Wasting the Nation.indd - Groundwork

Wasting the Nation.indd - Groundwork

Wasting the Nation.indd - Groundwork


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Chapter 6: Down at <strong>the</strong> dumpsissuing a closure permit, turned out to be about extending <strong>the</strong> operating permit.“Public reaction was swift, as people blocked <strong>the</strong> site entrance of <strong>the</strong> dump, helddemonstrations and marches, and circulated a petition to council that gained 6,000signatures,” reports Trusha Reddy [2005].The authorities also broke promises to keep <strong>the</strong> dump below <strong>the</strong> level of Kennedy Road,says Arun Edwards, chair of <strong>the</strong> Clare Estates Residents Association. Those who oncehad a view across <strong>the</strong> Mgeni estuary to <strong>the</strong> sea now look out onto a mountain of waste.He also cites numerous contraventions of <strong>the</strong> permit conditions: <strong>the</strong> requirement ofan 800 metre buffer zone has been ignored; industrial waste, animal carcasses andsewage sludge are illegally dumped on <strong>the</strong> site; and <strong>the</strong> daily soil cover is inadequate.The smell, he says, is now worse than ever particularly in <strong>the</strong> mornings after rain.Adding insult to injury, <strong>the</strong> City installed perfume rods to mask <strong>the</strong> smell. Reddycomments that <strong>the</strong> “landfill now exudes <strong>the</strong> stink of dump rot mixed with an artificialsickly-sweet smell” [2005].City authorities argue that <strong>the</strong> CDM project has mitigated LFG impacts. Accordingto Parkins, cold fronts cause temporary cracks in <strong>the</strong> top seal and resulted in LFGbeing vented before <strong>the</strong> wells were developed to provide an easier escape route for <strong>the</strong>gas. Edwards says Clare Estates was not against <strong>the</strong> gas wells which should have beendeveloped anyway. Nor did <strong>the</strong>y take a view on CDM as such. The issue was that <strong>the</strong>project might extend <strong>the</strong> life of <strong>the</strong> dump in order to secure <strong>the</strong> maximum return oninvestment. Erion et al [2008] note that, while DSW officials denied any link betweenclosure and <strong>the</strong> CDM project, <strong>the</strong> original project documents assert that <strong>the</strong> landfillwill stay open throughout <strong>the</strong> ‘crediting’ period which is a minimum of seven years butmay be extended to a total of 21 years. Fur<strong>the</strong>r, early closure would reduce methaneproduction by over 12%.Khan saw <strong>the</strong> project as giving <strong>the</strong> dump an environmental justification as well asextending its life. She vigorously challenged it through <strong>the</strong> EIA process and in <strong>the</strong>courts. She also linked with local and international climate justice campaigners opposedto CDM as part of <strong>the</strong> carbon trading regime brought into being by Kyoto. Finally,<strong>the</strong> grandees of <strong>the</strong> Prototype Carbon Fund, wary of bad publicity, approved fundingfor <strong>the</strong> projects at Mariannhill and La Mercy only, leaving out <strong>the</strong> much larger BisasarRoad. eThekwini Council, however, has gone ahead with <strong>the</strong> Bisasar Road projectwithout <strong>the</strong> PFC and is awaiting <strong>the</strong> approval of <strong>the</strong> CDM Executive Board.<strong>Wasting</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Nation</strong> - groundWork - 145 -

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