Milton Magazine - Milton Academy

Milton Magazine - Milton Academy Milton Magazine - Milton Academy


T. Stephen Jones ’59, Jeffrey Koplan ’62 and Larry Altman ’54 are physicianswho worked as epidemiologists at the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention in Atlanta. This photo was taken at a reunion in July 2008 of epidemiologistswho participated in the program that eradicated smallpox from theworld.1955Olivia Ames Hoblitzelle’s book,The Majesty of Your Loving:A Couple’s Journey ThroughAlzheimer’s, was published in2007.1956Rupert Hitzig reports, “I am havingmore fun every year. I’m juststarting a new movie in Alaskaand will be living outdoors withthe wolves in a tent city for twomonths. It’s not exactly theBeverly Hills Hotel. Miss you all,and love the memories of Miltonmore and more. Come visit, notin Alaska, but if you come to LosAngeles.”1962James Kaplan, Bill Chuck, andACTA Sports recently wroteWalkoffs, Last Licks, and FinalOuts: Baseball’s Grand (and not sogrand) Finales, which was publishedin March 2008.1964Judith Rivinus Fuller died peacefullyat home, in the embrace offamily and friends, on April 19,2008. A nurse by profession,Judith spent her career caring forthose in need of medical attention,making a huge impact onthose she cared for and workedamong. Wife to Henry Weld86 Milton MagazineFuller and mother to Susannaand Michael, Judith was “full ofenergy and vitality that infectedall who knew her.” She was anavid gardener, cyclist, quilter,weaver, and an actor with theSt. Ann’s Bay Players. Her husband,Henry, writes that “shewas, indeed, larger than lifeitself, through her pure force ofcharacter.”1967Gretchen Feero writes, “Manyof the women from the Class of1967 had a spectacular ReunionWeekend in June 2007 at thehome of a classmate. It waswonderful in every way. As weapproach our 60th birthdays,we find ourselves to be strong,happy, and supportive of eachother, and very grateful that wehave such amazing connectionsthat have not only weathered butthrived over 40 years.”1968David Kunhardt writes, “Sorry Imissed our 40th Reunion celebration.I’ve been busy with solarenergy finance work and familyhere in Northern California. Iwill have to see you at our 50th.”1969Elizabeth Hobson reports, “After30 years of working in the publicschools in Arizona—the lastten in administration—I haveretired, effective June 17, 2008.I look forward to catching upwith classmates in New Englandand between Tempe and theCape where my dad still has ahouse and we still gather to sailand watch little children play inthe sand and waves.”1975William Nixon’s first full-lengthpoetry book, My Late Mother as aRuffed Grouse, was recently publishedby FootHills Publishing, asmall poetry press.1979Tedd Saunders was presented anaward from the EnvironmentalLeague of Massachusetts for providingextraordinary leadershipon behalf of the Massachusettsenvironment. Co-owner andexecutive vice president forenvironmental affairs for theSaunders Hotel Group, Tedd isalso the president of EcologicalSolutions. He sits on nine environmentalboards and is a foundingmember of the Coalition forEnvironmentally ResponsibleConventions (CERC), an organizationcreated to promoteenvironmental best practicesfor large conventions, startingwith the 2004 Democraticand Republican NationalConventions. The SaundersHotel Group is working withCERC, leading the effort to“green” Boston’s entire conventionand lodging industry.1983Congratulations to PamelaParizek and her husband,George, who welcomed their sonSpencer on May 3, 2005.1984Lisa Miller reports, “Pleaseextend my spirited appreciationto Mr. David Smith, who welcomedme into Milton Academyas a new Class II student. Thefirst novel we shared in class wasby Mark Twain, reflecting a bit ofhome for a girl from Missouri.Please also share with him thatI often think of his encouragementand genuine interest in hisstudents.” Lisa is a tenured professorof psychology at ColumbiaUniversity Teachers College,where she studies spirituality inchildren and adolescents. Shealso co-hosts a television show,somewhat related to her scholarlywork, on children with psychicexperience on A&E called“Psychic Kids.”1986Dave Andrews legally marriedhis partner of 15 years, ClydeYoshida, in a casual and lovingceremony at their San Diegohome. Their time together hasalready been their honeymoon.Mark Boynton was recentlyappointed to the firm KilpatrickStockton’s Winston-Salemoffice in North Carolina. Markcompleted a term as LitigationSection Chair of the NorthCarolina Bar Association, andis joining Kilpatrick Stocktonas counsel, where he will be amember of the firm’s litigationdepartment. Early in Mark’scareer, he practiced at KilpatrickStockton as an associate in thelitigation department.Mark Boynton ’86 was recentlyappointed counsel as a member ofthe Litigation Department at theWinston-Salem, North Carolina, officeof the firm Kilpatrick Stockton. Priorto this appointment, Mark completeda term as Litigation Section Chair ofthe North Carolina Bar Association.

Gabriel Tyler Pereira Henrikson, the son of Katharine Henrikson ’88, enjoyssome light—and fascinating—reading. Gabriel was born on New Year’s Day,2008, in Bogotá, Colombia.1987Kiersten Blest and her husband,Sean, welcomed their son, SeanMichael Blest, Jr., on May 8,2008. The family resides inCharlotte, North Carolina.1988Congratulations to KatharineHenrikson, who welcomedGabriel Tyler Pereira Henriksonon New Year’s Day, 2008, inBogotá, Colombia. He surprisedhis parents and big brother Abelon their vacation outside ofBogotá by coming three weeksearly.Marlowe Tessmer received herPh.D. in pathobiology fromBrown University. Marlowe isan immunologist and will continueher research at BostonUniversity.Anna Winger (née Levine)’s firstnovel, This Must Be the Place, waspublished by Riverhead Books(Penguin) in August 2008.1989Jill Bernheimer was featuredin the April 2008 issue ofEntrepreneur magazine forlaunching the start-up Web, one of a newbreed of sites that combinealcohol sales with online socialnetworking features. Accordingto Entrepreneur, “What setsDomaine547 apart from theold guard of online liquor andwine retailers is its dedicationto social features. The site’sfriendly design, blog and forumareas make it attractive to consumerswho are eager to learnas well as purchase.” Jill livesin Los Angeles, where she is anindependent film producer and awine entrepreneur.1991Congratulations to DenielleBertarelli-Webb who reports,“My husband, Andrew, and Iwelcomed our second daughter,Juliet Anderson Webb, onAugust 16, 2007. Juliet joins bigsister Cecelia, who loves her newrole. We live in Summit, NewJersey, and I work in marketingand communications for a children’sentertainment company,HIT Entertainment, based inNew York City.”Brendan Everett and his wife,Anna Rutherford, welcomedtheir son William Kerr Everetton January 4, 2008. Big sisterAmelia (3) adores her littlebrother.1992Congratulations to Sophia Kovenand her husband, who welcomedtheir third child, a baby boy,named Charlie. Charlie joins histwo older sisters, Lucy (7) andAnnabel (4).Kathleen Lintz Rein ’92 and Jenna Bertocchi Stapleton ’92 got together inAugust for Jenna’s baby’s christening. Kathleen is godmother to Jenna’s son,Craig Roberts Stapleton II, and Jenna is godmother to Kathleen’s daughter,Alexandra Louise Rein.Ned Roberts ’93 and his wife, Michelle, welcomed their first child—a son,Finley Harrison Roberts—into the world on May 20, 2008.Ohene Asare ’96 and Regine Jean-Charles ’96 welcomed BediakoDessalines Jean-Charles Asare intothe world on September 6, 2007.Congratulations to Michael O’Brien’96 and his wife, Beth, who welcomedMolly Anne on January 27, 2008.Milton Magazine 87

Gabriel Tyler Pereira Henrikson, the son of Katharine Henrikson ’88, enjoyssome light—and fascinating—reading. Gabriel was born on New Year’s Day,2008, in Bogotá, Colombia.1987Kiersten Blest and her husband,Sean, welcomed their son, SeanMichael Blest, Jr., on May 8,2008. The family resides inCharlotte, North Carolina.1988Congratulations to KatharineHenrikson, who welcomedGabriel Tyler Pereira Henriksonon New Year’s Day, 2008, inBogotá, Colombia. He surprisedhis parents and big brother Abelon their vacation outside ofBogotá by coming three weeksearly.Marlowe Tessmer received herPh.D. in pathobiology fromBrown University. Marlowe isan immunologist and will continueher research at BostonUniversity.Anna Winger (née Levine)’s firstnovel, This Must Be the Place, waspublished by Riverhead Books(Penguin) in August 2008.1989Jill Bernheimer was featuredin the April 2008 issue ofEntrepreneur magazine forlaunching the start-up Web, one of a newbreed of sites that combinealcohol sales with online socialnetworking features. Accordingto Entrepreneur, “What setsDomaine547 apart from theold guard of online liquor andwine retailers is its dedicationto social features. The site’sfriendly design, blog and forumareas make it attractive to consumerswho are eager to learnas well as purchase.” Jill livesin Los Angeles, where she is anindependent film producer and awine entrepreneur.1991Congratulations to DenielleBertarelli-Webb who reports,“My husband, Andrew, and Iwelcomed our second daughter,Juliet Anderson Webb, onAugust 16, 2007. Juliet joins bigsister Cecelia, who loves her newrole. We live in Summit, NewJersey, and I work in marketingand communications for a children’sentertainment company,HIT Entertainment, based inNew York City.”Brendan Everett and his wife,Anna Rutherford, welcomedtheir son William Kerr Everetton January 4, 2008. Big sisterAmelia (3) adores her littlebrother.1992Congratulations to Sophia Kovenand her husband, who welcomedtheir third child, a baby boy,named Charlie. Charlie joins histwo older sisters, Lucy (7) andAnnabel (4).Kathleen Lintz Rein ’92 and Jenna Bertocchi Stapleton ’92 got together inAugust for Jenna’s baby’s christening. Kathleen is godmother to Jenna’s son,Craig Roberts Stapleton II, and Jenna is godmother to Kathleen’s daughter,Alexandra Louise Rein.Ned Roberts ’93 and his wife, Michelle, welcomed their first child—a son,Finley Harrison Roberts—into the world on May 20, 2008.Ohene Asare ’96 and Regine Jean-Charles ’96 welcomed BediakoDessalines Jean-Charles Asare intothe world on September 6, 2007.Congratulations to Michael O’Brien’96 and his wife, Beth, who welcomedMolly Anne on January 27, 2008.<strong>Milton</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> 87

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