2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams

2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams

2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams


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The two biggest challenges for the team were:• a small squad so most games had no subs meaning the boys’ fitness waskey, and• coming up to speed on tackling skills with many of the boys coming fromsoccer.By season-end the team had really gelled and played exciting rugby for the manyfamily members who turned up week after week to support the boys.Thank you to Nick Stenson for assisting the team in many roles and to BrynnGilbertson for kindly attending the referee course and turning up to many gameswith Theo (and his broken leg!) to support the team.Next year we are looking to build on the success of this season and watch ourtalented young players develop further.Thank you to Management and Organisers of the Club for all your support thisyear.Sandra DanielManagerKelston Under 10 OpenWell we had another great year with all the boys doing their best and greatresults all round.Undoubtedly the highlight of the season was the last game against PapatoetoeBlue which our team won. The boys played with more heart and there were lotsof vocal support from everyone on the sidelines.Thanks to Tony Adams, Chris Haliday, players, parents and supporters for a greatseason and many thanks to Pam, Mark and the Ponsonby club for supplying allthe gear and assistance throughout the year.Daisy Watt and Lata PereiraManagersCity Under 9 Restricted Black<strong>2010</strong> proved to be a season that tested this large team of 21, both in termsof rugby and ensuring game time and development for the boys. However, theboys and their supportive parents stepped up and ensured we had a systemthat everybody believed in. Thanks to Jo for her fantastic sideline managementand to the parents who kept the boys warm and limber while they were on thesidelines with some well thought out drills.Trainings were well attended, even in the depths of winter! Thanks to Glenn whoably assisted with the coaching, including running some trainings when workcommitments prevented Brent’s attendance. Games were also well attendedand it was great to have such strong (and often vocal!) sideline support fromparents. Great to also have a number of parents in this team training up as refs- your time will come!!The game results were mixed, with a number of tough games lost by narrowmargins - the team was slow to start and then made a number of inspiringsecond-half comebacks. The team featured a number of players new to rugbyand some welcome additions from other clubs. The new players developedquickly and by season’s end had integrated well with the more experiencedteam members.A number of boys, particularly the new players, were played in several positionsto boost their development and learning. Scoring tries was never a problem forthis team and when our defence was as strong the results were winning ones!One of the season’s highlights was a warm up session and game with All BlackAli Williams, donated by a team family who bid and won Ali at a fundraiser! Theboys had a great morning, with the weather playing its part. Ali demanded, andreceived, a strong second-half effort. Rewards followed with the boys devouringa great morning tea put on by the parents down at Cox’s Bay.This team developed great spirit and was a pleasure to be involved with.Many thanks to manager, Nicola, and referee Shane, both tough jobs wellperformed.Brent MetsonCoachCity Under 9 Restricted BlueThe City Under 9 Blue team had another great year. Despite the high calibre ofopposition encountered throughout the season the team did not lose one gameand were proud to be undefeated for the season.Experienced players from last year – Ben Megson, Kisione Cocker-Valu, NoahLogan, Bryant Eteaki, Harry Fane, Aris Tumuenua, Michael Solomona, ZacO’Meagher, Ben Seavill and Kepueli Tahifote all performed very well. Theydisplayed and developed very good passing, side-stepping and tackling skillsand all scored some excellent tries.Newcomers to the team added spark and firepower. Matthew Taufa, WilliamCaltaux and William Gibson scored many outstanding tries. Fergus Nix and RyanRuha fought hard in the tight.Special thanks to Manager Dave Fane for his efficient organisation, enthusiasmand humour. Also thank you to Joe Solomona for his help with coaching. It wasgreat to see wonderful support from the parents and grandparents on each gameday. Looking forward to seeing you all next year.Bryan MegsonCoachKelston Under 9 OpenA great season for our PK Open Under 9s. We had 13 players returning from2009. It is rewarding watching the skills improve both individually as well astheir ability to play as a team.In addition to a couple of new faces in our backline, Rylee controlled play with hisrunning, passing and superb vision, Safiti had strong defence, Konrad used histwinkly toes, Altar had speed, Mika and The “I” twins (Isaac and Izaac) producedbarnstorming runs, Masiva and Frankie never failed to support play with their fieldobservation and lastly not forgetting Va’a was eager to “get in there”.After a slow start to the season from our forwards they kicked into their own “4games later”. However it was pleasing to see the forwards Loyalty, Sione L, Marceland Ben, stepping up to lead strongly from the front, allowing our backline to takeadvantage of the ball and score some great tries. Special mention to our newbies,TJ, Keanu, Elijah, Randolph and Sione M, for their contribution to the team andcomplimenting our forwards. Impressive for the first year of rugby!Finally, the parents, as expected, there all season round without a doubt. It wouldnot have been possible without your continuous support.Well done boys. We have thoroughly enjoyed every Thursday and Saturday!Bring on 2011!Elsie and RickyManager and CoachCity Under 8 Restricted BlackBen Smith - The Raging Bull. Great with the ball in hand, had an eye for the gapand if there was no gap then he’d just run over the top of them. A dominantfigure all year.<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>37

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