2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams

2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams

2010 ANNUAL REPORT - AllTeams


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<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>

Ponsonby district Rugby football club (inc.)PREMIER TEAM - <strong>2010</strong>WINNERS: THE AUCKLAND RUGBY FOOTBALL UNIONPREMIER CHAMPIONSHIP, GALLAHER SHIELDProudly Sponsored by:Urgent Couriers, Debit Success, Multi-Trans, Raisey’s,Ric Sinisa Law, Air NZ CargoGamesPointsPlayed 21 Won 18 Lost 3 For 790 Against 248Back row: Chay RAUI • Sam ANANIA • Paula FAKAUTOKI • Jay WILLIAMS • Sione MAU • Lio KAIHAU • Roger TUAMOHELOA •Olivier SIRVEN • Paul WILLIAMS3rd row:2nd row:Tania BROWNE (Physiotherapist) • Ricky McCAMISH • Gareth ANSCOMBE • Bryan WILLIAMS (President & Directorof Rugby) • Sam FIFITA • Chanel VITO • Brad McCULLOCH (Trainer) • James HANTZDennis MANSFIELD (Statistician) • Daniel NAMOA (Video Technician) • Stephen SKINNON • Hans AIONO •Willie UILI • Rocky KHAN • Terrence McQUOID (Assistant Manager) • Greg EDMONDS (Manager)Front row: Brett WILLIAMS • Winston HILIAU (Co-Coach) • Brad TAUWHARE • Chris LOWREY • Mark HOOPER (Captain &Co-coach) • Richard TONGA • Mark AMA • Siaosi VAILI (Coach until May) • Leo TALIUAbsent:Ciaran OVERTON (Assistant Manager) • Adam SIDDELL • Antonio STANLEY • Ben ATIGA • Buck MACKAY •Daniel BOWDEN • Doug TAUSILI • John PAINE • John TUAMOHELOA • Junior PAPAROA • Kane HANCY •Luke EKETONE • Nico RATUMAITAVUKI • Peter LEILUA • Pom SIMONA • Roi HANSELL-PUNE • Sean MORRELL• Sefo PASINA • Silamua POTIFELE • Tawhiri WILLIAMS • Taylor MOSEN • Tevita HUFUNGA •Trope YANDALL • Tyrone NGALUAFE • Benson STANLEY

Ponsonby DistrictRugby Football Club (Inc.)<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>

officeRS of the clubPatRon:Mr K A NelsonVice PatRonS:M E Scott, P J Adrian, M H Mains, R W Paterson and P K HarwoodPReSident:Mr B G WilliamsVice PReSidentS:T Aitken, N Bowden, J Campbell, M Cleary, B J Craies, M J Dick, A M Haden, B CLough, B J Murray, G Penney, M W Trapp, B R Wentworth, R Whetton, J White, P JWhiting and G M WilloughbychaiRman:Mr P H Thorplife membeRS:M E Scott, D F Johnston, Dr L Drake, J Bourke, R W Paterson, B G Williams, T EPaterson, P J Adrian, K A Nelson, M H Mains, A Tupu, N Wolfgram, D F J Ward,P K Harwood, C Williams, C T Partridge, M MenziestRuSteeS:Mr G McCurrach (Chairman)Mr P H ThorpMr B G WilliamsMr B R WentworthMr A Whitehon SolicitoRS:K McDonald, A Roberts and B G Williamshon baRRiSteRMr P H Thorphon tReaSuReR:Mr M Lomashon auditoR:Ronald Yeehon doctoRS:Dr L Drake and Dr S Karahon dentiSt:Mr K A Nelsonhon PhySio:Tanya Brownemanagement committee: P Thorp (Chairman), B Banks, W Black, C Clews, M Darin, J Huch, S Ioane,M Lomas, D Mansfi eld, K Olliver, S Thomas, B Williams, C Williams,I Derbidge (Secretary / Manager).2 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

notice of meetingNotice is hereby given that:The Annual General MeetingOf thePonsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc)Will take place onWednesday, 24 November <strong>2010</strong> at 7.30 p.m.In theClubrooms, Western Springs Stadium,Stadium Road, Western Springs.agenda1. Apologies2. Obituaries3. Address by the ARFU Representative4. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 2009 AGM5. Adoption if thought fit of the Annual Report and Financial Statement for the yearended 30 September <strong>2010</strong>6. Report from Trustees7. Appointment of Auditor8. Election of Officers9. General BusinessI. C. DerbidgeSecretary/ManagerCover:Premiers’ Chris Lowrey, Photography courtesy Dennis Mansfield<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>

minuteS of the 2009 annual geneRal meetingMINUTES OF THE <strong>ANNUAL</strong> GENERAL MEETING OF THEPONSONBY DISTRICT RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB, Inc.held at the clubrooms on Wednesday 19th NOVEMBER2009 at 7.40pm.PRESENT: The President Bryan Williams, Life Members: DonJohnston, Craig Partridge, Ces Williams, Lloyd Drake, JohnWard, Max Mains, Keith Nelson, Neil Wolfgram, Alfred Tupu andPhil Adrian (Minute Secretary).APOLOGIES were received from Dr. Peter Harwood, ChrisClews, Dennis Mansfi eld, Bryan Wentworth, Jack Campbell,Bryan Craies, Simon Scott, Grant Hansen, Joe Stanley and RonWensor.OBITUARIES: Phil Adrian spoke about the passing of the club’sPatron, Percy Tetzlaff, All Black, Vice President of the AucklandRugby Union, Past President, Life Member and benefactor toour club.Athol Rickard, also a Past President and Life Member passedaway last December. Athol was for many years the Chairman ofthe Junior Committee and after many years on the ManagementCommittee was elected a Life Member and some time later asPresident.Noel Bowden was President of the Old Boys and SupportersAssociation. He was a teacher by occupation and was postedin different parts of the country. Although he had played all hisrugby in Ponsonby in earlier years, it was, after he was posted toTaranaki that Noel was selected for the All Blacks. He was an allroundsportsman who loved tennis, yachting and badminton.Jack Nuttall known to us as Snow, was a member of the fabulous1948 team and served for many years on the ManagementCommittee. He was 89 at the time of his death.George Coward was remembered by Max Mains as a man ofsmall stature but with a big heart.Fenton Smith passed away on the 2nd November aged 82.Mention was made of the passing of Gary Menzies and JackCoffey.Members stood in silence as a mark of respect.AUCKLAND RUGBY UNIONMr. Ken Baguley started by congratulating Bryan Williams on hiselection as Vice President of the N. Z. Rugby Union.Mr. Baguley spoke at length about the fi nancial problems, bothon national and provincial level.Signifi cant “one-off” earnings, relating to the World Cup, areexpected in 2011.Administration has been diffi cult with the rebuilding of the SouthStand.Average ticketed crowds at the Blues games were down from25,148 to 20,471.He spoke about the change of governance with the Eden ParkTrust Board.Eden Park has become a community asset with new Trusteesand one representative of both rugby and cricket.Decisions had been made regarding the participation of clubsduring the World Cup and he suggested that Ponsonby would bemore than happy with their allocation when the announcementsare made. Eden Park will be hosting 9 matches.Mr. Baguley congratulated the club on its past season andadvised that the club had once again won the Silver Football.He thanked Ces Williams for his work on the Council of Delegatesand Craig Watt and Geoff Buchanan for their efforts on the JuniorRugby Committee.Mr Baguley answered several questions and was thanked by thePresident for his report.MINUTES OF THE 2008 <strong>ANNUAL</strong> GENERAL MEETING:These had been recorded in the annual report and were approvedas a true and correct record. Tom Aitken/John White.There was no business arising from those minutes.<strong>REPORT</strong>S:Before the President commented on his report, John Wardraised a “Point of order.”Saying that the meeting was out of order because it is arequirement by law that an Incorporated Society circulates thereport 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.The President asked if it was the wish of the meeting to postponefor 14 days or wave the requirements and continue. The latterwas accepted.Mr. Peter Thorp added to his report that it had been a greatyear on the fi eld but diffi cult fi nancially. The fi nancial support fromthe Union was vital as well as the revenue from the LegendsLunch. A similar function must be repeated next year.There are exciting years ahead and Ponsonby will capitalise onthem.Mr. Bryan Williams said he was honoured to have been thePresident of the club in the past year.He introduced Siosi Vaili to the members as the incoming coachfor the <strong>2010</strong> season and that Jack Huch would be the technicaladviser.He expressed his thanks to the Junior and Senior Committeesand in particular to Mr. Ian Derbidge, secretary/manager, whichwas received with acclamation.Mr. Phil Adrian asked that members should recruit newmembers for the Old Boys and Supporters Association. Hethanked the many members who had contributed more than therequired subscription of $5.00. Membership is open to anyonesupporting the PDRFC.They would again distribute Christmas boxes to the widows andolder members in the next few weeks.Mr. Mike Lomas spoke briefl y to the Financial Report andexpressed his thanks to the Management and ExecutiveCommittee.Mr. Greg Edmonds asked if the income from teams included thejunior teams. The answer was “no” they were not included.The reduction in hireage of the facilities was due to the newcaterer being on lesser rates.Mr. Grant Penney asked about the cost of storing jerseys andwas told that these could be stored in the newly acquiredcontainer.It was moved Phil Adrian, seconded Greg Edmonds that the4 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

Ces Williams congratulates Mike McRoberts for gaining the Most Improved Player award for the Legion teamFinancial Report be adopted. Carried.Ronald Yee was re-elected as Auditor.Mr. Peter Thorp spoke on behalf of the Trustees, saying that thesupport from Mr. Greg Moyle and the newly appointed trusteeAlan White had been substantial.All Trustees were available for re-election and were duly reelected.Phil Adrian/Ces Williams. Carried.ELECTION OF OFFICERSMr. Keith Nelson was nominated for the position of Patron byPeter Thorp and seconded by Bryan Williams. Both spoke atlength about the long service given by Keith to the club. Thenomination was approved by acclamation.Vice Patrons as listed in the report were re-elected.The various Honorary positions listed in the report were declaredre-elected.Life Member The Patron, Mr. Keith Nelson nominated MurrayMenzies as a Life Member. Bryan Williams seconded thisnomination. Both spoke about the long service given by Murray.He had played at least 300 games for Ponsonby during theperiod 1944-1960, played 27 games for Auckland, coachedjuniors and seniors and served as an administrator in the 50’sand 60’s. He is also a Past President and Life Member of theBarbarians Football Club. Carried.Management Committee: The following were elected to theManagement Committee: Kent Olliver, Susan Thomas, CesWilliams, Sandra Ioane, Peter Thorp, Warwick Black, Jack Huch,Bob Banks, Dennis Mansfi eld, Chris Clews and Mark Darin asthe representative of the Junior section.GENERAL BUSINESS:Mr. John Gillies spoke briefl y about the set-up of club rugby forthe coming season.CLOSURE:There being no further business, the President thanked thosepresent for their attendance and declared the meeting closedat 9.07pm.<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>5

RePoRt fRom the old boyS & SuPPoRteRS aSSociationOn the FieldThere can be little doubt that the winning of the GallaherShield for the seventh time in succession was the highlightof this season. Added to that the two championships wonby the schoolboys and the fact that various other teamsmade the quarter and semi-fi nals made for a very successfulseason on the fi eld.The challenge for the coming season will be quite differentwith the club’s participation in the World Cup.The FutureOur stay at the Point Chevalier Bowling Club was verypleasant and they were great hosts and accommodatedus wonderfully well but there is nothing like being in yourown home. The refurbishing of the clubrooms, new lightsand a brand new rugby fi eld all makes for an exciting 2011season.A newly formed committee has been considering the layoutof the new rooms, which are substantially increased in size,and will allow for more displays of the wonderful memorabiliathe club has in its possession. The fi rst plans look fabulousand our club will again be right up there with the best as faras accommodation is concerned.The future will bring many changes. There are rumours ofseveral of the most important offi ces in the club becomingvacant after the World Cup and I trust that the ManagementCommittee is busy fi nding possible replacements for thosepositions.Here comes a challenge for rejuvenation in particular in theOld Boys and Supporters. I took over from Alan Boyd assecretary in 1988 and since then we have just continuedwithout any great innovations. I feel that our Old BoysAssociation is nowhere near as vibrant as those of otherclubs and look to the very near future to see some of ourmore recent Senior players take an active part and give thisold fellow some rest after 22 years - someone with the energyto chase up retired players and sign them up as members;someone who can take our association into the 21st century.Craig Partridge is a tireless worker for both the club and ourassociation but cannot do it all by himself.Our NameCes Williams asked me to prepare a Notice of Motion tochange the name of the club.Apparently both the New Zealand and the Auckland Unionhave dropped the word Football from their name after thatword was taken over by soccer. My appeal to members withthis suggestion resulted in seven replies, a pretty poor resultfrom about 135 newsletters.I gave two suggestions: “Ponsonby Rugby Club” or“Ponsonby District Rugby Club”. Three suggested “ThePonsonby Rugby Club”, two voted for the second option ofleaving the word District in and two for the status quo.Thank YouThe Old Boys have again distributed boxes of chocolatesto our widows and elder members and we express our verysincere thanks to PAK ‘N SAVE Mount Albert who haveagain sponsored the cost of those. A very considerabledonation! Please support them by buying the cheapestgroceries in Auckland there.Phil AdrianChairmanOBITUARIESDuring the past season we lost ALAN BOYD.The notice in the newspaper stated that there would notbe a funeral at Alan’s request but friends and family wouldgather informally at his RSA.Alan played Senior rugby for Ponsonby in 1945 and 1946.He also played one game for Auckland against Bay of Plentyin 1946. He was secretary of the Old Boys Association formany years until 1988, and did a great job.He organised a dinner for all those Ponsonby players whohad played for the Auckland Union. It must have been atremendous task to track down all those guys.I cannot remember the year but do remember that it was agreat occasion with very many notable rugby personalitiesin attendance.In July we lost AVA LEWIS COUGHLAN, known to us allas Biddy.During the Second World War she was secretary of theLadies Committee. This committee kept the club goingduring the war years when so many of the men were awayfi ghting for the freedom we now enjoy.Some years ago we had a little ceremony when she handedover the minutes of that committee to the Old Boys forsafekeeping. I can assure you that they will make greatreading for future historians.She and husband Rangi (married for 63 years) were regularattendees at Old Boys functions.Biddy’s funeral was attended by many of the older Ponsonbymembers.Our condolences go out to the family members of both thesePonsonby stalwarts who did so much for our club.6 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

chaiRman’S RePoRt <strong>2010</strong><strong>2010</strong> has been a remarkable year in the long history of our greatclub. There are three signifi cant milestones for which the year will beremembered.First, the Gallaher Shield - we created history again by extendingour record to seven consecutive wins and nine out of the last tenyears. A great achievement in itself, it was truly remarkable giventhe diffi culties that occurred. Not only were we without clubroomsfor most of the season, but also the Head Coach resigned part waythrough the season. Assistant Coach Winston Hiliau and CaptainMark Hooper took up the challenge. With the benefi t and support ofa wealth of experience in the team, including a number of Ponsonbycenturions, they all worked together under the watchful eye of ourlegendary Director of Rugby, Bryan Williams, to produce superbperformances in the semi-fi nal against University and then in the fi nalagainst Grammar Carlton.Outstanding management by Greg Edmonds, Terrence McQuoidand Ciaran Overton, assisted by statistician Dennis Mansfi eld whoalso contributed. I was pleased to award my annual Chairman’strophy to Dennis for the erudite match reports and superb actionphotographs that he emailed us all the morning after each game.Second, for the fi rst time ever we fi elded more than 50 teams – 12senior (above secondary school age) teams and 39 junior (belowsecondary school age) teams. The growth in our junior section is theresult of a strong well-organised junior committee led for the eighthyear by Mark Darin and assisted by Pam Adams.Our junior section continues to inspire the club as a whole, managingto win two of the fi ve available Auckland championships and then anational tournament in Taupo in which teams from throughout thecountry participated. Congratulations to City Under 13 Open coachEddie Ioane and his assistants (Eddie also coached the winning teamin Taupo) and to Kelston Under 12 Restricted coach Craig Watt andhis assistants.Unfortunately, Mark Darin has announced that he is to retire this yearand Pam Adams has announced that she will retire in mid-2011. Weare greatly indebted to them for their dedication, passion and tirelessefforts for our club but have no doubt that their committee will fi ndworthy replacements.Third, we have fi nally achieved the renovation and extension of ourclubrooms, the need for which has been apparent since soon afterwe moved to Western Springs Stadium 13 years ago. In preparationfor RWC2011, Auckland City Council decided to upgrade thelights, playing surface, two of the changing rooms and the roof ofthe building in which we are located. We managed fi rst to persuadethe Council to also extend the new roof north to accommodate aclubroom extension, then to agree to closing in the new area so asto create both a new distinctive entrance and then increase the sizeof our club lounge by some 50%.Unfortunately, we were required to agree to pay for the extensionourselves, but with the assistance of a loan on favourable termsfrom the Council which we are hoping to persuade the new SuperCity Council to convert into a grant. Also, however, we have beenassisted by a two-year rent holiday and promised a new 15-yearlease on terms more favourable to those in the present lease thatexpires in 2012.Negotiations regarding those lease terms are ongoing, as are effortsto fund and complete the furnishing of the new clubroom. BryanWilliams has taken on responsibility for fundraising both to pay for thefurnishings and also to repay the Council loan early, if we are unableto achieve a grant instead.To allow the construction work to occur, we needed to fi nd anothervenue for our meetings and functions. We were fortunate indeed to beable to use the Point Chevalier Bowling Club in Dignan Street, PointChevalier, a classic old style club with a long heritage whose memberswelcomed us as theirs. They shared in the excitement of our GallaherShield win as if it was their own. We were pleased indeed to presentthem with a photograph of our victorious Premiers celebrating onfi eld at Eden Park. The photograph was framed and signed by BryanWilliams and myself and recorded our gratitude for their memorablehospitality. Our junior committee recorded their appreciation also, bythe presentation of an engraved commemorative plaque.Also, we needed to replace the income lost from our normalclubroom use. Fortunately, the Council agreed to assist with a grantthat helped club treasurer Mike Lomas maintain our fi nancial positionwithout the need to draw abnormally from the Ponies trust funds.We are again greatly indebted to Mike for his assistance for anotheryear as Treasurer.Efforts to ease our strained fi nances are ongoing. A new initiativethis year is the sale of scrolls for ongoing display in the clubroomsthat is being led by Ces Williams (who also again served the clubwell as senior delegate to ARU) and Susan Thomas. Also, efforts areongoing to raise funds from the use of the advertising capacity of ourAllteams facilitated web site. Finally, the Ponies trust fund is achievingcommendable growth thanks to the professional efforts of CraigsInvestment Partners and the ongoing oversight of my fellow trustees,Bryan Williams, Bryan Wentworth and Alan White, led by ChairmanGrant McCurrach.Thanks also go again to Milton Froggatt and Jack Huch for anothersuccessful Sevens campaign. Long may they continue, particularlyas they assist in our player recruitment, which will be affected bythe unfortunate decision of AUT to suspend its annual scholarshipprogramme for the next two years.Next year is World Cup year. Much will be required of our Executiveand Management committees, whom I thank for another year ofservice. A sub-committee of the Management committee, led byExecutive committee member Chris Clews, has been formed to planand organise a range of activities during RWC2011. His companyDE Group is planning extensive new display cabinets, screens andaudiovisual equipment for our new Clubroom. Included is hopedto be an era-by-era display of the Club’s magnifi cent collection ofmemorabilia, funding for which is the subject of an application to theRWC2011 fund provided by the Lotteries Commission for RWC2011events and activities.Regardless of RWC2011, however, next year will, like all otheryears, also be another one in which we must strive again to achievethe standard of excellence on and off the fi eld for which we arerenowned. As has been our good fortune for many years now, we willcontinue to benefi t from the outstanding work of Club Manager IanDerbidge and his staff and from the unfailing passion and pride withwhich President and Director of Rugby Bryan Williams continues toprovide his incredible contribution to our club. It is Ian and Bryan whohave borne the brunt of the disruption this year during the clubroomrenovation and expansion. In addition, Bryan has had the extraresponsibility of his Vice Presidency of NZRU, which has frequentlycalled him away from Auckland.As a result, whilst we do intend to make the most of RWC2011, theprincipal challenge for the year will still be to win the Gallaher Shieldagain and also to win as many other Auckland championships as wecan. Bryan Williams set the target of ten consecutive Gallaher Shieldwins in 2009. We all know that that goal it is achievable providedwe continue to pursue the standard of excellence that he himselfportrays in all he does.Peter ThorpChairman8 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

auditoR’S RePoRt<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>9

financial StatementSSTATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER <strong>2010</strong>2009 EXPENDITURE NOTE <strong>2010</strong> 2009 INCOME <strong>2010</strong>$ ADMINISTRATION $ $ $ $1,103 A.C.C. 1,254 89,443 BAR Sales 35,6503,841 Annual Report 3,562 (41,667) Less Purchases (17,517)2,000 Audit fees 2,125 (8,454) Less Bar Wages (4,892)1,121 Bank charges 645 (2,597) Less Oper. Expenses (1,399)4,390 Cleaning 3,056 36,725 11,8433,160 Clubroom Amenities 1,42616,081 Depreciation 1 & 3 15,412 17,969 SHOP Sales 16,1669,750 General expenses 10,263 (12,082) Less Purchases (11,873)4,730 Insurance 4,830 5,887 4,29325,003 Lease 18,7524,035 Management Fees-Craigs 7,9033,628 Office supplies incl printing 3,995 RUGBY INCOME2,489 Repairs & Maintenance 4,007 17,978 Team Subscriptions 20,86468,638 Salaries-Admin 70,260 2,547 Touch Rugby (574)2,067 Storage - Memorabillia 2,067 20,525 20,2907,180 Telephone 7,513- Trademark -1,067 Vehicle & Travel Expenses 1,067 OTHER INCOME- Web site expense - 55,476 Grants - ARU 54,214160,282 TOTAL ADMIN 158,138 5,000 Trophies -Waka Nathan & Fred Allen Cups -946 Grants and sponsorship - team (NET) 267RUGBY 15,000 Grants - club direct -1,656 Advertising (55) 19,293 Event - Legends Lunch -6,612 Ground hire 6,993 2,500 Event - Friday Lunch -9,760 Hospitality 7,321 11,525 Hire of Facilities 19,01310,562 Jerseys 6,033 26 Kitchen (137)283 Junior rugby (4,042) 35,264 Interest and Dividends -Craigs 46,0244,533 Presentations 5,594 24,900 Scholarships - AUT 30,0003,593 Rugby - Management 4,930 1,919 Subscriptions - Associates 2,801907 Rugby analysis - 1,386 Compensation for loss of site 29,71336,123 Rugby Director 36,225 - Donations 4,000- Rugby - Physio 710 - Sundry Income 3,949(1,816) Rugby Tournaments 3,529 173,235 189,84324,900 Scholarships - AUT 30,0004,656 Sundry rugby 4,0053,303 Training Gear 3,310105,073 TOTAL RUGBY 104,554265,355 TOTAL EXPENSES 262,692 236,372 226,270(28,983) Operating (Deficit) (36,423)(56,495) Plus (Less) Investment revaluation (21,824)(85,478) (58,247)These accounts should be read subject to the notes to the accounts.10 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

financial statements continued2009 <strong>2010</strong>$ $1,252,553 Equity at start of Period 1,167,074STATEMENT OF MOVEMENTS IN EQUITYFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER <strong>2010</strong>(85,478) Net (Deficit) / Surplus (58,247)1,167,074 1,108,828STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITIONAS AT 30 SEPTEMBER <strong>2010</strong>2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2009 Note <strong>2010</strong>$ CURRENT LIABILITIES $ $ CURRENT ASSETS $11,882 Creditors 9,137 1,500 Cash Floats 1,50014,985 Grant-Advance - 2,226 Sundry Debtors 8,55126,867 9,137 63,624 Bank 21,514112,209 Bank - Craigs 132,61525,780 Stock 21,086205,339 185,265ACCUMULATED FUNDS1,167,074 Retained Earnings Carried Forward 1,108,828796,901 INVESTMENTS 2 751,804BUILDING, PLANT191,701 FURNITURE 3 180,8971,193,941 1,117,965 1,193,941 1,117,965CHAIRMANTREASURERThese accounts should be read subject to the notes to the accounts.<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>11

noteS to the financial StatementSFor the Year ended 30 September <strong>2010</strong>1. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIESThe fi nancial statements are for the Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club Inc which is incorporated under the IncorporatedSocieties Act 1908. The fi nancial statements of the Club have been prepared according to generally accepted accountingpractice.The accounting principles recognised as appropriate for the measurement and reporting of earnings and fi nancial positionon a historical cost basis have been used, with the exception of certain items for which specifi c accounting policies have beenidentifi ed.(a) Changes in Accounting PoliciesThere have been no changes in accounting policies. All policies have been applied on bases consistent with those usedin the previous year.(b) Fixed Assets and DepreciationAll fi xed assets are recorded at cost or valuation less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation rates are as follows:Training Shed4% Straight LineFurniture & Fittings, Offi ce Equipment & Scoreboard20% Diminishing Value(c) Goods and Services TaxThe fi nancial statements have been prepared on a GST exclusive basis.(d) InventoriesInventories are recognised at the lower of cost, determined on a fi rst in fi rst out basis, and net realisable value.(e) ReceivablesReceivables are stated at their estimated realisable value.2. INVESTMENTS<strong>2010</strong> 2009$ $NZ Fixed Interest 438,311 505,351Australasian Equities 195,788 186,027International Equities 48,135 40,710NZ Property 69,570 64,813TOTAL 751,804 796,901The investments are valued at market value as at 30th Sept <strong>2010</strong>.3. FIXED ASSETS<strong>2010</strong> 2009Accumulated Closing Accumulated ClosingCost Depreciation Book Value Cost Depreciation Book ValueFixtures & Fittings 21,182 19,923 1,259 21,182 19,608 1,574Offi ce Equipment 29,294 19,288 10,005 24,685 17,939 6,746Training Shed 318,437 152,847 165,590 318,437 140,109 178,328Scoreboard 7,895 3,853 4,042 7,895 2,842 5,053376,807 195,910 180,897 372,199 180,498 191,7014. DONATIONSThe Club wishes to thank supporters for their kind donations, including the following signifi cant donations from past members:a) Jack Davies (2007) $194,662.00b) Lin Colling (2003) $10,000.00c) Marjorie Hooks (1999) $20,000.005. CAPITAL COMMITMENTAs at balance date the Club had a capital commitment amounting to approximately $200,000 relating to theClubroom extensions.6. AUDITThese fi nancial statements have been subject to audit, please refer to the auditor’s report.12 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

RePoRt of the tRuSteeSOur investment portfolio has appreciatedfrom $758,269 as at 30th September 2009to $814,348 as at 30th September <strong>2010</strong>.The weighted return was 9.58% for theyear.This is a very pleasing performance givenanother turbulent year globally whereinterest rates have dropped and currenciesappreciated against most predictions.The conservative approach followingon from last year’s implementation ofthe Statement of Investment Policy andObjectives continues to serve our club wellin consultation with our advisors Nigel Scottand Simon Coulter from Craigs InvestmentPartners. We meet with them quarterly tomonitor and review the portfolio.The portfolio generated income of $45,000over the year, from which the club withdrew$40,000 for annual expenses.The separate ‘distressed asset’ portfolio isnow valued at $70,070 and we continueto receive regular repayments withapproximately $15,000 being paid back tothe main portfolio over the year.The club is confi dent that the assets in theportfolio are being managed in a soundand appropriate manner to benefi t the Clublong-term. I thank Nigel and Simon for theirguidance, and also my fellow Trustees, BryanWilliams, Peter Thorp, Bryan Wentworth andAlan White.Grant McCurrachChairman of TrusteesChairman Peter Thorp presenting Gareth Anscombe with Rookie of the Year award for the Premiers team<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>1

RePoRt fRom the diRectoR of Rugby <strong>2010</strong>SEVENPEAT! What a great effort from the Premier team somewhatagainst the odds. Although they surrendered the other trophies, theWaka Nathan Knockout, the Fred Allen Challenge trophy and theAlan McEvoy Shield for fi rst round honours, there was really onlyone team in it come Semi-fi nal and Final time for the Gallaher Shield.Having been beaten during the season by Grammar-Carlton (twice)and University, they were not favoured to retain the Shield. However,there is so much pride when the Gallaher Shield goes on the lineand it sure was apparent as they achieved the unprecedented featof seven Gallaher Shield victories in a row. This has never beenachieved before. Congratulations to the coaches, Winston Hiliauand Mark Hooper (and Siaosi Vaili earlier), captain Mark Hooperand his players, the management team of Greg Edmonds, TerrenceMcQuoid, Ciaran Overton, Daniela Namoa, Danny Vakawati, thestatistician Dennis Mansfi eld and to the medical team, physio TanyaBrowne (thanks for the great medical care, not only for the team butfor the club at large).The team took a while to get into the season under new coachesand managers . The team gradually built momentum and consistencyand by the end of the season were playing with great confi denceand composure. The team again had to rebuild from the previousyear after losing a number of key players. They were bolstered bysome new players and by the return of prominent players who hadbeen playing overseas. So great credit again to the coaches forsome astute coaching and providing the direction to enable themto again come out on top. The work ethic and team spirit werealways evident. The fi nal against Grammar-Carlton (won 30-19)was a lesson in composure, structure and teamwork. The victorycrowned a season of ups and downs but fi nished on a superb up.Great effort, guys.The Premier Reserves under Jimmy Clayton and James Hantz, againsupported the Premier team well and went through the season withonly two losses. To lose both halfbacks in the week of the quarter fi nalagainst Marist was a cruel blow and unfortunately contributed to theloss that day. The team had a committed management team. Thanksto Tyrone Campbell and Matt Makgill for operating so effi ciently.The Senior 1s under Tolo Byrne, Yasu Kishimoto and Heath Hooper ascoaches and Hamida Kapsin as manager had a season of rebuildingand came through to make the semi-fi nals before bowing out. Theybuilt a good team spirit and should be stronger next season.The Senior 2 EPs did well enough early to make the Senior 1Championship round. Neil Tuitupou ran the cutter this year withJason Peters. The ageless Herati Matapo continued to play for thisteam. They continued their philosophy of not training as a team. Itsounds as if a number of the older players may be calling it a day.(Have we heard that before?)The Senior 2 Black team ended up making the championship roundof Senior 1 giving us three teams in the top section. They could notquite keep pace with the leading teams. Special thanks to John Tetini(who also coaches a junior team), Liam Afi tu and JP Fa’amausili fortheir organization and leadership.The Under 21 team had a relatively good season and dropped poolgames to Grammar–Carlton and University. They then dropped theirquarter fi nal to eventual winners, Marist. Prabhu Singh and NicoNomani, the coaches, along with TAs, Kristien Ah Young, RickyGeorge and Phil Mackie did a good job. Kim Kwok and later CraigWright as managers handled the management duties very effi ciently.Jordan Stevens’ efforts as physio were appreciated. Thanks for yourefforts, guys.The Under 19 team had a pretty good season. They performedwell at the start of the season and comfortably made the top sixchampionship round. They played well enough here but ultimatelythey were knocked out in the quarter-fi nal. Coaches Hugh Heeney,Joe Fa’aiu and Neil Campbell and managers, Hugh Munro and TonyWhite and their support staff deserve credit.The Under 85kg Ponies team, under Daniel Kull struggled for formearly and did not qualify for the championship but made the Bowlcompetition and competed hard without quite winning it.The Under 85kg Pirates team were a new team to the club andcompeted well without quite achieving the heights. They too werecompetitive in the Bowl Championship. The grade is very even andcompetitive and the scores were frequently close and tight. Theydeveloped a really good spirit which should serve them well nextyear. Thanks, also to Luke de Jong and Tuaharu Edwards for theirorganization.The Fillies this year had a mixed season. They missed out on thechampionship round but then went through undefeated to win the2nd Division competition. Great effort, girls. Thanks to coaches, SemiTuigamala, Steve Collins and managers, Kim and Shahi Kwok andand their support staff.The Social team, the Legion again had a good season althoughthey lost their unbeaten run this season under coach Mike Leroy-Dyson.Our President’s grade Puritans continue to have fun and to contributetowards the club. Eddie and Sandra Ioane helped ‘Judge’ PhilRecordon with the organization this year.Thanks to all concerned with those teams.For the Junior Club, it was another busy and enjoyable season forthe committee and some 39 teams, coaches, managers, players,parents and supporters. Pam Adams did a great job as JuniorAdministrator and the committee under the Chairmanship of MarkDarin were extremely well organized and productive. The Under13 Open team won the championship under coaches Eddie Ioaneand Manu Faiva as did the Under 12 Restricted team under CraigWatt, Michael Mau’u, Geoff Polglase, Ricky Masulu with some wellreceived help from former All Black, Eroni Clarke, who had twoboys in the team. They were effi ciently managed by Netini Vaeau-Mulitalo. .The Junior Prizegiving was again held at Mt Albert Grammar Schooland the spirit and atmosphere said it all. Sincere thanks to BrettWilliams, Sam Lawrence, Brad Tauwhare, Willie Uili, Sam Fifi ta andSione Mau for presenting the prizes and having photos with allthe prizewinners on the day and for Greg Edmond’s organization.Ponsonby’s future is in safe hands.See my special thanks attached to my President’s report.Bryan WilliamsDirector of Rugby14 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

<strong>2010</strong> PRIZE WINNERSCoaches Of The YearWinston Hiliau / Mark HooperOwen Donaldson Trophy Gareth AnscombeBest Allround SportsmanJim Steen Old Boys Cup Chris LowreyBest And Fairest PlayerErnie Taylor Memorial Shield PremiersBest Performed TeamClub Captains CupTerrence McQuoidSpecial ServicesOld Boys ShieldUnder 21 TeamTeam Displaying Best Standard of Conduct and SportsmanshipChairman’s TrophyDennis MansfieldSpecial Services Non PlayingLin Colling Memorial Cup James Hantz / Nico NomaniMost Promising CoachesAthol Rickard Memorial Cup Premier TeamTeam With Best Try Scoring AveragePremiersBeegee Williams CupChris Lowrey / Chay RauiPlayer Of The YearJack Nicholson Memorial Cup Sefo PasinaBest Team ManRookie Of The Year Cup Gareth AnscombeThomas Aitken ShieldLeo KaihauMost Consistent Senior PlayerMost Tries Premiers Cup Chay Raui (13)Premier ReservesBest ForwardAkira KogaBest BackOlivier SirvenBest Team ManAllan GoodwinRookie Of The YearSemu PolikoMost Improved PlayerMark PauloPonsonby TrophyTrope YandallMost Consistent PlayerSenior 1 TeamBest ForwardJason TerzieffBest BackGeorge McgregorMost Improved PlayerLuc SarlandieMost Promising Player Teila FaumuinaBest Team ManHeath HooperMcNeilage/Sigley Trophy Eruera DaviesMost Valuable PlayerMassa Johnston CupRyo SakaiPlayer Of The YearSenior 2 EP’s TeamBest ForwardSteve IoaneBest BackRay HiraBest Team ManMu KaletaMost Improved PlayerSam KaletaMost Promising Player Todd NevillePlayer Of The Year Cup Danny FepuleaiSenior 2 Black TeamBest ForwardTinei KomeBest BackCharles Manarangi-TrottBest Team ManJerome Davidson-GaopoaMost Improved PlayerJonathan PaitaiMost Promising Player Mavaega SladePlayer Of The Year Cup Ethane Afitu-Roache/Charles Manarangi-TrottUnder 21 TeamDoug Tawhiti Memorial Cup Alex SamoaMost Outstanding BackFred Lucas CupTaylor MosenMost Promising PlayerBuster Gibbons Trophy Mike FolefauBest Team ManOld Boys JerseyTaylor MosenPlayer Of The YearJunior Sportsman Of The Year Kane-Paul SmithUnder 19 TeamBest BackJunior AualiitiaMost Improved BackJoseph BuchananMost Improved Forward Thomas NorthcottBest ForwardGeorge DadzieHarlequin Bar & Café Cup Karihi KetuIn Pursuit Of ExcellenceRestricted Under 85kg Team PoniesBest And Fairest Player Sam BorgfeldtBest Defensive PlayerScott JohnstoneMost Promising Player Sean PergueroWalter Stokes Memorial Shield Michael RichardsonBest All Round PlayerGreg Chapman Memorial Cup Tino SalamPlayer Of The YearRestricted Under 85kg Team PiratesBest And Fairest Player Joe TiddyBest Defensive PlayerDan AckermanMost Promising Player Earl PattersonWalter Stokes Memorial Shield Mark McLeodBest All Round PlayerGreg Chapman Memorial Cup Matt LintonPlayer Of The YearPresidents GradePlayer Of The Year Cup Aaron DowerMargaret Ward Memorial Cup Alby WaruBest Team ManSocial LegionMost Improved PlayerMike McRobertsPlayer Of The YearSharif JoyceFilliesBest ForwardEloise BlackwellBest BackVasi MoalaMost Improved PlayerAldora ItunuBest First Year PlayerDanielle RosalesMost Promising PlayerTe Kura Ngata-AerangamatePlayer Of The YearLinda Itunu<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>15

RePReSentatiVe honouRSSenior RepresentativesALL BLACKSNZ BLACK FERNSBLACK FERN SEVENSFIJI & KING COUNTRYMANU SAMOABLUES SUPER 14CRUSADERS SUPER 14AUCKLAND ITMAUCKLAND DEVELOPMENTAUCKLAND UNDER 20 COLTSAUCKLAND EMERGING PLAYERSAUCKLAND STORMAUCKLAND SECONDARY SCHOOLSAUCKLAND MAORI WOMENBenson StanleyLinda ItunuLinda ItunuSean MorrellPaul WilliamsChris Lowrey, Benson Stanley, Winston Stanley, Paul WilliamsDaniel BowdenGareth Anscombe, Ben Atiga, Chris Lowrey, Chay Raui, Benson Stanley,Winston StanleyBen Atiga, Lio Kaihau, Adam Siddall, Leo Taliu, Sione Mau, Richard Tonga,Pom Simona, Chay RauiGareth AnscombeLio Kaihau, Roger Tuamoheloa, Rocky Khan, John Paine, Hans Aiono,Winston Hiliau (Assistant Coach), Greg Edmonds (Manager)Eloise Blackwell, Aldora Itunu, Vasi MoalaContessa WrightHinewai Pomare, Elizabeth Motu, Te Kura Ngata-AerengamateJunior RepresentativesWALTER DICKSONROLLER MILLSBILL McLARENAUCKLAND UNDER 14AUCKLAND UNDER 16Abraham Swanson, Alesana Milo, Alfred Sanft, Bailey Thomas, Caleb Clark,Callum Williams, Christian Curtis, Delaney Puata-Chaney, Edward Vaeau-Mulitalo, E J Clarke, Ethan Poi, Henry Fomai, Isikele Fukofuka, JachimTumuenua, Jack Jones, Jack O’Neill, Jacob Moir, Johna Mau’u, JoshuaWijohn, Justus Leaoseve, Kati Levi Tai, Kobe Watt, Mayank Ahluwahia, MilanBonkovich, River Nario, Saige Healey, Sasha Urale, Tobias Heremaia, To’oTo’o, William Gillette, Wiseguy Faiane, Wolfi e WolferstonWiseguy Faiane, Edward Vaeau-Mulitalo. Delaney Puata-Chaney, RiverNario, Milan Bonkovich, William Gillette, Saige Healey, Harley Mason, ElijahSolomonaSamuel Slade, Blake Bradley, Rocky Crighton, Jessop Swan, AntonioTaikoko, Aidan Ioane, Peter NanaiTheo Gow, Reiko Ioane, Roman Prasad, Nathaniel Roache, Geoff ViligiaCameron Rutherford, Leon Fukofuka, Matt Vaega16 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

City Under 13 Open Championship WinnersKelston Under 12 Restricted Championship Winners<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>1

Premier ReservesSenior 1Premier Women (Fillies)Senior 2 EP’sSenior 2 LegionU85 kg18 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

Under 21Under 19City Under 13 RestrictedCity Under 12 RestrictedCity Under 12 OpenKelston Under 12 Open<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>19

City Under 11 OpenCity Under 11 Restricted BlackCity Under 11 Restricted PoniesCity Under 11 Restricted BlueKelston Under 11 RestrictedCity Under 10 Open20 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

City Under 10 Restricted BlackCity Under 10 Restricted BlueCity Under 10 Restricted PoniesKelston Under 10 OpenCity Under 9 Restricted BlackCity Under 9 Restricted Blue<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>21

Kelston Under 9 OpenCity Under 8 Restricted BlackCity Under 8 Restricted BlueCity Under 8 Restricted PoniesCity Under 8 Restricted WhiteKelston Under 8 Open Black22 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

Kelston Under 8 Open BlueCity Under 7 BlackCity Under 7 BlueCity Under 7 CityCity Under 7 WhiteKelston Under 7City Under 6 BlackCity Under 6 Blue<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>2

City Under 6 CityCity Under 6 HoopsCity Under 6 PoniesCity Under 6 SpringsCity Under 6 WhiteKelston Under 6 BlackKelston Under 6 PoniesJuelz Baker and Cyan Tucker receive their certificates from the Premier team presenters24 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

25<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>25<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>

PRemieR team RePoRt <strong>2010</strong>With the Gallaher Shield now fi rmly locked away for another yearit is time to refl ect on the <strong>2010</strong> season. The team were faced withmany challenges over the year with many things not going as wewould have liked – however that said, the boys delivered on thechallenges and came away with the ARFU Championship for theseventh year in a row.This year saw new coaches appointed to the team. Last year’sCoach Simon Scott had moved south and was appointed HeadCoach of South Canterbury and Assistant Coach Grant Hansenwas unavailable as he was on NZRU duties as Assistant Coach ofthe New Zealand Black Ferns (subsequently winning the Women’sRWC in England).New Head Coach Siaosi Vaili returned to Ponsonby after a seasoncoaching Teachers Eastern and he was joined by Assistant CoachWinston Hiliau who joined the club from Marist. Greg Edmondsreturned as Manager for the team and was joined by TerrenceMcQuoid and Ciaran Overton as Assistant Managers. PhysiotherapistTanya Browne returned to the team after a year away with the JuniorWarriors.Due to personal circumstances Coach Vaili resigned early in theseason and Captain Mark Hooper and Winston Hiliau assumed theroles as Co-coaches for the remainder of the season.Pre-season commenced as we traditionally have with our preChristmas runs and BBQ and then in mid January it was full trainingwith a good turn out of players. A number of players were unavailablethis year including Tom Wiley who has stayed in Europe, outstandinghalfback Chad Tuoro who decided to play in the BOP competition,Winston Stanley who had shoulder surgery, prop Vili Kinahoi whowas studying and veteran fl anker Tevita Finau who had moved toCounties.The majority of the championship winning 2009 team however,returned and were as keen to get into another season despite beinganother year older. In addition halfback Kane Hancy returned fromplaying overseas and second fi ve Roimata Hansell-Pune returnedto the club after playing in the Waikato.Early in January we had confi rmed that for the third year in a rowour Principal sponsor Urgent Couriers would again support us in<strong>2010</strong>. This is a signifi cant investment for their business and theteam showed their appreciation early in the season by taking partin the Auckland City Bike to Work day for Urgent Couriers racing acar, a bus and a bike from all parts of Auckland to the CBD. Thispromotion was a huge success with the team getting interviewed liveon Breakfast TV with our Ponsonby and Urgent Couriers sponsoredjerseys on.In addition loyal supporter Multi-Trans confi rmed they were back aswell as Debit Success meaning we were well on our way fi nanciallyfor the season. We also secured a new hydration drinks sponsorwith Raisey’s coming on board and a further sponsorship from RicSinisa Law.Our fi rst game of the season was against Suburbs at Bell Park aspart of the Waka Nathan games and we managed to score 7 triesto run out convincing winners 50 – 0. Next up was Te Papa MtWellington and while this proved a tough challenge we managedto score a good 44 – 17 win to take us through to the semi-fi nalagainst Grammar Carlton.The game against Grammar Carlton, played at Cornwall Park, wasdisappointing as GC took control of the fi rst 40 minutes and lead17 – 0 at half time. We fi elded an extremely strong team (includingCrusaders Daniel Bowden and Blues No 8 Chris Lowrey) but failedto spark together as a team eventually losing 27 – 17 to exit theWaka Nathan competition. The following week we bounced backto thrash a very weak Suburbs 92 – 0 in the fi rst round game of theAlan McEvoy Shield.The next few weeks saw the team beat Te Papa Mt Wellington 37– 26 (a tougher game than it should have been), Teachers Eastern53 – 17, Waitakere 59 – 17 and Eden 57 – 8. All of these gameswere good building blocks as we blooded new players into thesquad. One player to begin to shine early in the season was youngGareth Anscombe who joined the club and initially played out ofposition on the wing.Next up was Otahuhu and they proved to be a similarly diffi cultchallenge to previous years. They are always diffi cult to beat atSturges Park and this year was no different. After leading 14 – 9 athalf time we put together a strong second half to lead 29 – 14 onlyto go to sleep in the last 10 minutes and allow them back into thegame by scoring two late tries eventually winning 36 – 28. The nextthree games were high scoring wins against Pakuranga 58 – 19,Papatoetoe 60 – 17 and then East Tamaki 64 – 6.The season was now well under way and our 13th game againstCollege Rifl es won 18 – 5 was a record equalling 41 consecutivewins in the ARFU championship rounds. The record was set by the1986 Ponsonby team and so the team were thrilled to equal thisrecord and have the chance to extend it. Unfortunately our opponentsthe following week had a different view and we were beaten in thelast minute by a fi red up University 15 – 18. This loss was a doubleblow for the team as with this win, University also took the FredAllen Challenge Cup from us – a trophy we have proudly held forfour consecutive season.We recovered the following week and Manukau was the recipient ofa 66 – 3 loss. The team played well scoring 9 fi ne tries and veteranBrett Williams notched up the incredible milestone of becoming themost capped Ponsonby Premier player – playing his 176th Premiergame. We then went on to beat Marist at Liston Park 28 – 18 beforecomfortably beating Waitemata 34 – 8 at Western Springs.Our last game in the fi rst round was against rivals Grammar Carltonand was a must win for both teams to win the Alan McEvoy Shield.Despite starting strongly we trailed 6 – 8 at half time. The secondhalf was a thriller in front of a large crowd at Cornwall Park (again)and while we did everything right to lead 19 – 17 with 2 minutes togo, a simple mistake cost us a penalty and we lost the game 20– 19. This was a bitterly disappointing result for the team as we hadset ourselves a number of goals for the season and we were now ina situation that meant that the success of the season rested solelywith winning the Gallaher Shield.Former All Black and Auckland representative Ben Atiga (havingreturned from overseas) was now match fi t after playing for theReserves and came into the team. This was timely as centre DougTausili and second fi ve’s Roimata Hansell–Pune and Daniel Bowdendeparted overseas to international clubs. In addition the team wasbolstered by the availability of Blues and Auckland player PaulWilliams, who after a great season with the Blues, had time beforehe joined Sale in England to play out the rest of our club season.26 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

Our quarter-fi nal against College Rifl es was executed effectively bythe team as we started to get some real purpose into our gameplan running out deserved winners 42 – 16. Our semi-fi nal wasagainst University and the team did not allow Uni to get into thegame, completely controlling the ball to deny them any real chanceof competing with us. This was an impressive performance from theteam and was probably our best of the season. The win set us up forthe grand fi nal at Eden Park against Grammar Carlton. Consideringwe had already played them twice and lost both times the boys werevery aware of the strengths that GC would bring to the game.The build up to the game went as planned and as we set up forthe game on the Saturday at Eden Park there was a real sense ofpurpose about the team and our preparation. Dave Gallaher hasa very special place in the history of Ponsonby rugby and thereis no doubt that the players that took the fi eld for this fi nal gameunderstand this better than any other player at any other club. Theresult was a commanding performance by a motivated Ponsonbyteam running out an early 19 – 3 lead after 20 minutes. Despite GCgathering themselves at the half time break the Ponies team werejust too good on the day and ran out championship winners for the7th consecutive year winning 30 – 19. Of particular note was theoutstanding performance of rookie Gareth Anscombe playing in hisfi rst senior championship fi nal. He completely outplayed his oppositeand took total control of the game scoring two tries, kicking twoconversions, a penalty and a drop goal to have a personal pointstally of 20 for the game.The celebrations continued for several days and the team could fi nallysit back and refl ect on what was a challenging season. Not havingclubrooms or adequate changing facilities for the second half of theseason contributed to the diffi culties, however as the team showed,we have the courage, determination and passion to overcome thesechallenges – the measures of a great team.The experience in the team this year meant a number of personalmilestones were achieved – Brett Williams 178 premier games, 100games for Captain Mark Hooper, Brad Tauwhare, Richard Tonga andMark Ama and Blazer games for Roimata Hansell-Pune, Leo Taliu, LioKaihau and Antonio Stanley. Congratulations and thank you to all ofthem on their dedication and commitment to the Ponsonby club.As with previous years many of the team were selected forrepresentative teams. Chris Lowrey, Paul Williams and BensonStanley were all selected for the Blues. Auckland A players selectedwere Ben Atiga, Chris Lowrey, Chay Raui, Winston Stanley, GarethAnscombe and Benson Stanley. The team were particularly proudwhen Benson was named in the All Blacks becoming the club’s 53rdplayer to wear the AB jersey.Players to receive club awards in <strong>2010</strong> were as follows: Best TeamMan – Sefo Pasina, Most Consistent Player – Lio Kaihau, Rookie ofthe Year – Gareth Anscombe, Top Try Scorer – Chay Raui and Playerof the Year – Chay Raui and Chris Lowrey.In closing, as always there are large number of people who supportthe Premier team that deserve acknowledgement:• The players’, coaches’ and managers’ wives, partners andchildren who allow the team to play the game and support us.• The management team of Terrence McQuoid and Ciaran Overtonwho worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure we hadeverything we needed.• Our support team – Physio Tanya Browne who kept the boysfit and ready to play, our video technician Daniel Namoa,our statistician Dennis Mansfield and our masseur DannyVakawati.• Club Manager Ian Derbidge for his support, Stadium ManagerJohn Allen and Gary Barr from Teamwear Apparel who ensuredwe had everything we needed.• Director of Rugby and Club President Bryan Williams for hisguidance and ARFU COD Ces Williams for his advice.To conclude I would again like to reinforce our thanks to all ofour sponsors. At amateur level the game needs the support oforganisations like Urgent Couriers, Debit Success, Multi-Trans,Raiseys and Ric Sinisa Law to ensure that we provide a platform foryoung players to develop.After 6 years with Ponsonby teams and the last 4 as Premier teammanager I have decided to retire. I am privileged to have workedwith a great group of players and been part of this successful eraand I am sure that the success of the Premier team will continue formany years to come. To end with our seventh straight championshipwas simply “Seventh Heaven”.Greg Edmonds – ManagerVeteran Brett Williams in actionBen Atiga with Sam Fifita in support<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>2

PRemieR team comPetition StatiSticS <strong>2010</strong>FORAGAINSTDate vs Score Tries Conv Pen D.G. Total Tries Conv Pen D.G. TotalAlan McEvoy Shield27-Mar Suburbs 92-0 14 11 92 03-Apr TePapa Mt.W 37-26 4 4 3 37 4 3 2610-Apr Teach.East. 53-17 7 6 2 53 2 2 1 1717-Apr Waitakere 59-17 8 5 3 59 3 1 1724-Apr Eden 57-8 9 6 57 1 1 81-May Otahuhu 36-28 5 4 1 36 3 2 3 288-May Pakuranga 58-19 7 7 3 58 1 1 4 1915-May Papatoetoe 60-17 10 5 60 2 2 1 1721-May East Tamaki 64-6 10 7 64 2 628-May College Rifles 18- 5 2 1 2 18 1 55-Jun University 18-15 2 1 1 15 2 1 1 1512-Jun Manukau 66-3 9 9 1 66 1 319-Jun Marist 28-18 3 2 3 28 2 1 2 1826-Jun Waitemata 34-8 4 4 2 34 1 1 83-Jul Gramm.Carlton 19-20 1 1 4 19 1 4 1 20Total 95 73 25 696 23 13 21 1 207Gallaher Shield10-Jul College Rifles 42-6 5 4 3 42 1 1 3 1617-Jul University 22-6 1 1 5 22 2 624-Jul Gramm.Carlton 30-19 4 2 1 1 30 1 1 4 19Grand Total 105 80 34 1 790 25 15 30 1 248PROUD SPONSORS OF PONSONBY DISTRICT RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUBJames Halley on a missionReiko Ioane – leader of the pack28 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

premier team INDIVIDUAL SCORESName Tries Conv. Pen. DG TotalG. Anscombe 8 43 23 1 198B. Williams 3 29 11 106C. Raui 13 65R. Khan 8 40R. Tonga 6 30B. Tauwhare 6 30C. Lowrey 5 1 27D. Tausili 5 25O. Sirven 5 25L. Taliu 4 20D. Bowden 1 5 15L. Kaihau 3 15J. Puletua 3 15P. Williams 3 15H. Aiono 3 15S. Skinnon 3 15T. Ngaluafe 3 15R. Hansell-Pune 2 1 12K. Hancy 2 10P. Simona 2 10R. McCamish 2 10R. Tuamoheloa 2 10S. Pasina 2 10W. Uili 2 10M. Hooper 1 1 7M. Ama 1 5L. Eketone 1 5J. Paine 1 5B. MacKay 1 5J. Tuamoheloa 1 5C. Vito 1 5S. Mau 1 5Penalty Try 1 5TOTALS 105 80 34 1 790The Club appreciates the generous support of:Auckland Rugby Football UnionBuckingham ElectricalHirepoolImage Centre LimitedKeith Nelson & AssociatesLion BreweriesLion FoundationMt Hobson GroupMultitransNZ Community TrustPub CharitiesNautilus FoundationWijohn Chartered AccountantsUrgent CouriersDebit SuccessInshapeNorth & South TrustThe Club wishes to acknowledge theco-operation and support of:Auckland CityCity ParksSprings Promotions LtdWaitakere CityPROUDLY SUPPORTINGPONSONBYRUGBY<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>29

team RePoRtS <strong>2010</strong>Premier Reserves<strong>2010</strong> was a tough year for the Reserves showing great promise early in theseason and topping the table for the majority of it with a number of great wins. Welooked like the team to beat, which we were, going 12 straight games unbeatenand putting many a good side to the sword by over fi fty, this credit going to thecoaching team and players who did this without an established number 10 forthe greater part of it. However, in the end we learned starting well does not winchampionships and we would be lying if we said it was a successful season byPonsonby standards. Though we enjoyed the season off the fi eld, we had onegoal and that was to win it all. Nevertheless, I am sure we will learn from ourexperiences and move forward, coming back better and stronger in 2011.A new management team was in place for <strong>2010</strong> with Jimmy Clayton takingover as head coach, James Hantz stepping up as a player/coach Matt Makgilland myself came on board as managers. Martha Purcell was the team physioand Ezequiel from Argentina was our stats man. We also welcomed OutsourceIT as our major sponsor and one of our main supporters. We are tremendouslyappreciative to Jo Clegg and all the team at Outsource IT.The team had a good mix of young and promising players with a number of seniorguys able to pass on a wealth of knowledge. The backs we had were sharp thoughwe had a lack of player depth in a couple of key positions, which affected the teamlater on in the season when players were injured. We were fortunate enough tohave a lot of depth and competition for places in the forward pack.The highlight of the season was a good tough win versus Pakuranga in roundseven, who were also top of the table at that time. It was a good all-round teameffort built on tough defence and excellent running play from the backline (won38 – 23). The team were top of the table for fourteen straight rounds and weredrawn to play arch rivals Grammar Carlton in the fi nal round. The equation wassimple: win and fi nish fi rst, lose and fi nish third. Grammar Carlton really took thegame to us in the fi rst half and led 22-0 at half time. We came back in the secondhalf 7-0 but could not score enough points to overcome the fi rst half defi cit.In the quarter-fi nal, we were drawn to play Marist, the only other team who hadbeaten us all season. It did not help our cause that we lost four key players forvarious reasons, which could not be helped. We started well and dominated thefi rst half in the forwards with good driving play and a strong pick and go game.We were unlucky not to be up by more at half time with the score being 9-8 tous. The second half was also very close with both teams aiming to play for fi eldposition, but with a couple of costly errors and Marist scoring a crucial try froma scrum move mid way through the second half the game quickly moved out ofreach. It was a disappointing end result (9 - 13) and left us playing off for the plate.To the team’s credit they showed great spirit and pride in the jersey bouncingback well from the disappointing quarter-fi nal loss to record two good wins overWaitakere in the Plate semi (34 - 12) and College Rifl es in the fi nal (36 - 21).Our overseas imports took out two of the team awards: Aki from Japan was BestForward and Olivier from France was Best Back. It was a pleasure having themas part of the team and we wish them all the very best for their futures on andoff the fi eld. Other players to receive club awards were Best Team Man AllanGoodwin, Rookie of the Year Semu Polika, Most Improved Player Mark Paulo andMost Consistent Player Trope Yandall. Great effort to them all and I am sure wewill be hearing these names a lot more in future years.The game that never was: We fi nished off the season with an end of year tour andhad jacked up a game through King Country to play Waitete the club championsfrom Te Kuiti. On the last Thursday night after training before leaving when wewere trying to get the numbers up for the trip ourselves, we received a call fromWaitete advising that they could not get a team together and we would be wastingour time coming down. With many of the boys disappointed and accommodationalready booked the suggestion was made we play 10 a side. We put this to Waiteteand told them we would be coming down anyway for a few pints. It was agreedthat they would see what they could do but nothing was promised. Come theSaturday after a number of last minute changes we managed to get on the roadand head south, only to take the wrong turn off to Te Kuiti thanks to my lack ofnavigation skills causing us to arrive two hours later than planned. It wasn’t meantto be. In the end it was a good laugh and most saw the funny side of it all. Aftera few beers with some of the boys from Waitete we headed off to Taupo for agreat night and in all a good experience was had. Waitete are keen to come upand play that game, and promise us they know the way to Auckland.Special thanks to:• Our sponsor Outsource IT for all their support this year• The coaching team who did a great job considering the number of changesto the squad throughout the year• Matt for taking care of all the back room stuff and countless hours put in• Martha for giving up her time to look after the team and manage their injuriesso well• Ian for pointing us in the right direction, and• BeeGee for all the work he does for the club and giving me this opportunityto be involved with the greatest club in the country.Though we did not win the grade, the team can take heart from the work it didfor the club, in the form of the many players we helped to regain fi tness and goon to be reselected for the Premiers in yet another successful campaign.Points For: 612 Points Against: 211 Wins: 15 Losses: 3Tyrone CampbellCo - ManagerSenior 2 blackWe had another up and down season but through it all Senior 2 Black had ablast! We had many challenges facing the team, the fi rst of which was thatwe basically had a new team! At least 50% of the 2009 team had moved onand we had a number of players that had not played since high school (or notat all). Luckily the new boys slotted into the groove easily and were up to thechallenge of playing some good old Ponies rugby. Our pre-season trainingstarted with variations of touch rugby to ease into things then we got into thetough stuff with the old favourite “Tackle Jackals”.At the start of the season we soon realised that the touch rugby wasn’t cuttingit and we had a lot of work to do, going down against Pakuranga and Manukau.There were some positive signs in each of those games, especially for theboys who were happy to be playing their fi rst game of rugby! The next gameagainst College Rifl es was the turning point of the season. We were bolsteredby the return of a few older heads lending their leadership and experience.Coupled with the youth and enthusiasm of our newer players we were able tonut out a tough win and put on some champagne Ponies rugby. We were ableto win enough of our games to ensure our place in the Senior 1 competitionwhich was a great achievement from where we started. We celebrated thisachievement with one of our famous fundraising socials at our sponsor barGrey Lynn Tavern. The “Super Heroes” theme was a hit and good times werehad by all. DJ Ula had the bar rocking all night….although most of us can’tremember too much as I think the punch was spiked.In the Senior 1 competition however it was not easy going. Like a few teamswe were facing our fi rst round of injuries and we were hit pretty hard. Timingcouldn’t have been worse as we played a very physical and tough Mt RoskillSenior 1 team fi rst up. Playing in tough conditions we were beaten convincinglyand unfortunately this wouldn’t be the fi rst time we tasted defeat. Next up weplayed the local derby against the Ponies Senior 1 team and it was a mini-State of Origin Ponies style! We were lucky enough to come out winners butour injury ward seemed to have doubled after that tough encounter. The nextpart of the season we had a series of win/loss/win/loss with our injury tollmounting each game. Next up we played the Ponies EP’s (who themselves weredecimated with injuries). However their experience and hunger were enoughto keep their winning record against us. Everything came to a head when weplayed Waiheke, as we could only muster 13 players against the top team andeventual Senior 1 champions. The boys battled hard but were always up againstit and we were beaten convincingly. This pretty much put us out of contention0Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

for any chance of the semis but we played out the rest of the season and evensqueezed in a few more socials for our end of year trip.We finished off the season with a road trip down to play the Te Rapa club inHamilton. A few of the boys headed off a day earlier to go “sight seeing” inMatamata and turned up to the game looking a bit seedy, but ready to play.The JAFA boys turned it on and a great game of running rugby was on displayfor the locals. Razor was at his running best from number 8, backed up withthe scavenging skills of Stan “Lazarus” and the damaging hits from Joey“Bachio”. Our converted flanker to winger Yandal earned himself the nicknamethe “Chiropractor”, and Tami and Enga were carving all day at the back. Thegame was a back and forth encounter but we were able to squeak past a veryproud and talented Te Rapa team in a bruising encounter. Player of the daywent to Razor and Yandall for their outstanding performance in the forwardsand backs. Special thanks to Vinnie and Ula for organising the trip and Paulfor the accommodation in Matamata.Overall I am very proud of the boys this season battling though all the adversityand for never giving up even when that seemed the only option. Congratulationsto the new boys and their own personal development this year. I hope to seeeveryone in 2011 for another season of hard tackles, damaging runs andmean courties!No Ezy!!Liam AfituCoach/ManagerUnder 19The season started with a thirty two man squad but as the season progressed thisnumber dwindled to twenty four very talented and committed players. The Under19s won two of their three pre-season games and commenced the first round ofthe competition with a strong commitment to game winning strategies and ongoingdevelopment of player skills. The team then went on to win their first two gameswith winning margins of between 10 to 28 points. However, the following elevengames was a mix of six wins and five losses – one win with a margin of 42 points.These losses were only to strengthen the team’s resolve to stay focused on gameplans, and we were able to complete the first round in fourth place with 40 points. Aloss and draw in the championship round took the Under 19s out of contention forthe championship, however it was a very successful season for them scoring 288points for, with 193 against. In conclusion the whole team played with exceptionalenthusiasm and sportsmanship and on behalf of their coaches and managementwe wish them a successful future with the Ponsonby Rugby Club.A thank you to Tanya Browne and Ryan Leyland for their generous contribution tothe injury management and pre-game strapping of the players, Ian Derbidge forhis compering our Quiz night and assisting with our fund raising efforts. Thank youto the parents and other supporters who attended our quiz nights and supportedthe team throughout the season. I commend the three coaches Hugh Heeney, JoeFa’aiu and Neil Hamilton for their outstanding coaching skills and their commitmentto the team. On behalf of the team I thank Co-manager Tony White for his organizingskills and maintaining good game and practice night attendances. I also commendall of the Under 19 players for their game skills, consistently good attendances atpractice and Saturday games and their on and off field humour. From all of theteam and coaches we thank Horleys and the New Zealand Community Trust fortheir generous funding allocation to the team account.FilliesThe <strong>2010</strong> Ponsonby Fillies squad could be deemed the team of survivors.Women’s rugby is definitely struggling in relation to recognition, player recruitmentand player ability to commit. One just needs to look at the obstacles our womenplayers need to overcome to be able to make trainings and games. The majorityof the team sacrifice time with families, study, and even income. With the socialeconomic downturns women rugby players are more susceptible than any otherplayer group. The better the New Zealand economy is the greater the ability forwomen to participate in rugby. I applaud our team in being able to turn up weekin and week out.Our first team goal was to make the top 5. We were able to achieve this despitenumerous serious injuries and justified team departures along the way in keypositions (the likes of Cathy Fa’asee Parry, Vienna James, Kelvery Longopoa,Nora Maaka, Jamie Caldwell, Bianca Aiono and Nati Aniseko, all with resumesas experienced campaigners and high abilities). Having lost players of this calibreand skill level could cripple a team and cause it to forfeit games in the comingchampionship rounds. This was never an option and we always managed to notonly turn up but to compete.We surprised our opposition with the pure tenacity to still compete. An exampleof the team’s sheer fight could be in one game against Marist with their BlackFern dominated pack - our forward pack was able to compete against them inthe scrums with only 7 players but we even dared to push them back.For a time our team’s fortunes seemed to have changed with the arrival of KazClayton. Kaz Clayton has a phenomenal playing background. She was a valuableasset to the team until she succumbed to a back injury. We did get back a few ofour injured players i.e. Vienna James, Nora Maaka and Jamie Caldwell towardsthe end. Our injury count would have been even higher if it was not for our teamphysio Didi O’Sullivan. She tirelessly strapped and mended our players. Herdedication to the players’ welfare and safety was first class.We did not win the championship, however we did have a few personal wins whichneed to be celebrated: Linda Itunu, being part of the Black Ferns who broughtthe World Cup home; Aldora Itunu, Ella Blackwell, and Vasi Moala for making theAuckland Storm team; and Contessa Wright for making the Auckland SecondarySchools Team. Outstanding achievements by all involved.Praise and thanks need to also go to a core group of players who, with thosementioned above, held the team together through the really tough times: HinewaiPomare, Tups Tumuenua, Sarah Jade Holland, Elizabeth Motu, Te Kura Ngata-Aerengamate, Emmeline Croft and Tuala To’o. Your dedication is second to noneand your service to not only the club but the game is appreciated. A heartfeltthank you goes to you all and your families for being able to do so every week.New-comers Danielle Rosales and Wendy Greatbatch - awesome effort in yourfirst year. I also need to acknowledge all of the various players who came andwent during the season - thank you for helping out.Thank you to Steve Collins co-coach, Shahida and Kim Kwok managers andour rowdy bunch of loyal supporters. Special mention goes to Ian Derbidge andBryan Williams for all their help throughout the season.I wish the team all the best in the future. May you have a safe festive seasonwith whanau and friends.Semi TuigamalaCoachHugh MunroCo-manager<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>31

Pirates under 85kgIn <strong>2010</strong> the Ponsonby Pirates were formed as the club’s second Under 85kgteam with 30 enthusiastic players on the roster looking forward to playing inPonsonby colours.After 5 grading games the team was put into the 3rd division of the competitionand had a win in their fi rst competition game. From there, throughout the seasonthere were some great wins and narrow loses but all in all we had great funand ended up fi nishing mid table for the season.The team always showed commitment and had a very high level ofsportsmanship throughout every game played and was defi nitely the teamthat stood out in the competition for it. A special thanks to Coach Tu Edwardsand Mason Lee for bringing their wisdom and knowledge. Also a big thanksto Ian Derbidge and Bryan Williams for allowing the team to be birthed thisyear from scratch.For a fi rst year the boys did extremely well and loved every minute of it andbeing a part of the club. They all look forward to next year and being a lotmore competitive!Luke de JongManagerlegionThis year signalled the start of a rebuild for the Legion. With a number of seniorplayers retiring at the end of last season it was touch and go as to whether ateam would be fi elded. Fortunately a new crop of excellent legionnaires steppedforward 2-3 weeks before the season was due to commence and a strong basisfor a new team was formed.Results over the year varied with a few close losses, a hard fought nil-all draw(bit like soccer only more entertaining to play and watch!) and a good set ofexcellent and satisfying wins.Many great tries were scored during a season that saw us winning more gamesthan we lost and going from strength to strength as the year went on. Manyof the new players stepped up into leadership roles and a strong core of goodfriends was quickly established. The season culminated in a 2nd place resultfor the end of year social tournament (narrowly losing to a second grade NorthShore team). This saw the Legion fi nishing <strong>2010</strong> with the offi cial title of championAuckland Social team once again.This year’s player of the year was Sharif Joyce. Sharif continues to gives his all,is always positive and supportive and is always a strong infl uence on the teamand our weekly results. Mike McRoberts was our most improved player managingto put more than 60 minutes into all the games he played.Again we would like to thank Tyrone and Maria for the Bond St Bar’s sponsorshipthis year. Their hospitality and support is hugely appreciated by our entire team.And now for the Legion it’s time for a summer of touch and fun before we doit all again in 2011.Mike Leroy DysonCoach and ManagerJunioR Rugby chaiRman’S RePoRtThank you!To our 642 players, the coaches and managers of our 39 teams, and all of ourparents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, one eyed supporters and everyonewho contributed to making Ponsonby Junior Rugby the best in Aucklandagain for <strong>2010</strong>!Special thanks must go to Craig, Michael, Netini and team from Kelston Under12 Restricted and Ed, Sandra and team from City Under 13 Open for dedicatedseasons of work culminating in their Championship Final successes.Given that only fi ve of our thirty-nine teams play a championship competition,to get four of those fi ve into the semi-fi nals and two championship winners isa superb result for the club. It is the culmination of the efforts of every playerand coach/manager from Under 6s up which gives us this type of success.Our Player of the Month events where superbly attended this year. We wereconcerned that our temporary relocation to Point Chevalier bowling club wouldreduce the numbers but if anything they increased. A very special thanks tothe team from Pt Chev for the very welcoming and warm hearted reception wereceived, even though they were welcoming more than 200 kids who really justwanted to see how fast you could run on grass that smooth! Thanks also to PtChev bowling club for hosting our committee meetings - most appreciated.Prizegiving was also magnifi cently supported again this year. I don’t think I haveever seen more people attending - all the seats where full, upstairs was chockaand there were people standing outside all the doors looking in. It is wonderfulto be a part of such a great gathering. The diabolical weather which we hadbeen experiencing for the week before lifted enough to get everyone in and outwithout getting drenched. The Junior Prizegiving was strongly supported by 8of the record breaking Premier side, club stalwarts BeeGee and Cecil Williams,Senior Chairman Peter Thorpe and Ponsonby and New Zealand Rugby Legend,Keith Nelson. Thanks to everyone who made the day so special!The committee was once again sublime in their efforts this year. The2Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

disruptions caused by building works meant that extra effort was requiredin almost everything we did. This extra was given without hesitation and thefi nal results for the junior club speak for themselves with great work done bythe committee.The Senior Club had a record breaking year this year, securing the GallaherShield for the seventh consecutive time. In many ways this year has been oneof the most satisfying with the win coming against the predictions of the widercommunity (not the Ponsonby community of course) and in times of someadversity for the team. Thanks to the Prems and Reserves for being involvedwith the juniors and showing us fi rst hand the meaning and application of“No Easy Pony”.As most of you will know I am standing down from the position of JuniorChairman after 4 years in the role and 8 years on the junior committee. Thistime has been very special to me and I would encourage everyone out thereto consider doing it. The work is hugely rewarding and it has surprised me thatthe benefi ts of being involved go far beyond the sporting world.I have been hugely fortunate to have the support of a fantastic committee andclub. It is great to be leading a successful group especially when there are somany doing the work. I must make mention of three people who have madea big difference during my time as Chairman, BeeGee Williams, Pam Adamsand Ian Derbidge - Thanks Guys.I leave the junior committee in a good place, record player numbers, successon the fi eld and fi nancially sound. I believe there will be a strong team in placenext year and encourage you all to give them every support - they have someexcellent things planned already.I will not be disappearing from Ponsonby however. Next year my youngest son’steam Kelston Under 12 Restricted will be playing in the Championship grade andI want to work with them closely. There are also some big initiatives from theclub for 2011 World Cup year and I encourage you to get involved. I will be!See you around and thanks for everything!Mark DarinJunioR team RePoRtScity under 13 openAnd so ends another successful and thrilling chapter for the PonsonbyJuniors. Two Ponsonby teams in the fi nals, two thrilling fi nishes and wins forthe mighty Ponies.The rumours were, if you bothered to listen to them, that the South Aucklandteams would take out the open weight grades and the same was said about therestricted weights, with Pakuranga and Grammar Carlton monopolising thesefi nals in years gone by. This is not the case when a Ponsonby team is in thefi nal. We are the X factor. Anyone who discounts us does so at their peril.As we know, championships are not won during the season or even in thesemi-fi nals, they are won on fi nals day. Of the teams that we could have playedin the fi nal, I wanted to play Papatoetoe as they had given us a bit of a touchup three weeks earlier by 50 odd points. There were a lot of factors involvedin that loss and for those that witnessed and played in it, not a lot of positivescame out of the game for us. I think the Papatoetoe team believed that theywere going to continue where they left off three weeks prior in our fi nal. Buta few things had changed since that loss:• we had learned from that game• the confi dence and desire had been re-instilled in our boys by the coachand parents, and• Papatoetoe played the same game plan against us which we had workedto counter.The parents of our boys can stand and take a bow, it is through yourcommitment and drive and having your sons at training and to the games ontime and in good condition that makes my job easier. The good thing abouttaking a championship team through from one year to the next is those playerswho stay another year have some experience about the team’s targets.I thought our team played the most attractive football and defi nitely had a lotmore structure than all the other teams in our competition. Every boy playedtheir part in the team’s eventual success. I hope they remember this win andwhat it took to achieve it: the rough trainings, the Heinie Mullers, the muddyfi elds and more importantly the camaraderie the boys built over the year.Big thanks to Sandra for her management of the team and the help she gotfrom the other parents here and there throughout the season. It was goodto see the Senior club members, life members and Ian at our fi nal. Also thesupport we had from the Junior club was again outstanding. Big ups to Mark,Pam, Geoff and the team.I have enjoyed my time as coach with the team. We have some fi ne outstandingindividuals coming through. For some boys this was their fi rst experience atplaying competitive rugby. For some this may be the only championship theywin. Some will give up rugby, move to schools whose priority is not rugby, etc.I am happy that if they do come back to Ponsonby after high school, their lastmemory of playing in a Ponsonby team was that as champions.“There is A No Easy Ponies Team”Notable Representative Achievements this year:Walter Dixon Eden Zone William GilletteRiver NarioBill McLaren Central Zone Samuel SladeBill McLaren West Zone Rocky Crighton, Peter Nanai, Aidan IoaneAntonio Taikoko,Jessop SwanBill McLaren East Zone Blake BradleyRoller Mills WestWilliam GilletteEd IoaneCoach<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>

JunioR team RePoRtScity under 12 openThis was our second season playing full fi eld and fi rst year playing championshipwith a core of players from last year and with half of the 23 player squad newto the team.The season’s results will show that we:• played 17 games, won 13 and lost 4• scored 602 points for and conceded 313• progressed to the semi fi nals and lost to Papatoetoe who came 2ndoverall• fi nished 3rd overall• had 7 players selected for representative honours, and• had 6 players selected for combined under 12/13yrs Ponsonby team thatparticipated in and won the NZ Junior Rugby Festival in Taupo (10th-12thSeptember) Under 13yrs grade.It was a successful season in many respects but, being the club and team thatwe are, we continue to strive to do even better next season. Many thanks toLianne who does a lot of work behind the scenes; her boys, Jayden and Reagan,who never shirk from doing whatever it takes to get the team organised andhelpful parents, such as Winston, Kevin, Steve and Lance, who contributed attrainings and games in many ways. They were well supported by Lana, Ken,Arnette, Rob, Marla, Junior, Mike and Joanna who assisted with fundraisingprojects during the season.This season has been all about “stepping up”. Stepping up in terms ofimproving one’s own personal fi tness, skill levels, tactical awareness andtechnique. Balancing this with ensuring that it’s fun while improving playerrugby knowledge and being aware of player maturity and parents’ expectations.A challenging balancing act in many respects but one we have enjoyed duringthe course of the season.Unlike other teams our season offi cially fi nished after our end of season trip toWellington (24th-28th Sept) where we played two games: Marist St Pats andPoneke. It was a long season but this was a great way to fi nish it. We wish ourplayers, parents and families an enjoyable non-rugby related summer. Bringon the 2011 Rugby World Cup season!Harry Poi and Russell Su’aCoachesu12 trip to Wellington <strong>2010</strong>Our season has fi nally come to an end following our trip to Wellington. Theteam was well behaved throughout the trip. We stayed at the Taraika Maraeand at the Grand Chancellor Hotel where the boys experienced living withteam mates in two different environments outside of their comfort zones.They laughed, joked, made heaps of noise and bonded together. We playedtwo games and connected with two clubs.We achieved our objective of taking the team away playing footy and havingFUN...Parents, if your son seemed a bit bleary eyed on return, all I can say is, whathappens on tour stays on tour.Russell and I thank you for allowing us to take them on the trip; we thank theclub - Pam, Mark Ian and Geoff for their help and support.To Rachel, Richard and Buck from NZRFU, thank you for the tour of HQ – acomment from one of the boys whilst holding the Bledisloe Cup “look I’mholding the same cup that Richie held...” priceless! My son has asked canyou please pass a message on to GH re next year – SBW!To Raj, thank for making it all happen and working right up till the lastminute.Finally to Andrew, Ken, Steve and your teams from MSP and Poneke thankyou for the games and for hosting us, we wish you all the best for the future.And if I’ve missed anyone, thank you.Have a safe holiday.Harry and Russellcity under 12 RestrictedWon 10, Lost 2Points for 439, against 124After a late start the challenge was to get boys from two teams and mould theminto a cohesive unit. With the help of Saun O’Neill as assistant coach and JohnChisholm as manager, we set our goals to build the team up to championshiplevel and have some fun along the way.We had some additional boys join us during the season which bolstered oursquad to 22 keen and enthusiastic players who contributed a variety of skills,matched by commitment.It became apparent that our team had improved because when we faced teamsthat we only just beat in the fi rst round, we won easily the second time we metthem. This was done through strong forward play, quick ball, then spinning theball wide which resulted in long runs and quite often tries being scored.Thanks for the contribution that Toby Ellis and Solomon Wolfgramm made asCaptain and Vice Captain. They also featured at the prize giving along with JackO’Neill for making the Walter Dixon rep side. Jack Connor for Most improvedplayer and Alex Wolf for Sportsman of the Year.Thanks to Willie Gillette who gave me guidance at the beginning of the seasonand Mark Hauser for getting some of the Blues training staff along to trainingwith their expert knowledge.Special thanks to the parents and caregivers who got the boys to trainings andgames, then cheered them on in true Ponsonby spirit. Look forward to seeingyou all next year to compete in Championship Rugby.Finally my thanks to Ponsonby Rugby Club and the Junior Committee for theirhelp and support throughout the yearRussell GantCoachKelston under 12 RestrictedWhat a year <strong>2010</strong> was for our team! We took out the Under 12 RestrictedChampionship and along the way built up a team spirit that will stick in ourhearts for a very long time.The year started off extremely well with some very good acquisitions to analready balanced team. Fitness training played a very important part to thepre-season, with Michael putting them through some very pleasant fi tnessdrills that the boys loved and cried out for. Especially doing the hill - the boyscouldn’t get enough!The fi rst games lined up were against Karaka and Ardmore Marist, ourprovincial cousins. Karaka wanted payback, or further punishment at the endof the season too, when we played them in our last game of the year.The championship was of course our focus and our No. 1 goal was to reachthe fi nal. We had some tough games and some not so tough. But it wascertainly clear this championship was a two horse race with the only twoteams capable of winning it being ourselves and Carlton. Our round robingame was played with plenty of confi dence and even though we only won4Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

15-0 it was a game we could easily have put over 30 on them.The semi-final was against Marist Sacred Heart who we had put over 50 onin the round robin. But the day was terrible and the field at Mt. Welington wasworse. It was certainly a leveller and it wasn’t until the second half that wepulled away and won easily.The final against Carlton was pure excitement! I do not think I could havewished for a better game for the boys to play in and win. To have a Carltonteam that wanted to win as much as we did turned the game into 60 minutesof possible heart problems, which I am sure shaved a few years off my life. Itwas an extremely close game that we won in the end 22-15.We had been planning for this win for several years – since Under 9s to beexact. Other clubs have the benefit of huge numbers playing several trialsto pick their championship teams. I knew we would not have that luxuryat Ponsonby Kelston and that we would have to build our team up to thestandard we needed, so when we got to the championship level we would beable to compete on a level playing field.So in winning this championship it came with plenty of years of planning.Some other facts about the team are that we had 16 Walter Dicksonrepresentatives that covered 7 of the 8 Walter Dickson teams. We had twoplayers make Roller Mills - Edward for Auckland West and Wiseguy forAuckland East. We played 18 and won 18.I would like to thank:• Wrigleys – Philip Hartlet – they have been our sponsor for 3 years. Weare the team we are because of their help• Netini Vaeau – Without Netini we would not have accomplished thewinning of the Championship. Between the two of us over the years wehave been a team! Thanks Netini.• Michael Mau’u – To be honest the real head coach and a good ref. A trueteam man.• Ricky Mafulu – Made our forwards a dominant factor in our grade.• Eroni Clarke – His experience and know-how of ‘been there done that’was invaluable• Geoff Polglase – Valuable asset to the team• Geoff and Lavinia Hurrell, Elizabeth Hurrell (photographer) and GavinWhite (statistician) – Their assistance with this team is very muchappreciated.In summing up, another highlight of the year was Eroni Clarke wearing aPonsonby Tie at team photosCraig WattCoachCity Under 11 Restricted BlueWe retained most of our team from 2009, however with new boys joining weagain had to get back to basics: drills, skills, fitness and tackling and with aclear need to focus on building confidence and bravery, whilst also encouragingthe boys to find their spirit as a team rather than individuals.A few weeks into pre-season we lost a couple of boys to broken arms but itwas great to see them at the games and supporting their team on the sidelines.Ben Sommerville suffered a bad knee injury which meant he had to pull out ofthe whole season. Ben has a huge heart and passion for rugby, is a fantastictackler and we have missed him and his enthusiasm greatly. Finn Ross alsohad to bow out toward the end of the season due to a knee injury. We lookforward to his return next season.Due to low team numbers at registration we were fortunate enough to get 5players from Fergusson Intermediate School: Derek Tangata, Jayden Fereti,Fonu Makira, Michael Ormsby and Bailey Ryan. These boys came with speed,determination and a whole lot of tackling power. They regularly achieved Playerof the Day and Tackler of Day awards and together our whole team steppedup and played some really good rugby.Our experienced players from last year also proved their worth on a weeklybasis. We commend Aly Moaga Sua for again scoring the majority of triesover the season. Seth O’Conner, Reid Walker, Jonty Ruha, Tudreu Davis,Ezra Shnayderman and Tane Wolfgramm all played consistently well. After amid-season move from the backline to the forwards, Joe Kennedy found hisposition and gave it his all every week. There was big heart and improvementthis season from Liam Watters and Lucca Jeanne.It was encouraging to see a couple of our new boys really stepping up andhaving some great games, notably Finn McIntyre and Joe Jacob. Ben Leeves,Luca Menzi-Smith, Nico and Kodi Botica showed us that commitment andtraining hard really can make a difference and settled into their game overthe season, contributing to our overall team effort.Our team improved enormously over the season and each boy individuallyprogressed in their skill and commitment level. We won just over half theseason’s games and I feel very proud of all that the boys have achieved.Special thanks to our coaches Stan Wolfgramm, Sam Ruha and in particularGraham Emery who has gone above and beyond with supporting our 5 boysfrom Fergusson Intermediate. Thank you also to Dorothy and Brian andMaroussia for their help throughout the season. Huge appreciation goes toKorina and Lovelock Fereti and their family for helping out with transport andsupport.And from me, a personal cheer to Naomi Anderson, for setting up andmaintaining the team’s webpage. She has been fabulously consistent inupdating both stats and photos.Finally, I would like to acknowledge the incredible support from all the parents.Many of you unnamed have contributed throughout the season. It’s the sum ofall that makes the Under 11 Restricted Blue team stand strong and proud.Bring on 2011!Julie SmithManagerCity Under 11 Restricted PoniesThis Ponies team is getting stronger every year.The Under 11 Restricted Ponies team had a tougher year than expected withthe jump to full field 15 a-side being a big challenge. We had great hopes ofgetting the boys together early but due to summer sport commitments manyof the team didn’t turn up and some had only had one training session beforethe first game of the season. This coupled with the fact we only trained once aweek meant we were always less prepared than our opposition. Our stars fromprevious years could not cover for the weaker players on a full field. If there isone key learning I took it’s to focus your energy on strengthening the base ofyour team rather than letting the ‘stars’ do everything from an early age.The second half of the season saw the team develop into a much morecompetitive unit. Our better players had the confidence to use their teammates rather than trying to do it all on their own. We developed into a morecohesive and committed unit and we won more games than we lost duringthe last two months.<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>35

Our ‘Player of the Year’ was Richie Bluck who leads from the front with anability and rugby brain well above his age. Watch out for his name in futurerep teams. Other forwards to support him well were Peter Dyer and BransonAitken both Year 7 boys which tends to help up front.We were blessed with some naturally gifted runners in our backline. JacksonSmolenski was our top try scorer for the third consecutive year and seemsto be able to get across the line most Saturdays. Seb Mines pulled off manybone crunching tackles at fi rst fi ve and a new boy, Yannis Barroux, joined usfrom Suburbs. Yannis is very fast with a great step and was a welcome assetto our squad.Overall it was a frustrating year that promised far more than it delivered.Many kids didn’t seem to get to training on time or at all. From a squad of20 players we often went into games with only one sub, which meant somefi rst year rugby players were getting full games. We actually competed wellin most games apart from our games against Marist, Suburbs and Kelston.Results: Won 6, drew 1, lost 8.Looking towards 2011 is an interesting dilemma. From my squad I’ve got 4boys at St Peters, 3 at Kings, 3 at St Kents and there’s a big possibility they’llplay for their schools. After 5 years of coaching the same group of boys itwill be sad to step aside but I’m looking forward to seeing them further theirrugby careers. Whether it’s competitive or non-competitive, hopefully it willbe with the Ponsonby Rugby club.All the best!Luke HowardCoachKelston under 11 RestrictedWhat an awesome season of footy!Moving from 10 players on a ½ fi eld to 15 players on a full fi eld was a bigjump. It proved to be a great leveller and a full team effort was required thewhole time, but our boys were well up to the challenge!We won 14 of our 20 games, which if I’m honest wasn’t quite as good as Iwould have liked, however the games we lost were mostly very close and theboys showed some outstanding form, determination and heart.Our goal for the year was to set ourselves up for the competition roundsnext season, focussing on positional play, defensive/attacking lines andcommunication. We were lucky to have a team with a great attitude to startwith. This enabled them to build a real trust in each other on the fi eld. Whenthe boys sparked they looked unstoppable and scored some phenomenal teamtries, some with Christian Cullen-like fl are.We asked the boys to improve on specifi c skills each week and developed oneof the team sayings, “line in the sand”. The boys continually stepped past thatline from week to week which was a real pleasure to see.Our end of year prize winners were Kiriffi Leilua (Player of the year), FilomoneLatu (Sportsmanship award for entire junior club), Haini Sua (Most improved),Abel Magalogo (Nominated Most Promising Under 11) and Jerry Junior Wilson(Nominated for Best Kicker).I would also like to make special mention of Rey Ebina-Michaels, an outstandingfi rst fi ve with great skills and a good rugby head on his shoulders.Also, special thanks to Shona for her help with the fundraising.So from Mark, Fiona and myself a big cheers to all the parents and supporterswho acted as tackling bags at training and taxis on Saturdays. Thank you allfor your support and we can’t wait to do it all again next year!AndrewCoachcity under 10 openThis was my third year coaching the team. We held our fi rst training on 23rdMarch. This year we wanted to improve the players’ rugby skills so we decided forthe fi rst time to train twice a week. We also decided to put players into positionsso we could establish continuity and team patterns for games.The benefi ts of these changes were evident as the team started to play structuredrugby and play as a unit. It became very apparent during the early part of theseason that the skill level of players was improving - in particular their passing,tackling and ball-retention. The results were also very encouraging with the teamwinning most of their games and scoring many tries.We had a squad of 23 players (two players, Cullen and Siosaia, missed a bigpart of the season due to injury and personal commitments). This year fi ve newplayers joined the team: Alex, Liam, Tyresse, Shivaan and Ophire. The new playersfi tted in well. They all made huge improvements with their general rugby skills.Christian, Amon, and Charlize demonstrated great sportsmanship. Whititera,Neils, Pelesio, and Thomas made huge improvements from last year. In theforwards Ethan, Carlos and Ivan were very consistent in the general aspectsof forward play. In the backs Silver, Byron, Elias and Grayson were also veryconsistent performers and formed a strong combination. Hamdhan and Jacksonboth had an outstanding season. They demonstrated an array of rugby skillsboth on attack and defence.The team enjoyed two activities that involved the players and their families. Thesewere held at UNITEC and the Auckland Rugby High Performance Unit at EdenPark. Another highlight was the team’s personal prize-giving which recognisedeach player’s skill developed during the season.The Player of the Year was awarded to Hamdhan Tuipulotu. Jackson Scanlanwas awarded Best Performer. Byron Merrett-Fatu received Most Improved andPelesio Aho received Sportsmanship honours.I would like to acknowledge the support of the parents, especially those parentswho helped the team during <strong>2010</strong>. My appreciation goes to the managementteam Ray Masila, John Tuitama, and Anita Merrett for their huge effort andsupport during the year. Also thank you to St Pauls College for the use oftheir training grounds and equipment. And thank you to the Club and JuniorCommittee for their support.Finally, I was extremely proud of the team’s efforts this year. I was reallyimpressed with their positive attitude and enthusiasm at each game andtraining session. They never gave up and always tried their best. There was anexcellent rapport amongst the players which was fantastic to see. They werea pleasure to coach!Played 15 Won 10 Drew 1 Lost 4 Scored 101 triesPatrick MasaniCoachCity Under 10 RestrictedPoniesIn their fi rst year as a team, the Ponies squad contained eight players new to thegame. Their inexperience was overcome with great teamwork and a competitivespirit as they produced a memorable fi rst season.Every week the boys continued to develop under the watchful eyes of coachesAndy Bayly and John Matla with guidance from Shane Howarth.The strength of our backs quickly became evident as we scored heavily againstmore established teams. With William Holmes, Terrance Stephens, Tom Solomon,Jack Stenson and Harry Finnigan we saw some outstanding team try scoring.Ethan Rix was an invaluable half back, getting the ball quickly out of the ruckand successfully setting up many of the tries.The forwards became a formidable force lead strongly by Jonty Matla and DevlinHowarth with support from James Hauser, Nathaniel Lewis, Sam Mulcock, HarryAdams and Benjamin Pendreigh.6Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

The two biggest challenges for the team were:• a small squad so most games had no subs meaning the boys’ fitness waskey, and• coming up to speed on tackling skills with many of the boys coming fromsoccer.By season-end the team had really gelled and played exciting rugby for the manyfamily members who turned up week after week to support the boys.Thank you to Nick Stenson for assisting the team in many roles and to BrynnGilbertson for kindly attending the referee course and turning up to many gameswith Theo (and his broken leg!) to support the team.Next year we are looking to build on the success of this season and watch ourtalented young players develop further.Thank you to Management and Organisers of the Club for all your support thisyear.Sandra DanielManagerKelston Under 10 OpenWell we had another great year with all the boys doing their best and greatresults all round.Undoubtedly the highlight of the season was the last game against PapatoetoeBlue which our team won. The boys played with more heart and there were lotsof vocal support from everyone on the sidelines.Thanks to Tony Adams, Chris Haliday, players, parents and supporters for a greatseason and many thanks to Pam, Mark and the Ponsonby club for supplying allthe gear and assistance throughout the year.Daisy Watt and Lata PereiraManagersCity Under 9 Restricted Black<strong>2010</strong> proved to be a season that tested this large team of 21, both in termsof rugby and ensuring game time and development for the boys. However, theboys and their supportive parents stepped up and ensured we had a systemthat everybody believed in. Thanks to Jo for her fantastic sideline managementand to the parents who kept the boys warm and limber while they were on thesidelines with some well thought out drills.Trainings were well attended, even in the depths of winter! Thanks to Glenn whoably assisted with the coaching, including running some trainings when workcommitments prevented Brent’s attendance. Games were also well attendedand it was great to have such strong (and often vocal!) sideline support fromparents. Great to also have a number of parents in this team training up as refs- your time will come!!The game results were mixed, with a number of tough games lost by narrowmargins - the team was slow to start and then made a number of inspiringsecond-half comebacks. The team featured a number of players new to rugbyand some welcome additions from other clubs. The new players developedquickly and by season’s end had integrated well with the more experiencedteam members.A number of boys, particularly the new players, were played in several positionsto boost their development and learning. Scoring tries was never a problem forthis team and when our defence was as strong the results were winning ones!One of the season’s highlights was a warm up session and game with All BlackAli Williams, donated by a team family who bid and won Ali at a fundraiser! Theboys had a great morning, with the weather playing its part. Ali demanded, andreceived, a strong second-half effort. Rewards followed with the boys devouringa great morning tea put on by the parents down at Cox’s Bay.This team developed great spirit and was a pleasure to be involved with.Many thanks to manager, Nicola, and referee Shane, both tough jobs wellperformed.Brent MetsonCoachCity Under 9 Restricted BlueThe City Under 9 Blue team had another great year. Despite the high calibre ofopposition encountered throughout the season the team did not lose one gameand were proud to be undefeated for the season.Experienced players from last year – Ben Megson, Kisione Cocker-Valu, NoahLogan, Bryant Eteaki, Harry Fane, Aris Tumuenua, Michael Solomona, ZacO’Meagher, Ben Seavill and Kepueli Tahifote all performed very well. Theydisplayed and developed very good passing, side-stepping and tackling skillsand all scored some excellent tries.Newcomers to the team added spark and firepower. Matthew Taufa, WilliamCaltaux and William Gibson scored many outstanding tries. Fergus Nix and RyanRuha fought hard in the tight.Special thanks to Manager Dave Fane for his efficient organisation, enthusiasmand humour. Also thank you to Joe Solomona for his help with coaching. It wasgreat to see wonderful support from the parents and grandparents on each gameday. Looking forward to seeing you all next year.Bryan MegsonCoachKelston Under 9 OpenA great season for our PK Open Under 9s. We had 13 players returning from2009. It is rewarding watching the skills improve both individually as well astheir ability to play as a team.In addition to a couple of new faces in our backline, Rylee controlled play with hisrunning, passing and superb vision, Safiti had strong defence, Konrad used histwinkly toes, Altar had speed, Mika and The “I” twins (Isaac and Izaac) producedbarnstorming runs, Masiva and Frankie never failed to support play with their fieldobservation and lastly not forgetting Va’a was eager to “get in there”.After a slow start to the season from our forwards they kicked into their own “4games later”. However it was pleasing to see the forwards Loyalty, Sione L, Marceland Ben, stepping up to lead strongly from the front, allowing our backline to takeadvantage of the ball and score some great tries. Special mention to our newbies,TJ, Keanu, Elijah, Randolph and Sione M, for their contribution to the team andcomplimenting our forwards. Impressive for the first year of rugby!Finally, the parents, as expected, there all season round without a doubt. It wouldnot have been possible without your continuous support.Well done boys. We have thoroughly enjoyed every Thursday and Saturday!Bring on 2011!Elsie and RickyManager and CoachCity Under 8 Restricted BlackBen Smith - The Raging Bull. Great with the ball in hand, had an eye for the gapand if there was no gap then he’d just run over the top of them. A dominantfigure all year.<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>37

Brooke Vile - Merhts. The consummate professional and ultimate rugby technician.Every touch of the ball, every pass and every darting run were executed withprecision and accuracy. With a rugby brain beyond his years his decision makingwas impeccable all season.Gabriel Boshier - Halfback extraordinaire. Found his place in the team with somegood passing and well timed runs from the base of the scrum.Gabriel Ross - Mr Utility was just as at home in the front row as on the wing.Really came into his own in the latter part of the season and discovered the oldspeed to grab some well taken tries.Jack Duncan - The Turnover King. Made the rucks his own all season, the ultimatenumber 6 prepared to do the dirty work, tackled all day and proved the ultimatelink between forwards and backs.Jett Robertson - The Jett Fighter had the afterburners on full speed all season.Uncatchable once the opposition’s defensive line had been broken. Somefantastic work on defence throughout the season making for a top year froma top player.Joe Taylor - Smoking Joe was smoking hot all season. Decisive with ball inhand and punishing in the tackle he left his mark on every game. A top seasonall round.Lucas Bennett - A revelation with the move to the forwards mid season. Full ofvigour and enthusiasm and able to make a real impact when he hits the rucks.Look for an outstanding season to continue next year.Max Dunshea - Max the Unstoppable. A powerhouse up front, he worked hardall season and fronted for every game. Great straight running, ripping and a realmenace to the opposition in the rucks and mauls.Max Hackshaw - Another bruising season from the team’s southern man. Lookedbest with ball in hand and knows only one way to the try line. Another fantasticcontribution this season. Look forward to more of the same next year.Ollie McFarlane - Twinkles Toes carried on from last year remaining explosiveon the outside plus added a penetrating inside cut to his repertoire. Fearlessin the tackle, Ollie was one of the best cover defenders in the grade stoppingmany tries.Oscar Kingan - The Wall!! Says it all. Easily the best tackler in the grade andan invaluable contribution to the team from start to fi nish. Great season fromThe Wall.Samuel Snell - Side stepping Sammy got better and better with every game.Some great running with the ball in hand and a fearless tackler. Added a greatpassing game to his repertoire to make for the perfect player.Tanner Austin - Mr Go Forward. His confi dence grew as the season progressed.Did a great job taking the ball up with some straight and direct running. Will bean invaluable asset to the team next year and beyond.Nick VileCoachcity under 8 Restricted blueWhat a great season! The combination of experienced old timers (some teammembers have already played three seasons of rugby) and new high-energyplayers (some who were converts from the other beautiful game) meant thatthe boys were UNDEFEATED in <strong>2010</strong>. Our fi rst 2 – 3 games were focused onlearning the basics with the coaches, Ray Fa’aofo and Leon Wijohn, teachingthe boys how to tackle and pass and how to lay the ball back when tackled.The benefi ts of having two coaches should not be underestimated; it meant theplayers were exposed to different ideas and that training sessions were nevercancelled because of coach’s commitments. A key coaching strategy was tobuild confi dence in individuals whilst simultaneously encouraging the boys towork and act as a team. The team scored 97 tries in 13 games for an averageof 7.5 tries per game and only conceded 40 tries (we may need to do a littlemore work on our defence and tackling).ROLL OF HONOUR:• Angus Chisholm for showing great heart and always going forward (wantsto be a back and could be if he does some speed work over the summer)• Denzal Collings who grew in confi dence through the season and became afi ghting forward.• Mr Improvement (Ryan Leroy-Dyson) who hung in there despite a numberof injuries• Jaiden (alias Bunce) Lindsay who regularly cut up the opposition with hisfantastic straight running• Tuanu Lindsay who at only 6 years old showed great courage against the‘always bigger boys’• James McKinney our speedster who other teams found very hard to catch• Peter Morris who developed into our super-sub and impact player and whosehigh passes caused us both joy and heartache• Mr Determination, Flynn O’Loughlin, whose attitude and efforts wereimpressive throughout the season• Daniel Otuafi who proved to be a strong, rugged go-forward forward• Grayson (commitment) Schwalger who ran great lines and never gave up• Jairus Swann a fast and focused fi rst fi ve who can also tackle• Luke Muir a small lion-hearted forward whose season ended early, but whothen became our best supporter• Luke (nee Going) Wijohn, a great support player and distributor of the ball• Also the awesome tiny tackler and ball retention expert, Joshua (I will notlet the ball go) Ahfar• Finally, Isaac (The Dive) Curtin-Symes, a great utility player whose acrobaticsshould have caused an injury.A big thank you to all the parents, extended whanau and supporters. The seasonwould have been impossible without you, your great encouragement, goodhumour, and fanatical one-eyed interpretation of the refereeing of some of ourgames. To our coaches Ray Fa’aofo and Leon Wijohn, our boundless appreciationfor giving their time and knowledge and turning our ragtag bunch of individualistsinto a successful rugby team.Finally, I would like to commend the boys on their positive attitude and their neversay die approach to the game. This attitude was epitomized in a great matchagainst another Ponsonby team (who shall remain nameless) when we weredown 20-nil early in the fi rst half, but came back and showed a lot of heart towin 35-30. We hope to see you all back next year.Craig SymesManagercity under 7 cityWe began the season with a 14 strong team of keen players, 9 of whom hadplayed together the previous year and ended the season with a team of happyand enthusiastic players. Coaches Tim Farman and Jeremy Hope once againled many fun practices and fostered a great team spirit.The scores did not always go our way but every week we had most, if not all,players turn up raring to go and by far the most support on the sideline. As theseason progressed and the fi elds got muddier the team seemed to up their gameand relish the rain and the sliding provided by the wet conditions underfoot.Highlights of the season were Phoebe scoring her fi rst try, Coach Jeremy’s halftime talks, Nicholas improving with every game, Reagan throwing himself at everyrip, Fred diving for the line, Tom’s run-away try, Ethan weaving his way to thetry line, Arch charging straight into the tackles, Wes getting ripping, Josh takingto the game like a natural, Isaac running through the whole fi eld of opposition,Toby getting a run on, Madoc scoring tries, Coach Tim’s unwavering fairness atrefereeing and George running, ripping and rolling over the try line. To sum theseason up: everyone getting ball time and being involved. You were all a pleasureto watch and you should all be very proud of the way you played.A huge thank you goes out to the parents and families for making sure thatnot only did the team players get to practice and the games, but they had fullsupport. Thank you to our cheerleading team of 4 year old little sisters (and thesubs on the sideline). Thank you to our fabulous coaches for their patience andpersistence.Thank you for a great season.Sonya LawsonManager8Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

City Under 7 WhiteWhat a great season we had! Excluding the pre-season games we had 7 wins,2 draws and 3 losses. We got better and better with each game. Two thirds ofthe way through the season we were at the top of the table. We averaged over12 tries per game across the season.One of the hardest things was to manage the 15 players who were all keen toplay. Fortunately I had great support from the parents who helped with subbing,keeping the statistics and cheering the team on.A big thanks to Lee Shaw, our coach who made sure the kids got their trainingin even in the rain and wind. Thanks to our great team including Ella Metson forbeing our Best Sportsperson, Luka Clayton for Skilled play, Ben Cook our Mostimproved Tackler, Tom Firmin Player of the Year, Riley Fong for reliability, RileyGraham Most Improved award, Bailey Paki for consistent tackling and try scoring,Harper Jordan for a fantastic last game run away try, Chris Lissington for hisenthusiasm, Taj Mangan for loyalty, Gus Morrow for consistent tackling, HarryOlsen for his run away tries, Tama Puletiuatoa for Best Performed award, BrooklynRock-Murdoch for being fearless and Fynnley Shaw for supporting his dad.Thanks again to the Ponsonby club for your excellent support and organisationwhich made our job so much easier.Jo DaviesManagerCity Under 6 PoniesWith a big squad of 13 boys aged from 4 to almost 6, we had a mix of absolutebeginners and some players in their second year of rugby. The goal for the seasonwas to blend this together as a team. As second year coaches we had an idea ofwhat drills and skill exercises worked with the team. Being boys, basically anythingthat pitted themselves against each other with a ball seemed to work.As the confidence of the coaches and team grew over the season, practiceevolved from keeping a straight line of defence and attack through to sidestepping and swerving cones. As much as you tried to explain the benefits ofrunning into gaps and moving forward, real progress was only made when theboys saw this in action and it was proven with a rising try tally. Coaches getimmense satisfaction from seeing the boys understand and then apply an ideaon the paddock. The games where they used swerves and side steps to runthemselves into gaps rather than running backwards, sideways, backwards abit more, before going forward to find space is a coach’s nirvana.As a result of the boys being eager to learn anything that would lead to themscoring more tries, the Under 6 Ponies had a very successful season, with a fewof them dotting down over 20 times. The team’s leading try scorers includedJago Birley, Xavier Box, Oscar Cottrell, Nick Tapper, Charlie Miller, Max Johnsonand Henry Kaye. Some boys had a natural flair and drive for defending andCole Bradford and Jonathan Creak were never far from a ripper. The youngermembers of the team, Ned Shearer, Jeremy Creak, Vincent Penman and HenryMcPherson would always have a sense of pride when given the ball to makethose valuable yards. As their confidence grew, so too did their participation anddistance covered. These runs generated as much encouragement from theirteam mates as it did from the side lines.We would like to thank the parents for their support in taking the boys topractice and games and for the vocal support on the sidelines. I know that theboys get a real “buzz” when they see all the excited parents on the sidelinesshouting and cheering. After each run or rip they look to the sidelines for bothacknowledgement and endorsement. It made the season a lot easier having agreat bunch of parents who were simply pleased to see their boys participating,playing as a team and most of all enjoying themselves.As coaches we got to know each boy pretty well over the past season and theparents should be just as proud of them as we are. They have been a pleasureto coach.Jody KayeCoachCity Under 6 BlackA great season for the boys. They entered each and every game with enthusiasm,energy and excitement. This was the first year playing for all of them and I amcertain we will see most of them back again next year. A few of them alreadyhave aspirations to becoming All Blacks so watch this space.We went from pulling each other’s tags off and running in the completely wrongdirection and often outside the field, to being a really skilled little team. The abilityto soak up new information, skills and rules was astounding. The parents oftencommented on the improvement each week. The boys quickly learned the art ofpassing the ball once they’d been tagged and catching the opposition off guardwhich clearly meant the ultimate of scoring a try. The boys also got adept atgetting the tags off however they always seemed better at pulling each other’stags off before the game than when they were playing.Special thanks would have to go out to Craig Hall (coach) who seemed to havethe ability to get the boys to listen which is no mean feat, given there were 13very energetic boys, but he was always fair and made sure they enjoyed theseason. For the parents this was the most important aspect of the boys playing.Winning or losing it was important that they had fun.Overall a very enjoyable and relaxed season. Certainly looking forward to thenext and watching the boys grow and develop both in their rugby and witheach other.Natalie LyonsManagerCity Under 6 BlueWith most of the 14 players in the Under 6 Blue being new to rugby we had agreat season, coming third on the competition ladder. Not bad considering mostof them were four when the season started.There was a great mix of boys who got on really well. They were also incrediblywelcoming to Ayden who arrived late in the season, making him feel right athome.Our coach Hugh got stuck in right from the start with plenty of running, passingand ripping, just what a group of boys need and I’m sure they will all rememberhow to be the ‘glue man’ next season. Our assistant coaches, Hugo and Warren,were fantastic at stepping in when needed, carrying on from trainings, continuingto make the kids’ confidence soar. Also thanks to our assistant manager Toniwho leapt into action when needed.The progression during the year has been really great to watch and our loyalband of parents, carers, family and friends have been awesome support. Asmanager I can’t thank them all enough.Our top try scorer with an amazing 47 tries was Jabez Barwig-Uini and comingup behind him was George Tuitavake with 37. Several other players were justhitting their stride at the end of the season and I look forward to many triesfrom them next year.With the money earned from the club raffle we booked the boys into YMCA for anend of year party that was all running, bouncing, jumping and wrestling fun.A great season with a really great group of kids and I hope to see most of themback next seasonKarley CampbellManager<strong>2010</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong> 39

city under 6 cityThis year saw some of our players from 2009 move to the Under 7s however weretained fi ve players from the squad – it was great to see Cyan, Jed, Juelz, Lexand Zavier back. We welcomed Alizae, Regan and his younger brother Charlie,George, Lucky, Soul and Zac to the team.Coach Chantal (Shorty) Baker was back on deck with help from Assistant Coach(and brother) Cale Baker. We also took a new team name this season havingpreviously been Ponsonby White. It was fantastic to have everyone on board,especially the parents who are always offering to lend a hand and of courseour awesome Grandparents who are our biggest supporters and our loudestcheerleaders!The team grew and advanced in their skills week by week with Shorty addingintensity and expecting more from the players who were “seasoned players”.The new additions showed no hesitation in keeping up and the results showedon the scoreboard each Saturday. The season ended with 13 games played, 2defaults (mainly due to Auckland weather), one draw and one loss. A fantasticresult which saw us top of the table in the Ponsonby Junior Team Section.Juelz again lead the way not only as top try scorer for the season but also Playerof the Year for <strong>2010</strong>. Lex, Regan George and Lucky also contributed substantiallyon the scoreboard weekly.It was great to watch players over the season and see their understanding of thegame develop. Soul, Jed, Zavier and Zac were all key members of the team withour youngest player Charlie showing what a great asset he will be as a playeras well as a personality in years to come.The end of season team trophies were awarded as follows:Player of the Year – Juelz BakerBest Sportsmanship – Alizae KumtoaMost Improved Player – Cyan TuckerHighlights included a visit from Ponsonby Premier, Auckland and Blues Player– Chris Lowrey. The team was very excited to have him with us for a game– giving the boys guidance and encouragement and some valuable (secret) rugbyskills. We were also extremely fortunate to be selected for a segment with SmallBlacks TV for their “Small Blacks on Tour” which focused on the parents behindthe scenes, the VIP’s (Very Important Parents). It was amazing fun to work withsuch a great team of people behind the scenes of Small Blacks and of courseJason, who was truly amazing with the boys! The team loved every minute ofit and thankfully while being fi lmed we managed to secure a win – which isalways good for the camera!A huge thank you again to the team for their efforts with the raffl e ticketfundraising. Lex’s family gave us a run for selling the most again, but won handsdown. We did an awesome job, raising $450 which enabled the boys to receivea Ponsonby Rugby polar fl eece vest at the end of the season with the proceedsand a sweetener for the coach so hopefully she will be back next year.A big thank you to everyone at Ponsonby Rugby, especially the Junior Committeefor their support this year. To the boys for an amazing season – you were apleasure to coach and manage. A huge thank you to the VIPs: the Coaches,Manager and the team enthusiasts (parents/family), who turn up every week inthe cold, the rain and the mud. It was worth it. See you in 2011!Joanne EdmondsManagercity under 6 Springs<strong>2010</strong> saw a fresh crop of rugby players join the Ponies club. The Springs teamwas made up of boys who were entirely new to rugby from ages 4 - 6. The seasonstart saw the team learn the basics of ripper rugby and it took a fair while for thelads to catch on that there were sidelines that they had to stay within.The favourite Thursday training drill to start was to “play the parents”. TheThursday training sessions had great turn-outs every week and the resultsshowed on the fi eld when we started to score tries and win games. The emphasisthough was on introducing the boys to rugby as a fun sport and there sure wasa lot of fun had at training and during the skill building games. Bull rush was afi rm favourite and the boys defi nitely picked up many skills like “turn and pass”,defence and swerving to score tries.Congratulations go to Louis Anderson-Sellar for our “Best Player” award for<strong>2010</strong>. Louis scored many tries and was also very good on defence, savingmany tries from being scored. Lukas Stamers-Smith was awarded our “MostImproved Player” award. I hear Lukas now only watches rugby on TV as heis an avid fan of the game and it was great to see him improve to be a greatripper and scorer of tries. Jack Lithgow was our “Best Performed” player. Hescored many great tries and can defi nitely run like the wind. Andrew Samuelsgot our “Sportsmanship” award as he was at every training and at every gamewith a smile on his face. He scored some great tries as the season was ending.That shows character.The rest of our boys played really well all season. Carlos Morrison-McIver scoreda breakaway try against Marist; Finn Evans loved to defend and will forever beremembered holding aloft his fi rst rip yelling out he got a “rip”! Jack Trickett lovedto run smiling when ball was in hand, even when he scored his tries. Jack Irelandfound a turn of speed to score several tries and Elliot Ireland loved chasing his bigbrother. Mathew Hucker’s smile when he got Player of the Day was outstandingand Levi Hartley’s smile when he ran and passed the ball without getting rippedwas the best. Sam Paranihi scored one of the season’s best away tries againstEden and fi nally, little Red Lithgow also managed to cross the line. I expect we’llsee more of Red barrelling up the middle in coming years.No team is complete without its manager and our manager Nicola Pye wasfantastic, even taking over coaching duties when I was away and Will had troublekeeping the boys under control. A big shout out to Nicola for organising all ofour oranges, sweets, awards and even arranging sponsorship (thanks to Electrixand Buy this Car for jackets for our boys). It’s not easy keeping 13 kids at bayat the end of the game when you are holding a bag full of lollies.City Under 6 Springs was also lucky to have an assistant coach and Will Stamers-Smith was always there helping the boys learn some valuable rugby skills. Infact the team had its fi rst win under the guidance of Will’s hands. Thanks Willfor all the support.Thanks also to the parents, our supporters who were at trainings and gamesweek in and week out. We had great sideline support and I hope it continues.It was a great start to rugby for the Under 6 Springs team and I was proud ofthe effort, the progress and of the fun that we all had.Mike ParanihiCoachKelston under 6 PoniesA great year for the kids! We had a large team this year with many in theirsecond year in the Under 6s. The boys with us last year kick started the yearand led the way.Siolo Fruean (future All Black!) led from the front, was always there to takethe off-load and his burst of pace never failed to score. Karlos and HaarePewhairangi-Charlie were always amongst the play and astounded us all withtheir amazing side stepping ability and pace.There was some remarkable change in effort throughout the year as theenthusiasm grew - Harry Muir, Ciaran Meredith and Lachlan Holt spring tomind - well done guys!Saturday mornings were eagerly awaited by all and we had some great closelyfought games. There looks to be some real talent coming through the club forthe future.Congratulations to our prizewinners: Siolo Fruean – Player of the Year, Harry Muir- Most Improved, Ciaran Meredith - Best Performed and Karlos Pewhairangi-Charlie – Sportsmanship.Brendon MuirCoach40 Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

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Ponsonby District Rugby Football Club (Inc.)

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