INTRASTAT - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije

INTRASTAT - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije INTRASTAT - Statistični urad Republike Slovenije


REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIAINTRASTATGuide for the implementation ofXML messages and security functionsXML SecurityFor PSIs, TDPs and developers of software equipment for thepurpose of reporting for Intrastat in the Republic of SloveniaLJUBLJANA, 17.8.2010

REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Guide for the implementation ofXML messages and security functionsXML SecurityFor PSIs, TDPs and developers of software equipment for thepurpose of reporting for Intrastat in the Republic of SloveniaLJUBLJANA, 17.8.2010


GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>TABLE OF CONTENT1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 81.1 ABOUT THE DOCUMENT...........................................................................................................81.2 IMPLEMENTATION DEADLINES ...............................................................................................82. BASIS....................................................................................................................................... 92.1 LEGAL BASIS ...............................................................................................................................92.2 STANDARDS USED, SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...............................103. ELECTRONIC REPORTING FOR <strong>INTRASTAT</strong>.................................................................... 113.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................113.2 WHAT IS NEW?..........................................................................................................................113.2.1 Reporting by using a web solution (web declaration form) - 113.2.2 Reporting by exchanging electronic messages via the messaging system of theCustoms Administration of the Republic of Slovenia 123.3 REQUIREMENTS FOR PSIS AND TDPS..................................................................................123.3.1 Reporting by using the Intrastat web solution 123.3.2 Reporting by exchanging electronic messages 123.4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION..................................................................................................134. EXPLANATIONS TO THE DESCRIPTIONS OF MESSAGES.............................................. 144.1 METHOD OF PRESENTING MESSAGES...............................................................................144.1.1 Diagram of a message 144.1.2 Description of the elements of a message 154.1.3 Overview of the elements of a message 164.1.4 Scheme of a message 164.1.5 Example of a message 164.1.6 Transition from previous messages 165. THE ENVELOPE OF A MESSAGE ....................................................................................... 175.1 ABOUT THE ENVELOPE OF A MESSAGE ............................................................................175.2 DIAGRAM OF THE ENVELOPE OF A MESSAGE..................................................................175.2.1 Diagram of the envelope of a message – Surs-1 175.2.2 Diagram of the head containing data about the message – Header 185.3 DESCRIPTION OF ELEMENTS OF THE ENVELOPE OF A MESSAGE – SURS-1 ...........195.3.1 Message/Header 19STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 3 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>5.3.2 Message/Header/Referenca 195.3.3 Message/Header/DSPrejDrz 205.3.4 Message/Header/DSPrej 215.3.5 Message/Header/OEnPrej 215.3.6 Message/Header/DSPosDrz 225.3.7 Message/Header/DSPos 225.3.8 Message/Header/OEnPos 235.3.9 Message/Header/TestIndikator 235.3.10 Message/Header/TipSp 245.3.11 Message/Header/OzDok 245.3.12 Message/Header/Datum 255.3.13 Message/Header/Kriptirano 265.3.14 Message/Header/Prejemnik 265.3.15 Message/Header/Prejemnik/Posrednik 275.3.16 Message/Header/Prejemnik/Naslovnik 275.3.17 Message/Body 285.3.18 Message/Body/Data 285.3.19 Message/Body/Signatures 285.4 OVERVIEW OF ELEMENTS OF THE ENVELOPE OF MESSAGE SURS-1....................... 305.5 SCHEME OF THE ENVELOPE OF MESSAGE - SURS-1..................................................... 315.6 SCHEME OF THE ENVELOPE OF MESSAGE (HEAD OF MESSAGE - HEADER-1)....... 325.7 EXAMPLE OF THE ENVELOPE OF MESSAGE - SURS-1................................................... 346. INSTAT62-SI .......................................................................................................................... 356.1 ABOUT MESSAGE INSTAT62-SI ............................................................................................ 356.2 DIAGRAM OF INSTAT62-SI ..................................................................................................... 366.2.1 Diagram of INSTAT62 – Envelope (Envelope of message) 366.2.2 Diagram of INSTAT62 – Declaration (Intrastat form) 376.2.3 Diagram of INSTAT62 – Item (form item) 386.3 DESCRIPTION OF ELEMENTS............................................................................................... 396.3.1 INSTAT 396.3.2 INSTAT/Envelope 396.3.3 INSTAT/Envelope/envelopeId 406.3.4 INSTAT/Envelope/DateTime 406.3.5 INSTAT/Envelope/DateTime/date 406.3.6 INSTAT/Envelope/DateTime/time 416.3.7 INSTAT/Envelope/Party 416.3.8 INSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyId 426.3.9 INSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyName 436.3.10 INSTAT/Envelope/softwareUsed 446.3.11 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration 446.3.12 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/declarationId 456.3.13 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/referencePeriod 456.3.14 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/PSIId 466.3.15 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Function 466.3.16 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Function/functionCode 47STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 4 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.17 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/flowCode 486.3.18 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/currencyCode 496.3.19 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/firstLast 496.3.20 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item 506.3.21 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/itemNumber 506.3.22 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8 516.3.23 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/CN8Code 516.3.24 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/SUCode 526.3.25 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/additionalGoodsCode 526.3.26 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/goodsDescription 526.3.27 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/MSConsDestCode 536.3.28 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/countryOfOriginCode 536.3.29 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/netMass 546.3.30 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/quantityInSU 546.3.31 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/invocedAmount 556.3.32 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/statisticalValue 556.3.33 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransaction 566.3.34 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransaction/natureOfTransactionACode 566.3.35 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransaction/natureOfTransactionBCode 566.3.36 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/modeOfTransportCode 576.3.37 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/regionCode 576.3.38 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/portAirportInlandportCode 586.3.39 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/DeliveryTerms 586.3.40 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/DeliveryTerms/TODCode 596.3.41 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/ DeliveryTerms/locationCode 596.3.42 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/totalNumberLines 606.3.43 INSTAT/Envelope/numberOfDeclarations 606.4 OVERVIEW OF ELEMENTS OF MESSAGE INSTAT62-SI ...................................................616.5 SCHEME OF INSTAT62-SI........................................................................................................636.6 EXAMPLES OF A CORRECTLY FILLED OUT DECLARATION INSTAT62-SI -WITHOUT THE ENVELOPE (IMPORT INTO THE WEB SOLUTION)...........................................666.6.1 Example of an Intrastat declaration - the sender is a PSI with identificationSI11111111 000, which reports for itself 676.6.2 Example of an Intrastat declaration - the sender is a TDP with identificationSI85190586 001, which reports for a PSI with identification SI11111111 000 696.7 EXAMPLES OF A CORRECTLY FILLED OUT DECLARATION INSTAT62-SI -WITH AN ENVELOPE (WHEN EXCHANGING MESSAGES)........................................................716.7.1 Example of an Intrastat declaration - the sender is a PSI with identificationSI11111111 000, which reports for itself 726.7.2 Example of an Intrastat declaration - the sender is a TDP with identificationSI85190586 001, which reports for a PSI with identification SI11111111 000 747. INSRES10-SI ......................................................................................................................... 767.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................767.2 DIAGRAM OF INSRES10-SI .....................................................................................................767.2.1 Diagram of INSRES10-SI – Envelope (envelope) 76STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 5 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.2.2 Diagram of INSRES10-SI – Declaration (declaration) 777.3 DESCRIPTION OF ELEMENTS............................................................................................... 787.3.1 INSRES 787.3.2 INSRES/Envelope 787.3.3 INSRES/Envelope/envelopeIdSURS 787.3.4 INSRES/Envelope/DateTime 797.3.5 INSRES/Envelope/DateTime/date 797.3.6 INSRES/Envelope/DateTime/time 807.3.7 INSRES/Envelope/Party 807.3.8 INSRES/Envelope/Party/partyId 817.3.9 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope 827.3.10 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeId 837.3.11 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeIdSURS 837.3.12 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/DateTime 847.3.13 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeError 847.3.14 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeError/envelopeErrorCode 847.3.15 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeError/envelopeComment 857.3.16 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeActionCode 867.3.17 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration 867.3.18 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/declarationId 877.3.19 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/declarationActionCode 877.3.20 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationError 887.3.21 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationError/declarationErrorCode 887.3.22 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationError/declarationComment 897.3.23 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/referencePeriod 897.3.24 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/PSIId 907.3.25 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/flowCode 907.3.26 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/rTotalNumberLines 917.3.27 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item 917.3.28 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemNumber 917.3.29 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemErrorCode 927.3.30 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemComment 927.4 OVERVIEW OF ELEMENTS OF MESSAGE INSRES10-SI.................................................. 937.5 SCHEME OF INSRES10-SI...................................................................................................... 957.6 EXAMPLES OF MESSAGES INSRES10-SI (REPLIES TO INSTAT62-SI).......................... 977.6.1 Example of message INSRES10-SI (message INSTAT62-SI did notcorrespond to the scheme of the message and was rejected) 977.6.2 Example of message INSRES10-SI (electronic signature or digital certificateof message INSTAT62-SI were not valid, message was rejected) 987.6.3 Example of message INSRES10-SI (message INSTAT62-SI had differentformal and logical errors and was rejected in full) 997.6.4 Example of message INSRES10-SI (message INSTAT62-SI had differentformal and logical errors and was partially rejected) 1007.6.5 Example of message INSRES10-SI (message INSTAT62-SI had no errorsand was accepted in full) 1018. TRANSITION FROM PREVIOUS MESSAGES (MIGRATION)........................................... 102STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 6 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>8.1 TRANSITION FROM MESSAGE TYPE-SENTENCE-100 TO MESSAGE INSTAT62-SI ..1028.1.1 Structure of message type-sentence-100 1028.1.2 Connection of elements of a message type-sentence-100 and INSTAT62-SI 1048.2 TRANSITION FROM MESSAGE TYPE-SENTENCE-101 TO MESSAGE INSRES10-SI .1068.2.1 Structure of message type-sentence-101 1068.2.2 Connection of elements of type-sentence-101 and INSRES-SI 1079. SECURITY OF ELECTRONIC REPORTING ...................................................................... 1099.1 ABOUT THE SECURITY OF ELECTRONIC REPORTING FOR <strong>INTRASTAT</strong>...................1099.2 STANDARDS USED ................................................................................................................1109.3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIGNING AND CODING OF ELECTRONIC MESSAGES .............1119.3.1 Procedures for signing and coding of messages 1119.3.2 Signing of messages 1119.3.3 Coding of messages 1119.3.4 Signing of return messages (signed by the Statistical Office of the Republic ofSlovenia) 1139.3.5 Procedure when signing return messages 1139.3.6 Signing of messages 1139.4 EXAMPLES OF ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED AND CODED MESSAGES........................1149.4.1 A signed message - the sender is a PSI with identification SI11111111 000,which reports for itself 1149.4.2 A signed message - the sender is a TDP with identification SI85190586 001,which reports for a PSI with identification SI11111111 000 1179.4.3 A signed and coded message - the sender is a PSI with identificationSI11111111 000, which reports for itself 1209.4.4 A signed and coded message - the sender is a TDP with identificationSI85190586 001, which reports for a PSI with identification SI11111111 000 121STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 7 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>1INTRODUCTION1.1 ABOUT THE DOCUMENTThe purpose of this document is to make the implementation of the new XML messagesby electronic Intrastat reporting easier for users and developers. The new XMLmessages have been implemented in the context of the project ”Development andStrengthening of the National Intrastat System”, Ref: 2005/S 122-120801, which tookplace in 2006. The document includes a description of procedures for reporting,diagrams, schemes, descriptions and samples of messages and transitions between the“old“ (text messages of fixed length) and new messages (XML format).1.2 IMPLEMENTATION DEADLINESThe document is prepared to assist developers in creating solutions. From 1. 1. 2007 on the messages for Intrastat have to be prepared in the belowdescribed XML structure (format).STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 8 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>2BASIS2.1 LEGAL BASISReporting for Intrastat is based on the: National Statistics Act (OJ RS, No 45/1995 and No 9/2001) Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31March 2004 on Community statistics relating to the trading of goods between MemberStates and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91 Regulation (EC) No 222/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of11 March 2009 amending Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 on Community statisticsrelating to the trading of goods between Member States Commission Regulation (EC) No 1982/2004 of 18 November 2004 implementingRegulation (EC) No 638/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council onCommunity statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States andrepealing Commission Regulations (EC) No 1901/2000 and (EEC) No 3590/92 Commission Regulation (EU) No 91/2010 of 2 February 2010 amending Regulation(EC) No 1982/2004 implementing Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council on Community statistics relating to the trading of goodsbetween Member States, as regards the list of goods excluded from statistics, thecommunication of information by the tax administration and quality assessment Commission Regulation (EU) No 96/2010 of 4 February 2010 amending Regulation(EC) No 1982/2004 implementing Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council on Community statistics relating to the trading of goodsbetween Member States, as regards the simplification threshold, trade by businesscharacteristics, specific goods and movements and nature of transaction codes Electronic Commerce and Electronic Signature Act(http://www.<strong>urad</strong> OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 9 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>2.2 STANDARDS USED, SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSThe implemented Intrastat messages are based on the following standards,recommendations and specifications: W3C XML 1.0 ( W3C XML Schema ( W3C XML Signature ( W3C XML Encryption ( CEN/CWA 14729-2:2005 (INSTAT message on which message INSTAT62-SI isbased) CEN/CWA 14729-3:2005 (INSRES message on which message INSRES10-SI isbased)STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 10 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>3ELECTRONIC REPORTING FOR<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>3.1 INTRODUCTIONTwo modes of electronic reporting for Intrastat are possible: Reporting by using a web solution (web declaration form) - Reporting by exchanging electronic messages via the messaging system of theCustoms Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (exchanging messages through themessaging system, supported by the Customs Administration of the Republic ofSlovenia).3.2 WHAT IS NEW?3.2.1 Reporting by using a web solution (web declaration form) - An electronic signature of the Intrastat declaration is now required before being sent.For this purpose, users have to upload an ActiveX component on their computer beforefirst sending of data for secure electronic signing of messages. The users that havebeen using digital certificates, which do not support electronic signatures, are requiredto replace their digital certificates. An additional feature has been added that allows the possibility to directly importmessages from the user's IT system. The imported file must be in the correct format(correspond to the INSTAT62-SI scheme). After importing the same procedure isfollowed as when the user enters the required data into the web declaration form.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 11 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>3.2.2 Reporting by exchanging electronic messages via the messagingsystem of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia The structure of messages has been changed (XML messages), INSTAT62-SI (amessage with one or more Intrastat declarations), which replaces the old usedmessage Type-sentence-100 and INSRES10-SI (reply to a message, which substitutesthe message Type-sentence-101). The messages are placed in an envelope. Moredetailed descriptions of messages and the instructions for their preparation are given inthe next chapters. The system of security functions used has been changed. Instead of PGP (PrettyGood Privacy), an infrastructure of public keys X.509 (digital certificates) is now usedwhen exchanging electronic messages. The messages with Intrastat declarations areelectronically singed (XML signature) and coded (XML encryption) by using digitalcertificates. The return messages are electronically signed (XML signature). Thesenders of messages have to register their digital certificate with the Customs Office ofNova Gorica (they need to submit the serial number of the digital certificate and theissuer of the certificate) in a similar way as they did with the public key PGP or as wasdone by users who declared via the Intrastat web solution. Additional information aboutchanges in security is available in the section on Security of electronic reporting.3.3 REQUIREMENTS FOR PSIS AND TDPS3.3.1 Reporting by using the Intrastat web solution MS Windows operational system and MS Internet Explorer web browser Transfer of the component Active X for signing from the Intrastat web solution to theuser's computer before the first signing (the procedure is automatic and is implementedwhen the first attempt of signing is made) A qualified digital certificate A registered user in the Intrastat system (digital certificate must also be registered).3.3.2 Reporting by exchanging electronic messages A qualified digital certificate The digital certificate must be registered in the Intrastat system (certificate must beregistered with the Customs Office of Nova Gorica). The issuer and the serial numberof the digital certificate must also be provided when registering. A digital certificate from the Customs Administration of the RS for coding ofmessages.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 12 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>3.4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONElementLocation of XSD message schemesDescription system Electronic connection between theintermediary and the CARS messaging systemSubject of messageElectronic address for sending messages-In test messages it is obligatory to mark in themessage: Message/Header/TestIndikator=1 !!!INSTAT62-SIS=DOK4/O=EDI/P=CARINA/A=MAIL/C=SI-When sending messages into the production it isrequired to mark in the message:Message/Header/TestIndikator=0Address of the Intrastat web solution (test-inductionenvironment) - a qualified digital certificate is requiredto registerAddress of the Intrastat web solution (productionenvironment) - a qualified digital certificate is requiredto registerSecurity system implementation of PKI on the basis ofdigital certificates X.509-XML Security (More in chapter: Security ofelectronic reporting, Standards used)Signing of messagesCoding of messagesDigital certificate CARS (for coding)Contact mail: Customs Office of Nova GoricaContact mail: The contractor (ZZI d.o.o.)XML Digital Signature (more in chapter:Security of electronic reporting, Instructions forsigning and coding of electronic messages)XML Encryption (more in chapter: Security ofelectronic reporting, Instructions for signingand coding of electronic messages)SIGOV-CA (more in chapter: Security ofelectronic reporting, Instructions for signingand coding of electronic messages)curs.intrastat@gov.siintrastat@zzi.siSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 13 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>4EXPLANATIONS TO THE DESCRIPTIONSOF MESSAGES4.1 METHOD OF PRESENTING MESSAGES4.1.1 Diagram of a messageEvery XML message is presented with a diagram or several diagrams, which representthe structure of the XML message in a tree format.Standard record convention is used (XML Spy).Elements are marked according to the number of repetitions/requirements:The conventions of marking elements based on therequirements and the number of repetitionsMarkOptional element with number of repetitions between 0 and 1:Required element with number of repetitions = 1:Required element with number of repetitions >1:STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 14 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>The content of elements and composers is marked:Conventions of marking elements and composers based onthe requirements and number of repetitionsMarkBasic elementComposed elements with sub-elementsSequence of elementsChoice of one of the elements connected to the composer4.1.2 Description of the elements of a messageDescription of the elements of a message is constructed from the following parts: Purpose: A short description of the meaning of the element Content/number of occurrences: Simple elements include a table with the name of the element, number ofoccurrences and type of the element. The number of occurrences is marked on alogical level and can in certain cases deviate from the number of occurrences inthe scheme. The element can be marked as optional in the scheme, but obligatoryin the table with the number of occurrences. This means that the element isobligatory, but the scheme is shaped in a more general manner due to differentreasons. Composed elements include two tables. The first table includes a composedelement with the number of occurrences. The second table includes sub-elementsof the composed element with the number of occurrences. Even in tables ofcomposed elements the number of occurrences is marked on a logical level andcan in certain cases be stricter than the requirements for occurring in the schemeof the document. If necessary an additional description of content, domain, description of attributesetc. Example: Example of an element in XMLThe description of messages INSTAT62-SI and INSRES10-SI includes all of the relevantelements of reporting for Intrastat in Slovenia and not all elements of XSD schemes.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 15 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>4.1.3 Overview of the elements of a messageThe chapter contains a message with a table of elements of the message with shortdescriptions of these elements. The overview of messages INSTAT62-SI andINSRES10-SI includes only the relevant elements of reporting for Intrastat in Sloveniaand not all elements of XSD schemes.4.1.4 Scheme of a messageThe chapter includes a valid XSD scheme of a message upon issue of the document.4.1.5 Example of a messageThe chapter includes one or more examples of correctly prepared messages.4.1.6 Transition from previous messagesThe chapter includes an overview with logical mapping of elements from »old« textmessages with fixed length and new XML messages.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 16 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>5THE ENVELOPE OF A MESSAGE5.1 ABOUT THE ENVELOPE OF A MESSAGEThe envelope of a message (Surs-1) is a message, which encompasses: Head of a message (Header) with basic data about the message, sender and therecipient (intended for the CARS messaging system) and Body of a message (Body), which includes: data about message (Data), with message INSTAT62-SI (one or more Intrastatdeclarations) or INSRES10-SI (answer to one or more Intrastat declarations). Inthe case the Intrastat declaration is in the message, then the element Data iscoded (more about XML coding in the chapter on Security of electronic reporting), electronic signature(s) (signatures), with electronic signature or signatures (moreabout XML signatures in the chapter on Security of electronic reporting).5.2 DIAGRAM OF THE ENVELOPE OF A MESSAGE5.2.1 Diagram of the envelope of a message – Surs-1STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 17 FROM 121


GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>5.3 DESCRIPTION OF ELEMENTS OF THE ENVELOPE OF A MESSAGE– SURS-15.3.1 Message/HeaderPurposeHead of message Surs-1. It is intended for supporting data for the sender/recipient of themessage. The data is compatible with the customs messaging system and isindependent from the type of message. As a result of this, the content of header data canpartially or fully overlap with elements of envelopes of messages. In these cases, theoverlapping elements are marked.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesHeader 1ElementNo. of occurrencesReferenca 0 to 1DspPrejDrz 1DsPrej 1OEnPrej 1DSPosDrz 1DSPos 1OEnPos 1TestIndikator 1TipSp 1OzDok 1Datum 1Kriptirano 0 to 1Brezpapirno 0Prejemnik 15.3.2 Message/Header/ReferencaPurposeUser message code.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 19 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeReferenca 0 to 1 StringContent of the element fits the message elements:MessageINSTAT62-SIINSRES10-SIElementINSTAT/Envelope/envelopeIdINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeIdExample 123456789101112AB 5.3.3 Message/Header/DSPrejDrzPurposeTwo-letter code of the country of the recipient of a message.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeDSPrejDrz 1 StringContent of the element fits the elements of a message:MessageINSTAT62-SIINSRES10-SIElementFirst two signs of the element INSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attributepartyRole=Receiver)First two signs of the element INSRES/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attributePartyRole=Receiver)ExampleSISTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 20 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>5.3.4 Message/Header/DSPrejPurposeIdentification of the party that receives the message in the exchange process (PSI orTDP or the Customs Office of Nova Gorica, which receives messages for the StatisticalOffice of the Republic of Slovenia).Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeDSPrej 1 StringContent of the element fits the elements of a message:MessageINSTAT62-SIINSRES10-SIElement3.-14. sign of the element INSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attribute ispartyRole=Receiver)3.-14. sign of the element INSRES/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attributePartyRole=Receiver)Example 477318115.3.5 Message/Header/OEnPrejPurposeThree-digit code of the organizational unit of the recipient of the message.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeOEnPrej 1 StringContent of the element fits the elements of a message:MessageINSTAT62-SIINSRES10-SIElement15.-17. sign of the element INSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attributepartyRole=Receiver)15.-17. sign of the element INSRES/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attributePartyRole=Receiver)STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 21 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Example0005.3.6 Message/Header/DSPosDrzPurposeTwo-letter country code of the sender of the message.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeDSPosDrz 1 StringContent of the element fits the elements of a message:MessageINSTAT62-SIINSRES10-SIElementFirst two signs of the element INSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attributepartyRole=Sender)First two signs of the element INSRES/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attributePartyRole=Sender)ExampleSI5.3.7 Message/Header/DSPosPurposeIdentifications of the sender (PSI or TDP) and/or addressee of the message (CustomsOffice of Nova Gorica, which receives messages for the Statistical Office of the Republicof Slovenia).Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeDSPos 1 StringSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 22 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Content of the element fits the elements of a message:MessageINSTAT62-SIINSRES10-SIElement3.-14. sign of the element INSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attributepartyRole=Sender)3.-14. sign of the element INSRES/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attributePartyRole=Sender)Example12345678 5.3.8 Message/Header/OEnPosPurposeThree-digit code of the organizational unit of the sender of the message.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeOEnPos 1 StringContent of the element fits the elements of a message:MessageINSTAT62-SIINSRES10-SIElement15.-17. sign of element INSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attributepartyRole=Sender)15.-17. sign of element INSRES/Envelope/Party/partyId (when value of the attributePartyRole=Sender)Example0005.3.9 Message/Header/TestIndikatorPurposeCode for a test message.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 23 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeTestIndikator 1 StringValues of the element:TestIndikatorMeaning1 Test message, which should be directed into the test environment0 A real message, which should be directed into the production environment (or comes from theproduction environment)Example05.3.10 Message/Header/TipSpPurposeType of message.Code of type of message. Value of the element in Intrastat messages is fixed to XML.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeTipSp 0 to 1 StringExampleXML5.3.11 Message/Header/OzDokPurposeCode of type of document in the message.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 24 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeOzDok 1 StringElement has the following value in messages:MessageINSTAT62-SIINSRES10-SIValue of element OzDokINSTAT62-SIINSRES10-SIExamplesINSTAT62-SIINSRES10-SI5.3.12 Message/Header/DatumPurposeDate of the message.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeDatum 1 StringContent of the element fits the elements of a message:MessageINSTAT62-SIINSRES10-SIElementINSTAT/Envelope/DateTime/date in INSTAT/Envelope/DateTime/timeINSRES/Envelope/DateTime/date in INSTAT/Envelope/DateTime/timeExample 2006-07-15 STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 25 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>5.3.13 Message/Header/KriptiranoPurposeCode of using encryption in the message. Senders of the message do not fill out thiselement.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeKriptirano 1 StringElement is not filled out in Intrastat messages. Element is filled out by the response(return) message, generated by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Value ofthe element is 0.Values of the element in messages:Encrypted message: 0 = No, 1 = Yes. If the element is missing, the default value is 1 =Yes.Example0 5.3.14 Message/Header/PrejemnikPurposeElement is intended for canalizing response (return) messages towards users. Element isobligatory in Intrastat messages.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypePrejemnik 1 StringElementNo. of occurrencesPosrednik 1Naslovnik 1STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 26 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>5.3.15 Message/Header/Prejemnik/PosrednikPurposeElement is intended for canalizing response (return) messages towards users. Elementcontains information on the intermediary: P001, P002... Element is obligatory in Intrastatmessages.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypePosrednik 1 StringThe intermediaries by the electronic reporting have to inform their clients on the correctvalue.Example P0015.3.16 Message/Header/Prejemnik/NaslovnikPurposeElement is intended for canalizing response (return) messages towards users. Elementcontains information on the address of the response (return) messages. Element isobligatory in Intrastat messages.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeNaslovnik 1 StringElement contains the address by the intermediary (the address or identification for theaddress by the intermediary).Element contains the address for sending the response message, defined by theintermediary. For example: “11111111.000”.Example11111111.000STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 27 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>5.3.17 Message/BodyPurposeBody of the message Surs-1.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesBody 1ElementNo. of occurrencesData 1Signatures0 to n5.3.18 Message/Body/DataPurposeAn element that includes precisely one Intrastat message; Intrastat declaration (INSTAT)in the case of input messages or a reply to the Intrastat declaration (INSRES) in the caseof replies to messages received.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesData 1ElementNo. of occurrencesINSTAT 0 to 1INSRES 0 to 1Sum = 15.3.19 Message/Body/SignaturesPurposeXML digital signature (or more signatures) of the message.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 28 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesSignatures 0 to 1ElementSignatureNo. of occurrences0 to nSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 29 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>5.4 OVERVIEW OF ELEMENTS OF THE ENVELOPE OF MESSAGESURS-1Element of the envelope of the messageMessageMessage/HeaderMessage/Header/ReferencaMessage/Header/DSPrejDrzMessage/Header/DSPrejMessage/Header/OEnPrejMessage/Header/DSPosDrzMessage/Header/DSPosMessage/Header/OEnPosMessage/Header/TestIndikatorMessage/Header/TipSpMessage/Header/OzDokMessage/Header/DatumMessage/Header/KriptiranoMessage/Header/BrezpapirnoMessage/Header/PrejemnikMessage/Header/Prejemnik/NaslovnikMessage/Header/Prejemnik/PosrednikMessage/BodyMessage/Body/DataMessage/Body/SignaturesDescription of the content of the elementRoot element of the envelopeHead of message Surs-1User code of the messageTwo-letter code of the country of the recipient of the messageIdentification of the recipient of the messageThree-digit code of the organizational unit of the recipient of themessageTwo-letter code of the country of the sender of the messageIdentification of the sender of the messageThree-digit code of the organizational unit of the sender of themessageCode for a test messageType of messageCode of the type of document in the messageDate of preparation of the messageThe element is not filled out. Code for encryption of the message(only by the response (return) messages)The element is not filled outAddress of the recipient of the response (return) messageAddress by the intermediaryCode of the intermediary of the message (P001, P002....)Body of the message Surs-1Element with the message Intrastat (INSTAT or INSRES).Element can be coded.XML digital signature of the messageSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 30 FROM 121


GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>5.6 SCHEME OF THE ENVELOPE OF MESSAGE (HEAD OF MESSAGE -HEADER-1)27. Oct. 2006 - odstranjeni elementi: DSPodDrz, DSPod, OEnPod, Posrednikdodani elementi Kriptirano, BrezpapirnoReferenca, ki jo vpiše stranka za uparjanjesporočil.Del davčne št. prejemnika, ki predstavlja državo npr.»SI«Davčna številka prejemnikaŠifra lokacije prejemnikaDel davčne št. pošiljatelja, ki predstavlja državo npr.»SI«Davčna številka pošiljateljaŠifra lokacije pošiljateljaTest ali produkcija: 1 = Test, 0 = Produkcija. Če elementa TestIndikator ni jeprivzeta nastavitev 0 = produkcijaSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 32 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>V katerem formatu je dokument. (Predvidene možnosti: »XML«, »FF«,»EDIFACT«)Oznaka dokumenta. (Primer: »400«, »420«, »INSTAT62-SI«...)Datum kreiranja sporočilaAli je sporočilo kodirano 0 = Ne, 1 = Da. Privzeta vrednost je1Indikator načina vodenja postopka na podlagi dokumenta 0 = običajnoelektronsko vlaganje (postopek temelji na papirnem dokumentu), 1 = brezpapirno. Privzeta vrednost je0Nobvezno polje. Uporablja SURS za kreiranje odgovorov.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 33 FROM 121


GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6INSTAT62-SI6.1 ABOUT MESSAGE INSTAT62-SIThe message INSTAT62-SI is an electronic message with one or more Intrastat declarations. Themessage is prepared for and sent to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia by PSIs or byauthorized TDPs.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 35 FROM 121




GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3 DESCRIPTION OF ELEMENTSThis chapter contains a description of required and some optional elements of messageINSTAT62-SI.6.3.1 INSTATPurposeRoot element of the message.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesEnvelope 16.3.2 INSTAT/EnvelopePurposeEnvelope for one or more Intrastat declarations. Block of elements.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesEnvelope 1ElementNo. of occurrencesenvelopeId 0 to 1DateTime 1Party 2softwareUsed 0 to 1Declaration1 to nnumberOfDeclarations 1STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 39 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.3 INSTAT/Envelope/envelopeIdPurposeThe user's coding of the message (any code length up to 20 signs).Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeenvelopeId 0 to 1 StringExample125826.3.4 INSTAT/Envelope/DateTimePurposeDate and time of preparation of the message.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesDateTime 1ElementNo. of occurrencesdate 1time 16.3.5 INSTAT/Envelope/DateTime/datePurposeDate of preparation of the message.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences Typedate 1 Date [LLLL-MM-DD]STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 40 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Example2004-05-266.3.6 INSTAT/Envelope/DateTime/timePurposeTime of preparation of the message.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences Typetime 1 Time [hh:mm:ss]Example14:13:326.3.7 INSTAT/Envelope/PartyPurposeCoding of parties involved in the exchange of Intrastat messages.These are the sender of the message /sender/ (which can be the TDP, if it reports for thePSI or the PSI if it reports for itself) and the addressee or the receiver that is the CustomsOffice of Nova Gorica, which collects Intrastat declarations for the Statistical Office of theRepublic of Slovenia.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesParty 2ElementNo. of occurrencespartyID 1partyName 0 to 1STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 41 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>AttributesAttribute Description Domain RequiredpartyTypeParty can be type Provider of statistical information »PSI«,PSI/TDP/CCYesRepresentative »TDP« or the reception center »CC«partyRole Party can have the role of a “sender” or “receiver” Sender/receiver YesPossible combinations of attributes: Combination 1 partyType=”PSI” partyRole=”sender” Description: Party is a PSI that is also the sender of its messages Combination 2 partyType=”TDP” partyRole=”sender” Description: Party is a TDP that sends messages for the PSI. Combination 3 partyType=”CC” partyRole=”receiver” Description: Party is a reception centre (Customs Office of Nova Gorica, which isthe addressee for messages for the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia).Examples and6.3.8 INSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyIdPurposeIdentification of the party involved in the exchange, which is the sender (PSI or TDP)and/or the addressee of the message (Customs Office of Nova Gorica, which receivesmessages for the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia).STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 42 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypepartyId 1 StringPartyId is composed out of a VAT identification number and a three-digit code of theorganizational unit. PartyId is made out of 17 signs.The identification number of the entity liable for VAT is made out of 14 signs due tocomparability with entities liable for VAT from EU Member States. This means that forSlovenian dispatchers a two-letter mark »SI« and an eight-digit ID number for VAT (forexample: '123456780') before the code of the organization unit is followed by four spaces' '.Code of the organizational unit is always '000' with PSIs and always different from '000'with TDPs (for example '001', etc.).ExamplesSI47730811----000 (Party is the reception centre)SI11111111----000 (Party is an imaginary PSI)SI12345678----001 (Party is an imaginary TDP from Slovenia)* Signs ‘-‘ in front of the code of the organizational unit signify blanks.6.3.9 INSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyNamePurposeThe name of the party, which is the sender (PSI or TDP) in the exchange process and/oraddressee of the message (Customs Office of Nova Gorica, which receives messagesfor the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia).Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypepartyName 0 to 1 StringExample TestEnterprise STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 43 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.10 INSTAT/Envelope/softwareUsedPurposeThe name of the software, which is used by the sender for the purpose of preparationand exchange of Intrastat declarations.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypesoftwareUsed 0 to 1 StringExample Intrastat application of the supplier X 6.3.11 INSTAT/Envelope/DeclarationPurposeIntrastat declaration.Content/No. of occurrencesElementDeclarationNo. of occurrences1 to nElementNo. of occurrencesdeclarationId 1referencePeriod 1PSIId 1Function 1flowCode 1currencyCode 1firstLast 1Item0 to ntotalNumberLines 1STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 44 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.12 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/declarationIdPurposeThe user's declaration code (serial number of the document). DeclarationId has to beunique at the level of a PSI for all original declarations. When deleting and replacingdeclarations, the declarationId has to be the same as the declarationId of the declaration,which the sent declaration deletes or replaces.The recommended composition for declarationId:-An eight-digit VAT identification number without country code: For example: ‘11111111’-A three-digit code of the organization unit: For example ‘000’-Date in the format YYMMDD: For example ‘060812’-A three-digit serial number of the declaration in terms of the day: For example: ‘001’Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypedeclarationId 1 StringExample111111110000608120016.3.13 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/referencePeriodPurposeReference period. The year and month, for which the PSI reports and for which data inthe declaration refer to. Element referencePeriod has the form YYYYMM, where YYYY isthe year and MM is the reference month of reporting (with leading zero for months 1-9).Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypereferencePeriod 1 StringExample200608STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 45 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.14 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/PSIIdPurposeIdentification of the PSI.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypePSIId 1 StringPSIId is composed out of a VAT identification number and a three-digit code of theorganizational unit of the PSI. PSIId is composed out of 13 signs.Because PSIs are only registered for VAT in Slovenia, the identification code for VAT ismade out of 10 signs. The two-letter country code 'SI' and the eight-digit VATidentification number (for example: '12345678') is followed by a three-digit code of theorganizational unit (always '000').ExampleSI111111110006.3.15 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/FunctionPurposeType of the Intrastat declaration.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesFunction 1ElementNo. of occurrencesfunctionCode 1STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 46 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.16 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Function/functionCodePurposeCode of the type of the Intrastat declaration. Mark of the code of the type of thedeclaration enables a sender besides »ordinary« reporting with the original declarationadditional deletion of already sent messages, their replacement or reporting with nildeclarations (no commercial transactions in the period).Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypefunctionCode 1 StringThe following types of Intrastat declarations are possible:I – Original declaration: ordinary reporting.N – Replacement declaration: declaration that substitutes the previously sent declaration.In the case when the PSI determines that an error in reporting was done, it can substitutean already sent declaration with another one. The replacement declaration has to havean identical serial number (element: declarantionld) as the declaration, which it replaces.The most important data in the replacement declaration has to match with the declarationthat it replaces (reporting period, flow of goods). Otherwise the wrong declaration needsto be deleted with a deletion declaration and a new original declaration needs to be sent.0 – Nil declaration: PSI reports with a nil declaration when it does not have anytransactions for the flow of goods in a certain period. With a nil declaration the PSIcommunicates that it did not forget to declare, but that it did not have any transactions toreport in this certain period. Nil declaration does not include items (element: item).B – Deletion declaration. If a PSI wishes to delete (cancel) an already sent and receiveddeclaration, it can do this by sending a deletion declaration. Deletion declaration has tohave the same serial number (element: declarationId) as the declaration being deleted.The essential data in the deletion declaration has to match with the data in thedeclaration that it erases (reporting period, flow of goods). Deletion declaration does notinclude items (element: item).List of codes for the type of the Intrastat declaration:Type of the declarationOriginal declarationReplacement declarationNil declarationDeletion declarationCode (functionCode)IN0 (zero)BSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 47 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>ExamplesI original declarationN replacement declaration0 nil declarationB deletion declaration6.3.17 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/flowCodePurposeFlow of reported goods in the Intrastat declaration (arrivals from EU Member States ordispatches to EU Member States).Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeflowCode 1 StringCode for arrivals of goods is 1 and code for dispatches of goods is 2. Reporting withcodes in English is also possible (A and D, where A marks arrivals and D dispatches).List of codes for the flow of goods:Flow of goods Code (flowCode) si Code (flowCode) enArrivals of goods 1 ADispatches of goods 2 DExamples1 A 2 D STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 48 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.18 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/currencyCodePurposeCode of the national currency according to ISO 4217 in which the reported amounts arestated on the declaration.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypecurrencyCode 1 StringThe currency used for reporting in Slovenia is EUR.ExampleEUR 6.3.19 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/firstLastPurposeCode of the last (expected) declaration for the reference period.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypefirstLast 1 StringCode for the last expected declaration for the reference period.List of codes for marking the last declaration for the reference period:Last declaration for the reference periodCode(firstLast) siNot the last declaration for the reference period 0Last declaration for the reference period 1Example1 STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 49 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.20 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/ItemPurposeItem of the Intrastat declaration, transaction of goods, or declaration line.Element is obligatory in the case of the types of the document (functionCode) = I and N(number of occurrences from 1 to n), with the types of the declaration 0 to B there is noelement (number of occurrences = 0).Content/No. of occurrencesElementItemNo. of occurrences0 to nElementNo. of occurrencesitemNumber 1CN8 1goodsDescription 0 to 1MSConsDestCode 1countryOfOriginCode 0 to 1netMass 0 to 1quantityInSU 0 to 1invoicedAmount 0 to 1statisticalValue 0 to 1NatureOfTransaction 0 to 1modeOfTransportCode 0 to 1regionCode 0 to 1portAirportInlandportCode 0 to 1DeliveryTerms 0 to 16.3.21 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/itemNumberPurposeSequential number of item or line in the Intrastat declaration.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeitemNumber 1 IntegerSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 50 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Example1 6.3.22 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8PurposeCombined Nomenclature commodity code of the declared goods.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesCN8 1ElementNo. of occurrencesCN8Code 1SUCode 0 to 1additionalGoodsCode 0 to 16.3.23 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/CN8CodePurposeEight-digit commodity code of declared goods by the Combined Nomenclature.Combined Nomenclature is published at: of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeCN8Code 1 StringExample 01011010STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 51 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.24 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/SUCodePurposeAdditional breakdown of the Combined Nomenclature commodity code.Data is intended for possible future extensions. Currently it is not filled out.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeSUCode 0 to 1 String6.3.25 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/additionalGoodsCodePurposeAdditional, national breakdown of the Combined Nomenclature commodity code.Data is intended for possible future extensions. Currently it is not filled out.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeadditionalGoodsCode 0 to 1 String6.3.26 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/goodsDescriptionPurposeCommercial or other description of goods.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypegoodsDescription 0 to 1 StringExample Commercial description of goodsSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 52 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.27 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/MSConsDestCodePurposeCountry of consignment/destination. A two-letter code of the trading partner country (EUMember State). In the case of arrivals it is the country, from which the goods weredispatched (sent) to Slovenia and in the case of dispatches it is the last known country, towhich the PSI sends the goods.Country codes list according to Geonomenclature published at: of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeMSConsDestCode 1 StringExample IT6.3.28 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/countryOfOriginCodePurposeCountry of origin. A two-letter country code of the origin of goods (only in the case ofarrivals of goods). Country of origin is the country where the goods were produced. If theproduction was completed in more than one country, it is the country, where the lastimportant phase of production was completed.The country code list according to Geonomenclature is published at: of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypecountryOfOriginCode 0 to 1 StringExample AL STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 53 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.29 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/netMassPurposeNet mass of goods without packaging.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypenetMass 0 to 1 DecimalNett mass is reported to three decimal places.Example 1234.7896.3.30 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/quantityInSUPurposeQuantity of goods in supplementary unit.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeQuantityInSU 0 to 1 DecimalQuantity in supplementary unit is only reported by those codes of the CombinedNomenclature where this is prescribed in the Combined Nomenclature.Combined Nomenclature with the list of codes, for which the quantity in supplementaryunit needs to be reported, is published at (code forsupplementary unit in the Combined Nomenclature).Quantity in supplementary unit is reported on three decimal places.Example 12345.234STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 54 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.31 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/invocedAmountPurposeInvoice value of goods is the invoiced amount for goods including costs of transportation,loading and insurance, if they are included in the invoice in line with supply conditions. Ifthe invoice value is not known, it has to be estimated according to the usual charge forsale or purchase of goods. Invoice value does not include VAT and duties. Invoice valueis reported in the national currency (EUR).Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeinvoicedAmount 1 DecimalInvoice value (invoiced amount) of goods is reported to two decimal places.Example INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/statisticalValuePurposeStatistical value of goods. Full value of goods on the Slovenian border. It is re-calculatedfrom the invoice value into the value of goods at the Slovenian border (franco border) sothat the costs of transportation, loading and insurance up to the Slovenian border areadded or deducted, based on the supply conditions in the contract. Statistical value ofgoods is reported in the national currency (EUR).Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypestatisticalValue 0 to 1 DecimalOnly PSIs above the statistical value threshold are obliged to report the statistical value.Statistical value is reported to two decimal places.Example 23456.45STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 55 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.33 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransactionPurposeNature of transaction of declared goods.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesNatureOfTransaction 1ElementNo. of occurrencesnatureOfTransactionACode 16.3.34 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransaction/natureOfTransactionACodePurposeFirst sign of two-digit nature of transaction code for declared goods.Code list for nature of transaction is published at: of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypenatureOfTransactionACode 1 StringExample 16.3.35 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransaction/natureOfTransactionBCodePurposeSecond sign of two-digit nature of transaction code for declared goods.Code list for nature of transaction is published at: OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 56 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypenatureOfTransactionBCode 1 StringExample 26.3.36 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/modeOfTransportCodePurposeCode of mode of transport, with which goods presumably left Slovenia or came toSlovenia.Code list for mode of transport is published at: of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypemodeOfTransport 0 to 1 StringOnly PSIs above the statistical value threshold are obliged to report the code of mode oftransport.Example 36.3.37 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/regionCodePurposeCode of the region of origin or destination of goods (in the country).Data is intended for possible future extensions. Currently it is not filled out.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TyperegionCode 0 to 1 StringSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 57 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Example 10 6.3.38 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/portAirportInlandportCodePurposeCode of port, airport or internal port of loading/unloading.Data is intended for possible future extensions. Currently it is not filled out.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeportAirportInlandportCode 0 to 1 StringExample 0211 6.3.39 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/DeliveryTermsPurposeDelivery terms according to INCOTERMS.Only PSIs above the statistical value threshold are obliged to report the code of deliveryterms.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesDeliveryTerms 0 to 1ElementNo. of occurrencesTODCode 1locationCode 1STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 58 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.40 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/DeliveryTerms/TODCodePurposeThree-letter code for delivery terms (INCOTERMS).Code list for delivery terms is published at: PSIs above the statistical value threshold are obliged to report the code of deliveryterms.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeTODCode 1 StringExample EXW6.3.41 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/ DeliveryTerms/locationCodePurposeCode of the place of delivery to which the delivery terms code refers to.Code list for the place of delivery is published at: PSIs above the statistical value threshold are obliged to report the code of place ofdelivery.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypelocationCode 1 StringExample 1STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 59 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.3.42 INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/totalNumberLinesPurposeNumber of items in the declaration.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypetotalNumberLines 1 IntegerExample 126.3.43 INSTAT/Envelope/numberOfDeclarationsPurposeNumber of declarations in the message (shipment).Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypenumberOfDeclarations 1 IntegerExample 2STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 60 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.4 OVERVIEW OF ELEMENTS OF MESSAGE INSTAT62-SIElement of message INSTAT62-SI Description of content of the element NoteINSTATINSTAT/EnvelopeINSTAT/Envelope/envelopeIdINSTAT/Envelope/DateTimeINSTAT/Envelope/DateTime/dateINSTAT/Envelope/DateTime/timeINSTAT/Envelope/PartyINSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyIdINSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyNameINSTAT/Envelope/softwareUsedINSTAT/Envelope/DeclarationINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/declarationIdINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/referencePeriodINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/PSIIdINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/FunctionINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Function/functionCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/flowCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/currencyCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/firstLastINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/ItemINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/itemNumberINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/CN8CodeRoot element of message INSTAT62-SIEnvelope for one or more Intrastat declarationsUser's coding of the messageDate and time of preparation of the messageDate of preparation of the messageTime of preparation of the messageCode of parties involved in the exchange ofIntrastat messagesIdentification of the party involved in theexchange of Intrastat messagesName of the party involved in the exchange ofIntrastat messagesName of software used by the sender forexchange of Intrastat declarationsIntrastat declarationUser's declaration code (serial number of thedocument)Reference periodIdentification of the PSIType of the Intrastat declarationCode of the type of the Intrastat declarationFlow of reported goodsCode of the national currency according to ISO4217 in which the reported amounts on thedeclaration are statedCode of the last (expected) declaration for thereference periodItem of the Intrastat declarationSequential item number in the declarationCombined Nomenclature commodity codeEight-digit commodity code of declared goods bythe Combined Nomenclature****INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/SUCode Additional breakdown of the CombinedNomenclature commodity code*INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/additionalGoodsCodeAdditional, national breakdown of the CombinedNomenclature commodity code*INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/goodsDescription Commercial or other description of goods **INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/MSConsDest/CodeCountry of consignment/destination (foreigntrade partner)STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 61 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/countryOfOriginCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/netMassINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/quantityInSUINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/invoicedAmountINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/statisticalValueINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransactionINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransaction/natureOfTransactionACodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransaction/natureOfTransactionBCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/modeOfTransportCodeCountry of origin of goodsNet mass of goods without packagingQuantity of goods in supplementary unitInvoice value (invoiced amount) of goodsStatistical value of goodsNature of transaction of declared goodsFirst sign of two-digit nature of transaction codeSecond sign of two-digit nature of transactioncodeCode of mode of transportINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/regionCode Code of region of origin or destination of goods *INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/portAirportInlandportCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/DeliveryTermsINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/DeliveryTerms/TODCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/DeliveryTerms/locationCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/totalNumberLinesINSTAT/Envelope/numberOfDeclarationsCode of port, airport or internal port ofloading/unloadingDelivery terms according to INCOTERMSThree-letter code for delivery terms(INCOTERMS)Code of the place of deliveryNumber of items in the Intrastat declarationNumber of declarations in the message** Element is not filled out, expected for future expansions** Element is filled out optionallySTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 62 FROM 121




GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.6 EXAMPLES OF A CORRECTLY FILLED OUT DECLARATIONINSTAT62-SI - WITHOUT THE ENVELOPE (IMPORT INTO THE WEBSOLUTION)Shown below are test examples of correctly filled out Intrastat declarations (messageINSTAT62-SI) without the envelope. PSIs and TDPs prepare this kind of messages ifthey report via a web solution (import of data into a web solution). If PSIs and TDPsreport by exchanging electronic messages, then they are required to insert messagesinto an envelope, as shown in the examples in the following section. Examples ofdeclarations include only a narrow selection of required data. It is recommended thatPSIs also report optional data (for example: description of goods, etc.). Attention: Set ofrequired data depends on different factors (type of the declaration, whether the PSI isabove the statistical value threshold, etc.). Detailed instructions for preparation ofmessages are presented in previous sections.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 66 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.6.1 Example of an Intrastat declaration - the sender is a PSI withidentification SI11111111 000, which reports for itself123452006-08-2209:02:56SI11111111 000SI47731811 00011111111000060822001200607SI11111111000I2SIT11010190110IT1200.23012.0201200000.121234556.99212CFR12010190110FR1120.10011.000145000.0012346.00123CFR1211111111000060822002200607SI11111111000I2SIT01010190110FR1000.000100.000200000.00211000.00STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 67 FROM 121


GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.6.2 Example of an Intrastat declaration - the sender is a TDP withidentification SI85190586 001, which reports for a PSI withidentification SI11111111 000testniid2006-08-2209:02:56SI85190586 001SI47731811 00011111111000060822001200607SI11111111000I2SIT11010190110IT1200.23012.0201200000.121234556.99212CFR12010190110FR1120.10011.000145000.0012346.00123CFR1211111111000060822002200607SI11111111000I2SIT01010190110FR1000.000100.000STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 69 FROM 121


GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.7 EXAMPLES OF A CORRECTLY FILLED OUT DECLARATIONINSTAT62-SI - WITH AN ENVELOPE (WHEN EXCHANGINGMESSAGES)Two test examples of correctly filled out Intrastat declarations (message INSTAT62-SI) inthe envelope are shown below. PSIs and TDPs prepare this kind of messages, if theyreport by exchanging electronic messages. The examples of declarations include only anarrow selection of required data. It is recommended that PSIs and TDPs also reportoptional data (for example: description of goods, etc.). Attention: Selection of requireddata depends on different factors (type of the declaration, whether the PSI is above thestatistical value threshold, etc.). Detailed instructions for preparation of messages arepresented in previous sections.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 71 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.7.1 Example of an Intrastat declaration - the sender is a PSI withidentification SI11111111 000, which reports for itself12345SI47731811000SI111111110000INSTAT62-SI2006-08-22P00n11111111.000123452006-08-2209:02:56SI11111111 000SI47731811 00011111111000060822001200607SI11111111000I2SIT11010190110IT1200.23012.0201200000.121234556.99212CFR12010190110FR1120.10011.000145000.0012346.00123CFR12STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 72 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>11111111000060822002200607SI11111111000I2SIT01010190110FR1000.000100.000200000.00211000.00133CFR12010190110GR111.00010.0001200.001211.00123CFR122STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 73 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>6.7.2 Example of an Intrastat declaration - the sender is a TDP withidentification SI85190586 001, which reports for a PSI withidentification SI11111111 00012345SI47731811000SI851905860INSTAT62-SI2006-08-22P00n85190586.001/Naslovnik>123452006-08-2209:02:56SI85190586 001SI47731811 00011111111000060822001200607SI11111111000I2SIT11010190110IT1200.23012.0201200000.121234556.99212CFR12010190110FR1120.10011.000145000.0012346.00123CFR12STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 74 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>11111111000060822002200607SI11111111000I2SIT01010190110FR1000.000100.000200000.00211000.00133CFR12010190110GR111.00010.0001200.001211.00123CFR122STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 75 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7INSRES10-SI7.1 INTRODUCTIONMessage INSRES10-SI includes an automatically generated response of the Intrastatinformation system to the message INSTAT62-SI. Message is provided by themessaging system of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, whichsigns it electronically before sending.7.2 DIAGRAM OF INSRES10-SI7.2.1 Diagram of INSRES10-SI – Envelope (envelope)STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 76 FROM 121


GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.3 DESCRIPTION OF ELEMENTSThis chapter includes a description of required and optional elements of messageINSRES10-SI (reply to Intrastat declaration – INSTAT62-SI).7.3.1 INSRESPurposeRoot element of message.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesEnvelope 17.3.2 INSRES/EnvelopePurposeEnvelope for reply (replies) to one or more Intrastat declarations.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesEnvelope 1ElementNo. of occurrencesenvelopeIdSURS 1DateTime 1Party 2INSTATEnvelope 17.3.3 INSRES/Envelope/envelopeIdSURSPurposeMessage code INSRES (reply), set by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 78 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeenvelopeIdSURS 1 StringExample125827.3.4 INSRES/Envelope/DateTimePurposeDate and time of preparation of message INSRES.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesDateTime 1ElementNo. of occurrencesdate 1time 17.3.5 INSRES/Envelope/DateTime/datePurposeDate of preparation of message INSRES.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeDate 1 Date [LLLL-MM-DD]Example2004-05-26STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 79 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.3.6 INSRES/Envelope/DateTime/timePurposeTime of preparation of message INSRES.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences Typetime 1 Time [hh:mm:ss]Example14:13:327.3.7 INSRES/Envelope/PartyPurposeCode of parties included in exchange of message INSRES (reply to Intrastat declaration).These are sender of message INSRES /sender/, which is the Customs Office of NovaGorica, which collects Intrastat declarations for the Statistical Office of the Republic ofSlovenia and the receiver, which can be the TDP, if it reports for the PSI or the PSI, if itreports for itself.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesParty 2ElementNo. of occurrencespartyID 1AttributesAttribute Description Domain RequiredpartyTypeParty can be of type Provider of Statistical Information »PSI«,PSI/TDP/CCYesDeclarant »TDP« or receipt center »CC«partyRole Party can be a »sender« or »receiver« Sender/receiver YesSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 80 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Possible combinations of attributes: Combination 1 partyType=”PSI” partyRole=”receiver” Description: Party is a PSI, which is the receiver of message INSRES with a replyto the Intrastat declaration Combination 2 partyType=”TDP” partyRole=”receiver” Description: Party is a TDP, which is the receiver of message INSRES with a replyto the Intrastat declaration – TDP reports for the PSI Combination 3 partyType=”CC” partyRole=”sender” Description: Party is the reception centre (Customs Office of Nova Gorica, which isthe sender of an INSRES reply to the Intrastat declaration of the Statistical Officeof the Republic of Slovenia)Examples7.3.8 INSRES/Envelope/Party/partyIdPurposeIdentification of parties in the message exchange process INSRES, which are thereceiver (PSI or TDP) and/or sender of message (Customs Office of Nova Gorica, whichforwards messages for the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia).STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 81 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypepartyId 1 StringPartyId is composed of the identification number for VAT and a three-digit code of theorganizational unit. PartyId is composed of 17 signs.Identification code of the entity liable for VAT is composed of 14 signs for the purpose ofcomparability and support for identification codes of entities liable for VAT from EUMember States. This means that for Slovenian senders a two-letter country code 'SI' andan eight-digit ID number for VAT (for example: '12345678') before the code of theorganizational unit is followed by four blank spaces ' '.In the case of PSIs the code of the organizational unit is always '000' and always differentfrom '000' in the case of TDPs (for example: '001', etc.).ExamplesSI47730811----000 (Party is the reception centre)SI11111111----000 (Party is an imaginary PSI)SI12345678----001 (Party is an imaginary TDP from Slovenia)* Signs ‘-‘ in front of the code of the organizational unit signify blanks.7.3.9 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelopePurposeData about received message INSTAT with one or more Intrastat declaration, to whichthis message INSRES responds to.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesINSTATEnvelope 1STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 82 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>ElementNo. of occurrencesenvelopeId 1EnvelopeIdSURS 1DateTime 1EnvelopeError0 to nenvelopeActionCode 1Declaration0 to n7.3.10 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeIdPurposeSender's code of INSTAT message received, to which the reply (INSRES) applies to (ifthe sender set it). Element envelopeld is additional information for the internal evidenceof senders.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeenvelopeId 1 StringExample1234567.3.11 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeIdSURSPurposeCode of INSTAT message received, to which the reply (INSRES) refers to, which was setby the Intrastat information system upon receiving the message.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeenvelopeIdSURS 1 StringExample123456STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 83 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.3.12 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/DateTimePurposeDate and time of preparation of INSTAT message received, to which the reply applies to.Content/No. of occurrencesElementNo. of occurrencesDateTime 1ElementNo. of occurrencesdate 1time 1See element INSRES/Envelope/DateTime.7.3.13 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeErrorPurposeErrors on the envelope of INSTAT message received, to which the reply (INSRES)applies to. Element appears in case of an error on the envelope of message receivedonce for every envelope data error.Content/No. of occurrencesElementEnvelopeErrorNo. of occurrences0 to nElementNo. of occurrencesenvelopeErrorCode 1envelopeComment 17.3.14 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeError/envelopeErrorCodePurposeError code on the envelope of INSTAT message received, to which the reply refers to.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 84 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeenvelopeErrorCode 1 StringThe following types of errors can appear on the envelope:a) errors while examining the scheme of a messageb) errors while examining the digital certificate and electronic signaturec) other errors on the envelope of a messageExample0010087.3.15 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeError/envelopeCommentPurposeDescription of errors on the envelope of INSTAT message received, to which the replyrefers to.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeenvelopeComment 1 StringIn case of error type ‘a’ and type ‘b’ the element includes a dynamically generatedmessage with details of errors on the scheme or errors while examining the digitalcertificate.In case of error type ‘c’, the element includes a description of error from the code list.Example Description of error on the envelope of amessageSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 85 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.3.16 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeActionCodePurposeStatus of INSTAT message received to which the reply (INSRES) refers to.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeenvelopeActionCode 1 StringList of values for envelopeActionCode:Status of message receivedAll of the declarations in the message were correct and acceptedPart of the declarations in the message was correct and accepted, part wasincorrect and rejectedIncorrect and rejected were all declarations in the messageMessage was rejected in full and could not be processedCode(envelopectionCode)SPRDELZAVERRExampleSPR7.3.17 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/DeclarationPurpose1 or more received Intrastat declarations (forms) of INSTAT message, to which the replyapplies to.Content/No. of occurrencesElementDeclarationNo. of occurrences1 to nSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 86 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>ElementNo. of occurrencesdaclarationId 1declarationActionCode 1DeclarationError0 to nreferencePeriod 1PSIId 1flowCode 1rTotalNumberLines 1Item0 to n7.3.18 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/declarationIdPurposeSerial number of the received Intrastat declaration in INSTAT message, to which thereply applies to.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypedeclarationId 1 StringExample1234567.3.19 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/declarationActionCodePurposeStatus of the received Intrastat declaration, which shows whether the declaration wasaccepted or rejected.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypedeclarationActionCode 1 StringSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 87 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>List of values for declarationActionCode:Status of message receivedDeclaration was acceptedDeclaration was rejectedCode (declarationActionCode)SPRZAVExampleSPR 7.3.20 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationErrorPurposeErrors in the data of the Intrastat declaration in the INSTAT message received, to whichthe reply (INSRES) applies to. The element appears in case of data errors in the Intrastatdeclaration once for every error in the declaration data.Content/No. of occurrencesElementDeclarationErrorNo. of occurrences0 to nElementNo. of occurrencesdeclarationErrorCode 1declarationComment 17.3.21 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationError/declarationErrorCodePurposeError code in the data of the Intrastat declaration in the INSTAT message received, towhich the reply refers to.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypedeclarationErrorCode 1 StringSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 88 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Example0380417.3.22 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationError/declarationCommentPurposeDescription of the error in the Intrastat declaration of the INSTAT message received, towhich the reply refers to.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypedeclarationComment 1 StringExample Description of the error in data on the Intrastatdeclaration 7.3.23 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/referencePeriodPurposeReference period of the received Intrastat declaration.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypereferencePeriod 1 StringExample200608STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 89 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.3.24 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/PSIIdPurposeIdentification of the PSI on the received Intrastat declaration.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypePSIId 1 StringPSIId is composed of a VAT identification number and a three-digit code of theorganizational unit of PSI. PSIId is composed of 13 signs.Because PSIs are only registered for VAT in Slovenia, the VAT identification number iscomposed of 10 signs. A two-letter country code 'SI' and an eight-digit ID number for VAT(for example: '12345678') is followed by a three-digit code of the organizational unit(always '000').ExampleSI111111110007.3.25 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/flowCodePurposeFlow of goods on the received Intrastat declaration.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeflowCode 1 StringCode for arrivals of goods is 1 and code for dispatches of goods is 2.List of codes for the flow of goods:Flow of goodsCode (flowCode)Arrivals of goods 1Dispatches of goods 2Example1STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 90 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.3.26 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/rTotalNumberLinesPurposeNumber of items on the received Intrastat declaration.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TyperTotalNumberLines 1 StringExample127.3.27 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/ItemPurposeItem (line) of the received Intrastat declaration.The element appears in case of errors in items of the received Intrastat declaration oncefor every item error.Content/No. of occurrencesElementItemNo. of occurrences0 to nElementNo. of occurrencesitemNumber 1ItemErrorCode 1ItemComment 17.3.28 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemNumberPurposeItem sequential number or line of the received Intrastat declaration, which includes anerror.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 91 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeitemNumber 1 IntegerExample1 7.3.29 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemErrorCodePurposeError code in item data of the received Intrastat declaration.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeitemErrorCode 1 StringExample0380417.3.30 INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemCommentPurposeError description in item data of the received Intrastat declaration.Content/No. of occurrencesElement No. of occurrences TypeitemComment 1 StringExample Error description in item data of the received Intrastatdeclaration STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 92 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.4 OVERVIEW OF ELEMENTS OF MESSAGE INSRES10-SIElement of message INSRES10-SIINSRESINSRES/EnvelopeINSRES/Envelope/envelopeIdSURSINSRES/Envelope/DateTimeINSRES/Envelope/DateTime/dateINSRES/Envelope/DateTime/timeINSRES/Envelope/PartyINSRES/Envelope/Party/partyIdINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelopeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeIdINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeIdSURSINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/DateTimeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/DateTime/dateINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/DateTime/timeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeErrorINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeError/envelopeErrorCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeError/envelopeCommentINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeActionCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/DeclarationINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/declarationIdINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/declarationActionCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationErrorINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationError/declarationErrorCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationError/declarationCommentINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/referencePeriodDescription of content of the elementRoot element of message INSRES10-SIEnvelope for reply (replies) to one or more IntrastatdeclarationsCode of message INSRES (reply), set by SORSDate and time of preparation of message INSRESDate of preparation of message INSRESTime of preparation of message INSRESCode of parties included in the exchange of messageINSRESIdentification of parties in the message exchangeprocess INSRESData about received message INSTAT, to whichmessage INSRES responds toSender's code of INSTAT message receivedCode of received message INSTAT, set by SORS whenreceiving itDate and time of preparation of INSTAT messagereceivedDate of preparation of INSTAT message receivedTime of preparation of INSTAT message receivedErrors on the envelope of INSTAT message receivedError code on the envelope of INSTAT messagereceivedDescription of errors on the envelope of INSTATmessage receivedStatus of INSTAT message receivedIntrastat declaration(s) in INSTAT message receivedSerial number of the received Intrastat declarationStatus of the received Intrastat declarationErrors in the data on Intrastat declaration in the INSTATmessage receivedError code in the data of received Intrastat declarationError description in the received Intrastat declarationReference period of the received Intrastat declarationSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 93 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/PSIIdINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/flowCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/rTotalNumberLinesINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/ItemINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemNumberINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemErrorCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemCommentIdentification of the PSI on the received IntrastatdeclarationFlow of goods on the received Intrastat declarationNumber of items on the received Intrastat declarationItem of the received Intrastat declarationItem sequential number of the received IntrastatdeclarationError code in item data of the received IntrastatdeclarationError description in item data of the received IntrastatdeclarationSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 94 FROM 121



GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.6 EXAMPLES OF MESSAGES INSRES10-SI (REPLIES TO INSTAT62-SI)Shown below are test examples of message INSRES10-SI (reply to message INSTAT62-SI), which is automatically generated in the Intrastat information system, electronicallysigned with a digital certificate of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Sloveniaand sent to the receiver of the message. Message includes information about the statusand possible errors in the received and processed message INSTAT62-SI.7.6.1 Example of message INSRES10-SI (message INSTAT62-SI did notcorrespond to the scheme of the message and was rejected)85190586001060831001SI85190586001SI477308110000XMLINSRES10-SI02006-08-22P00n85190586.001438822006-08-3012:22:55SI85190586001SI4773181100085190586001060831001438812006-08-3012:22:55000000&lt;MessageErrors&gt;&lt;XMLValidateErrors&gt;&lt;Error&gt;cvcdatatype-valid.1.2.1:&amp;apos;200000,00&amp;apos; ni veljavna vrednost za&amp;apos;decimal&amp;apos;.&lt;/Error&gt;&lt;Error&gt;cvc-type.3.1.3: Vrednost &amp;apos;200000,00&amp;apos;elementa &amp;apos;invoicedAmount&amp;apos; niveljavna.&lt;/Error&gt;&lt;/XMLValidateErrors&gt;&lt;/MessageErrors&gt;ZAVSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 97 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.6.2 Example of message INSRES10-SI (electronic signature or digitalcertificate of message INSTAT62-SI were not valid, message wasrejected)testSI11111111000SI477308110000XMLINSRES10-SI02006-08-22P00n11111111.000438842006-08-3012:22:55SI11111111000SI47731811000test438832006-08-3012:22:55000000&lt;MessageErrors&gt;&lt;SignatureError&gt;WrongSignature&lt;/SignatureError&gt;&lt;/MessageErrors&gt;ZAVSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 98 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.6.3 Example of message INSRES10-SI (message INSTAT62-SI haddifferent formal and logical errors and was rejected in full)11111111000060831003SI11111111000SI477308110000XMLINSRES10-SI02006-08-22P00n11111111.000438952006-08-3113:53:51SI11111111000SI4773181100011111111000060831003438942006-08-3109:02:56ZAV11111111000060831006ZAV200607SI11111111000221024021Država namena ni iz območja Intrastat (EU).11111111000060831005ZAV011052Napačno obdobje poročanja (ni tip LLLLMM) oz. poročanje zaobdobje še ni dovoljeno.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 99 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.6.4 Example of message INSRES10-SI (message INSTAT62-SI haddifferent formal and logical errors and was partially rejected)11111111000060831001SI11111111000SI477308110000XMLINSRES10-SI02006-08-22P00n11111111.000438912006-08-3113:49:19SI11111111000SI4773181100011111111000060831001438902006-08-3109:02:56DEL11111111000060831001SPR11111111000060831002ZAV200607SI11111111000222024021Država namena ni iz območja Intrastat (EU).STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 100 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>7.6.5 Example of message INSRES10-SI (message INSTAT62-SI had noerrors and was accepted in full)11111111000060831002SI11111111000SI477308110000XMLINSRES10-SI02006-08-22P00n11111111.000438932006-08-3113:52:07SI11111111000SI4773181100011111111000060831002438922006-08-3109:02:56SPR11111111000060831004SPR11111111000060831003SPRSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 101 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>8TRANSITION FROM PREVIOUSMESSAGES (MIGRATION)8.1 TRANSITION FROM MESSAGE TYPE-SENTENCE-100 TO MESSAGEINSTAT62-SI8.1.1 Structure of message type-sentence-100Leading sentence (record)# Pos. Len. Type DescriptionV01 1 6 N Sequence number of record (sentence) in message (in leading sentence =000000)V02 7 3 N Type of record (sentence) – in leading sentence = 000V03 10 6 N Sequence number of form in message (in leading sentence = 000000)V04 16 3 N Sequence number of item in document (in leading sentence = 000)V05 19 3 N Message type (100)V06 22 4 N Year of sending of message (YYYY)V07 26 6 N Sequence number of package in yearV08 32 6 N Number of sentences in message without leading sentenceV09 38 6 N Number of documents (forms) in messageV10 44 6 N Number of items in messageV11 50 2 C Sender's country codeV12 52 12 C ID number for VAT of senderV13 64 3 N Sender's organizational unitV14 67 2 C Country code of addressee (SI)V15 69 8 N ID number for VAT of addresseeV16 77 3 N Organizational unit of addresseeV17 80 8 D Date of message (YYYYMMDD)V18 88 6 N Time of message (HHMMSS)V19 94 1 N Code of version of message (Begins with 1, additional versions afterpublications)STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 102 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong># Pos. Len. Type DescriptionV20 95 15 N Flags – 15 statuses (not used – for extensions)V21 110 41 C Filler150 Total record lengthHead of the document# Pos. Len. Type DescriptionG01 1 6 N Sequence number of sentence from 000001 onwardsG02 7 3 N Sentence type (001)G03 10 6 N Sequence number of document (form)G04 16 3 N Sequence number of document item (000)G05 19 1 N Flow of goods (type of form – arrivals/dispatches)G06 20 20 C Serial number of document (form)G07 40 2 C Country code of PSI (SI)G08 42 8 N PSI's ID number for VATG09 50 3 N Organizational unit of PSIG10 53 6 D Reference period (YYYYMM)G11 59 3 N Number of items in documentG12 62 1 N Last document for reporting period (0-not last, 1-last)G13 63 2 C Country code of authorized representative (TDP)G14 65 12 C TDP's ID number for VATG15 77 3 N Organizational unit of TDPG16 80 1 C Type of document (I-original, N-replacement, B-deletion, 0-nil report)G17 81 3 C Currency of document (ISO 4217) – Locked to SIT, after entry intoEMU to EURG18 84 67 C filler150 Total record lengthItems of the document# Pos. Len. Type DescriptionP01 1 6 N Sequence number of sentence from 000002 onwardsP02 7 3 N Record type (sentence) (002)P03 10 6 N Sequence number of document (form)P04 16 3 N Sequence number of document itemP05 19 1 N Flow of goods (type of form – arrivals/dispatches)P06 20 20 C Serial number of document (form)P07 40 2 C Country of consignment/destination (foreign trade partner)P08 42 3 C Delivery terms according to INCOTERMSP09 45 1 N Delivery terms – 2. subdivision (place of delivery)P10 46 2 N Code of nature of transactionP11 48 1 N Mode of transportP12 49 8 N Commodity code according to the Combined NomenclatureP13 57 1 N Commodity code according to the Combined Nomenclature (nationaldivision)P14 58 2 C Country of origin (arrivals)P15 60 15 N Net mass in kgP16 75 15 N Quantity in supplementary unitP17 90 15 N Invoiced amount (invoice value) in SITP18 105 15 N Statistical value in SITP19 120 3 N Region of origin (dispatches) /region of destination (arrivals)P20 123 1 N Port, airport, of loading (dispatches)/unloading (arrivals)P21 124 27 C Filler150 Total record lengthSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 103 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>8.1.2 Connection of elements of a message type-sentence-100 andINSTAT62-SIElement of message INSTAT62-SI Description of content of element Element of message Typesentence-100INSTATRoot element of message INSTAT62-SIINSTAT/Envelope Envelope for one or more IntrastatdeclarationsINSTAT/Envelope/envelopeId User's coding of the message NAINSTAT/Envelope/DateTimeDate and time of preparation of the messageINSTAT/Envelope/DateTime/date Date of preparation of the message V17INSTAT/Envelope/DateTime/time Time of preparation of the message V18INSTAT/Envelope/PartyINSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyIdINSTAT/Envelope/Party/partyNameINSTAT/Envelope/softwareUsedINSTAT/Envelope/DeclarationINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/declarationIdINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/referencePeriodCode of parties involved in the exchange ofIntrastat messagesIdentification of the party involved in theexchange of Intrastat messagesName of the party involved in the exchangeof Intrastat messagesName of software used by the sender forexchange of Intrastat declarationsIntrastat declarationUser's declaration code (serial number ofthe document)Reference periodV11,V12,V13 (sender) andV14,V15,V16 (receiver) -depends on attributesNANAG06G10INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/PSIId Identification of the PSI G07,G08,G09INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/FunctionINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Function/functionCodeType of the Intrastat declarationCode of the type of the Intrastat declarationG16INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/flowCode Flow of reported goods G05INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/currencyCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/firstLastINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/ItemINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/itemNumberINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/CN8CodeCode of the national currency according toISO 4217 in which the reported amounts onthe declaration are statedCode of the last (expected) declaration forthe reference periodItem of the Intrastat declarationSequential item number in the declarationCombined Nomenclature commodity codeEight-digit commodity code of declaredgoods by the Combined NomenclatureG17G12P04P12INSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/S Additional breakdown of the Combined NASTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 104 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>UCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/CN8/additionalGoodsCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/goodsDescriptionINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/MSConsDestCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/countryOfOriginCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/netMassINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/quantityInSUINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/invoicedAmountINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/statisticalValueINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransactionINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransaction/natureOfTransactionACodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/NatureOfTransaction/natureOfTransactionBCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/modeOfTransportCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/regionCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/portAirportInlandportCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/DeliveryTermsINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/DeliveryTerms/TODCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/Item/DeliveryTerms/locationCodeINSTAT/Envelope/Declaration/totalNumberLinesNomenclature commodity codeAdditional, national breakdown of theCombined Nomenclature commodity codeCommercial or other description of goodsCountry of consignment/destination (foreigntrade partner)Country of origin of goodsNet mass of goods without packagingQuantity of goods in supplementary unitInvoice value (invoiced amount) of goodsStatistical value of goodsNature of transaction of declared goodsFirst sign of two-digit nature of transactioncodeSecond sign of two-digit nature oftransaction codeCode of mode of transportCode of region of origin or destination ofgoodsCode of port, airport or internal port ofloading/unloadingDelivery terms according to INCOTERMSThree-letter code for delivery terms(INCOTERMS)Code of the place of deliveryNumber of items in the Intrastat declarationP13NAP07P14P15P16P17P18First sign P10Second sign P10P11P19P20P08P09G11INSTAT/Envelope/numberOfDeclarations Number of declarations in the message V09STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 105 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>8.2 TRANSITION FROM MESSAGE TYPE-SENTENCE-101 TO MESSAGEINSRES10-SI8.2.1 Structure of message type-sentence-101Leading sentence (record)# Pos. Len. Type DescriptionV01 1 6 N Sequence number of record in reply 000000 - 999999V02 7 3 N Type of record – leading record (000)V03 10 3 N Type of message – reply to Intrastat 101V04 13 2 C Code of country of addressee (sender of message 100)V05 15 12 C ID number for VAT of addressee (sender of message 100)V06 27 3 N Organizational unit of the addresseeV07 30 8 N Number of consignment (reply)V08 38 4 N Year of consignment (reply)V09 42 6 N Sequence number of consignment in the year (message 100)V10 48 8 D Date of consignment (YYYYMMDD) (reply)V11 56 6 T Time of consignment (reply)V12 62 6 N Number of sentences without leading sentence (reply)V13 68 4 N Year of consignment (message 100)V14 72 8 N Number of consignment (message 100) – designated uponacceptanceV15 80 6 N Number of sentences without leading sentence (message 100)V16 86 6 N Number of documents (message 100)V17 92 6 N Number of false documents (message 100)V18 98 6 N Number of partially correct documents (message 100) 000000V19 104 6 N Number of correct documents (message 100)V20 110 8 D Date of message (message 100)V21 118 6 T Time of message (message 100)V22 124 6 N Number of errors in message (message 100)V23 130 1 N Highest degree of error in message 100V24 131 3 C Status of message (message 100) (SPR - accepted, ZAV –rejected)V25 134 167 C Filler300 Total record lengthMessages about errors# Pos. Len. Type DescriptionP01 1 6 N Sequence number in reply - from 000001 …P02 7 3 N Type of record (001)P03 10 3 N Type of message (101)P04 13 6 N Sequence number of record in message 100 - from 000000-999999P05 19 3 N Type of sentence in message 100P06 22 6 N Sequence number of document in message 100STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 106 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong># Pos. Len. Type DescriptionP07 28 3 N Sequence number of item in document (message 100)P08 31 20 C Serial number of document in message 100P09 51 6 N Error codeP10 57 1 N Degree of errorP11 58 120 C Error descriptionP12 178 123 C Filler300 Total record length8.2.2 Connection of elements of type-sentence-101 and INSRES-SIElement of message INSRES10-SI Description of element content Element of messagetype-sentence-101INSRESINSRES/EnvelopeINSRES/Envelope/envelopeIdINSRES/Envelope/DateTimeRoot element of message INSRES10-SIEnvelope for reply (replies) to one or moreIntrastat declarationsCode of message INSRES (reply), set bySORSDate and time of preparation of messageINSRESV07INSRES/Envelope/DateTime/date Date of preparation of message INSRES V10INSRES/Envelope/DateTime/time Time of preparation of message INSRES V11INSRES/Envelope/PartyINSRES/Envelope/Party/partyIdINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelopeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeIdINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeIdSURSINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/DateTimeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/DateTime/dateINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/DateTime/timeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeErrorINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeError/envelopeErrorCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/EnvelopeError/envelopeCommentCode of parties included in the exchange ofmessage INSRESIdentification of parties in the messageexchange process INSRESData about received message INSTAT, towhich message INSRES responds toSender's code of INSTAT message receivedCode of received message INSTAT, set bySORS when receiving itDate and time of preparation of INSTATmessage receivedDate of preparation of INSTAT messagereceivedTime of preparation of INSTAT messagereceivedErrors on the envelope of INSTAT messagereceivedError code on the envelope of INSTATmessage receivedDescription of errors on the envelope ofINSTAT message receivedV04,V05,V06 (only forreceiver), data of thesender is not includedin message 101)NAV14V20V21P09 (if P06 and P07 =0)P11STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 107 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>INSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/envelopeActionCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/DeclarationINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/declarationIdINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/declarationActionCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationErrorINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationError/declarationErrorCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/DeclarationError/declarationCommentINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/referencePeriodINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/PSIIdINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/flowCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/rTotalNumberLinesINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/ItemINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemNumberINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemErrorCodeINSRES/Envelope/INSTATEnvelope/Declaration/Item/itemCommentStatus of INSTAT message receivedIntrastat declaration(s) in INSTAT messagereceivedSerial number of the received IntrastatdeclarationStatus of the received Intrastat declarationErrors in the data on Intrastat declaration inthe INSTAT message receivedError code in the data of received IntrastatdeclarationError description in the received IntrastatdeclarationReference period of the received IntrastatdeclarationIdentification of the PSI on the receivedIntrastat declarationFlow of goods on the received IntrastatdeclarationNumber of items on the received IntrastatdeclarationItem of the received Intrastat declarationItem sequential number of the receivedIntrastat declarationError code in item data of the receivedIntrastat declarationError description in item data of the receivedIntrastat declarationNAP08NAP09 (if P06 0 andP07 = 0)P11NANANANAP07P09 (if P07 0)P11STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 108 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>9SECURITY OF ELECTRONICREPORTING9.1 ABOUT THE SECURITY OF ELECTRONIC REPORTING FOR<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>In the past security of electronic reporting has been insured on two levels:While reporting using the Intrastat web solution the security functions have been insuredby using PKI (users required a qualified digital certificate from one of the registeredissuers to use the web solution). By using digital certificates the authentication andauthorization of the user and confidentiality by coding the connection (SSL) were insured.When reporting with electronic messages the security functions are linked to the securityfunctions of the customs message system. Up until now the messages were protected byusing a PGP security product (coding of messages to insure confidentiality, optionallyalso signing of messages to insure additional security functions).With the introduction of XML messages the structure of the security functions has alsochanged. Digital certificates and PKI are used when reporting by using a web solution aswell as when reporting with electronic messages. Messages are electronically signed andcoded by using XML_security standards.When reporting using a web solution, users electronically sign a message before sendingit. In order to complete electronic signatures, they have to download the ActiveXcomponent for signing before completing the first electronic signature (the process isautomatized). The component ActiveX requires the use of the MS Windows operationalsystem and the web browser MS Internet Explorer 5.0 or later versions. The messagesare registered by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia according to the timewhen they are received or sent.When reporting by exchanging electronic messages, the PSIs and TDPs electronicallysign and code messages by using XML signature and coding before messages areprepared. Also the return messages are electronically signed by using XML signature.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 109 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>The following security functions in electronic reporting are ensured:Security function Description MethodAuthenticationAuthorizationConfidentialityCompletenessNon-repudiationVerifying the identity of the userwith the identity with which he ispresenting himselfVerifying if the user has therights to use the system anddesignate only thosefunctionalities to which it hasaccessAn assurance that data reportedby the user can only be read bythe receiver, to whom the data isintended for (Statistical Office ofRS and Customs Office of NG)Assurance that the messagewas not changed after beingsigned by the user without theknowledge of and power ofattorney from the userAn assurance that the sender ofthe message actually sent themessageDigital certificateRegistration in the Intrastat registerUser passwordDigital certificateRegistration in the Intrastat register, User passwordDesignated user profile with a certain level of rights andfunctionalityRegistration of power of attorney to report from the PSIs forthe TDPs in the Intrastat registerCoded message content or path by using digital certificates(SSL/safe, coded connection/with a web solution and XMLcoding of message content when exchanging messages)Secure electronic signature by using a digital certificate of amessage in the case of web solutions as well as electronicmessages (if the message changes after being sent,electronic signature is no longer suitable when beingchecked upon receipt)Secure electronic signature by using a qualified digitalcertificateTime registration9.2 STANDARDS USEDFor the implementation of security functions the XML security standards are used. Shownbelow are data and links to web pages with additional specifications.Purpose Standard Info Specification SchemeElectronicXML ofXML OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 110 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>9.3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIGNING AND CODING OF ELECTRONICMESSAGES9.3.1 Procedures for signing and coding of messages Sender prepares message INSTAT62-SI and puts it in a Surs-1 envelope (in theprocess a part of the envelope with message header Header-1 is prepared), accordingto instructions from the previous sections. Sender securely electronically signs the message with his qualified digital certificate Sender codes the signed message with a digital certificate of the CustomsAdministration of the Republic of Slovenia Message is ready to be sent to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.9.3.2 Signing of messages Sender signs the prepared message with a valid qualified digital certificate X.509 ofthe registered issuer, which he registered beforehand with the Customs Office of NovaGorica The complete message is signed (element: ) XML signature is completed according to syntax XML-DSIG, with methods stated inthe table below. XML signature is added to the element XML-DSIGXML Signature Syntax XML-DSIG SHA-1 W3C2 RSA-SHA-1 Enveloped Coding of messages Sender codes the signed message for the receiver (Customs Administration of theRepublic of Slovenia-Customs Office of Nova Gorica, which collects Intrastat messagesfor the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia). Sender codes the message with avalid web digital certificate of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Sloveniafor e-commerce with an identification code:cn=Curs-ep + serialNumber=1235197018012, ou=Government, ou=web-certificates,o=state-institutions, c=si (more about receiving a CARS digital certificate in the nextsection).STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 111 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong> Coding is completed according to syntax XML-ENC, with methods shown in the table. A part of the message with Intrastat declarations is coded (part of the message fromand including element ) Message is prepared for sending to the Statistical Office of the Republic of SloveniaXML-ENCXML Encryption Syntax XML-ENC Type Element Encryption TRIPLE DES Encryption RSA1-5 of digital certificate for coding of messagesBefore first coding takes place the sender has to import the digital certificate of theCustoms Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, with which it will code messages intostorage for digital certificates (certificate store), which is available on the computer fromwhich the coding will take place. Import of a digital certificate is possible from the websiteof the issuer (SIGOV-CA), intended for searching of digital certificates: digital certificate of the CustomsAdministration of the Republic of Slovenia can be found by the sender by choosingparameters, as shown in the picture below:NameSearchaccordingtoSearch in directoryRepeat searchAfter the search results appear, the user chooses a digital certificate and imports it on hiscomputer on the next page (picture below) in one of the supporting formats. A digitalcertificate then needs to be added (with the help of a search engine or another similardevice) into the user's storage of digital certificatesPossibilitiesImplementSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 112 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>9.3.4 Signing of return messages (signed by the Statistical Office of theRepublic of Slovenia)9.3.5 Procedure when signing return messages Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia prepares message INSRES10-SI andputs it into a Surs-1 envelope (in the process it prepares also a part of the envelopewith message header Header-1). The information system securely electronically signs the message with its qualifieddigital certificate. Message is prepared to be sent to the receiver. Because return messages do not contain confidential data, the content of themessage is not coded.9.3.6 Signing of messages Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia prepares message INSRES10-SI andplaces it into the Surs-1 envelope (in the process it prepares also a part of the envelopewith message header Header-1). The information system securely electronically signs a message with its qualifieddigital certificate. The complete message is signed (element: ) XML signature is completed according to syntax XML-DSIG, by methods presented inthe table below. XML signature is added into the element XML-DSIGXML Signature Syntax XML-DSIG SHA-1 W3C2 RSA-SHA-1 Enveloped OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 113 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>9.4 EXAMPLES OF ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED AND CODEDMESSAGES9.4.1 A signed message - the sender is a PSI with identification SI11111111000, which reports for itself12345SI47731811000SI111111110000INSTAT62-SI2006-08-22P00n11111111.000123452006-08-3109:02:56SI11111111 000SI47731811 00011111111000060831001200607SI11111111000I2SIT11010190110IT1200.23012.0201200000.121234556.99212CFR12010190110FR1120.10011.000145000.0012346.00123STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 114 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>CFR1211111111000060831002200607SI11111111000I2SIT01010190110FR1000.000100.000200000.00211000.00133CFR12010190110GR111.00010.0001200.001211.00123CFR122b0IlFmGndN5Uj2d6TKKDYrZAtic=t3LL4dpo8M0s2f7B9u1pFkXjQk6d8GZnRkxovVeExy5IE193MiwwguhgYzC+hKh+QGvtU8alwfnfuCVIogqSfQwdWJUjuLumswDRFUh6idmt1XuiVzj2awlvAbKYWImExtyDIMJjxVXwv3yzfbedhAb2jAnyOYuWP304x9RDZsk=EDMOND PAJKvNgaLHSnm12eTb0UZodb7NFT5bxoPgziHPlCmLPZfX7jTK4XHeggOrhArxaUZXgw8Jj5iRXfe2lr17L+mwSqBtf3mn6V2XCjnxk36NC+/x4v05jekMAxJJc5u5fA361lDgioCiql/ZPmoJClkPuzL+jX3LHcuZMz5cl7Nhrxo7k=AQABSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 115 FROM 121


GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>9.4.2 A signed message - the sender is a TDP with identification SI85190586001, which reports for a PSI with identification SI11111111 000234SI47731811000SI851905860010INSTAT62-SI2006-08-22P00n85190586.0012342006-08-3109:02:56SI85190586 001SI47731811 00011111111000060831003200607SI11111111000I2SIT11010190110IT1200.23012.0201200000.121234556.99212CFR12010190110FR1120.10011.000145000.0012346.00123CFR12STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 117 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>11111111000060831004200607SI11111111000I2SIT01010190110FR1000.000100.000200000.00211000.00133CFR12010190110GR111.00010.0001200.001211.00123CFR122gPTXwpzEP5cCiQdOA8TQlWsp5Xk=Ihd9UOS6ew8avwxo7kIwsYnGgzhNF9w09R+ZJfJ+nf6ZBw2yqDj58RfLMGQtEoVvzvthStUd+aoAQMk+OyxgBldMlxuNBF8N4BM57M3uD6ajeV0Ukl4eZmxCTMo3IxpauMLtbQ5sm7t7gNO+s2SC8IG1Bz6iwo8uAXHDmj979vg=Janez TestenvNgaLHSnm12eTb0UZodb7NFT5bxoPgziHPlCmLPZfX7jTK4XHeggOrhArxaUZXgw8Jj5iRXfe2lr17L+mwSqBtf3mn6V2XCjnxk36NC+/x4v05jekMAxJJc5u5fA361lDgioCiql/ZPmoJClkPuzL+jX3LHcuZMz5cl7Nhrxo7k=AQABMIIFjjCCBHagAwIBAgIEOz04iDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADA9MQswCQYDVQQGEwJzaTEbMBkGA1UEChMSc3RhdGUtaW5zdGl0dXRpb25zMREwDwYDVQQLEwhzaWdlbi1jYTAeFw0wMzA1MjIxMTAyNDZaFw0wODA1MjIxMTMyNDZaMH8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAnNp2AGqoIAnHVQKzMxQlL9RFNNgwcmBFgasYMZNarPMyGhA+4Z7O5o2xKEb13eIfDfsHh+XN44SpOHCJGs3LHu/TvTR7lIPpyeX67daH9rVafCRBktIXgtKv23K23iRCDJdSTATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 118 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>UiYyUdeRcZ3m+dFAeFW2dYYj8NRKVYKo3L23Y1j/sY7UK6LcRjLwg0+kzfaA/R3JMxAbgzN6sU8AD8IGUeII773zbAymsu03OyUwIs9I18TxZWwoflqfZ5a99vfpZhAGgmMjlZDhaslkkIGXRlA4plJHB4TtB0vi6PDPvf9WKcUvwA==CN=JANEZ TESTEN + OID., OU=individuals, OU=sigen-ca, O=stateinstitutions,C=siOU=sigen-ca, O=state-institutions, C=si993867912STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 119 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>9.4.3 A signed and coded message - the sender is a PSI with identificationSI11111111 000, which reports for itself12345SI47731811000SI111111110000INSTAT62-SI2006-08-22P00N11111111.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AQABC=si, O=state-institutions, OU=sigov-ca979178581C=si, O=state-institutions, OU=web-certificates, OU=Government,CN=Curs-ep, CN=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HvUZPcUfk35HZ2MB1ZGk6uGHLsRcbZgLEanUHw8JTnnc1Y1bAT2q9fEwOe3dYRJPiPbN8qCvfYKw2Lov/LVUrnXLGpjKU3iezfjm8iUs//I27WIPcnUP9PXyJmwKv0Fbx9gnN8EtJTJ4exadlZ503e6L7icjfBUQRppjVPk34Ow=STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 120 FROM 121

GUIDE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF XML MESSAGES AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS<strong>INTRASTAT</strong>9.4.4 A signed and coded message - the sender is a TDP with identificationSI85190586 001, which reports for a PSI with identificationSI11111111 000234SI47731811000SI851905860010INSTAT62-SI2006-08-22P00n85190586.001lBp1QtPUveMVkMAOsH9SRY/RWsuWJX2pEJM8Z/qJRp4jurgIioWUmQeY5nYl1SAheect5GiD6JXAXKvwuKC/IRxUf9x2qLn+SBn820UyXhWObkYNUAXNOTAGL/HaB6CviGABUou9rg96zt7xBk5DHOqurpcgMPf8aUHTJiV4/I5fT52Hi7RaDax/3eQglI2o6PoAoy6/7A/v7jLq+WgyHyeIw+GkksV41UgcaSpjUvv09UnpwL5HRp00syG6fkiW3wcMaX/4Z4C/R7wN8IwhCau4Lc4QRzqNPFC7e6VYRmf+1/Yge+97JNxXB61+QbWzS3h8VGJEMSgzL9S8GFi5EhZQuGbPhXp7YTAPSri7OCPc/Yjx9dbuAT7ohgfU5R15owYVUV8h+eTQPlueJxj2pGZmDyZAltKrx6EIDed2ktOoa3LIRh5/Iy0nLs4WJMvHbll1Z/fJUHj9Zgaw7xT4FwOwBln98ugQdoBPUKRSmK2lTKANAGpuohgYQFrTQvzbptqo+aZLJqefkF4yo8hin/f0Y2qFIc0+6WVbOVlhoUBbqINN8QtAlxJlbDGPl7TUvx/mhd0h5klpUIEDr98Ttnk5lCf8NemRz/tAdP4UW1PF80hC0pA63fK+sWL6nAGls6fZBxDh7cD3va3jF5tWObHjhlcFINBqNjh78s5FCbB72KDusHjvChVP5ytm+ojYBqaD9gPCDHB1xqWkUuLVuzswWmdvhLOZt+rf/1WY5TwiUo+K5D6ZB+5dkix0GJs7d2XM8od1/4RSJN20gpC/YSri4rZ0cu3PxjafIsDiI7nDN762E3KrgMWiFoSoojz1ursVy7fvp+ipHV4ybC0NUhLN1ycK8mIzMd+r8NA2lYlHuiCHern6W637ZvKJwtftLBPrNjFiJsU=AQABC=si, O=state-institutions, OU=sigov-ca979178581C=si, O=state-institutions, OU=web-certificates, OU=Government,CN=Curs-ep, CN=1235197018012MIIFmjCCBIKgAwIBAgIEOl0UVTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADA9MQswCQYDVQQGEwJzaTEbMBkGA1UEChMSc3RhdGUtaW5zdGl0dXRpb25zMREwDwYDVQQLEwhzaWdvdi1jYTAeFw0wNjAyMDIwNzI3MjlaFw0xMTAyMDIwNzU3MjlaMIGCMQswCQYDVQQGEwJzaTEbMBkGA1UEChMSc3RhdGUtaW5zdGl0dXRpb25zMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3ZWItY2VydGlmaWNhdGVzMRMwEQYDVQQLEwpHb3Zlcm5tZW50MSYwDgYDVQQDEwdDdXJzLWVwGwRWNy4wAwIDqDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEABnpmlxoSu1gtYIQbMSANK/WklteC7vX6Wob1kOqnNpb07P/GYjtFvFfWqXEegohemrEgwwvpoYSJDTV6tFHSFX+Sl/lpTUZKR2SutSVS/8dBJWQ3ko3X8YbIKVRZxHlZa0ClCnP/Ka0zuoc/qm8OidcgjalXf7zNggcttm+pcf0rCquGi1QNCX1UINxJ9D40OkpE8PfWxkTJefeKDu2M2DGqRaVwFSTDobo3Vo0O7Wu4kfdb5qRUG/v8ZzR0gk3aRN7IMgpIHbgS/SIpyqLIL+okzDXOorADE3gJPFl7/SxmTowBLXkV2fRyQQ8kTjyjZJ3UjIqJfo9NWg81KdODcw==XwdrL0lpvK3AWztm/ei22p40uJseoid2faSd+4v4hmpqq/WpmL0dqPPuK41nFakBv26roi2cQfhZI1/TR+eAErEn3fms3zgkZKbVRGcwI7fzLL+rbgJHiTC+tkjHMk4CQSrlGqRU+gheIrOpT5vo5FsHpWXfYjA6qBHpwgGKg8U=STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA PAGE 121 FROM 121

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