Dolphin Sep-Oct08.pdf - Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd

Dolphin Sep-Oct08.pdf - Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd

Dolphin Sep-Oct08.pdf - Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd

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YARD NEWSDelivery of MAERSK CONVINCERMarking the rig’s successful hand-over<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>, a wholly owned subsidiary of SembcorpMarine, has successfully delivered the MAERSKCONVINCER, its second newbuild Pacific Class 375newbuild jack-up rig for Denmark’s Maersk Contractors,on schedule in early <strong>Sep</strong>tember 2008.The jack-up set off for drilling operations offshore Brunei and a well inMalaysia under a one-year charter with Brunei Shell Petroleum, with optionsfor extension. Its sister unit MAERSK COMPLETER, delivered by <strong>Jurong</strong><strong>Shipyard</strong> in May 2007, also secured a similar charter by Brunei ShellPetroleum for the same drilling assignment in the fourth quarter this year indirect continuation of its current contract with Total E&P Borneo.MAERSK CONVINCER, <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s second Pacific Class 375 jack-up rig forMaersk Contractors, has set off for offshore Brunei in <strong>Sep</strong>tember 2008MAERSK CONVINCER is the thirdof a series of four BMC Pacifi cClass 375 jack-up rigs built on aturnkey basis by <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>based on the Group’s proprietaryPacifi c Class 375 deep drillingoffshore jack-up design.Celebrating the rig’s delivery with a toastCJ70 Jack-up Keel-laying<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> and PetroProd <strong>Ltd</strong> marked the keel-laying of the firststeel block for a harsh-environment newbuild offshore jack-up unit (hullno. 11-1092) on October 8, 2008.There to witness this key project milestonewere key representatives from PetroProdincluding Project Manager Mr Geir Eik,Construction Manager Mr Endre Haaland,Drilling Manager Mr Mike Mikalsen, andQA/QC Manager Mr Ho Choon Heng,as well as <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s seniormanagement and project team.both drilling and production capabilities foroperations in the Norwegian North Sea.Laying the first steel-block of the CJ70 jack-up inthe drydockScheduled for delivery in mid-2010, theharsh-environment jack-up rig will be builtbased on the proven CJ70 design withMarking a milestone – Representatives from <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> and PetroProd commemorating the keel-layingof the CJ70 harsh-environment jack-up rig02<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 2008

Welcome back, Thomas MannIt was a memorable homecoming for Thomas Mann, a 2,586TEU container vessel which returned to <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> – herbirthplace – five years after setting off on her maiden voyage.YARD NEWSThomas Mann, the fi rst of two proprietary designed 2,586 TEU JubileeClass containerships built by <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> for Germany’s ReedereiKarl Schluter GmbH & Co., called at the yard in early October toundergo a combination of repair and maintenance works.As part of the repairs for the 213.00m x 32.20m x 16.50m vessel,the hull was blasted and coated with fresh paint while within thevessel, two heating coils in the U HFO tanks and the starboard anchorpocket’s shell plate were partially cropped and renewed. Severalmooring winch brake linings were also renewed.Thomas Mann preparing to sail away after works are completedUpon completion of the repairs in mid October, Thomas Mann took offfrom the yard with renewed energy, all ready to resume operationson the high seas.Overhaul for LNG Vessels<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> saw the sail-away of two LNG carriers, SK Sunrise and Iberica Knutsen, following theirsuccessful repairs in late August and mid October this year.SK Sunrise Shines ForthSK Sunrise, a GTT Mark 3 membrane type LNG carrier with astorage capacity of up to 138,271m 3 of liquefi ed natural gas,made its debut visit to <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> in early August 2008.The 278.85m x 42.64m x 26.00m SK Sunrise, which called at theyard for periodic maintenance and checks, is managed by leadingJapanese ship management company, Iino Marine Service Co.,<strong>Ltd</strong>, a subsidiary of Iino Kaiun Kaisha, <strong>Ltd</strong>.A dedicated <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> team was assigned to conductoverhauling works for the vessel’s low-duty and high-dutycompressor, and the cargo spray pump. The LNG carrier alsoSK Sunrise ready to depart from <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>underwent a complete wire replacement package as part of itsmaintenance package for its hose handling crane, monorail craneand the provision crane before departing the yard in late August.Iberica Knutsen Stops OverIberica Knutsen, a 277.00m x 43.40m x 26.00m Norwegian LNGcarrier owned by Knutsen OAS Shipping AS, made a stopover at<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> for a series of repair and maintenance jobs in late<strong>Sep</strong>tember 2008.The LNG carrier received a fresh coat of paint on her hull afterblasting works were completed and maintenance works werecarried out on the central cooling system to ensure its smoothfunctioning.The other jobs performed ranged from the cleaning and coatingof the sea chests and thruster tunnel, stock and steering gear, tothe cleaning of the bow thruster for inspection and dye check, inaddition to ranging, cleaning and marking of the anchor and chainThe rejuvenated Iberica Knutsen sailing towards her next destinationcables. Both the vessel’s auxiliary boiler and the exhaust gas boilerwere also cleaned for surveying.After all the tasks were completed, Iberica Knutsen sailed awayalong with her crew in mid-October to proceed on with herjourney.<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 200803

YARD NEWSVega Voyager On Schedule<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> opened its dock-gates inOctober 2008 for Vega Voyager, the fifthvessel from Chevron Shipping CompanyLLC to sail into the yard this year.Measuring 243.80m x 42.00m x 21.30m,the 104,864 dwt tanker was in the yard forthe installation of a crude oil washing (COW)line root valve, a vortex generator and a newstandby diesel oil pump.Cheering in unity at Vega Voyager’s successful repairsOther jobs in the repair lineup included hullblasting, painting of the funnel and logo,inspection of the main engine pistons,replacement of the COW machines, overhaulof the cargo oil pump, load-testing of thecargo hose crane, and the renewal of themooring winches and anchor windlassesbrake lining.The strong synergy by the Chevron-<strong>Jurong</strong> team ensured that the repairs wereon schedule and right on track for VegaVoyager’s scheduled sail-away in earlyNovember, all while meeting high standardsof quality, safety and reliability.Rewarding workers for good safety performanceVega Voyager before her repairsLooking good after a series of repairs and maintenance jobs04<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 2008

YARD NEWSStrategic Alliance Meeting with ChevronGroup picture of the Chevron-<strong>Jurong</strong> alliance ASR team membersMore than 20 representatives from the Chevron Shipping and <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> Advanced Supplier Relationship(ASR) Team congregated at the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club for the 18th Alliance Meeting from October13 to 15, 2008 to explore ways to steer the partnership ahead.Mr WS Wong, Managing Director of <strong>Jurong</strong><strong>Shipyard</strong>, leading the discussionMr Dave Moore, Chevron Shipping’s Technical &Procurement Manager, sharing ideas with the teamThroughout the three-day meeting, theteam reviewed its operational performance,formulated strategic objectives, anddeveloped specifi c action plans forcontinuous innovation and improvements.Health, safety and environment was akey area of focus, with <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’sManaging Director Mr WS Wongand Chevron Shipping’s Technical &Procurement Manager Mr Dave Mooreendorsing their joint commitment towardsHSE excellence with the signing of asafety pledge.The yard’s HSE efforts were also recognisedwith the presentation of a special awardby Chevron Shipping for attaining morethan 3 million man-hours without Lost-timeIncidents for Chevron repair projects sinceAugust 2001.Besides charting future directions, teambondingwas also high on the agenda.Despite their busy schedules, alliancemembers also took time to forge closerties on a personal level – all with the aimof building a strong and effective allianceteam for maximum performance.Gearing up for the winSafety pledge signing: Mr WS Wong and Mr Dave Moore marking their jointcommitment towards HSE excellenceMr WS Wong receiving the 3 million manhours withoutLTI safety award from Mr Dave Moore on behalf of<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong><strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 200805

COVER STORYCelebrating the Naming & Turnkey CompletionCelebrating a landmark achievement – <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> and Seadrill representatives cheering the successful turnkey completion of West TaurusThe turnkey construction completion and official namingof WEST TAURUS, the second of a series of four ultradeepwatersemi-submersible drilling rigs built by <strong>Jurong</strong><strong>Shipyard</strong> for Norway’s leading energy group SeadrillLimited, was celebrated in grand style during a spectacularceremony on <strong>Sep</strong>tember 6, 2008.Built to Friede & Goldman’s Ex-D Millennium Class design, WESTTAURUS is a highly sophisticated 6 th generation semi-submersible rigengineered for deep drilling capabilities of up to 37,500 feet in dynamicpositioning mode in ultra-deepwaters of up to 10,000 feet. Designedwith an operational displacement of 43,400 metric tons at 17 metresdraft and 46,750 metric tons at 20 metres draft, it has 18,000 squarefeet of usable deck space, and is able to carry a variable deck load ofup to 8,000 tons.VIPs commemorating the rig tour with a group photoOffi cially named by Mrs Goril Diesen, wife of Mr Stein Diesen fromSeadrill Limited, WEST TAURUS is the second unit of a series offour high-performance ultra-deepwater dynamic positioning semisubmersiblerigs built for Seadrill, following the successful deliveryof the fi rst unit WEST SIRIUS in March 2008. The third and fourthrig units are currently under construction in the yard with deliveriesscheduled in 2010 and 2011 respectively.The successful turnkey construction of WEST TAURUS marksanother landmark achievement for <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> being thefi rst semi-submersible rig to be built using the yard’s proprietary“Transverse Skidding” methodology in combination with the “Loadoutand Mating-in-Dock” technique. These breakthrough techniquesincrease and optimize the shipyard’s capacity to deliver more than2 semi-submersible rigs in a year while meeting high standards ofquality, safety and reliability.Shortly after its naming, WEST TAURUS will undergo installationand commissioning of thrusters at anchorage followed by sea trial toprepare for drilling once it reaches fi eld location offshore Brazil.Scheduled for delivery in November 2008, WEST TAURUS will bedeployed for development drilling operations under a six-year charterwith Petrobras. In addition, Petrobras has awarded similar chartercontracts to three other semi-submersible rigs under construction inLearning more about the advanced systems onboard the rig06<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 2008

COVER STORYof WEST TAURUSLady sponsor Mrs Goril Diesen taking in the festive atmosphere together with (from left)Seadrill’s Vice President of Deepwater Projects Mr Alex Monsen, Mr Stein Diesen, CEO &President Mr Alf C. Thorkildsen, Senior Vice President of Deepwater Operations Mr TimJuran, and <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Managing Director Mr WS WongReceiving the lucky scroll to mark smooth seas and blessings for West Taurus<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>, including Seadrill’s third rig unit. The fi rst rig unitWEST SIRIUS, which is now operating in the Gulf of Mexico, had itscontract extended by Devon Energy from four to six years.Mr Alf C. Thorkildsen, CEO and President of Seadrill Limited, said:“We are delighted with the on-time completion of West Taurus andmore importantly she is ready to drill on location. This again proves<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s ability to deliver above our expectations followingthe successful handover of West Sirius in March earlier this year.““We commend the <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> team for their professionalism,dedication and commitment in achieving this remarkable milestone.Mr WS Wong presenting a replica of the West Taurus to Mr Alf C. ThorkildsenWest Taurus will be an invaluable addition to our existing rig fl eet andwe are confi dent the yard will continue to deliver excellent results onthe other two rigs we have entrusted them.”Mr Wong Weng Sun, Managing Director of <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>, said:“WEST TAURUS marks another key milestone for <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>and is a hallmark of our innovative turnkey rig building capabilities andproven track record in fast-track semi-submersible construction. Thesuccess of WEST TAURUS mirrors the successful delivery of WESTSIRIUS in 2008 and signals the strong synergy and close partnershipbetween <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>, Seadrill, and our project partners, vendorsand contractors.”Proposing a toast to the rig’s prosperity and success! Hearty celebration by project team members Commemorating a memorable evening together<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 200807

SCM : AROUND THE YARDSPPL Bags Sinopec Deal to Build 1 st Jack-up Outside ChinaPPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>, a subsidiary of Sembcorp Marine, has secured a landmark contract in <strong>Sep</strong>tember 2008 fromSinopec International (Hong Kong) Co, a subsidiary company of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, tobuild a Pacific Class 375 Offshore Jack-up rig at a value of US$229 million.This contract represents a major milestone forPPL <strong>Shipyard</strong> as the newbuild rig will be thefi rst jack-up to be constructed outside China.Scheduled for delivery in the fi rst quarter of2011, the rig will be owned and operated bythe Shanghai Offshore Petroleum Bureau, asubsidiary of China Petroleum & ChemicalCorporation (Sinopec).This high performance jack-up rig will bebuilt based on PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s proprietarydesign Pacifi c Class 375 and proprietarycomponents. It will be equipped to drill highpressure and high temperature wells at30,000 feet whilst operating in 375 feet ofwater. It will have accommodation with fullcatering and amenities for 120 persons.Mr Tan Kim Yung, Senior General Managerin PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>, said: “We are pleased thatSinopec International (Hong Kong) Co haschosen PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong> to place its fi rst jackuprig order. This is signifi cant as it will bethe fi rst jack-up drilling rig to be constructedoutside China for China Petroleum andChemical Corporation. We are delighted toMilestone partnership: Key representatives from PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong> and the Sinopec group commemorating the landmark contractbe part of this milestone. The Pacifi c Class375 high performance and deep drilling jackuprig continues to be a popular design, wellaccepted by the Industry and fetching someof the highest charter rates.”To-date, a total of 27 jackup rigs based on thePacifi c Class 375 design have been orderedwith 14 units delivered as of <strong>Sep</strong>tember 2008and 13 units currently under various stagesof construction with deliveries till 2011.Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong> Secures FDPSO Conversion ContractDynamic Producer Inc., a part of Brazil’s leading offshore service group Petroserv S.A., has awarded a S$99 million contractto Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sembcorp Marine, in <strong>Sep</strong>tember 2008 to convert a 111,567 dwttanker into a dynamic positioning (DP) Floating, Drilling, Production, Storage and Offloading (FDPSO) vessel.Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong> was chosen byPetroserv S.A. for its fi rst conversion of aDP FDPSO vessel with drilling capabilitybased on the yard’s project managementskills, high HSSE standards, proven EPCexpertise and strong track record in DP2/ DP 3 vessels work, having completedthe conversion and newbuilding of fi ve DPoffshore vessels.Major conversion workscope under thecontract included shop engineering basedon owner’s supplied basic and detaileddesign, procurement of bulk materials,construction and outfi tting of owner’ssupplied machinery, OFE, systems outfi ttingand assistance with commissioning. Majorfabrication and installation work expectedinclude approximately 4,700 tons of steel(involving moonpool and utility roomsfor drilling operations, 4 azimuth thrusterrooms) 7,000 pipe spools, cabling work ofsome 233 km, and installation of owner’ssupplied drilling equipment. The shipyardwill also construct the new accommodationstructure which will comfortably house acomplement of 106 persons.When completed, the new DP FDPSO,to be named Dynamic Producer, will havea crude oil drilling and storage capacity of300,000 bbls. The vessel is expected to bedelivered to owners in the last quarter of2009. Upon delivery, the DP FDPSO will beoperated by Dynamic Producer Inc. on longtermcharter to Petrobras at the EspiritoSanto, Campos and Santos Basin off theBrazilian Southeast Coast.Mr Roberto Jessourun, Vice President andDirector of Petroserv S.A, said: “Sembawang<strong>Shipyard</strong> has been selected by Petroserv to beour partner shipyard in this milestone projectas the shipyard has clearly demonstrated itsstrong track record in handling sophisticatedFPSO conversion and offshore work,especially vessels equipped with dynamicpositioning capabilities. We are confi dentthat the shipyard will deliver a quality FDPSOvessel for our deployment in Brazil.”Mr Ong Poh Kwee, Managing Director ofSembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>, said: “We thankPetroserv S.A. for this important award asit reaffi rms Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s strongtrack record in the specialised FPSOconversion sector and market leadership indynamic positioning offshore vessels.”08<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 2008

PPL Marks Sail-away and Naming for 2 Jack-upsPPL <strong>Shipyard</strong> witnessed the successful sailaway andnaming of its recently delivered jack-up rigs DeepDriller 7 and WilSeeker in the months of <strong>Sep</strong>temberand October respectively.SCM : AROUND THE YARDSDeep Driller 7 and WilSeeker, the 10th and 11th units of the yard’sseries of 23 Pacifi c Class 375 proprietary design newbuild jack-uprigs on order, were built in line with PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s proprietary Pacifi cClass 375 design.Deep Driller 7 Takes Off for ThailandDeep Driller 7, the third newbuild Pacifi c Class 375 jack-up rig builtby PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong> for Deep Drilling Invest <strong>Pte</strong> <strong>Ltd</strong>, embarked on hermaiden voyage to Thailand in early <strong>Sep</strong>tember 2008.Delivered by PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong> to Deep Drilling Invest in July 2008,Deep Driller 7 went on to secure a three-month charter withNuCoastal (Thailand) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of CoastalEnergy Company, with an option for an extension of up to threemonths, for drilling operations at NuCoastal’s Songkhla fi eld in theGulf of Thailand.WilSeeker Naming CeremonyWilSeeker, the fourth Pacifi c Class 375 deep-drilling jack-up rig builtby PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong> for Norway’s Awilco Offshore ASA, was named onOctober 8, 2008 at PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Tuas Yard by Lady Sponsor Mrs XuYu Hong, in the presence of her husband Mr Yuan Guang Yu, CEO &President of China Oilfi eld Services Limited (COSL), Awilco Offshore’sCEO Mr Henrik Fougner and Technical Director Mr Claus Morch, as wellas PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Managing Director Mr Douglas Tan.Following its delivery to Awilco Offshore in <strong>Sep</strong>tember this year,WilSeeker has been in PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong> for preparation works and crewtraining commissioned by COSL.Deep Driller 7, PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s third newbuild proprietary Pacific Class 375design deep drilling jack-up for Deep Drilling Invest, has set off for Thailand’sSongkhla fieldScheduled to sail-away in November 2008 for drilling offshore China,the rig will be deployed under a two-year contract in conjunction withPPL-built rig WilSuperior and another jack-up in COSL’s drilling fl eetoffshore China’s Bohai region.Lady Sponsor Mrs Xu Yu Hong marks the naming of WilSeeker with (from left) her husband Mr Yuan Guang Yu, CEO & President of COSL, Mr Douglas Tan, PPL<strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Managing Director, and Awilco Offshore’s CEO Mr Henrik Fougner and Technical Director Mr Claus Morch, on October 8, 2008<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 200809

SCM : AROUND THE YARDSSembcorp Marine secures LNG carrier longevity contractSembcorp Marine was awarded a longevity contract in <strong>Sep</strong>tember 2008 from International Gas TransportationCompany Limited (IGTC), the parent shipping company of the North West Shelf Venture, for the life extension ofits fleet of six Moss Rosenberg design LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) carriers over a period of six years.This long-term longevity contract is a fi rst by amajor LNG operator to extend the trading lifeof vessels as they progressively reach their20th year in service. The milestone agreementwas signed in Singapore by Mr. John Charles,Commercial Manager of North West ShelfShipping Service Company Pty <strong>Ltd</strong> (NWSSSC)on behalf of IGTC, and Ms Wong Lee-Lin,Executive Director of Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>, asubsidiary of Sembcorp Marine.NWSSSC, equally owned by BHP BillitonPetroleum Pty <strong>Ltd</strong>, BP Australia Shipping Pty<strong>Ltd</strong>, Chevron Australia Transport Pty <strong>Ltd</strong>, JapanAustralia LNG (MIMI) Downstream ServicesPty <strong>Ltd</strong>, Shell Development (Australia) Pty <strong>Ltd</strong>and Woodside Petroleum Holdings Pty <strong>Ltd</strong>,is the main shipping advisor to InternationalGas Transportation Company Limited for themanagement of its fl eet of 9 LNG carriers andtheir transportation operations.With the signing of this contract, NorthwestSanderling, the fi rst of six Moss-Rosenberg typeLNG carriers from IGTC, is scheduled to undergolife extension and upgrading in SembcorpMarine’s Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong> at an estimatedcost of S$35 million in June 2009.The signing of the longevity contract marksanother milestone in the partnership betweenNWSSSC and Sembcorp Marine, committingboth partners to co-operate in the areas ofengineering, procurement and constructionservices for the structural and systemsupgrading as well as life extension of the LNGToasting the success of the longevity contract: Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Managing Director Mr Ong Poh Kweeand Executive Director Ms Wong Lee-Lin together with NWSSSC’s Commercial Manager Mr John Charles(second from left) and Marine & Technical Assurance Manager Mr John Cook (extreme right)carriers in line with NWSSSC’s safety, integrityand reliability standards. The life extensionworks include ballast tanks blasting and coatingwork, hull structural enhancement, integratedautomation system renewal, HVAC andrefrigeration system renewal, cargo and ballastvalve actuator system replacement and boilersystem renewal.Mr. John Charles, Commercial Manager ofNWSSSC, said: “IGTC has a strong andsuccessful partnership with Sembcorp Marinesince the fi rst refi t of one of our LNG carriers,Northwest Shearwater, in Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>in 2001. Over the years, Sembcorp Marine’s<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> and Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>have demonstrated consistently high standardsin its H.S.E., quality and work performance inthe refi ts of our LNG carriers. We look forwardto working with Sembcorp Marine in achievingsafe, high quality and on-time delivery targetsfor the fi rst of our LNG carriers earmarked forlife extension work.”Ms Wong Lee-Lin, Executive Director ofSembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>, said: “This prestigiousaward marks another major milestoneachievement for Sembcorp Marine as it isthe fi rst long-term longevity contract betweena world renowned LNG ship owner and aSingapore shipyard group. As part of theGroup’s strategy to become the world leader inthe repairs and life extension of LNG carriers,we have achieved an important step in gettinginto the big league of specialised LNG carriers’life extension work.”Northwest Sanderling, the first of six Moss-Rosenberg type LNG carriers from IGTC, is scheduled for lifeextension and upgrading in Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong> under the LNG carrier longevity contract in June 2009At a time when Singapore is preparing itself tobe a major hub in the LNG sector, the selectionof Sembcorp Marine as a longevity programmepartner of IGTC, is a great boost to the country’smarine industry and its status as a major shiprepair centre. It also reinforces SembcorpMarine’s global leadership position in this highlyspecialised LNG carriers’ life extension work.10<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 2008

SCM : NEWSStrengthening Synergy with Latin-AmericaMaking their presence at LatinAsia 2008Sembcorp Marine representatives with IE Singapore’s Deputy Chief ExecutiveOfficer Mr Ted TanTo further consolidate the Group’s business synergy with Latin America, Sembcorp Marine participated as a key sponsorfor the fourth consecutive year in International Enterprise (IE) Singapore’s LatinAsia Business Forum 2008.Spanning two days over <strong>Sep</strong>tember 22and 23, 2008, the forum saw more than500 delegates coming together to exploreopportunities to develop trade and investmentbetween Asia and Latin America.Gaining new insights into Latin AmericaDelegates from Sembcorp Marine and itssubsidiary yards joined in the networkingaction and took the opportunity to makenew contacts and renew ties with their LatinAmerican business associates and partners.Participants from the Group also garnered newinsights into Latin America’s current economyand emerging areas of growth through thevarious seminars and discussions organised.Speaking at the forum, Guest-of-HonourMinister for Trade and Industry Mr. LimHng Kiang said that “many opportunitiescan be leveraged from Latin America’s richnatural resource base and strengtheninginfrastructure, and Asia’s expertise inmanufacturing and services.”Sembcorp Marine’s collaborations withBrazil’s offshore oil & gas industry have beenbased on the same principle. The Group’ssubsidiary <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> has convertednine projects for Brazil’s offshore oil & gasindustry, ranging from Floating ProductionStorage and Offl oading vessels (FPSOs),Floating Storage and Offl oading vessels(FSOs) and Floating Production Units(FPUs). These include the FPSO Petrobras37, FSO Petrobras 38, FPU Petrobras 40,FPSO Petrobras 43, FPSO Fluminense,FPSO Cidade do Rio de Janeiro MV14,FSO Cidade de Macae MV15, as well asFPSO Petrobras 50 and FPSO Petrobras54, which enabled Brazil to achieve its goalof oil self-suffi ciency.Engaging in hearty conversationBuilding closer partnerships<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 200811

SCM : NEWSAccolade for Corporate Governance & TransparencySembcorp Marine’s excellence in corporate governance and transparency has once again been recognised bythe Securities Investors Association of Singapore (SIAS).The Group was honoured with a Most TransparentCompany Runner-up Award in the non-electronicsmanufacturing category during the 9th SIASInvestors’ Choice Awards, graced by Mr SIswaran, Senior Minister of State for Trade andIndustry, on October 9, 2008.This year’s Most Transparent Company award isthe fourth SIAS award won by Sembcorp Marinein the category since 2005, and stands as atestimony of the Group’s commitment to goodcorporate governance, timely disclosures andopen communication with stakeholders.Presented to companies that set standards forgood corporate governance and transparency, theMost Transparent Company award is endorsed byPriceWaterhouseCoopers, Institute of Certifi edPublic Accountants of Singapore, InvestmentManagement Association of Singapore, CFASingapore, SID, The Institute of Internal AuditorsSingapore, SAS, ACGA, The Business Timesand The Straits Times.Ms Judy Han, Sembcorp Marine’s Senior Vice President of Investor Relations & Communications, receivingthe Most Transparent Company Award from Mr Hsieh Fu Hua, Singapore Exchange CEOCompanies were assessed by aselection committee comprisingmembers from the massmedia, investors, investmentanalysts, equity sales andasset management fi rmbased on key criteria suchas timeliness of newsrelease, substantiality ofnews release, clarity ofnews release, degreeof media access,frequency of corporateresults, availability ofsegmental informationand communicationchannels such ascompany website and webcasting.Friend of the Arts AwardIn recognition of Sembcorp Marine’scontribution to the Singapore artscommunity, the company wasconferred a Friend of the ArtsAward by the National ArtsCouncil (NAC) on October 21.The Friend of the Arts Award waspresented by Guest-of-Honour Dr Lee BoonYang, Minister for Information, Communicationsand the Arts, during NAC’s Patron of the ArtsAward 2008 ceremony at Esplanade Theatre.A strong advocate of the arts, the Group hassupported Esplanade’s Patron of the ArtsProgramme since 2007 and is committed topromoting a vibrant arts scene in Singapore.Sembcorp Marine’s representative receiving the Friend of the Arts Award fromGuest-of-Honour Dr Lee Boon Yang, Minister for Information, Communicationsand the Arts12<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 2008

SCM : NEWSPanama Ministerial VisitKey ministerial delegates from Panama who were in townto attend the LatinAsia Business forum made a special visitto Sembcorp Marine and its subsidiary <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> on<strong>Sep</strong>tember 25, 2008.Among the dignitaries were H.E. Severo Sousa, Panama’s Deputy Minister,Ministry of Commerce & Industry, H.E. Eduardo Real, Ambassador ofPanama in Singapore, and Ms Gloria de la Espriella, Panama’s NationalInvestment Promotion Director, Ministry of Commerce & Industry.Sembcorp Marine management sharing about the Group’s operations and businessAccompanied by key representatives from International EnterpriseSingapore, the Panamanian delegates spent a fruitful afternoon interactingwith Sembcorp Marine’s senior management and learning more about theGroup’s marine and offshore engineering business.Mr K K Tan, Group President & CEO of SembcorpMarine, exchanging greetings with H.E. SeveroSousa, Panama’s Deputy Minister for Ministry ofCommerce & IndustryMarking a fruitful visitPresidentʼs ChallengeHeart Voyage IIPresident S.R. Nathan expressing his thanks within the bookSembcorp Marine lent its support to the President’s Challenge in October 2008 with the purchase ofa coffee tablebook “Heart Voyage II” signed by His Excellency President S.R. Nathan.Supported by the Ministry of Community Development Youth and Sports, the “Heart Voyage II” charity project aims to raisefunds to help the needy and less fortunate in Singapore lead more dignifi ed and meaningful lives.<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 200813

HAPPENINGSExcellence in Workplace Safety & Health<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Safe Stage teamreceived the WSH Innovation Awardfor the “HP Hook”, a portable anduser-friendly device for the securelocking of the body harness hookto scallop holes to enhance safetywhile working at heights.Representatives from <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> (top) and Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong> (bottom) celebrating their awards haulSembcorp Marine’s subsidiaries <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>, Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong> andSMOE won a series of accolades for HSSE excellence at the Workplace Safetyand Health (WSH) Awards 2008 hosted by the WSH Council and supported by theMinistry of Manpower on October 2.The Hull Spiderz team fromSembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s HullDepartment was awarded the WSHInnovation Award for the “SpiderGrab – an innovative tool for liftingirregular profile shaped outfittingitems in the workshop whichsignificantly reduces the risk offalling hazards and finger injuries.Graced by Guest-of-Honour Acting Minister for Manpower Mr Gan Kim Yong, this annual eventcelebrates the best on a national level for their commitment and exemplary standards in WSH.<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> Safe Stage team and Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Hull Spiderz Team each receivedthe WSH Innovation Award, which recognises innovative teams which have developed better andsafer working methods for safety excellence and workplace improvement.Other accolades bagged by the Group included fi ve Safety and Health Award Recognition forProjects (SHARP) awards by Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong> for Aban Abraham, Aban VIII, BW Endeavour,Hai Yang Shi You 117 and Sapura 3000, which achieved zero incients over a million manhours. Inaddition, SMOE’s Selathorai s/o K R Suppiah was among 11 others who were recognized withthe Safety & Health Award for Supervisors.CONGRATULATIONS to all winners! Keep up the good performance and continue to set newstandards in WSH excellence!Mr Selathorai s/o KR Suppiah, alifting supervisor with SMOE, wonthe first-ever WSH SupervisorAward for his team’s commendablesafety performance – achieving anincident-free track record for morethan three years.14<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 2008

HAPPENINIGSInnovation Learning Visit<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> played host to a group of 30 Housingand Development Board employees who were keen onunderstanding the yard’s innovation systems and processesthat won it SPRING Singapore’s Innovation Excellence Awardin 2007.Sharing about <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s innovation systems and processesDuring the sharing session on October 14, 2008, the visitors were givenan overview of the yard’s total approach towards fostering a cultureof creativity and innovation. The visitors also learnt about the variousinnovation systems and processes that drive innovation across all levelswithin the yard.Time for picture-takingNurturing Talent, Developing Potential<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Human Resource Department organised a series of training and development courses in <strong>Sep</strong>tember andOctober 2008 to nurture employees to their fullest potential.Team-building ChallengeTwo team-building workshops were organised at Sentosa Island in late <strong>Sep</strong>tember and early October for employees to further strengthen theirleadership and management abilities. Through fun-fi lled games and activities, participants also learnt creative thinking and problem-solving skillsto enhance their work performance.Hooray for team power!Learning the principles of teamworkProject Management CourseThrough a systematic objective-based approach, participants learntleadership and management skills to enhance their capabilities inproject planning, execution and control as well as risk managementand negotiation skills during the Project Management Course heldfrom October 14 to 15, 2008.Communication & RelationshipManagement WorkshopA two-day Communication & Relationship Management Workshopwas organised on October 23 and 24, 2008 to enhance employees’communication skills to facilitate greater team bonding as well asrelationship building with colleagues and customers.Participants giving group presentations to exchange ideasHow do we get this standing?Listening and trust is necessary forsuccess<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 200815

HAPPENINGSSponsorship of First Singapore Nautical RunAs a leading industry player, Sembcorp Marine showed its strong support as a Diamond sponsor for the maritime community’sinaugural Singapore Nautical Run organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) on October 10, 2008.Drawing more than 1,300 participants fromthe industry, the Singapore Nautical Run wasfl agged off by Mr Raymond Lim, Minister forTransport and Second Minister for ForeignAffairs, at East Coast Park.Sembcorp Marine made its presence felt duringthe run with one of the largest turnout of morethan 62 enthusiastic participants, comprisingsenior management and employees, who tookpart in both the competitive 6.6km and the noncompetitive1.6km segments.Besides providing a bonding opportunityfor the maritime community, the event alsoraised a total of $333,000 for the President’sChallenge and The Straits Times SchoolPocket Money Fund.Full steam aheadA strong turnout by the Sembcorp Marine groupSembcorp Marine’s representative Ms Judy Han, Senior Vice President of InvestorRelations & Communications, receiving a token of appreciation from Mr RaymondLim, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Foreign AffairsGetting A.C.T.I.V.E Together<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s senior management taking the lead in the mass workoutTowards an active lifestyleExercising is important for good health and working out as a group adds to thefun. That was the case for <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s employees who gathered for theannual A.C.T.I.V.E. (All Companies Together in Various Exercises) Day massworkout on <strong>Sep</strong>tember 20, 2008.Led by a fi tness professional, the participantsengaged in several low impact exercises usingspecial elastic workout bands to tone theirmuscles and shape up their bodies.To round off a fun-fi lled day of exercise, anassortment of fresh fruits and nuts were givenout to encourage employees to continueleading healthy and active lifestyles.Stretching to the limits<strong>Dolphin</strong> is a bi-monthly publication of Sembcorp Marine <strong>Ltd</strong> (Reg. No. 196300098Z)and its subsidiary <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> <strong>Pte</strong> <strong>Ltd</strong> (Reg. No. 199908265G). No part of thisnewsletter may be reproduced or transmitted by any means or stored in any16information storage and retrieval system without the publishers’ written permission.<strong>Sep</strong> - Oct 2008Contact us :The Editorial Team • 29 Tanjong Kling RoadSingapore 628054 • ir@sembcorpmarine.com.sgFor more information, visit us at : www.sembcorpmarine.com.sg • www.jspl.com.sg

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