2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual 2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

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CAUTION:If something is between an occupant and anair bag, the bag might not inflate properly or itmight force the object into that person. The pathof an inflating air bag must be kept clear. Don’tput anything between an occupant and an airbag, and don’t attach or put anything on thesteering wheel hub or on or near any other airbag covering and don’t let seat covers block theinflation path of a side impact air bag.When should an air bag inflate?The driver’s and right front passenger’s frontal air bagsare designed to inflate in moderate to severe frontal ornear-frontal crashes. The frontal air bags are designedto inflate only if the impact speed is above the system’sdesigned “threshold level.” If your vehicle goesstraight into a wall that doesn’t move or deform, thethreshold level is about 9 to 15 mph (14 to 24 km/h).The threshold level can vary, however, with specificvehicle design, so that it can be somewhat above orbelow this range. If your vehicle strikes somethingthat will move or deform, such as a parked car, thethreshold level will be higher. The driver’s and rightfront passenger’s frontal air bags are not designed toinflate in rollovers, side impacts, or rear impacts,because inflation would not help the occupant.The side impact air bags are designed to inflate inmoderate to severe side crashes involving a front door.A side impact air bag will inflate if the crash severityis above the system’s designed “threshold level.”The threshold level can vary with specific vehicledesign. Side impact air bags are not designed to inflatein frontal or near-frontal impacts, rollovers or rearimpacts, because inflation would not help the occupant.A side impact air bag will only deploy on the side of thevehicle that is struck.In any particular crash, no one can say whether an airbag should have inflated simply because of the damageto a vehicle or because of what the repair costs were.For frontal air bags, inflation is determined by the angleof the impact and how quickly the vehicle slows downin frontal and near-frontal impacts. For side impact airbags, inflation is determined by the location and severityof the impact.1-30

What makes an air bag inflate?In an impact of sufficient severity, the air bag sensingsystem detects that the vehicle is in a crash. For bothfrontal and side impact air bags, the sensing systemtriggers a release of gas from the inflator, which inflatesthe air bag. The inflator, air bag and related hardwareare all part of the air bag modules inside the steeringwheel, instrument panel and the side of the frontseatbacks closest to the door.How does an air bag restrain?In moderate to severe frontal or near frontal collisions,even belted occupants can contact the steering wheelor the instrument panel. In moderate to severe sidecollisions, even belted occupants can contact the insideof the vehicle. The air bag supplements the protectionprovided by safety belts. Air bags distribute the force ofthe impact more evenly over the occupant’s upper body,stopping the occupant more gradually. But the frontalair bags would not help you in many types of collisions,including rollovers, rear impacts, and side impacts,primarily because an occupant’s motion is not towardthe air bag. Side impact air bags would not help you inmany types of collisions, including frontal or nearfrontal collisions, rollovers, and rear impacts, primarilybecause an occupant’s motion is not toward those airbags. Air bags should never be regarded as anythingmore than a supplement to safety belts, and then only inmoderate to severe frontal or near-frontal collisions forthe driver’s and right front passenger’s frontal air bags,and only in moderate to severe side collisions for thedriver’s and right front passenger’s side impact air bags.What will you see after an air bag inflates?After an air bag inflates, it quickly deflates,so quickly that some people may not even realizethe air bag inflated. Some components of the air bagmodule -- the steering wheel hub for the driver’s airbag, the instrument panel for the right front passenger’sbag, the side of the seatback closest to the door forthe driver and right front passenger’s side impact airbags -- will be hot for a short time. The parts of thebag that come into contact with you may be warm, butnot too hot to touch. There will be some smoke and dustcoming from the vents in the deflated air bags. Air baginflation doesn’t prevent the driver from seeing or beingable to steer the vehicle, nor does it stop people fromleaving the vehicle.1-31

CAUTION:If something is between an occupant and anair bag, the bag might not inflate properly or itmight force the object into that person. The pathof an inflating air bag must be kept clear. Don’tput anything between an occupant and an airbag, and don’t attach or put anything on thesteering wheel hub or on or near any other airbag covering and don’t let seat covers block theinflation path of a side impact air bag.When should an air bag inflate?The driver’s and right front passenger’s frontal air bagsare designed to inflate in moderate to severe frontal ornear-frontal crashes. The frontal air bags are designedto inflate only if the impact speed is above the system’sdesigned “threshold level.” If your vehicle goesstraight into a wall that doesn’t move or deform, thethreshold level is about 9 to 15 mph (14 to 24 km/h).The threshold level can vary, however, with specificvehicle design, so that it can be somewhat above orbelow this range. If your vehicle strikes somethingthat will move or deform, such as a parked car, thethreshold level will be higher. The driver’s and rightfront passenger’s frontal air bags are not designed toinflate in rollovers, side impacts, or rear impacts,because inflation would not help the occupant.The side impact air bags are designed to inflate inmoderate to severe side crashes involving a front door.A side impact air bag will inflate if the crash severityis above the system’s designed “threshold level.”The threshold level can vary with specific vehicledesign. Side impact air bags are not designed to inflatein frontal or near-frontal impacts, rollovers or rearimpacts, because inflation would not help the occupant.A side impact air bag will only deploy on the side of thevehicle that is struck.In any particular crash, no one can say whether an airbag should have inflated simply because of the damageto a vehicle or because of what the repair costs were.For frontal air bags, inflation is determined by the angleof the impact and how quickly the vehicle slows downin frontal and near-frontal impacts. For side impact airbags, inflation is determined by the location and severityof the impact.1-30

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