ball.209 Dr. Irvin H. Boyd.211 Orville L. Davis.215 Langford Rodgers.215 1-2 Henry F. Klee.S. Second st. intersects.301-311 Dotterweich Brewing Co.319 George F. Stein.S. Third st. intersects.401 Fred Langs.405 Millard F. Riley.409 Harry Somers.S. Fourth st. intersects.505 Thomas Whitton.511 Peter J. Spindler.511 1-2 Ralston S. Bartow.515 S. J. McGriff.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 347S. Fifth st. intersects.601 Mrs. Anna M. Farley.603 Vacant.607 Andrew Snyder.609 /acant.611 Edward C. Moses.615 John J. Hannon.619 John W. Ragan.S. Sixth st. intersects.701 August Demski.S. Seventh st. intersects.801 Danford W. Dean.S. eighth st. intersects.901 james Hayer.905 Peter Miller.909 Frank O'Neil.911 Henry R. O'Neil.S. Ninth st. intersects.1003 Mrs. Eli Martin.1003 Benjamin C. Mook.lOOo Cassius O'Neil.1009 Charles m. Roeske.S. Tenth st. intersects.1101 Patrick j. Toohig.1103 Nicholas H. Druby.1107 Cornelius Dolson.1111 Thomas n. Dolan.1115 Charles Hardel.1117 S. C. Demsky.1121 Peter Truby.1121 George Steinbach.1125 Mrs. Carrie M. Horan.S. Eleventh st. intersects.1203 Charles Boswortn.1207 William Davis.-- J William J. Graham.1215 Lysander M. vanDyke.S. Twelfth st. intersects.1305 Daniel E. Kerns.1305 Patrick _.. Murray.1311 George Gardiner.1311 Merle Gardiner.S. Thirteenth st. not open.1405 Henry Hellwege.1407 Charles Rose.1407 Jacob Klink.1409 William C. Klink.1411 Edward Klink.S.Fourteenth st. intersects.1501 William Roessler.1503 John wiles.1505 John Heilman.1509 Addison Ranuall.1515 Charles W. Randall.S. Fifteenth st. not open.1601-1611 Pierce tannery.

348 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S161511011831231432040240640841041441641850450651260460S616620704718804814S1490210061012101411021116111611261302130813081402Chas. H. Balcn.Pierce av. intersects.Right Side.Jasper E. Smith.Rev. John J. Hamel.S. First st. intersects.No nouses.S. oecond s... intersects.William b. Denney.Rudolph Dotterweich.Patrick Shannon.S. l'hird st. intersects.Harry ^. Smith.John W. Roddy.Austin W. Merchant.Fred Hodges.J. A. Maxon.Daniel t±. Sullivan.C. G. ^amilton.S. Fourth st. intersects.Charles T. Fuller.Fred A. Close.Philip A. VonStorcn.S. Fifth st. intersects.Oscar W. Hamilton.C. H. Beckwith.George Bronold.Casper Leippert.S. Sixth st. intersects.Michael Gaynor.Charles Bulmer.S. Seventh st. intersects.Mrs. Patrick Priest.Mrs. Anna Schue.Mrs. Margaret Cook.S. Eighth st. intersects.Wm. H. Tulley.S. Ninth st. intersects.Conrad Ruppaecht.Peter Weitmer.Christopher Gabler.S. Tenth st. intersects.John Crummy.Lemuel F. Adsit.William L. Higby.George W. Beabout.S. Eleventh st. intersects.Vacant lots.S. Twelfth st. intersects.Hugh Gallagher.William Gardner.Charles Gardner.S. Thirteentn st. intersects.Thomas Wiles.1406 J. John O'Toole.1408 James Barrett.S. Fourteenth st. intersects.1506 Mrs. Margaret Heck.1508 John i^ook.S. Fifteenth st. intersects.No houses.Pierce av. intersects.WEST STATE STREET.From Union, (dividing streets intonorth and south,) west to city limits.Left Side.101-103 Hotel Imperial.Ill L. G. Rodgers & Co.113-115 E. A. Kallenback.115 Opera House.121-3 L. Y. Miller & Sons.125 Mrs. Josephine Wilmot.129 Albert A. Swarts.129 Judd Sherlock.S. First st. intersects.201-203 Foley Block.209 Edward M. Tothill.213 Irving \\ . Miller.215 William W. Leland.219 Herman Schuetz.219 Otto Miller.S. Second st. intersects.303 Mark Kember.309-311 Simon Reich.Rear of 309, Chas. Breder.315 Empire Art Co., Frank Wright.317 John Weidman.319 Mrs. Carrie Backus.321 W. W. Laraway & Co.323 Kamler Bros.325 Erwin ScTiott.325 George Kichle.S. Third st. intersects.403 Ormel W. Pierce.405 William Smith.409 Wm. Smith's shop.409 1-2 Freeman W. Phelps.413 Lewellyn A. Mallery.417-19 Ferris J. Mallery.419 1-2 Albert L. Richards.S. Fourth st. intersects.501 G. Brenner.501 1-2 Millman.503 Charles Frost.507 Eagle Hotel.507 G. E. Phillips.511 L. A. Mallery furniture warehouse.511 1-2 Roy J. Davidson.511 1-2 William J. Dux.

OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 349513 Gotlib Schwinger.513 1-2 Chas. C. Russel.517 B. H. Link.517 Peter Schmidt.S. Fifth st. intersects.601 A. Farpstein.605 Edward Sturm.605 1-2 Rufus R. Swetland.609 Daniel F. Allen.615 Albert Berry.619 Mrs. Minnie Sigel.619 Miss Mary Dinter.S. Sixth st. intersects.701 W. Webber.711 Jacoo N. Cook.717 Vacant.719 R. M. Gould.721 World Hotel.S. Seventh st. intersects.801 Matthew Spiesman.805 William T. Muckey.809 William J. LeStrange.819 Patrick Clancy.S. Ninth st. intersects.903 Dr. Cassar Smith.907 William K.nley.911 Mrs. Sophia Wholebin.9iyWilliam a. Gabler.S. Tenth st. intersects.1013 David Barry.1017 Martin Southeron.1017 Thomas F. Creagan.S. Tenth st. intersects.1103 Riley Allen.1107 Webster J. Alger.1111 Mrs. George Blessing.1117 Michael Dougherty.1121 Rumbold Fuchs.1121 John a. Nutt.1123-1125- Charles Edel.1123-125 Edel's Hall.1129 Julius Seiler.S. Eleventh st. intersects.1209-1211 Public School No. 2.1213 Fred Shafer.1215 Frank E. Sherman.1217 Patrick Sweeney.1221 Willis O. Doane.1221 Joe Buser.1223 SmitJ.S. Twelfth st. intersects.1301 West End Athletic Club.1305 Thomas E. James.1307 John Kuhn.1313 John O'Donnell.N. Thirteenth st. intersects.1403 Mrs. Mary C. Sturm.1403 Frank i.^cKinney.1407 Edward A. Delamater.1411 William Klink.1415 John C. Coleman.1417 Vacant.S. Fourteenth st. not open.1507 John Engelbach.1511 John Cook Sr.S. Fifteenth st. intersects.Right Side.102 Elks' lodge rooms.106 J. J. Hatfield.108-110 . rank's Hotel.112-114 E. H. Templeton.116 William W. Butts.118 Joseph A. Smith.120 Milo D. Barnum.122 Vacant.124 John B. Savage.126-128 O'Connell Bros.130 W. A. Binney.N. First st. intersects.202 William J. Condon.204 George ±v. ..tank.206 Benjamin J. Mooney.208 George B. Patterson.210 Meloy Cohen.212 Samuel Michaels.214 John W. Woods.216 Frank S. Tinklepaugh.218 Lewis J. Rodgers.220 George H. Dotterweich.N. Second st. intersects.302 Grossman Bakery.304 Franklin Acock.306 Mrs. Nancy A. Sherwood.306 William L. Myrick.308 Ambrose Chesner., 310 Elias Scheirries.312 William J. Voorhies.314 John J. Grant.316 Mrs. Anna Vollmer.318 Fred Vollmer.320 John G. Questa.324 Mrs. G. E. Phillips.324 Charles B. Wilbert.324 William P. Barnick.326 Max L. Cohen.N. Third st. intersects.402 Peter H. Rivenburgh.402 Arthur J. Howard.404 Charles A. Shaffer.410 B. Frank Thomas.414 George Peterson.414 Charles B. Nelson.418 Douglas S. Pulver.422 418 420 John Frank H. n. J. Geuder. Shaffer.

350 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SN. Fourth st. intersects.504 William Halter.508 William Haiter.512 J. M. Prozeller.514 Arthur G. Cook.516 L. A. Mallery.520 Fred D. Ingalls.520 Mrs. Rabie Fields.522 Alexander McGillis.522 Edward I. Walker.524 Fred E. Morian.524 Curtis Crandall.N. Fifth st. intersects.604 Joseph N. Streb.606 Joseph P. McGrath.606 Roy Gould.608 C. Golden and Mary Golden.608 Emma E. Burlingham.612 Josepn Cohen.620 Spindler Brothers.620 John J. Spindler.N. Sixth st. intersects.702 Nils Swanson.704 Mrs. Anna Swanson.708 George ri. Oatley.708 Roy Wilkinson.708 Mrs. Emma Switz.718 Mrs. Mary Gerlach.722 A. M. Palmer & Co.722 1-2 Sherman G. Armstrong.N. Seventh st. intersects.802 Zimmerman Bros.810 Philip Zimmerman.820 Joe Tomes.N. Eighth st. intersects.304 George Horton.904 Harry Couurn.$08 Lewis T. Tidd.912 Frederick Hills.912 Henry o. Beebe.914 Charles G. Chew.920 I. C. Wilcox.920 John Long.N. Ninth st. intersects.1002 Augustus C. Bussler.1006 Henry Wagner.1006 Eugene Burt.1006 Fred Weagraff.1010 Victor Leconte.1016 Mrs. Delila Clark.N. Tenth st. intersects.1102 A. W. Anderson.1114 Joseph P. Hearn.1120 Mrs. Emele Basler.1120 Frank Hoffmann.1120 Frank Bosler.N. Eleventh st. intersects.1202 Matthew Ulmschneider.1208 Gilbert Garr.1212 Chemical Hose No. 2.1214 D. J. McMillan.1214 M. Mortimer.N. Twelfth st. intersects.1302 F. F. Hannifan & Co.1306 Fred J. Woodard.1308 Charles Sturm.1312 William F. Waldiels.1316 Martin Marth.1320 Mrs. Mary Hill.1320 William G. Wiedman.N. Thirteenth st. intersects.1406 Charles Scheiterly.1410 Adam Stegner.N. Fourteenth, not open.1502 Conrad Scheiterly.WEST SULLIVAN STREET.From 265 N. Union, west to limits.Left Side.No houses.N. First st. intersects.No houses.N. Second st. intersects.305 Mrs. Sarah J. Latimer.309 Oscar H. Ingalls.313 Albert Judge.N. Third st. intersects.407 Benjamin U. Taylor.411 William M. Duringer.411 Mrs. Jennie Fitzgerald.417 Ernest R. Baker.N. Fourth st. intersects.513 Steyner, John J.N. Fifth st. intersects.601 George W. Green.601 Mrs. Mary L. Whipple.603 Fred L. Eaton.607 S. L. Fitch.611 Alfred Tothill.N. Sixth st. intersects.703 Allen I. Williams.707 Chas. H. Rockwood.711 Vacant.713 Edward Kennedy.713 Mortimer S. Simpson.N. Seventh st. intersects.809 Henry A. Brown.809 Charles E. Golden.813 Mrs. Peter Creighton.N. Eighth st. intersects.N. Ninth St., not open.1005 Mrs. Theresa Hartz.1009 Donald G. McCaig.

OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 35110131017Bradley R. Foster.Michael Connors.Winters av. intersects.John A. Quigley.N. Tenth st. intersects.Joseph Sutter.George Sutter.G. Peter Schrieber.Austin C. Kane.Franrt N. rage.Fred Kittleman.N. Eleventh st. intersects.Charles Adams.John Yewdall.Mrs. Ellen Fitzpatrick.August Hirliman.James G. Hennessy.N. Twelfth st. intersects.'Mrs. Clara Manning.Frank B. Hewitt.John T. Thatcher.John Scanlon.John Schlosser.N. Thirteenth st. intersects.Right Side.102-108 Riley & Wands.10311101110111^1111111311151201120512091213121713011305131113151317112 American Palace Laundry.114 Barns of Olean Transfer Co.116 Olean Transfer Co.118 Elisha M. Johnson.N. First st. intersects.204 Dr. W. Irving Hewitt.218 Harry Moreland.218 I. Collins.N. Second st. intersects. .N. V. V. Franchot.N. Third st. intersects.Olean High School.N. Fourth st. intersects.504 George N. Moore.508 Rudolph C. Mayer.412 Mrs. George bicker.512 F. W. Ketcham.N. Fifth st. intersects.602 Dr. Walter C. Reynolds.606 Mary of the Angels' School.606 Convent of Mercy.N. Sixth st. intersects.702 James L. Clyde.706 M. G. FitzpatricK.710 Edwin F. Curtis.710 Mrs. Florence C. Hanson.N. Seventh st. intersects.806 Jesse^.. Dickens.S10 David Michael.810818100810081022102410281032110211021106111011141116120612101220130213061310 1314Mrs. Jennie Olds.Julius P. Johnson.N. Eighth st. intersects.No houses.N. Ninth st. intersects.Mrs. Adeline Sloan.John v aughn.George F. Kraft.George F. H. Foster.John s. Carlson.Samuel O. Moyer.N. Tenth St. intersects.Bariah Phinney.Frank Gallagher.John A. Haney.Joseph Heberle.Gus. E. Finger.John C. Besecker.N. Eleventh St. intersects.Albert Baker.Charles Blaskey.Napoleon Russel.N. Twelfth st. intersects.William Lang.Albert Sprague.William F. Hannon.John Mulready.N. Thirteenth st. intersects.WHITNEY AVENUE.From 323 N. Union, northwest to P.R. R. tracks.Left Side.N. First st. intersects.213 Edwin J. Munger.N. Second st. intersects.311 Johnson's green house.313 Fred H. Johnson.317 Mrs. Margaret McManus.321 Mrs. Margaret Johnson.323 Thomas F. McDermott.325 Vacant.331 Gillingham & Son.Right Side.106 Edward Bonner.108 Vacant.110 Vacant.114 R. M. Bowser.118 Mrs. Hattie Doran.122 Debb Waileebe.122 Aboulette Saway.122 Abram Abouahmad.126 Henry George.126 Charles Bisshire.126 Michael Nosser.N. First st. intersects.202 Michael Rogers.

352 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'S202 Jim Kinser.202 Jacob William.210-218 Foley Bros.WINTERS AVENUE.From 1004 Washington, north toW. Sullivan.Left Side.215 \v Uliam Gannon.217 Judd Sherlock.217 Mrs. Elizabeth Smith.219223208212216218218218222Hiram D. Bartow.Vacant.W. Sullivan st. intersects,Right Side.C. Elbert harbeck.Charles Olds.Wilson P. Branch.Ziba E. Bailey.Ernest Bailey.Donald G. McKaig.v,narles M. Reed.

O L E A N D I R E C T O R Y .Classified B u s i n e s s List.NAMES IN CAPITALS ARE ADVERTISERS.ARCHITECTS.Button, Ray E., 16 Plum, E. 0.BUTTON, SAMUEL E., 11 Plum, E.o.Salisbury, Hugh S., 1821 N. Union.ART STORES.Streight, Laura A., 240 N. Union.Wright, Frank O, 315 W. State.ATTORNEYS.Andrews, Creighton S., 201 MasonicTemple.Bolles, David H., 2231 N. Union.Carter. Charles W., 51 Third av., Bv.Cary, Rumsey & Hastings, 22-23 Ex.Bank bldg.Collins, Patrick S., 156 N. Union.Union.Cook, George W., 770 N. Union, N. O.Donnelly, Henry, res. 120 N. Ciintom.Dwinnells & Shaffer, 156 N. Union.Eaton & Page, 31 Ex. Bank bldg.Hubbard, Walter S., office City bldg.Jewell, Dana L., office 32 Ex. Bankbldg.Jewell, Marcius B., office 1551 N.Union.Larkin, George A., 22-23 Ex. Bankbldg.Parker & Cobb, Tower block, 156 N.Union.Pierce & Cobb, 305 Masonic Temple.Smith, Jasper E., 1331 N. Union.Smith, William V., 202 MasonicTemple.Ryan, John R., 156 N. Union.Storrs, Thomas, 2231 N. Union.Stowell, Louis W., 1071 N. Union.Waring, James H., 1071 N. Union.AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS.Close Cycle and Automobile Co., 442:N. Union.Smith, George, Co., 256 N. Union.AWNINGS.Olean Carpet Cleaning Works, 255N. Union.BAGGAGE MEN.Olean Street Railway Co.Reardon, Jonn, 709 N. Sixth, N. O.BAKERIES.Brendell, John A., 125 N. Union.Grossman Bakery, 302 W. State.Halter, William, 508 W. State.F. W. Higgins & Co., 120 N. Union.Hoffmann, Frank, 1120 W. State.Olean Baking Co., 239 N. Union.Phillips, George E., 324 W. State.Robinson, N. R., 23» N. Union.Voorhies, William J., 312 W. State.21

354 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SBANKS.EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK,cor. Union and Laurens.FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 107 N.Union.BARBER SHOPS.ANDERSON, S. B., 513 N. Union.Barnum, Milo D., 120 W. State.Coss, George M., 613 E. State, E. O.Dempsey, Jack, 1111 N. Union, N. O.F. T. B. BARBER SHOP, 172 N.Union.Gould, Roy, 719 W. State.Grand Central Barber Shop, 310 N.Union.Hatfield, Joseph J., 106 W. State.Hauestein, Julius W., 3161 W. State.Hughes & Pitcher, 237 N. Union.Johnson, Henry, 461 N. Union.Nicklas, John, City bldg.OLEAN HOUSE BARBER SHOP,130 N. Union.Silvernail, John, 321 N. Union.Sturm. Chas.J., 130S W. State.Pallman. Fred. 1125 W. State.Warner & Adams. 3111 N. UnionVirginia, Wyman W., 430 N. Union.BED SPRING MANUFACTURERS.Sweeney, Patrick, 1217 W. State.BICYCLES, SUNDRIES & REPAIRS.Alger, Page B., 244 N. Union.Close Cycle and Automobile Co., 442N. Union.Phillips. George E., 507 W. State.Smith, George P., 256 N. Union.BILLIARDS AND POOL.Binney, Samuel, 105 N. Union.Binney, W. L., 130 W. State.Collopy Bros., 317 N. Union.Grand Central Billiard Parlor. 312N. Union.Isaacson, Peter, prop'rBilliard Academy, 111 N. Union.Kugawa. F., 1121 N. Union.Moran, Thomas, 321 N. Union.O'Connell Bros., 128 W. State.Olean House, 132 N. Union.Schelin, Andy, 721 W. State.Sherlock, Judd, 129 W. State.Vollmer, Fred, 318 W. State.Wilcox, Melville, 451 N. Union.BLACKSMITHS & HORSESHOERS.BLESSING, CONRAD J., 110 N.Third.Cross & Way, 507 N. Union.Feuchter, George, 108 S. First.MonarchOlean Carriage Works, N. Union.STOWELL, H. D„ 476 Higgins av.Swarts, A. A., S. First.Taylor, Augustus M., 471 N. Union.BOARDING HOUSES.Barse, Abram B., 413 N. Seventh.Bush, Mrs. MaryM., 3091 N. Union.Byam, Mrs. Rose, 18 Garden av.,E. O.Greenwood, Mrs. Celia, 321 N. Ninth.Jones, Mrs. Winifred, 117 S. Barry.Montroy, Mrs. Frank, 336 N. Tenth.Murphy, Miss Ellen, 7 Spruce, N. O.Weinhauer, Mrs. Carrie A., 206 N.Barry.Wilson, James, 1621 W. State.BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS.Black, J. B., 141 N. Union.Brothers, F. R. & Co., 119 N. Union.Catholic Book Store, 207 W. Henley.Goodwin, W. A., 233 N. Union.KOLUMBIAN PHARMACY, 133 N.Union.OAKLEAF, F. H., 127 N. Union.Copies of this directory can be obtainedat Oakleaf's book store. Price $2.50net.PALMER, A. M. & CO., 161 N. Union,branch store 722 W. State.White, H. G., 313 N. Union.BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS.Albro, R. O, 802 N. Union.Bell Bros., 157-159 N. Union.Burke. MichaelJ., 529 N. Union.Ford's Red Front, 176 N. UnionFoss W.J., 318 Wayne.Hannifan & Maroney, 147 N. Union.Higgins, F. W. & Co., 927 Buffalo.Higgins, O. T. & Son, 1101 N. Union.Johnson, J. M., cor. Union and Hamilton.Sheehan, D. W., 501-5 N. Union.SWANSON, NILS, 702 W. State.TYLER, F. E. & CO., 158 N. Union.Weber, Henry H., 135 N. Union.Yanella, Fenx, 455-457 N. Union.Zimmerman Bros., 802 W. State.BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS ANDREPAIRERS.Coppozzi, John, 106 Hamilton.Chaloba, Charles, 1113 N. Union.Cook, Arthur G., 514 W. State.Kiesel, Michael, 1001 N. Union.Lorosa, Joseph, 417 N. Union.Lay, Leonard, 1117 Buffalo.Mooney, Benjamin F., 206 W. State.MORELL, PETER, 108 Laurens.SWANSON, NILS, 702 W. State.

BOTTLIHG WORKS.DOTTERWEICH BREWING CO.,211 S. Third.Haugh, MichaelJ., 612 N. First.Sherman, Frank E., 1215 W. State.Walhauser, Mrs. Mary, 602 E. State.BOWLING ALLEYS.City Cafe, 146 N. Union.Hotel Capitol, 112 W. State.Schelin. Andy, 721 W. State.Vollmer, Fred, 318 W. State.BREWERS.DOTTERWEICH BREWING CO.,301-311 W. HfcUey.BRICK MANUFACTURERS.Mr-Murray, J. C. & A., E. State, E. O.BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS.OLEAN BUILDING, LOAN & SAV­INGS ASS'N, 107 North.BUILDERS' SUPPLIES.GILLINGHAM, C. & SON, 302 N..Union.OLEAN SUPPLY CO., 412 N. Union.TAYLOR, BENJAMIN U., 254 N.Union.CARPETS.Adams. Geo. B. & Co., 149-151 N.Union.Bell Bros., 157-159 N. Union.Conkling, Robert A. Co., 135- 137 N.Union.CARPET CLEANING WORKS.Schamel, H. C, 255 N. Union.CABINET MAKERS.Marth, Martin, 1316 W. State.Smith, William, 409 W. State.WRIGHT MANUFACTURING CO.,113-117 S. Fourth.CABINET SPECIALTIES.WRIGHT MANUFACTURING CO.,113-117 S. Fourth.CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS.Olean Carriage Works, 524 N. Union.Rhodes & Co., 481 N. Union.CATERERS.Barnes, Thomas, il5 North.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 355Miles, Corwin, 207 Tompkins.Robinson, N. R., 239 N. Union.Weinhaur, Mrs. Carrie, 206 N. Barry.CHURCHES.(See list on front pages.)CIGARS AND TOBACCOS.Burke, MichaelJ., 529 N. Union.Chapman, Joseph M., 126 N. Union.Cohen, Max L., 326 W. State.KELSEY, JAMES, 144 N. Union.Lang, JosephI., Ill N. Union.LARKIN, MATTHEW J., 217 N.Union.Moran & Bowser, 312 N. Union.PRECKLE, WILLIAM B., 307 N.Union.BRIDGE BUILDERS.CIGAR MANUFACTURERS.Groton Bridge & Mfg Co., Ill North. Cohen, Max L., 326 W. State.KELSEY, JAMES, 144 N. Union.Lang, JosephI., Ill N. Union.LARKIiN, MATTHEW, 217 N. Union.CLEANERS AND DYERS.Boorneman, William, 443 N. Union,Hendryx, Miss Lottie M., 108 Hamilton.Laraway, W. W. & Co., 321 W. State.Leary's Dyeing and Cleaning Korks,216 W. State.CLERGYMEN.Adams, George W., 73 Garden a>.,E. O.Ashton, James W., 112 S. Clinton.Burns, Francis, 118 W. Henley.Cass, Thaddeus Guilford, 115 S.Clinton.Curtis, Ethan, 134 S. Barry.Duffy, Charles E., 733 N. Union, N.O.Hamel, J.J., 118 W. Henley.Hedding, H. E., 106 N. Ninth.Hordick, L.b'., 24 Elm, N. O.Lloyd, B. F., 135 S. Eleventh.Mooney, James F., 773 N. Union,N. O.Nyvall, John W., 122 S. Fourth.Preis, John, 142 N. Thirteenth.Reed ,Newton L., 206 Laurens.Sooy, J. Leander, 203 N. Fourth.Weidman, Frederick O, 415 Laurens.Woods, Henry O, 126 N. Barry.Zeligsohn, Abram, 108 Fulton.CLOAKS AND SUITS.Adams, George B. & Co., 149-151 N.Union.Bell Bros., 157-159 N. Union.

356 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SMARCUS, H. W. 131 N. Union.CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS & MEN'SFURNISHINGS.Coast, J. W. & Son, 154 N. Union.Deiches, S., 170 N. Union.Ford's Red Front, 180 N. Union.Harris, J.i.j.., 246 N. Union.HORNER, WILLIAM & CO., 136-138 N. Union.Karl & Rice, 164 N. Union.McLowry & Ryan, 213 N. Union.SPRAKER, CLARENCE H., 266 N.Union.COAL AND WOOD DEALERS.McDowell, o. B., Cuy bldg.OLEAN SUPPLY CO., 413 N. Union.Smith, Charles, cor. Union and Higginsav.TAYLOR, B. U., 254 N. Union.CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS.ALDERMAN, SAMUEL A., 205 S.Barry.Bemis, George L., 10V S. Clinton.Breder, Charles, 309 W. State.Burt, Joseph, 604 Irving.Bussler, Augustus O, 105 N. First.BUTTOM, SAMUEL, 11 Plum, E. O.Dean & Havens, opera house block,W. btate.Donahue, Edward, 322 S. Union.Gibbs, Lafayette F., 1231 N. Union.GILLINGHAM & SON, 302 N. Union.Goltz, Frederick W., 135 S. Second.Green, Charles J., 137 N. Ninth.Griffin, Phillip, 4631 N. Union.Heller, William, 422 N. First.Judd, Charles D., 132 S. Union.Judge, Albert, 313 W. oullivan.Keenan, Peter F., 325 Tompkins.Lamper, Acta M., 931 Buffalo.Miller, Daniel H., 224 N. Sixth.Oakley, Geo. W., 315 Irving.OLEAN SUPPLY CO., 413 N. Union.Reynolds, Lucius B., 30 Second av.,Bv.Ritzhour, John O, W. State, W. O.Sheldon, Jesse A., 138 S. First.Showalter, Henry, 302 E. Henley.Showalter, William F., 302 E. Henley.TAYLOR, B. U., 254 N. Union.Weatherell, James S., 134 S. Barry.Weitmer, Peter, 1012 W. Henley.Wilson, D. F., 614 State, E. O.Wilson, Frank L., 28 Garden av.,E. O.Woodruff, Winchell, Nate Allen E., C, 501 144 Irving. N. Seventh.CORNICE WORKS.Pierce, Ormel W., 104-110 S. Third.CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE.Adams, ueorge B. & Co., 149-151 N.Union.Wilkinson, W. S. & Co., 129 N.Union.CONFECTIONERS.Greek-American Fruit Co., 201 N.Union.Italo-American Fruit Co., 231 N.Union.Morian, Fred E., 524 W. State.SWANSON, MRS. ANNA., 704 W.State.DANCING MASTERS.Burlingham, Jonathan, 2331 N.Union.Hickey, Robert, 532 N. Eighth.DENTISTS.Barrows, David E., 1681 N. Union.Card, J. M., 2341 N. Union.Lewis, Dr. S. E., Union St.McNeille, Perry R., 1331 N. Union.Noyes, William P., Tower block, 156N. Union.Raub, Herschel D., 311-312 MasonicTemple.Raub, Lewis M., 311-312 MasonicTemple.Sweeney, John, 313 Masonic Temple.WHIPPLE, ELLSWORTH 0., 3-4Riley & Wands block.DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS.MORRIS & VANCAMPEN, 122 N.First. Copies of this directory can beobtained at Oakleaf's book store.Price $2.50 net.DRAYMEN.Beabout, George, 1006 W. Henley.Coleman, J. O, 1415 W. State.Curran, Bernard, 425 N. Seventh.Hall, John O, 28 Garden av., E. 0.Olean Transfer Co., 114-116 W. Sullivan.REESE, ANDREW J., 232 S. Barry.Ross, George A., 33 R. R. av., E. O.Smith, Byron, 217 Adams.Sprague, Albert, 1306 W. Sullivan.Yates, Oney, 24 Center, Bv.DRESSMAKERS.Ackerman, Mrs. Celinda D., 127 S.First.Ball, Elizabeth M., 207 W. Henley.Burleigh, Elizabeth, 217 N. Eleventh.

Chaffee, Mrs. Ida M., 509 N. Union.Clark, Mrs. Mary, 311 E. Henley.Forrester, Mrs. Minerva, 210 E.State.GEORGIA, MRS. MARIA L., 17-18Grossman block, N. Union.Gleason, Mrs. Elizabeth, 4631 N.Union.Grant, Miss Ellen, 605 N. Fourth.Kara;-ar., Anna, 1431 N. Union.Keat.ii;,. Alary, 1010 Washington.Keim, Mrs. Julia, 121 N. Seventh.Keim, Mary, 104 N. Twelfth.Kelley, Mrs. Mary, 205 Adams.Kiley, Mary E., 605 N. First.Leader, Mrs. Sarah, 130 S. First.Lynch, Mayme, 605 N. Union.Morgan, Mrs. Zelina E., 117 N.Third.O'Hara, Florence, 109 N. Twelfth.Passmore, Mary E., 131 S. Second.Priest, Julia, Tower block, res. 7171Irving.Prosser, Mrs. Florence, 126 N. First.Rich, Ada R., 2641 N. Union.Rose, Mrs. Esther A.,3^.3 Tompkins.Sheehan, Miss Anna, 1271 N. Union.Smith Sisters, 135 N. Barry.Switz, Mrs. Emma, 708 W. State.Towley, Nora, 469 N. Union.Valentine, Mrs. Louise V, 129 N.Third.Weipper, Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Rose E.,15 Riley & Wands block.Wood, Nettie, 113 Fulton.Yahn, Mrs. Pauline, 110 N. Ninth.Zimmerman, Miss Lillie, 32 Thirdav., bv.DRIVING PARK ASSOCIATION.Olean Driving Park Association, W.State, W. O.DRUGGISTS.Black, James B., 141 N. Union.Brothers, F. R. & Co., 119 N. Union.Goodwin, William **-. 233 N. Union.N. O.Higgins, O. T. & Son, 1101 N. Union,KOLUMBIAN PHARMACY, 133 N.Union.Murphy, John V., 483 N. Union.PALMER, A. M. & CO., 161 N.Union, branch store 722 W. State.Rumsey, Emmett D., 609 E. State,E. O.White, H. G., 313 N. Union.DRY GOOES.(See also General Stores.)Abouahmad, Abram, 419 N. Union.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 357Adams, George B. & Co., 149-151 N.Union.Albro, R. C, 802-804 N. Union, N. O.Allen, Albert A., 174 N. Union.Bell Bros., 157-159 N. Union.Douglas, Dry Goods Store, 123 N.Union.Foss, W. J., 318 Wayne.Graham, F. T. Co., 121 N. Union.Grant, John J., 314 W. State.Mack, M. F., 11)22 N. Union, N. O.MARCUS, HARRY W„ 131 N. Union.Racket Store, 225 N. Union.ELECTRIC COMPANIES.Olean Electric Light and Power Co.,430 N. Union.Olean St. Railway Co., foot of N.Union.ELECTRICIANS.Chamberlain, W. A., 242 N. Union.Chapman, J. M., 126 N. Union.NEWMAN, ROY R., 116 Wayne.Smith, Geo,

358 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SMYRICK MACHINE CO., cor E. Sullivanand N. Barry.FRUIT DEALERS.Bochichio, Rococo, 453 N. Union.Bordonaro Bros., 465 N. Union.Greek-American Fruit Co., 210 N.Union.Italo-American Fruit Co., 231 N.Union, branch store 320 W. State.John, L., 489 N. Union.Post, Thomas, 475 N. Union.Questa, John G., 320 W. State.FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM-BALMERS.(See Undertakers.)FURNITURE DEALERS.Conkling, The Robert A. Co., 137 N.Union.Crannell, Walter L., 176 N. Union.Lynn, David, 429 N. Union.MALLERY, LLEWELLYN A., 511and 516 W. State.FURNITURE REPAIR SHOPS.Marth, Martin, 1316 W. State.Wilcox, I. O, 920 W. State.FURNITURE, SECOND HAND.Lynn, David, 429 N. Union.McGrath, Joseph P., 606 W. State.GAS COMPANIES.Keystone Gas Co., 182 N. Union.Producers' Gas Co., 205 MasonicTemple.GAS FIXTURES AND STOVES.Barse, C. V. B. & Co., 153-155 N.Union.Frawley, J. B., 205 N. Union.Keystone Gas Co., 182 N. Union.Miller Hardware Co., 139 N. Union.Wilkinson, W. S. & Co., 129 N.Union.GENERAL STORES.Curtis. G. W., 27 Homer, N. O.Fehan, David & Co., 1112 N. Union,N. O.Higgins, O. T. & Son, 110 N. Union,N. O.Mack, Michael F., 1022 N. Union,N. O.McDowell, C. B., Union, S. O.Merritt, F. W. & Son, 637 E. State,E. O.Spindler Bros., 620 W. State.GLASS MANUFACTURERS.Acme Glass Co., Johnson, N. O.Olean Glass Co., 1409 Buffalo.GROCERS, RETAIL.(See also General Stores.)Acock, Franklin, 171 R. R. av., E. O.and 304 W. State.Albro, Ruel C, 802-804 N. Union,N. O.ANDERSON, AXEL W., 1102 W.State.Bailey, Madison H., 262 N. Union.Cradduck, Charles, 258 N. Union.Curtis, George W., 27 Homer, N. 0.DeKay, William, 83 Bishop, E. O.Finnessy Bros., 117 N. Union.Foss, W. J., 318 Wayne.Foss, Walter, 16 Main, Bv.Dotterweich, George H., 220 W. StateGeuder, John H., 422 W. State.Geuder, Michael J., 236 Eighth.Hannifan, T. F. & Co., 1302 W.State.Higgins, F. W. & Co., 120 N. Union,925-927 Buffalo, 701 E. State. E. O.,1101-1103 N. O.Higgins, O. T. & Son. 1101-1103 N.Union, N. O.Jordan, Milton A., 463 North Union.Kamler Brothers, 323 W. State.Kugawa, Joseph, 1117 N. Union,N. O.Lynd, Mark, 433 N. Seventh.Mack, Michael F., 1022 Union, N. 0.Meloy, John W., 113 N. Union.MERITT, F. W. & SON, 637 E. State,E. O.McDowell. Clinton B., 408 S. Union.McNall, Mrs. O, 16 Pierce av.Mousdon, Michael. 404 Wayne.Phillips & Keenan, 535 N. Union.Pierce, Caleb D., 201 N. Eleventh.enth.Post, John, 445 N. Union.Pratt, Dykeman, A., 236 N. Union.Pratt, John W., 203 N. Union.RILEY & WANDS, 301-305 N.Union.Sheehan. D. W. & Son, 501-505 N.Union.Spindler Bros., 620 W. State.Stein, Michael, 1014 N. Union, N. O.Walker. James S., 623 E. State, E.O.Wiedman. W. G.. 3*0 W. State.Wright, Roland R., 643 E. State,E. O.Zimmerman Bros. ,802 W. State.GROCERS, Higgins. Riley & Wands, F. WHOLESALE. W. & 301-305 Co., 120 N. N. Union. Union.

HAIR DRESSER AND MANICURE.BULLOCK, MRS. ADA, 2331 N.Union.Fisher, Laura Riley & Wands block.GEORGIA, MRS MYRIA L., 17-18Grossman block.HALLS, (see list in front pages.)HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ETC.Barse, C. V. B. & Co., 155 N. Union.Frawley, J. B., 205 N. Union.GILLINGHAM & SON, 302 N.Union.Miller Hardware Co., 139 N. Union.Wilkinson, W. S. & Co., 129 N.Union.HARNESSMAKERS AND DEALERS.RANK, GEORGE R., 204 W. State.Rhodes & Co., 481 N. Union.Smith, D. L., 2191 N. Union.WTeidman, John, 37 W. State.HIDES, FURS AND WOOL.Reich, Simon, 309 W. State.HORSESHOERS, (see blacksmiths.)HOSPITAL.Olean General hospital, 519 N. TihrdHOTELS.American House, cor Pine and N.Union, N. O.Capitol Hotel, 112 W. Stale.Carrol House, 712 Wayne, cor. Pine.City Exchange Hotel, Union st., N. O.Corry House, 614-616 Wayne.DAILEY'S INN, 402-402 N. Union.Donovan, William, 1024 N. Union,N. O.Driving Park Road House, W. State,W. O.Eagle Hotel, 507 W. State.East Side Hotel, 603 E. State, E. O.Englebach, Adoph, 720 Wayne.European Hotel, 319 N. Union.Frank's, 108-110 W. State.Genesee House, 123-125 R. R. av.Gibbons, James D., 710 Wayne.Hagan House, 612 N. Union.Exchange Hotel, cor. Union andPine, N. O.JUNCTION HOTEL, 523 N. Union.Hotel Imperial, 102-106 S. Union.Grand Central Hotel, 314 N. Union.Maple Shade House, Buffalo, cornerThirteenth.Old Homestead Hotel, 323 N. Union.Olean House, 132 N. Union.O'Meara House, 435 N. Union.OLEaN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 359Smith, John O, 602 Wayne.Union House, 405 N. Union.World, 721 W. State.ICE DEALERS.Haugh, M.J., 612 N. First.PURE ICE CO., 301-311 W. Henley.Russell, Eugene R., 9 Garden av.,E. O.Russel, Eugene R.t 9 Garden av.,INSURANCE ANGENCIES.ABRAMS & SONS, City Hall, N.Union.ALDERMAN & STILLMAN, 107North.Brickell, Thomas J., 208 N. First.COLi^iNS, ISAAC P., 309 MasonicTemple.Greenman. Sanford G., 1431 N.Union.MANDEVILLE, W. H. & CO., ExchangeBank building.Manhattan Life Insurance Co., 307Masonic Temple.Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 1431 N.Union.Morris, Charles W., 37 Exch. Bankbuilding.Mutual Reserve Life Ins. Co., 37Exchange Bank building.PASSMORE, SAMUEL E., 307 MasonicTemple.Partridge, Wm. M., 305 MasonicTemple.PHOENIX MUTUAL INSURANCECO., City Hall.Prudential Insurance Co. of America,room 2. Riley & Wands block.' RAMSEY. GEORGE E., City Hall.Sanders. William R., 2031 N. Clinton.Seaman, Justice E., Riley & Wandsblock.Sisson. Will, 1231 N. Union.1231 N. Union.VANCAMPEN, GEORGE, 122 N.First.INSTALLMENT STORES.WILLIS, LEROY, 4111 N. Union.JEWELERS.Daniels, George R., 166 N. Union.Fuller, Charles F., 143 N. Union.Miller, Otto,l.j9 N. Union.Riven burgh, Peter H„ 402 W. State.Smith, Eugene S., 115 N. Union.JUNK DEALERS.Buffalo Scrap Iron Yard, 221 S.Union.

360 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SLADIES' TAILORS.Clark, Mrs. Mary E., 311 E. Henley.LAUNDRIES.AMERICAN PALACE LAUNDRY,112 W. Sullivan.City Steam Laundry, 264 N. Union.Olean Steam Laundry, 216 W. State.Sing, Sam, 253 in. Union.LAWYERS, (see Attorneys.)LIVERY AND SALE STABLES.Hale, Frank, 610 E. State, E. O.GODFREY, I. M., 162 N. Union.Olean Livery Co., 238 N. Union.Thornbury, Matthew A., 106 S.Twelfth.Union Livery Stable, 325 N. Union.LUMBER DEALERS, WHOLESALE.Crawford, Henry C, 209 E. State.Droney Lumber Co. Exchange Bankbuilding.Fobes, George, 408 E. State.Moore, E. R., 207-227 Wayne.Stowell, Frank L., office 39 Exch.Bank building.WESTON, A., LUMBER CO., WestonsMills, N. \.EDWARD TROY PLANING MILL,220-220 S. Barry.MACHINERY, MFG^. OF, HEAVY.ABBOTT, D. S. CO., 501 W. First.Carley Heater Co., 480 N. Union.CHAMBERLAIN MFG. CO., 210 S.Barry.Luther Mfg. Co., 133 R. R. av.MYRICK MACHINE CO., corner E.Sullivan and N. Barry.Quirin Leather Press Co., 1002 E.State, E. O.MACHINISTS, SEE FOUNDRIES.MANICURES, SEE HAIRDRESSERS.MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS.FOLEY BROS., 215 Whitney av.MASSAGE.Berry, Alexander F., 121 N. Third.Neff, Edward W., 210 u. Seventh.MEAT MARKETS.Ahrens, Adolph, 479 N. Union.Gault Bros., 260 N. Union.Jaekle, E. Jacob, 1020 N. Union,N. O.Kichle, George, 325 W. State.Mayer Brothers, li»2 N. Union.Sheehan, D. W. & Son, 501-505 W.State.Seiler, Julius, 1129 W. State.Spiesman, M., 801 W. State.MEATS, WHOLESALE.Armour & Co., 424-416 N. Union.MILK DEPOTS.Bennett, William, 932 Buffalo.Mayo, Greenleaf H., 921 Buffalo.Woodard, Fred J., 1306 W. State.MILLINERY.Bell Bros., 157-159 N. Union.Douglas Dry Goods Store, 123 N.Union.Graham, F. T. Co., 121 N. Union.MARCUS, H. W., 131 N. Union.backus Millinery Parlors, 319 W.State.MARTH, MISS ELIZABETH, 221 N.Union.Morris Millinery Parlors, 235 N.Union.Racket Store, 22b N. Union.Vollmer, Mrs. Anna, 316 W. State.MONUMENTAL WORKS.FOLEY BROS Whitney av.MUSIC DEALERS.(See Pianos and Organs.)Temple Music Store, 124 N. Union.Willard, Charles, 229 N. Union.MUSIC SCHOOLS.Keystone Academy of Music, 2581N. Union.OLEAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 119 S.First.MUSiC TEACHERS.Bell, Mrs. Helen M., 119 S. First.Brown, Miss Bertha, 1014 Washington.Griffith, Miss Margaret, 127 N. Barry.WIGHT, AUSTIN J., 408 Irving.Winton, David J., 332 Laurel.NEWS DEALERS.OAKLEAF. F. H., 127 N. Union.Copies of this book can , e obtainedat F. H. Oakleaf's, 127 N. Union.Price, $2.50 net.Wnite, H. G., 313 N. Union.NEWSPAPERS.OLEAN DEMOCRAT, (weekly) 215N. Union.OLEAN HERALD, (daily) 215 N.Union.

P E O P L E ' S C R E D I T S T O R E .Modern Goods on the"Easy Payment" plan.THE CITY INSTALLMENT STORE.411 N. Union St., - - - Olean, N. Y.M. J. LARKING ^DEALER INCIGARS ANDTOBACCOS,AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES.217 N. Union St. - - - Olean, N. Y.1881. 1903.H. W . M A R C U S .Largest Strictly Dry Goods Store in SouthwesternNew York.*^DRY GOODS. FURS. CLOAKS. MILLINERY.H. W , M A R C U S ,

THE BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS.21 MEAL TICKETS FOR $4.00.B E N S O N ' S R E S T A U R A N T ,W. A. BENSON, Prop.LUNCH AND DININGROOMS.244 N. Union St., - - - Olean, N. Y.«^Have your Prescriptions andFamily Recipes filled atTHE KOLUMBIAN PHARMACY,133 N. Union St.Night Clerk Over Store.Both Phones.S. B. ANDERSON,*^513 N. Union St.^BARBER SHOP.^e

OLEAN LEDGER, (weekly) 245 N.Union.OLEAN MORNING TIMES, 107North.OLEAN WEEKLY MIMES, 107North.OCULISTS.Bartlett, Frank H.. 40 ExchangeBank building.Smith, A. E., Iu5-107 S. Barry.NIGHT LUNCH WAGONS.Ganoung, C. A., 250 N. Union.Miles, J. O, cor. North and Union.OIL COMPANIES.Coast, John & Sons, lo3i N. Union.Coast Oil Co., 133J N. Union.Lima Drilling Co., 163 N. Union.Mandeville Oil Co., 163 N. Union.National Transit Co., Exch. Bankbuilding.South Penn Oil Co., Exch. Bankbuilding.Troy Oil Co., 163 N. Union.Vacuum Oil Co., cor. Seymour andBuffalo, N. 0.OIL PRODUCERS.Allen, Riley, 1x03 W. State.Bahney, Joseph J., 115 N. Second.Ballard, Leon H., 211 N. Third.Bradley, Samuel H., 311 Laurens.Bulger, Andrew, 131 S. Clinton.Bussell, Gilmore S., 219 N. Fourth.Carley, Oliver F.,llrf S. Second.Coast, John, 104 South.Curtis, E. F., 710 W. Sullivan.Devlin, Timothy J.,-.26 N. First.Dotterweich, Rudolph, 314 W. Henley.Ernst, H. M., 132 S. Union.Fobes, George, 408 E. State.Franchot Bros., 2b Exchange Bankbuilding.Franchot, R. H., 26 Exchange Bankbuilding.Goodrich, William, Brook, E. O.Hagadorn, Henry D., 308 E. State.Harrison, William H., 209 S. Fifth.Hawks, William H., 337 N. Sixth.Hogan, David, 224 N. Fourth.Hughes, James H., 112 W. Green.JOHNSON, ELISHA M., 118 W. Sullivan.Johnson, James M., 401 E. State.Love. Thomas B., 311 E. State.Love, William, 311 E. State.McCormick, M. T., Union, S. O.Moore, George N„ 504 W. Sullivan.Shaffer, Michael, 330 Laurel av.OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 361Sheridan, George A., 145 N. Barry.Strong, Gideon H., 38 Exch. Bankbuilding.Welch, Patrick C, 445 N. Union.Wilson, S. O, 120 S. Union.OPERA HOUSES.Olean Opera House, 115 W. State.OPTICIANS.Daniels, G. R., 166" N. Union.Fuller, 143 N. Union.Miller, Otto. Iu9 N .Union.Smith, E. S., 115 N. Union.PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS.Ball. GeorgeJ., 208 Irving.Hodges, L. E., 1^ N. Eighth.Hamilton. Blanchard E., Ill E.Green.Phillips, Max B., 145 N. Ninth.Wilkins, Fred, 304 S. Union.McClure, Orland S., 114 E. Sullivan.Kelley, Edward W., 330 S. Barry.Kaufman, Fred W., 109 N. Eighth.Jones, Charles S., 221 Adams.PAINTERS—CARRIAGE & SIGN.GANOUNG & SON, 250 N. Union.PAINTS, OILS & VARNISHES.Barse, C. V. B. & Co., 153-155 N.Union.GILLINGHAM & SON, 302 N. Union.Miller Hardware Co., 139 N. Union.MOORE, E. R., 217 Wayne.PAVING CONTRACTORS.Homer, James M., 310 N. First.VanCampen, james K., 145 S. Clinton.PAWNBROKERS.Harris, J. M., 246 N. Union.PHOTOGAPHERS.HEARN, J. P., 1114-1122 W. State.Kember, Mark, 30o W. State.SCOIT, DON O, 111 North.Whipple, H. C, 2o6 1-2 N. Union.Winsor, W. O, 150 N. Union.PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS.Brothers, F. R. & Co., 119 N. Union.PALMER, A. M. & CO., 161 N. Union,and 722 W. State.Smith, George & Co., 256 N. Union.Whipple, H. O, 236 1-2 N. Union.PHYSICIANS Al\J SURGEONS.Allen, J. R., 129 Hamilton.Bartlett, C. H., 224 N. First.

362 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'SBartlett, F. H., Exch. Bank Bldg.Boothe, Jonn P., 210 N. Second.Boyd, Irvin H., Riley & Wands blk.Burdick, E. B., 11 Front, Bv.Clark, Joseph O, 119 Laurens.Follett, M. C, 102 tu. Henley.Griffin, F. C, 108 Hamilton.Happel, James M., 123 1-2 N. Union.Hewitt, W. Irving, 204 W. Sullivan.Hibbard, DeVere M., 128 S. Union.Jepson, -dary B., 124 Hamilton.Kane, John F., 233 1-2 N. Union.Knowles, Charles P., City Bldg.Loughlen, John J., 168 1-2 N. Union.Loughlen, Thomas B., 168 1-2 N.Union.McDuffie, William E., 301 E. State.Morris, J. E. K., 249 N. Union.Mountain, Wm. H., 116 S. First.Pugsley, C. S., 203 1-z Clinton.Reynolds, Walter B., Riley & Wandsblock.Smith, Ambrose E., lOo-i S. Barry.Smith, Cassar, 903 W. State.Watts, Francis E., 131 S. First.PIANOS AND ORGANS.Burdick, F. W., 230 N. First.Temple Music Store, lz.4 N. Union.Willard, Charles, 229 N. Union.PIANO TUNERS.Burdick, Fred W„ 230 N. First.Chase, A. L., 123 S. Eleventh.PICTURES AND FRAMES.Conkling, R. A. Co., 135-137 N.Union.Streight, Laura, 240 N. Union.PIPE LINE COMPANY.National Transit Co., Fxch. Bk. bid.PLANING MILLS.MOORE, E. R., 2i7 Wayne.TROY, EDWARD, 210 S. Barry-Union Planing Mill, Johnson, N. O.PLUMBERS, Si'EAM AND GASFITTERS.Kallenback, E. L., 113-115 W. State.Keystone Gas Co., 139 N. Union.Miller Hardware Co., 139 N. Union.Rodgers, L. G. & Co., Ill W. State.Simpson, W. H., 184 in. Union.Wilkinson, W. S., 129 N. Union.PRINTERS—BOOK AND JOB.HAYDEN, THE PRINTER, CityBuildine.MELOY, CHARLES F., 5-6 UnionPlace.RAFFERTY, CHARLES H., 156 N.Union.SIBLEY & OSTROM, 215 N. Union.STRAIGHT CHAS. D., 107 North.TARBELL, FRED, 210 N. Clinton.PRODUCE DEALERS.May, Lewis B., 210 E. Henley.Miller, A. Y. & Sons, 121-123 W.State.RACE jiRACK.Olean Driving Park Assn., W. State,W. O.RAILROAD OFFICES.Erie, Union and Pine, N. O.Olean St. Ry. Co., foot Union.Olean, Rock City & Bradford, 242 N.Union.Pennsylvania, Railroad av.Pittsburg, snawmut & Northern,(uses P. R. R. station,) offices MasonicTemple.RAILROAD CONTRACTORS.Interior Construction & ImprovementCo., 203-204 Masonic Temple.REAL ESTATE AGTS. AND DLRS.ABRAMS & SONS, City Bldg.ALDERMAN & STILLMAN, 10»North.Bishop, Jason S., 715 E. State, E. O.Blakeslee, Frank N., 317 N. Second.Grossman, Charles, 118 N. First.Harris, J. M., 246 N. Union.Higgins, Frank W., 302-303 MasonicTemple.Johnson, James F., 117 Hamilton.PASSMORE, S. E., 309 MasonicTemple.Overton, Giles B„ 321 N. Fifth.SMITH, JOHN B., 214 E. State.Strong, G. H., 38 Exch. Bk. Bldg.REPAIR SHOPS.Alger, Page B., 244 N. Union.Close Mfg. Co. 442 N. Union.Smith, Geo. & Co., 256. N. Union.RESTAURANTS.Bear, Benjamin, 306 N. Union.Benson, W. A., 244 N. Union.City Cafe, 146 N. Union.Ganoung, C. -., 250 N. Union.Globe Restaurant, 306 N. Union.Grand Central Restaurant, 308 N.Union.Miles, J. O, City Bldg.Shoemaker, Mont 308 N. Union.Taylor & Weber, 140 N. Union.

Union House Restaurant, 407 N.Union.SALOONS.(See also Hotels, also Wines andLiquors, Wholesale and Retail.)Binney, Samuel W., 105 N. Union.Binney, Warren L., 130 W. State.Brown, Henry A., 209 N. Union.Bryll, Joseph, 1002 N. Union.Butts, -William W., 116 W. State.Chamberlain, F. B., 315 N. Union.Chesner, Ambrose, 308 W. State.City Cafe, 146 ... Union.Collopy Bros., 317 N. Union.Condon, W. J., 202 W. State.Cramsie, John, W. State, W. O.Donovan, Wm., 1024 N. Union, N.O.Dorsey, Edw., 248 N. Union.Dotterweich, A. B., 101 N. Union.Edel, Chas., 1123-1125 W. State.Fitzsimons, J. O, 1021 N. Union,N. O.Halter ,wm., t>04 vV. State.Haugh, J. M., 105 Railroad av.Hoffman, Chris, 915 E. State, E. O.Kritter, Alfred, 6u3 E. State, E. O.Kugawa, Frank, 1121 N. Union, N.O.Lee, W. M., 72 Oak, N. O.Lombardy, Peter J., 521 N. Union.Moran, Thomas, 321 N. Union.O'Connell Bros., 128 W. State.Osgood, C. E., 447 N. Union.Powers, John, 501 N. Thirteenth.Ryan, Jonn E., 304 N. Union.Savage, John b., 12 * W. State.Schelin, Andy, 721 W. State.Shaw, Wm., 922 N. Union, N. O.Smith, Joseph A., 118 W. State.Snyder, Matt, 146 N. Union.Stearbitz, Frank, 1106 N. Union,N. O.Waldick, W. F., 1312 W. State.Watts, William. 103 N. Union.SAW MILL MACHINERY SPECIAL-TIl_.ABBOTT, D. S. CO., 509 N. First.MYRICK MACHINE CO., cor. E.Sullivan and N. Barry-SCHOOLS AiND ACADEMIES.Int ernational CorrespondenceSchools, Scranton, Pa., office Exch.Bank building.Keystone Academy of Music, 258 1-2N. Union.OLEAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 119 S.First.Tower Westbrook's Block, 156 Commercial N. Union. Academy,OLEAN DUPLEX DIRECTORY. 263SCREW STUMP PULLERS.CHAMBERLAIN MFG. CO., 210 S.Barry.SECOND HAND SUPPLY STORE.McGrath, Joseph P., 606 W. State.SEWING MACHINES.Singer Sewing Machine Co., 252 N.Union.E. KURTZHALi'Z, 243 N. Union.SHOE DEALERS.(See Boot and Shoe Dealers.)SHOE MAKERS.(See Boot and Shoe Makers.)SHOE STOCK MFRS.Tanner's Shoe Stock Co., 1602-1610W. Henley.STAVE AND HEADING MILL.Wiedman Stave & Heading Mill, 165Griffin, E. O.STOCK BROKERS.Burke, T. C. and J. F., 3xb MasonicTemple.STORAGE.Olean Transfer Co., 114-116 W. Sullivan.'JAILORS.Brenner, G., 50j. v. . uuate.Gena, John M., 234 N. Union.Hartman, Conrad, 219 1-2 N. Union.HORNER, WM. & CO., Olean HouseBlock.KURTZHAL'iZ, EDMUND, 243 N.Union.Mayer & Mayer, 122 N. Union.Michael, Samuel, 212 W. State.i-elton, John G., 219 N. Union.Zeile, Frederic*. L., 14/ N. Ninth.TANNERIES.American Hide & Leather Co.,Moore's xtoad, W. O.Kinley, Adam & Sons, N. O.Olean Tannery, 1115 E. State, E. O.Root & Keating, 743 N. Union, N.O.Pierce Leather Co., James, W. Henley.Quirin's Tannery, 1002 E. State, E.O.TANNERY MACHINERY.Carley Heater Co., 480-516 N. Union.Quirin Leather Press Co., 1002 E.State, E. O.

364 MORRIS AND VAN CAMPEN'STEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES.Grand Union Tea Co., 145 N. Union.Union Pacific Tea Co., 168 N. Union.TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE CO'S.New York & Penna. Telephone &Telegraph Co. 133 1-2 N. Union. (WillTemove Oct. 1 to 160 N. Union.)Postal Telegraph & Cable Co., 126N. Union.Union Telephone & Telegraph Co.,209-210 Masonic Temple.Western Union Telegraph Co., ExchangeBank bldg.TICKET BROKERS.ANDERSON, A. W., cor. Tenth andState.Chamberlain, W. A., 242 N. Union.Harris, J. M., 246 N. union.TIN AND COPPERSMITHS.Barse, C. V. b. & Co., 153-155 N.Union.Frawley, J. B„ 205 N. Union.Miller Hardware Co., 139 N. Union.Webber, William 501 W. State.Wilkinson, W. S., 129 N. Union.TOILET PREPARATIONS.JEWELL, MLLE. MFG. CO., 244 1-2N. Union.TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES.Olean Transfer Co., 114-116 W. Sullivan.REESE, A.J., 232 S. Barry.TURKISH BATH PARLORS.ALEXANDER, ROBERT, 108 E.Sullivan.UNDERTAKERS.Barrett, Charles L., 120 Hamilton.Blighton and Andrews, 207 N. Union.Quigley, William J., 217 N. Union.Woodard, Clinton P., 232 N. Union.VARIETY STORES.Allen, Albert, 174 N. Union.Four and Nine Cent Store, 608 W.State.Fuller, William F., 219 N. Union.Golden & Golden, 608 W. State.Racket Store, 225 N. Union.Sherman, Mrs. N. A., 306 W. State.Up-to-Date variety Store, 211 N.Union.VETERINARY SURGEONS.Ackerman, Eugene ri., 115 1-2 N.Union.Bosler, vVilliam M., 120 N. Fifth.WAGON MANUFACTURERS.New Conidin Wagon Co., cor. E.State and Adams.WINES AND LIQUORS.(See Saloons.)WOOD AND STONE DEALERS.McDowell, C. B., City Building.WATER WORKS.Olean Water vVorks, office CityBuilding.Y/. M. C. A.W. E. Hanger, sec'y, 215 N. Union.

S . E . B U T T O N ,T J M C W t N & T .-,School, Church andResidenceWork.BUILDINGCONSTRUCTION,SCIENTIFIC A N DPRACTICAL.All Work Guaranteed Correct, and atthe Lowest Prices." S r s - S S r East 01ean-N-Y-

CLEAN SHAVING: Rules and regulations adopted to protect customers from septicpoisoning. That all metal tools used must be plunged into a receptacle containing aprescribed solution before use on each customer. Finishing with one customer mustwash the hands before passing to another, I am more interested in the regulation applyingto combs, brushes and shears than to others. There are accretions in all toolsused in barber shops that should not be applied to other men. No man or customer ofthis shop will have applied to him any linen that has been used on any former customeruntil made clean. No tool will be used until plunged into a prescribed solution that willkill any microbes that form disease I ask for a share of your patronage. Come and b?convinced of my new methods of cleanliness and care-taking work and regulations.H . D. Yours SRespectfully.T O W E L L ,Olean House Barber5hop.W. W. VIRG1NNIA, Prop.Practical Horseshoer.General BlacksmithingWork.HIGGINS AVENUE, JUST OFF UNION STREET.

ESTABLISHED 1855.J A M E S K E L S E Y ,Manufacturer of theCELEBRATED^ J. K ' s O W NC I G A R S .WHOLESALETOBACCONIST.144 N. Union St., - OLEAN, N. Y.

E. M. TOTHILL. ALFRED TOTHILL.MYRICK MACHINE CO.,FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. «*t jtManufacturers ofSteam and Gas Engines, Air Compressors, Tanneryand Saw Mill Work, Shaftings,Pulleys, Gearings, Hangers, Etc., Iron and BrassCastings, Steel and Wood Split Pulleys,Pipe and Fittings carried in stock. Repair workpromptly attended to.Union and Bell Phones.Cor. Barry ancj Sullivan StS.M R S . F. H. J O H N S O N ,.-CHOICE...Plants and FlowersFor Decorating: and Bedding, at all times.Funeral Flowers and Designs a Specialty, «* & jfi313 Whitney Ave., Olean.GREENHOUSES.—'

I ( R o n l s a n o I| IDandampcn, I^ PUBLISHERS OF ^^ Modern City Directories, ^v< &=& P. O. Box 265, Olean, N. Y. &^ J» ^v< &V( &^ Alphabetical Duplex Directory of Olean, ^^ N. Y. Price $2.50 net. Copies can ^^ be obtained at Oakleaf's Book Store. 5j^ &** ^ MS* te¥f'te^ Lists of names in any trade or profession *_*¥( *%V( furnished at moderate rates on short te^teV( notice te¥( te

^The above Mausoleum was designed and completedat our works. Set in Bradford, Pa., cemetery.ty} Call for designs and prices of anything in the Marblejjkand Granite line.FOLEY BROS. CO.,P. C Foley, Prop'r.WHITNEY AVENUE, OLEAN, N. Y.l/^g:^'ffi:.••^•^•^•^••^^•^^

O 3 %K tn 3£ g 8 T3£ ^3 O? 73 o.VX,

*£ ^staF i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k .w'fit-. AvCapital, .$100,001Surplus, .$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0OFFICERS:J. E. DUSENBURY, President. WM. E. WHEELER, Vice-President.A. T. EATON, Cashier.DIRLCTORS:E. G. DUSENBURY, J. E. DUSENBURY, WM. E. WHEELER.E. M. JOHNSON, J. F. JOHNSON.TRANSACTS a general banking: business. Sells drafts on and Ocean ticketsto and from Europe. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Prompt attention is givento the business of our customer and every facility consistent with the principlesof sound banking freely extended. Your patronage respectfully solicited.

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