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There is currently an underspend on this fund that will be “mopped” up via the GPShared Care service.• Basic Command UnitThere is currently a small underspend on this fund, although this is going to betransferred to other projects within BCU.Funding 2009/10• Crime Reduction & Anti-Social Behaviour Fund & Safer Communities FundHR informed that we have received indicative sums from the Home Office and WelshAssembly Government for funding allocation 2009/10. These are the same as last year;there has been no uplift. Action Point 2HR requested an email from Home Office to confirm funding for 2009/10.RMorgan to take this up with the HO.• Basic Command UnitDiscussions took place regarding the future of the BCU fund. AW to give an update onthis at the next meeting.• Substance Misuse Action Plan FundThere has been an uplift of approximately £40,000 on this fund for 2009/10.HR explained some of the spend pressures that the CSP are going to experience in thenext financial year:‣ There has been no uplift on CRASB and SCF for inflation.‣ Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) – this funding is due tocease at the end of March 2009. HR informed all of the benefits of the IDVApost and stated that this service could collapse if funding cannot be foundelsewhere.‣ PACT Admin Assistant – funded through Neighbourhood Policing. Thefunding for this post is due to cease at the end of March 2009.‣ Job Evaluation – we are still awaiting confirmation of outcome of JobEvaluation. Any uplifts will put a pressure on funds. Action Point 3A profile of our spend is to be completed prior to the meeting in March 2009.HR informed the group that the money the Partnership received for the “TacklingViolent Crime” initiative from the Home Office has all been spent. Further detailsare to be provided by Alan Webber.7. CommunicationsDiscussions took place regarding communicating substance misuse issues, as RosemaryMatthews was not able to attend this meeting no update was given.3

8. Strategy Action Plans• Alcohol Harm Reduction Action TeamA discussion took place around the DVD ‘Wrecked’ which was filmed by a group ofstudents. It was agreed there was potential for the DVD to be shown in youth clubs,schools and to families. The DVD has proven popular in the past with school childrenas it shows children and parents the dangers of drinking alcohol.CB suggested a subgroup be set up in order to establish the current status of the DVDand to develop plans for proactive screening of the DVD within the borough.CB discussed points on Action Plan.• Crime And Disorder Reduction Action TeamAlan Webber will now be the Chair of this group. Rhiann Iles and NK to meet withAW to discuss CADRAT progress. Discussions took place regarding the creation ofan Anti-Social Behavior sub group, Rhiann Iles to look at procedures for this group.HR questioned the Street Scene element of our priority and where it was beingcovered. NK mentioned that that the Street Scene initiatives were being covered inthe CADRAT action plan e.g. graffiti, restorative justice, litter, etc.• Partnership Development Action TeamNK circulated the Action Plan and gave a brief update on each item, in particular sheinformed that the Commissioning and Communications sub groups have both been setup and Terms of Reference approved by the Strategy Group.It was identified that item 8.2 – to produce a Substance Misuse CommunicationsStrategy had not yet been completed.6. A.O.B.• HR gave an update on the All Wales Counter Terrorist Action Plan. We currentlyhave no information on Caerphilly.• Neighbourhood Crime and Justice Co-ordinator – Newport have appointed for thispost. A business case is currently being put together. This post will attract thepossibility of bidding in to an additional fund of up to £100,000.• We will be advertising shortly to community groups for “Crime Fighters”. This iswhere members of the community will act as the “eyes and ears” of the community Action Point 4RMorgan asked if he could have dates of all the meetings taking place inPhillipstown.Dates of next meeting: Thursday 26 th March 2009, 10:00am at the small conference room, EnterpriseHouse, Tir y berth. Thursday 28 th May 2009, 10:00am, Blackwood Police Station4

Thursday 30 th July 2009, 10:00am at the large conference room, EnterpriseHouse, Tir y berth. Thursday 10 th September 2009, 10:00am at the small conference room,Enterprise House, Tir y berth. Thursday 12 th November 2009, 10:00am at the large conference room,Enterprise House, Tir y berth. Thursday 28 th January 2010, 10:00am at the large conference room, EnterpriseHouse, Tir y berth.5

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