N - Banyule City Council

N - Banyule City Council

N - Banyule City Council

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NGRASSES AND HERBSNNUse this brochure to recogniseENVIRONMENTAL WEEDSin <strong>Banyule</strong> and control them.Don't let your garden be a sourceof environmental weeds !AgapanthusAgapanthus praecox spp.orientalisFlowering Time: early SummerSeeding Time: berries ripen in late Summer - early AutumnAngled OnionAllium triquetrumFlowering Time: Winter-SpringSeeding Time: late Spring - Summer Also reproduces vegetatively by bulbsArtichoke ThistleCynara cardunculusFlowering Time: November to FebruarySeeding Time: spread by wind, animals, water in Summer & AutumnCreeping ButtercupRanunculus repensFlowering Time: Spring - SummerSeeding Time: late SummerReplace with:Replace with:Replace with:Replace with: Pale Flax-lily Dianella longifoliaRiver Mint Mentha australisSpiny-headed Mat-lily Lomandra longifoliaAustralian Buttercup Ranunculus lappaceusFennelFoeniculum vulgareFlowering Time: all year round but predominately in SpringSeeding Time: mostly SummerReplace with:Hop Goodenia Goodenia ovataNKikuyu GrassPennisetum clandestinumFlowering Time: rarely flowers except cultivated varietiesin Summer. Reproduction by running shootReplace with:Kangaroo Grass Themeda triandraTREESPampas GrassCortaderia selloanaFlowering Time: AutumnSeeding Time: Winter - SpringReplace with:Thatch Saw-sedge Gahnia radulaPaterson’s CurseEchium plantagineumFlowering Time: Spring - early SummerSeeding Time: SummerReplace with:Cut-leaf Daisy Brachyscome multifidaQuaking GrassBriza maximaFlowering Time: Winter - SpringSeeding Time: Spring - early Summer Replace with:Common Wallaby Grass Austrodanthonia caespitosaCLIMBERS AND CREEPERSSoursobOxalis pes-capraeFlowering Time: Winter -SpringSeeding Time: rarely sets seed, spreads by underground bulbs.Replace with:Cut-leaf Daisy - Brachyscome multifida<strong>Banyule</strong>’sBroad-leaf PrivetLigustrum lucidumFlowering Time: Spring and SummerSeeding Time: glossy black berries in winter.Replace with:Muttonwood Rapanea howittianaCherry PlumPrunus cerasiferaFlowering Time: Winter - SpringSeeding Time: red, yellow or purple fruit in SummerReplace with:Wedge-leaf Hop Bush Dodonea viscosaBluebell CreeperSollya heterophyllaFlowering Time: SummerSeeding Time: Autumn - WinterReplace with:Purple Coral-pea Hardenbergia violaceaBlue PeriwinkleVinca majorFlowering Time: SpringVegetative reproduction only Replace with:Purple Coral-pea Hardenbergia violaceaCape IvyDelairea odorataFlowering Time: late Autumn-WinterSeeding Time: early SpringReplace with:Common Appleberry Billardiera scandensENVIRONMENTALWeedsCootamundra WattleAcacia baileyanaFlowering Time: WinterSeeding Time: pods in Spring - SummerReplace with:Black Wattle Acacia mearnsiiDesert AshFraximus rotundifoliaFlowering Time: late WinterSeeding Time: SummerReplace with:Blackwood Acacia melanoxylonEnglish Ivy)Hedera helixFlowering Time: late Autumn - WinterSeeding Time: berries in Winter- SpringReplace with:Small-leafed Clematis Clematis microphyllaJapanese HoneysuckleLonicera japonicaFlowering Time: Spring - SummerSeeding Time: black berries in Summer - AutumnReplace with:Small-leafed Clematis Clematis microphyllaKapok VineAraujia sericiferaFlowering Time: SummerSeeding Time: Summer - AutumnReplace with:Common Appleberry Billardiera scandensNHawthornCrataegus monogynaFlowering Time: SpringSeeding Time: red berries in SummerReplace with:Tree Violet Hymenanthera dentataSweet PittosporumPittosporum undulatumFlowering Time: SpringSeeding Time: orange berries in Autumn - WinterReplace with:Muttonwood Rapanea howittianaMorning GloryIpomoea indicaFlowering Time: Spring-SummerSeeding Time: WinterReplace with:Purple Coral-pea Hardenbergia violaceaSmilax or Bridal CreeperMyrsiphyllum asparagoidesFlowering Time: SpringSeeding Time: red berries in SummerReplace with:Running Postman Kennedia prostrataWandering TradescantiaTradescantia fluminensisFlowering Time: SummerVegetative reproduction onlyReplace with:Kidney Weed Dichondra repens

BlackberryRubus fruticosus spp. agg.Flowering Time: early SummerSeeding Time: berries ripen in late Summer -early AutumnEnglish BroomCytisus scopariusFlowering Time: SpringSeeding Time: pods in SummerReplace with:Creeping Bossiaea Bossiaea prostrataMirror BushCoprosma repensFlowering Time: Late Spring - early SummerSeeding Time: late Summer - early AutumnReplace withShiny Cassinia Cassinia longifoliaReplace with:Prickly Currant-bush Coprosma quadrifidaNNEnvironmental Weeds are plantsthat invade bushland and naturalareas. They are often plants that haveescaped from gardens or agriculturalareas or have been dumped inparklands by thoughtless people.Some have fruit or seed that arespread by birds or wildlife.They create huge problems in naturalareas, displacing indigenous species,decreasing natural biodiversity andsimplifying ecosystems.Environmental Weeds can beseemingly harmless, common gardenplants, some of which are available innurseries and garden centres. Theycan be native or exotic species, butbecome a problem when theyestablish out of their natural range.BoneseedChrysanthemoides moniliferaFlowering Time: Winter - SpringSeeding Time: SummerReplace with:Snowy Daisy-bush Olearia lirataFlax-leaf BroomGenista linifoliaFlowering Time: Winter - SpringSeeding Time: pods in SummerSallow WattleAcacia longifoliaFlowering Time: SpringSeeding Time: pods in SummerReplace with:Wedge-leaf Hop Bush Dodonea viscosaReplace with:Spreading Wattle Acacia genistifoliaNNAll the plants on this brochure are seriousenvironmental weeds in <strong>Banyule</strong>.Please don't plant these species,and if you already have them inthe garden, please remove themand replace them with one of thesuggested similar non-invasiveindigenous plants.Some environmental weeds are alsodeclared noxious weeds. Landownersare required by law to control noxiousweeds on their property.Cape Ivy can kill trees and smother ground storey plantsSHRUBSBoxthornLycium ferocissimumFlowering Time: mainly SummerSeeding Time: throughout the yearGolden Wreath WattleAcacia salignaFlowering Time: Winter - SpringSeeding Time: seeds late Spring - SummerCape BroomGenista monspessulanaFlowering Time: SpringSeeding Time: pods in late Spring-SummerReplace with:Gold-dust Wattle Acacia acinaceaGorseUlex europaeusFlowering Time: sporadic all year, but predominantly in SpringSeeding Time: predominantly Summer Replace with:Lightwood Acacia implexaSweet BriarRosa rubiginosaFlowering Time: early SummerSeeding Time: Summer - AutumnReplace with:Hedge Wattle Acacia paradoxaReplace with:Sweet Bursaria Bursaria spinosaHow you can help make<strong>Banyule</strong> weed free !N N• Don't plant known environmentalweeds in your garden• Learn to identify and controlenvironmental weeds• Don't dump weeds or garden waste• Use council's green waste collectionservice• Replace environmental weeds withlocally indigenous plants (contact theWildlife Corridor Officer on 9457 9825for more information)• Educate friends and family onenvironmental weeds in <strong>Banyule</strong>• Join a local 'Friends' group to learnabout how to control weeds inbushland areas. Contact 9457 9828for a list of groups in your area.Replace with:Hedge Wattle Acacia paradoxaNEW & EMERGING WEEDSThere are over 150 plant species that areenvironmental weeds in <strong>Banyule</strong>.This brochure shows only the major weeds.Contact <strong>Council</strong> for a full list of environmentalweeds in <strong>Banyule</strong>.Some other common environmental weeds are:Annual Veldt Grass - Ehrharta longifloraBox Elder - Acer negundoBulbil Watsonia - Watsonia meriana var. bulbilliferaCape Weed - Arctotheca calendulaCat's Ear - Hypochoeris radicataChilean Needle-Grass - Nasella neesianaCocksfoot - Dactylis glomeratumCommon Onion Grass - Romulea roseaCouch - Cynodon dactylonEarly Black Wattle - Acacia decurrensMontbretia - Crocosmia X crocosmiifloraMonterey Pine - Pinus radiataPanic Veldt Grass - Ehrharta erectaSerrated Tussock - Nassella trichotomaSpanish Heath - Erica lusitanicaSpear Thistle - Cirsium vulgareSt John’s Wort - Hypericum perforatumSweet Vernal Grass - Anthoxanthum odoratumTree Lucerne - Cytisus palmensisTree Tobacco - Solanum mauritianumWhite Arum Lily - Zantedeschia aethiopicaWillow-leaf Hakea - Hakea salicifoliaNNCotoneastersCotoneaster speciesFlowering Time: SpringSeeding Time: red berries in late Summer - AutumnReplace with:Prickly Currant-bush Coprosma quadrifidaMadeira Winter CherrySolanum pseudocapsicumFlowering Time: Spring-AutumnSeeding Time: poisonous orange fruit in late summerReplace with:Large Kangaroo Apple Solanum laciniatumCONTACTSContact <strong>Banyule</strong> <strong>Council</strong> on9490 4222 for the following publications:• Environmental Weeds - a list ofspecies to avoid planting• Indigenous plants for your garden -booklet and poster featuring local nativeplants• Vegetation Communities of <strong>Banyule</strong> -map and report of original vegetation ofthe area• Environmental Community Groups -a list of contacts for 'friends' groupsWebsites:Department of Sustainability andEnvironment www.dse.vic.gov.au<strong>Banyule</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong>www.banyule.vic.gov.auFor advice on indigenous plants for yourarea, contact <strong>Council</strong>'s Wildlife CorridorProgram on 9457 9825The following nurseries stock a widerange of plants indigenous to <strong>Banyule</strong>,including those suggested asreplacement plants:Keelbundora Indigenous NurseryWildlife Reserves, La Trobe University,Bundoora(Melways map 19, H5)9479 2871Victorian Indigenous NurseriesCo-operativeYarra Bend Road, Fairfield(Melways map 2D, F4)9482 1710NWEEDCONTROLTECHNIQUESNRemove by handCut stem and paint withherbicideDrill and Fill withherbicideOverspray with herbicideDig outDeclared ‘noxious’ weedSome environmental weedspictured can be confusedwith local native plants.If you are unsure, pleasecontact <strong>Council</strong> for advice orsee the Further Informationsection on this brochure.FURTHERINFORMATION• Bush Invaders of South EastAustralia - A guide to theidentification and control ofenvironmental weeds found inSouth-east Australia.Adam Muyt. 2001 Publisher:R.G. Richardson. Meredith, Vic.• Environmental Weeds -A Field Guide for South EastAustraliaK Blood 2001C.G Jerram and Associates -Science Publishers, Victoria• Environmental Weed Invasionsof Victoria :Conservation and ManagementImplications.Carr, G.W., et al. 1992Publisher: Department ofConservation and Environmentand Ecological Horticulture P/L.• Noxious Weeds of Australia(Second Edition 2001)W.T Parsons and E.G.CuthbertsonPublisher: CSIRO Publishing,Melbourne• Flora of Melbourne,Australian Plants SocietyMaroondah Inc, 2001AcknowledgementsImages kindly provided by:Kate Blood, Department of PrimaryIndustries, Victoria,Vivien Freshwater, Friends ofSherbrooke ForestOriginal concept: RPPWG, Shire ofYarra RangesDesign & Production: Greg Dunnett<strong>Banyule</strong>’s ENVIRONMENTAL Weeds

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