2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams

2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams

2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams


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City Under 7 WhiteWhat a great season we had! Excluding the pre-season games we had 7 wins,2 draws and 3 losses. We got better and better with each game. Two thirds ofthe way through the season we were at the top of the table. We averaged over12 tries per game across the season.One of the hardest things was to manage the 15 players who were all keen toplay. Fortunately I had great support from the parents who helped with subbing,keeping the statistics and cheering the team on.A big thanks to Lee Shaw, our coach who made sure the kids got their trainingin even in the rain and wind. Thanks to our great team including Ella Metson forbeing our Best Sportsperson, Luka Clayton for Skilled play, Ben Cook our Mostimproved Tackler, Tom Firmin Player of the Year, Riley Fong for reliability, RileyGraham Most Improved award, Bailey Paki for consistent tackling and try scoring,Harper Jordan for a fantastic last game run away try, Chris Lissington for hisenthusiasm, Taj Mangan for loyalty, Gus Morrow for consistent tackling, HarryOlsen for his run away tries, Tama Puletiuatoa for Best Performed award, BrooklynRock-Murdoch for being fearless and Fynnley Shaw for supporting his dad.Thanks again to the Ponsonby club for your excellent support and organisationwhich made our job so much easier.Jo DaviesManagerCity Under 6 PoniesWith a big squad of 13 boys aged from 4 to almost 6, we had a mix of absolutebeginners and some players in their second year of rugby. The goal for the seasonwas to blend this together as a team. As second year coaches we had an idea ofwhat drills and skill exercises worked with the team. Being boys, basically anythingthat pitted themselves against each other with a ball seemed to work.As the confidence of the coaches and team grew over the season, practiceevolved from keeping a straight line of defence and attack through to sidestepping and swerving cones. As much as you tried to explain the benefits ofrunning into gaps and moving forward, real progress was only made when theboys saw this in action and it was proven with a rising try tally. Coaches getimmense satisfaction from seeing the boys understand and then apply an ideaon the paddock. The games where they used swerves and side steps to runthemselves into gaps rather than running backwards, sideways, backwards abit more, before going forward to find space is a coach’s nirvana.As a result of the boys being eager to learn anything that would lead to themscoring more tries, the Under 6 Ponies had a very successful season, with a fewof them dotting down over 20 times. The team’s leading try scorers includedJago Birley, Xavier Box, Oscar Cottrell, Nick Tapper, Charlie Miller, Max Johnsonand Henry Kaye. Some boys had a natural flair and drive for defending andCole Bradford and Jonathan Creak were never far from a ripper. The youngermembers of the team, Ned Shearer, Jeremy Creak, Vincent Penman and HenryMcPherson would always have a sense of pride when given the ball to makethose valuable yards. As their confidence grew, so too did their participation anddistance covered. These runs generated as much encouragement from theirteam mates as it did from the side lines.We would like to thank the parents for their support in taking the boys topractice and games and for the vocal support on the sidelines. I know that theboys get a real “buzz” when they see all the excited parents on the sidelinesshouting and cheering. After each run or rip they look to the sidelines for bothacknowledgement and endorsement. It made the season a lot easier having agreat bunch of parents who were simply pleased to see their boys participating,playing as a team and most of all enjoying themselves.As coaches we got to know each boy pretty well over the past season and theparents should be just as proud of them as we are. They have been a pleasureto coach.Jody KayeCoachCity Under 6 BlackA great season for the boys. They entered each and every game with enthusiasm,energy and excitement. This was the first year playing for all of them and I amcertain we will see most of them back again next year. A few of them alreadyhave aspirations to becoming All Blacks so watch this space.We went from pulling each other’s tags off and running in the completely wrongdirection and often outside the field, to being a really skilled little team. The abilityto soak up new information, skills and rules was astounding. The parents oftencommented on the improvement each week. The boys quickly learned the art ofpassing the ball once they’d been tagged and catching the opposition off guardwhich clearly meant the ultimate of scoring a try. The boys also got adept atgetting the tags off however they always seemed better at pulling each other’stags off before the game than when they were playing.Special thanks would have to go out to Craig Hall (coach) who seemed to havethe ability to get the boys to listen which is no mean feat, given there were 13very energetic boys, but he was always fair and made sure they enjoyed theseason. For the parents this was the most important aspect of the boys playing.Winning or losing it was important that they had fun.Overall a very enjoyable and relaxed season. Certainly looking forward to thenext and watching the boys grow and develop both in their rugby and witheach other.Natalie LyonsManagerCity Under 6 BlueWith most of the 14 players in the Under 6 Blue being new to rugby we had agreat season, coming third on the competition ladder. Not bad considering mostof them were four when the season started.There was a great mix of boys who got on really well. They were also incrediblywelcoming to Ayden who arrived late in the season, making him feel right athome.Our coach Hugh got stuck in right from the start with plenty of running, passingand ripping, just what a group of boys need and I’m sure they will all rememberhow to be the ‘glue man’ next season. Our assistant coaches, Hugo and Warren,were fantastic at stepping in when needed, carrying on from trainings, continuingto make the kids’ confidence soar. Also thanks to our assistant manager Toniwho leapt into action when needed.The progression during the year has been really great to watch and our loyalband of parents, carers, family and friends have been awesome support. Asmanager I can’t thank them all enough.Our top try scorer with an amazing 47 tries was Jabez Barwig-Uini and comingup behind him was George Tuitavake with 37. Several other players were justhitting their stride at the end of the season and I look forward to many triesfrom them next year.With the money earned from the club raffle we booked the boys into YMCA for anend of year party that was all running, bouncing, jumping and wrestling fun.A great season with a really great group of kids and I hope to see most of themback next seasonKarley CampbellManager<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong> 39

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