2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual 2000 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual

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Low Washer Fluid Warning LightThis light will come onwhen you turn on theignition and the windshieldwasher fluid container isless than one-third full.Fuel GageTrunk Ajar LightThis light will come on ifyour vehicle’s trunk is notcompletely closed.United StatesCanadaThe fuel gage shows approximately how much fuel is inthe tank. It works only when the ignition is in ON.Here are a few concerns some owners have had aboutthe fuel gage. All of these situations are normal and donot indicate that anything is wrong with the fuel gage.At the gas station the gas pump shuts off beforethe gage reads F.The gage may change when you turn, stop orspeed up.2-77

Low Fuel LightIf the fuel level is low,approximately one (3.8 L)to two gallons (7.57 L) offuel remaining in the fueltank, a light will come onuntil you add fuel.Fuel Cap Indicator LightThis light will come onif the fuel cap has notbeen fully tightened, ismissing or has beenimproperly installed.The light may begin to flash as the fuel level gets lower.It will also come on for a few seconds when you firstturn on the ignition as a check to show it’s working.If it doesn’t come on then, have it fixed.You should recheck your fuel cap to make sure itis on tight.If you continue to drive with a loose fuel cap, thediagnostic system in your vehicle can determine if thefuel cap has been left off or improperly installed. Aloose or missing fuel cap will allow fuel to evaporateinto the atmosphere. If this happens, the CHECKENGINE light may come on. For more information, see“Malfunction Indicator Lamp” earlier in this section.2-78

Low Washer Fluid Warning LightThis light will come onwhen you turn on theignition and the windshieldwasher fluid container isless than one-third full.Fuel GageTrunk Ajar LightThis light will come on ifyour vehicle’s trunk is notcompletely closed.United StatesCanadaThe fuel gage shows approximately how much fuel is inthe tank. It works only when the ignition is in ON.Here are a few concerns some owners have had aboutthe fuel gage. All of these situations are normal and donot indicate that anything is wrong with the fuel gage.At the gas station the gas pump shuts off beforethe gage reads F.The gage may change when you turn, stop orspeed up.2-77

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