Sale :: March 2, 2013 - Bouchard Livestock International

Sale :: March 2, 2013 - Bouchard Livestock International Sale :: March 2, 2013 - Bouchard Livestock International
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24 Jan 2012 :: BPG773507 :: Polled/S PBBW - 96 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 945 lbsRC STINGER 072KTNT GUNNER N208TNT MISS HONEY L9Sire: TNT POWER SURGE T404PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKERGSR MS JOKER 113LGSR MS THRILLER 934JTNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137MRL HURRICANE 27RMRL MISS 443NDam: MRL MISS 546UER RED DECK 639DMISS MRL 774KKWD MS BOJANGLE 42GCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK3.1 5.1 53.9 87.2 5.8 36.8 9.8Scurred, Hetro Black. This has been one of our favouritesand a standout all summer long in the pasture and all fall inthe pen. Sired by the incomparable Power Surge bull who hasdefinitely left his mark on our herd and on the bottom side, no doubt,a power cow family. A Hurricane daughter out of our 774K donor cow.This is a who’s who pedigree at MRL. These genetics are flat fool proof.Cowboys have a look, his performance numbers rank him in the top 2% of thebreed and maternal numbers are outstanding. Moderate birth and an actual ww of945 the end of August. This is what our breeding program is all about!24 Jan 2012 :: BPG773514 :: Polled PBBW - 95 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 905 lbsRC STINGER 072KTNT GUNNER N208TNT MISS HONEY L9Sire: TNT POWER SURGE T404PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKERGSR MS JOKER 113LGSR MS THRILLER 934JTNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137TH BLACK EDITION 8RBBN MS BLACK LADY 28HDam: MRL MISS 369TGW LUCKY DICE 187HMRL MISS 748RMRL MISS 487NCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK6.1 2.2 35.5 60.1 4.8 26.6 8.8The Power Surge progeny have been popular, both bullsand females. He has sired out top selling bulls the past coupleof years and his daughters have averaged almost $21000 onthe few we have parted with. On the dams side, a beautiful BlackEdition daughter back to the productive 748R cow one of our favouritecows and dam again this year to a headliner in the Predator group Lot52. Awesome pedigree here and a 905lb actual ww end of August on this lateJanuary calf.15 Jan 2012 :: BPG773509 :: Polled PB 24 Jan 2012 :: BPG773505 :: Polled PB 25 Jan 2012 :: BPG773501 :: Polled PBBW - 80 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 770 lbs BW - 98 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 850 lbs BW - 92 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 870 lbsRC STINGER 072KTNT GUNNER N208TNT MISS HONEY L9Sire: TNT POWER SURGE T404PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKERGSR MS JOKER 113LGSR MS THRILLER 934JTNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137TH BLACK EDITION 8RBBN MS BLACK LADY 28HDam: MRL MISS 830WBBS ZIMA D55MRL MISS 290MMISS SNAPSHOT 20GCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK4.4 3.2 39.0 60.7 4.9 23.6 4.1A direct son of the Power Surge sire out of a cow familythat leaves them extra stout year after year. His damis one of three powerful sisters out of the super 290Mcow family working at the ranch. A combination ofperformance, calving ease and maternal strength in thispedigree.Blk SimPage 16RC STINGER 072KR PLUS 2169MTNT GUNNER N208KOP STOCKMAN 134STNT MISS HONEY L9KOP RED LADY 9NSire: TNT POWER SURGE T404 Dam: MRL MISS 543UPVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKERLFE RED HEMI 391NGSR MS JOKER 113LMRL MISS 715RGSR MS THRILLER 934JMISS MRL 525HCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK5.1 2.9 39.2 65.0 5.8 29.2 9.6The Power Surge sons have been popular the last coupleof years and for good reason they are fabulous cattle. Thisfella boasts impressive numbers across the board with thatflawless Power Surge phenotype and a beautiful dam andtop cow family. His dam raised a headliner red bull goingto Mark Conzelman through our SUS program in 2011.Grab hold of a Power Surge son before it’s too late! Twin.RC STINGER 072KTNT GUNNER N208TNT MISS HONEY L9Sire: TNT POWER SURGE T404PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKERGSR MS JOKER 113LGSR MS THRILLER 934JLCHMN BODYBUILDERLFE RED HEMI 391NLFE SHEILA 656JDam: MRL MISS 909SIPU REDWOOD 19FMISS MRL 676JMISS MRL 230ECE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK5.1 3.1 36.6 61.2 5.8 23.9 5.6Performance genetics here with a moderate bw andstrong maternal values. This powerful black bull siredby the popular Power Surge bull boasted an actual wwof 870 lbs the end of August and traces way back to ourstrongest full blood cow family on the bottom side.19th Annual McMillen Bull Sale :: Ma

26 Jan 2012 :: BPG773528 :: Polled PBBW - 110 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 850 lbsLAZY S BLACK 29NR PLUS BLACKEDGESUN STAR MISS DRIVESire: LFE BS LEWIS 322ULFE BOMBSHELL 508NLFE BS MS ARNOLD 135SLFE MISS ARNOLD 90PLAZY S RED HAWK 189KTNT THUNDERSTRUCK M264TNT MISS JENNIFER G79Dam: MRL MISS 589PBBS ZIMA D55MRL MISS 287MMISS MRL 662JCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK4.1 4.9 38.3 54.3 5.8 27.1 7.9Hetro Black. A direct son of the popular Stubby bullback to one of our elite red cow families. The dam isa beautiful Thunderstruck cow tracing back to our 662Jdonor cow. She has raised several headliners including a leadoff heifer calf last spring to Come AS UR Simmentals for $6750(Kevin spotted the cow touring dams last spring and had to own herdaughter). A super pedigree on this headliner in the black pen. Provengenetics is what pays the bills for the commercial cowboys.24 Jan 2012 :: BPG773519 :: Polled PBBW - 102 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 850 lbsRC STINGER 072KTNT GUNNER N208TNT MISS HONEY L9Sire: TNT POWER SURGE T404PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKERGSR MS JOKER 113LGSR MS THRILLER 934JRW BOMBER 8HTNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137OPPS WIS GM2Dam: MRL MISS 842SBH LIMITED BLACK 015KMRL MISS 447NJAV MS MINISTER 3FCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK2.6 5.1 42.7 66.1 5.5 28.0 6.6The 824S cow does it again! She raised a top bull forthe Wilsons her first try and a feature bull in 2010 goingto Ekstrum Simmentals in SD. He is surpassing theirexpectations siring their top calves as well has progeny in othertop programs in the Dakotas. This year’s headliner is by theawesome Power Surge bull. If you don’t have a Power Surge son yetgrab one while you can. He has impressed everyone that has seen himand his progeny both male and female have been the talk of the town.We have kept his genetics totally exclusive to MRL. Breed leading sire,superb proven cow family here.2 Jan 2012 :: BPG770019 :: Polled PB 3 Jan 2012 :: BPG775270 :: Polled PB 11 Feb 2012 :: BPG773497 :: Polled PBBW - 95 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 870 lbs BW-80 lbs :: Aug 31 WT- 840 lbs BW - 95 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 710 lbsTNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137TNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137TH BLACK EDITION 8RTH BLACK EDITION 8RBBN MS BLACK LADY 28HBBN MS BLACK LADY 28HSire: MRL STORM 140T Dam: MRL MISS 481ULCHMN BODYBUILDER 7303FHC POWER DRIVE 88HMRL MISS 431NMRL MISS 302MMISS MRL 743JWFL BLACK LADY 505HCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK7.1 2.3 28.2 55.9 6.3 22.8 8.7A black Storm son here that is Hetro black and most likelyhomo polled. Once again our most elite red cow familyon the top side and our most elite black cow family on thebottom side of the pedigree. Full brothers to this fellas damtopped our 09 bull sale going to Kenner Simmentals ND asthe high seller for $20000 and other full siblings to HandfordSimmentals and Casey Claffey. A stout, hairy, solid herd bullprospect here combining our top genetics.RW BOMBER 8HTNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137OPPS WIS GM2Sire: TH BLACK EDITION 8RSARGE C3070BBN MS BLACK LADY 28HBBN MISS FANCY 01EHOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38KMRL RED FORCE 12UMRL MISS 824SDam: MRL MISS 450XLAZY S RED HAWK 189KIPU RED SATIN 177MTNT MISS REDLINE E156CE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK11.1 -1.5 21.8 40.1 5.8 20.8 9.9A calving ease specialist here by Black Edition out of anET daughter of Red Force back to the 177M donor. Thisfella’s dam is a full sister to our high selling red bull in2011 MRL 67X at $20000. A pedigree here that willcertainly work.rch 2, 2013 :: 1PM :: Carievale, SKTNT GUNNER N208TNT DYNAMITE BLACKTNT POWER SURGE T404TH BLACK EDITION 8RGSR MS JOKER 113LBBN MS BLACK LADY 28HSire: MRL HAMMER 125X Dam: MRL MISS 730WLCHMN BODYBUILDER 7303FLRS RED REALITY 33JMRL MISS 443NMRL MISS302TMISS MRL 743JMRL MISS 683PCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK6.6 1.9 33.2 59.0 4.0 23.5 6.9Hammer adds another dimension to our breedingprogram combining the Power Surge and 443N genetics.2 of the most elite in the breed today. This fellas damraised a top Shear Force son last year for Chris Roppeland has done it again this year with this moderate, stoutHammer son with a great disposition.Page 17Blk Sim

26 Jan 2012 :: BPG773528 :: Polled PBBW - 110 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 850 lbsLAZY S BLACK 29NR PLUS BLACKEDGESUN STAR MISS DRIVESire: LFE BS LEWIS 322ULFE BOMBSHELL 508NLFE BS MS ARNOLD 135SLFE MISS ARNOLD 90PLAZY S RED HAWK 189KTNT THUNDERSTRUCK M264TNT MISS JENNIFER G79Dam: MRL MISS 589PBBS ZIMA D55MRL MISS 287MMISS MRL 662JCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK4.1 4.9 38.3 54.3 5.8 27.1 7.9Hetro Black. A direct son of the popular Stubby bullback to one of our elite red cow families. The dam isa beautiful Thunderstruck cow tracing back to our 662Jdonor cow. She has raised several headliners including a leadoff heifer calf last spring to Come AS UR Simmentals for $6750(Kevin spotted the cow touring dams last spring and had to own herdaughter). A super pedigree on this headliner in the black pen. Provengenetics is what pays the bills for the commercial cowboys.24 Jan 2012 :: BPG773519 :: Polled PBBW - 102 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 850 lbsRC STINGER 072KTNT GUNNER N208TNT MISS HONEY L9Sire: TNT POWER SURGE T404PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKERGSR MS JOKER 113LGSR MS THRILLER 934JRW BOMBER 8HTNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137OPPS WIS GM2Dam: MRL MISS 842SBH LIMITED BLACK 015KMRL MISS 447NJAV MS MINISTER 3FCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK2.6 5.1 42.7 66.1 5.5 28.0 6.6The 824S cow does it again! She raised a top bull forthe Wilsons her first try and a feature bull in 2010 goingto Ekstrum Simmentals in SD. He is surpassing theirexpectations siring their top calves as well has progeny in othertop programs in the Dakotas. This year’s headliner is by theawesome Power Surge bull. If you don’t have a Power Surge son yetgrab one while you can. He has impressed everyone that has seen himand his progeny both male and female have been the talk of the town.We have kept his genetics totally exclusive to MRL. Breed leading sire,superb proven cow family here.2 Jan 2012 :: BPG770019 :: Polled PB 3 Jan 2012 :: BPG775270 :: Polled PB 11 Feb 2012 :: BPG773497 :: Polled PBBW - 95 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 870 lbs BW-80 lbs :: Aug 31 WT- 840 lbs BW - 95 lbs :: Aug 31 WT - 710 lbsTNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137TNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137TH BLACK EDITION 8RTH BLACK EDITION 8RBBN MS BLACK LADY 28HBBN MS BLACK LADY 28HSire: MRL STORM 140T Dam: MRL MISS 481ULCHMN BODYBUILDER 7303FHC POWER DRIVE 88HMRL MISS 431NMRL MISS 302MMISS MRL 743JWFL BLACK LADY 505HCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK7.1 2.3 28.2 55.9 6.3 22.8 8.7A black Storm son here that is Hetro black and most likelyhomo polled. Once again our most elite red cow familyon the top side and our most elite black cow family on thebottom side of the pedigree. Full brothers to this fellas damtopped our 09 bull sale going to Kenner Simmentals ND asthe high seller for $20000 and other full siblings to HandfordSimmentals and Casey Claffey. A stout, hairy, solid herd bullprospect here combining our top genetics.RW BOMBER 8HTNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137OPPS WIS GM2Sire: TH BLACK EDITION 8RSARGE C3070BBN MS BLACK LADY 28HBBN MISS FANCY 01EHOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38KMRL RED FORCE 12UMRL MISS 824SDam: MRL MISS 450XLAZY S RED HAWK 189KIPU RED SATIN 177MTNT MISS REDLINE E156CE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK11.1 -1.5 21.8 40.1 5.8 20.8 9.9A calving ease specialist here by Black Edition out of anET daughter of Red Force back to the 177M donor. Thisfella’s dam is a full sister to our high selling red bull in2011 MRL 67X at $20000. A pedigree here that willcertainly work.rch 2, <strong>2013</strong> :: 1PM :: Carievale, SKTNT GUNNER N208TNT DYNAMITE BLACKTNT POWER SURGE T404TH BLACK EDITION 8RGSR MS JOKER 113LBBN MS BLACK LADY 28HSire: MRL HAMMER 125X Dam: MRL MISS 730WLCHMN BODYBUILDER 7303FLRS RED REALITY 33JMRL MISS 443NMRL MISS302TMISS MRL 743JMRL MISS 683PCE BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK6.6 1.9 33.2 59.0 4.0 23.5 6.9Hammer adds another dimension to our breedingprogram combining the Power Surge and 443N genetics.2 of the most elite in the breed today. This fellas damraised a top Shear Force son last year for Chris Roppeland has done it again this year with this moderate, stoutHammer son with a great disposition.Page 17Blk Sim

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