2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual 2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

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Here are the most important things to know about the airbag systems:CAUTION:You can be severely injured or killed in a crashif you aren’t wearing your safety belt -- even ifyou have air bags. Wearing your safety beltduring a crash helps reduce your chance ofhitting things inside the vehicle or being ejectedfrom it. Air bags are “supplemental restraints” tothe safety belts. All air bags are designed to workwith safety belts but don’t replace them.CAUTION: (Continued)CAUTION: (Continued)Frontal air bags for the driver and right frontpassenger are designed to work only in moderateto severe crashes where the front of your vehiclehits something. They aren’t designed to inflateat all in rollover, rear, side or low-speed frontalcrashes. And, for unrestrained occupants, frontalair bags may provide less protection in frontalcrashes than more forceful air bags have providedin the past. The side impact air bags for thedriver and right front passenger are designed toinflate only in moderate to severe crashes wheresomething hits the side of your vehicle. Theyaren’t designed to inflate in frontal, in rollover orin rear crashes. Everyone in your vehicle shouldwear a safety belt properly -- whether or notthere’s an air bag for that person.1-26

CAUTION:Both frontal and side impact air bags inflatewith great force, faster than the blink of an eye.If you’re too close to an inflating air bag, as youwould be if you were leaning forward, it couldseriously injure you. Safety belts help keep youin position for air bag inflation before and duringa crash. Always wear your safety belt, even withfrontal air bags. The driver should sit as far backas possible while still maintaining control of thevehicle. Front occupants should not lean on orsleep against the door.CAUTION:Anyone who is up against, or very close to, anyair bag when it inflates can be seriously injuredor killed. Air bags plus lap-shoulder belts offerthe best protection for adults, but not for youngchildren and infants. Neither the vehicle’s safetybelt system nor its air bag system is designedfor them. Young children and infants need theprotection that a child restraint system canprovide. Always secure children properly in yourvehicle. To read how, see the part of this manualcalled “Children.”1-27

CAUTION:Both frontal and side impact air bags inflatewith great force, faster than the blink of an eye.If you’re too close to an inflating air bag, as youwould be if you were leaning forward, it couldseriously injure you. Safety belts help keep youin position for air bag inflation before and duringa crash. Always wear your safety belt, even withfrontal air bags. The driver should sit as far backas possible while still maintaining control of thevehicle. Front occupants should not lean on orsleep against the door.CAUTION:Anyone who is up against, or very close to, anyair bag when it inflates can be seriously injuredor killed. Air bags plus lap-shoulder belts offerthe best protection for adults, but not for youngchildren and infants. Neither the vehicle’s safetybelt system nor its air bag system is designedfor them. Young children and infants need theprotection that a child restraint system canprovide. Always secure children properly in yourvehicle. To read how, see the part of this manualcalled “Children.”1-27

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