2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual 2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

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PUSHBUTTONS: The six numbered pushbuttons letyou return to your favorite stations. You can set up to18 stations (six AM, six FM1 and six FM2). Just:1. Turn the radio on.2. Press BAND to select AM, FM1 or FM2.3. Tune in the desired station.4. Press and hold one of the six numbered buttonsfor more than two seconds until you hear a beep.Whenever you press that numbered button for lessthan two seconds, the station you set will return.5. Repeat the steps for each pushbutton.When battery power is removed and later applied, youwill not have to reset your radio presets because theradio remembers them.PRESET SCAN: Press and hold SCAN for two tothree seconds until PRESET SCAN appears on thedisplay to listen to each of your preset stations fora few seconds (factory presets which have not beenreprogrammed with your stations will be ignored).The radio will go to the first preset station stored onyour pushbuttons, stop for a few seconds, then go onto the next preset station. Press SCAN again to stopscanning. If a preset station has weak reception,the radio will not stop at the preset station.Setting the ToneBASS: Press this knob lightly so it extends. Turn theknob clockwise to increase and counterclockwise todecrease bass.TREB: Press this knob lightly so it extends. Turn theknob clockwise to increase and counterclockwise todecrease treble. If a station is weak or noisy, you maywant to decrease the treble.Push these knobs back into their stored positions whenyou’re not using them.Adjusting the SpeakersBAL: Press this knob lightly so it extends. Turn theknob clockwise to adjust sound to the right speakersand counterclockwise for the left speakers. The middleposition balances the sound between the speakers.FADE: Press this knob lightly so it extends. Turn theknob clockwise to adjust the sound to the front speakersand counterclockwise for the rear speakers. The middleposition balances the sound between the speakers.Push these knobs back into their stored positions whenyou’re not using them.3-10

Playing a Cassette TapeWith the radio on, insert a cassette tape. The tape willbegin playing as soon as it is inserted. When one sideof your cassette tape is done playing, auto reverse playsthe other side of your cassette tape. If you want to inserta cassette tape when the ignition is off, first press theeject button.While the tape is playing, use the VOL, FADE, BAL,BASS and TREB controls just as you do for the radio.Other controls may have different functions when a tapeis inserted. The display will show TAPE with an arrowto indicate which side of the tape is playing. PLAY willappear on the display temporarily when a tape is playing.The display will then revert back to showing the time.If an error occurs while trying to play a cassette tape,it could be that: The cassette tape is tight and the cassette playercannot turn the hubs of the tape. Hold the cassettetape with the open end down and try turning theright hub counterclockwise with a pencil. Flip thetape over and repeat. If the hubs do not turn easily,your cassette tape may be damaged and should notbe used in the player. Try a new tape to be sure yourplayer is working properly. The cassette tape is broken. (Check to see if yourtape is broken. Try a new tape.)REV: Press the left arrow to rewind the tape rapidly.The radio will play while the tape reverses and REVwill appear on the display. You may use your stationpushbuttons to tune to another radio station while inREV mode. Press the left arrow again to return toplaying speed.FF: Press the right arrow to fast forward to anotherpart of the tape. The radio will play while the tapeadvances and FF will appear on the display. You mayuse your station pushbuttons to tune to another radiostation while in FF mode. Press the right arrow again toreturn to playing speed.SEEK-TUNE: Press the right arrow to seek to the nextselection on the tape. Press the left arrow to search forthe previous selection on the tape (REP will appear onthe display). Your tape must have at least three secondsof silence between each selection for SEEK-TUNE towork. The sound will mute while seeking.SCAN: Press this button. SCAN FF will appear on thedisplay until the next selection is found and then SCANPLAY will appear on the display. Use SCAN to listento selections for a few seconds. The tape will go to aselection, stop for a few seconds, then go on to the nextselection. Press this button again to stop scanning.3-11

Playing a Cassette TapeWith the radio on, insert a cassette tape. The tape willbegin playing as soon as it is inserted. When one sideof your cassette tape is done playing, auto reverse playsthe other side of your cassette tape. If you want to inserta cassette tape when the ignition is off, first press theeject button.While the tape is playing, use the VOL, FADE, BAL,BASS and TREB controls just as you do for the radio.Other controls may have different functions when a tapeis inserted. The display will show TAPE with an arrowto indicate which side of the tape is playing. PLAY willappear on the display temporarily when a tape is playing.The display will then revert back to showing the time.If an error occurs while trying to play a cassette tape,it could be that: The cassette tape is tight and the cassette playercannot turn the hubs of the tape. Hold the cassettetape with the open end down and try turning theright hub counterclockwise with a pencil. Flip thetape over and repeat. If the hubs do not turn easily,your cassette tape may be damaged and should notbe used in the player. Try a new tape to be sure yourplayer is working properly. The cassette tape is broken. (Check to see if yourtape is broken. Try a new tape.)REV: Press the left arrow to rewind the tape rapidly.The radio will play while the tape reverses and REVwill appear on the display. You may use your stationpushbuttons to tune to another radio station while inREV mode. Press the left arrow again to return toplaying speed.FF: Press the right arrow to fast forward to anotherpart of the tape. The radio will play while the tapeadvances and FF will appear on the display. You mayuse your station pushbuttons to tune to another radiostation while in FF mode. Press the right arrow again toreturn to playing speed.SEEK-TUNE: Press the right arrow to seek to the nextselection on the tape. Press the left arrow to search forthe previous selection on the tape (REP will appear onthe display). Your tape must have at least three secondsof silence between each selection for SEEK-TUNE towork. The sound will mute while seeking.SCAN: Press this button. SCAN FF will appear on thedisplay until the next selection is found and then SCANPLAY will appear on the display. Use SCAN to listento selections for a few seconds. The tape will go to aselection, stop for a few seconds, then go on to the nextselection. Press this button again to stop scanning.3-11

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