2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams

2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams

2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams


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RePoRt fRom the diRectoR of Rugby <strong>2010</strong>SEVENPEAT! What a great effort from the Premier team somewhatagainst the odds. Although they surrendered the other trophies, theWaka Nathan Knockout, the Fred Allen Challenge trophy and theAlan McEvoy Shield for fi rst round honours, there was really onlyone team in it come Semi-fi nal and Final time for the Gallaher Shield.Having been beaten during the season by Grammar-Carlton (twice)and University, they were not favoured to retain the Shield. However,there is so much pride when the Gallaher Shield goes on the lineand it sure was apparent as they achieved the unprecedented featof seven Gallaher Shield victories in a row. This has never beenachieved before. Congratulations to the coaches, Winston Hiliauand Mark Hooper (and Siaosi Vaili earlier), captain Mark Hooperand his players, the management team of Greg Edmonds, TerrenceMcQuoid, Ciaran Overton, Daniela Namoa, Danny Vakawati, thestatistician Dennis Mansfi eld and to the medical team, physio TanyaBrowne (thanks for the great medical care, not only for the team butfor the club at large).The team took a while to get into the season under new coachesand managers . The team gradually built momentum and consistencyand by the end of the season were playing with great confi denceand composure. The team again had to rebuild from the previousyear after losing a number of key players. They were bolstered bysome new players and by the return of prominent players who hadbeen playing overseas. So great credit again to the coaches forsome astute coaching and providing the direction to enable themto again come out on top. The work ethic and team spirit werealways evident. The fi nal against Grammar-Carlton (won 30-19)was a lesson in composure, structure and teamwork. The victorycrowned a season of ups and downs but fi nished on a superb up.Great effort, guys.The Premier Reserves under Jimmy Clayton and James Hantz, againsupported the Premier team well and went through the season withonly two losses. To lose both halfbacks in the week of the quarter fi nalagainst Marist was a cruel blow and unfortunately contributed to theloss that day. The team had a committed management team. Thanksto Tyrone Campbell and Matt Makgill for operating so effi ciently.The Senior 1s under Tolo Byrne, Yasu Kishimoto and Heath Hooper ascoaches and Hamida Kapsin as manager had a season of rebuildingand came through to make the semi-fi nals before bowing out. Theybuilt a good team spirit and should be stronger next season.The Senior 2 EPs did well enough early to make the Senior 1Championship round. Neil Tuitupou ran the cutter this year withJason Peters. The ageless Herati Matapo continued to play for thisteam. They continued their philosophy of not training as a team. Itsounds as if a number of the older players may be calling it a day.(Have we heard that before?)The Senior 2 Black team ended up making the championship roundof Senior 1 giving us three teams in the top section. They could notquite keep pace with the leading teams. Special thanks to John Tetini(who also coaches a junior team), Liam Afi tu and JP Fa’amausili fortheir organization and leadership.The Under 21 team had a relatively good season and dropped poolgames to Grammar–Carlton and University. They then dropped theirquarter fi nal to eventual winners, Marist. Prabhu Singh and NicoNomani, the coaches, along with TAs, Kristien Ah Young, RickyGeorge and Phil Mackie did a good job. Kim Kwok and later CraigWright as managers handled the management duties very effi ciently.Jordan Stevens’ efforts as physio were appreciated. Thanks for yourefforts, guys.The Under 19 team had a pretty good season. They performedwell at the start of the season and comfortably made the top sixchampionship round. They played well enough here but ultimatelythey were knocked out in the quarter-fi nal. Coaches Hugh Heeney,Joe Fa’aiu and Neil Campbell and managers, Hugh Munro and TonyWhite and their support staff deserve credit.The Under 85kg Ponies team, under Daniel Kull struggled for formearly and did not qualify for the championship but made the Bowlcompetition and competed hard without quite winning it.The Under 85kg Pirates team were a new team to the club andcompeted well without quite achieving the heights. They too werecompetitive in the Bowl Championship. The grade is very even andcompetitive and the scores were frequently close and tight. Theydeveloped a really good spirit which should serve them well nextyear. Thanks, also to Luke de Jong and Tuaharu Edwards for theirorganization.The Fillies this year had a mixed season. They missed out on thechampionship round but then went through undefeated to win the2nd Division competition. Great effort, girls. Thanks to coaches, SemiTuigamala, Steve Collins and managers, Kim and Shahi Kwok andand their support staff.The Social team, the Legion again had a good season althoughthey lost their unbeaten run this season under coach Mike Leroy-Dyson.Our President’s grade Puritans continue to have fun and to contributetowards the club. Eddie and Sandra Ioane helped ‘Judge’ PhilRecordon with the organization this year.Thanks to all concerned with those teams.For the Junior Club, it was another busy and enjoyable season forthe committee and some 39 teams, coaches, managers, players,parents and supporters. Pam Adams did a great job as JuniorAdministrator and the committee under the Chairmanship of MarkDarin were extremely well organized and productive. The Under13 Open team won the championship under coaches Eddie Ioaneand Manu Faiva as did the Under 12 Restricted team under CraigWatt, Michael Mau’u, Geoff Polglase, Ricky Masulu with some wellreceived help from former All Black, Eroni Clarke, who had twoboys in the team. They were effi ciently managed by Netini Vaeau-Mulitalo. .The Junior Prizegiving was again held at Mt Albert Grammar Schooland the spirit and atmosphere said it all. Sincere thanks to BrettWilliams, Sam Lawrence, Brad Tauwhare, Willie Uili, Sam Fifi ta andSione Mau for presenting the prizes and having photos with allthe prizewinners on the day and for Greg Edmond’s organization.Ponsonby’s future is in safe hands.See my special thanks attached to my President’s report.Bryan WilliamsDirector of Rugby14 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

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