View Full July PDF Issue - Utility Contractor Magazine

View Full July PDF Issue - Utility Contractor Magazine

View Full July PDF Issue - Utility Contractor Magazine

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GROUNDBREAKING NEWSMore funding means more jobs. It’s estimated that properinfrastructure funding could generate hundreds of thousandsof skilled positions paying living wages.firms, industries and social institutions within a local economyand rippling outward across regional and state boundaries tobenefit the entire nation.“For example, a New Mexico township authority contractedwith a local utility contractor for $3.27 million to expand thewastewater treatment plant, including new headworks and a storagehandling facility,” said Peg Krecker, one of the report’s authors.“This initial investment in construction added an additional $1.66million of demand to the local economy. Slightly less than $1 millioninvolved indirect effects such as engineering services, wholesalebusinesses and industrial machinery and equipment. Just over$750,000 of demand stemmed from household spending includinghousing itself, health care and retail stores for everything fromfood to automotive parts to gardening supplies.“On top of this, an additional $1,730,000 in personal incometo employees in the region resulted from growth in local economicdemand. Finally, the number of jobs in the area grew by50, 32 of which were construction jobs that paid approximately$41,000. This necessary upgrade made a striking impact inSanta Fe County.”The report was made possible by contributions from the AmericanCouncil of Engineering Companies, American Road and TransportationBuilders Association, American Society of Civil Engineers,Associated Equipment Distributors, Association of Equipment Manufacturers,Caterpillar, Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association, JohnDeere Construction Equipment Co., Laborers-Employers Cooperationand Education Trust, National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association,National <strong>Utility</strong> <strong>Contractor</strong>s Association, Plastics Pipe Institute,Portland Cement Association, The Vinyl Institute and Water andSewer Distributors of America.For a copy of the report, contact NUCA at (703) 358-9300.Date: Tuesday, <strong>July</strong> 28 & Wednesday, <strong>July</strong> 29, 2009 Time: 2 PM Eastern/11 AM Pacifi cCost: $149 (includes log-in information for both days)Title: Asset Protection & Business Succession StrategiesBusiness succession planning involves planning for the smooth continuation and success of a business from one generation to the next.The general statistics quoted by experts say that only 30 percent of the business will survive to the second generation and just 10 percent willsurvive to the third generation. What are the reasons for this lack of success? There are fi ve basic factors that affect the success or failure ofthe business succession:1. The senior generation does not spend enough time on succession planning2. The successor’s abilities do not meet the company’s real needs3. Estate taxes4. Potential lawsuits5. The changing business environmentHow can you be more confi dent your plans will be successful? Register today for this two part Webinar presented by Dennis Zaverl, presidentof Zaverl & Associates Inc., to ensure you are on the right path for a solid business future. Go to www.utilitycontractoronline.com/index/webinarsfor more information and to register.About the presenter:Dennis Zaverl is the president of the Zaverl & Associates Inc., an Ohio-based family business planning resource. For more than 30 years, he has been a consultant and advisor tobusiness owners and executives planning for the future of their companies. As part of his own succession planning Dennis’ daughter joined his fi rm in 1998.To enroll in this Webinar session, visit www.utilitycontractoronline.com/index/webinars.<strong>July</strong> 2009 | <strong>Utility</strong> <strong>Contractor</strong> 9

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