2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual 2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

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DRIVE (D): Use this for normal driving. If you needmore power for passing, and you’re: Going less than 35 mph (55 km/h), push theaccelerator pedal about halfway down. Going about 35 mph (55 km/h) or more,push the accelerator all the way down.The transmission will shift down to the next gear.THIRD (3): This position is not used for normaldriving. It offers more power and lower fuel economythan DRIVE (D).Here are some times you might choose THIRD (3)instead of DRIVE (D): When driving on hilly, winding roads. When towing a trailer, so there is less shiftingbetween gears. When going down a steep hill.SECOND (2): Driving in this position gives you morepower than driving in THIRD (3). Use it on hills. It canhelp control your speed as you go down steep mountainroads, but then you would also want to use the brakesoff and on.FIRST (1): This position gives you more power (butlower fuel economy) than SECOND (2). You can use iton very steep hills. If the shift lever is put in FIRST (1),the transmission won’t shift into first gear until thevehicle is going slowly enough.NOTICE:If the rear wheels can’t rotate, don’t try to drive.This might happen if you were stuck in verydeep sand or mud or you were up against asolid object. You could damage the transmission.Also, if you stop when going uphill, don’t holdyour vehicle there with only the acceleratorpedal. This could overheat and damage thetransmission. Use the brakes to hold yourvehicle in position on a hill.When you start your vehicle and the engine temperatureis below 86 F (30 C), upshifting of the transmissionwill be delayed for about one minute. This is normal.The engine’s catalytic converter is warming up duringthis time.2-23

Upshifting and downshifting of the transmission isautomatically modified to prevent undesired shiftingwhen your vehicle is towing a trailer or when youare driving in hilly or mountainous terrain. This isalso normal.Sport Mode ButtonFor a firmer shift andincreased performance,you may choose the sportmode. This button letsyou change from a normaldriving mode to a sportdriving mode. It is locatedon the shift lever handle.When you start the engine, your vehicle will be innormal mode. For general driving conditions, use thenormal mode. It will remain in normal unless you selectthe sport feature.This light on the instrumentpanel cluster will comeon when the sport modeis selected.If this light begins flashing while you are driving, theremay be a fault in the automatic transmission. Have yourvehicle serviced.Press the “S” button once to select the sport feature.Press it again to return to the normal driving mode.2-24

Upshifting and downshifting of the transmission isautomatically modified to prevent undesired shiftingwhen your vehicle is towing a trailer or when youare driving in hilly or mountainous terrain. This isalso normal.Sport Mode ButtonFor a firmer shift andincreased performance,you may choose the sportmode. This button letsyou change from a normaldriving mode to a sportdriving mode. It is locatedon the shift lever handle.When you start the engine, your vehicle will be innormal mode. For general driving conditions, use thenormal mode. It will remain in normal unless you selectthe sport feature.This light on the instrumentpanel cluster will comeon when the sport modeis selected.If this light begins flashing while you are driving, theremay be a fault in the automatic transmission. Have yourvehicle serviced.Press the “S” button once to select the sport feature.Press it again to return to the normal driving mode.2-24

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