2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual 2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

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5. Then replace the pressure cap. Be sure the pressurecap is hand-tight.If a Tire Goes FlatIt’s unusual for a tire to “blow out” while you’re driving,especially if you maintain your tires properly. If air goesout of a tire, it’s much more likely to leak out slowly.But if you should ever have a “blowout,” here are afew tips about what to expect and what to do:If a front tire fails, the flat tire will create a drag thatpulls the vehicle toward that side. Take your foot offthe accelerator pedal and grip the steering wheel firmly.Steer to maintain lane position, and then gently braketo a stop well out of the traffic lane.A rear blowout, particularly on a curve, acts much like askid and may require the same correction you’d use in askid. In any rear blowout, remove your foot from theaccelerator pedal. Get the vehicle under control bysteering the way you want the vehicle to go. It may bevery bumpy and noisy, but you can still steer. Gentlybrake to a stop -- well off the road if possible.If a tire goes flat, the next part shows how to use yourjacking equipment to change a flat tire safely.5-19

Changing a Flat TireIf a tire goes flat, avoid further tire and wheel damageby driving slowly to a level place. Turn on your hazardwarning flashers.CAUTION:Changing a tire can cause an injury. The vehiclecan slip off the jack and roll over you or otherpeople. You and they could be badly injured.Find a level place to change your tire. To helpprevent the vehicle from moving:1. Put the shift lever in PARK (P).2. Set the parking brake firmly.3. Turn off the engine.To be even more certain the vehicle won’t move,you can put blocks at the front and rear of thetire farthest away from the one being changed.That would be the tire on the other side of thevehicle, at the opposite end.The following steps will tell you how to use the jack andchange a tire.5-20

Changing a Flat TireIf a tire goes flat, avoid further tire and wheel damageby driving slowly to a level place. Turn on your hazardwarning flashers.CAUTION:Changing a tire can cause an injury. The vehiclecan slip off the jack and roll over you or otherpeople. You and they could be badly injured.Find a level place to change your tire. To helpprevent the vehicle from moving:1. Put the shift lever in PARK (P).2. Set the parking brake firmly.3. Turn off the engine.To be even more certain the vehicle won’t move,you can put blocks at the front and rear of thetire farthest away from the one being changed.That would be the tire on the other side of thevehicle, at the opposite end.The following steps will tell you how to use the jack andchange a tire.5-20

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