Milton Magazine - Milton Academy

Milton Magazine - Milton Academy

Milton Magazine - Milton Academy

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Chapel at <strong>Milton</strong> in 2008A point of view about relevanceMy two years’ experience withthe chapel program at <strong>Milton</strong><strong>Academy</strong> has included thoughtfulanalysis of its status and its potentialdirection. Given <strong>Milton</strong>’s nondenominationalstatus, and the diversity of its students,the chapel program must embracea broad vision of spirituality, one thatrespects the plurality of faiths and exploresthe unique elements among them. Mygoals for the future of the chapel programfocus on three separate, yet interrelatedthemes.First, chapel is about education. Currentevents have dictated that the average individualhave more than a passing knowledgeof various faith traditions. Educationabout different religions involves investigationinto each religion’s particularhistory, its relationship to similar faiths,its belief structures, and its current rolein the world. In addition, I hope that thechapel program can engage critically withparticular religions, acknowledging boththe successes and the ills that emerge fromreligious faith. A second part of this education,in some cases, may also include are-education. For those who see religion aslimiting or irrelevant, the chapel programoffers an opportunity to examine the differingways of believing that are not asconstrained as one may assume.10 <strong>Milton</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

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